Tutorial Week 4 Normalisation

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Database Design and Implementation

MOD002589 (Tutorial 4)
Make sure you have completed previous weeks’ activities before starting this

This group activity continues the second step of designing and implementing
a database for your chosen flight booking system. Last week, you have
designed an EERD. This week, you will validate your design using
normalisation. This week tutorial maps to LO 1 & 2 (i.e. capturing real world
data & Modelling). The activities below map to the element 2 of the module

 Individually, analyse entities and evaluate using normalisation

techniques (1NF, 2NF and 3NF) to evaluate if the model is up to the
standards. (15min)
 Group members discuss their outputs after normalisation.
 Change EERD wherever it is required.
 Update Google Doc (20min)
 Add an explanation of the normalisation to your Google Doc
 If you are done with the normalisation earlier, please evaluate your
model based upon the questions you created in Week 2 (to see if you
have all required attributes to answer these questions. If you do not

have questions for any reason (e.g. you started late) then use the client
questions, under Week 4 on Canvas, to evaluate your model.

Lecture Week 4
https://www.draw.io/ OR Visio OR LucidChart (to draw EERD on PC)

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