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Yuri Gamboa Cerdan Yhasmin Pumaille Aquije

Teacher: Mabel Velasquez Jara

La Familia Gamboa Pumaille
María Pumaille García, my mother, is a dedicated and compassionate nurse who is 50
years old. With her hard work and passion for helping others, Maria plays a vital role in
our family and community. Her devotion to her profession has led her to be an
admirable figure for me, always willing to provide care and support to those who need
it. Her determination and selfless spirit are inspiring, and I am always grateful to have
her as a mother.
César Gamboa Vargas, our father, is a 54-year-old farmer who has dedicated his life to
working on the land. With his experience and wisdom, César guides our family with a
firm hand and generous heart. His passion for agriculture is reflected in every row he
cultivates and every harvest he harvests. Their hard work and commitment to the well-
being of our family are role models for all of us. César is the pillar of our family, always
willing to sacrifice his own comfort for the well-being of others. His love and dedication
are invaluable, and we are eternally grateful to have him as our father and guide.
Leandro Gamboa Pumaille, our older brother, is 35 years old and works as a farmer.
With his passion for the land and his dedication to hard work, Leandro cultivates the
fields with love and perseverance. Their connection with nature and their ability to grow
food are essential for our family, as they provide us with sustenance and keep us
together through work in the fields. Leandro is an example of determination and
commitment, and I am always grateful for his presence and support in our lives.

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