Q & A for 51talk

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1.) Tell me about yourself?

- I am Arnold A. Del Rosario, 26 years of age, from Cagayan de Oro City. I finished a degree
in Bachelor of Elementary Education. I have a teaching experience, actually it is a 5 months
training in Private and Public School. I handled Kindergarten in private school and grade 1 and
grade 5 in public school.
I really love kids, because on that age, children are easily building up their knowledge, aside from
that they are really into learning and genuine when it comes to their feelings towards you, and of
course they are cute.

My experience is of great advantage in my teaching to kids at Five One Talk.

2.) What is your course & from what school have you graduated?
- I am a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education at Golden Heritage Polytechnic

3.) What is your internet connection & the speed of your connection?
- Yes maam, I have Globe Telecom (unlimited connection) with the speed of 200mbps.

4.) What device are you going to use for teaching? Is it your PC or Laptop?
- I will be using my laptop ma'am.

5.) What is the operating system and processor of your laptop/pc?

- Core i-5 is the processor of my laptop, maam, with an operating system of Windows 11.

6.) Do you have a LAN cable?

- I already ordered a LAN cable online maam and probably it will arrive next week.

7.) Do you have a headset?

- Yes maam, I have headset with noise canceling feature.

8.) Do you have a teaching space which is clutter-free, well-lit with plain white background?
- Yes maam, I have prepared already a room which is clutter-free, well-lit, and with plain
white background.

10.) Can you provide us a copy of your college diploma/tor and any government ID?
- Yes maam, I can provide you my copy of my diploma/tor, and a valid government ID.

11.) Have you ever been involved in civil or any criminal case?
- No maam, I am a good citizen.

12.) Are you willing to undergo personal backgroundcheck?

- I am very willing to submit or undergo a background check for the purpose of checking if I
am a good citizen.

13.) Is this your first time applying here in 51 talk?

- Yes, this is my first time applying in Five One Talk, and I am very excited to teach Chinese

14.) How do you feel about teaching kids?

- OHHH, I love teaching kids, teaching is really my passion.
15.) How will you make your class fun and engaging?
- I will provide my students with the pictures, props, and other instructional materials which
will catch the attention of the students because most of the students are visual learners, so they
need to see the things that they need to learn for them to instill it in their mind. So with that I can
able to make my class fun and engaging and I can also sing nursery ryhmes for them.

16.) How will you teach the color red to your student?
- Well, I can teach my student the color red by showing him/her an APPLE or any other
things which he/she can associate the color red.

17.) Can you sing me the alphabet song?

- Yes, I can sing the Alphabet song. (Make sure to pronounce each of the letters correctly)
Especially letters, T, P, F, V, H, G, J.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P
Q, R, S, T, U, V
W, X, Y, Z

Now I know my ABCs.

Next time won’t you sing with me?

18.) How are you going to teach a level 0 student?

- In order for me to get the attention of the level 0 student , I have to show them my smile or
me being happy, and for more interactive, I will show them pictures and always keep repeating the
word, or pronuncing the sound of each letter in order for them to really understand the word.

19.) How are you going to react about a negative feedback from a parent or student?
- I think it's a criticism, so it's really fine if they are able to comment on that, I always turn it
into a positive way, why? because it is something that I need to improve, so I will react to it
positively, like you will still say THANK YOU for the comment since it's something that they saw or
notice on the way that I teach.

20.) Are you willing to open 65 peak slots of lessons, equivalent to 33hrs in 1 cut off (15days)?
- Yes, I am very willing to open 65 peak slots of lessons for 1 cut off, and I am very excited
to be part of your platform and I hope I will be given a chance to be with FIVE ONE TALK.

Name: My name is Arnold A. Del Rosario

Education: I finished a degree in Bachelor of Elementary Education at Golden Heritage Polytechnic
BPO experience: with regards to BPO experience, I don't have BPO experience. But I have a
teaching experience, actually it is a 5 months training in Private and Public School.
I handled Kindergarten in private school and grade 1 and grade 5 in public school.
Home based lor Onsite teacher: I am applying for a position of Home-based teacher.

Oh. about that ma'am, I let my brother use my laptop because today is their research defense and
they need a laptop. Since I still have my samsung tab a8 wifi, maybe I think I can just use this for
this initial interview. But later I can use my laptop for technical check. would that be alright, maam?

1.) How are you going to get the attention?

- One of the best and effective way on getting the attention of the learner is the REWARD
system. I have done that every class, they are really happy when they get a STAR, they are so
participative, energetic. And they always like,"Teacher I want star", so I always ask them, if you
want a star, "What are you going to do?", they will say, "Behave teacher, Participate teacher, and
listen teacher".
Secondly, is games, games that is align to the lesson. There is always engagement when it comes
to games.
Next is, drill or energizer, like I let them sing and dance with me to warm up the class or before we
start the class. These are the ways to get their attention, maam.

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