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EPP Lesson Plan

Physical Education (Silliman University)

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Downloaded by Kate Bernadette Formentera (katebernadette12@gmail.com)
Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4

Date: _Aug. 23-30,2023 Time: MWF2:30-4:30pm Section: MOPH

I. Objectives

At the end of the class:

a) Cognitive: Identify ways on cleaning the living room

b) Psychomotor: Give the importance of cleaning the house.
c) Affective: Show active participation in oral and activities

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Cleaning the Living Room

Reference: Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 6, pages 58-59

Materials: audio visual materials, powerpoint presentation

III. Procedure

Teachers’ Activity

A. Preparation

1. Prayer

Let us all stand up for our afternoon’s


A Gift to You

2. Greetings

Good afternoon, class!

How are you this afternoon?

Downloaded by Kate Bernadette Formentera (katebernadette12@gmail.com)

I am happy to know that you are all
feeling great today.

3. Attendance

Who is absent for today?

Very good! Keep it up!

4. Classroom Rules

Before we start with our discussion, let us

remind ourselves with our classroom

What is our first rule?

Sit down properly.

How about the second rule?

Raise your hand if you want to speak.

How about the third rule?

Downloaded by Kate Bernadette Formentera (katebernadette12@gmail.com)

Our third rule is listen to the teacher.

Listen to the teacher.

Listen to the teacher.

What are you going to do with these We will follow our classroom rules,
classroom rules? teacher.

Very good!

B. Motivation

Before we start our class, I want you to Good afternoon Zeke!

meet my friend. His name is Zeke. Let’s
greet him good afternoon!

This is Zeke’s living room. He has a Ma’am, Zeke’s living room is messy
problem because the things are not in their proper
… but before that, how will you describe positions.
Zeke’s living room? There are also used and crumpled papers
in the floor.

Downloaded by Kate Bernadette Formentera (katebernadette12@gmail.com)

Correct! Zeke’s living room is very messy
right? Yes teacher.

C. Presentation

What do you think is the connection of

Zeke’s living room to our today’s topic? Teacher, our topic for today is how to clean
the living room.

You’re right!

Today, we will learn how to clean our living


D. Discussion

To start our discussion, let’s read first a story.

Nova, can you read the story?

. Yes, teacher

Thank you for reading Nova.

Alright, based on the story, who are the

characters mentioned in the story?

Downloaded by Kate Bernadette Formentera (katebernadette12@gmail.com)

Juan and Lola Salas teacher
What did Juan learned from his Lola Salas?

He learned different ways of cleaning

Very good! the living room

How did Juan and Lola Salas clean their living

room? Can you give one?
They remove items like frames and
vases and wipe them down
individually. Keep them aside until the
Correct! What else? surfaces are clean and then put them
back in their proper places

Very good. What else? They remove and discard anything

that is plainly trash. Put away any
items that don’t belong in the living
. room. They collect it and put it in a
box to be put it away

They clean the sofa and chairs in the

room They organize the shelve books

They use a wet rag and cleaning

solution in wiping the tables, desks,
TV, and windows
Your answers are all correct!
They mopped the floor
Steps on how to clean a living room

1. Remove items like frames and

vases and wipe them down individually

Downloaded by Kate Bernadette Formentera (katebernadette12@gmail.com)

2. Remove and discard anything
that is plainly trash.

3. Clean the sofa and chairs in the room

4. Organize the shelve books

5. Use a wet rag and cleaning

solution in wiping the tables, desks,
TV, and windows.

Downloaded by Kate Bernadette Formentera (katebernadette12@gmail.com)

6. Mop the floor

E. Application

• How often do you clean your

living room?
• Why do you think it is important
to clean the living room?

F. Generalization

What did we discuss earlier?

Very good.
How to clean living room teacher.
What are the steps in cleaning the
room living

1. Remove items like frames and

vases and wipe them down
2. Remove and discard anything
that is plainly trash.
3. Clean the sofa and chairs in
the room
Very good! Do you have any questions 4. Organize the shelve books
about our discussion for today? 5. Use a wet rag and cleaning
solution in wiping the tables,
desks, TV, and windows.
6. Mop the floor

Downloaded by Kate Bernadette Formentera (katebernadette12@gmail.com)

Very good! Then prepare for a short quiz.
None teacher!

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Draw in the blank if

the statement leads to cleanliness andif

1. Throw the trashes on the floor.

2. Mop the floor.
3. Clean the living room once a week.
4. Organize book shelves.
5. Overlook the unarranged chairs.
6. Hide plastic wrappers in the table.
7. Don’t mind the dust in
the living room.
8. Watch TV instead of cleaning
the living room.
9. Remove the things that are
plainly trash.
10. Use wet rag in wiping
table, vase, and TV.


At home, try to decorate your living room and

bring a picture of it in the class.

Downloaded by Kate Bernadette Formentera (katebernadette12@gmail.com)

Downloaded by Kate Bernadette Formentera (katebernadette12@gmail.com)

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