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Chapter 1
All About Myself
My name is Sophia Jhaireil D.
Barrientos Im 11 years old my birthday
is january 13, 2013, i also hae half
siblings Iam the middle child out all of
us 7 siblings, I like sweets, badminton,
jogging, hanging out, also like the color
black, white, grey, lavender. My traits
are being a responsible person,
talkative, positive thinker, doing the
tasks that are being handed to me.
Favorite Food

These are my favorite foods especially the

carbonara my most favorite one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Evaluate and monitor
Project champion Expression group
A leader who Expression group is
provides the needs a group and making
on their product and a product together
does all meeting by expressing it with
including with her feelings and own
members. opinions.
Chapter 4
Plans for future

To go more out and visit new places and eat more

in the future.
Chapter 5
These are our school activities
as you can see here, we had our english month,
communion pbl and movie marathon.

These days were so much fun because we get to

bond each other as one whole class having fun on
the school planned out activities.

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