Transportation Policy 2018-19

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i:3'f~~O<cG ~, ft:m?

~ »8
~ )-fT}-1#; RwaT Utrra", ~I

2 HljU ~ JcdMG,
~ ft:m? ~ »8 ~ J--f1l-ffi ~'
Utrr8" Wt-T RB I

J-fuf ~ »m-.~. car=rz/~)-m.ffi.-5-(285 )201 8/ I S" J

fi-r3t tii31dl~ : ~ l _ 0 2_- Itt

2. Utrr8" ~ ~ WM 201 8-1 9 ~ ~ Ffh:rn ffi'!t ~ Ww-~ oT3T fV:r L[3Q

(')T(.\5 im ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, rXG.m.~. ~ ~, Jila1~ »B mp ~

1:3 1 f~~O<cG/Hip ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ fV:r oT3T ~ CXTliT ~ -J-2 fu"ftfrw ;:=rit:r ~ fu WM

2 0 ]8-1 9 m=!t ~ Ffh:rn ~ ~ ~ Ww ~ m=!t fi:R iBT l'>@11Q 8 oA-31-

()(I \j (;:' 1 ~ »8 fV:r
if3t fu'B ft§ ~ (~) tT re7J fiR> ~ ofBt ~I fi:R ~ ~ fi:R iBt l?flW> ~ 3
~ ~' Utrr8" ~ t1'cfT ~ iJt 1 f~3i/BW ~ re7J ftRi" ~ ~ ~ ~~I

;::rrit~cr±:i;;P.~r...-rf.3':7 3 ~)

~: i3 1 f~~O<cG , ft:m? ~ »8
~ }-[T1-ffi ~ ~, ~ I
fuo ~ i: »m-.~cal~) 2 8 5)2oi 8/ 1) 2._ n-Bt,~: ~, _ o'2._ -t J-

A ...::;_.._,.
~{..jQO\::l tT
~ A--..--,..,. .::::,.......
.g...g n - ~
I CO\ ~::l'Q' <JO l(")lqTi1' Q~
n • "'
.:::,..P..,.., - ~
~ lti ' n'

(J -

J. ~ ~, rXG.m.>wit. ,~ ~, ~ 1
2. ~ i:3 1 f~~O<cG, ~' J-ildO<~i:3, l.f?lRU, ~ »8 ~ ~, ~I
3. ffij0"" ~ ;;~'Ft: ~ O(<::<:J < ~), ~, ~ ~ rrr3" ~ ~ , ~ <:JTR

1. 1.:fl3cf ~ /~ l]tf
H3-a1, Utrra", Ji31dl~ I
2. ~ ~/l:fl3cf ~ ~ fi:m? ~ rrB ~ }-[T/-ffi, ~ I
3. tiT.~./i:3'f~~O<cG, ~ fi:m? ~ »8 ~Cf }-[T/-ffi, ~ I

3~ )
~: ~~re~O(ca ~, ~ ~ Y>B
~~~~, ~ ~

~. ~ ~ nB ~ }fT")-ffi ~
))f?iTM ~. Hcxc"a, 39-m, ~I

~ fi:roRt t!t ~-~ ~

~ ~ 2018-19 <~-am- Ht;:ro m)

~ Rdcl'cf ~ c~ ~ ~ n) -nB ~ ~ f7ionf -@J

~ Rdcl'cf ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ Hit»ft~ ~ 3"' ~ t!t ~ oi8t tR:ft
~ 1 ~/l:feftt ~ 3"' ~ mf17iT 3'cx l')f('iTi1 -er ~ ~ t;T ~ ~ ~ em
~ l[3t-"Fl"UOU' (Competition)n ~ lflB ~ Ufz 3"' Ufz to+ 3- ~ tR:ft ~ 1
~ 20 I 8- I 9 (~ B1ft "Ffh:!?i) ~ ~ ft:rol:lt -e1" ~ ~ -e1" urfmft ~ fu3 ~
1. RBu ~ ~ ~ <XO?i" t!t ifu : - ft:R urfmft ~"The Punjab Foodgrains
Transpotiation Policy 2018-19(Rabi Season Only)"~ (i1'}f (iTPi ~ ~ ~
~ 1];::rcr O'r1 WB ~ ~I
2. ~.. - ft:Fr "i'l'Bt WB 88 are- J=l1RT t;T l?1cfEf, R<N fcB -5o fi:Fr ~ fimfr?i"
()T cft3"r faTrw R, ~ fu3 ~ ~:-
a) ~ Rf ~: - urfmft M:r ~ d'Rft Ht ~/ tfu'to tT
}}1cfEf ~ Hl7i»fr ~. R fu "The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016"

-e1" 1:l'W 9 ( 3) WB R'3f faTrw ~ I

b) "~ ~~'t=T ~. ~·Fe~O<<:a ~. ~ ~ ~
C:fLf3CXTd" ~ ~ ~ w l?fftm ~ 3"' ~. ft:m ~ ~<Ji;ft\5', ft:R w
fi:Fr WB fu3 fuR ~ ~ "mB'tr ~"f?;-qos ;:r- Wfu3- ofBr
faTrw Rl
c) ''Rdcl'cf ··3"' ~. ~ Rdcl'cf ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ C:fLf3CXTd" ~
~~3"'~ 1
d) •• lfTOT??'tT ~ l?fftm ~ ~ 3"' ~, R ftHroft w-rffift ~. ~
»rn..r ~ n8 ~ em ~ ~ ~ WB l'>fffifOEf R 1

e) "~ Etmt" "3"' ~ ~ JelHdO<'al w )){q ~ w HF<JO<'al JfFn::rr

3"' ~. ft:m ~ Rdcl'cf ~. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ w ~ ~ w
OT1i Rdcl'cf ~ cl5or ~ ~~. mm ~ <XO?i" ~ ~
cft3"r faTrw ~ I
"~ wa-H" "~, fi:Fr urfmft ~-~ 3- ~ ~ ~ Fi'ldQ 'd3
GTOH 3"' ~ I
g) "2'i;i dO(' d" t;T ~ fuR ~ l?fftm ' ~ ' ~ -e- 'H/-0 JfFn::rr '
' = '
cfuit W =ijHrrrl'nftre 3"' ~, ft:m -@J ft:R urfmft ~ ~ -~ tT em ~

~~ GTOH 9"fuw Wtr ~I

h) "~-~""3"' ~. l?f<'i"T"i1, ~ o'fo+~ nB ~ ~ »1 1dclO<Mt:l,
(301.-fTMT, ~ nffi:) t!t ~ fuR ~ J1EfT7) 3"' 8 ~ 3' ~ ~
~ ~ mfl7)f 3'cx of8t ~ ~ ~ (iTPi ~I
i) "im 2'i;~aO<•a"3"' ~ ~ -
z·i;loO<'d 3"' ~ R ~ fu3 l:rar
i: 4 n8 s Mr
~ ~ ~~ (iTPi ()TPi, ~~~~~ I
3- lf1TlTCfCf ~·

i. 8 ~ Htco 3'q -et ~ 3'q ~ -et ~ ~ tT ~ "@: ~ 3-a-

3" ;::rot oiBt i=fT<! ~, ~ 'Ylf'3" ~ (Labour and Cartage) 1..f1imft Y>flfl7l
ii. ~ 1:10lt ~. ftrn M:r ~.m.~ ~ ~ tr ~ s fui-5 Htco
3' ~ ~ "ffift ~-~ tT W-r, ~ »8 l.j 1<Je<JF83 ~~.fuR
1.f1C'fu:ft ~ frq+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FTH' 3" fuR Y>flfl7l
;::rot ue 1 Fe3; l')f"QWO ~ ~ 1
iii. ~ 1:Rfttr ~ "ffift m ~. ft:<J7;i ~ ~ »B ~ ~ ~
»1f00( 1oASQ'3 ft:1"cy rn orHit, ftrn \ft <:l~i'i 1 ftA trfffift -e- trw i: 7Y>flfl?i"
H OTit tr, lffl ~ ~I
iv. ~ 1:10lt ~ -e- l:rfu Fi'ld Q1:10(, fBcr m
orHit -e- Ha'o, ~ ·;:;~ d 0( I d,
&or 2 ·;:;~ (jO(I d, ~ »B mrcs 1:Rfttr ~ ~ Wmo, ft:<J7;i ~ mw
Y>flfl7l R'3t frq+ -et re7l ffi'i'i" ~ ~ ~ ac: ~c:Jl 1

v. fuR 1..f1imft Y>flfl7l ~ -~ -e- m

~ #Eit ~ 2 o18- 19 "ffift ~
~ »8 ft:u 1 ~ 2018 3' fi.ffi 31.03. 2019 3'q -e- "J1H' ~~~I
vi . ~ -~ -e- ciJ..r H'8'tit am
~ "ffift, ~ <:{BTO "ffift, ~ ~
~ ( leading newspapers)~~ I
vi i. ~ ~ »8 ~, mrar \ft ~~Mel<:: 3" ~

I. ~ 9'B3' tT ~ ~ »B ~ -er ~ 18 J1TC? 3' u'fc (iT ~, ;taro m

fu'Fr Rlj'<l', HA ft<:l, ~ 'i'P' i3 tl<i! C'>l
1 1 1
(Partnership)~"@:~~ tr
~ ~ 'R"8'l8 ~ w fuR Y>flfl7l ~ are- i7wrH+ l')f"QWO, d Fii A<:: d iil

2. ~ 'i'P' ~ tT &it i3 1 2l<i! 1M (Partner) 'i'P' H'ao, ~/efde<Ji'i<Jl ~

_). ~ fuHroft 3IJ 3" ~ ~I
4. €ffi'
tT l)-aT
5 M:f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
= CN(iT t=f'=d"dT tr I
5. ~ lffl &or trn ~~~tTl
G. ~ tT w ~ -e- fu'Fr w H'ao -e- CiT){ fu'Fr ~l Ad 0( I dl w
i3 I 8 <;! I M
»1"dlT- ~/ A fJO( 1 <.'Jl ~ W R'Rcr' ~ t=l'lit '0('1'ffi ~ (~ fu'RC)
MJ ~
'i'ldf ~~I
7. ~ ~ W ~ -e- fu'Fr §ll 8 <;!I M W H'ao ~ fu'Fr l';ftTM3' ~ fu'Fr ~
~ M:r m J1TC? w fuR 3' ~ &e- \ft RB' (iT iret 'iR 1
8. ~ ~ FTH', ~ <tM fu'Fr ~ 1:10lt ~ tT ~ ~~~ a-roft (iT
~ 'iR I fuR ~ "ffift, ~ ~ 'l:fCftt ~ 3' B'-a-roft (No due)
9. ~ 2'iil<J0( 1<J, )}fT1..I(ft ~ J1TC? -et <:<Ji'i8<i!<J tT ~ w ~ 1 ~~fuR
-e- ~ N recx J1TC? -e- 'fficmft \ft ~ w &it ~ e A 3 1 ~ t:l B ~ ~
Bnfrcr of8 ~ oo, ~~~I
10. rn fu'Fr "fro fu»1or3t i: c d i AGd ~ i'raT 'i'ldf tr I
Jl. ~ ~ ~·iil<:JO('<:J, "Punjab Goods Carriages (Regulation and Preventation of
Carteli zation) Rules, 2017", B fu t1t:r"a" ~ ~ ~ ~
GSR62/CA/5911988/Ss79 »8 96/2017 fi.ffi 13.12.2017 ot<:ft ;::rot of8 are

Uc'), ~ ~ -eT ~ ntif ~ l'l8 (iT tit fuu7i+ ~ ~ ~ 0(1 Q~ I el


5- 37X?iToft ~.. -
A. ~ l..fTH ~ (Cluster) ~ ~
3'<:J' 3', ~ fuB' ~ WZ-Ui'z
za'a+ tr l:{Cfu ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ re'a' 3' 'fu rrcrr-R'lfY (C lusters)~ am
~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~/l:ffitt: ~ ~ ~ -eT »fTT-ft
~ ~ 3' ~ l..fTH ~ fuB' ~ ~ t" l:{Cfu ~ ~ ~:-

~ ~ >mtt?i iRtW ~ ~ za'O(+ -et Ui'z Ui'z

&o ~~~~-eTcfri~ ~~
1. 50 00 G7i' :fcx 20 ~
2. sao1 3' 1oooo w :fcx 40~
3. 10001 3' 20000 G7i' :fu' 60~
4. 20 001 3' 30000 G7i' :fcx 90 ~
5. 30001 3' 40000 G7i' :fu' 120~
6. 40001 3' 50000 G7i' :fcx 150~
7. 50001 3' 75,000 G7i' :fcx 1 80~
8. 75,000 G7i' :f 1,00,000 G7i' :fu' 210 ~
9. 1, 00,000 G7i' :f 'fu 240~

?fc: 1. hiiJO('ij ~~-~??Eft m- r:rre ?W c#ai t1t 1Jift fr::r7::r t?u

iior a JijR2dJJ(') ;rJw, # fa' VAAHAN software '3' ~ lfi" ~ '30?7itctt
?>c: 2 ~ lJift f?u ~
11'# c#ai 2' i3fr'fR?;:t(') i Wrf ~ RiB'
VAAHAN software '3' ~ !]f?" failoc~ l./3o fr:rw ~ orif<:!t!
i1a' ~ (~ '30?7itcft 8r# 2' ~ Rif), i/J:r citffiHi ~I
?fc: 3 Ftcro ci& ~ fait ~ rrt Rff'l~d j ~ ~ & cfH cxon cr ~
fJ :sf ~ nrfr:rdt ~ ;::rt Rfi'fec!l t!t fr?1:B >i'~i32fcf'aJI feO?i3 i3(') 1fT ~ 1 1

~ fa' nrfr:rdt :rfJ::rErr ~ ! ~ ~ mit R'fcJJB fJ J1r3' Ccfai t!t grit

RiB' aJijRcJ;p; ?f8oi f!; #fa' VAAHAN software ?# 80? fet' :mr!fcx 1 1

C. ~ -eT ~ R3't ~ 2017 -1 8 -eT UlZ u1z 'O(T<:J' fu<:rro r i (Tum over), ~
ft§~m ~~:-
~ ~~~crnHCO~~~ UJ'Zu:tz
~: M:J~ 'O(T(j'- Wura
1 s, 000 :fcx
G7i' 10,00,000
2 5001 G7i' :f 10,000 G7i' :fcx 20,00,000
3 10,001 G7i' ':f' 20,000 G7i' :fu' 40,00,000
4 20,001 G7i' :f 30,000 G7i' :fcx 60,00,0 00
s 30,001 G7i' :f 40,000 G7i' :fcx 80 ,00,000
6 40,001 G7i' :f 50,000 G7i' :fu' 1,00,00,000
7 50,001 G7i' :f 75,000 G7i' :fcx 2,00,0 0,00 0
8 75,001 G7i' :f 1,00,000 G7i' :fu' 3,00,00,000
9 1,00,000 G7i' 3' ~ 4,00,00,000

k: - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it 3FRlc< n ~ m-e t1f fuR

~ ~ ~ ~ ftrn ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ "J?l, 3Wfuft m

D. ~ fuR ~ -& M 3<J 3' rn~ ~ ~ 3" ~ ~ eror U?l

~ nB ~ ~ it N ~ cNa1r I fuR cfuit t1f HJ::ra'r ~ ~ M:r
J1}W tffiucft }hro+ ~ U?l ~ '>8 ~ ~ ~ as ~ 1
= '
E. ~ ~ rear '§" ~ O:MHC:ai 'Mit, '8-ffi ~ ~ 3" ~ cmRCcr ;:1f O:MHC:a i
'Mit fuR 1.M'MriT ~. fuihft ~ QW{ ~ ~ ~ tnt O:a<i! I ~ dl I 1

F. ~ &it ~ fuR HH 1Fecl t1f Rm:l+ t1f ~ ~ #! ~ ~ ~. 3" ~

Y>ffrr<:ft r\'J::rErT ~ l.P'R oiBr J-ST t1f nmrait l8o, B ft:u eaH 8\! ~, fu 1 1

~ -a- rn ~ M:r fu;5t ~ nB 3-M HM (Negotiation) '0!'00 m:!t, Y>ffrr<:ft

r\'J::rErT '@: ~ cft3r faTw ~, tm cNa1r I
G. ~ ~ miT nB tmtT ~ ?fu-a' nB it-}Rry nrit.'ift. ~ ~ cNa1r 3"
;:t ~ oi'M, iB 1Q' 3' ~ it fil'Qt ~ nB 'H"H' fRo ~ m:!T SMSt1i
~-H'M ~ t1i ?C'l ~ ~ ofl:31' i1" ~I
H. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~fMTB/-IT i:H3 1 ~i:l ~ '0!'00 t1i tm '0!'00 M:f ~
~~ 3"~~ 3' mft~'()jfofl:31'~1
6) ZtRr ~ »B ~ Cf'O?f »B fit f?ift: -
c1) Ji:1rs: 0'11 M:r wo1r>f+ ~ ~ ftrn M:r ~.m.nrrl ~ ~ ~. ~
'Mit, m m, ft:rcy rn o:ifit ~ ~. W<;!', J1"8u3' ~ ~ '>8
( 2) m Hit-~ (Clusters) }')fQHTd' Hat ~, ~ fe'o: Hil'-ffij<J (Cluster )
M:f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fuf (iT ~I ftrcf ~ nB ~
~, ~ cratt ~ ~ ~ ~ (W) ~-J..fF.RW ~.
~ it ~ 'l1'fu3t, ~, ~ it nftr;:m }}IT}{t nB ey it ~
<Ra (ai)-3" ~ -a- funro M:r -a'cf & Hit-'R'l;fl' (Cluster) ~ I J1"8u3'
nB ~ ~, ft:u ~ ~ fu tfit-11}W = (Cluster)
w 3W Br>ro as ~ ta ffi?i'Rt it ~ ~ 3' u1z 3" u1z l:fOtf ~
nB ~ ~ f?:ft FBH2 1t3 1d (Financial Propriety) ~ ft::mt3T it lJdt ~
oft3T cm:r ~ 1 rear ?a' ~ are Hit ~ M:r fuR ~ ~ M:r ~
~ '()jf t i ~, ~ ~, ~ it ~ -a- funro M:r ~
'ire, Hit ~ tT lf'ld'-~~ QO(iT ~ ~ ~, 3" ft:;u J1"8u3'
~ ~ ful.rc:T 5l Fedo:c:a, (~) it 'tfd'? ~ (W) cfuiT w ~ ~.

~ RCf3' ft:u ~ fu, ~fuR~ Hit 'R'l;fl' (Cluster)~~~~

'()jf cfult ~, ftrn M8 2·51 a ~ as w ~ ~ 1 Hit ffijut it
~ , J1"8u3' ~ ~ nB ~ ~ ~ t%30 M:r MeR ffim' 3'
~ ~ '>8 ~-m ~-~ 3' ~ ~ t i ~~
(3) frffi it~, ~ it-m n ~ 'H"d''(Td' ~. it-m ~it
~ -~' t i
~1 w m m:!T ~ rn
()!TO -a- ~ ~ -a- ~ ~-~ 3'

aFi;iHC:a o:a<i! 8C' ~ ~ nB ~ l.P'R ~-~ (Digital

1 1

Signature) nB ~ ~ (encryption signature) tT l.{H"'C' 'frC'r ~

~ ~1 rn~ M:r fuR furo-r it R'os ~ t1f fuR furo-r ~
mTHclo:ai'l m:!t, m-'O!Q3'T
~ ?fu-a' 0172-2791326, 279 1226 t1f
it-H'M t1f' ~ ord' 'FI"Ci\t'l' ~I

(4) ~ ~ Mr ~ fuWW ~ rn ~. ~. ~ mst f>B

R3t irffi n ~ ~1 ~ m Ofij3T ~ f>B ~

~ ~ mit ~. W it ~ fu5t -a'i: ~ fur w-aft I

(5) tffi:1W ~ fu5t ~ f>B ~ -;:r$ffi, ~ ~ u ~ rn
it f.t:ft fu;5t ~ ~' ~ ft:H tr"fuffi Fro+ Mr f€'3tW ~ '>8
(6) fu:!t <if ffl M3C\" ¥ MJ (physically) ~ ?"itit oi8r ~I ~
rn Ft F.i F::l \J I a Mr R'3t fi.cit '>8 RH' w ~ are RH' :fu' ~ ft:u
~ ftww <I?, ~ ofB ~ 1 RH' rn-a- lf1B ~ ~ rn,cxifit
~ ~ ~ '>8 ~ z ';;sao(ldi it~ Mr ~ ~. "R ft:H Mr f<Jw
~ wk ~ ~ 1 w ~ ~ m 3o 3' fu:!t fuuro mit oi8r
(7) ~ (Conditional ) m, fi:l'[r 30' 3' -a'i: ofB ~I
(8) Y}fT7) -wm rn G'W{ it ofuB 5, ooo; -~ l{3T G'Wfll{3T AA- ffi;fJ
(Cluster) ~ ~I ;;(fu 8-~ ~ 3' }')11(')<"518(') l)H'z ~ otjj-
tnf H ~I tnf H Ooll-f tT J1¥!WfR, <Q. it. »110 i'ao, 3'0ri'itoiT
am -e- 'i'i"M ~ oi8r ~ 1
(9) m 3' ~.rn G'W{ it ofuB, mfu3' mw
~ ~ -e- cr3 Mr
tn1 ~ ~. ~t m rn ~ it w ~ ~ ~. ~
i;Sire~O(cd, 1-j(')dldi'lJilal~ -e- cr3 Mr ~ -;:r$ffil rn it~~
~ ~. mw lfd"cX rn3' RUWir ~. rn ~ 1.f1.8t F18l:ft ycrr mrr
M, ~ i;Sire~O(cd, (R'3' '>8 mrr) -orH-~ lfd"cX mrr ~~I
(1 0) m:T <it II fu'H <it fu'H <it ~ 5!Rt ~ O(Tffi ~ C~
z·;;sa0( 1 a,
furrc) M:r ~ fcrrl?fT ~. ~ w
~ ~ it fi..rni'rt ~ rn
~ Mr ~-&~fur -mit'~~ ~ mft 2';;saO(d3' '8"'l?R' Mr O(Tffi
~ Mr 'td"i:f LfTfuw Wt"T ~, ~ ~ it ~ am »B f.t:ft 3-ffi, ~I <tt
MTqJ ~. -a'i: 0(0 fe'3t ~I ~ ~ tnf ~ 'CJT2l- fu»fw Ooll-f f>8
~ Ooll-f (~ fu:!t 'J?) trn3' 0(0 ~ ~I ft:H ~ ~ ~.
~ furrz ~ F18l:ft l..f3T ~ it fi.cit 3' ~ lf1B ci8t -&it <it Ooll-f
~ ~ ~ 'i'i"M-'i'i"M ~ fu'§1:r ~ ~ O('d~ 1 tl <if ci8t ~I
(II) rn O("d"3'1' ~ <tt ~ ~ fu5t »rn-.§.»110. Mr ~ ~ ~

l')fTQ"TQ 3' Md'T"'it ~ I

(12) fuR z';;s dO( I a ~ tai' W3 3' We ~ ~ »rM- J Urfl:r3" IT ~

f>B fficf rn ~- l'i'i"M a0( 1 f'te, ~d1Hle 13 (') ~ ~ rn tai'
Fc'ld o a3 cNait 1 ~ cxHit ft:u rrfugR ~ ~ fu' »rM-1 ~ tai'/~ »1#

<tt ~ '\J?i' f>B »rM- J, ~ ~ i.h=r ~ tai' 3' em ~ ~ f3rnro

'i'i<it ~, ~ cxHit re<r rn -a't: 0(0 ~ ~ w »m-2 w »m-3 <ITJ W:r
~ cy 3' II fu »rn-.§.»110. ~ SiRor ~ 3' ~ n+ ~ 'i'i"M ~ci1FtlE13(')
cNait, mit ~ ts rn ~ n ~ 1
(13) ~ 1..ffuc;5t ~ rn ~ 3' fuil recx ~ M'+ O(MHc a i ~ recx '\JT am
lf1B 'Q't!t ~ ~ fi:lw rn cxHit M+ rn ~ ~ rrrarott ~ ~
, rn
recx i= mit iillait '>8 ~ ~ M'+ O(MH ca i ~ ci8t Cl'T8-
rn ~ ~ -a't: u ~ 1 ~ M+ w 3' '8"'l?R' tr m:r ~ rn
~ 3' ~ f'i:lw rn cxHit ~ ft:u <fO(' ~ fu' ~ O(MH c a ; ~ im I1R
w ts f'3n1ra' 0(0 I1R Cfi:H ~ »1''(Td" Mr ~ t:r+ UfTCT O{"dC}) ~ -R ~
~ M'clT3' ~ ~ '>8 am O('l'QT M3- ~ ~ 'fr I1R 1 ~ ~ Mf

CfTY>ft M:r rrar are rn M:r ~ recx m8-ffi 1.f1.B "#t ~ ~ ft:fw rn
~ ~ ~ fuif ~ O('d~'el ~I

a) ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~d18JE/3i'l ~ "i'i<:lT oi8t ~ 1

b) ~
rn -e "
~ 3"' ~
-..--.. , -..
~ ~ »
n §
reu--.. .~~-- ~ ~ ....::1--.- ~
(')dQ 1 d3 ~ O'C'" 3" On-f O(d~'::<! t lii CX'i1' li~'-11 C:f"R-~I<'l o<Odll I
c) ;?rc;rG ~ ~ r(')ao•a3 ~ ~ 3" em ??Bt ~ ~ ~ O('"d7) "i')T

reu- ~ rn tr ~- 3o 3" ~ ciaoiT Y>B ;?rc;rG reu- ~

3o 3" ~ ~ ~ ~ fuR tft f.t3T 8-ffi ~ Y>8 ;?rc;rG fuR tT»f+
~to+~ w '8"g3" ~ ~ ~ em tft J-f<E3'r ~ ~
~ Y>B m D-RR ~ ~ M:r ~ -Jet ~ w em M:r ~ O('"d7)
~ tft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~-~ oft3'T w R"CXtT ~- ~ -R
fi=m 30\ ~ -J H&" fur ~ u1z 3' u1z N 3" ~ i'fT H&" I
d) 1JGT ~ ftR -~ m:r ffiNa nmrocr iJ ~ ~ ~ =

(14) ~ciiFfle13i'l m 'Fl'H' ;?rc;rG rn ~, r(')do•a3 ~ w csoR) f.fu
R'31rrr+ tw> w 3" em O('"d7) ??Bt "Flfm.s "i')T ~, Y>B rn ~ "i')T oft3'T
fcrrrw ~, ~ reu- mm:r ~ ~ fu WI ~ ~ w 3" urc t urc ~
~ ~~ ~ ~ )-[T}ffi, ftm, ~ m ~ ~ 1oo% 3"' ~
~ ~ tft ~ oi8t aret ~' roNa ~ iJ 1JGT ~
(Justification) ftR frE ffi:t ~I fuR~~ tT ~
r(')d<!' r~O( ~ 1
c1s) rem-~~~, ~rn~wffiNa~~wtft~
3"' l..f"fu'W, ~ ~ (')jt' oft3t ~I ~ ~ mic:B Cf09t
~ -e- ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ a:r¥ -e- ~ ~'
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~~RR-ar we;)

3. mn:s fim tT»f+ ~ Cf01t ~ "F!}g mra-

~.m-.~. ~ rnw BciT
4. fuw~'>B~~ ~

~ m ~ rn ~ -e- l.fVc'l '>B mra+ t!t ur;::ro9- M:r ~ ~, -R m

GTdl-f ~ 3n" "lffi" (Negotiation) O('"d7) 3"' ~ Y>8 CfTY>ft M:r UFf311::fd" ~' 3n"

W5 CB7l ~ ~ tT ()T}{ (~ Vo) »B ~ ~ tcr+ ~ f?B

fufurW ~ 1 m eH3 1 ~t.1 ~. mw m emit ~ ~ »B ~ Hw+
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a) 2~ ·d 0( I dj ~ ~ )')fT7i" -~ m »i'tf ~ CB7) HH' 'fu»fr7ir QcV{ Vo »f0Wd"

f<'ldQ d3
tcr+ ~ !1}-ji" O(d<i! 1\ie:l ~ ~. fu»fw QcV{ Bt-~ ~ ~ )')fT7)
~ 1)Hz ~ (payment gateway) N ft:rw ~ ~ ~ CfT"3" f?B 1.flB
~ cmRZO nn:it?l H'itnf+ "M:J ~ we? m tww?i ~
i: ~e<mtftl'}fT}-ft Qcm(~
I 10000 C7l ~ 10, 000
2 l0001 3" 25000 C7l ~ 25,000
3 25001 3" 50000 C7l ~ 50,000
4 50001 3" 75000 C7l ~ 75,000
5 75001 3" 100000 C7l ~ 1,00,000
6 100000 C7l 3' ~ 1,25,000

b) 3Cfc'ftoft 6fary tT ~ CB7l HH' ft:1w m emir, ~ m a I a 3 1'i! i ~ -ga1

Cl'Rft fu»fw QcV{ tT f}..rwo ~ ~ CW5 ~
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it fW>fw Qcm, ~ ~ ~. mw ~ -a- fl-Bt 3' 3o w ~ nkcr m

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9. ~NJ/:
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l_fTR tnf ~ ~. R fuR ~ nfat mfu3" ~ ~ Jj'l:IT (~ fi'ldt! HO( )
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80 "5o f't7i ~ tT "Fl'}{i' ~ 'H<W" ~ I
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~ tft W>r--~ it3t ~ 2018-19 (~ ~ ~) tft "QTaT ~ "QTaT (11) ~

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<8 fu:Ht: :s 9 fu:Ht: 92.85
<9 fu:Ht: :s 10 fu:Ht: 100.30
< 10 fu:Ht: :s 11 fu:Ht: 107.75

< 11 fu:Ht: :s 12 fu:Ht: 115.20

< 12 fu:Ht: :Sl3 fu:Ht: 120.80

< 13 fu:Ht: :s 14 fu:Ht: 126.40

<14 fu:Ht: :s 15 fu:Ht: 132.00

< 15 fu:Ht: :s 16 fu:Ht: 137.60

< 16 fu:Ht: :s 17 fu:Ht: 143.20

< 17 fu:Ht: :s 18 fu:Ht: 148.80

< 18 fu:Ht: :s 19 fu:Ht: 154.40

< 19 fu:Ht: :s 20 fu:Ht: 160.00

< 20 fu:Ht: :s 21 fu:Ht: 165.60

< 21 fu:Ht: :s 22 fu:Ht: 171.20
<22 fu:Ht: :s 23 fu:Ht: 176.80

< 23 fu:Ht: :s 24 fu:Ht: 182.40

<24 fu:Ht: :s 25 fu:Ht: 187.20

< 25 fu:Ht: :s 26 fu:Ht: 192.00

< 26 f<x :Ht: :s 27 f<x:Ht: 196.80

<27 fu:Ht: :s 28 fu:Ht: 201.60

< 28 fu:Ht: :s 29 fu:Ht: 205.60

< 29 fu:Ht: :s 30 fu:Ht: 209.60

< 30 fu:Ht: :s 31 fu:Ht: 213 .60

< 31 fu:Ht: :s 32 fu:Ht: 217.60

< 32 fu:Ht: :s 33 fu:Ht: 221.60

< 33 fu:Ht: :s 34 fu:Ht: 225.60
< 34 fu:Ht: :s 35 fu:Ht: 229.60

< 35 fu:Ht: :s 36 fu:Ht: 233.60

< 36 fu:Ht: :s 37 fu:Ht: 238.60

< 37 fu:Ht: :s 38 fu:Ht: 243.60

lffi"ra Hd0( I d
~, ~ ~ -n8 ~ Wlffi r~§3•al,
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< 38 fu:Ht: :'S 39 fu:Ht: 248.60

< 39 fu:Ht: ::::: 40 fu:Ht: 253.60

< 40 fu:Ht: ::::: 41 fu:Ht: 257.80

< 41 fu:Ht: ::::: 42 fu:Ht: 262.00

< 42 fu:Ht: ::::: 43 fu:Ht: 266.20

< 43 fu:Ht: ::::: 44 fu:Ht: 270.40

< 44 fu:Ht: :'S 45 fu:Ht: 274.40

< 45 fu:Ht: ::::: 46 fu:Ht: 278.40

< 46 fu:Ht: ::::: 47 fu:Ht: 282.40

< 47 fu:Ht: ::::: 48 fu:Ht: 286.40

< 48 fu:Ht: :'S 49 fu:Ht: 290.00

< 49 fu:Ht: :'S 50 fu:Ht: 293.60

< 50 fu:Ht: :'S 21 fu:Ht: 297.20

< 51 fu:Ht: ::::: 52 fu:Ht: 300.80

'(')'C l) 52 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ffift 3 . 10 ~ lf3T
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CX"OO 0fdT

& 2) reu ~ Hza- rn1~ otm- 3fu otB urz u1z ~
~ »8 ~ ;g~ald(')t;l ~ l.fTfut:IT, 2018-19

(~ Fftt:ro ~) ~ ~ 12 ~ fHrr ~ Y}fTLil"O 3

& 3) ~ ~ t1 ~ fuR ~ ~ (~ fu mcx t1
~ ~ cxran, "ffi:/tJ o31M, ll HI Brc')O( cxran w wf'a1:1
~ ~ 7)f ~ rwfu) OR!'"& mrr ~ -atdt oA-31- OTEt-
u..: 3T. ~
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2018-19 (~ Fftt:ro ~) ~ ~ 12 ~ rc')aqifd3

oft3T ~ ~ Y}fTLil"O 3 -Jt oft3T ~ I






Year 2018-19 (Rabi Season Only)

Food grains are procured by Government of Punjab (Through its Food Procuring
Agencies) and Food Corporation of India, on behalf of Government of India, from various
purchase centres or Mandis, situated in the State of Punjab. The movement offoodgrains from
Mandis to storage points is carried out at minimum rates through competitive tenders from
various transporters. The Policy for transporting foodgrains for the year 2018-19 (Rabi Season
only) shall be as under: -

1. Extent of Application and Short title : - The policy shall be called "The Punjab
Food Grains Transportation Policy, 2018-19 (Rabi Season only)", and it shall be
applicable in the State of Punjab.

2. Definitions: - Unless there is something repugnant in the subject or context, the

terms used in this policy in the sense explained hereunder: -

(a) "Bankrupt/ Insolvent" the term bankrupt/Insolvent used in thi s policy shall
have the same meaning as has been defined in section 79(3) of THE

(b) "Competent Authority" means, The Director Food, Civil Supplies and
Consumer Affairs Punjab, in the Department of Food, Civil Supplies and
Consumer Affairs or any other officer appointed or declared as 'competent
authority' by him/her for this/specific purpose, mentioned therein .

(c) "Government" means, The Government of Punjab, in the Department of

Food, Civil supplies &Consumer affairs.

(d) "Person of Unsound Mind: A person of unsound mind is an adult who

from infirmity of mind is incapable of managing himself or his affairs.

(e) "Procurement Agency" means any Government or Semi-Government

body, its Corporation or Cooperative body, which has been authorized by the
'Government' to procure food grains on behalf of Government of India for
Central Poolor for Public Distribution System/scheme of the Central
Government or State Government.

(f) "Tender form" means form designed to submit e-tenders under this policy
on e-portal.

(g) "Tenderer" means any person, persons or group of persons or body

corporate or society, which submits bids under this policy for getting work of
transportation of food grains.

(h) "Transportation" means transportation of food grains, gunny bales/bags

and other stock articles etc., (like Tarpaulins, crates etc) from mandis to
storage points or from any place, situated at the distance beyond 8 km.

(i) "Qualified tenderer" means any tenderer who fulfills all the general as well
as technical qualification mentioned in para _ 4_ and _5_ below.


3.General Information:

1. The work of transportation of food grains up to 8 km shall be governed by

the Labour and cartage policy issued separately by the Govt.

ii. The transportation of food grains beyond 8 KM shall be carried out by all
procuring agencies including FCI through competitive and transparent
tendering process, as per these policy guidelines and Instructions issued there
under from time to time.

iii. The powers to open the tenders, evaluation of technical bids and finalizing
the financial bid shall lie with the district tender committee constitutes under
Para 7 of the Policy, for all procuring agencies.

IV. All the MDs of procuring agencies, Members of District tender committees,
tenderer, successful tenderer, contractors and District Managers of the
procuring agencies shall ensure compliance of these guidelines .

v. The tenders under this policy shall be called for Rabi season 2018-19 and
shall be valid for the period from 01-04-2018 to 31.03.2019.

v1. The advertisements for inviting tenders for transportation shall be published
in leading newspapers for giving wide publicity.

vu . Tender Policy and terms and conditions shall also be uploaded on

department's web-site


4.General Qualifications:

Every tenderer shall have to fulfill the following general conditions to be eligible for
submitting its bid: -

1. He should be a citizen of India and not less than 18 years of age, if the
tender is submitted as an Individual/proprietor. If the tender is submitted
by any society, company or a partnership firm, it should be registered
under the appropriate legislation or the Rules framed there under.

2. He or any of his partners should not be bankrupt/Insolvent.

3. He should be of a sound mind.

4. He must fulfill all technical qualifications given in Para_5_.

5. He must possess a valid PAN number.

6. His or any of his partner's or member' s names should not appear in the
black list issued by any Govt. /Semi Govt. /Cooperative agency or

7. He or his any partner or member, should not be con v icted with

imprisonment for a period of more than three years in any criminal case
by any court oflaw.

8. No recovery, of any procurement agency, should be pending against him

on the date of submitting tender. He shall submit a no due certificate for
this purpose, from all the procuring agencies.


9. Every tenderer shall have to submit the proof of his turnover for the
preceding financial year. He has to upload the copy of accounts or any
other document maintained by him, as a proof for the same.

10. Tender is not transferable, to any other person.

11. No tenderer shall violate or act in contravention, to the provisions of 'the

Punjab Goods Carriages (Regulation and Prevention of Cartelization)
Rules, 2017, issued by Government vide notification No.
G.S .R.62/C.A.59/1988/Ss.79 and 96/2017, dated 13th December, 2017.

5. Technical Qualifications: -

A. He must possess an arrangement of minimum number of trucks required for each

cluster, separately, if he submits a bid for more than one cluster Depending upon
the arrivals in mandis/purchase centers falling under each cluster, he must have an
arrangement of trucks as under: -

Arrival in Mandis and Purchase Centers falling No. of
Sr. No.
under one cluster Trucks

1 Up to 5000 M.T 20

2 5001 M.T to 10,000 M.T 40

3 10,001 M.T to 20,000 M.T 60

4 20,001 M.T to 30,000 M.T 90

5 30,001 M.T to 40,000 M.T 120

6 40,001 M.T to 50,000 M.T 150

7 50,001 M.T to 75,000 M.T 180

8 75,001 M.T to 1,00,000 M.T 210

9 Above 1,00,00 M.T. 240

Note: I Tlte Tenderer shall upload list of trucks having valid registration
numbers, duly verified from "VAAHAN software", which he intends to
use for transportation work.

Note: II Copies of Registration Certificates of all the trucks mentioned in the

above list along with copy of verification report generated from
"VAAHAN software" willbe submitted to the District Tender Committee,
on the spot (i.e. at tlte time of evaluation of technical bid).

Note: Ill if a tenderer intends to use trucks from any firm, company or society,
for tlte work of transportation, he shall ltave to upload an undertaking/
an agreement executed by /tim with suclzfirm, company or society, as tlte
case may be, mentioning therein the number of trucks and their
registration numbers, duly verified from "VAAHAN software".


B. He must have a minimum of turnover in the previous financial year (20 17 -18), as

Sr. No. Arrival in Mandis and Purchase Centers falling Minimum

under one cluster Tum Over
required .
(In Rupees)

1 Up to 5000 M.T. l 0,00,000

2 5001 M.T to 10,000 M.T. 20 ,00,000

3 10,001 M.T to 20,000 M.T. 40,00,000

4 20,001 M.T to 30,000 M.T. 60,00,000

5 30,001 M.Tto 40,000 M.T. 80,00,000

6 40,001 M.T to 50,000 M.T. 1,00,00,000

7 50,001 M.T to 75,000 M.T. 2,00,00,000

8 75 ,001 M.T to 1,00,000 M.T. 3,00,00,000

9 Above 1,00,00 M.T 4,00,00,000

Note: - A copy of the aud1ted/unaud1ted balance sheet of the previous financial
year or any other format in which annual accounts maintained by him ,
shall be up-loaded with technical bid.

C. He shall upload the copies of his valid PAN card and Aadhar Card in case he is
applying in individual capacity. In case of company or association, the PAN No.'s
and Aadhar No.'s of the members of management body shall be uploaded.

D. He will also deposit the earnest money required under this policy for each cluster
separately, if he submits bid for more than one clusters.

E. If tender is submitted on behalf of an organization, society or firm , a resolution

and authority showing that he has been duly authorized by such organization, to
participate and negotiate in the tender process, shall also be uploaded the same
with the tender.

F. He shall also upload his valid and working mobile number and email -id, so as he
may be contacted by SMS or email or telephonically, as and when required for
smooth and timely lifting of food grains.

G. The tender shall not be considered, if he fails to submit/upload any document(s)

required under this policy.

6. Procedure for submission and finalization of tender:

(1) All Tenders on the behalf of all the Procuring agencies m Punjab State
including FCI shall be addressed to the Convener of the District Tender
Committee, i.e. District Food and Supplies Controller of the concerned


(2) Tenders shall be invited cluster wise, irrespective of number of agencies

involved in the cluster. District Food and Supplies Controller in consultation
with the Districts Heads of all the procuring agencies, shall make a list of
different clusters (Group of mandis) depending upon the geogTaphical
location, proximity, the approximate arrival of wheat food grain and their
distance from storage points. The concerned DFSC will ensure that the
clusters should be made in such a way so as to incur minimum expenditure on
transportation of wheat and that he has used his full wisdom kept in mind all
the cannons of financial propriety. Clusters once made in no circumstances,
be changed, however, in compelling circumstances if restructuring/alteration
in clusters is necessary, it may be done, with the prior approval of concerned
Deputy Director (Field), subject to the condition that no change shall be
allowed in such clusters whose tenders have been finalized. The list of
clusters shall be pasted at the notice board of concerned DFSC office and also
uploaded on the e-tendering website.

(3) The entire tender process shall be completed through e-tender on the website
of e-tender portal of Punjab Government, i.e.
or . For this purpose, every tenderer shall have to
register himself on the above website and also possess digital si gnature and
encryption signature certificate. In case of any difficulty in tendering or
clarification, the tenderers may contact helpline no. 0172-279132 6, 2791226
or e-mail at or .in.

(4) All the bids shall be submitted in two bid system i.e. technical bid and
financial bid for all the districts. The technical bid is liable to be rejected for
those tenderers who did not fulfill general and technical qualification.

(5) The technical bid will be opened and evaluated, first. The financial bid shall
be opened only for those tenderers, who fulfill all the general and technical
qualifications, given in these policy guidelines.

(6) No Tender shall be accepted in physical form. All the Tenders shall be
uploaded online up to date and time specified in the advertisement or up to
the extended date and time, if so extended. All tenders received in time shall
be opened in presence of all the members of the committee and in the
presence of tenderers who would prefer to participate in it. No separate
correspondence shall be made in this regard.

(7) Conditional tenders shall out rightly be rejected .

(8) The cost of online tender form shall be charged at the rate of Rs 5000/- per
tender form per cluster, which shall be paid online, through payment gateway
of the e-tender portal. The proof of deposit/receipt with UTR number. shall be
uploaded along with the technical bid.

(9) The cost of tender form shall be deposited in the account of respective DM
Pungrain in the first instance which shall be transferred to the account of
M.D. PUNGRAIN, Chandigarh after the completion of the tender opening
process. District Food and Supplies controller shall submit all the detailed
account of tender fee so received to the Additional Director (F&A) -cum-
Controller Food Accounts, at the end of tender opening process.

(10) The tenderer who has been blacklisted by any Food Procurement Agency,
shall not be eligible to participate in the tender process, during the con-
currency of such blacklisting. If any tenderer is found to be blackli sted at a


later stage, his technical as well as financial bid, if applicable, shall be

rejected. The earnest money and security (if any) deposited by him shall be
forfeited. Despite recovering the amount received by him prior to the date of
coming into notice his act, legal action shall also be taken against him.

(11) Tenderer has to submit the tender for a cluster, on the basis of the rates given
in Standard Operating Rates (SOR).

(12) The tenderer whose rate is lowest will be declared as L-1, and District tender
committee will finalize the rates with L-1 after due negotiation . If the
committee feels that the rates of L-1 are still on higher side, and L-1 is not
interested to do the work at the offered rates, the committee may cancel the
tender, or negotiate with the L-2 or L-3, offering them any rate not above the
basic SOR rates, otherwise it would go for retendering process.

(13) If in the first invitation/call, single bid is received for a particular cluster(s),
the District Tender Committee or authority inviting tenders/bids shall not
open the single bid in the first instance, the tender process for such cluster (s)
shall be cancelled. Before issuing the second or subsequent invitations of
bids, the District Tender Committee is free to re-construct/Modify clusters
(increase or decrease its size) to reduce the cost and to bring higher degree of
competition among the bidders. If during second or any subsequent invitation
again a single tender is received then District Tender Committee, shall: -

a) Not negotiate with tlte single bidder in the first instance.

h) It shall Explore the possibilities of getting the work done from the
commission Agents, at the basic rates given in SOR., before openinf?
the single bid.

c) In case commission agents are also not interested to do the job on

the basic rates, evaluate the tender teclmical/y and if it is technical(v
acceptable, open the financial bid and if found the quoted rates are
as unreasonable/exorbitant but the requirements are urgent and re-
tender process would delay and jeopardize the operations,
negotiations would be permitted with the bidder. The District Tender
Committee will negotiate with him to bring the rates to tile minimum

d) Refer the case to the 'Competent Authority', with full justification

for approval.

(14) If, during negotiation, tenderer does not agree to work on the basic rates given
in SOR, and tender is not finalized, efforts shall be made to allow minimum
premium on the basic rates. All cases, where premium recommended by the
District tender committee is above I OO%,shall be sent to the 'Competent
Authority' for approval with full justification. The decision of the 'Competent
Authority' in this regard shall be final.

(15) No payment shall be made to the tenderer prior to the approval of rates by the
District Tender Committee or Competent Authority. All payments shall be
made by the concerned District Manager, of the Food Procuring Agency, after
making all the statutory deductions as per provisions of Income Tax Law or
any other law of land .

(16) The District Manager of the concerned agency shall reserve the right to
recover any loss to state or agency, or any amount paid excess from the next


or final bill(s) of the contractor. If it remains insufficient, from the security


(17) Successful bidder shall have to execute an agreement with all the Di strict
Managers of agencies in the cluster (s) separately.

7. Formation of tile District Tender committee:-

The District Tender Committee shall have following permanent members:

l Deputy Commissioner of the District

2 Deputy Controller (Finance and
Accounts), Internal Audit Organisation Member
(R) of the concerned District.
3 District Managers of all the Food
Procuring Agencies, including FCI
4 District Food and Supplies Controller Convener
All the tenders shall be opened m the presence of Chatrman, and all the
member of the District Tender Committee, who will sign the tender form before
and after negotiation, full name of the negotiator (below signatures) and tina! rate
decided by the committee shall be written in words. Tender docum ent shall again
be signed by all the members and chairman of the committee, after awa rding to
the tenders. All cuttings/over-writings are to be attested by the chairman or
Deputy Controller, Finance and Account.

8. Earnest Money Deposit:

a) At the time of submitting on-line tender, every tenderer shall have to deposit an
earnest money at the following rates, through payment gateway of e-tender portal,
which shall be payable to the account ofD .M . PUNGRAIN, as follows:-
Sr. Total Arrival of wheat in the cluster Mandis in
No. previous year Money
1 Less than 10,000 M .T. 10,000
2 10,001 to 25,000 M .T. 25,000
3 25001 to 50,000 M.T 50,000
4 50,001 to 75,000 M.T. 75,000
5 75,001 to 1,00,000 M.T. I ,00,000
G Above 1,00,000 M.T I ,25,000
b) At the ttme of techmcal evaluatiOn, Dtstnct Tender Allotment Committee shall
compare the amount deposited by all tenderers with the bank statement and
ensure that earnest money received is as per norms fixed above.

c) If the earnest money is not as per norms or not deposited, the tender shall be
rejected without any further consideration.

d) Earnest Money Deposit shall not be adjusted in Security deposit. The EMD of
unsuccessful bidders shall be returned by District Manager PUNGRAIN within
30 days of opening of the tender, through an Account payee cheque or R TGS.
The EMD of Successful bidders shall be returned within 30 days, after the date
of deposit of required Security Amount or Execution of agreement with all the
agencies falling in the cluster/clusters, whichever is later.

e) No interest shall be payable on EMD.


9. Security Deposit:

(a) The Successful tenderer will deposit a security amount @ Rs. 2/- per M.T.
calculated on the basis of the total arrival of wheat food grains in the previous
year in the cluster(s) for which contract has been awarded, by Bank draft in
favour of Head of the concerned agency, within three days of date of
negotiation, with the District Manager of concerned procurement agency, who
will further deposit . it with the Head of that Agency (Managing Director)

(b) If the Deputy Commissioner concerned, feels that circumstances are beyond
the control of the successful bidder, may relax the above provision and allow
him a further period up to three days.

(c) If a successful bidder fails to deposit the security amount within the prescribed
period/relaxed period his tender shall be rejected & he shall be liable to be
blacklisted for a period of two years from the date of such
rej ection/blacklisting, and District Tender Committee, reserves the right to
negotiate with next lowest tenderer for allotment at the rates finalized with L-1.

(d) No interest shall be paid on such security deposit.

10. Liability of a Successful Bidder: -

A. If a successful bidder, after due acceptance of his tender, refuses or fails to

perform the obligation under the contract, he shall be declared blacklisted and
his EMD or security, or both, whatever is lying deposited with the agencies,
shall be forfeited. After doing so, District Heads of the agencies shall have the
right to get the work done at the approved rates of L-1, from next lowest
tenderer i.e. L-2 and in case of refusal by L-2 from the L-3, and so on. Before
allotting the work to next tenderer, the district head of the concerned agency
will ensure full security deposit at the rate(s) prescribed in this poli cy.

B. The Successful bidder (Tenderer) is bound to lift the grains purchased by all
the agencies, within 72 hours of the purchase, as is required under Punjab
Mandi Board, instructions. Failure to which, the District Manager of the
concerned agency shall reserve the right to get the work done from other
sources or commission agents, at the risk and cost and penalty of the tenderer.
Before doing so, the tenderer shall be served with a show cause notice via e-
mail or SMS and shall be given due opportunity of being heard.

1. If the tenderer fails to perform his obligations within the stipulated

period and is served with a show cause notice of one day and the
contractor gives in writing within the period of notice that he is
unable to do the full work, then up to of 50% total work may be got
done from the commission agents at the basic rates . The contractor
will not be entitled to any claim against the work so done. An
agreement shall be executed between Contractor, representatives of
Commission Agents and District Manager(s) of th e concerned
Agency(ies), before performing the job. In such cases, the
contractor, in addition to forfeiture of security in proportion of work
not done, be charged a penalty of 1% of the 'total value of the

11. If the contractor, does not agree to above sub-clause, then keeping in
view the circumstances in the mandi, Inspectors of the agencies,
AFSO or FSO, and concerned officials of the Mandi Board, together,


will prepare a detailed report, adopting full transparency, witnessed

by at least two commission agents, that the contractor in question
(Mention Name on the contractor) has failed to perform his duty, as
per policy guidelines and agreement. On receiving such report, the
DFSC shall immediately serve him a show cause notice of one day
only (bye-mail or SMS) and after giving him due opportunity of
being heard, decide the matter. IfDFSC is of the considered opinion
that the contractor in question is un able to perform the job, then
work may be got done from the Commission Agents, at any rates not
more than the rates approved by the tender committee, at the risk and
cost of the contractor and in such a case a penalty of 2% of the total
value of the contract, in addition to forfeiture of security, shall be

iii. If the Commission agents also refuse to perform the job, then action
shall be taken as per provisions of the agreement and work shall be
got done at risk and cost of the contractor. In such cases the amount
of work done shall be paid to the concerned new assignee(s) by the
District Manager of the concerned Agency. Any extra cost paid to
the new assignee, over and above the approved rates, shall be
recovered from the contractor from the pending bills or by other
means. The original contractor shall also be charged with a penalty
of 2% of the total value of the contract, in addition to forfeiture of

iv . If a contractor leaves the job during the purchase season, he shall be

served with one day's notice, at his e-mail address or through SMS at
his given mobile number, and shall be blacklisted after giving him
due opportunity of being heard. The pending work shall be got done
from L-2 or L-3 or Commission Agents as the case may be, at the
rates not above the rates approved for that contractor by the District
Tender Committee, or at his risk and cost and penalty. If the
tenderer does not appear for personal hearing, the DFSC reserves the
right to decide his case ex- party. Suitable action under the relevant
provisions of law shall also be taken against him. All amounts paid ,
over and above the basic rates, along with 5% penalty, on 'total value
of the contract shall be recovered from his pending bills, in addition
to forfeiture of security amount, deposited by him.

Note: -I The 'total value oftlte contract' referred to in sub clause 'B' above, on
wlticlt tlte penalty is to be levied shall be calculated, taking into account
tlte total amount wltat would ltave been payable to tlte contractor, had
l1e peiformed tltejob in full.

Note:- 2 The 'competent authority' defined in clause 2 (b) may, if it feels tltat
tlte circumstances which compelled !tim not to peiform his work, were
genuine and were beyond !tis control, may issue a well-reasoned
speaking orders reducing or waiving of suclt penalty in full or any part

11. Refund of Security:-

On completion of the term of the tender the tenderer will submit a No Due Certificate,
from all the agencies, before requesting for release of his security, and will give in
writing that amount due to any agency, shall be recovered from the security amount. No


District Manager shall release the security deposited with him, until he submits NDC
from all the agencies to him .

12. Measurement of Truck-able/Motor-able Distance:-

The shortest route of truck-able I Motor-able distance between Storage point and mandi
shall be measured on actual basis by the concerned Inspector, and Assistant Food &
Supplies Officer/Food & Supplies Officer. The result of such measurement shall be duly
signed by the above members, on the basis of which payment shall be made to the
tenderer. The above committee shall be liable for the accurate measurement. If Storage
points are taken on rent at any later stage, the rates approved for the cluster shall appl y
for transportation to such storage points. The distance shall be determined in the same
manner as given above.

13. Arbitration:-

In case of any dispute, the matter shall be referred for arbitration. The Managing
Director of the concerned agency or any person appointed by him shall be the sole
arbitrator, whose decision shall be binding on both the parties. The Jurisdiction of
Arbitration shall be at Chandigarh.

14. Appeal:

The appeal against any orders of District Heads, DD field and MD of the concerned
agency, shall lie before the Competent Authority, with in thirty days of the date of
passing of such orders by the aforesaid authority (ies). The orders of the Competent
Authority shall be final and binding on parties.

15. Overriding effect:

This policy shall have an overriding effect over all the instructions/letters/policies
issued earlier in this regard from time to time.

16. Miscellaneous: -

If a situation so arises, which has not been covered under this policy, the matter may be
referred to the Competent Authority, for appropriate redressal. The Decision of the
Competent Authority shall be final and binding on parties.

17. Powers to interpret/change and relax/ issue instructions and make rules:

All the powers to interpret/change or relax any clause /clauses in this policy, to issue
instructions and make rules, shall lie with the Department of Food, Civil Supplies and
Consumer Affairs, Punjab.

18. Repeal:-

The Punjab Transportation policy 2017-18 and letters and circulars issued earlier, are
hereby repealed :

Provided that any order made or action taken under the earlier pol icy/policies
shall be deemed to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of this
policy, if such a clause do not exist in this policy, it will be dealt in as per previous
policies, letters and instructions.

19. Savings:

The Competent Authority reserves the right to cancel the tender or prohibit any tenderer
to perform the job, without assigning any reason, if it is in greater public interest to do


20. Grievance Redressal: - In order to ensure smooth transportation of food grains and
redressal of grievances the following grievance redressal mechani sm shall be toll owed
in each district: -

I. The Deputy Commissioner concerned will appoint an officer, not below the rank
of SDM as Grievance Officer to tackle on priority all such complaints from
various tenderers which have the potential to create serious law and order
situation during procurement season.

II. The Department of Home Affairs, Government of Punjab, will ensure to appoint a
senior officer not below the rank of Superintendent Police, in each district, to take
action on complaints involving law and order situation and to provide adequate
police arrangements where ever required .

-- $$$$$$


Please refer to clause sub clause (11) of clause 6 of
"The Punjab Food Grains Transportation Policy, 2018-19 (Rabi Season only)"
Per Metric Ton

Shortest Motorable/Truck able

Distance covered by truck Rates per M.T --- -
>8 Kms. :::;9 Kms 92.85
>9 Kms. ::::10 Kms 100.30
> 10 Kms. ::::11 Kms 107.75
>11 Kms. ::::12 Kms 115.20
> 12 Kms. :::;13 Kms 120.80
>13 Kms. < 14 Kms 126.40
> 14 Kms. < 15 Kms 132.00
> 15 Kms. ::::16 Kms 137.60
> 16 Kms. :::: 17 Kms 143.20
> 17 Kms. ::::18 Kms 148.80
> 18 Kms. ::::19 Kms 154.40
> 19 Kms. :::;20 Kms 160.00
> 20 Kms. ::::21 Kms 165.60
> 21 Kms. :::;22 Kms 171.20
> 22 Kms. ::::23 Kms 176.80
> 23 Kms. ::::24 Kms 182.40
> 24 Kms. ::::25 Kms 187.20
>25 Kms. <26 Kms 192.00
> 26 Kms. ::::27 Kms 196.80
> 27 Kms. ::::28 Kms 201.60
>28 Kms. < 29 Kms 205.60
> 29 Kms. ::::30 Kms 209.60
>30 Kms. ::::31 Kms 213.60
> 31 Kms. ::::32 Kms 217.60
>32 Kms. ::::33 Kms 221.60
> 33 Kms. ::::34 Kms 225.60
> 34 Kms. ::::35 Kms 229.60
> 35 Kms. <36 Kms 233.60
>36 Kms. <37 Kms 238.60
>37 Kms. ::::38 Kms 243.60
>38 Kms. ::::39 Kms 248.60
>39 Kms. ::::40 Kms 253.60


Shortest Motorable/Truck able

Distance covered by truck Rates per M.T
> 40 Kms. :::; 41 Kms 257.80
> 41 Kms. :::; 42 Kms 262.00
> 42 Kms. :::; 43 Kms 266.20
> 43 Kms. <44 Kms 270.40
> 44 Kms. $45 Kms 274.40
> 45 Kms. :::; 46 Kms 278.40
> 46 Kms. :::; 47 Kms 282.40
> 47 Kms. $48 Kms 286.40
> 48 Kms. :::; 49 Kms 290.00
> 49 Kms. :::; 50 Kms 293.60
>50 Kms. :::; 51 Kms 297.20
>51 Kms. :::; 52 Kms 300.80

Note: (1.) For every additional Kilometre beyond 52 kilometres

a rate @ Rs. 3.10 per ton/kilometre shall be paid.

Note: (2.) These rates shall apply to the shortest truck-

able/Motorable distance declared and measured as
per clause 12 of "The Punjab Food Grains
Transportation Policy, 2018-19 (Rabi Season only)".

Note: (3.) If the grains are transported by another long route on

the basis of any of the reasons (i.e. road under repair,
bund/strike, administrative reasons or non-ply of
vehicle due to rain, etc.,) rates shall be payable only
on the basis of declared shortest & truck-able and
Motorable route decided by the committee as per
clause 12 of "The Punjab Food Grains
Transportation Policy, 2018-19 (Rabi Season only)".

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