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MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.

Process Picture Design Manual
Document ID: 1MRK 511 663-UEN
Issued: February 2023
Revision: A
Product version: 10.5

© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.

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( This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (

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This product includes software developed by vbAccelerator (/index.html).

1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Table of contents

Table of contents

Section 1 Introduction....................................................................................................7
1.1 Picture engineering tool - View Builder................................................................................. 7
1.2 Organization of this manual...................................................................................................7
1.3 Use of symbols......................................................................................................................7
1.4 Document conventions..........................................................................................................8
1.5 Revision history..................................................................................................................... 8

Section 2 Important concepts in View Builder.............................................................9

2.1 Functional structure objects.................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Typicals................................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Naming of objects..................................................................................................................9
2.3.1 Internal names...................................................................................................................10
2.3.2 Customer names............................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Workspace.......................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Diagrams and Pictures........................................................................................................ 10

Section 3 View Builder user interface.........................................................................11

3.1 Tool frame UI....................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Overview............................................................................................................................11
3.1.2 Title bar..............................................................................................................................11 User Settings dialog box.............................................................................................. 13
3.1.3 Navigation trees................................................................................................................ 14
3.1.4 Editor tabs with editor selection.........................................................................................16 Navigating around editors and editor tabs................................................................... 18
3.2 Import UI..............................................................................................................................22
3.2.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Import Functional Structure dialog box..............................................................................23
3.3 Template Management UI................................................................................................... 26
3.4 Workspace explorer............................................................................................................ 26
3.4.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 26
3.4.2 Toolbar...............................................................................................................................28
3.5 Workspace Language UI.....................................................................................................30
3.5.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 30
3.5.2 Adding or removing Workspace Languages..................................................................... 31
3.5.3 Default Workspace Language........................................................................................... 31
3.6 SLD/Process Diagram editor...............................................................................................31
3.6.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 32
3.6.2 Toolbar...............................................................................................................................32
3.6.3 Elements tab..................................................................................................................... 33 Connecting elements in diagram container..................................................................40 Adding Hierarchical Symbols....................................................................................... 41
3.6.4 Property tab.......................................................................................................................41

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 1

Process Picture Design Manual
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Table of contents 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Diagram background properties...................................................................................41 Element properties....................................................................................................... 42
3.7 Process Pictures dashboard............................................................................................... 45
3.7.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 45
3.7.2 Toolbar...............................................................................................................................47
3.7.3 Create a picture section.................................................................................................... 48 Compose Picture dialog box........................................................................................ 49
3.7.4 Created picture section..................................................................................................... 53
3.8 Process Pictures editor....................................................................................................... 54
3.8.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 54
3.8.2 Toolbar...............................................................................................................................55 Picture Settings dialog box...........................................................................................61 Insert Element dialog box.............................................................................................63 Translations dialog box................................................................................................ 64
3.8.3 Elements tab..................................................................................................................... 65 Connect elements in picture container.........................................................................70 Adding Hierarchical Symbols....................................................................................... 72
3.8.4 Property tab.......................................................................................................................72 Diagram background properties...................................................................................72 Element properties....................................................................................................... 74 Direct mapping of MicroSCADA process object attributes...........................................92
3.8.5 Events tab......................................................................................................................... 94 Select Picture dialog box..............................................................................................97 Alignment grid behavior............................................................................................... 98
3.9 Communication supervision pictures dashboard.................................................................99
3.9.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 99
3.9.2 Toolbar.............................................................................................................................100
3.9.3 Create picture section..................................................................................................... 100
3.9.4 Created picture section................................................................................................... 101
3.10 Communication supervision pictures editor.......................................................................102
3.10.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 102
3.10.2 Toolbar.............................................................................................................................103
3.11 Network Communication Configuration.............................................................................103
3.11.1 Elements tab................................................................................................................... 104
3.11.2 Ports Tab......................................................................................................................... 110
3.11.3 Property tab..................................................................................................................... 111 Diagram background properties................................................................................. 111
3.12 Network Supervision Picture Dashboard........................................................................... 111
3.12.1 Toolbar.............................................................................................................................112
3.12.2 Elements tab....................................................................................................................112
3.12.3 Properties Tab................................................................................................................. 113
3.12.4 Ports Tab......................................................................................................................... 114
3.13 Events tab..........................................................................................................................115
3.14 Export UI............................................................................................................................115
3.14.1 Overview..........................................................................................................................115
3.14.2 Toolbar.............................................................................................................................116

2 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

Process Picture Design Manual
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Table of contents

Section 4 Engineering workflow................................................................................117

4.1 Import and maintain data structure....................................................................................117
4.1.1 Import data...................................................................................................................... 117
4.1.2 Adding/removing objects................................................................................................. 117
4.1.3 Typical instance management......................................................................................... 117
4.1.4 Naming objects................................................................................................................117
4.2 Opening a functional structure object in an editor............................................................. 118
4.3 Creating the topology........................................................................................................ 118
4.4 Creating process pictures..................................................................................................118
4.4.1 Working with primitive graphics....................................................................................... 118
4.4.2 Working with symbols......................................................................................................118
4.4.3 Configuring properties..................................................................................................... 118
4.4.4 Mapping objects to symbols............................................................................................ 118
4.4.5 Mapping data points to symbols...................................................................................... 119
4.4.6 Configuring events and actions for symbols....................................................................119
4.4.7 Creating composed process pictures.............................................................................. 119
4.4.8 Editing composed process pictures.................................................................................119
4.5 Creating communication supervision pictures................................................................... 119
4.6 Export pictures to SYS600 Workplace X........................................................................... 119
4.7 Auxiliary functionality.........................................................................................................120
4.7.1 Updating templates......................................................................................................... 120
4.7.2 Add/modify workspace languages...................................................................................120

Section 5 SYS600 engineering workflow..................................................................121

Section 6 Power Transformer tools.......................................................................... 133

6.1 Power Transformer Nameplate editor............................................................................... 133
6.2 Power Transformer Analyzer editor...................................................................................134

Section 7 Typicals.......................................................................................................137
7.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 137
7.2 Creating Typical Bays from Bay standalone .....................................................................137
7.3 Joining instances to Typical Bays......................................................................................139
7.3.1 Join with Typical dialog box.............................................................................................140
7.4 Disconnecting instances from Typical Bays...................................................................... 142
7.5 Engineering picture on instance level................................................................................143
7.6 Typicals import or export................................................................................................... 143
7.6.1 What does a typical contain?.......................................................................................... 143
7.6.2 Exporting a typical...........................................................................................................144
7.6.3 Importing a typical........................................................................................................... 146
7.6.4 Limitation and rules......................................................................................................... 147

Section 8 Symbol Editing...........................................................................................149

8.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 149
8.2 Notice on current restrictions for Symbol Editing.............................................................. 149
8.3 User interface.................................................................................................................... 150
8.3.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 150

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 3

Process Picture Design Manual
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Table of contents 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A

8.3.2 Application Bar................................................................................................................ 150

8.3.3 Tool Bar........................................................................................................................... 150
8.3.4 Main Area........................................................................................................................151
8.3.5 Configuration Panes........................................................................................................152
8.4 Workflow............................................................................................................................153
8.4.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 153
8.4.2 Open the Symbol Editor ................................................................................................. 153
8.4.3 Open a Published Symbol for editing..............................................................................153
8.4.4 Open a Draft for Renewed Editing.................................................................................. 155
8.4.5 Save a Modified Symbol..................................................................................................157
8.4.6 Publish a Symbol.............................................................................................................158
8.4.7 Delete a Draft.................................................................................................................. 160
8.4.8 Symbol swapping............................................................................................................ 161

Annexure A Naming conventions................................................................................. 163

1.1 IEC.................................................................................................................................... 163
1.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................163
1.1.2 General conventions in IEC 81346..................................................................................163
1.1.3 Hierarchies in IEC 81346 and IEC 61850....................................................................... 163
1.2 The standardized naming conventions..............................................................................163
1.2.1 View Builder standardized names for a bay.................................................................... 163
1.2.2 View Builder standardized names for a diameter............................................................165

Annexure B Busbar connection logic...........................................................................167

1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................167
1.2 Automation based on naming schemes............................................................................ 167
1.2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................167
1.2.2 Assumptions....................................................................................................................167
1.2.3 The naming schemes...................................................................................................... 167
1.2.4 Rules for classification/typing of Busbars........................................................................169
1.3 Rules for connections of switching equipment to Busbars in Typicals.............................. 169
1.3.1 Automatic Busbar creation.............................................................................................. 169
1.3.2 Automatic connections on instances............................................................................... 169
1.3.3 Busbar layout.................................................................................................................. 171
1.3.4 Engineering workflow...................................................................................................... 172
1.3.5 Errors in automatic Busbar connections..........................................................................173

Annexure C Information unavailable in SYS600 process database...........................175

Annexure D Rule file.......................................................................................................183

Annexure E Symbols......................................................................................................189

Annexure F Hierarchical Symbols................................................................................ 195

1.1 Background....................................................................................................................... 195
1.2 Creation.............................................................................................................................195
1.2.1 Process Diagram/SLD.....................................................................................................195
1.2.2 Process Picture............................................................................................................... 196

4 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

Process Picture Design Manual
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Table of contents

1.2.3 Supported symbols..........................................................................................................197

1.3 Modification....................................................................................................................... 197
1.3.1 Selection mode................................................................................................................197
1.3.2 Edit mode........................................................................................................................ 199
1.3.3 Adding Child Items.......................................................................................................... 200
1.3.4 Modify Connections.........................................................................................................200
1.4 Limitations......................................................................................................................... 201

Abbreviations Abbreviations.............................................................................................203

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 5

Process Picture Design Manual
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 1

Section 1 Introduction
1.1 Picture engineering tool - View Builder GUID-017B34C4-5EDD-4525-9720-7662B564E144 v2

The View Builder tool is used to engineer the SYS600 Workplace X process and supervision
pictures. It can be opened from the Application Configuration tab of the SYS600 Tool Launcher.

View Builder is designed to provide a unified way to engineer the SYS600 Workplace X.

View Builder provides the following functionalities:

• Import of Functional Structure (if available) and Data Points from the backend
• Expanded Workspace Explorer and Naming editor for editing imported structure
• SLD/Process Diagram editor for topology engineering
• Process and Communication Supervision Pictures editors for SYS600 Workplace X engineering
• Typical/Instance management to allow cost efficient handling of late changes

View Builder does not allow the engineering of data points (for example, event or alarm list
configuration, data point text).

1.2 Organization of this manual GUID-857F7BF7-AA2A-4DC7-8F84-4BA0AE45E3CA v1

This manual is organized as follows:

• Section 2 introduces some specific concepts used in View Builder.

• Section 3 introduces the View Builder user interface. This information helps in understanding the
process access and edit data and to learn about Graphic User Interface features available in the
different editors.
• Section 4 describes the main engineering workflow of View Builder. Refer this to understand to
organize the engineering of pictures and to maintain them.
• Section 5 describes the usage of Typical Bays, an important engineering concept that improves
efficiency and consistency of projects considerably. This information helps in understanding the
process to structure workspace with Typical Bays.
• Annexure A, Annexure B, Annexure C, and Annexure D provide in-depth information about
specific areas
• Naming convention
• Busbar connection logic
• Information unavailable in SYS600 process database
• Rule file

1.3 Use of symbols GUID-40202D95-06FA-49CD-85D5-7F25DC908D1D v1

This publication includes warning, caution and information symbols where appropriate to point out
safety-related or other important information. It also includes tips to point out useful hints to the
reader. The corresponding symbols should be interpreted as follows:

Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in personal injury.

Caution icon indicates important information or a warning related to the concept

discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard, which could result in
corruption of software or damage to equipment/property.

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 7

Process Picture Design Manual
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Section 1 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A

Information icon alerts the reader to relevant factors and conditions.

Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design a project or how to use a certain

Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, and caution hazards are associated with
equipment or property damage, it should be understood that operation of damaged equipment could,
under certain operational conditions, result in degraded process performance leading to personal
injury or death. Therefore, comply fully with all warnings and caution notices.

1.4 Document conventions GUID-A3DA135D-D888-4541-8815-12A7163A3C93 v1

The following document conventions are used for the presentation of material:

• The words in the screen element names (for example, the title in the title bar of a window, the
label for a field of a dialog box, and so on) are initially capitalized.
• Upper case is being used for the name of a keyboard key if labeled on the keyboard. For
example, the ENTER key. Lower case letters are used for the name of a keyboard key that is
not labeled on the keyboard. For example, the space bar and the comma key.
• Press CTRL+C, this indicates that CTRL key must be pressed before pressing the C key (to
copy a selected object in this case).
• Press ESC, this key has several actions, for example, abort for cancel an operation.
• The names of push and toggle buttons are presented in bold. For example, click OK.
• The names of menus and menu items are presented in bold. For example, the File menu.
• The following convention is used for menu operations: Menu Name/Menu Item/Cascaded Menu
Item. For example: select File/New /Type.
• Start menu always refers to the Start menu on the Windows taskbar.
• System prompts/messages and user responses/input are shown in the Courier font. For
example, if an entered value is out of range, the following message is displayed:
Entered value is not valid. The value must range from 0 to 30.
• If the string MIF349 is entered in a field, this is displayed as MIF349 in the procedure.
• Lower case and italics are used to represent the variables. For example, server_ip_address.

1.5 Revision history GUID-BA0BE6E8-43FC-4A5D-A116-ADD9FE24A66E v8

Revision Version number Date History

A 10.5 17.02.2023 Updated the document with a new section on
Network Supervision Pictures, updated the
branding in images and made editorial
changes. Updated images to showcase the
current UI. Implemented various technical
changes that emerged during a review.

8 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

Process Picture Design Manual
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 2
Important concepts in View Builder

Section 2 Important concepts in View Builder GUID-23EBC32C-3DE9-464A-B2C0-C740C7A2F20F v1

2.1 Functional structure objects GUID-EB3301BD-48DC-486C-AB53-9D10D1DC19DB v2

Power system projects commonly comprise engineering control, protection, and supervisory
functions for primary equipment.

The primary equipment is modeled and displayed in a hierarchical tree. Any object that appears in
this tree is referred to as a Functional Structure object in this document.

The Functional Structure consists of a hierarchical arrangement of equipment containers (for

example, a substation, voltage level, and bay) and equipment (for example, a circuit breaker and
capacitor bank). The hierarchy follows certain rules; for example, the voltage level must be below a
substation. These rules are typically easy to understand for engineers and end customers.

2.2 Typicals GUID-C3581794-22D6-4372-90A3-3211F8BAF14A v1

Typicals is a basic concept often used by power system engineers. An engineer decides on a
structure, which repeats often; configures the structure first and verifies with the customer. Then the
configuration is applied to many such structures of the same type by copy and paste. As an example,
one-line bay (the Typical Bay), which after full configuration and testing, is copied and pasted to add
many line Bays. This process has a disadvantage that additional changes are applied individually
after the copy-paste action is performed.

In View Builder, this concept is enhanced:

Typicals once created are kept and the instances have the reference to the Typicals. Changes done
in Typicals, always automatically propagate to the instances, for example,

• The single line diagram of Typicals (including primary equipment, connections, and layout).
• The engineered process and supervision pictures.
• Data point and control pane mapping.

The benefit comes in later stages of a project, when changes required by a customer are applied to
the Typicals and then, automatically propagates to all the instances; this provides consistency and

It is defined as Standalone any element which is neither a Typical nor an Instance.

2.3 Naming of objects GUID-D1FB29F5-36E0-417B-8599-A68258A2ED83 v2

Manufacturers and customers often have different naming conventions. The customers need their
own naming scheme for efficient operation, and the manufacturers need their own naming scheme
for both efficient commissioning and later support and expansion.

The View Builder provides a dual naming as a solution to manufacturers and customers with a dual
naming scheme. For every object, View Builder provides an Internal Name or Internal Text
(manufacturer specific) and a Customer Name or Customer Text (which belongs to the customer).
The user interface elements can be configured to display either one or the other, or sometimes both,
if required. See Section on how to select the displayed naming scheme.

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 9

Process Picture Design Manual
© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Section 2 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Important concepts in View Builder

2.3.1 Internal names GUID-8FF41756-BF2B-4DFA-956E-DE80C1B733BE v4

Internal names of any object can only contain the letters A-Z, a-z, and the numbers 0-9. Furthermore,
Hitachi Energy adheres to the naming standard as defined in IEC 81346, which imposes further

These internal names need to be unique within one level (for example, bay names within a voltage
level) and the names are also used for some efficiency enhancement logic.

See .

On import, customer names are maintained, whereas, internal names are automatically
created. Manual modification of internal names might sometimes be required, in such
cases, familiarize yourself with the naming scheme and the logic.

2.3.2 Customer names GUID-12A31A2D-4974-48DE-9206-23B19EC473E3 v2

Customer names for any object can have any Unicode character with no restrictions. These names
need not be hierarchical. However, a hierarchical naming scheme is recommended whenever
possible, as it has many advantages. For example, in renaming.

Substation automation may be a part of a larger plant, like a power generation station or a refinery,
which imposes other naming standards apart from IEC 81346 and can also be implemented with the
customer's name.

Manual modification of customer names is possible but not recommended for the user. In such case,
it is recommended to maintain the object names in the SYS600 process database and synchronize
them with View Builder using the Import functionality.

2.4 Workspace GUID-F5BAA7FD-1780-4CBA-92A1-9987027ABB1A v2

A workspace is used to store all engineering information in a collection of files. This includes not only
the engineering work, but also the symbol library, functional structure definition, and other necessary

The Workspace folder is automatically created when View Builder is first opened for an Application.

The location of the folder is:


2.5 Diagrams and Pictures GUID-441FDB06-6BD2-4798-B88C-45F8D6B14974 v2

Single Line Diagrams, or Diagrams, in short, represent the equipment and the equipment container
structure of the functional structure network that is being engineered and visualize the topological
connections between the elements. Diagrams are the basis for creating pictures to represent the
system to engineers and operators.

Pictures are created to show the operator live information about the network. Modifications here do
not affect the functional structure.

10 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

Process Picture Design Manual
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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 3
View Builder user interface

Section 3 View Builder user interface GUID-FEEE80D6-5EC8-4716-B24A-C4B5E424488E v2

This section gives an overview of the View Builder Graphical User Interface (GUI), describes the
different parts and general functionality that is provided.

View Builder UI does not use context menus to launch editors. Editors are launched by
selecting the appropriate functional structure object in the navigation tree and then
selecting the editor.

3.1 Tool frame UI

3.1.1 Overview GUID-DC28BE02-800F-4C6C-B564-8334E9AF7A45 v5

The main View Builder user interface is composed of the following distinct sections shown in Figure

GUID-2B07A4B5-3F17-4AB8-B782-7F7CDBDAD7B0 V1 EN-US

Figure 1: View Builder overview with user interface sections

Pos. No. Functionality

1 Title bar
2 Navigation trees
3 Editor selection
4 Editor tabs
5 Main area

3.1.2 Title bar GUID-D25AF37C-F4EB-4316-9839-49B954397ED7 v6

The title bar includes the following functionalities as shown in Figure.

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 11

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Section 3 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
View Builder user interface

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

GUID-06538F6C-9A4E-4E76-93E7-078BDE1AE5C0 V1 EN-US

Figure 2: Title Bar

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Undo/Redo Click to undo or redo.

2 Save Click to save all the pending changes on the open workspace. The icon is highlighted, and the
workspace title is appended with an asterisk when changes are not saved.
Snapshots can also be taken, viewed, and restored from this menu.


3 Reset Workspace Layout

4 Data Exchange Center Click to open the Data Exchange Center.


The Data Exchange Center allows the user to import and export Typicals. The Typicals are
exported into a selected folder with the .saetyp extension.
Table continues on next page

12 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 3
View Builder user interface

Pos. No. Functionality Description

5 Warnings/Errors Click to open the log window. It is then possible to filter based on the severity of the messages:
errors only, warnings only, or all.
The window is then pinned to the editor page frame or freely moved around.
The title bar below the related icons shows the number of unacknowledged errors and

6 About box Click to open a dialog box with version and data repository information (data, log files, and

7 User settings Click to open the User Settings dialog box. See Section for related functionality.

GUID-792E2CAE-5C00-4414-8D36-E4E5A6BAEDEB V1 EN-US User Settings dialog box GUID-891965DD-664B-4377-8377-53A18733B7FD v7

The User Settings dialog box consists of two tabs such as, General and Default Symbols. The
General tab allows the user to set the tool UI language (default, English) and the way to display the
object names in the tool in the tool (see Section 2.3 for the View Builder naming principles). The
Default Symbols tab allows the user to determine the default symbol that will be used to display
equipment. The SYS600 tab, if present, allows the user to configure SYS600 specific properties.

The User Settings dialog box is composed of general settings which is applicable for all products
using View Builder and RTU product specific settings

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Section 3 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
View Builder user interface

3.1.3 Navigation trees GUID-96354392-C01F-4B77-ACC5-C6C270CC1506 v3

Navigation trees display objects in different hierarchies. The collapse and expand functionalities are
available on each level to display the entire or a part of the parent or child structure. Each of the
displayed items can be double-clicked or dragged to the Editor tab area to engineer the related

The navigation tree structure is optimized to display objects, which can be opened in an
editor (that is, equipment container from the functional tree structure). Leaf equipment
cannot be browsed in that tree.

The following functionalities are available in navigation trees:

Navigation trees or tabs Description

Main Displays the actual grid, region, and/or substation topologies, and the child
equipment containers.

GUID-3F3676B2-CFC2-4EA8-823D-DB2E2678AF78 V1 EN-US

Typicals Displays the list of Typicals that are already engineered.

GUID-E225E62D-3FFE-47DA-92A5-F1308BEB49EA V1 EN-US

Figure displays the list of Typicals that are already engineered.

14 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 3
View Builder user interface

GUID-D2A2F76F-A1CC-4923-A995-8F85D35834BA V1 EN-US

Figure 3: Navigation tree user interface

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Section 3 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
View Builder user interface

Pos. No. Description

1 Active navigation tree.
Click on the other tab to switch accordingly.
2 Type object name to filter the navigation tree accordingly.

Applicable parent structure is still shown.

3,4,5 Select an object to start related picture engineering.

6,8 When a bay is selected in the Main tab, any related typical is shown in the subsection.
The reverse is available when navigating the typical tree.
7 Drag to the right to expand the Workspace Explorer.

3.1.4 Editor tabs with editor selection GUID-43D69FFC-9CCF-4320-A093-6993A55E5E53 v5

The following type of editor tabs are available as shown in Figure 4.


GUID-E8303CFE-F913-48FA-AAE4-76A607BD1258 V1 EN-US

Figure 4: Equipment Container Tab Details

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 3
View Builder user interface

Tabs Description
Overview tab The Overview tab is composed of general functionality, which applies to the whole workspace and is
not specific to a functional structure object.
There are three editors that can be called from this tab: Import (see Section 3.2.1), Template
Management, (see Section 3.3), and Workspace Language (see Section 3.5).
When starting View Builder, the Overview tab is already opened. The Overview tab cannot be closed.

Table continues on next page

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Section 3 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
View Builder user interface

Tabs Description
Equipment container tab Each equipment container type (from Grid to Bay) opens a tab composed of the same structure.
There are three editors that can be managed from such tab: SLD/Process Diagram (see Section 3.6),
Process Pictures (see Section 3.7, and Section 3.8), Communication Supervision Picture (see
Section 3.9 and Section 3.10) and Export (see Section 3.14.1).

The following table lists the detailed information about the functionalities of the equipment container

Pos. No. Description

1 Active equipment container tab.
Click on another tab to switch accordingly.
2 Alternative way to select an active tab.
Click to get a drop-down list with the open tab names.
3 Available editors for the active tab. The selected editor name is shown in blue.
Click the editor to activate. Different editors can be activated for different editor tabs (for example, Q01 Process Picture
and Q03 SLD/Process diagram can be opened concurrently). Navigating around editors and editor tabs GUID-4DB5ACEA-8BB5-48AF-893F-EA1AEF2168EE v2

The following possibilities are available:

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Functionality Description
Overview tab Always opened, can neither be closed nor be undocked.

Open equipment container To open the first equipment container editor tab, double-click on the selected object in the navigation
editor tab tree or drag that object from the navigation tree to the editor tab area.
Editor is not selected by default.

GUID-D21F0A51-6466-42AD-8F24-71744BF29457 V1 EN-US

Table continues on next page

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Functionality Description
Switch equipment container To switch the current equipment container editor tab to another equipment container without opening a
from an opened editor tab new tab, double-click the desired equipment container on the navigation tree.
If a workflow step was selected, the same is active for the switched equipment container.
As the Overview tab cannot be closed by design, the interface cannot be switched to other. Performing
above operation, while the Overview tab is selected results in a new editor tab, opened for the

GUID-29305330-6540-41AE-9458-60E1C033A768 V1 EN-US

Append new editor tab To open a subsequent editor tab without closing the current tab, drag the required equipment container
to the editor tab area. This tab is added at the end of the current list and can be re-ordered.


Table continues on next page

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Functionality Description
Switch context to a different To switch context to a different active editor tab, click on the tab name from the top list or double-click
active editor Tab the related equipment container from the navigation tree. Drag, in this case also, to switch context as
there can only be one active editor tab per unique equipment container.


Undocking editor tab The user can undock editor tabs by dragging the tab title from the top list, to display these as separate
The top right button of a separate window can be used to dock to the main window.


Table continues on next page

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Functionality Description
Split editor tab area The user can dock an editor tab to split the editor tab into two areas– either vertically or horizontally.
The two areas can, however, host several editor tabs and behave as an independent editor tab area.


3.2 Import UI GUID-9DF5C67A-00ED-42B7-ABC0-CB2420A3126F v1

3.2.1 Overview GUID-DB0B633A-C577-41D5-9D5D-20FE2CE89D3B v4

The SYS600 process database is read during start-up and the user can view the Import dialog box
and edit the functional structure before any engineering work can be started.

Click the SYS600 process database entry to re-invoke the Import dialog box with the import editor
from the Overview tab.

Click the RTU500 entry to re-invoke the Import dialog box with the import editor from the Overview

Click here

1 6


GUID-81CB69F5-533B-4687-B92E-2B8D410933F6 V1 EN-US

Figure 5: Invoke Import Dialog box from Overview tab

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3.2.2 Import Functional Structure dialog box GUID-9F782B56-5AD6-4F7F-8397-54150FB3095C v5

The Import Functional Structure dialog box first reports any warnings or errors detected during the
parsing of the SYS600 process database.

The work done in the Import dialog box is only saved when proceeded with an import.
Reloading structure or canceling the import removes any changes from the dialog box.


IEC19000234 V1 EN-US

Figure 6: Import Functional Structure dialog box

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Reload structure It is important to review and fix or consciously accept the remaining errors or warnings
before the first import.
Switch to the SYS600 process database to fix the issues. Click Reload Structure to verify if
the imported data is correct.
2 Go to import view After completing all the reported issues or fixing the remaining ones, click Go to Import

Click Go to Import view and the Import Functional Structure dialog box changes with the below

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1 2
3 4


IEC19000235 V2 EN-US

Figure 7: Import Functional Structure dialog box with changes

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Show All, Show Changes, and Built-in filtering for the displayed table information:
Show Invalid Show Changes display changes compared to previous Import.
Show Invalid displays all elements that are preventing import.
Any invalid element is always also marked with a red dot on the left navigation pane.
Point to the red dot to get a tooltip hinting the possible issues.
2 Delete/Add Click + button to add equipment to the import scope. Use trash icon to remove the
newly added equipment.
3 Don't show import dialog on startup Enable this to hide the import dialog on startup. This can be changed later on.
4 Group by Click to open an area that functions as a drag target. Drag a field name there to group
the list by that field. Click the name inside the drag target area to switch the ordering
ascending/descending. Drag it back away to remove grouping.
5 Import Import is blocked (unavailable) until all problematic import actions are resolved.

Cancel is always enabled.

The main view area is a table with the following columns and possible actions:

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Functionality Description
Full Path Internal name with full hierarchical structure that is automatically generated for the imported equipment,
according to IEC 81346 naming conventions. This name is used in engineering automation and efficiency
but not used in the displayed pictures (customer name is used).
Customer Name Name of the equipment derived from the imported data and stored in the customer name field of the View
Builder model.
Import Action Current action that is executed by the tool when import action is clicked.
These actions can be:

• Add:
Default for new elements detected in the SYS600 process database.
• Ignore Add:
State achieved when the user decides to not add a newly detected item and overrule the add action
in the Import Action Adjustment column. This creates inconsistency in the View Builder structure
and the SYS600 process database and is difficult to add it later without rework, hence requires
conscious decision and the reason be documented separately.
• Keep:
Elements already imported in a previous session; no specific action is required.
• Ignore remove:
If a structural equipment exists in the View Builder and has no equivalent in the SYS600 process
database, the import proposes by default to keep the object. The assumption is that some elements
may be added in View Builder compared to the SYS600 process database to handle specific
automation and proper modeling as required. Those elements depend on the source products.
• Remove:
State achieved when the proposed don’t remove action is overruled by the user as a result some
engineering work could be lost. User is encouraged to delete the object in View Builder Expanded
Workspace Explorer, where the exact consequences of the deletion are explained in a confirmation
dialog box.
• Add manually
Additional equipment elements can be added using the + to create a different structure as compared
with the imported one proposed and based on the SYS600 process database. You can drag and
drop whole trees under new elements to make the desired structure.
• Automatically added:
Equipment added because of another manually added equipment.

Import Action Adjustment Adjustment controllable by the user applicable to the current import action.
These adjustments can be:

• Don’t add:
Forces the import to ignore an object from SYS600 process database. As explained previously, this
decision must be taken carefully, as it creates inconsistency between the View Builder structure and
the SYS600 process data. If the SYS600 process database is a parent object, all its children are
automatically set to Don’t Add as well. If you need to import only one bay from a big substation,
selectDon’t Add for that substation and then only un-select the required child bay.
• Don’t remove:
Usually this is pre-selected as the tool assumes that the user needs any additional View Builder
equipment (cautious decisions made). By unselecting this adjustment, the tool removes the object
from the View Builder during the import – main use case is cleaning up a change from the SYS600
process database and must be fully user driven.
• No adjustment possible
When the import action is available, there are no adjustments possible in the Import Action
Adjustment column.

Actual Type Equipment type is created. This can be changed by clicking on the cell and selecting another eligible type.
The available drop-down list is automatically filtered according to the parent type and the structure rules.
By default, the value matches the proposed type.
When creating manually an equipment using the + button, a default type is always assigned, and can be
changed here to the desired value.
Proposed Type Type that is proposed to be used to import the related SYS600 process object.
This is empty when the object is not existing in the SYS600 process database (added in View Builder or
manually in the Import dialog box) or if this type is not recognized (actual type is set to unsupported).

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3.3 Template Management UI GUID-D2548ABC-A081-4A25-81E9-65A7F312A897 v2

The Template Management functionality is limited to allow an advanced user to update the symbol
library from the existing workspace to the current version of the tool. This is only needed when
dealing with a support case with the manufacturer and can be safely ignored.

Template Management is the second workflow step from the Overview tab.


IEC19000712 V1 EN-US

Figure 8: Template management interface

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Check for When a new template is available and compatible, the button displays update templates as text.

After clicking update templates, the user is informed that a workspace backup is created, and the
current workspace is updated.

After the update is completed, the user is prompted to restart the tool for applying the changes.

3.4 Workspace explorer GUID-18D42722-6D7D-450E-A407-985C3C9344D6 v1

3.4.1 Overview GUID-C06DA657-ABB0-4A1B-936F-A3DA816E8837 v3

The workspace explorer allows the user to navigate the functional structure. The expanded
workspace explorer allows the user to modify the functional structure, that is, to expand the
workspace explorer and drag the right border of the left (navigation) pane to the right.

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2 1

GUID-A0BF7CCD-AE1C-439A-A1A1-5A2058429C1A V1 EN-US

Figure 9: Workspace explorer

The workspace explorer is split between the display of Typical and Main structures. Clicking on any
of the displayed items will display the list of child equipment.

Pos. No. Tab Description

1 Main The Main functional structure explorer displays all equipment containers and equipment in
a list with separate columns per tree level.
2 Typicals The Typicals explorer displays the bay Typicals and their child equipment in a list with
separate columns per tree level.

The following workspace explorer functionalities are available as shown in Figure 10.

1 2

1 2

GUID-734C15D6-972A-4C52-88DC-F1D155360F98 V1 EN-US

Figure 10: Functional Structure and Typicals explorer to select Typicals

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Pos. No. Description

1 Highlights whether Main or Typicals, are being visualized.
Click on the other tab to switch accordingly.
2 Type an object name to search and directly select a functional structure object (instead of manually
browsing the tree).
3 Click on an object to open the child list.
4 Bay instances linked to a Typical have an icon displayed in blue.
The Typical bay icon is displayed in orange.
Standalone items are displayed with a black icon.
When a bay is selected in the Main structure, any related Typical is shown in the subsection. The
reverse is available when navigating the Typical structure.

3.4.2 Toolbar GUID-8FF3F0C2-F9A0-4E93-A772-143D3519D3E7 v5

The workspace explorer toolbar includes the following functionalities as shown in Figure 11.

2 3 4 5

IEC19000583 V1 EN-US

Figure 11: Workspace explorer tool bar

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Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Explorer The default mode of the workspace explorer.
It allows to create and modify the functional structure.

IEC19000584 V1 EN-US

2 Naming Editor The Naming Editor mode displays the full functional structure in a table format to allow efficient bulk
engineering of internal name and customer name for equipment container and equipment object name
changes (names can also be edited directly from an element property in the Explorer view).
The name columns of Internal Name and Customer Name are editable. The Path column is updated

IET700 generates internal names following the naming conventions from the IEC
81346 standard.
Therefore, only advanced user should edit them. See .

It is recommended for the user to edit customer name in the SYS600 process database structure.

IEC19000585 V1 EN-US

Table continues on next page

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Pos. No. Functionality Description

3 Add Object Clicking Add Object and selecting one from the drop-down menu does the following:

• Adds a child to the currently selected functional structure object if that object is of type
equipment container.
• Add a sibling functional structure object if the currently selected one is only an equipment.

The drop-down menu selection only displays the valid child type.

GUID-B4854850-D4BE-49F1-A929-1F0D1DD2BC35 V1 EN-US

4 Delete Object Permanently deletes the selected functional structure object and all the descendants. The tool warns
about related child nodes that are removed and prompts for confirmation.
Similarly, when used with the Typical tab, deleting a typical structure deletes all linked instance

The delete operation of the equipment container and the descendant, as well as
deleting the Typical data, cannot be undone.

5 Typical/Instance Available in the Functional (Main) structure explorer, click Typical / Instance Management to open
Management the sub-menu for handling Typical creation, as well as join and disconnect operations.

3.5 Workspace Language UI GUID-F84F2BFE-9FA9-428E-BC24-D446F2F39415 v1

3.5.1 Overview GUID-BE02D454-6C9E-41E1-875E-9D72F7C17399 v3

Workspace Language is the third workflow step of the Overview tab.

GUID-EADB2266-A28B-493A-98C8-BD3693A59206 V1 EN-US

Figure 12: Workspace Language Interface

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Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Workspace Language This editor allows the user to centrally define the languages that must be engineered for the SYS600
Workplace X pictures (refer to the text editing functionality and translation dialog box for Process
Pictures and Communication Supervision Pictures editor in Section and Section 3.9).

3.5.2 Adding or removing Workspace Languages GUID-A05DB80C-DE31-4E93-9810-CB924A44C416 v4

Click + as shown in Figure 13 and select a language from the dropdown list to add more languages
in Workspace Languages.

GUID-FFBE4FB3-951A-499B-ADD7-07DA118C3B55 V1 EN-US

Figure 13: Adding or removing Workspace Languages

To remove a language, click the minus button of the related row, as shown in Figure 13.

English (Internal) language cannot be removed (the minus button is unavailable). This is
to ensure that it is always possible to switch to it for support case on site.

3.5.3 Default Workspace Language GUID-0AC19AC8-7959-4C9C-8E2A-AA0D5CBC09B9 v2

The Default Workspace Language is the language that is engineered when editing text in the
picture editors, outside of the translation dialog box (see Section 3.8.1 for more details).

Click the drop-down button and select a language from the dropdown list to change the default

GUID-8806E176-31CF-484E-A25E-1F2E20DC1CE0 V1 EN-US

Figure 14: Select Default Workspace Language

3.6 SLD/Process Diagram editor GUID-A103A896-13A5-4DCC-B2E2-F2BF6EA37B70 v1

Equipment and available topology information is imported from the SYS600 process database
without defined layout.

The user is still allowed to add and remove equipment using the SLD/Process Diagram
editor. As this may create critical inconsistency with the SYS600 process product data, an
average user must refrain from doing these actions.

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3.6.1 Overview GUID-FF5B3D77-8387-4C10-8C83-858E35655584 v4

The SLD/Process Diagram editor is provided to create and connect equipment graphically to
engineer the product topology information. The editor provides elements for primary equipment and
routing functionality to connect.

To start the SLD/Process Diagram engineering, click the Equipment Container in the Workspace
Explorer and select the first editor on the editor tab.

The user interface is composed of the following distinct sections.


IEC19000247 V1 EN-US

Figure 15: Overview of SLD/Process Diagram

Pos. No. Functionality

1 Toolbar
2 Properties and Elements tabs
3 Diagram container

For more details on the SLD editor's functionalities, see Section.

3.6.2 Toolbar GUID-034634B1-A114-423C-86AA-68C6161F7124 v3

The SLD editor toolbar includes the following functionalities as shown in Figure 16.

1 2 4 5 6 7 8

IEC19000248 V1 EN-US

Figure 16: Toolbar functionalities

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Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Rotate element (to the left/right) Rotate the selected element in 90-degree steps.

2 Delete Delete the selected element.

3 Toggle grid Toggle display of the background grid.

4 Print Print the current diagram.

5 Export as image Export the diagram to the clipboard and save it as a .png image.

6 Auto layout Available on the parent diagram, which is composed of child diagrams. Auto
Layout aligns all the child diagram containers.
This must be used initially as this resets the additional engineered layout made
between the child diagrams.

7 Auto scale/ Zoom to fit Click this button to change the zoom level to make the diagram container fully
visible. If the diagram is too big, the zoom level is set to 25%.

8 Zoom level The user can manually change the zoom setting.
The tool support settings vary from 25% to 1000% with 5% increments.

3.6.3 Elements tab GUID-878C7C66-F652-4944-8445-F92593DB5F7F v4

The Elements tab is composed of the following functionalities as shown in Figure 18.

The Elements tab is context-sensitive; there are different elements when editing Process or
Supervision pictures.

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1 3 4

GUID-E7770023-A04C-4E5A-9297-CBEFDB9F0BE2 V1 EN-US

Figure 17: Elements tab for Process Diagrams

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IEC19000571 V1 EN-US

Figure 18: Elements tab for Communication Supervision Pictures

Pos. No. Description

1 Search/Filter elements with input text
2 Toggle to filter by favorite
3 Toggle to show list base tab view
4 Toggle to show icon base tab view
5 Select element
6 Set to favorite

List base tab view

Default view of the Elements tab to browse available elements.

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IEC19000573 V1 EN-US

Figure 19: List base tab view

Icon base tab view

Click the corresponding toggle icon to display the alternative view and browse the available
elements. In this view, the names are available as tooltips.

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IEC19000572 V1 EN-US

Figure 20: Icon base tab view

Filtering favorites
Filter the available elements based on favorites. The elements are available in both list base and icon
base views.

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IEC19000574 V1 EN-US

Figure 21: Filtering favorites

Searching and filtering

Filter elements according to the text input.

When the elements are available in both views, the functionality displays an additional blue highlight
functionality on element names while using the list base view.

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IEC19000575 V1 EN-US

Figure 22: Searching and filtering

Setting favorites
To set an element as a favorite, point to an element from the list and click the grey star.

The element star will turn blue, indicating that the element has been added to favorites.

IEC19000576 V1 EN-US

Figure 23: Setting favorites

Selecting element and drawing diagram container

To select an element for drawing in the diagram container, click the element on the list.

After clicking, the pointer changes into the element graphically, indicating stamp mode.

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Left-click on the diagram to draw the element. This operation can be repeated without re-selecting
the element (stamp mode).

To quit stamp mode, right-click on the diagram container or press ESC.

IEC19000577 V1 EN-US

Figure 24: Selecting element and drawing diagram container Connecting elements in diagram container GUID-07D16AFF-6DBC-4FFE-8D86-513FA120D470 v2

After placing the elements on the diagram container and setting all the properties correctly, complete
the drawing by connecting them as needed.

IEC19000713 V1 EN-US

Figure 25: Connect elements in diagram container

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Pos. No. Description

1 Symbol terminal
2 Connectivity node
3 Symbol terminal with WB1 selected
4 Proposed routing from the drag operation

To connect two symbols together, point to a terminal, click and drag towards the next symbol without
releasing it. The link shows an arrow when the new position is valid. Release the pointer to draw the

IEC19000542 V1 EN-US

Figure 26: Point to a terminal

In process diagrams, connection links between symbols include a connectivity node. Such a node
can be used to connect more than two symbols together.

In power systems, all connected equipment has the same potential. For topology-base
coloring, the voltages are calculated per connectivity node and the coloring is then
derived from this. Adding Hierarchical Symbols GUID-94D1B661-D1C6-40AE-BF24-64FC5AEF4F51 v1

In order to add Hierarchical Symbols (for example, Circuit Breaker) in a Double-Sided Truck, see
Annexure F.

3.6.4 Property tab Diagram background properties GUID-F6E22641-3FD8-44B5-8ECB-D6928888F818 v1

The following properties are shown in Figure 27 when the diagram background is clicked:

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IEC19000507 V1 EN-US

Figure 27: Diagram background properties

Pos. No. Description

1 Expand/collapse property group.
2 Width of the diagram in pixel.
3 Height of the diagram in pixel.
4 Adjust the diagram width and height to remove white spaces from the bottom and the right side of the
Diagram and pictures are top left anchored to avoid disruption alignment when changing the diagram
size. Element properties GUID-638FB05A-E6C6-4094-A92B-C01A2A0B98EE v2

The following properties are shown in Figure 28 when an element is selected:

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IEC19000509 V1 EN-US

Figure 28: Element properties interface

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Pos. No. Functionality Properties

1 Left The main purpose of left and top properties is to reuse and repeat the defined
X-axis position of the top left pixel of the selected element.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.
2 Top Reversed Y-axis position of the top left pixel of the selected element.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

Editing the properties directly may allow some overlapping

whereas using the mouse to move an element on the diagram
with drag and drop prevents this (a forbidden sign is shown on the
mouse cursor and the symbol returns to the initial position on
button release).

3 Width Width of the element in pixel.

Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

Only available as property for Busbar element in SLD.

4 Rotation Angle Rotation angle of the selected element.

Supported values are 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°.
5 Label Size Size of a label in pixel.
Values from 12 to 36 are supported.
6 Name Read-only property – Displays the element name using the display name setting (see
7 Label Position Label can be placed on the left, top, right, or bottom side of an element.
8 Fix Label Position Fix the label position against rotation when selected the check box.
9 Do not export label Label is not shown in SYS600 Workplace X when checked.
Property is saved for UI pictures created from single line diagram (see Section 3.6).
10 Expand or collapse property This functionality is used to expand or collapse the properties.

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IEC19000579 V1 EN-US

Figure 29: Picture Dashboard interface after an image is drawn

Pos. No Description
1 X-axis — 16 pixels intervals
2 Inverted Y-axis — 16 pixels intervals

3.7 Process Pictures dashboard GUID-AD02E00F-2527-45E6-A7B7-68C2C7A4A361 v1

3.7.1 Overview GUID-00CC5C14-5CDB-4EBA-AEBC-E6CFE2856EFC v1

The Process Picture editor is provided to engineer the SYS600 Workplace X pictures.

To start the Process Picture engineering, select the second editor from the selected equipment
container on the editor tab.

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IEC19 000 510-1-en .vsd x

IEC19000510 V1 EN-US

Figure 30: Overview of process pictures dashboard

By default, the picture dashboard is shown and composed of the following distinct sections as shown
in Figure 31:

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IEC19000618 V1 EN-US

Figure 31: Different sections of process pictures dashboard

Pos. No. Functionality

1 Toolbar
2 Create picture sections
3 Engineered picture sections

3.7.2 Toolbar GUID-DE5FB512-0CDF-4D9E-B6D2-005F938CD6A0 v2

The process picture dashboard toolbar includes the following functionalities as shown in Figure 32:

1 2 3

IEC19000511 V1 EN-US

Figure 32: Toolbar interface

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Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Delete picture Delete the selected picture.

This operation cannot be undone.

2 Duplicate picture Duplicate the selected picture.

3 Search Filter the picture on the dashboard according to the text input.

3.7.3 Create a picture section GUID-32BB89AB-261E-4A39-9BF8-939F2CF90BAD v1

On the bay level (editor tab open for bay equipment container), the user can create pictures based
on the process diagram layout by clicking Create From Process Diagram.

By doing so, the created picture has pre-mapped topology, equipment, and data points according to
the imported SLD data are obtained. This is the most efficient workflow when the View Builder is

The picture can be started from scratch and data mapping can be engineered manually later (see
Section 3.8) by clicking Create New Bay Picture.

IEC1900 0515-1-en.vsdx

IEC19000515 V1 EN-US

Figure 33: Create picture section

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IEC19000516 V1 EN-US

Figure 34: Create voltage level picture

Pos. No. Description

1 On the higher level (editor tab opens for Voltage Level, Substation, Region or Grid), View Builder
provides an assistant to create complex pictures more effectively by clicking Compose new
Equipment Container Picture. Compose Picture dialog box GUID-9121F11C-B542-4927-AB97-0066C6571382 v2

The Compose Picture dialog box is composed of the following sections:

1. Select Typical
2. Select Instances
3. Select Standalones
4. Select Picture
5. Select Layout
6. Selected

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1 2


IEC19000714 V1 EN-US

Figure 35: Overview of Compose Picture dialog box

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Pos. no Functionality Description

1 Select Typical Browse through Typical Bays of the workspace.
Only Typical Bays with instances in the current functional tree are objects that are shown in
this section.
Such applicable instances are shown in the Select Instance section.

2 Select Instances If an instance bay has at least one picture, select this for composition (check the related box).
If there is more than one picture for the selected instance, you can switch to a different one
using select picture (see below).

3 Select Standalone bays which belong to the child hierarchy of the equipment container editor tab are
Standalones shown in this section.
If a standalone bay has at least one picture, select this for composition (check the related
If there is more than one picture for the selected standalone, switch to a different one using
select picture (see below).

Table continues on next page

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Pos. no Functionality Description

4 Select Picture List the pictures available on the currently selected instance or standalone bay.
By default, the first picture is selected for composition.
Click on another picture to switch accordingly.

5 Select Layout View Builder offers three initial composition layouts, choose by selecting one of the three
layouts, thumbnails.
First layout appends each selected bay pictures sequentially and next to each other in a single
Second layout appends each selected bay pictures sequentially and distributes them evenly in
two rows.
Third layout appends each selected bay picture sequentially and distributes them evenly in
three rows.
After the picture is composed, the user can freely move the composed bay to adjust the final

Table continues on next page

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Pos. no Functionality Description

6 Selected Browse through all available Typical Bays and select as many instance pictures as desired, as
well as standalone pictures to compose a picture. The selected section lists all such pictures.
Each picture is referenced by the Typical name or instance name or picture name or
standalone name or picture name accordingly to each source.

The list, as well as the resulting composition, is ordered according to the

internal name of the picture’s parent equipment container name, not
according to the selection order.

3.7.4 Created picture section GUID-890A7748-FA9D-449A-9E97-64653DB99428 v1

The created picture section displays the engineered pictures related to the current equipment

The top section is composed of the main pictures.

If the main pictures are composed of child equipment pictures, these pictures are shown in sub-

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IEC19000524 V1 EN-US

Figure 36: Created picture section interface

Pos. No. Description

1 To edit a picture, double-click the thumbnail.
2 To rename a picture, double-click on the lower part of the thumbnail.

3.8 Process Pictures editor GUID-8DB564BA-26EE-4C6C-8558-92D9014E2D70 v1

3.8.1 Overview GUID-57FCC52B-5E14-42DC-A2B5-20D4295B5D0D v1

The Process Pictures editor is opened while double-clicking a picture from the Pictures

The user interface is composed of the following distinct sections:

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IEC19000555 V1 EN-US

Figure 37: Process Pictures editor overview

Pos. No. Description

1 Toolbar
2 Properties, Events, and Elements tabs
3 Navigation shortcut: Click to navigate to the parent dashboard.
4 Picture container

3.8.2 Toolbar GUID-E19F9EC1-1801-4C48-A9DA-BBB829988573 v1

The Process Picture editor toolbar includes the following functionalities as shown in Figure 38.

2 3
1 4 5

IEC19000525 V1 EN-US

Figure 38: Process Picture editor toolbar

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Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Rotate element (to the left/ to the right) Rotate selected element by 90 -degrees steps.

2 Delete element Delete the selected element.

2 Toggle grid Toggle display of background grid.

4 Print Print the current diagram.

5 Export as image Export diagram to the clipboard and save as .png image.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

IEC19000526 V1 EN-US

Figure 39: Primitive graphics toolbar

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Pos. No. Primitive Description

1 Text Primitive Graphics are the elements available on the toolbar, which can be used to
enhance the picture with extra graphics and text.
After clicking on a primitive graphic icon, the mouse pointer changes into the element
graphically, indicating stamp mode.
Click on the picture container to draw the element. This operation can be repeated without
re-selecting the element (stamp mode).
2 Line
To quit stamp mode, right-click the mouse on the diagram container or press ESC.

3 Circle

4 Ellipse

5 Rectangle

6 Square

7 Polyline

8 Bezier

9 Arc

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


IEC19000527 V1 EN-US

Figure 40: Additional functionality

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Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Picture settings Click to open the Picture Setting dialog box (see Section

2 Insert element Click to open the Insert Element dialog box (see Section
3 Preview Preview the current picture in a separate SYS600 Workplace X
4 Export Picture Click to export the current picture to the target.
If the user has any pending changes, the workspace is first
saved before exporting.
5 Translation Click to open the Translation dialog box (see Section
6 Auto Scale / Zoom to fit Click this button to change the zoom level and make the
diagram container fully visible. If the diagram is too big, the
zoom level is set to 25%.

7 Zoom Level Manually changes the zoom setting.

The tool support settings from 25% to 1000% with 5%

Primitive graphics toolbar properties

This toolbar consists of different shapes such as, text, line, circle, ellipse, square, polymer, rectangle,
and arc. The properties of these shapes are similar to each other. However, shapes like arc and line
have different properties. Refer Figure 41 and Figure 42 for more details.

IEC19000547 V1 EN-US

Figure 41: Text properties

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Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Left X-axis position of the top left pixel of the selected element.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

2 Top Reversed Y-axis position of the top left pixel of the selected element.
Increment step is set to the Grid spacing (16 pixels).

Editing the properties directly may allow some overlapping, whereas using the
point to move an element on the picture with drag option prevents this.

3 Width Width of the element in pixel.

Width is only available for symbols, which can be sized horizontally. For example, LED, text, value,
and Busbar.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

4 Height Height is available for symbols, which can be sized vertically, for example, LED, text, and value.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

5 Rotation angle Rotation angle of the selected element.

Supported values are 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° for symbol elements (from element tab).

6 Zoom level Set a value between 0 and 10 for the SYS600 Workspace X where:

• Level 0 means the object is always visible.

• Level 5 means the object is visible when zoomed-in to the semi detail level.
• Level 10 means the object is visible only when zoomed-in to the most detail level.

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GUID-833ECE05-10E4-4628-B9D1-606CE6FECAC5 V1 EN-US

Figure 42: Arc properties

Pos. No Functionality Description

1 Left X-axis position of the top left pixel of the selected element.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

2 Top Reversed Y-axis position of the top left pixel of the selected element.
Increment step is set to the Grid spacing (16 pixels).

Editing the properties directly may allow some overlapping, whereas using the
pointer to move an element on the picture with drag option prevents this.

3 Width Width of the element in pixel.

Width is only available for symbols, which can be sized horizontally. For example, LED, text, value, and
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

Table continues on next page

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Pos. No Functionality Description

4 Height Height is available for symbols, which can be sized vertically, for example, LED, text, value.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

5 Rotation Angle Rotation angle of the selected element.

Supported values are 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° for symbol elements (from the Elements tab).

6 Start Angle This provides the angle from where the arc should start.
The range varies from 0 to 720 degrees.

7 End Angle This provides the angle where the arc should end.
The range varies from 0 to 720 degrees. Picture Settings dialog box GUID-0F5AC958-7224-434B-8F6D-ED0F9164D013 v2

The Picture Settings dialog box is composed of the Colors Settings and Text Styles tabs.

1 2 3


IEC19000536 V2 EN-US

Figure 43: Picture Settings dialog box to change color settings

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Pos. No. Description

1 Adds a new user defined color.
2 Filter condition for the list of colors currently shown.
3 Reverts all overridden predefined colors to their original template value.
4 Reverts a predefined color to the original template value (only available if overridden).
5 Overrides a predefined color value or modifies a user defined color value.
6 Removes a user defined color.

The Colors Settings tab lists all available predefined color variables that are used for primitive
graphics (see Section The list can be filtered by providing a search text that has to be
contained in the color name.

Click + Add New Color button to create a new user defined color. Those colors can be renamed
(click on the name) or deleted (click on the trashcan icon).

The user can change any of the assigned default colors by clicking the Color icon. If the color is a
predefined one, the change is tracked as override and can be reverted to the original value from the
template later.

1 2
3 4 5 6


IEC19000537 V2 EN-US

Figure 44: Picture Settings dialog box to create, modify, and delete text styles

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Pos. No. Description

1 Adds a new user defined text style.
2 Filter condition for the list of text styles currently shown.
3 Reverts all overridden predefined text styles to their original template value.
4 Reverts a predefined text style to the original template value (only available if overridden).
5 Removes a user defined text style.
6 The text style properties of the currently selected text style.

The Text Styles tab lists all available predefined text styles that can be applied to text properties
(see Section The list can be filtered by providing a search text that has to be contained in
the text style name.

Click + Add New Text Style button to create a new user defined text style. Those styles can be
renamed (click on the name) or deleted (click on the trashcan icon).

The user can change any of the assigned default values for the text style currently selected in the list.
If the text style is a predefined one, the change is tracked as override and can be reverted to the
original value from the template later. Insert Element dialog box GUID-9A1C3110-38CA-430E-832C-6FB98C0C3EB3 v2

The Insert Element dialog box is composed of three tabs:

• Pictures
• Symbols
• Images

Each tab has a search feature, which filters the thumbnails shown according to the text input, similar
to the previous search functionality.

Click the thumbnail to select or deselect the element for insertion. Select multiple elements in one

IEC19000538 V1 EN-US

Figure 45: Insert Element interface

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If necessary, the picture container size is increased automatically to fit the inserted elements.

Use + button to import PNG, JPG, and JPEG image files.

Use – button to delete the imported images.

The image is removed from all pictures wherever inserted.

1 2

IEC19000539 V1 EN-US

Figure 46: Insert Element dialog box to import image

Pos. No. Description

1 Import image
2 Delete an imported image. Translations dialog box GUID-0A2C9649-F0E1-4B7D-B4E0-3092D9C1D58E v1

See Section 3.5.2 to engineer additional workspace languages.

The Translations dialog box lists all the text engineered in the picture.

The first column Display Text is referring to the text currently displayed in the picture editor
(according to the workspace language set to default).

The next columns list the different workspace languages engineered in the workspace language and
needed for SYS600 Workplace X localization options.

All needed translation for the current picture can be edited in the table.

When selecting a row, the text in the picture is also highlighted as visual cue.

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IEC19000540 V1 EN-US

3.8.3 Elements tab GUID-2C79C962-4AEE-442F-BF72-8C2AF3986A63 v3

The Elements tab is composed of the following functionalities as shown in Figure 47.


IEC19000571 V1 EN-US

Figure 47: Elements tab interface

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Pos. No. Description

1 Search or filter elements with an input text.
2 Toggle to filter by favorite.
3 Toggle to show list based tab view.
4 Toggle to show icon based tab view.
5 Select an element.
6 Set as favorite.

List base tab view

Default view of the Elements tab to browse available elements.

IEC19000573 V1 EN-US

Figure 48: List base tab view

Icon base tab view

Click the corresponding toggle icon to display the alternative view to browse available elements.

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IEC19000572 V1 EN-US

Figure 49: Icon base tab view

Filtering favorites
Filter the available elements based on the favorites.

The elements are available in both list base and icon base views.

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IEC19000574 V1 EN-US

Figure 50: Filtering favorites

Searching and filtering

Filter the elements according to the text input.

When the options are available in both views, the functionality shows additional blue highlight feature
on element names while using the list base view.

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IEC19000575 V1 EN-US

Figure 51: Searching and filtering

Setting favorites
To set an element as favorite, point an element in the list and click the appearing grey star.

The element star turns blue after clicking.

IEC19000576 V1 EN-US

Figure 52: Setting favorites

Selecting element and drawing diagram container

To select an element for drawing in the diagram container, click the element on the list.

The element will replace the mouse cursor, indicating that it's selected.

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Click the diagram to draw the element.

IEC19000577 V1 EN-US

Figure 53: Selecting element and drawing diagram container Connect elements in picture container GUID-4CC785A9-8586-4A14-9AD4-B55730EDF0AF v1

After placing the elements on the picture container and setting all the properties correctly, complete
the drawing by connecting them as needed.

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IEC19000541 V1 EN-US

Figure 54: Connect elements in picture container

Pos. No. Description

1 Symbol terminal
2 Symbol terminal with QB3 selected.
3 Proposed routing from the drag operation.

To connect two symbols, point to a terminal, click and drag towards the next symbol without
releasing. The link shows an arrow when the new position is valid. Release the pointer to draw the

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IEC19000542 V1 EN-US

Figure 55:

There is no connectivity node in pictures. Adding Hierarchical Symbols GUID-1A886A05-E210-40CA-A42A-257006FB805E v1

Annexure F describes how to add and modify Hierarchical Symbols.

3.8.4 Property tab Diagram background properties GUID-F6AAB21F-EA54-49AB-B114-A70C88A24E7C v1

The following properties are shown when the picture background is clicked:

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IEC19000545 V1 EN-US

Figure 56: Diagram background properties

Pos. No Properties Description

1 Expand/Collapse Click to expand or collapse property group.
2 Width Width of the diagram in pixel.
3 Height Height of the diagram in pixel.
4 Shrink to Fit Adjust picture width and height to remove white spaces from the
bottom and the
right side of the diagram.
Diagram and Pictures are top left anchored to not disrupt
alignment when changing
diagram size.
5 Background Color Click the color icon to open the color select dialog box.
Available pre-defined colors are engineered using picture setting
(see Section,
system color is available as quick re-use, and advance color
allows very precise color
For consistency in picture engineering, use pre-defined color as
much as possible, so
changes are centrally managed for maximum efficiency.
6 Show in navigation pane Selected by default.
The picture is available in the navigation pane from the SYS600
Workplace X.
When composing large pictures with several Bays, the View
Builder exports the main
picture and all the pictures are referred separately. To display the
main picture in the
SYS600 Workplace X navigation pane, clear this check box for
all the referred pictures.

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View Builder user interface Element properties GUID-E3438530-7003-419C-B568-B17846AE3238 v4

The following group of elements are available when an element is selected on the picture:

Edit equipment mapping dialog box

The edit equipment mapping dialog box is composed of the following functionalities:



IEC19000553 V1 EN-US

Figure 57: Edit Mapping interface

Pos. No. Description

1 Display current mapping (full path) or label name if not mapped.
2 By default, the tool displays compatible equipment from the picture parent. If the user needs to map
equipment from another bay, browse View Builder data structure by clicking element from the parent
Child equipment which is valid for mapping has name displayed in black. Equipment with name
displayed in blue can be clicked for navigating the structure.
3 Set symbol to unmapped state.

Edit Data Points dialog box

The Edit Data Points dialog box composes of:

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1 2 3


IEC19000706 V1 EN-US

Figure 58: Edit Data Points dialog box

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Data Points tab list List all data points the SYS600 Workspace X expected to use in scope of the symbol.
Valid mapping is shown with a green tick.
Unmapped data point is shown with a cross in red circle for mandatory data points and a
cross in black circle for optional data points.
Missing mandatory Data Points reduce functionality on the SYS600 Workspace X, while
optional Data Points rational depends on the integrating product functionality to support.
Click to switch between Symbol data points to map.
2 Mapped Datapoint Current data point listed.
information During data point engineering, the undo/redo functionality is not available. Instead, Revert
button reverts to the previous engineered mapping (does nothing if not changing the
mapping in the current edit session).
Default sets the datapoint to un-mapped state.
Data Points mapping changes are synchronized for all symbols mapped to the same
3 Select data points to list for The first text box filters the Data Points by the functional Structure Path. Use an ‘.’ to specify
mapping more than one level. The names provided can either be the internal or the customer name.
For an object without customer name, the internal name is used. Search for both the exact
and partial paths.
For example: AA1.C1.Q01.QB1 or C1.Q01 or MyCircuitBreaker.
The second text box filters the Data Points by Data Point Name. Use full name or part of the
For example, Breaker failure retrip or failure retrip or retrip.
The drop-down button filters according to attributes. Select the attribute from the drop-down
Click on the search icon to trigger the filtered query.
To the full data point list, you can remove all the filters. Depending on the source application,
this takes some time.
4 Map data point Click the data point row to map this to the symbol.

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IEC19000725 V2 EN-US

Figure 59: Boolean Data Points

IEC19000548 V1 EN-US

Figure 60: Equipment properties

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Connections Mapping referencing the SLD topology.
This mapping is resolved automatically by the tool when all the linked equipments are
This can also be manually edited using the pen icon.

IEC19000550 V1 EN-US

Figure 61: Label properties (equipment and equipment container symbols only)

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Table 1: Details about label properties

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Label Size Size of label in pt.
Values from 12 to 36 are supported.

GUID-8E2BB96A-C754-4013-8693-4E0383D6A22B V1 EN-US

2 Label Name Read-only property – Display element name using the display name setting (refer to Section

GUID-A997E551-0695-495B-B3A5-E2B2FE8DFADE V1 EN-US

3 Label Position The label is restricted to four predefined positions.

Use the toggle to select one of those positions.

GUID-BDB3EB1C-D718-4801-B4FA-4A2CF67580E2 V1 EN-US

4 Fix Label Position Fix label position against rotation when checked.

GUID-26D789AA-3A4F-4E51-8F28-0E022BD3FA61 V1 EN-US

5 Do not export Label is not shown in SYS600 Workplace X when checked.


GUID-FC96FFE0-6C00-4795-A696-E7D9130D2B88 V1 EN-US

6 Label Color Click the color icon to open the color select dialog box.
Available pre-defined colors are engineered using picture setting (see Section, System color
is available as quick re-use, and advance color allows very precise color picking.
For consistency in picture engineering, use pre-defined color as much as possible, so changes are
centrally managed for maximum efficiency.

GUID-E1119E9E-1AFD-4FA0-921C-C3FA1B685AE8 V1 EN-US

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GUID-06ABE448-331D-49AE-8D42-33AAD440C073 V1 EN-US

Figure 62: Format properties

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Table 2: Details about format properties

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Fill (Color) Click the color icon to open the color select dialog box and set the inner color of the shape.
Available pre-defined colors are engineered using picture setting (see Section, system color
are available as quick re-use, and advance color allows very precise color picking.
For consistency in picture engineering, use pre-defined color as much as possible, so changes are
centrally managed for maximum efficiency.

GUID-DA46E37B-5CE5-4FA0-B8B4-7855671305BF V1 EN-US

2 Fill transparency Set value between 0 and 100%.

At 0% the inner element is opaque.
At 100% the inner element is invisible.

GUID-25A361E7-ED79-43BA-860D-B30B92A8BEB9 V1 EN-US

3 Line color Click the color icon to open the color select dialog and set the line color of the shape.
Available pre-defined colors are engineered using picture setting (see Section, System
color is available as quick re-use, and advance color allows very precise color picking.
For consistency in picture engineering, use pre-defined color as much as possible, so changes are
centrally managed for maximum efficiency.

GUID-A3CA1EC0-DBE7-405C-9687-2EB41AB41777 V1 EN-US

4 Line Transparency Set value between 0 and 100%.

At 0% the line is opaque.
At 100% the line is invisible.

GUID-A096BC17-D6BF-48BE-8C16-59855308AB12 V1 EN-US

5 Line Thickness Line thickness in pixel, which can range from 0 (invisible) to 2000, with incremental steps of 1.

GUID-0AEA33C6-2728-460D-B462-C2AF90F13CC1 V1 EN-US

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Non-equipment symbols

IEC19000547 V1 EN-US

Figure 63: Text properties

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Left X-axis position of the top left pixel of the selected element.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

2 Top Reversed Y-axis position of the top left pixel of the selected element.
Increment step is set to the grid spacing (16 pixels).

Editing the properties directly may allow some overlapping, whereas using the
mouse to move an element on the picture with drag and drop prevents this.

3 Width Width of the element in pixel.

Width is only available for symbols which can be sized horizontally. For example, LED, text, value,
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

Table continues on next page

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Pos. No. Functionality Description

4 Height Height is available for symbols which can be sized vertically, for example, LED, text, value.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

5 Rotation angle Rotation angle of the selected element.

Supported values are 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° for symbol elements (from element tab).

6 Zoom level Set a value between 0 and 10 for the SYS600 Workspace X where:

• Level 0 means the object is always visible.

• Level 5 means the object is visible when zoomed-in to the semi detail level.
• Level 10 means the object is visible only when zoomed-in to the most detail level.


IEC19000720 V1 EN-US

Figure 64: LED Data Points configuration

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Pos. no Functionality Description

1 Boolean Displays the boolean value.

GUID-FC613879-482D-4E8C-AC47-A35B299A9164 V1 EN-US

2 Off State Color Displays the color of the LED when in OFF state.

GUID-73D7F4DE-C6FC-4FDD-9DB0-101F1D1A9597 V1 EN-US

3 On State Color Displays the color of the LED when in ON state.

GUID-F9058CFF-9770-400F-9621-3067A9428E6C V1 EN-US


IEC19000722 V1 EN-US

Figure 65: Non-equipment symbols value (integer configuration)

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Pos. no Functionality Description

1 Int32 The datapoint that allows to map the integer values. For example, counters.

2 Font Family Allows to select the required font for Data Points. Open Sans is the default selected
font that is displayed by default.


3 Font Size Allows to select the required font size for Data Points.

GUID-66A4B955-C538-48A1-9E1F-9AC26EF586CF V1 EN-US

4 Font Style Apply style to the font for Data Points. Select to apply bold, italic, or condensed style.

GUID-D23B9E2E-5508-4399-92FE-CBB5D8C23734 V1 EN-US

5 Font Color Select predefined font color for the text.

Click the color block to select the predefined font colors.

GUID-90696273-D6CC-4EFA-A319-D905B9B472D1 V1 EN-US

6 Horizontal Switch between left, center, or right horizontal alignment.


GUID-99FC146C-5CB2-437F-85ED-0B0FF4DA990F V1 EN-US

7 Vertical Switch between top, center, or bottom vertical alignment.


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IEC19000718 V1 EN-US

Figure 66: Non-equipment symbols value (analogue configuration)

Pos. no Functionality Description

1 Measurement The datapoint that allows to map the analogue values.
For example, current, voltage, and power.

GUID-009EF722-47C6-4CF7-98AD-C6FA5925D5C3 V1 EN-US

2 Decimal places Displays the number of decimal places selected for the value.
The decimal places supported from 0 to 3.

GUID-063AD015-E675-4C12-9ADF-3B10EFCDC347 V1 EN-US

3 Font Family Allows to select the required font for Data Points. Open Sans is the default selected font that
is displayed by default.


4 Font Size Allows to select the required font size for Data Points.

GUID-66A4B955-C538-48A1-9E1F-9AC26EF586CF V1 EN-US

5 Font Style Apply style to the font for Data Points. Select to apply bold, italic, or condensed style.

GUID-D23B9E2E-5508-4399-92FE-CBB5D8C23734 V1 EN-US

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GUID-3DEECEC3-9311-4E85-8653-606641E6CDE3 V1 EN-US

Figure 67: Dynamic text properties

Pos. No Functionality Description

1 String This is a Data Point which provides the input that is received from the database.

GUID-4BEB70BA-96ED-47D6-BD24-C4FEDA4F3371 V1 EN-US

2 Font Family Allows to select the required font for Data Points. Open Sans is the default selected font
that is displayed by default.


3 Font Size Allows to select the required font size for Data Points.

GUID-66A4B955-C538-48A1-9E1F-9AC26EF586CF V1 EN-US

Table continues on next page

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Pos. No Functionality Description

4 Font Style Apply style to the font for Data Points. Select to apply bold, italic, or condensed style.

GUID-D23B9E2E-5508-4399-92FE-CBB5D8C23734 V1 EN-US

5 Font Color Available properties for text.

Select font color, including predefined color settings from Picture Settings dialog box.
(See Section

GUID-90696273-D6CC-4EFA-A319-D905B9B472D1 V1 EN-US

6 Horizontal alignment Available properties for text.

Switch between left, center, or right horizontal alignment.

GUID-99FC146C-5CB2-437F-85ED-0B0FF4DA990F V1 EN-US

GUID-AEFF9AF5-E347-4F11-8B98-01978D029A80 V1 EN-US

Figure 68: Alarm configuration

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Pos. No Functionality Description

1 Left X-axis position of the top left pixel of the selected element.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

2 Top Reversed Y-axis position of the top left pixel of the selected element.
Increment step is set to the Grid spacing (16 pixels).

Editing the properties directly may allow some

overlapping, whereas using the mouse to move an
element on the picture with drag and drop prevents this.

3 Width Width of the element in pixel.

Width is only available for symbols which can be sized horizontally. For
example, LED, text, value, busbar.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

4 Height Height is available for symbols which can be sized vertically, for example,
LED, text, value.
Increment step is fixed to 16 pixels.

5 Rotation Angle Rotation angle of the selected element.

Supported values are 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° for symbol elements (from
element tab).

6 Configuration This allows to define the zoom factor of a particular level and the output is
reflected in the SYS600 Workspace X.

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Equipment symbols

GUID-14196B60-CF5B-4C53-8503-79F41D28CCFB V1 EN-US

Figure 69: Equipment (Symbol) mapping and equipment datapoint mapping properties

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Equipment Displays the full name of the SLD equipment mapped.
mapping If unmapped, displays the symbol label name.
Click on the pen icon to open the Edit Equipment Mapping dialog box (see Section
This is not a mandatory step. However, the equipment mapping is advised as this feature triggers
automated mapping for most mandatory data points (see Section
If the picture is created from process diagram, all equipments are pre-mapped.
Equipment (symbol) mapping and equipment datapoint mapping properties are only displayed for
equipment symbols. For example, a circuit breaker or a power transformer but not for non-equipment
symbols. For example, LED, text, values.
2 Data point List all data points that the SYS600 Workplace X is expected to use in scope of the selected symbol.
mapping Valid mapping is shown with a green tick.
Unmapped data point is shown with a cross in red circle for mandatory data points and a cross in black
circle for optional data points.
Missing mandatory data points reduces functionality on the SYS600 Workplace X, while optional data
points rational depends on the integrating product functionality to support.
Click the pen icon to open the Edit Data point dialog box.

Symbol background in Picture Editor is displayed orange when the mandatory data
points are not mapped (both for symbol properties and control pane – refer to
Section 3.8.5 for control pane data points engineering).

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Equipment container symbols

Equipment container displays various equipment, such as Substation (Authority), Bay (Authority),
Diameter (Authority), and Section Header. This equipment allows to map the required data points,
such as Control IED authority, Group alarm state, Alarm blocking of grouped data points, and Event
blocking of grouped data points


GUID-2F3BFB6C-3DCE-46AB-A829-7D55A07E55AD V1 EN-US

Figure 70: Substation (Data Points)


GUID-F53535CC-4DC5-4BD4-9672-69669922EDC0 V1 EN-US

Figure 71: Bay (Authority) Data Points

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Primitive properties


IEC19000552 V1 EN-US

Figure 72: Text style properties

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Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Text style Available properties for text.
Line thickness in pixel, which can range from 0 (invisible) to 2000, with incremental steps of 1.

GUID-7D828619-AA0E-40EF-B89C-BDD9F5B113D8 V1 EN-US

2 Font Family Available properties for text when text style none is selected.
Select one of the available Font.


3 Font Size Available properties for text when text style none is selected.
Select font Size (between 1 to 100).


4 Font style Available properties for text when text style none is selected.
Select to apply bold, italic and/or condensed style.

GUID-F25AA3FC-3255-4149-9E67-90A1B1A1DE86 V1 EN-US

5 Font color Available properties for text.

Select font color, including predefined color settings from Picture Settings dialog box. See Section

GUID-90696273-D6CC-4EFA-A319-D905B9B472D1 V1 EN-US

Table continues on next page

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Pos. No. Functionality Description

6 Horizontal Available properties for the text.
alignment Switch between left, center, or right horizontal alignment.

GUID-99FC146C-5CB2-437F-85ED-0B0FF4DA990F V1 EN-US

7 Vertical Available properties for the text.

alignment Switch between top, center, or bottom vertical alignment.

GUID-E26412C1-83B5-4637-BD38-0C390FFEFA68 V1 EN-US

8 Translations Available properties for Text.

Edit the text for different workspace languages that are configured.

All text translations related to the current picture can also be managed together
using the Translations dialog box (see Section

GUID-69E9DDED-8A5F-44E2-80D0-89E0433E3EE5 V1 EN-US Direct mapping of MicroSCADA process object attributes GUID-4AAEFD9D-51DF-4B3C-B3C6-2E94C2667D56 v3

To visualize a MicroSCADA process object attribute, which is not mapped to any DataPoint type,
then enable the following setting as shown in Figure 73.

IEC19000597 V1 EN-US

Figure 73: User settings tab to activate MicroSCADA process object attribute
Once activated, the Edit Datapoint Mapping dialog box can also be used to search for process
object attributes directly.

The DataPoint column shows the following process object information: OX – (LN:IX). The DataPoint
column filter is used to search for any part of that text.

If the path follows an existing View Builder functional structure path or remains empty, only process
objects, which can be placed under that path are shown. If an equipment is not identified and

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imported into the View Builder, the process objects for that equipment is not found anywhere under
the View Builder functional structure.

Searching for all process objects using the MicroSCADA OI (Object Identifier) structure can be done
by adding a path, which is not part of the View Builder functional structure but is part of the OI


IEC19000598 V1 EN-US

Figure 74: Example of View Builder Functional Structure Path filtering

Table 3: Functional structure path filtering features

Pos. No. Description

1 Used in View Builder Functional Structure path.

In the above Figure 74, the path filter is Eastwick.C1. Using ‘.’ as delimiter, filter according to the
imported View Builder functional structure path. The path of the identified process object is contained
within the View Builder functional structure in the result.


IEC19000599 V1 EN-US

Figure 75: Example of direct MicroSCADA OI Structure Path Filtering

Table 4:

Pos. No. Description

1 Warning icon indicating that filtering is performed on the
OI structure directly.
2 Space used as delimiter to search using the
MicroSCADA OI structure directly.

In the above Figure 75, the path filter is Eastwick Incoming 110kV Q0. Using spaces as delimiter the
search option is forced to filter according to the MicroSCADA OI Structure directly. As can be seen in
the result, the path of the identified process object is contained within the MicroSCADA OI Structure,
which is slightly different from the View Builder functional structure.

Searching via the OI structure directly identifies every process object under that OI path. Use this
method of searching if the process object is not found under an imported equipment or equipment
container in the View Builder functional structure.

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IEC19000596 V1 EN-US

Figure 76: Selectable Process Object Attributes for a Text Symbol

While the Allow extendable attribute mapping check box is selected, all datapoints also include
the MicroSCADA process object attributes. These can be mapped like any datapoint attribute to
symbols which can handle that primitive data type (string, decimal value, …). If the symbol type to be
installed is for example, analog value, the filter (at least OI structure path filtering) lists only data
points (process objects) having analog attributes and when one data point is selected, only attributes
of analog type are listed in the Attribute filter list on the right.

Use Extendable Attribute Mapping to allow for mapping a wide range of process object attributes
directly to symbols, but the automated mapping functionality is lost, which is stored when the
symbols are automatically mapped directly to the known datapoint types. Therefore, this type of
direct target data mapping must only be performed for data which we cannot map to a symbol in any
other way.

3.8.5 Events tab GUID-9312851E-12E5-4355-82C0-B13C1C5FB031 v4

The Events tab is available for elements which support Events type like Click and is composed of
the following functionalities:

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Functionality Description
Select event Select the Event type from the drop-down list.
type If more than one type of event is supported, user can click + on that level to append another event


Select action Select the action type from the drop-down list.
type on added User can engineer more than one action for a single event type by clicking + on that level.


Engineer Show view changes the current view to the selected picture engineered (click the pen icon to open
action Type the Select Picture dialog box to define the view to be shown– see section
Show view in new tab creates an SYS600 Workplace X navigation action on click.
Show view in new tab opens a new tab in SYS600 Workplace X with the selected picture
Table continues on next page

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Functionality Description
System Some equipment and equipment containers like switching devices, tap changer, bay, and station
defined control headers have pre-engineered events with pre-selected and well-defined control pane.
pane If control pane is not available under the Events tab for Equipment Symbols, it means that there is
no default control possibility for that Equipment. If controlling this equipment is still required, a user
defined Control Pane must be created via the View SDK and referenced by selecting user defined
as Control Pane and then enter its filename into the Name field. The View SDK documentation
can be found here: View Writers Guide.
For example, when a circuit breaker symbol is mapped to the corresponding equipment, the open
right pane click event is pre-engineered with a circuit breaker control pane. This can still be
changed to a user defined control pane if required.
Each control pane comes with a list of datapoints for engineering.
The data points are organized by groups. Remove or add defined group with the + / - button.
There are various groups, such as:

• Mandatory groups like Switch basic which cannot be removed.

• Default groups like Switch operation which are listed by default and can be manually removed
by the -icon and added again by the + icon on another group (for example, the mandatory
• Optional groups that are not listed by default and can be manually added by pressing the +
icon on another group (for example, the mandatory one).

Control pane datapoints are edited and marked exactly like symbol datapoints engineering.
Datapoints get automatically mapped when the symbol is mapped to an equipment or equipment
container. In addition, datapoints that are already manually mapped on the symbol (element)
properties, are also mapped for the control pane respective. For group, see Figure 69. All
datapoints can be manually (re-) mapped like the symbol (element) datapoints by pressing the pen
icon, see Figure 58.
Datapoints mapping changes are synchronized for all symbols mapped to the same equipment.


IEC19000732 V1 EN-US

Table continues on next page

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Functionality Description
Incomplete If there is any data point that is not mapped correctly or not yet configured, a red – cross icon will
configuration be visible next to that data point and on the Event tab.

IEC20000667 V1 EN-US

Figure 77: Events tab with incorrect/unconfigured data point(s).

IEC20000668 V1 EN-US

Figure 78: Incorrect mapped data point

Events tab Show view and Show view in new tab are not available for Typical configuration. The user must
actions configure these actions for each individual Instances.

IEC20000669 V1 EN-US

Figure 79: Show View and Show view in new tab in Typicals Select Picture dialog box GUID-D1A974A3-B244-48F8-8306-2DF6DF8AAF53 v1

The Select Picture dialog box is a simple list of all available process and communication supervision
pictures from the current workspace. Select a single picture and click Apply to complete the
configuration of the Show view or Show view in new tab event.

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IEC19 000 595-1-en .vsd x

IEC19000595 V1 EN-US

Figure 80: Select Picture dialog box

When View Builder is used, an advanced user can configure external (non-View Builder) views to be
opened by selecting the Use Custom Picture Path option at the bottom of the list and enter the
name according to the integrating product specification.

IEC19000635 V1 EN-US

Figure 81: Use Custom Picture Path Alignment grid behavior GUID-6ADF87FB-DD58-4C10-83A6-BA296C4B5E7D v1

The items in the picture automatically snaps to the 16x16 pixel grid for easy placement of most items.

If placement without grid snapping is required for an item, press ALT button while moving an item
with the pointer.

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IEC19000733 V1 EN-US

Figure 82: Automatic grid snapping of item


IEC19000734 V1 EN-US

Figure 83: Grid snapping turned off while moving the item allows placement outside of the
grid points

3.9 Communication supervision pictures dashboard GUID-8AF6628F-ED26-4B6E-9CB8-E19DFE679798 v2

Please be aware that this dashboard will soon be rendered obsolete and will be replaced
with the Network Supervision Picture Dashboard.

3.9.1 Overview GUID-AC86565E-EAC7-417C-AF41-CEB5A21C56A8 v2

The Communication Supervision Pictures editor is provided to engineer another set of SYS600
Workplace X pictures. For example, to engineer SYS600 Workplace X pictures on station or voltage
level with an overview of IEDs and their status (system events).

In the navigation tree, select the equipment container like Station, Voltage Level, or Bay to create
using Communication Supervision Pictures.

Start the Object Editor tab and select the third editor.

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IEC19000895 V1 EN-US

Figure 84: Communication Supervision Pictures

By default, the picture dashboard is shown, and composed of the following distinct sections:

• Toolbar
• Create picture sections
• Engineered picture sections

3.9.2 Toolbar GUID-9377F432-E70B-432C-AA51-CE513E793289 v1

The Communication Supervision Pictures editor toolbar includes the functionalities similar to the
Process Pictures toolbar. See Section 3.8.2.

3.9.3 Create picture section GUID-7C8FF077-F21E-4B4B-85EF-AD6235D84C0B v1

Click Create New Supervision Picture to create a new picture.

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IEC19000556 V1 EN-US

Figure 85: Create new communication supervision user interface

3.9.4 Created picture section GUID-FB3F2773-F7F2-4B33-927B-C5903366BEDB v1

The created picture section displays the engineered supervision pictures related to the current
equipment container and the child equipment containers.

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IEC19000557 V1 EN-US

Figure 86: Created communication supervision

Pos. No. Description

1 To edit a picture, double-click the thumbnail.
2 To rename a picture, double-click on the lower part of the thumbnail.

3.10 Communication supervision pictures editor GUID-C94105E2-2361-4DBF-BF38-C365E180C020 v1

3.10.1 Overview GUID-F43DD959-D761-442E-BE65-F975F7CF2ACF v1

A communication supervision picture is opened by double-clicking a picture from the

Communication Supervision Pictures dashboard.

The user interface is composed of the following distinct sections as shown in Figure 87.

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IEC19000558 V1 EN-US

Figure 87: Overview of Communication Supervision Pictures editor

Pos. No. Description

1 Navigation shortcut: Click to navigate to the parent dashboard.
2 Toolbar
3 Picture container
4 Properties, Events, and Elements tabs

3.10.2 Toolbar GUID-9377F432-E70B-432C-AA51-CE513E793289 v1

The Communication Supervision Pictures editor toolbar includes the functionalities similar to the
Process Pictures toolbar. See Section 3.8.2.

3.11 Network Communication Configuration GUID-2457E0FF-02D3-44B2-998A-2C4953303071 v2

To create a Network Supervision picture, a Network Communication Configuration diagram must first
be created.

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GUID-C0503D80-431A-493C-8F1A-0B1FC62672B1 V1 EN-US

Figure 88: Network Communication Diagram creator

3.11.1 Elements tab GUID-2C79C962-4AEE-442F-BF72-8C2AF3986A63 v3

The Elements tab is composed of the following functionalities as shown in Figure 89.

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IEC19000571 V1 EN-US

Figure 89: Elements tab interface

Pos. No. Description

1 Search or filter elements with an input text.
2 Toggle to filter by favorite.
3 Toggle to show list based tab view.
4 Toggle to show icon based tab view.
5 Select an element.
6 Set as favorite.

List base tab view

Default view of the Elements tab to browse available elements.

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IEC19000573 V1 EN-US

Figure 90: List base tab view

Icon base tab view

Click the corresponding toggle icon to display the alternative view to browse available elements.

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IEC19000572 V1 EN-US

Figure 91: Icon base tab view

Filtering favorites
Filter the available elements based on the favorites.

The elements are available in both list base and icon base views.

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IEC19000574 V1 EN-US

Figure 92: Filtering favorites

Searching and filtering

Filter the elements according to the text input.

When the options are available in both views, the functionality shows additional blue highlight feature
on element names while using the list base view.

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IEC19000575 V1 EN-US

Figure 93: Searching and filtering

Setting favorites
To set an element as favorite, point an element in the list and click the appearing grey star.

The element star turns blue after clicking.

IEC19000576 V1 EN-US

Figure 94: Setting favorites

Selecting element and drawing diagram container

To select an element for drawing in the diagram container, click the element on the list.

The element will replace the mouse cursor, indicating that it's selected.

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Click the diagram to draw the element.

IEC19000577 V1 EN-US

Figure 95: Selecting element and drawing diagram container

3.11.2 Ports Tab GUID-143EAF0F-4201-484D-AA26-D74E9181F30A v2

The Ports Tab consists of the following functionalities as shown in the Figure 96:


4 6

GUID-14FFC84A-168A-467B-92C3-4720E128C2B5 V1 EN-US

Figure 96: Ports Tab

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Default Placement Used to change the placement of the
2 Default Interface Defines the type of the port
3 Amount to add Defines how many ports of the
selected type and placement to add
4 Placement Select port placement from the
5 Interface Select port type from the dropdown.
6 Template Displays the port icon
7 + Appends a port of the same type
8 - Removes the selected port

110 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 3
View Builder user interface

3.11.3 Property tab Diagram background properties GUID-BFF83F45-0F9F-43A3-8C01-B68A6AD529EE v3

The Network Supervision Pictures editor’s Property tab displays the properties similar to Process
Pictures editor’s Property tab. Refer Section

Alignment grid behavior GUID-7D8C71BC-DC9C-4408-82D7-B99B789A5319 v3

This feature is identical in both the editors, Process Picture editor and Network Supervision
Picture editor. Refer Section

3.12 Network Supervision Picture Dashboard GUID-537C1935-1FEC-4C50-A35B-3FE08B4B69C6 v2

This functionality is in early stages of development. It is not currently possible to

automatically generate a Network Supervision picture based on the Network
Communication diagram.

The Network Supervision Pictures editor is provided to engineer another set of SYS600 Workplace X
pictures. For example, to engineer SYS600 Workplace X pictures on station or voltage level with an
overview of IEDs and their status (system events).

The added IED changes its purpose and function depending on the number of ports it has. Ports can
be repositioned, changed to a different type, or hidden.

GUID-A04E5839-8DA4-480F-B76A-4C153E13342C V1 EN-US

Figure 97: Network Supervision Picture Dashboard

By default, the Network Supervision picture dashboard is shown, and composed of the following
distinct sections:

• Toolbar
• Create picture sections
• Engineered picture sections

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 111

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Section 3 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
View Builder user interface

GUID-A5207629-A745-4588-B6E2-C69FEB362399 V1 EN-US

Figure 98: Network Supervision Picture Editor

3.12.1 Toolbar GUID-09DBBBF4-F21B-4342-9F32-B367FCC8CF33 v1

The Network Supervision Pictures editor toolbar includes the functionalities similar to the Process
Pictures toolbar. See Section 3.8.2.

3.12.2 Elements tab GUID-59D7D00F-B8CE-4D0E-92E8-D55B33A5F46E v1

The Elements tab consists of the following functionalities as shown in Figure 99:

Those features are similar to the one described for Process Picture editor in Section

112 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 3
View Builder user interface


IEC19000571 V1 EN-US

Figure 99: Elements tab interface for communication supervision diagrams

Pos. No. Description

1 Search/Filter elements with input text.
2 Toggle to filter by favorite.
3 Toggle to show list base tab view.
4 Toggle to show icon base tab view.
5 Select element.
6 Set to favorite.

3.12.3 Properties Tab GUID-12391860-BF24-48D6-BD09-B6F33766BC8E v2

The Network Supervision Picture editor Properties tab includes the following functionality, when
an IED is selected:

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 113

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Section 3 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
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GUID-7681C795-EDF1-404A-AF9A-0BEC576E6F39 V1 EN-US

Figure 100: Network Supervision Picture Properies Tab

Pos. No. Description

1 Displays the name and function of the selected IED.
2 Adjust the placement of the element.
3 Map the IED to one predefined in the SYS600.
4 Map the IED to a specific datapoint.

3.12.4 Ports Tab GUID-01CE679B-A6BE-4101-AAD0-4247BD2E34A6 v2

The Network Supervision Picture editor Ports tab includes the following functionalities, when an
IED with ports is selected:

114 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 3
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GUID-FAF1E5A4-6E34-4749-B2D1-01064A4D3FB8 V1 EN-US

Figure 101: Network Supervision Picture Ports Tab

3.13 Events tab GUID-2B02A3C1-D8F4-4FB1-A39D-5805BE59A1E0 v1

The Events tab is available for elements which support click like events and the functionality is
equivalent to the one described in context of the Process Picture editor in Section 3.8.5.

3.14 Export UI

3.14.1 Overview GUID-A2FF25F7-8212-436A-9336-462F333300C4 v2

Use the Export function to create a view file package including all engineered pictures to be
downloaded to a SYS600 device. The Export menu is available on any equipment container level,
that is select a substation, voltage level, or bay in the navigation tree and invoke the Export menu

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 115

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Section 3 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
View Builder user interface

GUID-394B359D-46C5-4B5F-817A-DFC7E88D15B1 V1 EN-US

Figure 102: Overview of Export User Interface

The Export tab always lists all the pictures available in the current workspace, independent of the
equipment container selected.

You can select / clear picture to export to the SYS600 Workspace X by checking the tick box.

A blue information icon is displayed next to the tick box if the related picture was previously exported
and changed since last export.

The Name column allows modification of the picture name.

3.14.2 Toolbar GUID-5DECF642-1070-4F02-A0BF-456FAB7AB894 v3

The Export toolbar includes the following functionalities:

2 3

GUID-ED0D29F1-F23F-4989-AB53-920A95C48C09 V1 EN-US

Figure 103: Tool bar

Sl No. Functionality Description

1 Toggle All Select / unselect all pictures
2 Export Export selected pictures
3 Include Topology Include engineered data from SLD/Process Diagram – Only available if
supported by the integrating product

116 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 4
Engineering workflow

Section 4 Engineering workflow GUID-AC56D875-F08F-49DF-AC24-6145E2385000 v1

This section describes the main engineering workflow.

4.1 Import and maintain data structure GUID-9ACDED21-3F42-4261-969F-5FDE2BC5F296 v1

The user can import data from SYS600 process database when the tool starts and maintains the
data structure in the Workspace Explorer.

4.1.1 Import data GUID-A719AC3F-2759-4C2E-89E1-B002C7E24192 v2

SYS600 process database is read during start-up and the Import dialog box opens before any
engineering work is started.

See Section 3.2 for the description of the Import UI and functionality.

The Default Symbol Configuration is displayed at the start. This will let you configure which
symbols are created for the imported equipments. See Section for more information.

4.1.2 Adding/removing objects GUID-499C58E6-6D4B-44CC-B941-5125023CFCBC v1

The main structure is first generated after the source data is imported. The average user should not
adapt the structure after such import.

The Workspace Explorer is used to edit the data structure.

See Section 3.4.1 for the description of the Workspace Explorer and Section 3.4.2 for how to add or
remove objects from the functional structure.

4.1.3 Typical instance management GUID-1134D6C8-555C-42DC-86BF-A064D47FA241 v1

The Typical or Instance structure is built by creating Typical from the engineered standalone bay and
joining other applicable standalone, which should inherit the typical data for synchronization purpose.

See Section 7.2 and Section 7.3 for the functionality needed to engineer a workspace with such
Typical and Instance relation.

4.1.4 Naming objects GUID-7867FC54-4281-48AA-BEFF-416C13ADD0F0 v1

The Naming Editor in the Workspace Explorer (see Section 3.4.2) is available to centrally manage
name changes according to the available schemes.

Customer names are inherited from the imported data and the internal names are generated by the
tool to allow specific automation. Avoid changing names in the View Builder.

See Section 2.3 for the overall concept about naming of objects, Annexure A for the naming
conventions used by the tool and Annexure B for details about the available automation based on the
naming scheme.

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 117

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Section 4 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Engineering workflow

4.2 Opening a functional structure object in an editor GUID-C9234CCD-76C5-4630-8BDD-38DC4E70F65F v1

See Section 3.1.1 for more details on how the View Builder UI is structured, how to navigate the tree
structure (Section 3.1.3) and how to navigate around the editor tabs and editor selections (Section
3.1.4 and Section

4.3 Creating the topology GUID-AE680B2F-B550-4C52-A7A8-CB0059B69E6B v1

Equipment (and possibly some topology information, as well) is imported from the SYS600 process
database without a defined layout. Engineered layout can be re-used as a base for the process
picture but that step is not mandatory and for some products, the data shown in the SLD/Process
Diagram editor can be left as is.

The user is still allowed to add and remove equipment using the SLD/Process Diagram
editor. However, an average user should not add or remove equipment to avoid
inconsistencies with the SYS600 process database data, which might be hard to fix later.

See Section 3.6 for the description of the SLD/Process Diagram editor, where the topology is

4.4 Creating process pictures GUID-1BF43640-66CA-4FAD-BFDF-1A034737FADA v1

If equipment data is imported from SYS600 process database, it is recommended to create pictures
from the process diagram.

As a result, the created picture has the pre-mapped topology, equipment and data points according
to the engineered process diagram. This is the most efficient workflow when View Builder is used.

See Section 3.7 for details See Section 3.8 about the Process Pictures editor.

4.4.1 Working with primitive graphics GUID-C54DDA5D-6A5A-4A83-9817-1B72D1E5B7B2 v1

Primitive Graphics are the elements available on the toolbar, which can be used to enhance the
picture with extra graphics and text.

See Section 3.8.2 for details on how to work with primitive graphics.

4.4.2 Working with symbols GUID-FECD7C58-7EF9-4A85-BE55-4D6C4C161005 v1

The symbols are the objects available in the Elements tab of the Process Picture editor.

See Section 3.8.3 for details on how to work with symbols.

4.4.3 Configuring properties GUID-9379B917-F5FB-441E-81CD-406F910A9391 v1

See Section for details on how to edit or manage the picture properties in the Process
Pictures editor.

4.4.4 Mapping objects to symbols GUID-2A6AB9A8-4B68-46DD-876E-824859F99F8B v1

If the picture is created from the Process Diagram, all equipment symbols will be pre-mapped.

118 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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If the picture has diverged from the Process Diagram, manually add the new symbol and its
equipment mapping. See Section and Section for editing the properties of symbol’s
equipment mapping.

4.4.5 Mapping data points to symbols GUID-E27A9924-B95C-461B-8F32-6D18011E8363 v1

Data point mapping is automatically done by the tool when the symbol is mapped to an equipment.

An advance user can correct the mapping or map that is not found by the tool. See Section
for editing symbol’s data point mapping.

4.4.6 Configuring events and actions for symbols GUID-63650D3A-F2DB-4065-9BC0-5F889F5EB1A8 v1

Some elements have pre-engineered events with pre-selected and well-defined Control pane.

For engineering, click events on symbols, see Section 3.8.5.

4.4.7 Creating composed process pictures GUID-62A55E3A-ED67-47FB-AF40-3900F67C746E v1

The View Builder structure is designed to create extensive pictures using composition.

After engineering bay pictures, the Voltage Level or Substation Level picture can be generated by re-
using them.

See Section for details on how to compose pictures.

If necessary, pictures can be inserted within a picture to create specific composition, with some

See Section for details on how to use Insert Element dialog box.

4.4.8 Editing composed process pictures GUID-3CD73768-3B62-4DEC-B6E0-18A3602F56E5 v1

The changes made to a picture are automatically propagated to all composed pictures that include
this picture.

However, it is not possible to edit a picture in the composed picture directly. Double-click the inserted
picture background to edit it in a separate editor.

4.5 Creating communication supervision pictures GUID-EEB9F4FE-F45A-4ED4-820F-6CF25D46860E v2

See Section 3.9 and Section 3.10 for details about communication supervision pictures engineering.

4.6 Export pictures to SYS600 Workplace X GUID-E9DDD12D-1790-4C2F-9868-BB97698211D5 v2

See Section 3.14.1 for details about Export functionality.

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 119

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Section 4 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Engineering workflow

4.7 Auxiliary functionality

4.7.1 Updating templates GUID-1F0A0402-2EDC-4592-BDC1-C216C6EFE86F v1

See Section 3.3 for details about the Template Management functionality.

4.7.2 Add/modify workspace languages GUID-5420D1E4-74D9-44DC-B099-1FF1DA76B0D5 v2

See Section 3.5.2 for workspace language engineering.

120 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 5
SYS600 engineering workflow

Section 5 SYS600 engineering workflow

GUID-43B808F0-A4A9-4057-A538-EFFA71533E3E v1

Picture & 1
Topolo gica l
eng ineerin g

Are modificati ons to Eng ineer the Application

the Application Database usin g your
Database require d? preferre d wor kflow


Ope n the View
Buil der

Cancel Impor t
No Has the Fu nction al No Starting a new View Yes Need to chan ge Yes Functio nal
Structu re cha nged? Buil der wo rkspace? Disp lay Name?
Structu re d ialog

Ope n the Settings 4
6 dial og and ch ange
Functio nal the Displa y Name
Structu re 14
Functio nal
modificatio ns Structu re
Ope n the Imp ort
Functio nal 5
Structu re d ialog
worksp ace 7

Typ ical /
Instance 8
setu p

Ver ify the Name – Customer

Name map ping of the
imported Equ ipments in the
Functio nal Str ucture edi tor

Topolo gica l 10
eng ineerin g

Pro cess

Commu nicatio n
Sup ervisio n 12

Export Picture s and

Topolo gy to the 13
SYS 600 Appl ication


IEC19000745 V1 EN-US

Figure 104: General workflow

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 121

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Section 5 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
SYS600 engineering workflow

Pos. No. References

1,2 Picture engineering tool - View Builder
3,5 Import UI
4 User settings dialog box
6 Functional Structure import
7 Configure workspace settings
8 Typical or Instance setup
9 Naming of objects
10 Topological engineering
11 Process Pictures
12 Communication Supervision Picture engineering
13 Export UI
14 Functional Structure modifications

workspace settings

1 Configure the


IEC19000735 V1 EN-US

Figure 105: Configure workspace settings

Pos. No. Reference

1 Workspace Language UI

122 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 5
SYS600 engineering workflow

Functional Structure

Open Functional
Structure Import

This version of the

Yes Are the missing items No View Builder cannot
Are items missing from
supported in this support these item
the Import Dialog?
release? types


Finish the SYS600 Application

Yes Is the Import Dialog Does the SYS600 Application No database engineering using your
structure correct? database contain the missing
normal engineering workflow


Are the items correctly

Can a small manual No No Fix Application
modelled in the SYS600
modification fix the Database
Application database?


import 4
modification Modify your
specific import 2

Import the
Functional Structure 3

Finish the initial Functional Structure import as much as possible before moving
forward in the View Builder engineering workflow.
Certain modifications to already imported Functional Structure objects will require a
deletion, re-import and re-engineering of those items, and possibly the parents
containing the changes.

· Adding a new Container level, like a Region. This will require re-import and full
re-engineering of everything moved under that Container level
· Moving imported items from one Container to another
· Adding a new Equipment in an imported Instance Container
· Changing Equipment Type of imported Equipment
· Manually adding a new Voltage Level with the intention of moving imported
Bays under it

Manually filtering out Functional Structure objects in the Import Functional Structure
dialog must be repeated every time the dialog is used to import changes.

It is therefore recommended that filtering Functional Structure items is solved via

creating your own Application specific import rules.


IEC19000736 V1 EN-US

Figure 106: Functional structure import

Pos. No References
1,3 Import Functional Structure dialog box
2 Rule file
4 Manual import modification

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 123

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Section 5 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
SYS600 engineering workflow

Manual import

Open the Import 1

Structure dialog

Add new
Is a Container level Container items in
missing? the Functional
(Region, Voltage level, …) Structure and set
the Actual Type

If you manually select not to add the item, you will have to do so every time
you perform an import update via the Import Functional Structure dialog.
Are all items to import No If there are many items to filter out from import, you should check the other
Restructure the
correctly placed in the filtering alternatives in the Functional Structure import workflow
items correctly
Functional Structure?


Modify the Import
Do you need the item No Action Adjustment
for the Topology and
column to ”Don’t
Picture engineering?

No Correct the type in
Is the item type
the Actual Type

Correct the 6
Is the item
No Customer name in
Customer Name
the ”Customer
Name” column


Do you need to merge Yes Merge by dragging
the old item on top
an existing item with a
of the new one
new one?




IEC19000737 V1 EN-US

Figure 107: Manual import modification

Pos. No References
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Import Functional Structure dialog box

124 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 5
SYS600 engineering workflow

modifications Remember to place the items under the
new parent before importing

Are the changes No

No Do we need to change the
inside Instance
parent Container of already
imported items?

Disconnect the
Instance 1
Containers from
the Typical

Functional Functional Functional
Structure 2 Structure Structure
import import import

Should the Standalones be

No connected back as
Instances of the Typical?


Update the Typical

according to the

Reconnect the
Standalone 4
Containers to the
Re-engineer the
imported items
Re-engineer any
Instance specific


Converting from Instance à Standalone à Instance will require re- The implication here is that all engineering made for the deleted
engineering of Instance specific data just like in the Typical/ Functional Structure objects will be lost and needs to be re-
Instance engineering workflow. engineered.

For more information, check the Typical/Instance engineering It is therefore very important that the Functional Structure is
workflows setup correctly already at the initial import step.

Moving an already imported set of Substations under a new
Region level will require a deletion and re-engineering of all the
Substations to be moved.

IEC19000738 V1 EN-US

Figure 108: Functional structure modifications

Pos. No References
1 Disconnecting instances from Typical Bays
2 Functional Structure import
3,4 Typicals

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 125

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Section 5 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
SYS600 engineering workflow

Typical/Instance Standalone Containers which can be

setup converted to Instances of a Typical in the
Power Process Domain are Bay and
Section Container types.

Any new Typicals Yes Create a Typical

to be created?


Convert Standalone
Are there new
Containers to
Standalones to Yes Instances by
connect as Instances
connecting them to
to Typicals?
the Typical


Finish the Typical

Instance setup It is important that the Typical/Instance engineering is finalized for the imported Functional Structure before
proceeding with the view engineering workflow.

Some of the Topological & Picture engineering on Standalone Containers will be lost or exchanged with Typical
engineering if they are later converted to Instances of a Typical.

Engineering which is lost when converting a Standalone Container to an Instance:

· References of Standalone Pictures in other Pictures
· Manual DataPoint mapping in the Standalone Pictures
· Standalone Picture texts

When converting a Standalone to an Instance, the following Standalone engineering is exchanged with the Typical
· Standalone Topological engineering
· Standalone Pictures


IEC19000739 V1 EN-US

Figure 109: Typical or Instance setup

Pos. No References
1 Typicals
2 Creating Typical Bays from Bay standalone

126 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 5
SYS600 engineering workflow


Open the SLD/
Process Diagram

Manually create the
Are the
Voltage Level Busbars via
Busbars No
the Functional Structure

A leaf Container is a Bay
Begin engineering
or a Section in the
on leaf Container
Substation Automation

Select the next 4

Container on this
level to engineer

Is the Container an Yes

Instance of a

Engineer the Engineer the
internal structure internal structure
of the Standalone of the Typical
Container Container

Is there a Go to the
Container level Yes Container level
above the current above the current
one? one



GUID-1157DDC0-0790-48AA-8196-89F9DC3FA673 V2 EN-US

Figure 110: Topological engineering

Pos. No References
1 SLD or Process Diagram Editor
2 Busbar connection logic
3,4,7 Navigation trees
5,6 Creating the topology

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 127

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Section 5 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
SYS600 engineering workflow

Process Pictures

A leaf Container is a Bay
Open the Process or a Section in the
Pictures tool Substation Automation

Begin engineering
on leaf Container
level 2

Select the next

Container on the 3
leaf level

Create a Picture
from the Process 4

Picture 5

Are there more Is there a parent

Are there more leaf
Yes No Typical No Container level on
level Standalone
Containers to top of the current
engineer? one?


Select the next

Go to the parent
Typical Container 6 9
Container level
on the leaf level

7 Select the next

Create a Typical Standalone
Container on the 10
Picture from the
Process Diagram selected Container

Compose a
Typical Standalone
Picture Picture from the 11
engineering child Pictures

Picture 12

Are there more

Yes Standalone
Containers on this



IEC19000744 V2 EN-US

Figure 111: Process Pictures

Pos. No References
1,4,7,11 Process Pictures dashboard
2 Creating process pictures
5,12 Standalone Picture engineering
6,9,10 Navigation trees
8 Typical Picture engineering

128 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 5
SYS600 engineering workflow

Communication A Typical/Instance workflow can be followed also for

Supervision Picture Communication Supervision Picture engineering, where
engineering higher level Pictures are created by referencing leaf level
1 Instance and Standalone Pictures.
Select the next Container
This workflow is the same for the Communication
which requires a
Supervision Pictures as for the Process Pictures, and will
therefore not be repeated here.
Supervision Picture
Create a new
Supervision Picture

All Communication Supervision symbols

3 are static
Instantiate the
supervision symbols
There is a number of general dynamic symbols
which can be used to visualize process data for both
Instantiate and map Process and Communication Supervision Pictures.
DataPoints for Examples:
dynamic status Button
symbols LED

Yes Communication
Supervision Pictures?




IEC19000741 V1 EN-US

Figure 112: Communication Supervision Picture engineering

Pos. No References
1 Navigation trees
2,3 Communication Supervision pictures dashboard
4 Element properties

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 129

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© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Section 5 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
SYS600 engineering workflow

Standalone Picture

Connect the links

between referenced 1

Verify the Topological mapping in the
Are there any links not mapped to a Yes Diagrams against the links in the
corresponding topology link? Picture. Make necessary modifications
No to reach the same topology.

Engineer the needed

Groups for the
Equipment Symbol 3
Control Panes

Add a SYS Application

Is any expected Datapoint mapping Yes Does the corresponding Process Yes specific rule to identify
missing from the Equipment Symbols or Object data exist in the SYS600 the missing Datapoint
Control Panes? Application Database?


Modify the Process Object data such that

the import rules can identify the missing 5
Datapoint for this Standalone Container

Map the new Datapoint

to the Equipment 6
Symbol or Control Pane

Alarm Indicator
Add the detailed Text
Do you have additional Value
process visualization
process information to Yes symbol 7

Is the process data a Map the process data to 9

Is the process data available as No No
SYS600 Process Object a Process Object
a DataPoint or Datapoint
Attribute? Attribute


Enable the SYS600 10

Yes extended
attribute mapping” via
Map the Datapoint or User Settings
Datapoint Attribute to
the detailed process 8
visualization symbol via Map the SYS600
the Edit Datapoints Process Object Attribute
dialog directly to the detailed 11
process visualization
symbol via the Edit
Datapoints dialog

Add the static texts and

their translations

Add static visual

elements 13


IEC19000742 V1 EN-US

Figure 113: Standalone Picture engineering

Pos. No References
1,7,13 Process Picture editor
2 Creating the topology
3 Events tab
4,5 Rule file
6,8,12 Element properties
9,11 Information unavailable in SYS600 process database
10 User settings dialog box

130 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

Process Picture Design Manual
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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 5
SYS600 engineering workflow

Typical Picture

Open the Typical Picture 1

Verify the Topological mapping in the

Are there any links not mapped to a Yes Diagrams against the links in the
corresponding topology link? Picture. Make necessary modifications
to reach the same topology.


Engineer the needed

Groups for the
Equipment Symbol 3
Control Panes

Is any expected Datapoint mapping Add a SYS Application 4

Yes Does the corresponding Process Yes
missing from the Equipment Symbols or specific rule to identify
Object data exist in the SYS600
Control Panes? the missing Datapoint
Application Database?


Modify the Process Object data such that the

import rules can identify the missing Datapoint
for all of the Instance Containers

Map the new Datapoint

to the Equipment Symbol
or Control Pane 5

Alarm Indicator
Additional process Yes Add the detailed process
information to visualize? visualization symbol 6


Map the process data to 7

Is the process data available as No Is the process data a SYS600
a Process Object
a DataPoint or Datapoint Process Object Attribute?
No Attribute


Enable the SYS600

Map the Datapoint or
”Allow extended attribute 9
Datapoint Attribute to the
mapping” via User
detailed process
8 Settings
visualization symbol via
the Edit Datapoints
dialog Iterate through every Instance Picture
of the Typical, and manually map the
SYS600 Process Object Attribute
directly to the detailed process
visualization symbol via the Edit
Datapoints dialog

Add the static texts and

their translations 11

Iterate through the

Do you need different Yes Instance static texts and 12
text strings per update them with
Instance? Instance specific strings


Add static visual



IEC19000743 V1 EN-US

Figure 114: Typical Picture engineering

Pos. No References
1 Process Pictures dashboard
2 Creating the topology
3,5,8,10,11 Element properties
4 Rule file
Table continues on next page

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 131

Process Picture Design Manual
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Section 5 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
SYS600 engineering workflow

Pos. No References
6,12,13 Process Picture editor
7 Information unavailable in SYS600 process database
9 User settings dialog box

132 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 6
Power Transformer tools

Section 6 Power Transformer tools GUID-3329AC28-29CC-4804-9E34-1FD1A8A57129 v1

The Power Transformer tools consists of the nameplate- and analyzer-editors. These tools can be
found under bay-level if any power transformers were added to bay. Detailed information about those
can be found in the next topics.

6.1 Power Transformer Nameplate editor GUID-B20CFBD3-BCDC-4979-A744-1568F439601B v2

The nameplate editor is used to set and save all relevant information about the power transformer,
such as high and low voltages. To start, it has some standard default values:

GUID-B95784BA-91BA-45B4-A12C-E41A128EEBDE V1 EN-US

Figure 115: Power Transformer Nameplate Editor

When all parameters are defined and set, these should be saved by clicking the Save-button in the
title menubar of View Builder, as described here:Title bar

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Section 6 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Power Transformer tools

6.2 Power Transformer Analyzer editor GUID-1F15ECDD-2519-400C-8652-01FC9BE67F97 v1

Analyzer tool is used for setting parameters for different analyzing process and properties.

GUID-471AD594-0651-4708-9E45-977D2A01ADB2 V1 EN-US

Figure 116: Power Transformer Analyzer tool

In the picture below, are all the parameters involved in analysis process. Analysis active has status
Yes. Thus parameters are settable. This is not the case if analyzer datapoints are missing and/or
mapping the datapoints is not completed.

When all parameters are defined and set, described later in this chapter, these should be persisted
by clicking the Save-button in the top menu of View Builder. All the checkboxes in Datapoint mapping
table are read-only for informative purposes.

Analysis cannot be set active if some datapoints are missing or transformer has more than two

Actual power transformer analyzing is executed by set of LIB5 command procedures. The command
procedures and necessary event handlers, datapoints and time channels, are enabled by when
exporting to SYS is done. So it's vital to Export to SYS under bay -treenode. This also creates two
configuration files for the command procedures. Depending on MicroSCADA installation location,
usual location for them is:


1. Minimum time between measurements- The shortest allowed time between subsequent accepted
measurements. Determines also the history time span in data objects.

134 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 6
Power Transformer tools

2. Number of data objects- The number of measurements stored in data objects for sensor
correction, parameter estimation

3. Analysis interval- The time interval between sensor correction calculations and parameter
estimation fits.

4. Number of measurements averaged- Setting for some attention indicator calculations. Should
roughly correspond to the number of measurements during half a load cycle.

5. Minimal # of measurements for analysis- The minimal number of measurements that must be
available in a class to perform parameter estimate fits. Should roughly correspond to the number of
measurements during half a load cycle.

6. Max number of log files- The number of log files kept of off-site analysis, older files are deleted. A
log file contains measurements from one analysis interval and at least as many analysis intervals as
covered by the history in data objects should be covered if this facility is used.

7. Minimal analyzed current- The minimal current used for parameter estimation fits. Should be
higher than the current at which larger deviations in current ratio can be observed.

8. Dismiss measurement if voltage is < - This is a provision to prevent measurements when the
transformer is not energized from corrupting results. Measurements with lower voltage are classed
as unclassed. The value should be lower than any normal voltage deviation.

9. Ignored consecutive outliers- Setting for some attention indicator calculations that detect outliers
as discussed for these indicators. Should be 2 or lower, 0 implies no outlier removal.

10. Min sd to ignore- Setting for some attention indicator calculations that detect outliers as
discussed for these indicators. Should be at least 3 or higher.

11. Tap ratio range- The allowed deviation from an integer value of the tap position estimate. Should
be < 0.5 and > 0, recommended value 0.35 at least initially. When sensor corrections have stabilized,
the value can be decreased to reduce risk for outliers. The voltage ratio graph showing per unit
values helps to determine the noise level which is the practical lower bound.

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 7

Section 7 Typicals GUID-D58E8680-8141-481A-BBC8-9D0916499389 v3

Loss of data might occur when Create Typical and/or Join to Typical operations are
performed on the Standalone Equipment Container where the user has already manually
engineered the data. To minimize the potential loss of manually engineered data, always
create a Typical or Instance structure following the workflow described in this section
before engineering any data manually.

7.1 Overview GUID-C289147C-304B-40DD-BA41-D0E42C3B7EC0 v2

A Typical Bay can be thought of as a template for real Bays in a substation. Instead of configuring
each real Bay separately, the configuration is done in the Typical Bay and is propagated
automatically to the real Bays.

The Typical/Instance structure is built by creating Typical from an engineered standalone Bay, and
joining other applicable standalone, which should inherit the Typical data for synchronization
purpose. Joining a standalone to a Typical Bay creates a link between the Typical and the
standalone, which is now considered an instantiated Bay. This link allows engineering data to be
synchronized between the Typical and Instantiated Bays.

For example, Bay A1 is used to create a Typical Bay A and Bay A2 is joined to the created Typical
Bay A. If a change is made to the Typical Bay A, this change is also applied to Instantiated Bay A1
and Instantiated Bay A2. This provides one-point of engineering for all Bays of the same type.

The following elements are synchronized between a Typical Bay and its instances:

• The single line diagram of a Bay including primary equipment, connections and SLD layout
• The engineered process and supervision pictures
• The signal and event mapping. For example,
1. Given two Standalone Bays, A1 and A2
2. Create Typical Bay A from Standalone Bay A1
3. Bay A1 is now an Instance of Typical Bay A
4. Join Standalone Bay A2 to Typical Bay A
5. Bay A2 is now an Instance of Typical Bay A
6. If a change is made to the Typical Bay A, this change is also applied to Instance Bays A1
and A2. This provides one-point of engineering for all Bays of the same type.

7.2 Creating Typical Bays from Bay standalone GUID-342BDA4A-6D79-4CBA-807E-1DF857B24B80 v4

An engineered standalone Bay can be used as a template to create a Typical Bay.

To create a Typical Bay from the standalone:

1. Switch Navigation Pane to Workspace Explorer (see Section 3.4.1).

2. Select the Engineered Standalone Bay from the structure.
3. Click Typical/Instance Management/Create Typical . The Create a Typical from Standalone
Bay dialog box opens.

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Section 7 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A

IEC19000568 V1 EN-US

Figure 117: Create a Typical from Standalone Bay dialog box

4. Type the Typical Bay name in the Define Typical Bay Name field.
5. Click Create Typical.

Manually mapped data points might be lost while creating a Typical from a standalone.
The manually created or updated data point mappings on the Typical should be re-
checked after creating the Typical. The linked instances get automatically synchronized
provided that the related SPI (Single Point Indication) data points use the same
datapoint name relative to the Bay instance.

6. Since a Typical is successfully created, continue the workflow and join other Bay standalones
that shall get linked to the just created Typical (in case the structures fit). Click Yes to continue
or clic No to interrupt.

IEC19000730 V1 EN-US

Figure 118: New Typical Bay created pop-up box

7. A pop-up displays a warning to the user that the next operation cannot be undone. Click Join
to continue the workflow and join instances (see Section 7.3.1) or click Cancel to save the

138 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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IEC19000731 V1 EN-US

Figure 119: Pop-up for confirmation for joining of Standalone with Typical

As a result, a new Typical Bay is added to the Typical structure and the source standalone Bay is
turned into an instance of that Typical Bay. The Bay icon is changed from black (standalone) to blue
(instance of Typical).

Most of the engineering related to the instance must be done on the Typical, except for a few things
which can be manually engineered for each instance. See Section 7.5 for a list of what can be
engineered in the instances.

Select an imported Bay with its imported equipment as a base for Typical. A picture and a
layout can be engineered after setting the Bay as Typical, but the imported functional
object structure should not be changed. Further, the Import operation from the SYS600
process database is blocked when inconsistencies are detected in Typical Bays. These
inconsistencies can be fixed manually.

7.3 Joining instances to Typical Bays GUID-45526306-A661-4BF6-BEF6-47A14D33AFA4 v1

Ideally, when joining a standalone to a Typical, all specific engineering of that standalone
is replaced with the Typical data; do not engineer on such standalone before the Join

To join a standalone Bay to a Typical Bay:

1. Switch the Navigation Pane to Expanded Workspace Explorer and Typical (see Section
2. Select a standalone Bay from the structure.
3. Click Typical/Instance Management / Join with Typical (see Section 7.3.1).
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all the standalone Bay that should be joined to a Typical or do all the
joining operations available at the same time with the multi-join interface.

As a result, standalone Bays are changed to instances of the Typical Bay. Bay icons are changed
from black (standalone) to blue (instance of Typical). Now, most of the engineering related to the
instances must be done on the Typical structure (see Section 4.5 for outlier cases).

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7.3.1 Join with Typical dialog box GUID-05385FE3-1A04-42A2-A23E-2B68D8C62E7D v3

After clicking Join with Typical , the Join with Typical dialog box opens.

2 3

IEC19000569 V1 EN-US

Figure 120: Join with Typical dialog box

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 7

Pos. No. Functionality Description

1 Selected Container Click the drop-down list to select a higher-level parent equipment container to extend the
list of target standalones to be checked against the selected typical.
2 Selected Typical Click the drop-down list to select the typical to be joined.
3 Check all Standalones Once the container with the list of candidates standalone and the typical are selected,
click Check all Standalones.
The tool analyzes the structure of the standalone and shows whether the standalones
are compatible with the selected typical.

• Standalones with compatible structure are automatically checked.

• Standalones with structures fitting the typical with warnings only get displayed with
a warning icon and can be manually checked. Select the checked instance for
displaying more details on the warning
• Standalones with structures not fitting the typical get displayed with an error icon
and cannot be checked. Check the problematic standalone for details on why the
standalone does not fit the typical.

The error sign does not necessarily mean that there is an

engineering error, it only means that the standalone is not compatible
with the selected typical.


4 Join/Close Click Close to cancel the Join operation anytime.

If there are no missing elements or incompatibility errors in the selected standalones,
the Join button is enabled. Click Join to complete the join with typical operation.

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Section 7 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A

Functionality Description
Status and validation The typical and standalone bay structure is displayed side-by-side, to show how the existing elements
message are linked.

The linking algorithm is based on the internal name structure; only expert user
should manipulate the internal name.

The STATUS column displays a green tick mark if the link can be resolved.
The STATUS column displays a red circle with white cross, when the element only exists in one of the
two structures. The validation message displays the missing standalone or typical accordingly.

Before editing the structure to comply (preferably on the source product data),
double check that the right standalone with the right typical is selected.

The STATUS column displays a yellow warning sign when there is a connection mismatch. Such
warning does not prevent the Join operation. The typical connection overrides the standalone one.

Connection mismatch only appear if the topology engineering is done in the SLD/
Process Diagram for both bays. Verifying that the topology is correct on the typical is
enough – the standalone topology is corrected automatically during the join


7.4 Disconnecting instances from Typical Bays GUID-E634F40C-38F4-46E1-A87B-DA1A0CEBEB37 v2

Engineered data is not lost because of disconnecting an instance from its Typical.
Engineered data is eventually lost when trying to join the new standalone to an existing
Typical. For this reason, disconnection should be avoided whenever possible.

It is possible that an engineered Typical or Instance structure prevent further import from the SYS600
process database– in case a change in the source data is not compatible with the Typical or Instance
structure constrains. Disconnecting instances allow to proceed with the engineering.

142 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 7

To disconnect an instance bay from a typical bay:

1. Switch the navigation pane to Workspace Explorer (see Section 3.4).

2. Select the instance bay from the structure.
3. Click Typical/Instance Management/Disconnect from Typical.

As a result, the instance bay is changed to a standalone bay. The bay icon is changed from blue
(instance of typical) to black (standalone).

7.5 Engineering picture on instance level GUID-C1623885-65AD-4455-8719-C4D87DFE520D v2

After a typical or instance relationship is created, most of the engineering is done on the typical bay.

Table 5 lists the picture data that can be specifically engineered for an instance independent of the

Table 5: Picture data

Picture data Description

Primitive graphic text Select the text area to override the text from the typical in the instance. After being
overridden, the changes to the text in the typical will not be propagated anymore.
Translation Overridden text can have a specific translation engineered.
Data Points When engineering data points in a typical, the tool tries to map instance data points
accordingly. When such mapping is not automatically propagated, a red icon is displayed on
the typical data point with a list of unmapped instances. This mapping must then be done
directly at the instance level.

7.6 Typicals import or export GUID-1FB8980C-9D14-4676-9FFA-999E4A283EC2 v2

7.6.1 What does a typical contain? GUID-4D28280E-CA37-430B-B337-C648DD93D622 v1

A typical contains three types of diagrams such as SLD Process Diagram, Process Pictures and
Communication Supervision Pictures. In each of these diagrams, you can add functional structure
nodes and draw links between them. Therefore, whenever you export or import a typical, it will have
all these elements.

Moreover, a typical also includes user-defined symbols. In the Symbol Editor, you can choose a
symbol from the symbols list to modify and publish in the Elements tab.

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Section 7 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A

GUID-5E2078A9-2A2A-4507-97C3-06F130F0DA60 V1 EN-US

Figure 121: Symbol Editor

After importing, if the typical contains user-defined symbols, these symbols will be available in the
Symbol Editor/Elements tab, next to the other default symbols.

Section 7.6.2 and Section 7.6.3 describe how to export and import typicals, respectively and Section
7.6.4 lists some limitations or rules to be considered.

7.6.2 Exporting a typical GUID-DBE8D820-E36F-4BCA-AFD2-5452CC6E1431 v3

When a typical is exported, all the diagrams containing functional structure nodes and links are
exported. The Export feature is available under Data Exchange Center.

1. In the Data Exchange Center, click the Export tab.

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 7

GUID-EC995EAA-7438-49FB-A3BE-69AC0F1670C1 V1 EN-US

Figure 122: Export tab

2. Click Export Typical to confirm and choose the folder to export to.

GUID-8E4FE124-44D4-4AF3-B198-1F4541A6E970 V1 EN-US

Figure 123: Confirm Export Typical

If the export is successful, a message pop-up is displayed.

GUID-6C127A62-23C2-4242-91FA-E54427E45399 V1 EN-US

Figure 124: Export confirmation message

You can ensure the export by navigating to the exported folder and searching for .saetyp file. This is
the typical file that was exported from the workspace.

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7.6.3 Importing a typical GUID-66DC9E4E-F0AE-4E02-B490-9287394EAD2E v3

When you import a typical into the current workspace, all the diagrams, functional structure nodes,
links and user-defined symbols will be imported.

1. From the main window, open the Data Exchange Center.

2. In the Data Exchange Center window, click the Import tab.

GUID-464F329F-4FC7-47B4-A4EA-69DD6ED61A75 V1 EN-US

Figure 125: Import tab

3. Click Import and navigate to the folder in which the typical file is located.
4. Select the typical file to be imported.
If the import is successful, a message pop-up is displayed.

GUID-85B53399-9A6E-412F-966D-6F047065CCF5 V1 EN-US

Figure 126: Import confirmation message

Additionally, it is possible to select multiple typical files to import.

When multiple files are imported successfully, a message pop-up is displayed.

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GUID-BA9F2DD9-3178-42BE-9E9C-F7645426A017 V1 EN-US

Figure 127: Import multi-selection confirmation message

If you re-import the same typical bay into the working workspace, then also a new bay can be added.
All bays imported from the same typical file will be structurally identical except the names, which will
be post-fixed with the underscore and numbers.

7.6.4 Limitation and rules GUID-5AD55BA0-16A6-4B24-8BB3-C2B48D42025C v1

• When you import a typical into the current working workspace, the version of the View Builder
tool which is generated in the to-be-imported typical must not be newer than the version of the
existing tool.
• When you import a typical into the current working workplace, the versions of the symbol
templates in the to-be-imported typical must not be newer than the one in the existing working
• If there is any symbol that has a newer template version than the one used in the existing
working workspace, the typical containing that symbol cannot be imported.

GUID-FCCD5545-8550-4A3D-B086-DC08C2C4130D V1 EN-US

Figure 128: Import fail

• If an import fails because of the template version issue, the error messages can be viewed using
the Warning or Error icons, which states that the imported Symbol Template has a newer version
compared to the one in the current workspace.

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GUID-6A1F0627-46F4-4E30-B627-1CEDBA0E2D12 V1 EN-US

Figure 129: Import fail message

• Templates can be updated manually by navigating to the Overview tab and clicking Check for
Updated Templates.

GUID-B54F1087-F547-49F1-83A6-8CD1C569994E V1 EN-US

Figure 130: Update template

148 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 8
Symbol Editing

Section 8 Symbol Editing GUID-E1730376-5874-4CF6-A51E-9D7F1D84170F v3

The Symbol Editor currently allows to modify most, but not all parts of a Symbol, for
example, you cannot modify the emblems at its four corners. This section will provide the
overview of what is editable currently and limitations.
Note that features in the Symbol Editor rely on the latest version of the Symbol
Template. It is recommended to update the Symbol Template to latest version before
using the Symbol Editor. See Section 3.3 for more information.

8.1 Overview GUID-7655B310-0A18-4C34-B322-03DFFA14A958 v2

To efficiently assemble a Process Diagram/SLD or Picture a project, a project engineer normally uses
Symbols from a Symbol Library, so that he/she need not be bothered about the detailed internal
workings of a Symbol, its dynamic logic etc.

The View Builder is consciously keeping the workflow of assembling a Diagram or Picture separate
from the workflow of editing a Symbol. The latter typically requires more experience, unless only a
slight graphical modification is needed.

Accordingly, the View Builder provides a dedicated Symbol Editor which allows to configure
graphics and dynamic logic of a Symbol in a quite detailed, but still user-friendly manner. While
assembling or modifying a Symbol, you may separately save it and test it. Once you are satisfied
with its implementation, you can then publish it to make it ready to be used on diagrams and pictures.

8.2 Notice on current restrictions for Symbol Editing GUID-3EDE25EF-7800-496E-994C-244A48F85219 v2

The Symbol Editor is the tool for creating new Symbols and modifying existing Symbols. However,
its current implementation still has some important restrictions; consider them into account when
using it.

Be aware of the following:

1) All Symbols have a common background and common behavior how they visualize certain
conditions, for example, alarm and blocking emblems, etc. This visualization and logic cannot be
modified in the Symbol Editor.

2) Few graphical attributes (for example, a fill color) can be set either via Properties pane or
dynamically via expression. If you have created a complex expression, and later accidentally modify
the same attribute in the Properties pane, your expression will be overwritten without warning by the
value you set in the Properties pane. As a protection, it is recommended to save often and copy/
paste a complex expression into a simple text file as a backup.

3) When some properties are set by expression (for example, the fill of a rectangle, if its border/
stroke is transparent), the object may become invisible in the editor, because the editor currently
cannot use the expression to display the object. You can still select it via Window Selection, if you
know where the object is. Alternatively, for example, you can keep the border/stroke visible and make
it invisible only after you have completely tested the expression.

4) The current Value Symbols have a complex internal logic which cannot be modified in the Symbol
Editor. However, you can design your own Value Symbol to fit a specific purpose, if requested.

5) Currently, to export user defined symbols to another workspace, typical import shall be used (see
Section 7.6).

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Section 8 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Symbol Editing

8.3 User interface GUID-C3FF353E-08A9-4FEA-AF0F-B776029F5E26 v1

8.3.1 Overview GUID-145D1712-196D-4D83-841F-95E19D305ECB v2

The editor is composed of five main regions:

IEC20000650 V2 EN-US

Pos.No. Region
1 Application bar
2 Tool bar
3 Main area (graphical editor)
4 Properties tab
5 Expressions tab

8.3.2 Application Bar GUID-BAD10FAB-647C-4C70-9573-5A9B5BCD09D0 v2

IEC20000651 V2 EN-US

Pos.No. Functionality Description

1 Undo Reverts last change
2 Redo Brings back last undone change
3 Preview Opens preview window
4 Save Saves changes
5 Publish Publishes currently edited draft

8.3.3 Tool Bar GUID-D4C518EE-DDF7-41DF-872E-EF308C9CD6DB v2

IEC20000652 V2 EN-US

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Symbol Editing

Pos.No. Functionality Description

1 Rotate left Rotates current selection 90 degrees left
2 Rotate right Rotates current selection 90 degrees right
3 Delete Deletes current selection
4 Text Insert Text
5 Line Insert Line
6 Circle Insert Circle
7 Ellipse Insert Ellipse
8 Rectangle Insert Rectangle
9 Square Insert Square
10 Polyline Insert Polyline
11 Bezier Insert Bezier
12 Arc Insert Arc
13 Picture Insert Picture
14 Language Change Workspace Language
15 Zoom to fit Sets zoom so that the content fits the Editor size
16 Zoom Zoom to required zoom level

8.3.4 Main Area GUID-81D52ACC-6189-4CD5-A77B-83ED09DA70CF v1

The Main Area is the actual graphical editor and the Symbol with all its graphical elements. You can
select them and modify some of their properties.

IEC20000653 V1 EN-US

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Symbol Editing

8.3.5 Configuration Panes GUID-70BBB5E6-519C-4B0A-BD9A-8E9420C9E137 v2

The Visual Properties tab is located on the right side of the main area.

IEC20000654 V2 EN-US

The Expressions and the Variables tabs are on the bottom of the main area.

GUID-96D896FE-321D-435A-A48C-087393B367F4 V2 EN-US

152 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 8
Symbol Editing

Pos.No. Functionality Description

1 Visual Properties Contains editors that let you modify the visual properties of elements selected on
the canvas, for example, size, colors, text, and other options. The contents of all
the Configuration panes depend on the selection.
2 Expressions For each graphical element, you can edit the existing or add new expressions to
control the dynamic behavior of the symbol.
3 Variables Manage the existing and new variables (primitives or Datapoints) to be used in
the expression.

8.4 Workflow GUID-27CC009C-E168-435E-BA89-0F158B2C72F1 v1

8.4.1 Overview GUID-E08515FC-15A7-4D96-9A80-1B63DDE06D68 v1

When you edit a Symbol, it goes into a Draft stage. You can edit it in multiple sessions and save your
changes repeatedly. You can also delete a draft, create several draft versions from the same Symbol,
which can be modified and saved independently.

When you have done all the desired changes, you can publish the symbol. Only after publishing it, it
will become available in the Elements tab and can be inserted onto diagrams and pictures.

The workflow to modify a Symbol is done in the following steps:

1. Open the Symbol Editor.

2. Open a symbol for editing.
3. Repeatedly modify it as desired and save it.
4. Once all intended modifications are done, publish it.
5. Delete Drafts which you do not need anymore.

8.4.2 Open the Symbol Editor GUID-3FFBBE7F-B335-46E5-800E-82B000BEEB78 v2

When any object is opened in a tab, the Symbol Editor is available at the bottom of the Editors list in
the Tab.

Click Symbol Editor to edit the Symbol, the Symbol Management Dialog opens.

8.4.3 Open a Published Symbol for editing GUID-8E9FDFC6-DF53-4173-B63D-1A0C7F4F7F47 v2

When editing a published Symbol, it will always be opened and saved as Draft, until you publish it
with some changes. This will prevent the user from overwriting the existing published Symbols with
inadvertent modifications.

When editing a Symbol for the first time, you will not have published Symbols available. Therefore:

1. Select the Edit Published tab - to see a list of all published Symbols from the Elements pane.

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Section 8 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Symbol Editing

IEC20000656 V2 EN-US

2. Select the Symbol you want to edit.

IEC20000657 V2 EN-US

3. Click Edit as Draft to open the Symbol in a new tab.

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 8
Symbol Editing

IEC20000658 V1 EN-US

4. The draft gets a default name (<original Symbol name>_Draft_1). It is recommended that you
give a meaningful name to the Symbol, as the name appears in the Drafts list and in the Editor
tab header. Edit the name in the text field marked above.

Whenever you start from the tab Edit Published, a new draft will be created. This allows you to try
several different modifications to present to the customer or test them.

To modify an existing draft, see Section 8.4.4.

8.4.4 Open a Draft for Renewed Editing GUID-3621D151-75C1-4581-8B13-BCC5FCC7E2FB v1

If you have already modified and saved them, then they will appear in a separate Drafts list. In the
following example, we assume that you have created two different draft versions of a Battery Symbol.
To edit one of those Drafts:

1. Select the tab Edit Draft to see a list of all Drafts in your workspace.

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Symbol Editing

IEC20000659 V1 EN-US

2. Select the Symbol Draft to be edited.

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 8
Symbol Editing

IEC20000660 V1 EN-US

3. Click Edit to open the Draft Symbol in a tab.

If by any chance, the Symbol is already opened in a Tab, then that particular Tab will be
activated. Draft Symbol cannot be opened in two different Tabs simultaneously.

8.4.5 Save a Modified Symbol GUID-446BF4D9-87BC-4531-B7D1-D9F38E128A7E v2

As soon as the symbols are modified, the Save button in the tool bar will be activated. Click Save to
save the changes.

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Section 8 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Symbol Editing

IEC20000661 V1 EN-US

Close the Editor tab to discard the changes.

If you have started from Edit Published, and closed the Editor tab without saving the draft, nothing
will be saved, and you will not have any draft remaining.

8.4.6 Publish a Symbol GUID-5BB461A2-6045-4294-BA52-039DF8AD6A5C v1

If satisfied with the changes and want to use the Symbol in a picture:

1. Click Publish button to open Symbol Publish dialog box.

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 8
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IEC20000662 V1 EN-US

2. The name at the moment of publishing is the name under which the Symbol will later appear in
the Elements pane. Provide a proper name to the Symbol as the name cannot be changed

IEC20000663 V1 EN-US

If satisfied with the changes, click Publish.

Now the Symbol will appear in the Elements pane in the Picture Editor and can be used in a picture.

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Symbol Editing

8.4.7 Delete a Draft GUID-810B71EE-7804-4A62-A43E-0E31C3566AA7 v2

If a user has created several draft variants of a symbol but want to publish only one of them and
delete the others.

To delete the draft:

1. Open the Symbol Management dialog.

2. Select the Edit Drafts Tab and select the Drafts to be deleted.

IEC20000664 V1 EN-US

3. Click Delete button on the left side and a confirmation dialog appears:

IEC20000665 V1 EN-US

4. Select the intended Drafts before clicking Delete. This action cannot be undone.

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Section 8
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8.4.8 Symbol swapping GUID-5A8AAC37-CE8C-4795-928F-52F7BA3700C3 v1

You can directly replace symbols in engineered picture with newly published symbols of the same
equipment type by using Swap Symbols. Such functionality is available in the context menu after
right clicking the selected symbols on the picture.

GUID-274F834D-5E08-4319-B9B3-7E8C0AEA7FFE V1 EN-US

On pressing Swap Symbols, the Symbol Swapping dialog will open and you can select alternative
symbol with drop down menu.

GUID-004B6589-C15C-4FBE-83F5-902C1C66EB2B V1 EN-US

After clicking swap, the original symbol is replaced with target symbol on the process picture. All
existing mapping is by default retained. If the new symbol has missing datapoints as compared to the
original symbol, a sign will be shown in the Symbol Swapping dialog to warn dataloss will occure on

Note that to change Symbols in instantiated bays, you need to swap them in the related typical bay
and the change will be reflected in all instantiated bays accordingly.

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure A
Naming conventions

Annexure A Naming conventions GUID-9991CB21-5AEB-49FE-B411-7C5953B25178 v1

1.1 IEC

1.1.1 Introduction GUID-BBFFD60F-F274-46E4-9133-720BD8ADFADF v1

IEC 81346 defines a comprehensive system to name all kinds of objects in a technical environment.

The crucial requirement of IEC 81346 is due to hierarchical structure. Each level is a combination of
characters followed by a combination of ciphers. This allows to find a hierarchy from any name,
independent of separators.

1.1.2 General conventions in IEC 81346 GUID-6DAF4DC1-2FBF-43DF-993F-A4639B84F135 v2

The internal names follow IEC 81346 as closely as possible. However, as IEC 61850 naming
conventions are much less strict (for example, all Unicode characters are allowed for naming
elements in the Substation Tree); customers may require to use names not consistent with
IEC 81346. As per recommendations, use the Customer name for such names, when allowed for any
character combination.

1.1.3 Hierarchies in IEC 81346 and IEC 61850 GUID-7ACB527E-39F5-4B19-B404-A7CF57107961 v1

Level IEC 81346 IEC 61850

1 Plant level Substation
2 Subplant level Voltage level, function
3,4,5 Further division Bay, function, subfunction
3,4,5 Apparatus, Components Equipment, subequipment

1.2 The standardized naming conventions

1.2.1 View Builder standardized names for a bay GUID-A717C9A0-FE53-4225-BE1B-A47F8D89CC57 v2

See Figure 131 for the standardized naming convention for internal equipment names. In certain
situations, for example, automatic creation of and connection to Busbars, a correct naming scheme is
mandatory to get correct results.

Be aware, that – when inserting equipment, e.g. Disconnectors – the default names on insertion
follow a simple pattern, for example, QB1, QB2, QB3. If you, for example, create a simple Bay in a
Double Busbar System, you will need QB1, QB2 and then QB9 to follow the naming convention;
therefore you must rename the third disconnector – which is named QB3 by default - to QB9,
otherwise QB3 may be interpreted as a Disconnector to a 3rd busbar by some logic.

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Annexure A 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Naming conventions

IEC19000633 V1 EN-US

Figure 131: Configuration of View Builder standardized names for a bay

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure A
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1.2.2 View Builder standardized names for a diameter GUID-E9C11493-2EDE-4DEE-B7A0-6027943192E7 v1

IEC19000634 V1 EN-US

Figure 132: Configuration for View Builder standardized names for a diameter

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 165

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure B
Busbar connection logic

Annexure B Busbar connection logic GUID-A7B3602C-EE65-48B6-A6D5-858AF205B0CE v1

1.1 Introduction GUID-9C495533-484B-4509-BA41-D15D540F49AC v2

To increase efficiency in the View Builder, there is some automatisms regarding busbars.

These automatisms are based on a commonly followed naming scheme based on the IEC 81346
naming standard. If a user is not familiar with the background of the automatisms, in certain
situations the user might not understand View Builder behavior.

This annexure explains the automation mechanisms and gives guidance on how to proceed when
unusual busbar combinations occur.

1.2 Automation based on naming schemes

1.2.1 Introduction GUID-94322CC8-C777-40C8-B29B-07B329849DD1 v1

In Substation Automation, we have structures which may repeat often: Bays and Diameter or

One of the items that repeat is the connection of one or several objects in a Typical Bay to Busbars.
However, as Busbars belong to Voltage Levels (which are not available in Typicals), the View Builder
uses a naming scheme to identify to which Busbar a Disconnector or Truck in a typical must be
connected to instantiation.

The following chapters describe the logic and processes in irregular situations.

1.2.2 Assumptions GUID-8AF9B441-0276-43CC-BF86-A0E18AA85CCB v1

Typical Bay Configuration

We assume that a Typical Bay is made for a specific and determined Busbar configuration.

This has a consequence that one particular Typical Bay cannot be used for different Busbar
configurations. Create another Typical Bay to cover such situations.

Connections to busbars to switching equipment

The customer wants to have a regularity in pictures and diagrams, because this helps to avoid errors.
In different diagrams and pictures (for example, bay/diameter and voltage level) – the customer
wants to view the same Busbar arrangement and sequence. (Automated mapping also has
drawbacks in irregular situations, such automatically created connections are not always correct).

1.2.3 The naming schemes GUID-FC2F4728-8E2F-4F9B-AFE7-A4621B2A70BC v2

IEC 81346 does not specify a particular naming scheme for Disconnectors. Over the years, a
practical standard is established; however, this practical standard does not explicitly cover all
situations and is, in some situations, open to interpretation.

The Busbar Naming Scheme presented below may therefore not perfectly match some customer’s
interpretation. Use the customer name to implement the desired naming scheme, even if this is very
similar to the internal naming scheme.

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Annexure B 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Busbar connection logic

Switching equipment and Busbar naming

This topic explains the matching between busbars and circuit breakers/disconnectors/trucks.

The View Builder logic relies on the following naming scheme:

Busbar type Busbar name Switching equipment name

1st Main WA1x QA1, QB1, QZ1

2nd Main WA2x QA2, QB2, QZ2

3rd Main WA3x QA3, QB3, QZ3

4th Main WA4x QA4, QB4, QZ4

1st Transfer WA7x QA7, QB7, QZ7

2nd Transfer WA8x QA8, QB8, QZ8

(not specified) (not specified) QA9, QB9, QZ9

The number 9 is reserved for anything in connection with an outgoing line.

This leaves only numbers 5 and 6 for ‘free’ use, busbar names WA5x and WA6x have a busbar type
“other” and do not participate in any automated mapping.

As elaborated below in detail, there are unconventional arrangements which must not use
automation, it is recommended to use numbers 5x and 6x.

The usage of the number 8 for transfer buses is not common.

Often, the number 7 with additional classifiers (for example, ‘WA71’ for a ‘Transfer 2’ busbar).
However, this usage is not well-defined as this is also used for Busbar Segments of the transfer bus,
therefore in the View Builder, the number 8 is used for transfer bus 2 (which is quite rare).

Busbar segments
In more complex Busbar arrangements, Busbars are often subdivided into Busbar segments, which
are inter-connected with Disconnectors or Trucks, rarely with Circuit Breakers.

The View Builder treats Busbar segments as physically separate Busbars of the same type. For
example, in the Figure 133 WA1 and WA11 are Busbar segments for the Busbar type.

For the naming scheme, the first cipher in the numbering is chosen, for example, WA1, WA1.1,
WA11, WA14 etc. are treated as Busbar of type “1st Main”.

IEC19000638 V1 EN-US

Figure 133: Busbar segments

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure B
Busbar connection logic

1.2.4 Rules for classification/typing of Busbars GUID-31898673-000F-4BAF-8A55-558F07A1F0CF v1

1. The Busbar Type is currently not shown. This can only be guessed from the name of the Busbar
in the Voltage Level Diagrams or from the names of the connected Switching Equipment in the
Typical Diagrams.
2. If a Busbar is used in a Standalone Diagram (Voltage Level), then the classification is based on
the name only.
3. If a Busbar is used in a Typical, this is classified depending on the index of the Switching
Equipment to which this is connected.
4. If several Switching Equipment are connected in a Typical, the classification is done according
to the Switching Equipment with the lowest index.
5. If several Switching Equipment are connected in a Typical, the classification is done according
to the Switching Equipment with the lowest number.
6. If as Switching Equipment is disconnected, the Busbar classification changes and is done
according to the connected Switching Equipment with the lowest number.
7. Any other equipment connected to a Busbar either in a Typical diagram or Standalone Diagram
does not classify the Busbar or changes the classification. Particularly if a non-Switching
Equipment is connected to a Busbar in a Typical without simultaneous connection to a Switching
Equipment, this does not create a classification.

1.3 Rules for connections of switching equipment to

Busbars in Typicals GUID-214C43EF-FC59-403F-8947-D64E562BCE67 v2

1. A Switching Equipment cannot be connected to two Busbars in a Typical. If such a configuration

is used, this needs to be handled with Standalone Bays or Equipment.
2. Two Switching Equipment in a Typical with the same numbers nx must not be connected to
different Busbars (do not connect QB1 to one busbar and QA1 to a different Busbar in the
Typical. Rename one of the two equipment, for example, QB1 and QA2, but not QB1 and QA11,
to avoid the creation of two or more busbars of the same type).

1.3.1 Automatic Busbar creation GUID-F9E5599D-1E84-4898-AF6B-13E7FA018E7A v1

1. If a Busbar is connected to a Switching Equipment in a Typical and thereby classified, in any

voltage level where this Typical is already instantiated, a Busbar with a Busbar Type
corresponding to this classification is created automatically except classification of <unknown>.
2. If a Busbar in a Typical is classified as <unknown>, no Busbar is created automatically.
3. A Busbar once created cannot be deleted automatically. If a Busbar with a wrong name or
Busbar classification is created (for example, by a wrong connection in the Typical) delete this
manually, if required.
4. If you delete a Busbar which was created automatically in a voltage level where still instances of
the Typical exist which requires such a Busbar Type, the Busbar is not automatically re-created,
then create the Busbar manually.

1.3.2 Automatic connections on instances GUID-5E40D98D-AC7A-4F21-B920-CF7322F8A096 v2

Connection rules
1. All rules for automatic connections apply only to instances of Typicals.

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Annexure B 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Busbar connection logic

Any standalone object (be this an equipment container like a bay or an equipment like a
disconnector) needs to be connected manually to a busbar which either exists already or must
also be added manually to the voltage level.
2. An instance bay or section reflects exactly its typical.
3. If a Busbar of a certain type exists on a Voltage Level, and a switching equipment with a
corresponding name is connected in the typical, the connection is automatically created from the
busbar(s) on the voltage level to all the instances of each Typical according to the classification.
4. If a Busbar exists on a Voltage Level, and a non-switching equipment is connected in the Typical
without connecting any switching equipment, the non-switching equipment is not automatically
connected in a voltage level diagram. This can be connected manually.
5. If a Busbar exists on a voltage level, and switching equipment and a non-switching equipment
are connected to the same busbar in the typical, the non-switching equipment is automatically
connected in a voltage level diagram to the same Busbar as the switching equipment.
6. You can delete a connection from an instance to a Busbar in a Voltage Level diagram. You can
recreate a connection to the same busbar type (this is required if Busbar Segments are
available). However, a connection to a Busbar of another Busbar Type cannot be created.

Busbar segment rules

1. If several Busbar Segments for one busbar type are available, the automatic connections are
arbitrary; typically, these are made to the busbar segment with the lowest number.
2. To shift such a connection to another Busbar Segment, manually remove such connections and
create a new one between the equipment in an instance and a Busbar; this is possible provided
that the Busbar is of the same Busbar Type as is required by the Typical (which must be the
same type from which you removed the connection before).
3. The Instance Picture Busbar symbols can be remapped per Instance if more than one busbar of
the same kind exists in a voltage level.

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure B
Busbar connection logic


IEC19000749 V1 EN-US

Figure 134: Busbar remapping

1.3.3 Busbar layout GUID-FC0242EB-2EF1-4C80-894D-5D9A0D34ACF0 v1

Initial placement
Any Diagram opened for the first time has items placed according to an automatic layout logic:

1. In case of Voltage Levels with Bays as children or Bays, the items are arranged in the following
• Busbars of Type Main are placed at the top.
• Subdrawings, Equipment, Connectivity Nodes and Earths (in sequence) are placed in the
available space.
• Busbars of Type Transfer x, are placed at the bottom.
2. In case of Voltage Levels with Diameters as children or Diameter or Sections, the items are
arranged in the following manner:
• Busbars of Type 1st Main are placed at the top.
• Subdrawings, equipment, connectivity nodes and earths are distributed over the available
• Busbars of Type 2nd Main are placed at the bottom.

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Annexure B 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Busbar connection logic

Any other Busbar type in this configuration is probably an error, they are placed below the
Busbar of Type 2nd Main.
3. In a Voltage Level Diagram, Busbar Segments of the same type are placed on the same level
side by side, equally distributed over the width of the diagram.
4. Once any object is placed, this is not automatically shifted to another place, except if the
engineer triggers an automatic layout (which does the same as if all equipment were unplaced).

Placement of added objects

Any Diagram with already equipment placed has new items placed according to the following logic:

1. Any Equipment Container is placed according to a special logic depending on the object type:
1.1. For Diameters, new Sections are placed below existing sections.
1.2. For Voltage Levels, new Bays and Diameters are placed to the right of existing Bays/
2. For Substations etc. new Child Containers are placed below existing Containers.
3. Any not placed object is then placed below all of the above: first Busbars, followed by
Equipment, and Connectivity Nodes and Earths are distributed over the available space.

Auto-layout triggered by the user

Auto-Layout is highly effective for diagrams that mostly contain child containers and very few
additional equipment.

This destroys any existing layout. Auto-Layout is mostly useful for Diagrams which
contain mostly Child Containers and only very few additional equipment.

1.3.4 Engineering workflow GUID-62BED1FD-BA4E-4D30-B79D-8D5C8F830C46 v1

Recommended workflow
To ensure efficient engineering, proceed according to the following steps:

1. If you create a Typical Bay, ensure the names of those Switching Equipment elements to
connect to a Busbar are correct before inserting Busbars.
2. Insert Busbars (can be referred of as ‘virtual’ Busbars as virtual Busbars) in the Typical as
required and connect them.
If an error is committed when connecting, it is best to remove the wrong connection immediately,
before doing other connections.
3. Optimally, create Instances after having the Typical Bays and the Busbars named and
configured correctly.
Normally, you should be able to create Instances at any time. However, additional cleanup is
required, if something is changed related to Busbar Types later (renaming Busbars or renaming
Equipment connected to Busbars in Typicals).
4. You can insert Voltage Level Equipment at any time (For example, Earthing Switches for the
Busbars or Disconnectors between Busbar Segments); as these are Standalone Equipment with
no effect on the Busbar Types.

Normally you must not use instances of the same Typical Bay for different Busbar configurations
(except, if you use the “free” name ranges with numbers 5 and 6 as described in ). See Engineering
workflow (Section Recommended workflow for usual configurations).

For example, a Typical Bays cannot be instantiated with two Busbars for a Voltage Level with
Busbars WA1 and WA2, and then for another Voltage Level with Busbars WA1 and WA3, which are a
different combination.

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure B
Busbar connection logic

Recommended workflow for unusual configurations

If there are situations where a Typical Bays makes sense, but needs to be configured to the
instances individually to different Busbars (for example, 1st instance to Busbars 1 and 2, 2nd to
Busbars 2 and 3 and 3rd to Busbars 1 and 3 for a generator cross-connect scheme), choose names
QB5x, QB6x and WA5x, WA6x. Busbars are created automatically and Instances are not connected
automatically, but you are able to connect any Busbar to any Equipment in any Instance.

1.3.5 Errors in automatic Busbar connections GUID-F90AC0EA-9ED2-41EF-92F5-0AE1B3F1C8B2 v3

Sometimes, during engineering:

• Connections in a Voltage Level do not appear automatically for Instance Bays.

• You cannot connect a Disconnector or truck to a Busbar at all.
• Busbars are found which are not consciously inserted.

Voltage Level with unintended (automatically created) Busbars

When instantiating Typicals, Busbars of the required Busbar Type (as defined in the Typical) are
automatically created. For example, if a Typical has two Busbars connected to QB1 and QB3, then
Busbars WA1 and WA3 are created in the Voltage Level, unless already existing.

Sometimes, if there is a naming error, Busbars are automatically created later. The View Builder does
not automatically delete these Busbars (as may participate in some configuration which would be
lost) but can be deleted manually.

Missing connections on Voltage Level diagrams

Sometimes, if Bays are instantiated into a Voltage Level, connections are missing on the Voltage
Level Diagram.

1. Check the Typical: Did you create Busbars there and connect them? If not, please do so now,
then the corresponding connections should appear automatically in the Instances and in the
Voltage Level diagram.
2. Check the Typical: Do the names of the equipment where you expect a connection match the
Busbar names. If not, add the Busbar with the appropriate name (Busbars with a corresponding
name and type should normally be created automatically; the situation here should only occur if
you deleted or renamed a Busbar in a Voltage Level after instantiation).
3. When trying to create the missing connection and if there is an error message, The instance
equipment cannot be connected to this Busbar is displayed, this means that the connection is
missing in the Typical or there is a mismatch between the equipment name and the Busbar

• Create the connection in the Typical.

If this seems to exist in the Typical, the Busbar type may be wrong due to an earlier
misconnection or name change. Disconnect all equipment in the Typical and reconnect this
correctly; now the Busbars in the Typical must have the correct Busbar type and automatically
connect correctly in the Voltage Level diagram.

Equipment cannot be connected to Busbar

If there is an error message, The instance equipment cannot be connected to this Busbar is
displayed when connecting an instance, that means the connection is missing in the Typical or there
is a mismatch between the equipment name and the Busbar type. Perform the following actions to
connect an instance:

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Annexure B 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Busbar connection logic

1. Create the connection in the Typical.

2. If a correct connection exists in the Typical, the Busbar type is not correct due to an earlier
misconnection or name change. Disconnect all equipment in the Typical and reconnect this
correctly; now the Busbars in the Typical should have the correct Busbar type and automatically
connect correctly in the Voltage Level diagram.

Wrong connections on the instance diagram or Voltage Level

1. Verify that the names of the Equipment match the Busbar name or Busbar type you are trying to
connect to.
2. If the above is correct, the Busbar type is not correct due to an earlier misconnection or name
change. Disconnect all Equipment in the Typical and reconnect this correctly; now the Busbars
in the Typical should have the correct Busbar type and automatically connect correctly in the
Voltage Level Diagram.

Wrong connections to Busbar segments

In a Typical (or Instance), it is not possible to define a specific segment of a Busbar type.

If in a Voltage Level, instances are connected to the wrong segment, delete the connections and
create new connections to the correct segment. An Instance Bay picture then gets the information
from the Voltage Level. Defining a specific segment on an instance diagram is not possible directly.

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure C
Information unavailable in SYS600 process database

Annexure C Information unavailable in SYS600

process database GUID-8686F5AF-0DD3-4AD6-B8A4-39DBB1BD6950 v4

There is information in SYS600 that cannot be directly read from process database. Standard
pictures of SYS600 Workplace X can read only the data from SYS600 process database. The data of
interest must be re-routed there.
Perform the following:

1. Create process object.

2. Create event handling object and connect this to process object. Event handling object is used
for two purposes:
2.1. For showing numerical values as text in process picture (SX – attribute).
2.2. For a proper event in the Event list tab.
3. Create time channel.
4. Create command procedure that reads the data.
4.1. In command procedure translate textual data to numerical if needed.
4.2. Set value to process object.
5. Attach command procedure to time channel.
6. In View Builder connect process object to a graphical element for example, to text.

Example for reading application state

The example states about the local applications that are engineered to process picture

In Object Navigator select Process objects/Object/New.

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Annexure C 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Information unavailable in SYS600 process database

IEC19000601 V1 EN-US

Figure 135: Create new object

IEC19000602 V1 EN-US

Figure 136: Give logical name and index (here apl 1 in base system node 9)

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure C
Information unavailable in SYS600 process database

IEC19000603 V1 EN-US

Figure 137: Select process object type and protocol

IEC19000604 V1 EN-US

Figure 138: Define OX, OI and enable History

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Information unavailable in SYS600 process database

IEC19000605 V1 EN-US

Figure 139: Create event handling object

IEC19000606 V1 EN-US

178 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure C
Information unavailable in SYS600 process database

IEC19000607 V1 EN-US

IEC19000608 V1 EN-US

Figure 140: Connect event handling object to process object

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 179

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Annexure C 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Information unavailable in SYS600 process database

IEC19000609 V1 EN-US

Figure 141: Create time channel

IEC19000610 V1 EN-US

Figure 142: Create command procedure and attach it to time channel

Example 1
#local -
i_Apl_AS_Index = 10,-
l_Apl_Values = list(-
AS = list(-
NONE = 0,-
COLD = 1,-
WARM = 2,-
HOT = 3))

;search all local applications

l_Objects = base_system_object_list("APL", "TT ==""LOCAL""", vector("AS"))
i_Node_Nr = SYS:BND
#loop_with i = 1 .. l_Objects.COUNT
i_Nr = l_Objects.BM(i)
#if application_object_exists(0, "IX", list(LN = "APPLICATION_STATE_'i_Nr'_'i_Node_Nr'", IX =
i_Apl_AS_Index )) #then #block
t_Value = l_Objects.AS(i)
i_State = l_Apl_Values.AS.'t_Value'
#if APPLICATION_STATE_'i_Nr'_'i_Node_Nr':P'i_Apl_AS_Index' <> i_State #then -
#set APPLICATION_STATE_'i_Nr'_'i_Node_Nr':P'i_Apl_AS_Index' = i_State

180 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure C
Information unavailable in SYS600 process database


IEC19000612 V1 EN-US

Figure 143: Allow extended attribute mapping

IEC19000613 V1 EN-US

Figure 144: Add text element to picture

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 181

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Annexure C 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Information unavailable in SYS600 process database

IEC19000614 V1 EN-US

Figure 145: Map state text to element

182 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure D
Rule file

Annexure D Rule file GUID-0CA6E083-17E1-4984-A846-706D48F5A978 v5

The standard SYS600 Workplace X symbols and Control Panes are not aware of SYS600 process
database, but they are implemented according to common SA data model. Also, the View Builder
functionality is based on common SA data model.

Therefore, a rule file mapping SYS600 process objects to SA Data Model is needed. Rule file

• Functional structure
• Equipment and containers
• Process object to Data point mapping
• Process object attributes to Data attribute mapping
• Topology references

Based on mapping rules View Builder can:

• Organize process objects to functional structure tree during process database import
• Import topology from SYS600
• Automatically map process objects to symbols and control panes during View Builder picture
engineering phase
• Export runtime SYS600 process database to common SA data model cross-reference file for the
engineered symbols and control panes
• Generate SYS600 topology

The most important equipment and data points in Power Process domain are covered in the rule file.
For more information about common SA data model, refer to Data model user manual document.

Rule format
A rule format consists of condition and attribute value pairs. In the standard rule file, conditions are
heavily based on RX – attribute. When a process objects matches to a rule condition it can be
imported to View Builder.

Example 2
‘condition’ {
Attribute1: value
Attribute2: value

# character is used as a comment mark.

Table 6: Rule attributes

Attribute name Description Mandatory (M)/Optional (O)

FunctionalStructurePath Defines the location in the Functional M
structure tree
RuleId Unique rule identification. M
FunctionalStructureType Description of equipment type in data O
model (for example, Circuit Breaker)**
DataPoint Data point type name (for example, O
Switch Position)**
DataPointAttributes Describes data point attributes and to O
which process object attribute they are
Table continues on next page

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 183

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Annexure D 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Rule file

Attribute name Description Mandatory (M)/Optional (O)

DataPointValueType Value type in data model O
LN Logical name of process object O
IX Index of process objects O
PT Process object type O
TopologyReference Logical name of process object. Needed O
if equipment is part of topology coloring.
TopologyReferenceIndex Index of process objects. Needed if O
equipment is part of topology coloring.
TopologySubType One of the following: O

• Earth
• Power
• SwitchingDevice
• Transformer Winding
• Truck
• Generator

ValueAttribute Describes the process object attribute to O

which the data point value is mapped
** Refer to Data model.docx for more information.

Rule file locations

Product rule files are located in C:\ProgramData\sc\NGT\Plugins\SYS600\’Plugin version’

Folder contains two set of rules:

1. rules.mscrle, in these rules, the functional structure is based on the OI-structure

2. rules-IEC81346.mscrle, in these rules, the functional structure is based on splitting the LN-
attribute according to IEC81346 standard

View Builder uses rules from following locations:

Default rules

Default rules are in file <drive>//sc/apl/apl/’apl name’/NGTWS/’workspace name’/Plugins/

SYS600/Rules/ rules.mscrle.

File rules.mscrle is copied here when View Builder workspace is created. If IEC81346 rules are
wanted, copy the content of rules-IEC81346.mscrle here.

Override rules

Override rules are in file <drive>/sc/apl/’apl name’/PAR/APL/


If ViewBuilderImportRulesOverride.mscrle file exists, it must contain all rules to be used, including

ones from default rules.mscrle.

Additional rules

Additional rules are in file <drive>/sc/apl/’apl name’/PAR/APL/


To minimize the risk of having overlapping product rules, use some project/engineering center
specific identification in RuleId.

184 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure D
Rule file

Functions and Operators



Appends given value to list and returns the new list.

Append(input list, value to append)

Returns: List


Fetches the attribute value from current process object.

Attr("SYS600 attribute")

Returns: Depends on the value of SYS attribute.


Concatenates 2 or more string, real or integer values to a string.

Concat(1, "abcd", 3.14)

Returns: string


Creates a datapoint attribute description.

DataPointAttribute("name of the datapoint", ["SYS attribute to read from"], ["Subscription type"]).

Either subscription type of SYS attribute can be left empty, if not applicable. Subscription type can be
one of “SCIL”, “Topology” or "" for default direct read from the attribute.

Returns: Datapoint attribute description to use in the DataPointAttributes list.

IEC 81346NameOf

Extracts IEC81346 name of a component from given string.

IEC 81346NameOf("input string", "Component")

Component can be one of "STA", "VOL", "BAY", "DEV" or "IED".

Returns: string


Splits the given input string to separate components according to IEC81346 rules.

IEC81346("input string")

Return: List of strings.

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 185

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Annexure D 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Rule file


Evaluates condition from first argument and if true, returns 2nd argument otherwise 3rd.

If(condition, return value when true, return value when false)

Return: Depends on the values of 2nd and 3rd arguments.


If attr("FI") = 3, "Three", "Something Else") will evaluate to "Three" if FI attribute of current process
object is 3, otherwise "Something else" is returned.


Returns nth index from the given list, starting from index 0.

Index(input list, n)

Returns: Depends on the type of list.


Returns index of first occurrance of substring from input string, or -1 if input doesn't contain substring.

IndexOf("input string", "substring")

Returns: Integer


Returns the value for key from key-value collection, e.g. SCIL list.

Item(key-value collection, "key")

Returns: Depends of the value.


Item(attr("IL"), "BAY") will return the bay name from IL attribute from the currently evaluated process


Returns OI index of given component.


Where component is one of the fields defined in APL:BSV(15).Process_Objects or APL:BOI.

Returns: Integer


Returns the length of given input string.

Length("input string")

Returns: Integer.

186 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure D
Rule file


Creates a list from given arguments.

List("A", "B", "C", ...)

Returns: List.


Ignores n first items of given list, and returns the remaining items a list.

Skip(list, n items to ignore)

Returns: List


Returns a substring from given input string.

Substr("input string", start position, length of substring)

Returns: String.


Returns n first items of given list.

Take(list, n items to returns

Returns: List.


Removes leading and tailing whitespace from input string.

Trim("input string")

Returns: String.


Operators Description
and Logical or between two boolean values.
or Logical or between two boolean values.
=, != Equality and inequality comparison between two values.
>, >=, <, <= Comparison operators are supported between numerical values.
-, +, *, / Arithmetical operators are supported between numerical values.
not Logical not is supported on boolean values.
() Parenthesis can be used explicitly specify the grouping of operations. For example, (1 + 2)
* 3.

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 187

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Annexure D 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Rule file

Localization restrictions for port names

To get ports to appear on import, the OX Text of Data Points monitoring the Port status must start
with "Port". This string is hardcoded in the rules.

In case of having an OX in another language, the rules file needs to be adapted for the "Port status"

1. String, originally "Port", and length of string, originally 4, at the end of the condition on the first
2. Length of string again at the end of FunctionalStructurePath. Localized non-English characters
may be used.

Only the first instance of the string "Port" can be modified; the others should be left as they are. The
internal names will be "Port1", "Port2" and so on. This is hardcoded in the rules and should not be

Rule example
# Circuit Breaker

Example 3
length(item(attr("IL"), "DEV")) > 0 and (substr(attr("RX"), 22, 2) = "QB"
or substr(attr("RX"), 22, 2) = "QS" or substr(attr("RX"), 22, 2) = "QI")
and attr("IX") = 10 { FunctionalStructurePath: take(attr("IE"),
FunctionalStructureType: "Circuit Breaker" DataPoint: "Switch position"
DataPointAttributes: list(DataPointAttribute("path", "OI"),
DataPointAttribute("name", if(length(item(attr("IL"), "DEV")) > 0,
"IL[DEV]", if(length(item(attr("IL"), "BAY")) > 0, "IL[BAY]",
if(length(item(attr("IL"), "STA")) > 0, "IL[STA]", "")))),
DataPointAttribute("customer_text", "TX"), DataPointAttribute("state",
"SX"), DataPointAttribute("update_blocked", "UB"),
DataPointAttribute("alarm_blocked", "AB"),
DataPointAttribute("event_blocked", "HB"),
DataPointAttribute("printout_blocked", "PB"),
DataPointAttribute("active", "AL"), DataPointAttribute("acknowledged",
"AR"), DataPointAttribute("severity", "AV")) DataPointValueType: "Dbool"
LN: attr("LN") IX: attr("IX") PT: attr("PT") TopologyReference:
attr("LN") TopologyReferenceIndex: attr("IX") TopologySubType:
"SwitchingDevice" ValueAttribute: "TS" }

188 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure E

Annexure E Symbols GUID-6C7B79FF-9F95-43E7-B62C-E64385291F7A v1

Table 7: Non-Equipment Symbols

Symbol Dynamic or Static







Table 8: Equipment Container Symbols

Symbol Dynamic or Static Control Pane

Dynamic Yes

Dynamic Yes

Dynamic Yes

Dynamic Yes

Table 9: Equipment Symbols

Symbol Dynamic/Static Control Pane

Dynamic No

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Table continues on next page

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 189

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Annexure E 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A

Symbol Dynamic/Static Control Pane

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Dynamic No

Dynamic via Topological No


Static No

Static No

Dynamic Yes

Dynamic Yes

Static No

Static No

Static No

Dynamic Yes

Dynamic Yes

Dynamic Yes, both for:

• Truck
• Child Circuit Breaker

Dynamic Yes, both for:

• Truck
• Child Circuit Breaker

Table continues on next page

190 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure E

Symbol Dynamic/Static Control Pane

Static No

Static No

Dynamic No

Static No

Static No

Dynamic No

Static No

Static No

Dynamic Yes

Static No

Static No

Dynamic No

Static No

Static No

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Table continues on next page

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 191

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© 2023 Hitachi Energy. All rights reserved.
Annexure E 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A

Symbol Dynamic/Static Control Pane

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Dynamic Yes, for child equipment Winding - Tap Changer

Dynamic No

Static No

Static No

Dynamic No

Static No

Static No

Static No

Dynamic Yes

Static No

Static No

Dynamic No

Static No

Static No

Static No

Static No

Static No

192 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure E

Table 10: Communication Supervision Symbols

Symbol Dynamic/Static














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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure F
Hierarchical Symbols

Annexure F Hierarchical Symbols GUID-197FA0B5-BA20-46CB-B224-2FD14A8633A4 v2

1.1 Background GUID-7BE23F45-9810-48B0-97E7-C4A9CB5E80CF v2

Certain equipment types may have other equipment types as children; graphically, this is shown by
drawing them on top of one another. The most prominent examples of this are a Double-Sided Truck
that allows a disconnector, circuit breaker and a few other types as children. Also, Transformers that
can have Windings that in turn can have a Tap Changer.

In the first version of View Builder there was a dedicated Symbol for every possible combination. This
did not allow flexibility at all; for example, the Windings of a Transformer could not be arranged to
one’s liking.

With the introduction of Hierarchical Symbols, it is now possible to manually arrange and configure
the child equipment.

1.2 Creation GUID-F5154B7E-4F7F-488A-A8FE-8916CC5873B1 v1

1.2.1 Process Diagram/SLD GUID-21A58E2C-3FD2-4685-AF2D-026A6FCD40BB v1

In the Import Dialog the items will be imported as usual. When you open the Process Diagram/SLD
for a container that has a Hierarchical Symbol it will be automatically created for you.

The Hierarchical Symbol must be arranged by the user. See Modification below.

A double-sided truck might look like this directly after import:

GUID-FD1D4CED-9C5B-4C3B-A212-4BD513CB5B66 V1 EN-US

Figure 146: Imported Double-Sided Truck

The Hierarchical Symbol is not only visualizing the hierarchy of the functional structure but is also
used for configuration of the topological connections. Either those are internal connections where the
child equipment (for example, the Circuit Breaker) is connected to its parent item (the Truck in this
example) or it’s directly connected to an equipment on the Diagram:

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 195

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Annexure F 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Hierarchical Symbols

GUID-30EC234D-EFC0-47A4-8D32-3903B0DCC37E V1 EN-US

Figure 147: External Connection to Windings of Power Transformer

It is possible that the topological connections that are imported are interchanged (for
example within a Double-Sided Truck). Ensure that the topology is correct after the initial

1.2.2 Process Picture GUID-17EC1379-8B02-4EA3-B7C5-C475A841D018 v2

To create Hierarchical Symbols in the Process Picture you can either create the picture directly from
the Process Diagram where the Hierarchical Symbol already exists or create it from scratch. For this
you have to add a symbol that allows children (see below) and then set it in Edit Mode as described
in the Section 14.3.

In a Process Picture you can arrange the Hierarchical Symbol more freely than in the Process
Diagram – you can also add primitive shapes and texts to it if you so choose.

196 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure F
Hierarchical Symbols

GUID-9D565D25-451F-4A4C-BBCA-52A118D8BB29 V1 EN-US

Figure 148: Hierarchical Symbol with Text

1.2.3 Supported symbols GUID-EB3EFC79-DB48-40DA-BE12-501F6FDBA20E v1

The following symbols support children:

• Double-Sided Truck
• Single-Sided Truck
• Power Transformer
• Auto Transformer
• Transformer Windings

1.3 Modification GUID-B3D435DD-5AE9-4787-B952-AF5110B9EDA8 v1

The Hierarchical Symbols can be configured like any other symbol. However, there are a few
specialties to know about how to efficiently to this.

1.3.1 Selection mode GUID-0F402EE7-7ED5-41A2-B782-DCB4C91FEEB8 v1

When you see a Hierarchical Symbol in a diagram, you cannot directly modify the child nodes. If you
try to click a child node it will instead select the parent item.

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Annexure F 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Hierarchical Symbols

GUID-0F6A0D46-218F-4178-BA55-75BC131634AF V1 EN-US

Figure 149: Selected Parent

The parent item can be modified like any other symbol on the diagram.

Once you have the parent selected, you can select the child again, now you will see that it actually
selected the child item:

GUID-623A2C3E-94DF-4D4C-B1AC-C214ECA9EB22 V1 EN-US

Figure 150: Selected Child Node

The properties on the right side will now be shown for the child item. Some properties, however, are

198 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure F
Hierarchical Symbols

GUID-336924BA-E287-4621-8726-FD0EAE673BC3 V1 EN-US

Figure 151: Selection Mode Properties

This happens because the Selection Mode allows modifying only properties that don’t modify the
graphic representation. This is done to prevent accidental changes to a nicely arranged symbol.

As a rule of thumb, you can say that everything that is not changing the look on the diagram will be
modifiable from the Selection Mode. This includes the Label Position in the Process Diagram and
mapping related properties (Equipment-, Datapoint-Mapping) as well as Event and Action
Configuration in the Process Picture.

If you need to change rotation, size, position or the want to change the links going to a Hierarchical
Symbol you need to use the Edit Mode.

1.3.2 Edit mode GUID-3389EB36-03F7-41A2-9ACB-BA77F3246778 v1

If you need to make a change that is not possible with the Selection Mode, you can enter the Edit
Mode by double clicking the Hierarchical Symbol. You will see that you entered Edit Mode by the fact
that the background around the symbol turns grey:

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 199

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Annexure F 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Hierarchical Symbols

GUID-E8B63C03-C702-4BC6-884D-12371E2D457D V1 EN-US

Figure 152: Double-Sided Truck in Edit Mode

Once in Edit Mode, you can only modify the selected item and its children. A click on the grey area or
hitting the Esc key will leave edit mode again.

While in edit mode you can select different elements that belong to that Hierarchical Symbol and do
the following:

• Delete nodes and links

• Move, rotate or resize (if allowed) graphically
• Move, rotate or resize (if allowed) via properties Panel

After the initial Import you might have to re-arrange your imported Hierarchical Symbols so that they
are arranged correctly and make sure that the topological connections are correct.

1.3.3 Adding Child Items GUID-C173168A-67D6-42BE-99CE-211E730651C8 v2

Once in Edit Mode you can add new elements. For this you must click as normally on the Elements
tab and select which item to add. In the Process Diagram this view will be filtered to what is allowed
to add, for example, you can only add Windings to a Power Transformer.

In the Process Picture you are free to add any element.

You can also directly add items to an already existing child element. For example, if you have a
Power Transformer with a Winding, you can set the Power Transformer into Edit Mode and then add
a Tap Changer by selecting it in the Elements Tab and drop it on the Winding. A light-blue
background on the child element will let you know to which child the Tap Changer will be added.

1.3.4 Modify Connections GUID-0CE10294-A83D-4011-A7B6-A0F9C7F1F08A v1

Edit Mode allows you also to modify, add or remove connections. Removing is done as usual, just set
the parent item in Edit Mode first, select the Link you want to remove and click Delete.

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Annexure F
Hierarchical Symbols

For adding connections, there are two use cases:

• Add a new internal connection (for example from a Circuit Breaker within a Truck to the Truck)
• Add a new external connection (for example from Winding to any element on the diagram)

Adding internal connection

Internal connections are possible if the parent has appropriate connection points itself (for example
the Truck). These Symbols have internal connection points which become visible only when you
enter edit mode.

In the following picture you can see the difference between a Circuit Breaker with external
Connection Points (left) and one with Internal ones that is in Edit Mode (right).

GUID-A0515454-7D18-4FAE-AFBC-6FC26AF58933 V1 EN-US

Figure 153: Internal and External Connection Points

While in Edit Mode the Connection Points of the child symbols become visible and internal
connections can be made.

Adding external connection

If the parent node has no external connection points you can directly connect the child nodes to
anything that is on the diagram without having to set it in edit mode. The connection points of the
children are visible always.

1.4 Limitations GUID-B0D88D68-C0D1-439B-B6D2-F00A3F49002D v1

The following limitations are currently known:

• The topological connections within a Truck (for example, from a child Circuit Breaker or
Disconnector) are not colored correctly when displaying it in the WebUI.

MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5 201

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Annexure F 1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A
Hierarchical Symbols

GUID-EF667E15-1F4C-4A29-8A6E-CE5BF0ECD1C8 V1 EN-US

Figure 154: Not colored Connection in WebUI

202 MicroSCADA X SYS600 10.5

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1MRK 511 663-UEN Rev. A Abbreviations

Abbreviations Abbreviations GUID-1AB0397D-E596-4D5D-841B-858121F07CFB v4

Term Description
BESS Battery Energy Storage System
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IED Intelligent Electronic Device, a general term in IEC 61850 for everything programmable and electronic
(for example, HMIs or NCC gateways are also IEDs, not only control and protection devices).
LED Light Emitting Diode. In this document, LED is represented as a status indicator. This reflects the status
with different colors based on the values provided for respective datapoints.
LUC Line Up Controller
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PM Power meter
SA Substation Automation refers to using data from intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) for control and
automation capabilities within the substation and control commands from remote users to control power
system devices.
SDK Software Development Kit
SLD Single Line Diagram
SPI Single Point Indication
UI / GUI User Interface or Graphical User Interface

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