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Subject: Recruitment, Selection, and Interviewing Techniques (PERS1607)

Assignment: Evaluation 5.1

Submitted By: Pradeep singh

Student ID: 4515738

Date: May 29, 2024

Every business is a part of society using its resources to fulfill the needs and demands
of the social elements. It has been always debatable between holding business
accountable for either earning profits for its owners and on the other hand being socially
responsible. The fact cannot be denied that no business can run without the help of
social elements and is an inseparable part of the society. But on the other hand, profit
earning cannot be overlooked as for any business the main objective is to earn profit
and fulfill customer needs and wants.
Therefore, it is true that every business has a dual role to fulfill for its stakeholders of
profit maximization on one hand and on the other to fulfill the social responsibility
towards the society it operates into. The concept of social responsibility and ethics has
become important in the last few decades because of the change in the business
environment and customer preferences. The social awareness towards businesses has
led the organizations become more inclined towards fulfilling the responsibilities towards
the society. Thus, now there are two major objectives which are different but need to be
fulfilled simultaneously i.e., profit maximization and social responsibility.
It was the traditional approach that businesses were to make profits and earn more and
more without focusing on returning back to the society. But with the change in business
environment and modern approach, organizations in order to improve society and give
back also have a social obligation. Ensuring equitable job opportunities for all members
of society is part of this, irrespective of their color, gender, age, religion, or any other
trait. Organizations can gain from a broader range of viewpoints and ideas by promoting
diversity and inclusion, which can improve innovation and decision-making. This not
only helps business to fulfill social responsibility but also helps build good public image
attracting more and more customers. Thus, along with the primary motive and obligation
of profit maximization it is equally important for a business to be socially obligated
towards fulfilling its duties towards creating a better society.

Business ethics and fairness is an inseparable part of any business operating in day-to-
day activities. Maintaining business values and ethics is a vital part as it not only helps
to build a good business brand image but also attracts more and more customers to the
business. My perception of fairness in managing human resources in an organization is
to determine the right and wrong behavioral standards of the individuals to work in the
organization. One must be fair in their work or profession. The employers should be fair
in provision of benefits, salaries, perks to the employees whereas on the other hand
employees are also expected to work ethically and honestly to achieve the collective
Staffing Decisions must be made with following all ethical responsibilities. Since human
resources are the important resource on whom the working of the organization is
dependent for achieving goals. It is the ethical duty of those responsible for hiring to
ensure that candidates are fairly evaluated and to be aware of problems with
measurement instruments. Ignoring measurement errors can lead to emotional distress
and opportunity loss for individuals. There are professional standards of every
organization which help in giving advice on maintaining appropriate conduct for HR
professionals in specific scenarios, such as when using employment tests. Therefore, to
maintain a good internal working environment, motivating employees, fair decision-
making it is important to make ethical staffing decisions.

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