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MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.

Operation Manual for Workplace X
Document ID: 1MRK 511 659-UEN
Issued: February 2023
Revision: A
Product version: 10.5

© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as
a commitment by Hitachi Energy. Hitachi Energy assumes no responsibility for any errors that may
appear in this document.

In no event shall Hitachi Energy be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
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liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of any software or hardware
described in this document.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from
Hitachi Energy, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used for any
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The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used,
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© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.


ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Manufactured by/for a Hitachi Energy
company. All other brand or product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders.


Please inquire about the terms of guarantee from your nearest Hitachi Energy representative.

Third Party Copyright Notices

List of Third Party Copyright notices are documented in "3rd party licenses.txt" and other locations
mentioned in the file in SYS600 and DMS600 installation packages.

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.
( This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
( This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (

This product includes software developed by Computing Services at Carnegie Mellon University

This product includes software developed by vbAccelerator (/index.html).

1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Table of contents

Table of contents

Section 1 Introduction....................................................................................................7
1.1 Use of symbols......................................................................................................................7
1.2 Document conventions..........................................................................................................7
1.3 Revision history..................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 References............................................................................................................................ 8

Section 2 Opening Workplace X....................................................................................9

2.1 Connecting with the Workplace X browser............................................................................9
2.2 Connecting with the SYS600 Workplace X Windows application......................................... 9
2.3 Login screen........................................................................................................................10

Section 3 General workplace concepts...................................................................... 13

3.1 Navigation concepts............................................................................................................ 13
3.2 User interface sections........................................................................................................13
3.2.1 Global header....................................................................................................................13 Alarm list...................................................................................................................... 14 User menu....................................................................................................................14
3.2.2 Left pane........................................................................................................................... 18 Navigation tab.............................................................................................................. 19 Options tab...................................................................................................................19
3.2.3 Right pane.........................................................................................................................20
3.2.4 Content area and tab navigation....................................................................................... 20
3.3 Multi-monitor workspace..................................................................................................... 21
3.3.1 Synchronize content between monitor instances.............................................................. 21
3.4 Using content specific search .............................................................................................23
3.5 System notifications............................................................................................................ 23
3.6 Keyboard shortcuts............................................................................................................. 25
3.7 System legend.....................................................................................................................26
3.8 Session and inactivity timeouts........................................................................................... 27

Section 4 Viewing and controlling process............................................................... 29

4.1 Structure of process picture views...................................................................................... 29
4.1.1 Process picture tree structure........................................................................................... 29
4.1.2 Zooming the process picture............................................................................................. 30
4.2 Picture options.....................................................................................................................30
4.2.1 Picture zoom states...........................................................................................................31
4.2.2 Adjusting network topology settings.................................................................................. 32
4.2.3 Adding notes to process pictures ..................................................................................... 33
4.2.4 Automatic picture scaling.................................................................................................. 35
4.3 Device symbols in process pictures.................................................................................... 36
4.3.1 Symbol background states................................................................................................36
4.3.2 Emblems........................................................................................................................... 37
4.4 Controlling devices and viewing detailed information..........................................................40

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 1

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Table of contents 1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A

4.4.1 Controlling switching devices............................................................................................ 41

4.4.2 Controlling tap changer in transformer devices.................................................................43
4.4.3 Using bay control panels...................................................................................................44
4.4.4 Using station control panels.............................................................................................. 47
4.4.5 Viewing measurements..................................................................................................... 50
4.4.6 Viewing alarms related to a device....................................................................................52
4.4.7 Viewing events related to a device....................................................................................53
4.4.8 Edit and view blockings related to a device.......................................................................54
4.4.9 Bypassing system control blocking................................................................................... 56
4.4.10 Switching remote operator location................................................................................... 57
4.4.11 Controlling automatic reclosing......................................................................................... 58
4.4.12 Simulation and substitution............................................................................................... 59
4.4.13 Viewing system messages................................................................................................ 61
4.4.14 Analyzing transformer health.............................................................................................61
4.4.15 Counting operations.......................................................................................................... 65
4.4.16 Device notes......................................................................................................................65
4.4.17 Setting measurement limits............................................................................................... 66
4.4.18 Setting zero deadband limit for measurements.................................................................67
4.4.19 Sending general interrogation........................................................................................... 68
4.5 Searching texts in process pictures.....................................................................................68

Section 5 Alarms...........................................................................................................69
5.1 Using alarm list....................................................................................................................69
5.2 Alarm details........................................................................................................................69
5.3 Searching text in alarms list................................................................................................ 70
5.4 Acknowledging alarms........................................................................................................ 71
5.5 Audible alarms.....................................................................................................................72
5.6 Columns.............................................................................................................................. 74
5.6.1 Adding columns.................................................................................................................74
5.6.2 Reordering columns.......................................................................................................... 75
5.6.3 Removing columns............................................................................................................76
5.6.4 Resizing columns automatically........................................................................................ 76
5.7 Filtering alarms....................................................................................................................76
5.7.1 Filter basics....................................................................................................................... 77
5.7.2 Creating filters................................................................................................................... 78 Creating basic filter...................................................................................................... 78 Creating discrete value filter.........................................................................................78 Creating advanced filter............................................................................................... 79 Creating a quick filter................................................................................................... 80
5.7.3 Filter renaming.................................................................................................................. 81
5.7.4 Removing filters.................................................................................................................81
5.7.5 Editing filters......................................................................................................................81
5.7.6 Saving, loading, and deleting filters...................................................................................82
5.8 Exporting Alarms................................................................................................................. 84
5.9 Column specific context menu............................................................................................ 84

Section 6 Events........................................................................................................... 87

2 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Table of contents

6.1 Using events list.................................................................................................................. 87

6.2 Event details .......................................................................................................................87
6.3 Searching text in events list.................................................................................................89
6.4 Columns.............................................................................................................................. 90
6.4.1 Adding columns.................................................................................................................90
6.4.2 Reordering columns ......................................................................................................... 91
6.4.3 Removing columns............................................................................................................92
6.4.4 Resizing columns automatically........................................................................................ 92
6.5 Filtering events.................................................................................................................... 92
6.5.1 Filter basics....................................................................................................................... 92
6.5.2 Creating filters................................................................................................................... 93 Creating basic filter...................................................................................................... 93 Creating discrete value filter.........................................................................................94 Creating advanced filter............................................................................................... 95 Creating a quick filter................................................................................................... 96
6.5.3 Filter renaming.................................................................................................................. 97
6.5.4 Removing filters.................................................................................................................97
6.5.5 Editing filters......................................................................................................................98
6.5.6 Saving, loading, and deleting filters...................................................................................98
6.6 Exporting Events................................................................................................................. 99
6.7 Column specific context menu...................................................................................... 100

Section 7 History ....................................................................................................... 101

7.1 History............................................................................................................................... 101
7.2 Adding history data............................................................................................................101
7.3 Viewing history data.......................................................................................................... 103
7.3.1 Graphic and finder basics................................................................................................103
7.3.2 Inspecting values in graph...............................................................................................104
7.3.3 Selecting time frame for inspecting values......................................................................104
7.3.4 Statistics of selected data................................................................................................105
7.3.5 Specific details of history data.........................................................................................105
7.4 Adjusting history and data settings....................................................................................106
7.4.1 Modifying general history settings................................................................................... 106
7.4.2 Modifying data presentation in graph.............................................................................. 107
7.5 Exporting history data........................................................................................................108
7.6 Resizing history view automatically...................................................................................109

Section 8 System overview........................................................................................ 111

8.1 Supervising IED communication........................................................................................113
8.2 Supervising network devices............................................................................................. 114
8.3 Supervising SYS600 applications......................................................................................116

Section 9 Tagout......................................................................................................... 119

9.1 Tagout in process pictures.................................................................................................119
9.1.1 Adding/Editing/Deleting tags........................................................................................... 119
9.1.2 Tagout visual representation........................................................................................... 120
9.2 Active tags list................................................................................................................... 123

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 3

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Table of contents 1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A

9.3 Tagout log..........................................................................................................................124

Section 10 Sequencer.................................................................................................. 127

10.1 Sequencer concepts..........................................................................................................127
10.1.1 Message steps................................................................................................................ 127
10.1.2 Switch control steps........................................................................................................ 127
10.1.3 Controllability checks.......................................................................................................127
10.1.4 Pre and post condition checks........................................................................................ 127
10.2 Sequences list................................................................................................................... 127
10.2.1 Opening sequence view..................................................................................................128
10.2.2 Stopping all sequences................................................................................................... 128
10.3 Sequence view.................................................................................................................. 128
10.3.1 Sequence steps...............................................................................................................129
10.3.2 SLD preview....................................................................................................................130
10.3.3 Execution logs.................................................................................................................130
10.3.4 Controllability checking....................................................................................................131
10.3.5 Displaying step conditions...............................................................................................132
10.3.6 Running a sequence....................................................................................................... 133 Starting a sequence................................................................................................... 133 Step execution states.................................................................................................134 Acknowledging message step....................................................................................134 Confirming step execution..........................................................................................134 Aborting sequence..................................................................................................... 135 Skipping step during execution.................................................................................. 135 Controllability check failure........................................................................................ 135 Condition check failure...............................................................................................137 Finishing sequence run.............................................................................................. 137

Section 11 Area of Responsibility...............................................................................139

11.1 Areas of Responsibility view..............................................................................................139
11.1.1 Area of Responsibility mode............................................................................................139
11.1.2 Exclusive Access Rights mode....................................................................................... 139
11.2 My Areas view................................................................................................................... 143
11.2.1 Area of Responsibility mode............................................................................................143
11.2.2 Exclusive Access Rights mode....................................................................................... 143
11.3 Areas of Responsibility block in control panel................................................................... 144

Section 12 Reports....................................................................................................... 147

12.1 Measurement Reports.......................................................................................................147
12.2 Report list.......................................................................................................................... 147
12.2.1 Opening report................................................................................................................ 148
12.2.2 Filtering reports............................................................................................................... 148
12.2.3 Searching reports............................................................................................................148
12.2.4 Create new report............................................................................................................149
12.3 Report view....................................................................................................................... 150
12.3.1 Report view header......................................................................................................... 150 Navigating between tabular and graphical view.........................................................150

4 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Table of contents Live and freeze data modes.......................................................................................150 Navigating in time.......................................................................................................151 Full screen mode........................................................................................................151
12.3.2 Tabular view.................................................................................................................... 151 Editing report value.................................................................................................... 152 Column header functions........................................................................................... 153 Adding a note............................................................................................................. 153
12.3.3 Graphical view.................................................................................................................154 Signal appearance..................................................................................................... 156 Load duration mode................................................................................................... 160
12.3.4 Report view options.........................................................................................................160 Save report and select visible data............................................................................ 160 Exporting report data..................................................................................................162 Work area scaling...................................................................................................... 163 Graph settings (graphical view)..................................................................................163

Section 13 Blockings....................................................................................................165
13.1 Using blocking list..............................................................................................................165
13.2 Filtering blocking signals................................................................................................... 168
13.3 Editing blockings............................................................................................................... 168
13.4 Searching text in blocking list............................................................................................ 170
13.5 Blocking options................................................................................................................ 170
13.5.1 Exporting blockings......................................................................................................... 171
13.6 Column specific context menu.......................................................................................... 172

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 5

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Section 1

Section 1 Introduction
GUID-9D29D00B-237C-4F24-9FF0-2448A53BD171 v2
This manual describes how to supervise and control the power process with the SYS600 Workplace
X user interface. The manual also describes how to work with Workplace X (for example, start, login,
link windows, view layouts, and logout).

The supervision and control are done by means of process picture, event/alarm lists, and history. The
manual also describes the basic customizing possibilities of the user interface.

This manual is intended for the SYS600 Workplace X users.

1.1 Use of symbols GUID-40202D95-06FA-49CD-85D5-7F25DC908D1D v1

This publication includes warning, caution and information symbols where appropriate to point out
safety-related or other important information. It also includes tips to point out useful hints to the
reader. The corresponding symbols should be interpreted as follows:

Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in personal injury.

Caution icon indicates important information or a warning related to the concept

discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard, which could result in
corruption of software or damage to equipment/property.

Information icon alerts the reader to relevant factors and conditions.

Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design a project or how to use a certain

Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, and caution hazards are associated with
equipment or property damage, it should be understood that operation of damaged equipment could,
under certain operational conditions, result in degraded process performance leading to personal
injury or death. Therefore, comply fully with all warnings and caution notices.

1.2 Document conventions GUID-A3DA135D-D888-4541-8815-12A7163A3C93 v1

The following document conventions are used for the presentation of material:

• The words in the screen element names (for example, the title in the title bar of a window, the
label for a field of a dialog box, and so on) are initially capitalized.
• Upper case is being used for the name of a keyboard key if labeled on the keyboard. For
example, the ENTER key. Lower case letters are used for the name of a keyboard key that is
not labeled on the keyboard. For example, the space bar and the comma key.
• Press CTRL+C, this indicates that CTRL key must be pressed before pressing the C key (to
copy a selected object in this case).
• Press ESC, this key has several actions, for example, abort for cancel an operation.
• The names of push and toggle buttons are presented in bold. For example, click OK.
• The names of menus and menu items are presented in bold. For example, the File menu.
• The following convention is used for menu operations: Menu Name/Menu Item/Cascaded Menu
Item. For example: select File/New /Type.

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 7

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Section 1 1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A

• Start menu always refers to the Start menu on the Windows taskbar.
• System prompts/messages and user responses/input are shown in the Courier font. For
example, if an entered value is out of range, the following message is displayed:
Entered value is not valid. The value must range from 0 to 30.
• If the string MIF349 is entered in a field, this is displayed as MIF349 in the procedure.
• Lower case and italics are used to represent the variables. For example, server_ip_address.

1.3 Revision history GUID-C0CF404B-862A-4D0D-AFC9-A1750717E097 v7

Revision Version number Date History

A 10.5 17.02.2023 Updates to MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 UI

1.4 References GUID-540B1552-EF6B-48F7-A6F7-F65CA9EE4B09 v6

Name of the manual Document ID Usage

SYS600 10.5 System Configuration 1MRK 511 666-UEN Configure web server and
default UI settings
SYS600 10.5 Workplace X Process Picture 1MRK 511 663-UEN Create and edit pictures
Design shown on Workplace X
SYS600 10.5 Workplace X View Writer's Guide 1MRK 511 671-UEN Create customized pictures
and views shown by
Workplace X

8 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Section 2
Opening Workplace X

Section 2 Opening Workplace X

GUID-BF4C9A9A-EB83-49B0-8AE9-F748A30126D6 v2
The Workplace X windows application is typically a part of the product installation and can be
installed separately. Workplace X can be opened using a Windows application or browser. Windows
application must be installed separately whereas a web browser can be launched from any computer
without installation to start the MicroSCADA X SYS600 Workplace X.

2.1 Connecting with the Workplace X browser GUID-0996F132-BE92-44D0-9BE8-FC932D692807 v2

Use the latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge to open
Workplace X in web browser.

To open the Workplace X, type the web server host name in the web browser address bar.

In some cases, web server works on particular port. To know the exact port number,
contact the system administrator. For example,
web server host name:port_number

Mozilla Firefox browser needs to be configured to recognize operating system private CA

(Certificate Authority) certificates. For more information see Mozilla support web page.

Safari is the only supported browser when connecting with iPad tablet, and Chrome when
connecting with Android tablet.

2.2 Connecting with the SYS600 Workplace X Windows

application GUID-239AEE7A-2793-416F-BC7C-23BE7234690F v3

Workplace X installation also contains a separate Windows application to run the Workplace X.

When opening the Workplace X application for the first time, it is set to default web server host
name, as shown in Figure 1. Click Add New from the drop-down list to add a server.

IEC19000116 V1 EN-US

Figure 1: Server selection

See Figure 2 to add a server.

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 9

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Section 2 1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A
Opening Workplace X

GUID-CC954B6C-34DB-4163-81BA-2928D9880855 V1 EN-US

Figure 2: Add new server

To add a server:

• Click Add New in the server drop-down list.

• Type the server name or the IP address in the text box.

The added server can be removed by clicking Remove selected.

In some cases, the user must add the port number if the server has another web server
running in the default port. For example, web server host name:port_number.

Uncheck Use HTTPS if the web server configuration does not support HTTPS.

By default, only one Workplace X application instance (that is, user session) can be open
simultaneously on a workstation computer.
In order to open a second or more instances, for example, to login to another SYS600
application, a command-line parameter --instance-name needs to be given for naming the
instance uniquely. For example, workplacex.exe --instance-name=MyInstance.

Application name, user name, host name, and other parameters can also be set via a
command line parameter to the Workplace X Windows. For example, application can be
set with command: workplacex.exe --application=MyApplication. Full list of available
command line parameters can seen with workplacex.exe --help command.

2.3 Login screen GUID-F65F540E-6C90-431F-81CD-272E70B2C8E8 v4

After establishing the connection with the server, login to Workplace X.

In the Login screen:

1. Type the username.

2. Type the password.
3. Click LOGIN

10 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Section 2
Opening Workplace X

IEC18000025 V1 EN-US

Figure 3: Login screen

4. If the system has several applications, click the Add application selection for login toggle
button to enable the Application field.
5. Type the application name.

GUID-8DED78E1-C9E7-4646-A64C-628CF09B9B9A V1 EN-US

Figure 4: Workplace X application login screen

6. With Single Sign-On enabled for the applications, user is presented with the list of applications
where their credentials are valid. Clicking on application name continues with a login to selected
application, or Enter credentials can be used to enter SYS600 local user or CAM credentials

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 11

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Section 2 1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A
Opening Workplace X

GUID-DD915361-1C60-4882-8538-514F3BF85C62 V1 EN-US

Figure 5: Workplace X Single Sign-On application list

By default only one Workplace X instance is used. If Workplace X is already open, running the
Workplace X again, will just bring already running instance to the top most window. It is possible to
run multiple instances of Workplace X by using --instance-name command line argument. By
running different instances, it is possible, for example, to use different Workplace X windows logged
in to different applications.

The Change server option is available only in the Workplace X Windows application
login screen and is used to type in the server host name or address to be connected with
the Workplace X Windows application. When multiple servers are added, then the
operator can connect to the server of choice.

If an application is not selected, then the system attempts to login to the default
application. When multiple applications are configured on the server, then the operator
can login to the application manually by enabling the Add application selection for
login toggle button. The manual selection is not required if there is only one application
or if the user wants to connect to the default application.

12 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Section 3
General workplace concepts

Section 3 General workplace concepts

GUID-454172C6-DFEA-4372-8381-A8300C52FB18 v1
This chapter explains the general operational concepts behind Workplace X. It is important to
understand these concepts for efficient and safe usage of the workplace.

3.1 Navigation concepts GUID-E7AF8B51-5F33-4515-BB45-BB42631C7A4C v1

The navigation in Workplace X is designed to be intuitive, consistent, and predictable. Both new and
users of previous versions of SYS600 operator user interface should be able to navigate through the
system with ease.

The following concepts are used in Workplace X.

• Selecting an item in the left pane opens a tab and displays content in the content area.
• Selecting an object in the content area displays the detailed object information and operations in
the right pane.

3.2 User interface sections GUID-A6D8AD58-7B00-4F3B-8A2E-C8DC3DE22239 v1

The user interface consists of four main elements: Global Header, Left Pane, Right Pane, and
Content Area. For detailed information about different elements, see Section 3.2.1 to Section 3.2.4.

IEC18000014 V1 EN-US

Figure 6: Main layout elements

3.2.1 Global header GUID-4ED9199A-5604-4A3A-A1ED-9CED1F495FF3 v1

The global header is the uppermost part of the user interface layout. The global header is always
visible in all the context.

IEC18000015 V1 EN-US

Figure 7: Global header

The global header consists of:

• Product name
• Application name
• Latest unacknowledged alarm with a drop-down list (drop-down has a list of five latest alarms)
• System time (server time in local time zone)

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 13

Operation Manual for Workplace X
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Section 3 1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A
General workplace concepts

• Audible alarm enable/disable toggle

• Possible window link status (option available only in Workplace X Windows application)
• User menu drop-down Alarm list GUID-9029952F-CFEA-49E7-91A6-DFD0CBEF17AD v1

By default, the global header displays the latest unacknowledged alarm. Alarm information contains
object text, activation time, and object path after the activation time. When there is more than one
unacknowledged alarm, a drop-down is displayed at the right side of the global alarm. The value in
the drop-down indicates the number of unacknowledged alarms. Click the drop-down to extend the
global alarm list and display maximum of five alarms. If there are more than five alarms, click View
full list to see all the unacknowledged alarms.

IEC18000017 V1 EN-US

Figure 8: Extended global alarm list

Click the alarm from the drop-down list to view the detailed information. Click to acknowledge
the alarm. User menu GUID-DB05072D-AAC0-4193-9C09-466D09769EE9 v4

The user menu is located on the right side of the global header. The Figure 9 shows all of the
possible menu options.

14 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Section 3
General workplace concepts

GUID-0BCBCF77-6B36-465C-B10A-CAAE05CB3611 V1 EN-US

Figure 9: User menu

The topmost section on the user menu displays the user name and under it the active user role of the
logged in user, and the connected server and SYS600 application.

In case a session timeout is configured, the remaining session time is displayed in the menu. When
session time ends, user will be automatically logged out. For more information, see Section 3.8.

User menu has the following options:

• New window - Click to open a new window. This option is only available when Workplace X is
run as a Windows application.
• Change user role - Click to change the current user role. For more information, see "Changing
user role".
• Change password - Click to change the current user password. For more information, see
"Changing password".
• Save session - Click to save the current state of the user interface. For more information, see
"Saving and loading user session".
• Load and manage sessions - Click to load a previously saved state of the user interface. For
more information, see "Loading and managing saved sessions".
• About - Click to see the information of the software version and the license details.

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 15

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© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Section 3 1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A
General workplace concepts

• Shortcuts - Click to see the available keyboard shortcuts.

• Show windows side-by-side - Click to automatically arrange Workplace X windows side-by-
side. This option is only available when Workplace X is run as a Windows application and when
several windows are open.
• Link to window - Click to link the window to other window. The linked window’s event and alarm
list are automatically filtered based on the open SLD picture on the Master window. This option
is only available when Workplace X is run as a Windows application and when several windows
are open. For more information, see Section 3.3.
• Close - Click to close the window. This option is only available when Workplace X is run as a
Windows application.
• Close all - Click to close all windows. This option is only available when Workplace X is run as a
Windows application.
• Logout - Click to log out from the workplace and return to the Login screen.

All the user menu options might not be available in all cases because of missing
permissions or unsupported features. The Change user role option is available when the
user has multiple user roles.

Changing user role GUID-C0AAEB38-A047-41F9-9143-1A195089EA51 v1

To change the user role of a currently logged in user:

1. Click Change user role in the user menu.

The Change user role dialog box opens.
2. Select the user role from the drop-down list.
3. Click Change.

IEC18000028 V1 EN-US

Figure 10: Changing user role

A confirmation message is displayed as shown in Figure 11.

IEC19000660 V1 EN-US

Figure 11: Change user role confirmation

Changing password GUID-6E1326F2-7678-4246-9E6E-CF342B165639 v2

To change the password of currently logged in user:

1. Click Change password in the user menu.

2. Type the old and new passwords in the Old password, New password, and Repeat new
password boxes.
3. Click Change.

16 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Section 3
General workplace concepts

IEC19000115 V1 EN-US

Figure 12: Change password

SYS600 password policy may allow the user to have an empty password. The user
interface allows this by enabling Change button, when the CTRL key is pressed.

Saving and loading user session GUID-463F7AC4-7DCA-45A6-AE45-88AD7FE749E7 v1

The user menu has options for saving and loading the UI session state of the current user. The
operator can save a session (current UI state) at the end of the shift and load the session when
returning to the next shift. The UI session state takes all the other opened Workplace X application
windows into account. In case of a normal browser, the currently active window state is saved. To
save the UI session of the currently logged in user:

1. Click Save session in the user menu.

2. Type the session name in the text box (session name can contain alphabets, alphanumeric, or
even contain special characters).
3. Select Load automatically at startup check box to enable automatic loading of the session at
the login.
4. Click Save.

IEC18000029 V1 EN-US

Figure 13: Saving user session in user menu

A session saved via Workplace X window application cannot be loaded on Workplace X

on browser or vise-versa. This is because of the difference in the supported Workplace
X features (for example, linked windows) between the Windows application and browser.

Loading and managing saved sessions GUID-52009738-6CE2-4C09-BD4A-7ABB87272B4E v1

Loading a session restores the saved UI state and opens all the saved Workplace X application

To load a UI session of the currently logged in user:

1. Click Load and manage saved sessions in the user menu.

2. Select the session name from the list.
3. Click Load.

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It is also possible to delete saved sessions by clicking Delete and select the required one to load
automatically during start up by clicking Load at startup.

IEC18000030 V1 EN-US

Figure 14: Loading user session in the user menu

3.2.2 Left pane GUID-E7494411-2C22-4608-B1F5-D6883C96BA00 v1

The left pane has the Navigation and the Options tabs, which can be selected and switched based
on the need.

Use the left pane to navigate and configure the main content display in the content area.

IEC18000020 V1 EN-US

Figure 15: Left pane

For more space in the content area, click 0 button to collapse left pane in the Workplace X layout.

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IEC18000022 V1 EN-US

Figure 16: Left pane collapsed Navigation tab GUID-0301CB8F-DBE0-4FA9-AE2C-BF4558E0CC1A v1

The Navigation tab in the left pane consists of different sections arranged in a tree structure. The
main sections in the navigation tree are Pictures, Alarms, Events, History, and System Overview.
Each section contains element views in a tree structure. Click on an element text to open the view in
the content area. For detailed information, see Section 4, Section 5, Section 6, and Section 7.

Type the text (text can contain alphabets / numerics / special characters) in the Quick text filter box
to search and navigate to the tree content.

Sections and Views in the navigation tree can look different to the ones presented here but the main
navigation principles remain the same. Options tab GUID-2A5BAD88-FC38-4E54-A3FD-DE56E3E9F409 v1

The Options tab is specific to the current content present in the active tab in the content area. For
example, when the Pictures view is active, picture specific options are available on the Options tab.

Following are the specific functionality available under options:

• See Section 4.2 for picture options such as zoom and add notes.
• See Section 6.4 for column options in events and Section 5.6 in alarms.
• See Section 6.5 for filter options in events and Section 5.7 in alarms.
• See Section 7.2 for history options.

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IEC19000158 V2 EN-US

Figure 17: Options tab

3.2.3 Right pane GUID-360A0DC3-F095-400C-9544-CA2C97CEEE80 v1

Click the object in the content area to open the right pane. The right pane displays the content
specific interaction, control panel, content specific settings, and so on. The content of the right pane
is always related to the object selected in the content area.

Header section

Primary operations

Secondary tabs and blocks

IEC18000023 V1 EN-US

Figure 18: Right pane

An example of a disconnector control panel opened in the right pane can be seen in Figure 18.

The header section consists of a device-specific symbol, name, and status icons.

The primary operations section for controlling the selected device (for example, open and close
buttons for a disconnector) is located below the right pane header.

The secondary tabs are located below the primary operations section. By default, device-specific
alarms, events, and other details are accessible in the secondary tabs.

3.2.4 Content area and tab navigation GUID-FF8BAF9E-D35A-4A93-B103-CDA3F0AECF04 v1

The content area displays either a picture, the alarm list, the event list, a history data (graphs), or a
system overview.

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Click an item in navigation tree to display content in the content area. If a tab is active, selected
content will be displayed in the tab. If no tabs are active in the content area, new tab will be created.
The tab bar appears above the content area.

Click + to create a new blank tab.

IEC18000024 V1 EN-US

Figure 19: Tab bar

Use back and forward buttons (< and >) to navigate through the tab history (state of the tab bar). Use
the search box in the tab bar to search text in process pictures, alarms list and event list.

3.3 Multi-monitor workspace GUID-A9F9E99A-8396-43C2-AEDC-3C412D5FA27E v1

The Workplace X application is designed to support several windows. Open the Workplace X
Windows application to achieve the best user experience.

3.3.1 Synchronize content between monitor instances GUID-FA3864B3-4324-469D-8DC3-5DA10562FBD3 v1

A typical way of using Workplace X is to open several windows and have the different data visualized
in each monitor. The content between the monitor instances can be synchronized only when two or
more windows are open. To create a new window and to link several windows:

1. Click New window in the user menu to create a new window.

2. Click Link to window in the user menu.

GUID-A22D2461-33CB-4042-AF27-4CB1A4AF1BA9 V1 EN-US

Figure 20: Link window

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Link window option is available only when there are two or more windows open.

3. Link to window dialog box is displayed in which the user can choose the window to follow from
the drop-down list, and that selected window becomes the master.

GUID-E075D907-42B3-4BD5-8834-46B6A92F527A V1 EN-US

Figure 21: Link to window dialog box

4. Click Link to confirm the window linking.

When the monitors are linked together, the data (for example, event filters) synchronizes
automatically between windows. One window is the Master and the window linked to it is Following.

IEC19000661 V1 EN-US

Figure 22: Windows linked

Position No. Windows

1 Unlinked window
2 Master window
3 Following window

• The first window is not linked to any window in Figure 22.

• The third window is linked to second window in Figure 22. Hence, the second window is the
Master and the third window linked to the Master becomes the Following as highlighted in Figure

The Master window has all the navigation sections, but the Following window has only
alarms and events. The user can view alarms and events in the Following window based
on the process picture selected in the Master window.

It is possible to link several followers to master, but not possible to link another follower
window to a window that is already linked to master (for example, no chain of followers).

The windows can be linked and unlinked based on the user requirement. To unlink the linked

1. Click Unlink window in the user menu.

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GUID-B890396F-CC60-4CD7-8986-008FB94F2F03 V1 EN-US

Figure 23: Unlink window

A dialog box is displayed as show in Figure 24.


Figure 24: Unlink window dialog box

2. Click Unlink to unlink the window.

3.4 Using content specific search GUID-FEF77755-41B4-49C6-9E46-2C1AEA2EFCC7 v1

The search function is used to locate texts in the Views.

1. Navigate to the content (Pictures, Events, or Alarms) to perform the search operation.
2. Click on the Search box.
3. Type text in the search field. The found matches are highlighted in the content area.
Text can contain alphabets, alphanumeric, numerics, or special characters. Search text can
have one or many words. If words are separated with | character (that is, OR), they are
considered as separate search texts providing separate results.

3.5 System notifications GUID-EB7EE496-2ED5-4E83-8BFB-5F894AFF3361 v2

The system notification pop-up messages provide brief feedback about operation, interaction, or
system information in the form of a message on the screen. The notification pop-up window is
displayed on top of the content area.

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GUID-3B85240C-F921-4454-8F52-EEBEA6FF265C V1 EN-US

IEC18000121 V1 EN-US

Figure 26: System notifications

If the connection with the server is lost, System is offline is displayed on the screen.

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IEC18000122 V1 EN-US

Figure 27: Server offline notification

3.6 Keyboard shortcuts


GUID-469BC046-5922-4819-92EC-802E730BEC74 v1

Click Shortcuts in the user menu to see the list of available keyboard shortcuts.

Table 1 lists the shortcut keys and the functionality.

Table 1: Shortcut keys

Shortcut key Functionality

CTRL+R Reload main window
CTRL+F Local search
CTRL+L Logout

CTRL+N 1) Create new main window

CTRL+T1) Create new tab

CTRL+W1) Close current tab

CTRL+Tab1) Next tab

CTRL+Shift+Tab1) Previous tab

Space Toggle left pane

CTRL+Space Toggle current tab full screen
ESC Close right pane
Alt + 1 Activate 1. tab
Alt + 2 Activate 2. tab
Alt + 3 Activate 3. tab
Alt + 4 Activate 4. tab
Alt + 5 Activate 5 tab
Alt + 6 Activate 6. tab
Alt + 7 Activate 7. tab
Alt + 8 Activate 8. tab
Alt + 9 Activate 9. tab
Table continues on next page

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Shortcut key Functionality

Process Displays
Alarm list
CTRL+S Save filter
UP ARROW Scroll up
DOWN ARROW Scroll down
PAGE DOWN Scroll down
PAGE UP Scroll one page up
Events list
CTRL+S Save filter
UP ARROW Scroll up
DOWN ARROW Scroll down
PAGE UP Scroll one page up
PAGE DOWN Scroll down
CTRL+S Save selected data

1) Available only in Workplace X Windows application, not when connecting via Workplace X browser

3.7 System legend GUID-9D8395EF-AA7E-4D55-8B59-380E7177273E v1

Click System legend to view the explanation of icons, symbol, and color. Access System legend
from the Navigation menu.

In the System legend, items are organized based on the type of content. The elements appearing in
different parts of the system are categorised under general elements section.

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GUID-57A8936E-661E-45C1-87E0-19E5C843479D V1 EN-US

Figure 28: Location of System legend in the navigation menu

3.8 Session and inactivity timeouts GUID-A92A198F-DAD6-4663-BC31-FD501B59BD9B v1

There can be session and inactivity timeouts configured for a specific user role. The user will be
automatically logged out after the specified time has elapsed.

The session timeout is the time user can keep Workplace X session open after being logged in.
Before automatic logout will occur, a warning message will be shown to the user.

GUID-4F3D4CBA-98EF-4F70-9622-F5ECE88B947A V1 EN-US

Figure 29: Session timeout warning

The inactivity timeout is the time user can keep Workplace X session open without giving any user
input, like a mouse click, after being logged in. Before automatic logout will occur, a warning
message will be shown to the user.

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GUID-DAD29C58-7484-4398-A8BE-21B3FD776341 V1 EN-US

Figure 30: Inactivity timeout warning

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Section 4 Viewing and controlling process GUID-0E4E02B1-61D4-46A6-85BB-1EC370FF8086 v3

The process pictures present information about the system process in a graphical form.

4.1 Structure of process picture views GUID-7C3EAE06-2147-4848-A3DF-91E5D205D5C8 v1

Workplace X applications manage the complexity of a system by providing views with different
granularity levels. As per the customer needs, the levels of details are pre-defined and discreet to
provide the user with familiar and predictable views on the system. This enables the user to know in
which level certain information resides.

The visible view structures are provided with two separate mechanisms.

• Picture decluttering settings (adjusted in the picture engineering phase)

• Picture tree structure

4.1.1 Process picture tree structure GUID-219D25F2-8B33-4F26-ABF3-810F237F75B8 v1

Process pictures are arranged in a hierarchical tree structure in the left pane. The tree structure in
the left pane can be station, voltage level, and bay level.

IEC19000118 V1 EN-US

Figure 32: Process picture hierarchy

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4.1.2 Zooming the process picture GUID-3459F4FC-86BE-45B1-9769-E54C58AC4162 v1

The following are the three different ways to zoom in a process picture.

• Scroll mouse wheel on top of the picture.

• Click + or - in the bottom right of a picture.

IEC19000159 V1 EN-US

Figure 33: Zooming a process picture

Decluttering function can cause objects to appear and disappear depending on the zoom level. This
depends on how the pictures have been engineered.

4.2 Picture options GUID-42D51F2F-9FC4-4BE7-8D2E-A8EBA1ACB503 v1

To view the options related to a picture:

1. Open the picture in the active tab in the content area.

2. Click the Options tab in the left pane.
The available options under the Options tab are Zoom level, Network topology, and Notes.

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IEC18000124 V2 EN-US

Figure 34: Picture options

4.2.1 Picture zoom states GUID-586C4822-C351-4A14-8DF6-510CB3E831BA v1

In large region level SLD views, it might be useful to save certain zooming state to restore it quickly
with a single click. For example, there can be some important information in some lower level bay
view, which is useful for inspection without switching away from the region view.

To save a zoom state:

1. Zoom the picture to a required level.

2. Click Save zoom.
A dialog box is displayed for the zoom name to be saved.

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GUID-C1105539-2B1D-44A9-A30A-C2AD85274FE5 V1 EN-US

Figure 35: Saving zoom state

3. In the prompted window, type the name of the zoomed state.
4. Click Save.

The saved zoom states (for example, Zoom Q3 and Zoom Q1 in Figure 36) are displayed in the left
pane under Options. Click on the saved zoom states to load the zoomed state.

GUID-FA097BFB-2680-48CB-BF24-CF7953EB632A V1 EN-US

Figure 36: Removing zoom state

The saved zoom states can be removed by clicking X.

4.2.2 Adjusting network topology settings GUID-EF4524EA-783B-4478-B3BE-6C243090D600 v2

The network topology coloring can be used to indicate the status of line segments in several different
ways. It can indicate which line segments are powered, unpowered or in certain other states, or more
accurately which voltage level each line segment has. Alternatively, each voltage source type can
have a color that is used for line segments they are connected to. Network topology coloring may
also be used to indicate situations where two or more voltage sources form a loop.

To adjust the network topology of a picture:

1. Click Network topology under Options in the left pane to collapse Network topology item in
the view.
2. Select Enable topology colors check box.
This setting is used to enable or disable the network topology coloring. Static coloring is used for
line segments when the setting is disabled. Objects are colored using their status color when
3. Select Indicate loops check box.

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This setting is used to enable specific color to indicate situations where two or more voltage
sources form a loop.
4. Click Powered objects colors drop-down menu.
This setting is for selecting the color to be used for the powered network objects (for example,
line segments and switching devices). Following are the three modes:
• One color mode - One color mode uses the same color for all powered network objects.
• Voltage level mode - In Voltage level mode, the color is specified for the voltage source
(generator, transformer, or line indicator) based on the voltage level.
• Voltage source mode - In Voltage source mode, the same color is used for all network
objects that are fed by same voltage source type.
5. Click Source coloring priorities and set the coloring priorities.
This setting is used for ordering the voltage source coloring priorities. The device of the highest
priority is on top of the list. To change the priority order, select a device from the list and click the
arrow buttons on the right to change the order. Priority setting is only applicable if the user has
selected to color powered line segments according to voltage source.
6. Click Apply properties.

IEC19000155 V2 EN-US

Figure 37: Adjusting network topology settings

4.2.3 Adding notes to process pictures GUID-A90C9326-D2D6-4D3D-9013-DEE72207531E v1

To add notes related to process pictures:

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1. Click Add note.

2. Type the text.
3. Select Add symbol to picture check box to display a symbol to the note created.
4. Click Create.

IEC19000156 V2 EN-US

Figure 38: Adding notes to process pictures

The alternative way to add a note is by right-clicking on the process picture and clicking
Add note. Operator notes can be positioned anywhere on the picture and can be re-
sized or deleted.

The notes appear on a process picture as note symbol colored by the selected color. To read
the note text, click the note symbol to open the note details in the right pane. The Notes in Picture
section in the right pane lists all the notes in the current picture.

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GUID-D682C4B4-3B21-4EA8-AA93-9E93515B72E9 V1 EN-US

Figure 39: List of notes

Figure 39 displays the note details and list of all notes in the current picture.

To re-size the note symbol, right click on top of the symbol and select Resize. Dots appear on the

symbol corners , and the symbol can be re-sized by dragging the dots on the note symbol.

4.2.4 Automatic picture scaling GUID-96CE6F2C-50F6-4A37-BD89-F9D011336B26 v1

Open right pane on a process picture to hide the important information. The picture scaling
functionality is to keep the relevant information visible while the right pane is open. To enable
automatic picture scaling, select the Scale picture and Bring related area visible check boxes in
the Picture scaling section.

GUID-2793552B-2B91-4644-A755-94228440A965 V1 EN-US

Figure 40: Process picture scaling options

Select Scale picture to enable the process picture to scale automatically so that the visible area
stays same after opening the right pane.

Select Bring related area visible to enable the process picture to pan so that the area where the
selected device belongs to, for example a bay, becomes visible after the right pane is opened. The

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related area is also made visible and highlighted when a control confirmation is requested (that is,
when a control button is pressed on the right pane).

4.3 Device symbols in process pictures GUID-97B97F41-17E3-4149-9A26-50E4FA0C1969 v1

The devices and equipment related to the system process are presented as device symbols in the
process pictures. The device symbols consist of Emblems, Symbol, and Background elements.

• The Emblem element displays the different alarm / warning states of the devices on the picture.
• The Symbol element indicates the device state (for example, device state such as open, closed,
intermediate or faulty and the device type such as disconnector, circuit breaker).
• The Background element indicates the user interactions and different states related to the user
interaction (for example, during the hovering the background is highlighted with white and the
selected device is highlighted in blue).

IEC18000125 V1 EN-US

GUID-0A189A8A-130C-42C4-B049-5468CB6448B7 V1 EN-US

Figure 41: Device symbol elements

4.3.1 Symbol background states GUID-7986B42F-B75D-4F35-97A0-FCB44A350DCF v2

The background of symbols indicates different user interactions with the device symbol. The
background symbol states are shown in Figure 42.

IEC18000126 V1 EN-US

Figure 42: Symbol background states

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4.3.2 Emblems GUID-315944D2-B864-4E8C-9B69-51575C316EDC v5

Emblems are used to show additional information about the object and its data quality. The meaning
of the emblem is indicated by four different characteristics: location, background, icon and add-on.

• The background indicates the severity of the status.

• The icon indicates the main category of the status.
• The add-on indicates the exact status.

IEC18000127 V1 EN-US

Figure 43: Emblem background, icon and add-on

The main state of the device can be recognised easily, for example, all the alarm states of the device
emblem are always shown in the top left corner.

IEC18000128 V1 EN-US

Figure 44: Emblem icons indicating the device status

The device sub states are displayed as the emblem add-ons. The sub states are displayed with a
consistent letter and color combination. Recognize the color of the add-on by letters such as A, E,
and P. This minimizes the visual clutter in a process picture. If multiple sub states are active, the
highest priority state displays plus sign to indicate more states.

IEC18000129 V1 EN-US

Figure 45: Add-ons indicating device sub state

Figure 46 and Table 2 provide the possible states that are presented with the device symbol
emblems and add-ons.

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GUID-43B4C3FB-A614-4C2B-987D-E561AD041172 V1 EN-US

Figure 46: Device states with emblems and add-ons

Table 2: Device states with emblems and add-ons

State Emblem Emblem Color Add-on Add-on color Color

color letter
Alarm, unacknowledged Alarm (blinking) Red - -

Alarm, active and Alarm Red - -

Control blocked by Control blocked Gray P Red
Control blocked by Control blocked Gray O Peach
Control blocked by Control blocked Gray M Asphalt
Not connected Device state not Red - -
Invalid or undefined Device state not Gray - -
validity (for equipment reliable
showing a state, e.g.
switch devices)
Invalid or undefined Device state not Gray I Purple
validity (for equipment not reliable
showing a state, e.g.
Questionable validity Device state not Gray Q Purple 4
Table continues on next page

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State Emblem Emblem Color Add-on Add-on color Color

color letter
Updates blocked by an Device state not Gray U Pink
operator reliable
Alarms blocked Device state not Gray A Peach
Events blocked Device state not Gray E Turquoise
Simulated Device state not Gray S Asphalt
Substituted Device state not Gray S Peach
Auto reclosing in progress Miscellaneous Gray - -

The measurement value symbols follow the same logic as equipment symbols described above. But
the emblems and add-ons are placed a bit differently. The measurement symbols use only Alarm
emblem placed on the left side of the symbol. The possible Device state not reliable add-on
(without emblem) is placed next to Alarm emblem, if required. On the right side of measurement
value symbol, there is an icon indicating if alarm or warning limit (either low or high) is exceeded.
Figure 47 illustrates the measurement symbol states.

GUID-4D635403-495C-4C8F-9494-ABE78FB251D4 V1 EN-US

Figure 47: Measurement symbol states

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The local/remote switch symbol for station and bay uses add-ons for indicating data quality of the
local/remote switch state. The actual switch state is presented with text in the bottom section of the
symbol, and with background color of the top section of the symbol. Figure 48 illustrates the local/
remote switch symbol for a station.

GUID-AD3416A9-DE3D-4B25-A87F-C3C33D098EF6 V1 EN-US

GUID-55227500-682F-457C-9FAE-EC0A52B1D732 V1 EN-US

Figure 48: Local/remote switch symbol

4.4 Controlling devices and viewing detailed information GUID-76E48B35-6F88-48AC-A53A-04479DBC8577 v6

Click the device symbol to get a device-specific control panel in the right pane, which provides an
option to operate the selected device.

Primary controls to operate a selected device are in the center of the primary section in the right

All the control actions follow the same pattern:

1. Click the button to trigger the action or select an item in the control panel.
A confirmation window prompts to execute or cancel the command.
2. Click Cancel or Close/Open on the confirmation window.

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GUID-9400F3B4-EEA1-4C2D-8D08-0C1AB16BF586 V1 EN-US

GUID-787D870C-8085-4E9D-A08F-BEB628F542E8 V1 EN-US

Figure 49: Primary actions

4.4.1 Controlling switching devices GUID-62C700DB-14B2-4B18-958C-88772FE5AFE8 v3

The primary operations section for switching devices (for example, circuit breaker, disconnector, and
truck) contains the open and close buttons. The open button is represented in gray color and the
close button in green color. The current state of the device is indicated with the blue border on the
button. If the operation is not allowed, the corresponding button will be dimmed.

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IEC18000131 V1 EN-US

Figure 50: Switching device primary operations

The primary controls might be disabled for several reasons. For example (see Figure 51), device in
the bay is reserved for local use only. The detailed reason is shown in the Messages block in the
control panel secondary section or the message is displayed when the cursor is placed on the
disabled control. For more information, see Section 4.4.13. The See Messages for more info option
is available below the open and close buttons to open the message block.

IEC19000119 V1 EN-US

Figure 51: Switching device primary operations disabled

Click the primary action button (open or close) to initiate the control operation sequence. This will
select and reserve the device for the operation. The selected device and related bay area are

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highlighted in the content area. A confirmation pop-up message is then shown to either execute the
operation or cancel it.

IEC19000120 V1 EN-US

Figure 52: Action confirmation (device selected)

4.4.2 Controlling tap changer in transformer devices GUID-F010DDF5-0AFA-4C5E-BAED-975D15DB3FD4 v1

The primary operations section of a transformer device including tap changer contains information
about the current tap position and + / - buttons for changing the position. The options and buttons are
grayed-out when unavailable.

The reason for unavailability of the options and buttons appears at the bottom of the
primary operations section.

The tap changer control panel shows only the operations that are supported by the selected device.
Figure 53 shows the control panel with all currently supported options available. It shows also current
transformer voltage value and enables to set the target voltage in the tap changer.

To set the device in a specific mode or role, use the settings that are available, that is, Operation
Mode, Operation Role, and Parallel Mode. The Operation Mode (automatic or manual) can be
changed using the option Switch to automatic mode available in the primary section. The
Operation Role (master or follower) and Parallel Mode (parallel or independent) can be set using
the options available in the Co-operation secondary block.

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IEC18000132 V1 EN-US

Figure 53: Tap changer device primary operations

4.4.3 Using bay control panels GUID-1B580BA6-EE50-4069-9FD9-15822A19C87E v4

Click the bay symbol in the content area to open the corresponding control panel. The location,
where controlling of the selected bay is authorized, is presented in the primary area.

The bay control panel secondary section has the Overview tab that contains list of alarms,
measurements, and system messages related to the bay. For more information, see Section 4.4.6,
Section 4.4.5, and Section 4.4.13. The Events tab contains list of events, and the Actions tab
contains available actions that can be performed on the selected bay level. For more information, see
Section 4.4.7.

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GUID-206ED7F4-FF23-4A30-8505-712A0BEEE6A6 V1 EN-US

Figure 54: Bay control panel

In the bay control panel, using a REMOTE FROM drop-down list, it is also possible to change the
location where the remote control is authorized. Typically, the control location can be switched
between an external control center (NCC) and the station. The list is not available by default. The list
is shown if the device supports the functionality and has been configured to use it.

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GUID-6B1EF0DE-087C-42DE-A7D7-200FD617BBF9 V1 EN-US

Figure 55: Remote operator place switch in Bay control panel

The Actions tab contains Blocking block for enabling and disabling blockings for all objects within
the selected bay. For more information, see Section 4.4.8.

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GUID-555DB396-D7D7-4B9A-AFA1-A287FCE13C6C V1 EN-US

Figure 56: Blocking on the bay level

4.4.4 Using station control panels GUID-031A47E1-31C1-44C4-9D7F-065FD519D18C v3

Click the station symbol in the content area to open the corresponding control panel. The location,
where controlling of the selected station is authorized, is presented in the primary area.

The station control panel secondary section has the Overview tab that contains a list of alarms and
system messages related to the station. For more information, see Section 4.4.6 and Section 4.4.13.
The Events tab contains a list of events, and the Actions tab contains available actions that can be
performed on the selected station level. For more information, see the Section 4.4.7.

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GUID-5725601B-D199-4F52-A924-EE55D1F06FD7 V1 EN-US

Figure 57: Station control panel

In the station control panel, using a STATION SWITCH STATE drop-down list, it is also possible to
change the location where the control is authorized. Typically, the control location can be switched
between an external control center (NCC) and the station.

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GUID-5C06E631-C038-47A9-9BEE-52B2486425F4 V1 EN-US

Figure 58: Station local remote switch

The Actions tab contains Blocking block for enabling and disabling blockings for all objects within the
selected station. For more information, see Section 4.4.8.

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GUID-07FA08A4-7896-4563-9E53-5462C8068879 V1 EN-US

Figure 59: Blocking on the station level

4.4.5 Viewing measurements GUID-08ACC224-AE3D-4AE7-BA3B-88ADD4B5C091 v4

The list of device specific measurements is available in the control panel secondary section, if
applicable. Most commonly, the list of measurements is available in the bay control panel.

The measurement block shows the name and current value of a measurement. A bar is displayed to
visualize the value when warning and alarm limits are configured, otherwise, only the value (and unit)
is displayed. At the start and end of a bar, the minimum and maximum value of the measurement is
displayed. On top of the bar, lines are displayed presenting warning and alarm limits (low and high).
The warning limit is represented as the dotted line and the alarm limit as the solid line.

The bar is visualized with three different colors: blue (normal), yellow (warning), and red (alarm)
based on the current value measured. In case the alarm is configured to trigger when the limit
exceeds, the red alarm triangle icon is displayed below the bar.

In case the measurement value is not reliable, then the device state is not a reliable emblem with
detailed add-ons is displayed below the bar. In case several states are on at the same time, the
descriptions for the states are shown in a tooltip when the mouse hovers near the text.

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Below reliability emblems, the measurement pane shows minimum and maximum values of the
measurement, together with timestamps when the minimum and maximum were registered.

GUID-643206E5-1664-44CA-8A4D-679B79348E71 V1 EN-US

GUID-7E00524C-4CE5-4D56-B4BC-E7EB58713481 V1 EN-US

Figure 60: Measurement block

Click the measurement block to view the list of related sub-blocks. The Trend sub-block is included in
every measurement block. The Trend sub-block is to view the current measurement value in a graph.
The trend does not display stored history values but displays the trend of the measurement logged
while the right pane trend block is open. The graph time frame can be selected from the options
available below the graph (1 min, 5 mins, or 10 mins). Below the time frame options, maximum and
minimum peak values and the average value for a selected time frame are displayed.

GUID-D44E7095-7BB6-40B7-A6A3-23179AC1660C V1 EN-US

Figure 61: Reset min and max sub-block

Reset min and max sub-block allows user to set the minimum and maximum values to the current
measurement value.

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GUID-CB23D913-C17C-41FE-A33E-649836FAD16C V1 EN-US

Figure 62: Trend sub-block

4.4.6 Viewing alarms related to a device GUID-DA3D69C1-D041-4525-855B-D8CE639E7AC8 v2

There is a control panel secondary block for listing alarms related to the selected device. The block is
included in the Overview tab for all the device types.

Click a list entry for opening the main alarm list view with the selected item for detailed inspection.
Click to acknowledge the alarm.

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GUID-507489B4-EF32-456C-B395-C8AA65E3E530 V1 EN-US

Figure 63: Alarms related to the selected device

4.4.7 Viewing events related to a device GUID-15F971D4-F2CE-46A4-91BD-0DFAA44C4442 v1

A control panel secondary block, for listing events related to the selected device. The block is
included in the Events tab.

Click a list entry for opening the main event list view with the selected item for detailed inspection.

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IEC19000124 V1 EN-US

Figure 64: Events related to the selected device

4.4.8 Edit and view blockings related to a device GUID-8D18DBC7-9D5E-445B-BB04-16A0B49F9618 v2

The Blocking secondary block provides methods to enable or disable the blockings and is available
for all device control panel types in the Actions tab.

• Use Update blocking to enable or disable the updates for all signals in the currently selected
device or measurement.
• Use Control blocking to enable or disable the control for all signals in the currently selected
device or measurement.
• Use Alarm blocking to enable or disable the alarm activation for all signals in the currently
selected device or measurement.
• Use Event blocking to enable or disable the event activation for all signals in the currently
selected device or measurement.

In case the device contains multiple signals, the signals counts related to each blocking type are
shown in the panel.

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Expand a blocking item and press Block all or Unblock all button to perform a group blocking
operations for the selected device.

GUID-7FC7EF80-3B56-46B0-85D0-2DC6B8A6F94E V1 EN-US

Figure 65: Group blocking secondary control block

In case the device contains only one signal, for example, a measurement, only toggles for blocking or
unblocking the signal blocking properties are available.

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GUID-ACB762AC-D8C1-4209-AAF1-C85185FCE4B9 V1 EN-US

Figure 66: Single signal blocking secondary control block

Click Show all blockings for... button to navigate to Blockings list filtered to show only the signals
related to the currently selected device. See more information in Section 13.

The blocking buttons or toggles appear only if the blocking control is supported in the

4.4.9 Bypassing system control blocking GUID-D7FBD6EB-C942-4655-9BE6-78A77B5A3A1E v1

The Forced operation secondary block provides ways to forcefully bypass the system control
blocking. This block is available for the switching and tap changer devices.

In some cases, when a device is selected and reserved, or due to an error condition in the system
process, there might be a need to release the reservation from outside. Click Release device
reservation for sending released command to the selected device.

There are also check boxes for bypassing other system restrictions and checks:

• Select Forcefully enable switch controls box for enabling open and close buttons in the
primary area, though disabled due to system control blocking
• Select Enable test mode for switch controls box for sending open and close commands with
test mode flag enabled.
• Select Bypass interlocking for switch controls box for sending open and close commands
with bypass interlock flag enabled.
• Select Bypass synchro-check for switch controls box for sending close command with
synchro-check bypass.

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Figure 67: Forced operation block

4.4.10 Switching remote operator location GUID-7C4BD193-8328-4C4F-8718-2F563BD17408 v1

The Operator place secondary block displays the location where the selected device is currently
authorized to be controlled.

The authorized control location can have three possible states:

1. The device can be controlled remotely.

2. The device can be controlled locally.
3. The device can be controlled from multiple locations.

In case of the remote state, the device is authorized to be controlled from an external control center
or from the station locally.

It is also possible to change the location where the remote control is authorized, using a REMOTE
FROM drop-down list. Typically, the control location can be switched between an external control
center (NCC) and the station. The list is not available by default. The list is shown if the device
supports the functionality, and it has been configured to be used.

The secondary block is available for switching and tap changer devices. The station and bay control
panels include similar functionality in the control panel primary section.


Figure 68: The device can be controlled remotely

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In case of the local state, the device is authorized to be controlled only from the front panel of the
actual device.

GUID-971D4AF3-CE73-4BCC-8B8A-46B1634EE14F V1 EN-US

Figure 69: The device can be controlled locally

In case of the multiple locations state, the device is authorized to be controlled from an external
control center, from the station locally, and also locally from the front panel of the actual device.

GUID-852412E5-D7B7-4B87-AD19-1DDA05107013 V1 EN-US

Figure 70: The device can be controlled from multiple locations

4.4.11 Controlling automatic reclosing GUID-4FFEC813-4A50-41FC-8EEB-08067A9EBFF0 v2

The automatic reclosing can be activated and deactivated from the button in the Automatic
reclosing secondary block. The block is available for the switching devices. The text in the block
indicates if the automatic reclosing is activated, deactivated, or not available for the selected
switching device.

Click Automatic reclosing to activate or deactivate the automatic reclosing feature.

IEC19000126 V1 EN-US

Figure 71: Automatic reclosing deactivated

The device is reserved, and the system displays confirmation message to proceed. Click Activate/
Deactivate to proceed.

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IEC19000127 V1 EN-US

Figure 72: Automatic reclosing confirmation

The button is disabled if the automatic reclosing feature is not available for the selected device.

IEC19000128 V1 EN-US

Figure 73: Automatic reclosing disabled

4.4.12 Simulation and substitution GUID-FC292B1C-507A-45F5-AB29-7138E19113DC v1

The Simulation and substitution secondary block contain toggles to enable or disable the
simulation and the substitution, and for setting the simulated or substituted values. This block is
available for the switching devices and measurements.

• Select Simulation to enable or disable the simulation for currently selected device on the
SYS600 software level.
• Select Substitution (SYS) to enable or disable the substitution for currently selected device on
the SYS600 software level.
• Select Substitution (IED) to enable or disable the substitution for currently selected device on
an IED via IEC 61850 protocol.

Simulation cannot be deactivated if the process communication is not configured for the
selected device or measurement.

UI controls for setting a simulated or substituted value are located at the bottom of the Simulation
and substitution block. In case of a switching device, four buttons are available for selecting the
simulated switch state.

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GUID-9BBF3ABF-1942-412B-9D4F-7BE3CE72BE16 V1 EN-US

Figure 74: Simulation and substitution for switching devices

In case of a measurement, a value input control is available for setting the simulated measurement

GUID-F6213A53-CBCD-4D3B-AD80-5B31C3ECEF00 V1 EN-US

Figure 75: Simulation and substitution for measurements

The Simulation, Substitution (SYS), and Substitution (IED) modes have a defined priority order in
the Workplace X if the Simulation is enabled and the Substitution (SYS) and the Substitution
(IED) are unavailable. Also, enabling Substitution (SYS) will make Substitution (IED) unavailable.

If Simulation is enabled, the states of Substitution (SYS) and Substitution (IED) are
unknown and switch toggles are disabled.

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GUID-E1BFA357-F36F-4C3A-8223-FD14EA6E3E21 V1 EN-US

Figure 76: Simulation enabled and substitutions unavailable

4.4.13 Viewing system messages GUID-42B30061-39D5-41D9-BA5E-6C986802BCD1 v1

The System messages in secondary block shows the device specific system messages. The
messages explain reasons for the operations that are currently unavailable. The System messages
block is available in the switching device, tap changer, and station control panels.

IEC19000129 V1 EN-US

Figure 77: System messages block

4.4.14 Analyzing transformer health GUID-C1549E0B-CCED-4A78-A74C-0E5196E96EB6 v1

The transformer analyzer functionality provides indicators for visualizing the health of the transformer,
and provides a means for the operator to react before the equipment starts to break down. The
operator can also trigger the export of transformer analysis data into a package that can be shared
and used for detailed analysis.

Alarms can be configured to be triggered when a transformer analyzer indicator goes over a limit
value. The indicators are all index values ranging from 0 to 5. The warning limit value is one (1) and
the alarm limit value is three (3).

The transformer analyzer symbol on a process picture represents the transformer analyzer
monitoring state. The symbol indicates an alarm if some of the health indicators are passing the
alarm limit.

Each transformer analyzer symbol state is described in Table 3.

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GUID-CF41760E-6029-4221-96F7-C0DD21FEF786 V1 EN-US

Figure 78: Transformer Analyzer symbol states

Click the transformer analyzer symbol in the content area to open the corresponding control panel.
The power flow and power loss values of the transformer and the analyzer monitoring state are
presented in the primary area of the control panel. The fourteen indicators are presented in the
secondary section. The indicators are divided into four categories based on their type (transformer or
tap specific) and update rates.

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GUID-E1D50AE5-A94D-4371-A796-6F7F507848C1 V1 EN-US

Figure 79: Transformer Analyzer control panel

Each transformer analyzer health indicator is described in Table 3.

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Table 3: Transformer Analyzer health indicators

Transformer Analyzer has detected a high internal power loss. Investigate and
Active Power Loss contact support if the transformer temperature or differential current has
Transformer Analyzer has detected an increase in the differential current loss in
Current Difference the transformer. Investigate or contact support. This alarm could also be
triggered by changes in current sensors.
Transformer Analyzer has detected more tap changes or power direction
Tap Operation Rate reversals than expected in the past day. Investigate the tap changer setpoints
and operation controls.
Transformer Analyzer has detected that the commanded and calculated tap
Tap Position Mismatch positions are different. This could indicate an urgent tap changer failure.
Investigate or contact support.
Transformer Analyzer is correcting one or more Current sensors more than
Current Sensor Correction expected. If CTs are known to have been maintained or changed, reset the
sensor correction. Otherwise, investigate or contact support.
Transformer Analyzer is correcting one or more Voltage sensors more than
Voltage Sensor Correction expected. If VTs are known to have been maintained or changed, reset the
sensor correction. Otherwise, investigate or contact support.
Transformer Analyzer has seen unusual sample(s) that might indicate a change
Voltage Deviation (absolute) in the equipment condition. Investigate or contact support. This alarm may also
be triggered by changes in voltage or current sensors.
Transformer Analyzer has seen unusual sample(s) that might indicate a change
Current Deviation (absolute) in the equipment condition. Investigate or contact support. This alarm may also
be triggered by changes in voltage or current sensors.
Transformer Analyzer has seen a statistically significant deviation that might
Voltage Deviation (statistical) indicate a change in the equipment condition. Investigate or contact support. This
alarm may also be triggered by changes in voltage or current sensors.
Transformer Analyzer has seen a statistically significant deviation that might
Current Deviation (statistical) indicate a change in the equipment condition. Investigate or contact support. This
alarm may also be triggered by changes in voltage or current sensors.
Transformer Analyzer has detected that the turn ratio has changed from the
Winding Turn Ratio Estimate nominal nameplate value at this tap position in one or more phases. This could
indicate an urgent turn-to-turn fault. Investigate or contact support.
Transformer Analyzer has detected an increase in the transformer no-load
(magnetizing) current at this tap position in one or more phases. Investigate or
No-Load Current Estimate
contact support. This alarm may also be falsely triggered if the transformer load
has been steady without change in the past days.
Transformer Analyzer has detected a change in the real component of the
transformer winding impedance at this tap position in one or more phases.
Winding Resistance Estimate Investigate or contact support. This alarm may also be falsely triggered if the
transformer load has been steady without change in the past days or if the
transformer temperature has greatly increased.
Transformer Analyzer has detected a change in transformer winding inductance
at this tap position in one or more phases. This could indicate winding damage,
Winding Inductance Estimate especially after a through-fault. Investigate or contact support. This alarm may
also be falsely triggered if the transformer load has been steady without change
in the past days.

The transformer analysis data export can be triggered by clicking the Export log button. The export
will collect the data and save it into a file on the SYS server computer. The path of the saved file is
shown in the notification.

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GUID-0A561874-A33D-427E-BFA1-A446E02605D5 V1 EN-US

Figure 80: Transformer analyzer log exported successfully notification

4.4.15 Counting operations GUID-B0A4AA32-956D-40E0-9075-473193A7AFD3 v1

The Operation counters block contain controls to enable or disable operation counting, resetting the
operation count and setting warning limit for operation count. Operation counting is available for
switching devices and tap changers.

If the operation counter limit is exceeded, a warning is shown in the primary control section of the
device. Exceeding operation counter limit does not prevent control of the device.

GUID-0D2E5F4A-ED2A-444F-9E54-C1B440471A0F V1 EN-US

Figure 81: Operation counter settings

Select Counter to enable or disable operation counting for selected device.

Select Reset to reset the operation counter value to 0.

Limit shows the current operation counter limit.

Enter new value to Set new limit and select Apply to set new limit value for operation counter.

4.4.16 Device notes GUID-CC52CB9C-3B1F-4D97-9172-781ED9669230 v1

The Notes block allows adding note for selected device. Notes can be added, deleted and edited.
Currently only one note is supported for a given device.

Notes are available for station, bay switching, and tap changer device. The notes can also be added
to events.

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GUID-A40CEC8E-C41B-41B7-B0D2-24D5AB498194 V1 EN-US

Figure 82: Empty operator note pane

Select Add note to add new note to a device. This will open a pop-up dialog with a text field for
entering and editing the note. Select Save Note to save changes and close the pop-up.

GUID-229AA6E0-7D9D-4565-B2E4-FC80964A4A2C V1 EN-US

Figure 83: Operator note pane with note

If a device already has a note, select Edit to open editor pop-up to change the note text. Select
Delete to remove current note.

4.4.17 Setting measurement limits GUID-067DEF2F-685C-4A7C-BD3C-C742E763F6FD v1

Use Limits blocks to set warning and alarm limits for measurement values.

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GUID-A74F947D-2016-435F-9746-0257DD3B0CCA V1 EN-US

Figure 84: Alarm and warning limits for measurements

Use the edit boxes to input new values for high alarm, high warning, low warning, and low alarm
limits. Select Apply to set new limits.

The limit values must be in ascending order, that is, high alarm limit must be equal or greater than
the high warning limit, the high warning limit must be equal or greater than the low warning limit and
the low warning limit must be equal or greater than the low alarm limit.

Setting all limits to equal value disables limit checking.

4.4.18 Setting zero deadband limit for measurements GUID-F598D5F3-5CC2-43DE-AEE4-B0C6BE893EF0 v1

The zero deadband is the threshold inside which a measurement value is considered to be a 0. The
Zero deadband block allows setting the deadband threshold and enabling or disabling deadband

GUID-FA63FEB3-7D07-43B0-BEC5-4BC107AE84C3 V1 EN-US

Figure 85: Zero deadband settings

Select Zero deadband supervision to enable or disable deadband

The Limit shows current deadband value

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Use Set new limit editor to edit deadband value. Select Apply to take the new deadband value into

4.4.19 Sending general interrogation GUID-D3FC3C77-F629-4CDA-95F0-BCF1D4B89B3D v1

General interrogation is available for stations and bays. Select Send general interrogation to send
interrogation to devices in the station or bay.

GUID-238A9BC4-05CA-4F6F-BFE4-BA7A88A13965 V1 EN-US

Figure 86: General interrogation pane

4.5 Searching texts in process pictures GUID-A09DCF20-662B-4230-89CA-E06DED204650 v1

To search text in the process picture, type a search string in the search box located on the tab bar in
the right top corner. The text (search result) is highlighted with yellow border in the process picture.
The search is case-insensitive. To activate the quick search, press CTRL+F.

IEC18000136 V1 EN-US

Figure 87: Searching texts in a process picture

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Section 5 Alarms GUID-B9ECE497-81BE-4A64-A650-FF539A9FDA68 v2

The Alarms options are used to browse, search, filter the alarms, and to acknowledge alarms. The
event and alarm list have almost identical user interfaces. The differences are details in the right
panes of the user interface and additional option to acknowledge the alarms.

5.1 Using alarm list GUID-7ED9F4EB-11F8-4F7B-8C85-3C5AC1FEE37C v2

The Navigation pane displays Alarms title for easy navigation to the alarms sections. If alarm
sections have any saved filters (see Section 6.5 for more information), then the alarms in the left
pane have a drop-down.

Click the title to open alarm display without any filters.

Click the drop-down next to the alarms to open a list of stored filters. Click any filter in the list to open
alarm list with the selected filter applied.

Alarms display the latest alarms in the chronological order and all the active filters as tags at the top
of the content area.

IEC18000137 V1 EN-US

Figure 88: Alarm list

Alarms list also displays check box for hiding acknowledged alarms and indicates the number of
active alarms.

5.2 Alarm details GUID-2C7C41AA-06BC-471F-B3B2-37E03F8CFDEB v1

Select a row in the alarm list to view the detailed information about the alarm in the right pane.

The alarm details show alarm data, a button Go to SLD for navigating to the picture that includes the
device that created the alarm, and a button to acknowledge the alarm. Secondary section of the
alarm data contains tabs for creating filter and viewing related alarms.

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Figure 89: Alarm right pane

Alarm state can have three value: active, fleeting, and inactive. The fleeting state is on for alarms that
are not anymore active (that is, inactive) but have not been acknowledged.

Alarm state text describes the alarming state in free text format.

Alarm activation time indicates the time when the alarming situation occurred.

Table 4 provides an explanation for the different alarm types.

Table 4: Alarm types

Alarm Type Explanation

Active unacknowledged An alarm has been reported, but it has not been acknowledged.
Active acknowledged An alarm has been reported, and it has been acknowledged.
Inactive unacknowledged (Fleeting alarm) The state has been alarming, but it is no longer alarming.

5.3 Searching text in alarms list GUID-633C091C-38C9-4CCF-9FB0-CEC408C62BC9 v3

In the content area, search for text in the alarm list by typing a string in the search box on the tab bar.
The search highlights the alarms that match the entered string.

The search is case-insensitive. Search text can have one or many words.

• The "|" character works as an "OR" operator. The operator works over the entire row, for
example, "foo|bar" selects rows that contain either "foo" or "bar".
• Space works as an "AND" operator, for example, the search string "foo bar" selects rows that
contain both "foo" and "bar" in a cell (the order of the words is unimportant).

To activate the quick search, press CTRL+F.

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GUID-00D721F4-5782-405C-919C-56C0E5EA1BA3 V1 EN-US

Figure 90: Searching text in alarms list

5.4 Acknowledging alarms GUID-A3C955DE-6B5C-4996-BF40-A3AEE1043EEE v1

To acknowledge the alarm:

1. Select the unacknowledged alarm from the alarm list and click Acknowledge in the right pane.
2. Click Acknowledge to confirm acknowledgment in the Confirm dialog box.

IEC18000148 V1 EN-US

Figure 91: Acknowledging alarms

To acknowledge more than one alarm, select the alarm check boxes in the alarm list. To select all
alarms, select Active check box in the alarm list in column header row.

Select multiple alarms to open the right pane. The right pane displays all the alarms grouped by the
originator of the alarm.

To acknowledge multiple alarms, select the alarms to be acknowledged in the content area and click
Acknowledge all in the right pane.

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Figure 92: Acknowledging multiple alarms

5.5 Audible alarms GUID-817BE393-2D12-442F-B53C-F39E11FC465B v5

Certain alarms can be configured to trigger audio sound when activated. This can be configured
based on the alarm severity/alarm class. In addition to the sound, the audible alarms will trigger a
pop-up window on top of the content area. The pop-up shows main alarm information and the Mute
alarms button to mute the alarm sound.

GUID-5765E80B-FEFA-4A2B-B7D0-32086042778B V1 EN-US

Figure 93: Audible alarm pop-up

When the Mute alarms button is pressed, the sound is muted, and the pop-up displays View in
Alarms list and Close options. Clicking View in Alarms list will show more detailed information of
the alarm in the alarm list.

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GUID-80C8088C-2454-4D41-963E-2F4606396BD1 V1 EN-US

Figure 94: Audible alarm pop-up in muted state

There is also a check box Disable audible alarms for 15 minutes for situations where the audible
alarms are triggered constantly, and temporary disabling of the sound and pop-ups are needed.

If several audible alarms are triggered while the pop-up is open, the number of currently active
audible alarms are shown and updated in brackets in the pop-up title.

The audible alarms are played on the Workplace X application or on Chrome browser. The audio is
played on all logged in users. If audio is muted by one user, another user will still have it on. If one
user acknowledges the alarm, the audible alarm (sound and pop-up) is removed from all users. If the
user has multiple Workplace X windows open, the alarm pop-ups are shown in all windows. But
acting on one window is enough, for example, closing the alarm pop-up in one Workplace X window
will also close the pop-ups on the other Workplace X windows.

The audible alarm pop-ups and sound can be disabled and enabled from the global header.

GUID-985B25BF-16CB-4A0A-B35D-33F3E1375564 V1 EN-US

Figure 95: Audible alarm toggle enabled

GUID-AFE6CFF5-8B39-4437-A426-4269CEE86DC5 V1 EN-US

Figure 96: Audible alarm toggle disabled

To enable automatic audio playing, browser settings need to be adjusted for allowing automatic audio
playing for the site. This can be done by adding Workplace X web server host name to the allowed
list (for example, Chrome settings can be found in the chrome://settings/content/sound). See
Browser’s documentation for more details. If audio option is disabled, a warning pop-up is displayed
every time when browser page is re-loaded. See Figure 97 for audible alarm pop-up. In Workplace X
Windows application, audio auto-play policy settings are handled automatically, and no manual
adjustments are required.

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Figure 97: Audible alarm audio policy warning

5.6 Columns GUID-F8EAE46B-8F50-40D2-A292-76C361937865 v3

Columns in the alarms list can be edited in the Edit Columns dialog box. The dialog box can be
opened from the Columns section of the Options tab, or by selecting Add columns option from a
column specific context menu.

See Section 5.9 for more details on the column specific context menu.

The Alarms Options are shown in Figure 98.

IEC20000603 V1 EN-US

Figure 98: Alarms Options

5.6.1 Adding columns GUID-D0172DB1-FFD5-4128-8DF1-72E512F3182A v3

To add columns:

1. Click Add/remove under Columns in the Options section or Add columns in the column
context menu.

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The Edit Columns dialog box displays few basic column names that are pre-selected by
default. Press the Reset to default button to bring the default selection back.

2. Use the search box in the Edit Columns dialog box to search the column names.
3. Select the required columns from the list and click Apply.

In the Edit Columns dialog box, all the columns are displayed in the alphabetical order.

The Suggested items above the search box, shows which default columns are not
currently selected.

GUID-98803CFA-3B72-4C18-B6DF-809294188044 V2 EN-US

Figure 99: Adding columns

5.6.2 Reordering columns GUID-0134A5C5-74B6-4A78-9D5C-9A9258F2D414 v2

To reorder columns in alarms list:

• Drag the columns in the column list in the left pane.

• Drag the column tags in the Edit Columns dialog box.

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Figure 100: Reordering columns in the Edit Columns dialog box


Figure 101: Reordering columns using the column titles

5.6.3 Removing columns GUID-DC3D54ED-081F-45D0-8F08-32AAEAE7B510 v2

To remove columns from alarm list:

• In the Edit Columns dialog box, click the x icon on the column tag on top of the dialog box.
• In the Edit Columns dialog box, clear the check box next to the column title and click Apply.
• In the column specific context menu, select the Remove option.

5.6.4 Resizing columns automatically GUID-A472650E-7A37-4FCF-BE18-EC1F2B36C2DB v1

To enable automatic columns resizing based on the currently visible list view area, select the Resize
columns automatically check box in the Options section.

GUID-60C8FA25-0E18-4D5C-80D2-0B40F5D3F0A0 V1 EN-US

Figure 102: Resize columns automatically option

Columns will resize automatically when the size of the Workplace X window changes or when the
right pane is opened.

5.7 Filtering alarms GUID-7DFEB942-AA1B-4A0C-BEC0-1E3E37572594 v2

Filters limit the alarms displayed on the main list based on the filtering conditions.

Active filters are displayed as tags in the alarm list header section.

Filters can be added by clicking Add Filters in the alarm list header section, or by selecting filtering
option from the column specific context menu.

The applied filters can be edited by clicking the filter tags in the list header.

Click the x icon in the filter tag to remove a filter.

The column specific context menu provides fast way to filter the list based on columns with discrete
dataset. For example, the columns presenting system hierarchy (for example, Substation, Bay, and

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Device), will have a filter sub-menu in the column specific context menu. If multiple items are
selected from the menu, the filter is formed by connecting the items with OR logical operators. See
Section for more information.

5.7.1 Filter basics GUID-7F0B6602-0DFD-47FA-9328-CB8A4A3D7C7F v3

Filters consist of one or more conditions separated by logical operators.

Conditions have an attribute, a comparator, and a constant value.

Attribute is the column of alarm or attribute list used for filtering.

Comparators compare the attribute value against a constant. Comparators depend on the type of
attribute. For example, time stamps have Is Before or In Between comparators, whereas the
numerical attributes have arithmetic comparators like > or ==.

Table 5: Filter comparators

Attribute type Comparators

Time • Is Before
• Is After
• Is Between
• Is Not Between

Text • contains
• does not contain
• is
• is not
• starts with
• ends with

Numeric • ==
• >
• <
• =>
• <=
• <>

Boolean • is

There are three types of filters:

1. Basic Filters: Basic filters usually contain single condition.

2. The discrete dataset (for example, system hierarchy) filters can contain several conditions
separated with OR logical operators.
3. Advanced filters: Advanced filters have several conditions, separated by either AND or OR
logical operations.
When several filters are active, then they are joined with an AND operator. An alarm must fulfill
the conditions of every active filter that is displayed in the alarm list.

GUID-C002ACF6-D618-4504-AD32-634B97A0B8CE V2 EN-US

Figure 103: Setting filters

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5.7.2 Creating filters Creating basic filter GUID-6A10030F-410E-47D5-BBEB-06EB2BA3ECD0 v2

To open filter creation dialog box, in the alarm list header section, click the button Add filter or click
the alarm list column, and select Filter by <column> option from the column specific context menu.

The basic filter dialog box opens.

To create a filter:

1. Select a column.
2. Select a comparator.
3. Set a target value for the attribute.
4. Click Create filter.
5. Click Save in the Options tab.
Save filter dialog box opens.
6. Type the filter name.
7. Click Save.

GUID-F2520DAB-2DB2-4FA4-9D4D-E98E9C1405FD V2 EN-US

Figure 104: Creating basic filter Creating discrete value filter GUID-3CA47D39-6210-4737-BD8F-B4CFF4609564 v2

If the column data consists of specific discrete values (for example, system hierarchy), the target
value selection can be done from the pre-defined list of values.

To create a discrete value filter:

1. Click the column header where data consists of discrete values.

2. Select Filter in Options tab for opening the discrete values sub-menu.
3. Select target values from the sub-menu, and the filter will be applied immediately.

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GUID-4D179539-7E5A-4EFE-B51A-2F8D57D2C04F V1 EN-US

Figure 105: Filtering based on discrete system hierarchy values Creating advanced filter GUID-33A9EC4E-E636-45B3-8740-7CBEDEC0E7F2 v2

Advanced filter has several conditions that are combined with the logical operators.

To create an advanced filter:

1. Open the filter dialog box and click Switch to advanced view in the Create new filter dialog
2. In the advanced filter dialog box, select attributes, comparators, and values for the filter attribute
from the drop-down list.
3. Use the logical operator (AND or OR) buttons at the end of each filter to connect conditions.
4. Click + to add a new condition at the end of the filter.

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Click - to remove a condition at the end of the filter.

5. Use AND and OR buttons to set the logical operator between conditions.
6. Click Create filter.

GUID-75490D60-1B93-4498-9BF0-A6B48D4B0AC1 V1 EN-US

Figure 106: Creating advanced filter Creating a quick filter GUID-DC1B2F36-CB3A-4336-9421-18B4E2E1D8FA v2

It is possible to create a quick filter directly from the alarms displayed in the alarm list or from the
right pane.

To create a quick filter from the alarm list:

1. Right-click on the column value in the alarm list in the content area and click Create filter.
2. A basic filter dialog box opens with the selected attribute, a value, and a suitable comparator
3. Edit the inserted values.
4. Click Apply to confirm the creation of a quick filter.

GUID-3F5B3CE8-6674-484C-8830-D4701C50ECD6 V1 EN-US

Figure 107: Creating a quick filter

To create a quick filter from the right pane:

1. Select an alarm to open the right pane.

2. Click the General tab in the right pane under alarm details.

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In the General tab, create filter for the selected alarm.

3. Click Edit filter. An advanced filter dialog box opens with all the columns visible in the list with
the preset values in the filter.
4. Edit the conditions and operators.
5. Click Apply to confirm the new filter.

GUID-7BBB9D80-6ED3-43C5-BBDA-B265B1ABA907 V1 EN-US

Figure 108: Creating a quick filter from the right pane

5.7.3 Filter renaming GUID-4D54BD5D-4C14-49CC-AF05-16E0406B03F5 v1

To provide a custom name to the filter:

1. Click the filter tag bar above the alarm list.

2. Click Switch to advanced view in the edit filter dialog box.
3. Modify the name as required in the Filter name text box.
4. Click Apply.

IEC18000144 V2 EN-US

Figure 109: Filter renaming

5.7.4 Removing filters GUID-7082F963-A5A7-4264-AD32-D158B4D72987 v2

To remove a filter, click the x icon next to the filter name on the filter tag bar above the alarm list.

5.7.5 Editing filters GUID-D2056F57-5055-4A12-B4B7-410FF2B03114 v2

To edit an existing filter:

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1. Click on a filter name, on the filter tag bar above the alarm list, to open filter dialog box.
2. In the filter dialog box, edit the filter.
3. Click Apply to confirm the changes and to close the dialog box.
4. Click Cancel to discard the changes and close the dialog box.

5.7.6 Saving, loading, and deleting filters GUID-FB51449A-0555-4F4A-BB3E-866D669F3580 v2

To save a filter:

1. Click Save current filters in the Options tab.

Save a new filter by entering a new name in the Save Filter dialog box.

2. Click Shared to make the saved filter visible for all the application users.

Filters can be saved in Personal or Shared tabs depending on the data visibility to the

3. Click Save in the Save Filter dialog box.

GUID-EBCEB12B-D546-45E9-BAEC-972F95BCA310 V2 EN-US

Figure 110: Saving filter

To load previously saved filter:

1. Click Load filters in the Options tab.

2. Click Personal or Shared to view either user specific or system wide filters.
3. Select a filter from the list in the Load filter dialog box.
4. Click Apply to confirm the selection.

The text box in the Load filters dialog box can be used to search the list of stored filters.

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GUID-46418D86-04CB-46C4-8417-2010C88B6660 V2 EN-US

Figure 111: Loading filter

To delete a previously stored filter:

1. Click the x icon in the right side of a stored filter name, either in the Save or Load dialog box.
2. Click Delete filter to delete the filter in the confirmation dialog box.

GUID-FB98356E-367C-4339-A699-506250EDDE0D V2 EN-US

Figure 112: Deleting filters

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5.8 Exporting Alarms GUID-A3E0844B-19AE-4C4D-94B7-3F31AD394502 v1

Alarms can be exported either in CSV or XML (SpreadsheetML) format. The exported files can be
opened with common spreadsheet applications.

Alarm export is available in the Options tab in the left pane. To export alarms, click Export alarms
under Export option and select the required format from the Export pop-up window. If some rows
are selected in the alarm list, it is possible to select whether to export the selected rows only or all
rows. All rows include the rows that can be accessed by scrolling the list and not just the rows that
are visible.

GUID-50E259CB-A24B-4B19-AA31-AF50A84805C0 V1 EN-US

Figure 113: Exporting alarms

It is possible to either download the export or copy the data to the clipboard.

The XML that is copied to the clipboard cannot be pasted to a spreadsheet application. It
must be stored in a file with .xml extension, for example, with Notepad application.

5.9 Column specific context menu GUID-20AB6C39-24F9-4F5A-95D9-EF0632D302B7 v4

Click the column header of alarm list to open the column specific context menu.

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GUID-B3B2938E-5594-4B49-B505-43F7D957BDD9 V1 EN-US

Figure 114: Column specific context menu

The context menu provides following functionalities:

• Sort the list in ascending or descending order. Blue triangle pointing up or down next to the
column header indicates whether the list is currently sorted in ascending or descending order.
• Filter the list based on the data of selected column. See Section 5.7 for more information.
• Move the selected column right or left or remove the column.
• Open Column selector view for adding and editing visible columns. See Section 5.6 for more
• Fit columns to window.

Columns related to discrete dataset (for example, system hierarchy: Substation, Bay,
Device) have a possibility to apply filter directly from the context menu just by selecting
items from a list of available values.

Alarm list can be sorted for all columns.

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Section 6 Events GUID-3A6F0DD9-19BA-4920-BC3F-8B11FA7B09B3 v1

The Events options are used to browse, search, or filter the events, and add notes to the events.

The event and alarm list have almost identical user interfaces. The differences are details in the right
panes of the user interface and additional operations for the alarms.

6.1 Using events list GUID-1040B3A6-6FF5-4A4C-8C42-93EEBFB7D3A6 v2

The Navigation pane displays Events title for easy navigation to the respective section. If event
sections have any saved filters (see Section 6.5 for more information), then the events in the left
pane have a drop-down.

Click the title to open event display without any filters.

Click the drop-down next to the events to open a list of stored filters. Click any filter in the list to open
event list with the selected filter applied.

IEC18000135 V1 EN-US

Figure 115: Event list

Events display the latest events in the chronological order and all the active filters as tags at the top
of the content area.

6.2 Event details GUID-4752173D-B762-4E74-9CE6-94180B8A94D0 v4

Select a row in the events list to view the detailed information about the event in the right pane.

The event details show event data and a button Go to SLD for navigating to the picture that includes
the device that created the event. Secondary section of the event data contains tabs for creating
filter, adding notes to an event, and viewing related events.

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GUID-012DCBEC-D560-4967-96CF-3C9B765280BC V1 EN-US

GUID-7F7F9895-D48A-4596-BE18-DF1CBCBE3F8A V1 EN-US

Figure 116: Event right pane

In case the event is not reliable, the Event validity field is displayed with related add-on and text
description of the validity issue. If the event is reliable, then the Event validity field is not displayed.
The bad event validity is indicated by displaying the add-on in the left most column of the event list.

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GUID-01B2074A-035B-47F4-8D9C-BD9686971DB5 V1 EN-US

Figure 117: Event validity add-on

Event time indicates the time the event occurred. In case the event time is invalid, it is indicated by
purple I add-on with text Invalid time below the Event time field as shown in Figure 116. The invalid
event time is also indicated by displaying the add-on on the right side of the event time column in the

GUID-7AF7DF0C-67CD-4482-8E1F-CDE263D2B0F6 V1 EN-US

Figure 118: Event time invalid add-on

Event state text describes the state of the event in free text format.

6.3 Searching text in events list GUID-1D310FB5-0793-4652-AC9F-8D3D823F2584 v2

In the content area, search events by typing a search string in the search box on the tab bar. The
search highlights the events that match the entered string.

The search is case-insensitive. Search text can have one or many words.

• The "|" character works as an "OR" operator. The operator works over the entire row, for
example, "foo|bar" selects rows that contain either "foo" or "bar".
• Space works as an "AND" operator, for example, the search string "foo bar" selects rows that
contain both "foo" and "bar" in a cell (the order of the words is unimportant).

To activate the quick search, press CTRL+F.

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Figure 119: Searching text in events list

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6.4 Columns GUID-41C6E55A-969A-40D8-8786-EEBF76C1EC39 v2

Columns in the events list can be edited in the Edit Columns dialog box. The dialog box can be
opened from the Columns section of the Options tab, or by selecting Add Columns option from a
column specific context menu.

See Section 6.7 for more information on column specific context menu.

The Events Options are shown in Figure 120.

IEC20000604 V1 EN-US

Figure 120: Events Options

6.4.1 Adding columns GUID-6A59490B-0F58-49CD-81C8-3478E0197388 v3

To add columns:

1. Click Add/remove under Columns in the Options section or Add columns in the column
context menu.

The Edit Columns dialog box displays few basic column names that are pre-selected by
default. Press the Reset to default button to bring the default selection back.

2. Use the search box in the Edit Columns dialog box to search the column names.
3. Select the required columns from the list and click Apply.

In the Edit Columns dialog box, all the columns are displayed in the alphabetical order.

The Suggested items, above the search box, shows which default columns are not
currently selected.

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Figure 121: Adding columns

6.4.2 Reordering columns GUID-506A3349-1A31-4D6F-BDB5-59369B9A3DAB v2

To reorder columns in events list:

• Drag the columns in the column list in the left pane.

• Drag the column tags in the Edit Columns dialog box.

GUID-D00ADADB-E8ED-4A01-BFA7-576D0857F098 V2 EN-US

Figure 122: Reordering columns in the Edit Columns dialog box

GUID-2701CBF0-2D28-40FB-A8BE-764532D1D6EC V1 EN-US

Figure 123: Reordering columns using the column titles

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6.4.3 Removing columns GUID-59AC1035-259B-41F1-B8D6-0205AB96F4AD v2

To remove columns from events list:

• In the Edit Columns dialog box, click the x icon on the column tag on top of the dialog box.
• In the Edit Columns dialog box, clear the check box next to the column title and click Apply.
• In the column specific context menu, select the Remove option.

6.4.4 Resizing columns automatically GUID-BFF57C39-A6B7-46CB-98F4-C39A40EE7726 v1

To enable automatic columns resizing based on the currently visible list view area, select the Resize
columns automatically check box in the Options section.

GUID-60C8FA25-0E18-4D5C-80D2-0B40F5D3F0A0 V1 EN-US

Figure 124: Resize columns automatically option

Columns will resize automatically when the size of the Workplace X window changes or when the
right pane is opened.

6.5 Filtering events GUID-B0938DFD-21BD-4BF4-A8C2-C0F3FCDD2D53 v2

Filters limit the events displayed on the main list based on the filtering conditions.

Active filters are displayed as tags in the events list header section.

Filters can be added by clicking Add Filters in the event list header section, or by selecting filtering
option from the column specific context menu.

The applied filters can be edited by clicking the filter tags in the list header.

Click the x icon in the filter tag to remove a filter.

The column specific context menu provides fast way to filter the list based on columns with discrete
dataset. For example, the columns presenting system hierarchy (for example, Substation, Bay, and
Device), will have a filter submenu in the column specific context menu. If multiple items are selected
from the menu, the filter is formed by connecting the items with OR logical operators. See Section for more information.

6.5.1 Filter basics GUID-1CCB0C66-8A5F-4408-BA86-C22D47EBEE17 v3

Filters consist of one or more conditions separated by logical operators.

Conditions have an attribute, a comparator, and a constant value.

Attribute is the column of event or attribute list used for filtering.

Comparators compare the attribute value against a constant. Comparators depend on the type of
attribute. For example, time stamps have Is Before or In Between comparators, whereas the
numerical attributes have arithmetic comparators like > or ==.

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Table 6: Filter comparators

Attribute type Comparators

Time • Is Before
• Is After
• Is Between
• Is Not Between

Text • contains
• does not contain
• is
• is not
• starts with
• ends with

Numeric • ==
• >
• <
• =>
• <=
• <>

Boolean • is

There are three types of filters:

1. Basic Filters: Basic filters usually contain single condition.

2. The discrete dataset (for example, system hierarchy) filters can have several conditions
separated with OR logical operators.
3. Advanced filters: Advanced filters have several conditions, separated by either AND or OR
logical operations.
When several filters are active, then they are joined with an AND operator. An event must fulfill
the conditions of every active filter that is displayed in the event list.

IEC18000140 V1 EN-US

Figure 125: Setting filters

6.5.2 Creating filters Creating basic filter GUID-51E169CC-800F-46A7-AAAA-9F302C815A97 v1

To open filter creation dialog box, in the event list header section, click the button Add filter or click
an event list column, and select Filter by <column> option from the column specific context menu.

The basic filter dialog box opens.

To create a filter:

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1. Select a column.
2. Select a comparator.
3. Set a target value for the attribute.
4. Click Create filter.
5. Click Save in the Options tab.
Save filter dialog box opens.
6. Type the filter name.
7. Click Save.

IEC19000131 V2 EN-US

Figure 126: Creating basic filter Creating discrete value filter GUID-90E38458-A48E-4FD5-9DCE-9F14B63E37F7 v1

If the column data consists of specific discrete values (for example, system hierarchy), the target
value selection can be done from the pre-defined list of values.

To create a discrete value filter:

1. Click a header of column which data consist of discrete values.

2. Select Filter options for opening the discrete values submenu.
3. Select target values from the submenu, and the filter will be applied immediately.

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IEC20000605 V1 EN-US

Figure 127: Filtering based on discrete system hierarchy values Creating advanced filter GUID-41538ABE-10BA-4ECF-B7C2-071BDA7377E5 v2

Advanced filter has several conditions that are combined with logical operators.

To create an advanced filter:

1. Open the filter dialog box and click Switch to advanced view in the Create new filter dialog
2. In the advanced filter dialog box, select attributes, comparators, and values for the filter attribute
from the drop-down list.
3. Use the logical operator (AND or OR) buttons at the end of each filter to connect conditions.
4. Click + to add a new condition at the end of the filter.
Click - to remove a condition at the end of the filter.
5. Use AND and OR buttons to set the logical operator between conditions.
6. Click Create filter.

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Figure 128: Creating advanced filter Creating a quick filter GUID-07F9F49D-BACC-483C-90C0-BAC551E08AFC v3

It is possible to create a quick filter directly from the events displayed in the events list or from the
right pane.

To create a quick filter:

1. Right-click on the column value in the events list and click Create filter.
A basic filter dialog box opens with the selected attribute, a value, and a suitable comparator
2. Edit the inserted values.
3. Click Apply to confirm the creation of a quick filter.

IEC18000142 V1 EN-US

Figure 129: Creating a quick filter

GUID-3EE64CCF-2255-45C9-A062-4CF9EDF6555A v2
To create a quick filter from the right pane:

1. Select an event to open the right pane.

2. Click the General tab in the right pane under event details.

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In the General tab, create filter for the selected event.

3. Click Edit filter.
An advanced filter dialog box opens with all the columns visible in the list with the preset values
in the filter.
4. Edit the conditions and operators.
5. Click Apply to confirm the new filter.

IEC18000143 V1 EN-US

Figure 130: Creating a quick filter from the right pane

6.5.3 Filter renaming GUID-4D54BD5D-4C14-49CC-AF05-16E0406B03F5 v1

To provide a custom name to the filter:

1. Click the filter tag bar above the alarm list.

2. Click Switch to advanced view in the edit filter dialog box.
3. Modify the name as required in the Filter name text box.
4. Click Apply.

IEC18000144 V2 EN-US

Figure 131: Filter renaming

6.5.4 Removing filters GUID-40D2695B-E07C-4BC0-B4A4-0917F745F9E0 v2

To remove a filter, click the x icon next to the filter name on the filter tag bar above the event list.

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6.5.5 Editing filters GUID-D2056F57-5055-4A12-B4B7-410FF2B03114 v2

To edit an existing filter:

1. Click on a filter name, on the filter tag bar above the alarm list, to open filter dialog box.
2. In the filter dialog box, edit the filter.
3. Click Apply to confirm the changes and to close the dialog box.
4. Click Cancel to discard the changes and close the dialog box.

6.5.6 Saving, loading, and deleting filters GUID-FC6D9E95-BD23-44E6-A84B-8CFD52892615 v2

To save a filter:

1. Click Save current filters in the Options tab.

Save a new filter by entering a new name in the Save Filter dialog box.

2. Click Shared to make the saved filter visible for all the application users.

Filters can be saved in Personal or Shared tabs depending on the data visibility to the

3. Click Save in the Save Filter dialog box.

IEC18000145 V2 EN-US

Figure 132: Saving filter

To load previously saved filter:

1. Click Load filters in the Options tab.

2. Click Personal or Shared to view either user specific or system wide filters.
3. Select a filter from the list in the Load filter dialog box.
4. Click Apply to confirm the selection.

The text box in the Load filter dialog box can be used to search the list of stored filters.

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IEC18000146 V2 EN-US

Figure 133: Loading filter

To delete a previously stored filter:

1. Click the x icon in the right side of a stored filter name, either in the Save or Load dialog box.
2. Click Delete filter to delete the filter in the confirmation dialog box.

IEC18000147 V2 EN-US

Figure 134: Deleting filters

6.6 Exporting Events GUID-F550DD09-F131-4192-A9D3-40E6F55AAE76 v1

Events can be exported either in CSV or XML (SpreadsheetML) format. The exported files can be
opened with common spreadsheet applications.

Event export is available in the Options tab in the left pane. To export events, click Export events
under Export option and select the required format from the Export pop-up window. The export will
include all the events that are loaded. If some rows are selected in the event list, it is possible to

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select whether to export the selected rows only or all rows. All rows include the rows that can be
accessed by scrolling the list and not just the rows that are visible.

Export contains all the selected columns and three special columns. One of the three special column
contains information if the event has a comment. Export will not contain the comment. The other
special column contains the quality information related to the events value, and the last special
column contains the quality information related to the timestamp.

It is possible to either download the export or copy the data to the clipboard.

The XML that is copied to the clipboard cannot be pasted to a spreadsheet application. It
must be stored in a file with .xml extension, for example, with Notepad application.

6.7 Column specific context menu GUID-CF9B2073-AD7B-4AB1-BA24-F36DF2E6AF5F v3

Click the column header of the event list to open the column specific context menu.

GUID-B3B2938E-5594-4B49-B505-43F7D957BDD9 V1 EN-US

Figure 135: Column specific context menu

The context menu provides the following functionalities:

• Sort the list in ascending or descending order. The blue triangle pointing up or down next to the
column header indicates whether the list is currently sorted in ascending or descending order.
• Filter the list based on the data of the selected column. See Section 6.5 for more information.
• Move the selected column right or left or remove the column.
• Open the column selector view for adding and editing visible columns. See Section 6.4 for more
• Fit columns to window.

Columns related to system hierarchy (for example, Substation, Bay, and Device) have a
possibility to apply filter directly from the context menu by selecting items from a list of
available values.

Event list can only be sorted in Event Time and Registration Time columns.

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Section 7 History
7.1 History GUID-B54B558C-0B43-4109-ABE3-D12F8722E2D1 v1

History is used for viewing historical values of a selected data point. The History view consists of
three main blocks: graph, finder, and statistics.

• Graph shows the graphical representation of how values of selected data points have changed
in the past.
• Finder is used for selecting time frame of presented data.
• Statistics shows main statistical information of selected data points in a table format.

IEC19000220 V1 EN-US

Figure 136: History overall view

7.2 Adding history data GUID-9B227150-4692-47AD-83B7-D0BD7542C328 v1

When the History view is open in the content area, the Options in the left pane provides a method
to add data that needs an inspection.

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IEC19000215 V1 EN-US

Figure 137: History options side

To add a data-point for inspection:

1. Click the + icon to open the dialog box for selecting the data.
2. Browse the data hierarchy and select the data points.
3. Click Add to add the data points to the view.

IEC19000216 V1 EN-US

Figure 138: History data selector

The data is structured in a typical hierarchy which consists of region, station, bay, and the device.
Each level contains data points that are added and inspected in the History view.

Eight is the maximum number of data points that can be added to the graph.

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After adding the data to the History view, the display modifies (see Section 7.4 for more information)
as per the requirements. The configuration can be saved by clicking Save in the left pane of the
Options view.

IEC19000217 V1 EN-US

Figure 139: Save history configuration

The History configuration can be loaded by clicking Load (next to Save) and selecting the wanted
configuration. The saved History configuration is also available for loading in the left pane, under the
main History item.

IEC19000218 V1 EN-US

Figure 140: Load history configuration

7.3 Viewing history data

7.3.1 Graphic and finder basics GUID-98FAD562-C67B-46B8-B8A0-D6CB5AFCE301 v2

The historical values of the selected data are presented in the graph. The x-axis of the graph is
always time, and the y-axis is the unit of a selected data point. The y-axis is colored with the same
color as the corresponding line in the graph. The current value of the selected data is shown in the
bar displayed on the right side of the graph.

The updates in the graph can be set to update automatically when the values are changing in the
process. To enable live data updates, click Show live data on the top right corner of the History

The graph legend, showing the selected data items and respective color codes, is located below the

The finder component below the graph legend is used for selecting a time frame for inspecting values
in the graph. The finder time scale can also be modified to the required accuracy.

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7.3.2 Inspecting values in graph GUID-0ECE7232-E517-4B10-9ABA-FDE22745C3B4 v1

Received historical data values are indicated with the line markers in the graph. The data quality is
visualised with different line formats:

• Solid line indicates good quality

• Dashed line indicates questionable quality
• Gray line indicates invalid quality

GUID-5C5DC06D-1984-4153-B9D8-BC83C984F707 V1 EN-US

Figure 141: History line visualisation

The current real-time data values are shown in the bar on the right side of the graph. The tooltip is
shown when the mouse pointer hovers on top of the graph or on the current value bar. The common
Device state not reliable emblem add-ons are shown in the tooltips for indicating the quality of the

7.3.3 Selecting time frame for inspecting values GUID-F86AAA58-A0C0-4568-8C2F-7D13646C6372 v1

The first step in selecting a proper inspection time frame in the graph is to set a proper time scale to
the finder.
Choose any of the following to select the finder time scale:

• Click History settings to open the right pane and select a scale with quick buttons (Day/Week/
• Click Custom to choose the scale by manually setting the start and end times.

The graph active time frame can be set with the finder by dragging the start and end time bars to the
correct location. There are also buttons (Day/Week/Month) to set the graph active area below the
finder. The finder time scale is automatically set to fit in the graph active area.

IEC19000221 V1 EN-US

Figure 142: History finder

In Live updating mode, the finder end time is always set to the right-most position (current time). If
the finder end time bar is moved away from the right-most position, Live updating stops and the
mode is switched to History data.

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7.3.4 Statistics of selected data GUID-7AB39C17-5077-4BA9-9FC1-3FC4A01F7BE1 v1

At the bottom of the History view, there is a table showing statistics of the currently selected data.
The statistics contain the following information for each selected data. The accurate time frame is
shown next to the table title.

• Name of the selected data point, including color code

• Data unit
• Minimum and maximum values of data
• Average value
• Latest value and time when it was received

IEC19000222 V1 EN-US

Figure 143: History Statistics

7.3.5 Specific details of history data GUID-03B37939-09B2-416A-A091-F31ABD5D2999 v2

The data specific right pane view can be opened by either clicking the data item in the graph legend,
or by clicking the data item in the Options tab displayed in the left pane.

The header and primary sections of the data specific right pane displays the data point hierarchical
name and the current value and unit.

The secondary sections of the data specific right pane displays the name, graph appearance,
interpolation, and Y-axis scale. For more information see Section 7.4.2.

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Figure 144: History data details pane

7.4 Adjusting history and data settings GUID-E8503737-8388-4F45-8DC5-3894CBDA0688 v1

Following are the two types of settings available related to the History view:

• General History setting affecting the appearance of the main History view. For more information
see Section 7.4.1.
• Data appearance setting affecting the presentation of individual data presented in the History
view. For more information see Section 7.4.2.

7.4.1 Modifying general history settings GUID-39F785F9-62B6-4BC6-9BCF-4E6B84933214 v2

The general history settings are accessed from the History settings from the top right corner of the
History view. The following settings are available:

• History name: Change the title text shown in the top left corner of the History view.
• Update mode: Set live data updates to on or off.
• Graph type: Select from the drop-down list, if the used graph type is either Sparkline or Area.
• Finder scale: Change the time scale of the finder area (full area, not selected area).
• Graph active area: Change the time scale of the active area of the graph.
• Grid lines: Add vertical and horizontal lines to the graph.

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IEC19000219 V1 EN-US

Figure 145: General history settings

7.4.2 Modifying data presentation in graph GUID-41FE1BE2-7568-4CE3-9F71-B141FEC32DE4 v1

The data appearance settings can be accessed by opening the data specific right pane view either
by clicking the data item in the graph legend or by clicking the data item in the left pane options view.
The following settings are available under data appearance:

• Name: Possibility to give a custom data point name shown in the left pane and in the graph
• Graph appearance: Change the color of the data representation in the graph and hide line
markers representing the received value samples.
• Interpolation: Change the data representation in the graph. Supported presentations are:

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• Linear: Line is drawn directly between the data samples.

• Step-after: Line is drawn horizontally until a new data sample is received, and then
vertically to the received value.
• Y-axis scale: Select Dedicated Y-Axis if each data must have a separate Y-axis. The axis with
the same unit is merged if the Dedicated Y-Axis check box is cleared. Clear Autoscale check
box to set the scale of Y-axis manually.

IEC19000224 V1 EN-US

Figure 146: History data appearance settings

7.5 Exporting history data GUID-54689D2C-C220-4B27-B6A6-6B75CC42BA1C v1

History data can be exported either in CSV or XML (SpreadsheetML) format. The exported files can
be opened with common spreadsheet applications.

History data is available in the Options tab in the left pane. To export events, click Export history
data under Export option and select the required format from the Export pop-up window. The export
will include all the data points used to draw the graph. Export contains signal name, timestamp,
value, and quality columns. If there are many data points, then some data points are filtered out.
Typically, each signal has less than 1000 data points in the exported file.

It is possible to either download the export or copy the data to the clipboard.

The XML that is copied to the clipboard cannot be pasted to a spreadsheet application. It
must be stored in a file with .xml extension, for example, with Notepad application.

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7.6 Resizing history view automatically GUID-55DED72B-C444-45E0-AADA-E6682DE7F9CB v1

To enable automatic History view resizing when the right pane is opened, select the Resize view
automatically check box in the Options section.

GUID-4277315A-16BA-40E8-928F-A69BD0EDB758 V1 EN-US

Figure 147: Resize history view automatically option

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System overview

Section 8 System overview GUID-F4319DD5-FA45-4046-A3FE-E23B09F0A5AC v2

System overview is used for supervising the system health. The System overview consists of three
separate viewpoints to the system: IED communication, Network hardware, and SYS600

• IED communication view lists the SYS600 communication nodes and IEDs connected to them.
Communication and alarm states are visualised for each node and IED.
• Network hardware view lists the network devices that are connected via SNMP (Simple
Network Control Protocol) to the system. The communication and alarm states are visualised for
each device.
• SYS600 applications view shows SYS600 servers and applications, and data shadowing and
mirroring connections between the applications.

The device communication states are visualised with the icons as shown in Figure 148.

GUID-291ECB30-FDB2-4D76-8827-7120A1C14705 V1 EN-US

Figure 148: Communication state icons

IED communication and Network hardware views contain a header that shows the overall count of
the devices, the number of devices that are connected successfully, and the number of devices that
have connection issues (that is, unknown or broken connection). Click the header to extend and view
more detailed information.

GUID-10FEA163-BC5A-466C-8A0D-E44676406953 V1 EN-US

Figure 149: Devices summary header

IED communication and Network hardware views can have different layout modes for keeping the
most relevant information visible. The most suitable mode depends on the number of devices in the

• Collapsed view mode shows only the devices that have issues (either connection issue or
alarm). Successfully connected devices can be set visible and to hide the connected devices,
click a link at the end of the communication line section.
• Expanded view mode shows all the devices without possibility to hide any information. This
mode is optimal for the systems with small number of devices.
• Compressed view mode shows all the device statuses in a compressed way. The device
names are hidden. This mode is optimal for systems with very large number of devices.

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GUID-50BF1841-332E-4F57-962B-3E5D08D47471 V1 EN-US

Figure 150: Collapsed view

GUID-13522DE7-7C06-4AD9-ABAF-23C7F1076EF8 V1 EN-US

Figure 151: Expanded view

GUID-9BE0722A-C442-46C6-9293-8F051FE65BCD V1 EN-US

Figure 152: Compressed view

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System overview

8.1 Supervising IED communication GUID-AC3D2EF7-E563-4AAE-9C2D-028AA9C09668 v1

The IED communication view lists SYS600 communication nodes in the system and IED devices
connected to them. The communication nodes (for example PC-Net or IEC 61850 client) are shown
as separate sections. The communication line connected to the nodes appear inside the black
rectangle box (for example, ) in the sections.

GUID-13522DE7-7C06-4AD9-ABAF-23C7F1076EF8 V1 EN-US

Figure 153: IED communication view

Select an item in the IED communication view to see the detailed information in the right pane.

The right pane of the IED device shows the common right pane header section with a device type
icon, names, and status icons. The secondary section of the IED device right pane consists of
Communication tree in the Overview tab, Related alarms and Related events in the Alarms and
Events tabs.

Communication tree visualises modules, lines and the selected IED device connected to the current
SYS600 server (that is, where Workplace X session is opened to). The selected IED is always placed
at the bottom and the current SYS600 server on the top. The communication status and alarms are
visualised for each node. The Communication tree helps to identify the possible connection
problems that are located.

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GUID-B0155684-1059-4089-B56D-047CE8B867FF V1 EN-US

Figure 154: IED device right pane

8.2 Supervising network devices GUID-2B26688C-8B4B-4629-B6F1-2B99E848A64D v1

Network Hardware view lists all the network devices connected to the system via SNMP (Simple
Network Control Protocol). Based on the device type, the devices are organized in the sections.

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GUID-507E49E2-1A00-4651-9999-C484E294A1A1 V1 EN-US

Figure 155: Network Hardware view

Select a device item in the Network Hardware view to see the detailed information about the device
in the right pane.

The network device right pane shows the common right pane header section with a device type icon,
names, and status icons. The secondary section of the network device right pane consists of
Properties in the Overview tab and Related alarms and Related events in the Alarms and Events

Properties lists the network device properties. The name and state of each property are shown in
the textual form. The alarms and quality related to the property value are visualised with the common

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GUID-37ECF684-222E-4ABF-9AB5-4135AC24D3D9 V1 EN-US

Figure 156: Network device right pane

8.3 Supervising SYS600 applications GUID-FC58728D-F6B2-4D8A-BC19-22F4191006BE v1

SYS600 Applications view shows the computers connected to the servers that have shadowing or
mirroring connections to application where the Workplace X is connected. The SYS600 applications
and their states are listed for each SYS600 server. The servers are placed in the columns
representing the data flow direction: INCOMING DATA, CURRENT SERVER, and OUTGOING
DATA. The current server (that is, where the current Workplace X session is opened to) is always
placed in the middle.

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System overview

GUID-B4D3595C-8221-48FF-9C2C-2A0D5A168F58 V1 EN-US

Figure 157: SYS600 applications view

There are two types of data connections:

• Shadowing connection is used for copying data from a hot application to a cold application.
This enables the hot stand-by (redundancy) functionality.
• Mirroring connection is used for copying data between SYS600 servers, applications, and
other external servers.

The red line and borders of the connection element are indicating that the connection is not working
as expected.

Only one Shadowing connection is available at a time and the connection is from the
CURRENT APPLICATION to its hot stand-by pair.

Only Mirroring connections pointing to the CURRENT APPLICATION are shown.

GUID-9FE0005E-7A4C-48A1-A4B2-904C6115B7F7 V1 EN-US

Figure 158: SYS600 connection types

Select an application or a connection item in the SYS600 Applications view to see the detailed
information about the application in the right pane.

The application right pane shows the common right pane header section with a device type icon,
names, and status icons. The secondary section of the application right pane consists of Related
alarms and Related events in the Alarms and Events tabs.

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1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Section 9

Section 9 Tagout GUID-DA398D0E-6CAE-453D-A7B4-4BC707327194 v1

Tagout is a procedure for disabling equipment to protect maintenance and service personnel from
either an unexpected release of energy or an accidental start-up while performing field activities. In
Workplace X, tags can be created, edited, and deleted in device control panels. The tags secondary
block is available under the Actions tab for switching devices that have tagout configured. There are
a couple of alternatives to how the tagout of the device can be visualised in process pictures; see
Section 9.1.2 for more information.

The active tags list, which shows the currently active tags, and tagout log are available from the left
pane navigation section.

9.1 Tagout in process pictures GUID-34877432-B440-4386-9C58-826EE031CBBD v1

9.1.1 Adding/Editing/Deleting tags GUID-F1152740-2F31-4206-A9CA-923F06CE8C7B v1

Click Add new tag button to add a tag in the actions tab of a device control panel.

Only the owner of the tag is allowed to edit or delete a tag.

GUID-CE82908F-B2B6-4B5B-AB03-A13B60A316F9 V1 EN-US

Figure 159: Add new tag in right pane

A tag can be edited by clicking the tag item.

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GUID-6C4B85A3-C618-491A-966C-7064C36CFDE7 V1 EN-US

Figure 160: Edit tag view in right pane

Tag's attributes are visible in tag editing view in tabs as they are configured in the application's tagout
configuration. A tag can be deleted by clicking the Delete tag -button in Edit tag view. The user has to
confirm the deletion.

9.1.2 Tagout visual representation GUID-8B243D3F-8B7E-4356-B3EB-FF1C2BC556E0 v1

There are five different representation modes to visualise tagout in process pictures.

1. Pattern frame
2. Solid frame
3. Text
4. Indicator
5. Custom

The selected visualisation is determined by the application configuration.

Pattern frame
In pattern frame representation mode, the highest priority tag is visualised with a pattern frame
around the device symbol.

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GUID-FD2E6631-FA59-47E3-89B5-326110701CC2 V1 EN-US

Figure 161: Tagout pattern frame representation in Workplace X

Solid frame
In solid frame representation mode, the highest priority tag is visualised with a solid frame around the
device symbol.

GUID-584CE6D0-F9B7-4AEF-830F-8A6A01BC1325 V1 EN-US

Figure 162: Tagout solid frame representation in Workplace X

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In text representation mode, the highest priority tag is visualised with a text marker on the right side
of the device symbol.

GUID-208E77A1-7BED-449E-AFB2-1FE5CEF40A68 V1 EN-US

Figure 163: Tagout text representation in Workplace X

Tag text is displayed for the user when the text marker is hovered with the mouse.

GUID-6356E9C8-123B-48D5-9C0B-7F73E15DE557 V1 EN-US

Figure 164: Tagout text representation in Workplace X when hovered

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In indicator representation mode, the existing tags' priorities are visualised with indicators on the right
side of the device symbol. There are five indicator slots for five priorities. If there are multiple tags
with different priorities, each priority indicator will be shown, which means that multiple indicators can
be shown at the same time.

GUID-5C14D18C-ECD6-46D2-AC4B-C0DE71D9B870 V1 EN-US

Figure 165: Tagout indicator representation in Workplace X

In addition to the previous representation modes, Workplace X can be configured to show
customised visualisations for tags in process pictures.

9.2 Active tags list GUID-593F22FC-7698-4388-B882-0DBDAF71C2FE v1

An active tags list is available from the left pane navigation section. The number of active tags is
visible as a badge on the right side of the left pane menu item. The active tags list shows the tags
that are currently active in the system.

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GUID-A7624731-AD54-4D67-874C-570E8B7FA2EA V1 EN-US

Figure 166: Active tags in Workplace X

In the active tags list, each configured tag attribute is represented as a column. In the list, active tags
are sorted in descending order based on date and time. Active tags can be searched using the
search box functionality. As a last column, there is Show on SLD text which can be used to navigate
to the pictures, where the tag exists.

GUID-7E6DA844-E3AE-4993-9A85-5984C518A842 V1 EN-US

Figure 167: Active tags list Show on SLD in Workplace X

9.3 Tagout log GUID-A296F77D-A91A-48BB-B6DA-1BB3B00B93D1 v1

Tagout log is available from the left pane navigation section. It shows tagout log entries in a table

GUID-DF5134D7-3EDC-4640-9FE2-4A50C74909B6 V1 EN-US

Figure 168: Tagout log in Workplace X

Initially, only a small number of entries are loaded, but when the user scrolls further into the log, more
entries are loaded. If new entries occur while the tagout log is visible, a notification banner is shown
at the top of the tagout log. Clicking the notification banner refreshes the tagout log. Tagout log
entries can be searched by typing a search string in the search box.

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GUID-CAE719AA-021E-49FC-B94E-276E57CF632A V1 EN-US

Figure 169: Notification banner about more entries in the tagout log in Workplace X

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1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Section 10

Section 10 Sequencer GUID-E2439276-9D6B-43DB-8556-C1057606E277 v1

Workplace X Sequencer offers execution and monitoring of switching device command sequences.
The command sequences are created with the Sequencer Engineering Tool. Sequences are specific
to the selected application.

10.1 Sequencer concepts GUID-42266C9B-896F-4ED0-8F57-C0F011058CAC v1

A sequence is a collection of one or more steps (commands) for switching devices. Currently, the
supported commands for sequence executions are switching device with the open or close
commands and a custom message to display. For instance, opening a circuit breaker can be
considered as one step in a sequence.

10.1.1 Message steps GUID-D008B8B8-41E5-4F43-B0A4-A9191DDCA3E6 v1

Message steps display a message to the operator, and they pause the execution of the sequence
until the operator acknowledges the message.

10.1.2 Switch control steps GUID-899F173C-55F2-4AE1-AA31-E51805265052 v1

Switch control steps either open or close a switching device. Optionally, they can require confirmation
from the operator before the operation is carried out.

10.1.3 Controllability checks GUID-663B177A-A513-4699-9298-07272FD1096F v1

Before executing a sequence or a switch control step, Sequencer will check that the operator has
authorization to operate the device. Controllability checks are run when a sequence execution starts
and before each switch control step is executed.

10.1.4 Pre and post condition checks GUID-55CF1736-B29B-43C8-B7D2-BB320C26C50A v1

Sequence steps can have optional conditions that are checked before and after the step has been
executed. Condition checks are configured manually when a sequence is created or edited.

10.2 Sequences list GUID-F0427EA6-2648-4468-90A4-583F6E442C27 v1

The navigation section of the left pane displays the Sequencer title for easy navigation to the
sequencer section.

The Sequencer menu item is not shown in the navigation menu if the sequencer is not enabled for
the application.

Click the Sequencer title to open the Sequences list.

The sequence list shows all the sequences created for the application. If any sequences are running
or queued to run, it shows their running status and the user who started the sequence.

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GUID-4778C8E2-B18F-434C-8DF0-4EA486177BE8 V1 EN-US

Figure 170: Sequences view

Sequences list. One sequence is currently running and two more are queued.

In the content area, search for text in the sequences list by typing a string in the search box on the
tab bar. The search highlights the sequences that match the entered string.

Filter the sequence list by typing a string in the Filter sequences search box on top of the sequence
list. Only sequences that match the filter string will be displayed in the list.

10.2.1 Opening sequence view GUID-00D1472D-D370-4CEC-B0A0-4323900CD28A v1

Click a row in the sequence list to open the selected sequence in the same tab. Alternatively, left-
click on a row to open a context menu. The menu allows the user to open a sequence in the new tab.

10.2.2 Stopping all sequences GUID-D61644D3-C9F9-4372-9A23-48A0B4B7ACE2 v1

Press Stop all sequences in queue to immediately stop the execution of the current sequence and
remove all sequences from the queue.

10.3 Sequence view GUID-624206CD-83CC-4835-9844-92FE1EBB10BB v1

The Sequence view shows detailed information about the selected sequence. It shows the steps of
the sequence, the status of the sequence when it is running, SLD picture of the devices associated
with each step, and execution logs of previous sequence runs.

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GUID-276B2693-8051-4949-9D61-FF83932275ED V1 EN-US

Figure 171: Sequence view

10.3.1 Sequence steps GUID-56FCE78E-31EA-428A-AF14-EF9BB673E7FD v1

This element of sequence view shows all the steps of the sequence. If the sequence is being
executed, the list shows status of each step.

GUID-1CC945FB-BE24-4784-872F-35C0826400A7 V1 EN-US

Figure 172: Sequence view, sequence being executed

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Screenshot of sequence execution. Steps 1 and 3 have been completed, step 2 has been skipped by
user and step 4 is being executed.

10.3.2 SLD preview GUID-A5971EC9-D1E9-43A9-83A7-1A283F041AB4 v1

Open SLD preview by selecting a step from the list of steps. Collapse the SLD preview by de-
selecting the step or by clicking on the close icon at the top right of the SLD preview.

GUID-CD58B7EE-123B-4599-8FF0-4C2DF034BC69 V1 EN-US

Figure 173: SLD Preview

The SLD preview displays a single line diagram with the device controlled by the selected step. The
step numbers of the steps that control the device are displayed next to the device icon(s). Selected
step number is highlighted.

When the sequence is being executed, the currently executed step number is highlighted. The SLD
preview will automatically display an image that contains the device controlled by the current step.

Adjust the size of the SLD preview by dragging the separator between the sequence steps and the
SLD preview.

10.3.3 Execution logs GUID-6A665A24-89B7-4C8D-8830-D029E30F6E4B v1

Execution logs show the results of previous runs of the sequence.

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GUID-B7115F89-45C3-4EC3-8A41-A6B00DC1C522 V1 EN-US

Figure 174: Execution logs

Sequence view with execution logs section and one execution log expanded.

Expand or collapse execution logs section by clicking caret on the right end of the execution logs

Expand or collapse each execution log by clicking on the caret on the left side of an individual log

10.3.4 Controllability checking GUID-944FA35A-9278-43EC-BAF8-AF4F979950CB v1

Click Recheck controllability in sequence view to open controllability check dialog.

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GUID-805230C5-3290-4753-B316-D8136968E166 V1 EN-US

Figure 175: Controllability check dialog

The controllability check dialog will re-run the check and show the results. The dialog displays the list
of checks run, pass status, steps they are associated with, and the description and detailed condition
of each check.

Click Show passed entries or Show failed entries checkboxes to show passed or failed conditions in
the list.

Click Copy results to clipboard to copy the check states to clipboard. Controllability check status is
copied in CSV format and contains all checks, not just the one currently shown in the dialog.

10.3.5 Displaying step conditions GUID-D2BF5A59-1AA3-48A6-AFBC-09B16F56CB4B v1

Step condition dialog shows conditions that sequence configurator has set for a given sequence

Click Pre or Post in the step list to open the condition dialog.

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GUID-7988E5F3-64C1-440D-87E2-E0586107A746 V1 EN-US

Figure 176: Condition dialog

10.3.6 Running a sequence GUID-69E1E6A6-3A37-422D-BA45-6C7F0451A5D7 v1

User can run and add sequences to the queue from sequence view.

Before running (or queuing) a sequence, user can skip steps from the beginning of the sequence and
set confirmation requirements for steps.

Click on the icon at the beginning of each row to skip steps from the beginning to the selected
row. Skipped steps will be highlighted.

Click the Needs confirmation checkbox for an individual step to set or unset whether the step needs
to be confirmed before execution. This option is available for switch control steps only.

Click the Needs confirmation checkbox at the column header to set or unset the confirmation
checkbox for all steps.

Needs confirmation controls are enabled only when the sequence is not queued or executing.
Confirmation settings cannot be changed after a sequence is added to the sequence queue. Starting a sequence GUID-0137F24C-1233-44A8-A683-594E43AF41B0 v1

Click Start sequence to start executing a sequence. The application will ask for confirmation before
execution starts.

If there are already sequences running or queued, Start sequence button is replaced with Queue
sequence. Click Queue sequence to add a sequence to the end of the execution queue.

A sequence can be in the sequencer queue only once. If another user has started or queued a
sequence, Start sequence and Queue sequence buttons are not available.

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Sequencer Step execution states GUID-59F13BD9-5F66-4BF0-95F2-C315562290DD v1

The Sequence view shows the ongoing state of the sequence being executed. Currently executing
status is highlighted and a rotating icon is shown at beginning of the table row. For completed step, a
status icon displaying the completion state of the step is shown.

Table 7: Step execution states

Step executed successfully

Step skipped

Step failed Acknowledging message step GUID-D4877A53-0FDD-4D0A-B092-9547B7128465 v1

When a message step is executed, the sequencer will display information note to show the message

GUID-D209A30E-70AD-45F7-ACA7-EDF372819355 V1 EN-US

Figure 177: Message step acknowledgement note

Click Continue sequence to acknowledge the message step and continue sequence execution.

Click Go to sequence to open sequence view with currently running sequence. Confirming step execution GUID-D724DA3A-006D-4CCF-B705-03597DC0E504 v1

When a switch control step has Need confirmation enabled, the sequencer will show a confirmation
note before the step is executed.

GUID-0A039C64-FCF8-4EB0-B476-52FF60DD4376 V1 EN-US

Figure 178: Switch control step confirmation note

Click Continue sequence to acknowledge the message step and continue sequence execution.

Click Skip step to skip current step and continue execution from next step.

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Click Go to sequence to open sequence view with currently running sequence. Aborting sequence GUID-630F06A1-99E5-43F3-AD52-6B0CFF7699C8 v1

Click Abort sequence in sequence view to stop the execution of selected sequence. Abort sequence
is not available when sequence is in queue, but not yet executed. Skipping step during execution GUID-14416B60-3A3D-4108-A228-FF0DA4FE6333 v2

Skipping steps is possible when sequence execution is paused. This happens when the sequencer is
waiting for user input to acknowledge or confirm a step execution or to resolve an error situation.

GUID-3B9DC4F0-02FA-4EB1-BA2E-212AB40076F6 V1 EN-US

Figure 179: Skip step

Sequencer is paused because step 2 failed a condition check. Error dialog has been closed, Skip
step is available in the sequence view.

Click Skip step to skip the current step entirely and proceed to the next step. Skipping a step also
skips all checks associated with the step. Controllability check failure GUID-E3027740-C59A-4876-B04C-60A2CBEF06CA v2

Controllability checks are run when the sequence starts and for each and every step before the step
is executed. If a controllability check fails, the sequencer will pause the execution and show an error

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GUID-F5D62C80-95BB-40E2-A293-D0EF41D09E3D V1 EN-US

Figure 180: Go to sequence

To navigate to the sequence view of the running sequence, press Go to sequence in error

If the sequence view showing running sequence is open, a controllability check dialog is shown
automatically. The controllability check dialog shows failed checks and control buttons for handling
the check failure.

GUID-AC350D34-05A2-4AEB-8EDD-FDBA6B6D2619 V1 EN-US

Figure 181: Bypass check and continue

Select Bypass check and continue in the dialog to ignore the check and continue executing the
sequence. This option is not available for controllability checks of individual steps.

Select Repeat check and continue to re-run the controllability check.

Select Abort sequence to stop executing the sequence.

Select Close to close the controllability check dialog and return to sequence view.

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Sequencer Condition check failure GUID-0A00E26D-3F00-44A3-B3E5-A74904505BAD v2

When a pre or post condition check fails, the sequencer will show an error note and pause the
sequence execution.

GUID-375EF9B0-CF74-4EB2-8BE7-94B20B24356F V1 EN-US

Figure 182: Go to sequence

Click Go to sequence to navigate to sequence view.

If the sequence view showing running sequence is open, a condition check dialog is shown
automatically. The condition check dialog shows the failed condition, which parts of the condition
have failed, and actual values for failed conditions.

Click Bypass check and continue to ignore the check and continue executing the sequence.

Click Repeat check and continue to re-run the condition check.

Click Abort sequence to stop executing the sequence.

Click Close to close the condition check dialog and return to the sequence view. Finishing sequence run GUID-A0383FA8-FAEB-4434-AFC7-194D536BF9C4 v1

After a sequence run completes, the sequence view shows individual step status and a note with the
finishing time of the sequence run.

Select See execution log to open the execution log dialog.

Select Reset sequence to remove the execution end note, clear step execution statues and enable
running the sequence again.

After reset, step skip and Need confirmation states will be reset to same state as before running the
sequence, for example, if the user disables all Need confirmation checkboxes and chooses to skip
the first 3 steps before running the sequence, the sequence view will show same settings after
running and resetting the sequence.

Execution log dialog GUID-3C3F1D33-CA57-4E7A-BF8D-3B698B186EA8 v1

Execution log dialog shows the log of last sequence run.

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GUID-869057CA-04B4-48DB-AE83-C2E8957BE3C9 V1 EN-US

Figure 183: Execution log popup dialog

Select Copy results to clipboard to copy the log to a clipboard in CSV format.

Select Export log to save the execution log in a file.

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1MRK 511 659-UEN Rev. A Section 11
Area of Responsibility

Section 11 Area of Responsibility GUID-4F5E0B3D-85B2-48EE-AA8D-332ECB394E6A v1

Area of Responsibility (AoR) define user access rights and the role of a user in a specific area.
Exclusive Access Rights (EAR) is a functionality extending the AoR concept. The EAR functionality is
a token which allows only one user at a time to have rights to an area.

Note that AoR/EAR access rights will override common role-based access rights for
objects included in the AoR configuration. It is recommended that common role-based
rights would grant at least the same level of rights as the AoR/EAR rights.

11.1 Areas of Responsibility view GUID-1E0F1FFA-AEB6-42FB-A10F-A1881F00F996 v1

Click the Areas of Responsibility item in the Left Pane navigation tree to view the list of users and
their roles in each area. By default, only online users are shown. Click the Show offline users check
box in the top-right part of the view to see users who are currently offline.

The uncontrolled areas, which do not have an operator with controlling rights online, are highlighted
with a red border and background color.

The Area of Responsibility functionality can be configured to work in the simple Area of
Responsibility mode or in the extended Exclusive Access Rights mode. The user cannot change the
mode via the Workplace X user interface. Section 11.1.1 and Section 11.1.2 describe the two modes
in detail.

11.1.1 Area of Responsibility mode GUID-FFC7E603-708C-4F65-80AE-067DF10BB428 v1

In the Area of Responsibility mode, when Exclusive Access Rights functionality is not enabled, the
view shows users who have an AoR role defined. The possible roles are Operator and Viewer. The
online Operators are highlighted with a green background and a check mark. Multiple users can be
defined as Operator for an area. In Figure 184, area South is highlighted as an uncontrolled area as
there are no Operator users online.

GUID-B0CBA916-B155-421C-8500-BE8EF65F2752 V1 EN-US

Figure 184: Areas of Responsibility view in AoR-enabled mode

11.1.2 Exclusive Access Rights mode GUID-028CC32A-A07D-407F-B5D2-8C8C7B4C5979 v1

In the Exclusive Access Rights (EAR) mode, only the user owning the EAR is allowed to operate in
the related area. Each user that has an AoR role defined will also have an EAR role defined for the
area. The possible roles are Viewer, Secondary Operator, Primary Operator, and Master.

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Area of Responsibility

The EAR role defines how a user can perform EAR operations for transferring EAR ownership (that
is, exclusive access rights) of an AoR between users. Table 8 describes the capabilities of each EAR

Table 8: Capabilities of EAR role

Viewer Is allowed to see AoR and EAR information.

Secondary Operator In addition to the Viewer, is allowed to hold EAR in an
area and perform give and request EAR operations.
Primary Operator In addition to the Secondary Operator, is allowed to
perform forced take and assign EAR operations to
Secondary Operators users.
Master Operator In addition to the Primary Operator, is allowed to perform
forced take and assign EAR operations to Secondary
Operators, Primary Operators, and Master Operators.

A user having a Viewer EAR role is allowed to see defined AoR and EAR information for the users
and areas, but is not allowed to have the EAR for an area, nor perform EAR operations.

A user having a Secondary Operator EAR role is allowed to hold the EAR for an area and perform
certain EAR operations. The Secondary Operator can request EAR ownership from the current EAR
owner and can give EAR ownership to a user with sufficient EAR role. The request and give
operations have to be accepted by the other user before the EAR ownership is transferred. Figure
185 shows an example of user Pertti requesting control of area West, and user Tom accepting the

GUID-C77AFC1F-8058-46F6-A7AD-D81D9E504DB2 V1 EN-US

Figure 185: Requesting EAR ownership in EAR-enabled mode

A user having the Primary Operator EAR role is the preferred operator to hold the EAR of an AoR. A
Primary Operator can request and give EAR ownership to other Primary Operators and to Master

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Area of Responsibility

operators. The request and give operations have to be accepted by the other user before the EAR
ownership is transferred. In addition to that, a Primary Operator can perform forced take and assign
EAR operations to Secondary Operator users. Forced EAR operations will take effect immediately
and do not need to be confirmed by the other user. Only a notification of lost or received EAR
ownership is shown to the other user.

A user having the Master EAR role can hold the EAR of an AoR and perform forced take and assign
EAR operations on all users who can have the EAR ownership. Figure 186 shows an example of a
forced take EAR operation where Tom takes an area West from Pertti.

GUID-523EBDCD-97EF-4C07-9836-9358756A47DB V1 EN-US

Figure 186: Take EAR ownership and area lost notification in EAR-enabled mode

In EAR-enabled mode, the Areas of Responsibility view shows users and their EAR roles for each
AoR. The operator, who currently holds the EAR for an AoR, is highlighted with a green background
and a check mark. In Figure 187, different users hold the EAR of areas East, North, and West, and
area South is highlighted as an uncontrolled area as there are no operators online for that specific

GUID-E62D3F8C-0ED3-4683-9734-FB299FD02299 V1 EN-US

Figure 187: Areas of Responsibility view in EAR-enabled mode

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Area of Responsibility

Uncontrolled areas are automatically assigned when a user with sufficient EAR role
becomes online.

If a user holding an EAR goes offline, the EAR will be automatically assigned to a user
that has a sufficient EAR role. The automatic assignment is made to the online user in the
following order:

1. Primary Operators
2. Secondary Operators
3. Master Operators

Click a cell in the table to open an area specific right pane for the selected user. In the right pane, the
selected user name and role are shown, and it is possible to perform EAR operations.

Objects that belong to the area are shown in the secondary section. Click an object item in the list to
open the related process picture (from Pictures) in a new tab.

GUID-7D2E981F-FAF7-460E-8156-DCFEF485C594 V1 EN-US

Figure 188: Areas of Responsibility view Right Pane

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Area of Responsibility

11.2 My Areas view GUID-C1B16663-EBEB-4AAF-B489-5FB2C69772F5 v1

My Areas view is available in the User Menu. It lists areas where the current user has an AoR role
defined. If the current user has controlling rights for an area, it is highlighted with a green background
and a check mark. Uncontrolled areas, which do not have a user with controlling rights online, are
highlighted with a red border and background color. Section 11.2.1 and Section 11.2.2 show an
example of how the view looks when EAR functionality is disabled and when it is enabled.

11.2.1 Area of Responsibility mode GUID-4808783D-E4F2-4A9F-8480-76176CA3FAF0 v1

In the AoR mode, AoRs are shown as box elements, where the area name is on the left. If the
current user has an Operator role for the AoR, the AoR is highlighted with a green background and a
check mark. If there are no users with the Operator role online, the uncontrolled AoR is highlighted
with a red border and background color. If the current user does not have an Operator role for the
AoR but there is another user online with an Operator role, red highlighting is not used, because the
area is not uncontrolled. Figure 189 shows an example when the current user has controlling rights
for the East, a Viewer role to the North and West, and the South is uncontrolled.

GUID-4F32A8BC-8623-4D0F-B5FD-B2CF1D34EE00 V1 EN-US

Figure 189: My Areas view in AoR-enabled mode

Click on an AoR element to see the details of the AoR. The details view shows the current user's
role, objects belonging to the AoR, and each user role for the selected AoR.

GUID-1E9861A9-ECAD-4A6F-8183-27FE5DA1AC96 V1 EN-US

Figure 190: Area details in My Areas view in AoR-enabled mode

11.2.2 Exclusive Access Rights mode GUID-D65901A1-5E67-402F-B278-9E6F94B355FB v1

In the EAR mode, the current EAR owner for the area is shown under the area name. It is possible to
perform EAR ownership operations directly from the view. In Figure 191, the current user can

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Area of Responsibility

perform a forced take EAR operation to take the area East from Tom, but it is not possible to perform
any EAR operation to the area West. In Figure 191, the current user holds the EAR of the area North.

GUID-A9219F15-13F8-4252-8B7B-E5031397F910 V1 EN-US

Figure 191: My areas view in EAR-enabled mode

Click on an AoR element to see the details of the AoR. The details view shows the current user's
role, current EAR owner, objects belonging to the AoR, and each user's role for the selected AoR. It
is possible to perform EAR operations from the details view. For example, in Figure 192, the current
user is able to give and assign EAR ownership in the Release section of the details view.

GUID-62153162-E33D-4E33-9AE9-8C4AD9DD930E V1 EN-US

Figure 192: Area details in My Areas view in EAR-enabled mode

11.3 Areas of Responsibility block in control panel GUID-FD23BB0D-6077-43F9-B27E-3E1DB66FCAF4 v1

The Areas of Responsibility control block is located in the Actions tab of the device control panel. The
block is visible if the selected device is a part of a defined AoR. It shows if the current user has
controlling rights for the AoR and possibility to perform EAR ownership operations. In Figure 193 and
Figure 194, there are examples of how the block looks like if the current user is controlling the AoR,
or if there is a possibility to take control of the area.

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Area of Responsibility

GUID-54734F70-F2E3-440F-A9EE-C41D227144A1 V1 EN-US

Figure 193: Areas of Responsibility block in control panel - EAR owner

GUID-43F360E8-BAB4-4A4C-9EC0-158BAA4A2D44 V1 EN-US

Figure 194: Areas of Responsibility block in control panel - Possibility to take EAR

Click the AoR item to open My Areas view for the selected AoR. See Section 11.2 for more

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Section 12 Reports GUID-510A18D0-5F99-45C2-9F79-C7C54C4F2A96 v2

12.1 Measurement Reports GUID-9FD78F1F-B639-42DD-8167-9161462A1387 v2

Measurement reports are used to represent measured value history in a numerical format in
configured report pages. Each page has a number of columns configured for certain measured
values. Reports are typically available for multiple time periods, for example, hour, day, week, month,
and year. Reports are usually preconfigured for the application, but new reports can be created and
shared between users in Workplace X. Reports created in Workplace X can only contain measured
values that are preconfigured for measurement reports.

The measurement reports user interface consists of a list view that includes the available reports as
well as tabular and graphical report views which can be opened by clicking a certain report on the

GUID-3D9EC1DE-7DC3-4D3C-832B-3F222C1BB1F7 V1 EN-US

Figure 195: Report list

12.2 Report list GUID-895C69EA-8DF0-44D9-B8FA-0E3988ECE7BD v2

Click Reports in the left pane navigation tree to open the list of available reports.

GUID-3D9EC1DE-7DC3-4D3C-832B-3F222C1BB1F7 V1 EN-US

Figure 196: Report list

Information shown in the report list for each report is described in Table 9.

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Table 9: Report list

NUMBER A numerical index that can be used for unambiguous

identification of a report between operators. Note that
when reports are added or removed, the numbers will be
recalculated. For personal reports, the number is specific
for each user.
TYPE The type of the report as configured.
NAME The name of the report.
PAGES The names of the sub-pages of the report.
TIME PERIOD The time period and interval of the report.
SHARING Is the report shared for all users or personal for the
current user.
ADDED BY Whether the report is preconfigured or user defined in
Workplace X.
VIEW Navigation to tabular or graphical view of the report.

12.2.1 Opening report GUID-EA02B539-F66F-44A7-AE08-66BA703CA30A v2

Click on the report row in the list to open the report. Right-clicking the row, the report can be opened
in a new tab. Clicking or right-clicking the graphical link in view-column will open the report in
graphical view, otherwise tabular view of the report is opened.

If a report has been added to the left pane navigation tree from the report Options, it can also be
opened from the entry located under the Reports item. The report will be opened in tabular or
graphical view based on in which view it was saved to the left pane navigation.

12.2.2 Filtering reports GUID-613A282B-A1FC-4843-A82A-93D02593B949 v1

Type text into the field above the Report list to filter and find reports from the list. Any text visible in
the list can be used for filtering. For example, type text "rivers daily" to show only rows that contain
both of the words. Filtering is case-insensitive.

GUID-FC6C805A-5243-4033-97CB-562217CAEC84 V1 EN-US

Figure 197: Filtered report list

12.2.3 Searching reports GUID-D4115FBD-EEE1-497C-9E82-35E7B3079BAB v1

Type text in the search box on the Workplace X tab bar to search for text from report rows. Search
highlights the reports that match the entered string.

The search is case-insensitive. Search text can have one or many words.

• The "|" character works as an "OR" operator. The operator works over the entire row, for
example, "foo|bar" selects rows that contain either "foo" or "bar".
• Space works as an "AND" operator, for example, the search string "foo bar" selects rows that
contain both "foo" and "bar" in a cell (the order of the words is unimportant).

To activate the quick search, press CTRL+F.

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GUID-C4AB2A2C-8CC1-4175-9EBC-6E4E6A0B2585 V1 EN-US

Figure 198: Report list search

12.2.4 Create new report GUID-2B5454E7-8FC2-4308-89A2-2FE13B1B4B03 v1

Typically, reports are preconfigured in the engineering phase, but it is also possible to create new
reports in Workplace X. Only measurement data that is preconfigured for measurement report
logging in the application can be used in these reports.

Click Create new report on the top of the report list to create a new report. An Add data pop-up
window will open.

Select the desired time period and interval for the report from the drop-down list at the top of the
window. The main area of the window has a list of the available measured data. Select the data
columns to be included in the new report by checking the corresponding check box on the list row.
The list can be filtered using the Filter data field.

After selecting the data columns to be included, click the Add data button at the bottom of the


Figure 199: Adding data to a new report

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If there is no data collected for certain time period or interval for a certain measured data,
the report value column will appear as empty.

To save the created report for later usage, open the Options and click Save current report. Give a
name for the report.

Check the Add to navigation tree check box to make the report also available under the Reports
item in the left pane.

Click the Delete report in the Options tab to delete the currently opened report.

The created report can be modified from the report view header by clicking the + Add or edit data.

12.3 Report view GUID-D5F68EDF-B907-4594-930B-805F6D61D400 v1

A report can be viewed by switching between tabular and graphical views. The report view's header
section contains common functionalities for both tabular and graphical views, as detailed in the
Section 12.3.1. In the left pane Options, most of the sections are common for both tabular and
graphical views. The reports options are described in the Section 12.3.4.

12.3.1 Report view header GUID-1AE7D333-012B-4D83-A96A-990A783D65E0 v1 Navigating between tabular and graphical view GUID-F332B1E8-73FE-495D-808F-E96974506E1E v1

Click the Graphical view or Tabular view link on the header section to navigate between tabular
and graphical view.

GUID-0C8E2457-98E0-48C1-BA65-650AC4F2E772 V1 EN-US

Figure 200: Link to navigate between graphical and tabular views Live and freeze data modes GUID-6AC7FC48-4E71-4429-83ED-86415427E256 v2

Report view is by default opened to the current date and time in live mode. This means that when
time elapses and new report values are collected, they will automatically appear on the view. If, for
some reason, this update is not preferred, the report can be frozen by clicking Freeze data. To re-
enable the live mode, click Show live data. If time navigation is used to show older values, then the
report will automatically disable the live mode. By clicking Show live data, the report will open the
current date/time in live mode. Live mode is also activated automatically when the user navigates
back to the current date/time.

GUID-B3A8213F-62C6-4B8D-9BF9-CEBF709D0263 V1 EN-US

Figure 201: Freeze data and Live updating

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Reports Navigating in time GUID-9971BD08-CE3E-4DB8-8A7E-DBB872597197 v2

Click on the date/time string in the right top corner of the report to open a date time picker and select
the current time period from which to display report values. Depending on the report time period, the
time and date selection is done either by selecting a date or an hour.

Click the arrow buttons beside the date/time string to navigate one time period forward and backward
in time. It is also possible to navigate to the beginning of the recorded report history and back to the
current date by clicking the double arrow buttons.

GUID-AFC7BCCF-8CC4-4962-A86B-14499F0431CE V1 EN-US

Figure 202: Date time picker and time navigation Full screen mode GUID-A3A2AC0A-7034-4851-889C-073248EFDFA9 v1

Click the full-screen mode icons on top of the Report view to enter and exit the report full-screen

GUID-4D322412-6ACB-41FD-A0F5-93403C917189 V1 EN-US

Figure 203: Full-screen mode icons

12.3.2 Tabular view GUID-FE57DD03-2A1F-4FFC-A943-0F4C699FF88B v2

Tabular view shows the configured data columns and values for the currently selected time period.
Values are presented for a certain time period (for example, hour, day, week, month, or year) that is
configured for each report.

The data quality of values is indicated with the generic status add-ons.

Cells that have manually edited values are indicated with a darker background color.

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Rows containing missing values are indicated by the exclamation mark icon in the time interval

GUID-F3AE1F7F-86DD-45B9-BAB5-E90616841EC4 V1 EN-US

Figure 204: Tabular view

The statistics information is shown at the bottom of the page for each data column. Depending on the
report configuration, this can include, for example, sum, mean, minimum or maximum value.

If the report has multiple pages configured, the page can be selected from a drop-down list beside
the report title at the top of the report page.

GUID-FB9B8637-9B3F-46B7-8F53-96A55F8C4E75 V1 EN-US

Figure 205: Report page selector

For hour and day reports, there can be reports with multiple time intervals available, for example, day
report with 15 or 30 minute intervals. The used time interval can be seen from the left-most column
that contains the time/date for the rows. Editing report value GUID-C43471CF-B9F1-42E2-A0A1-F16703245324 v1

Click on a report cell to open the right pane for entering a new value. Editing is only allowed on
certain reports and for the users that are authorized to edit the values.

Typically, editing is possible on the shortest time interval of the day report, whose values
are used to calculate the values for the week, month, and year reports.

Cells that have manually edited values are indicated with a darker background color.

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GUID-65BA4399-750A-4380-AECC-7DE6F78F72D7 V1 EN-US

Figure 206: Editing a report value Column header functions GUID-D12CE851-CC2B-4E2F-81B4-A21FEA9FA336 v1

Clicking on any column header allows access to the functions described in the table below.

Fit columns to window Adjust column widths to fit all columns into the window.
Fit contents to column Adjust column widths based on the column content.

The time interval column header has additional filtering functions listed in the table below.

Filter by missing value Show only rows that have values missing.
Filter by edited value Show only rows that have manually edited values.
Filter by notes Show only rows that have a note.

When any of the filters above is active, a filter icon is shown on the time interval column header. Click
the time interval column header and then click the filter option to add or remove the filter. Adding a note GUID-45996709-41D8-4F92-A40A-BEF14F7D0644 v1

To add a note to a row, click the TIME INTERVAL column on the row where you want to add the note.

Click the Add Note button in the right pane to add the note. Rows that have a comment are indicated
with the generic note icon.

Click the TIME INTERVAL column on the corresponding row again to edit or delete the note.

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GUID-8DBEE9D3-B388-44DA-8A02-316C2A6ECE5D V1 EN-US

Figure 207: Adding note to a report

12.3.3 Graphical view GUID-8BA439E6-C429-45F3-9A78-891E1AAFC5BA v1

Graphical view shows report data on a two dimensional coordinate system, where X-axis represents
time of the measurement and Y-axis represents value of the measurement. X-axis ticks are
positioned and labeled according to the timestamps of the measurement data and Y-axis ticks are
automatically divided according to the values of the measurement data.

In graphical view, signals can be presented with following graph types:

1. Sparkline - A colored line is drawn between values.

2. Area graph - Area between zero and sparkline is colored.
3. Bar - Value is shown as a bar from zero to value.
4. Stacked bar - All signals bars are stacked on top of each other.

Any combination of graph types 1-3 can be used in a single graphical view. In the stacked bar case,
all signals need to be in the same mode. In sparkline and area graph types, quality abnormality of the
data value is visualized as a dashed line. A solid line represents good data quality.

An example of a graphical view containing multiple graph types can be seen in the figure below. The
"Outgoing Total"-signal is presented as Bar, "Incoming Total" as Area graph, and the rest of the
signals are Sparkline.

GUID-26350652-250A-4623-BABF-A426549BB162 V1 EN-US

Figure 208: Graphical view

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Notes are shown under the graph area, positioned by the timestamp of the note. Hovering over the
note icon shows the note text in a tooltip.

An example of Stacked bar visualization can be seen in the figure below.

GUID-FBE93063-D847-4BFD-A17A-C6A6786097B0 V1 EN-US

Figure 209: Stacked bar graph type

Hover over the graph to see the values of the nearest sample for each signal in the tooltip. The
related timestamp is shown at the top of the tooltip. If the value is edited by the user, it is shown with
a darker background. The unit and possible quality status add-on are shown on the right side of the

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GUID-7BEDA82E-320B-4492-BE93-0AAA7CA79551 V1 EN-US

Figure 210: Graph tooltip Signal appearance GUID-B1DFAD63-37EB-4308-8FAA-24C5CFD4D69F v1

To open the signal-specific right pane, click a signal in the graph legend. The signal statistics are
shown in the primary section. The signal appearance can be configured in the secondary section. An
example of the signal right pane is shown in the figure below.

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GUID-A7CA7323-EC9C-4716-8ADB-8C169D8CD128 V1 EN-US

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Figure 211: Signal appearance

Use the Graph appearance selector to choose the signal color from the 24 predefined colors.

Uncheck or check the Show markers checkbox to hide or add markers in Sparkline or Area graph
signal lines.

Use the Interpolation selector to select data interpolation for Sparkline or Area graph signal lines.
Possible interpolations are linear, step-before, and step-after.

In the figure below, the orange signal has interpolation step-before, pink step-after and blue linear.
The blue signal does not have Show markers selected.

GUID-A3560566-3D29-4EF6-A478-15E1AF3A51B6 V1 EN-US

Figure 212: Interpolation

Use the Graph type selector to select the type for the individual selected signal. Possible types are
Sparkline, Area graph, and Bar.

In the figure below, the orange signal has Sparkline, the pink Area graph, and the blue Bar type.

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GUID-5B90A7AE-BEBD-4018-8D54-6C71F5D5C359 V1 EN-US

Figure 213: Graph types

Check the Dedicated Y-Axis checkbox to add a dedicated Y-axis to the selected signal.

Uncheck the Autoscale checkbox to enable custom Y-axis scaling from min to max (instead of
automatically calculated Y-axis limits) to the selected signal.

In the figure below, each signal has a dedicated Y-axis.

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GUID-A6357209-CD47-491A-A381-18DBE232F3A4 V1 EN-US

Figure 214: Dedicated Y-axes Load duration mode GUID-DE872C0F-48D2-48F7-814A-8158F085E84B v1

Check or uncheck the Load duration mode checkbox on top of the graph to enable or disable the
load duration mode. In load duration mode, the X-axis is presented as percentages of time from 0 to
100. Load duration mode shows how much of the time the measurement has been greater than a
certain value.

Mathematically load duration mode shows the value of the complementary cumulative distribution
function. The name of the mode is load duration even when graph does not represent load. The
mode may be applicable also for other uses such as visualizing reliability.

12.3.4 Report view options GUID-F7FFACE3-7136-48FF-A8DF-E909AC7E9513 v2 Save report and select visible data GUID-A25A17E5-7A50-4879-A82E-04E530D1495D v2

Click the Options tab in the left pane while a report view is open to select the visible data on the
report and save the changes. The Save current report function also has the option to add a shortcut
to the report in the left pane navigation tree. A user can save the changes for personal use or as
shared for all users, if the user has sufficient rights.

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Modify the corresponding check boxes to select the data columns and graphs visible on the report.
Save the changes for later use by clicking the Save current report button. Otherwise, changes are
lost when the report is closed. The changes can be saved as Personal or as Shared for all users.
Only users with sufficient rights are allowed to save shared changes.

Write the report name in the Name field to make it identifiable in the report list.

Check the Add to navigation tree check box to create a shortcut to the report under the Reports
item in the left pane navigation tree.

The reports are identified by their name and sharing properties. That is, if a report with
same name and sharing information exists, it will get overridden in the report list.

Click Delete report to delete a report saved with a new name. This will delete the report entry from
the report list and remove any possible shortcut from the navigation tree.

Click Restore report to restore saved changes made for a preconfigured report. This will restore the
report to the original preconfigured state and remove any possible shortcut from the navigation tree.

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GUID-18BD28DB-6B9A-4EAA-BDE4-526D74F4B3A6 V1 EN-US

Figure 215: Save report and select data Exporting report data GUID-AB441266-D6DB-4ADC-920C-2DDDF1D34241 v1

Report data can be exported either in CSV or XML (SpreadsheetML) format. The exported files can
be opened with common spreadsheet applications. Report data export is available in the Options tab
in the left pane. Click Export report data and select the required format from the Export pop-up
window. The export will include the data from the currently opened report page.

The export contains a time interval column, a column including possibly entered notes, and columns
for the report data. For each report data column, the export includes a separate value and quality
information column.

It is possible to either download the export or copy the data to the clipboard. The XML that is copied
to the clipboard cannot be pasted into a spreadsheet application. It must be stored in a file with
a .xml extension, for example, with the Notepad application.

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Figure 216: Export report data Work area scaling GUID-A9C3F37F-61D3-4472-8EE4-DE98D5FAB59F v1

Check the Resize work area automatically check box to scale the report view automatically to fit and
be visible in the content area.

It is recommended to enable automatic work area scaling if the number of columns in the
report is small. For reports with a large number of columns, it is better to keep the
automatic work area scaling disabled. Graph settings (graphical view) GUID-68BBFC65-D2D8-4782-9A15-4CD9B708AAE0 v1

When the report is opened in graphical view, the options contains section for changing the graph

GUID-5D96E75F-682A-4167-8BDE-919C15C71D03 V1 EN-US

Figure 217: Graph settings

The Graph type dropdown menu contains following options: Sparkline, Area graph, Bar and
Stacked bar. When selecting one of these, each data signal on the report page is updated to be
presented with the selected graph type. After selecting a common graph type, individual signals can
be configured to have a different graph type, see Section for more information.

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Uncheck the Vertical lines and Horizontal lines checkboxes to hide the grid lines from the report

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Section 13 Blockings GUID-9D1564CF-5699-4BCC-8003-D47159239E02 v1

Blockings is used for viewing signals (i.e. process objects) that has a blocking enabled. All the
signals in the system can also be visualized and their blocking properties edited.

The possible blocking properties are listed in the table below.

Table 10: Blocking properties

Update blocked Indication updates to the signal from the process are
Control blocked Operation commands to the process from the signal are
Event blocked Event registrations and updates from the signal to user
interface are blocked.
Alarm blocked Alarms are not activated nor displayed in user interface
regardless of the signal state.
Printout blocked Events related to the signal are not sent to a printer.
Action blocked Event channel activation related to the signal is blocked.
Device blocked The device level blocking related to the signal is enabled.
This property cannot be edited via Workplace X.

13.1 Using blocking list GUID-0718527D-8973-413C-BA2B-7E6AECB258D8 v1

Click Blockings in the left pane navigation tree to open the list of signals visualizing their blocking

Check Show blocked signals only checkbox to filter list to show only signals that have a blocking
enabled in one of the visible columns in the list. The number of the blocked signals is shown in the

The number of blocked signals is counted based on the visible columns in the list. For
example, if there are signals having Device blocking enabled, but Device blocked
column is not visible, those signals are not visualized as blocked signals.

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GUID-B1101F1F-D5DD-4E11-B1B2-70D48056C068 V1 EN-US

Figure 218: Show blocked signals only

The maximum amount of signals to show at a time in the list is 1 000. When the maximum limit is
exceeded, an info banner will be displayed to guide user to filter the list.

GUID-8F19E09E-5957-49D7-A29C-B62ED77EC388 V1 EN-US

Figure 219: Maximum amount of signals limit is exceeded

In case the maximum amount of signals is still exceeded even a filter is applied, the blue info banner
contains also info how many signals match the current filter. This helps in understanding how much
the current filter needs to be tighten to meet the maximum signal limit.

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GUID-1C1913CD-847D-43B2-8F9B-3B72239CB4AF V1 EN-US

Figure 220: Maximum amount of signals limit is exceeded with filter

When the maximum signal limit is exceeded, the following group operations are disabled:

• Sorting of the signals

• Group selections / unselections in the edit mode

The operations are disabled because all the signals related to the group are not loaded to the list.

The signal counts are visualized in several locations, and they are explained summarised in the
figures below.

GUID-56441937-8FC4-40D8-961D-2565E885398E V1 EN-US

Figure 221: Total signal count

The text in the top right corner displays the count of signals in the list / the total count of signals in the
system. If a filter is applied, it displays the count of signals in the list / count of signals that match to
the applied filter.


Figure 222: Blocked signals count

The count of signals having a blocking enabled. It is displayed in the top left corner of the list view.
The signals that have a blocking enabled, but the related blocking column is not visible in the list, are
not counted.

GUID-EE5E6D49-A954-428D-A3D9-A33586963EFF V1 EN-US

Figure 223: Count of signals matching to the current filter

The count of signals matching to the current filter is also explained in the blue notification when
maximum signal count limit is exceeded.

Click the full-screen mode icons on top of the blocking list view to enter and exit the blocking list full-
screen mode.

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GUID-4D322412-6ACB-41FD-A0F5-93403C917189 V1 EN-US

Figure 224: Full-screen mode icons

13.2 Filtering blocking signals GUID-AB94C0CF-42DF-44C5-B66A-69BAE3D6D668 v1

The blocking list can be filtered the same way as event and alarm lists. See detailed information in
Section 5.7 and Section 6.5.

GUID-93AB01BF-13AB-41C4-9019-EDEA86A567BA V1 EN-US

Figure 225: Filters enabled in the blocking list

The blocking list can be opened also from a device control panel in a filtered mode where only the
signals related to the device are shown. See more information in Section 4.4.8.

In a multi-monitor workspace, the blocking list can be synchronized and filtered automatically based
on the active process picture in the master monitor. See more info on how to enable synchronization
between multiple Workplace X windows in Section 3.3.1.

13.3 Editing blockings GUID-11E1BFC0-87B8-4536-91DD-ACC9FB808A24 v1

Click Edit blockings link on top right corner of the blocking list view to enter the edit mode. The
checkboxes appear in the blocking property column cells.

Check or uncheck the checkbox to change the blocking state property.

Click list column header for opening column specific context menu for checking or unchecking all
properties of the selected column. These options are not available if the maximum signal count limit
is not exceeded. See more information in Section 13.6.

The unconfirmed changes are visualized with the blue indicator in the top left corner of the list cell.

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GUID-1568C2FB-1A4F-446E-9019-D66E96B8A4E3 V1 EN-US

Figure 226: Unconfirmed changes

Click Confirm changes button in the bottom right corner for applying the blocking changes to the

Click Revert button in the bottom right corner for reverting the unconfirmed changes done to the
blocking properties in the list.

Click Stop editing link on top right corner of the blocking list view to exit the edit mode. This will also
revert all the unconfirmed changes.

GUID-EF6660EA-9176-4327-99CF-AA9073DC5CC3 V1 EN-US

Figure 227: Blocking List in editing mode

Editing is disabled for the properties that do not supported blocking. For example, indication signals
do not support controlling so their control cannot be blocked neither.

GUID-F80B03E0-C34F-45C2-BE36-AF57DA97FF2C V1 EN-US

Figure 228: Blocking List not supported tooltip

Editing is also disabled for the properties that the user is not authorized to modify a blocking, for
example, due to Area of Responsibility configuration.

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GUID-861D721E-C087-41E4-8434-26F911C2E381 V1 EN-US

Figure 229: Blocking list no rights tooltip

13.4 Searching text in blocking list GUID-327BE8FA-5B7B-454C-9FBB-DCBAC402E4D3 v1

In the content area, search signals by typing a search string in the search box on the tab bar. The
search highlights the signal rows that match the entered string. The search is case-insensitive.
Search text can have one or many words.

• The "|" character works as an "OR" operator. The operator works over the entire row, for
example, "foo|bar" selects rows that contain either "foo" or "bar".
• Space works as an "AND" operator, for example, the search string "foo bar" selects rows that
contain both "foo" and "bar" in a cell (the order of the words is unimportant).

To activate the quick search, press CTRL+F.

GUID-7AE2BF7E-CFE6-4668-8C49-A6BF5ED6FE93 V1 EN-US

Figure 230: Searching text in blocking list

13.5 Blocking options GUID-F6627A9E-C4FC-44DF-8706-B04038951AC5 v1

The left pane options view related to Blockings contain same functionalities as Events and Alarms
related options:

• Saving, loading and deleting filters, see more information in Section 6.5.6
• Add / remove columns, see more information in Section 6.4
• Exporting blocking list signals, see more information in Section 13.5.1

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GUID-9FF322DC-0307-4053-983C-1E8266C57312 V1 EN-US

Figure 231: Blocking List left pane options

13.5.1 Exporting blockings GUID-DAE942A1-AA24-4E8C-93AB-F7CCF49FA594 v1

Signals in the blocking list can be exported either in CSV or XML (SpreadsheetML) format. The
exported files can be opened with common spreadsheet applications.

The export is available in the Options tab in the left pane. To export blocking signals, click Export
blockings under Export option and select the required format from the Export pop-up window. The
export will include all the signals that are loaded. All rows include the rows that can be accessed by
scrolling the list and not just the rows that are visible.

It is possible to either download the export or copy the data to the clipboard.

The XML that is copied to the clipboard cannot be pasted to a spreadsheet application. It
must be stored in a file with .xml extension, for example, with Notepad application.

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13.6 Column specific context menu GUID-29D1F3D4-8F24-4FB7-A432-55138D86A2A1 v1

Click a column header of blocking list to open the column specific context menu.

GUID-33E05B86-C725-4E08-9E00-A5D17E65A5E5 V1 EN-US

Figure 232: Column specific context menu

The context menu provides following functionalities:

• Check and uncheck all blocking checkboxes in the list. These options are only available in the
editing mode, and if maximum signal count limit is not exceeded.
• Sort the list in ascending or descending order. The blue triangle pointing up or down next to the
column header indicates whether the list is currently sorted in ascending or descending order.
• Filter the list based on the data of selected column. See Section 5.7 for more information.
• Move the selected column right or left or remove the column.
• Open Column selector view for adding and editing visible columns. See Section 5.6 for more
• Fit columns to window.

Columns related to discrete dataset (for example, system hierarchy: Substation, Bay,
Device) have a possibility to apply filter directly from the context menu just by selecting
items from a list of available values.

Blocking list can be sorted for all columns.

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