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Compiled by: GA Mac Tavish Probability Grade 11/12

Matric Intervention Programme


Probability and
Counting Principles
GRADE 11 / 12

Giuseppe Mac Tavish

Head of Mathematics: Kloof High School

Tel: +27 31 764 0451
Address: 34 Emolweni Rd, Kloof, Durban, 3610, South Africa
District: Pinetown
Cluster: Kwasanti

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Compiled by: GA Mac Tavish Probability Grade 11/12


TREE DIAGRAMS (Worked Example)

Two identical bags are filled with balls. Bag A contains 3 pink and 2 yellow balls. Bag B
contains 5 pink and 4 yellow balls. It is equally likely that Bag A or Bag B is chosen.

Each ball has an equal chance of being chosen from the bag. A bag is chosen at random and
a ball is then chosen at random from the bag.

Represent the information by means of a tree diagram. Clearly indicate the probability
associated with each branch of the tree diagram and write down all the outcomes.

What is the probability that a yellow ball will be chosen from Bag A?

P(yellow from bag A) =

What is the probability that a pink ball is chosen?

P(pink) = 0,58


The probability that it will rain on a given day is 63%. A child has a 12% chance of falling in
dry weather and is three times as likely to fall in wet weather.

1.1 Draw a tree diagram to represent all outcomes of the above information.
1.2 What is the probability that a child will not fall on any given day?
1.3 What is the probability that a child will fall in dry weather?

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In a factory, three machines, A, B and C, are used to manufacture plastic bottles. They
produce 20%, 30% and 50% respectively of the total production. 1%, 2% and 6%
respectively of the plastic bottles produced by machines A, B and C are defective.

2.1 Represent the information by means of a tree diagram. Clearly indicate the probability
associated with each branch of the tree diagram and write down all the outcomes.

2.2 A plastic bottle is selected at random from the total production.

2.2.1 What is the probability that it was produced by machine B and it is not

2.2.2 What is the probability that the bottle is defective?


A retail store did a survey of its customers and found that 30% of the customers were
unhappy with the service received. Of those who were unhappy with the service, 74% said
that they would not shop at that store again. Of those who were happy with the service, only
5% said that they would not shop at the store again.

3.1 Draw a tree diagram to represent the results of this survey, clearly indicating the
probability of each overall outcome correct to THREE decimal places.

3.2 Determine the probability that a customer selected at random says that he / she will
shop at the store again.

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Figures obtained from a city's police department seem to indicate that of all the motor
vehicles reported stolen, 80% were stolen by syndicates to be sold off and 20% were stolen
by individual persons for their own use.

Of those vehicles presumed stolen by syndicates:

• 24% were recovered within 48 hours
• 16% were recovered after 48 hours
• 60% were never recovered

Of those vehicles presumed stolen by individual persons:

• 38% were recovered within 48 hours
• 58% were recovered after 48 hours
• 4% were never recovered

4.1 Draw a tree diagram to represent the above information.

4.2 Calculate the probability that if a vehicle were stolen in the city, it would be stolen by a
syndicate and recovered within 48 hours.

4.3 Calculate that a vehicle stolen in this city will not be recovered.

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There are 20 boys and 15 girls in a class. The teacher chooses individual learners at random
to deliver a speech.

5.1 Calculate the probability that the first learner chosen is a boy.

5.2 Draw a tree diagram to represent the situation if the teacher chooses three
learners, one after the other. Indicate on your diagram ALL possible outcomes.

5.3 Calculate the probability that a boy, then a girl and then another boy is chosen in that

5.4 Calculate the probability that all three learners chosen are girls.

5.5 Calculate the probability that at least one of the learners chosen is a boy.

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The probability that a certain rugby team has all its players fit to play is 70%.
The probability that they will win a game if all their players are fit is 90%.
When they are not fit the probability of them winning becomes 45%.

Calculate the probability of them winning their next game.


A survey was conducted on 75 girls and 90 boys in an Eastern Cape school. They were
asked whether they would be prepared to “bungy jump” from the Bloukrans River Bridge.
123 of the pupils answered no, and 40 of the boys answered yes.

7.1 Draw a tree diagram to represent the above information. Indicate the probabilities
associated with each branch, as well as the outcomes.

7.2 Determine the probability that a person chosen at random from the group was a girl.

7.3 Are the events “being a girl” and “would bungy jump” complementary events? Explain
your answer.

The two events can/do occur at the same time ( 2 ), thus not mutually
exclusive, and thus not complementary.

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7.4 Are the events “being a boy” and “would bungy jump” independent events? Explain
your answer by means of a suitable calculation.

P(being a boy) x P(will jump)  6 x 42  84  0 ,14

11 165 605
P(being a boy and will jump)  40 8  0 ,24
165 33
Thus NOT independent (as 0,24  0,14)


The probability that Johan’s favourite hiking spot is fully booked for the weekend is 30%.
When his favourite hiking spot is fully booked the probability for him hiking is 20%. If his
favourite hiking spot is not fully booked the probability that Johan will hike during the
weekend becomes 60%. Calculate the probability of Johan hiking during the weekend.


The weather bureau predicts 70% chance of rain on Saturday. If it rains, there is a 40%
probability that you will play golf. The probability of you playing golf is 85% if it is not raining.
Calculate the probability that you will play golf on Saturday.


The probability of getting the first answer in a quiz correct, is 0,6. If the first answer is
correct, the probability of getting the next answer correct, rises to 0,7. However, if the first
answer is wrong, the probability of getting the next answer correct, is only 0,4.
Determine the probability of getting the second answer correct.

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A plastic container of tablets contains 3 pink, 2 green and 5 blue tablets. Two tablets are
removed in succession from the container without replacement.
Round off your answers to 3 decimal places, where necessary, and determine the probability

11.1 both tablets are blue.

P(both blue) =

11.2 at least 1 pink tablet is selected.

P(at least one pink) =


Jason’s dad has agreed to consider hiring a Hummer Limousine for Jason’s matric dance.
It all depends on Jason’s Maths marks.

The probability of Jason getting an “A” is 0.7.

If Jason gets an “A” then the probability of his dad renting the limousine is 0,9. If he does
NOT get an “A”, then the probability of him renting the limousine is 0.4.

12.1 Draw a tree diagram to show the possible outcomes for the hiring of the limousine

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12.2 What is the probability that Jason will get an “A” AND his dad will hire the limousine?

P(A and Limo) = 0,7 x 0,9 = 0,63

12.3 What is the probability that Jason will NOT get the limousine?

P(no Limo) = (0,7 x 0,1) + (0,3 x 0,6) = 0,25


A box of 40 pocket calculators is sent to a store. The owner of the store is not aware that 5
of the pocket calculators are defective. Two pocket calculators are selected at random from
the box, the first one not being replaced before the second one is selected.

13.1 What is the probability that the first one chosen is NOT defective?

13.2 What is the probability that of the two pocket calculators selected, one calculator is
defective and the other is not?

13.3 What is the probability that both the pocket calculators selected were defective?

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Contingency Tables (Worked Example)

A survey was conducted about the popularity of a certain TV series with 250 people who had
watched the series.

Of the interviewees, 150 were women and 100 were men.

The following responses were recorded:

60 females liked the TV series.

30 males disliked the TV series.
130 people liked the TV series.

Draw up and complete a contingency table based on the information given above.


FEMALE 60 90 150
MALE 70 30 100
TOTAL 130 120 250

Hence, or otherwise, conclude whether the interviewees like for the TV series was
independent of gender or not. Show supporting calculations and describe any bias if it exists.

P(M and L) = 0,28

P(M) x P(L) = 0,21

P(M and L) P(M) x P(L)



In a survey 1 530 skydivers were asked if they had broken a limb.

The results of the survey were as follows:

Broken a limb Not broken a limb Total

Male 463 B 782
Female A C D
TOTAL 913 617 1530

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13.1 Calculate the values of A, B, C and D.

13.2 Calculate the probability of choosing at random in the survey, a female skydiver who
has not broken a limb.

13.3 Is being a female skydiver and having broken a limb independent? Use calculations,
correct to TWO decimal places, to motivate your answer.

For events A and B to be independent P(A) × P(B) = P(A∩B)


The sports director at a school analysed data to determine how many learners play sport and
what the gender of each learner is. The data is presented in the table below.


Male 51 69 120
Female 49 67 116
Total 100 136 236

14.1 Determine the probability that a learner, selected at random, is:

14.1.1 Male

14.1.2 Female and plays sport

14.2 Are the events 'male' and 'do not play sport' mutually exclusive?
Use the values in the table to justify your answer.

For any mutually exclusive events A and B, P(A∩B) = 0.

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14.3 Are the events 'male' and 'do not play sport' independent? Show ALL calculations to
support your answer.


All the students at a certain college undergo annual HIV testing. The results of this year's
testing are shown in the table below.


Male 106 422 B
Female A D C
TOTAL 192 E 960

15.1 How many students are there at the college?

15.2 Determine the values of A, B, C, D and E.


15.3 Is HIV status independent of gender at this college? Motivate your answer with
relevant calculations.

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The data below was obtained from the financial aids office at a certain university.

16.1 Determine the probability that a student selected at random is....


Undergraduates 4222 3898 8120
Postgraduates 1879 731 2610
TOTAL 6101 4629 10730

16.1.1 receiving financial aid.

16.1.2 a postgraduate and not receiving financial aid.

16.1.3 an undergraduate student and receiving financial aid.

16.2 Are the events of being an undergraduate and receiving financial aid independent?
Show all relevant workings to support your answer.


Common Probability Questions (Using the Identity)

The events A and B are independent. P(A) = 0,4 and P(B) = 0,5.


P(A and B) P(A or B)

( or ) = ( ) + ( ) − ( and )
( and ) = ( ) × ( )
= 0,4 × 0,5 = 0,4 + 0,5 − 0,2
= 0,2
= 0,7

P(not A and not B)

( and ) = 1 − ( or/of )
= 1 − 0,7
= 0,3

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Let A and B be two events in a sample space. Suppose that:

P(A) = 0,4; P(A or B) = 0,7 and P(B) = k.

17.1 For what value of k are A and B mutually exclusive?

17.2 For what value of k are A and B independent?

P(A) x P(B) = P(A and B)


Two independent relay teams want to qualify for the next Olympic Games. The probability
that the two teams run under the qualifying time, is and respectively.

Calculate the probability that one of the relay teams will run under the qualifying time in their
next race.


In a Mathematics quiz, two teams work independently on a problem. They are allowed a
maximum of 10 minutes to solve the problem. The probabilities that each team will solve the
problem are and respectively. Calculate the probability that the problem will be solved in
the ten minutes allowed.

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A smoke detector system in a large warehouse uses two devices, A and B. If smoke is
present, the probability that it will be detected by device A is 0,95. The probability that it will
be detected by device B is 0,98 and the probability that it will be detected by both devices
simultaneously is 0,94.

20.1 If smoke is present, what is the probability that it will be detected by device A or device
B or both devices?

20.2 What is the probability that the smoke will not be detected?


The South African Weather Buro predicts that the winter days will be as follows:
 WET or
 COLD and WET.

The chance that the days will be cold is 90%. The chance that the days will be wet is 10%.
The chance that the days will be cold and wet is 40%.
Calculate the probability of the days being WET or COLD.


P(A) = 0,3 and P(B) = 0,5. Calculate P(A or B) if:

22.1 A and B are mutually exclusive events.

22.2 A and B are independent events.

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A candidate writes an accounting examination and a mathematics examination. The

candidate believes that he has a 40% chance of passing the mathematics examination, a
60% chance of passing the accounting examination and a 30% chance of passing both of
them. What is the probability that the candidate passes mathematics or accounting or both?


and and the Calculate:


24.2 or

24.3 or

24.4 and B


Given that P(A) = 0,2 and P(B) = 0,7 draw a Venn diagram showing all the probability values
in the sample space if:

25.1 A and B are mutually exclusive. 25.2 A and B are independent.

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P  A 
P  B 
P  A  B 

26.1 Are events A and B mutually exclusive? Use the appropriate rules and calculations to
motivate your answer.
For mutually exclusive events : P  A   P  B   P  A  B 
2 1
P  A  P  B   
3 4


 P  A  B
 mutually exclusive

26.2 Represent the data by using a Venn diagram.


The probability that a person drinks coffee is . The probability of a person drinking tea is
0,4. The probability of a person neither drinking tea nor coffee is 0,2. Determine the

27.1 of a person drinking coffee and tea (use a Venn-diagram).

27.2 of a person only drinking coffee.

0,5 – x + x + 0,4 – x + 0,2 = 1
x = 0,1
coffee only: 0,4
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A school organised a camp for their 103 Grade 12 learners. The learners were asked to
indicate their food preferences for the camp. They had to choose from chicken, vegetables
and fish.

The following information was collected:

• 2 learners do not eat chicken, fish or vegetables

• 5 learners eat only vegetables
• 2 learners only eat chicken
• 21 learners do not eat fish
• 3 learners eat only fish
• 66 learners eat chicken and fish
• 75 learners eat vegetables and fish

Let the number of learners who eat chicken, vegetables and fish be x.

26.1 Draw an appropriate Venn diagram to represent the information.

28.2 Calculate x.

28.3 Calculate the probability that a learner, chosen at random:

28.3.1 Eats only chicken and fish, and no vegetables.

28.3.2 Eats any TWO of the given food choices: chicken, vegetables and fish.

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Complaints about a restaurant fell into three main categories: the menu (M), the food (F) and
the service (S). In total 173 complaints were received in a certain month. The complaints
were as follows:

110 complained about the menu

55 complained about the food
67 complained about the service
20 complained about the menu and the food, but not the service
11 complained about the menu and service, but not the food
16 complained about the food and the service, but not the menu
The number who complained about all three is unknown.

29.1 Draw a Venn diagram to illustrate the above information.

29.2 Determine the number of people who complained about ALL THREE categories.

(79 – x) + 11 + x + 20 + (40 – x) + 16 + (19 – x) = 173

185 – 2x = 173
– 2x = – 12
29.3 Determine the probability that a complaint selected at random from those recieved,
complained about AT LEAST TWO of the categories (that is menu, food and service).

P(at least 2 complaints) = 0.31

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A survey of 80 students at a local library indicated the reading preferences below:

 44 read the National Geographic magazine

 33 read the Getaway magazine
 39 read the Leadership magazine
 23 read both National Geographic and Leadership magazines
 19 read both Getaway and Leadership magazines
 9 read all three magazines
 69 read at least one magazine

30.1 How many students did not read any magazine?

30.2 Let the number of students who read National Geographic and Getaway,
but not Leadership, be represented by x. b

Draw a Venn diagram to represent reading preferences.

30.3 Hence show that x = 5.

21 – x + x + 14 – x + 9 + 14 + 10 + 6 + 11 = 80
85 – x = 80

30.4 What is the probability, correct to THREE decimal places, that a student selected at
random will read at least two of the three magazines?

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At a school for boys there are 240 learners in Grade 12. The following information was
gathered about participation in school sport.

 122 boys play rugby (R)

 58 boys play basketball (B)
 96 boys play cricket (C)
 16 boys play all three sports
 22 boys play rugby and basketball
 26 boys play cricket and basketball
 26 boys do not play any of these sports

Let the number of learners who play rugby and cricket only be x.

31.1 Draw a Venn diagram to represent the above information.

31.2 Determine the number of boys who play rugby and cricket.

31.3 Determine the probability that a learner in Grade 12 selected at random:

(Leave your answer correct to THREE decimal places.)

31.3.1 only plays basketball.

31.3.2 does not play cricket.

31.3.3 participates in at least two of these sports.

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A school organised a dance for their 150 Grade 12 learners. The learners were asked to
indicate their preference for the theme. They had to choose from Casino (C), France (F) and
Winter Wonderland (W). The information collected is shown in the Venn diagram below.

32.1 Calculate the probability that a learner, chosen at random:

32.1.1 does not prefer the Casino or the France theme.

32.1.2 prefers only TWO of the given theme choices.

32.2 Show with all working, whether the events preferring Casino (C) and preferring
France (F) are independent or not.

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A squad of 160 police trainees were asked to volunteer for the following refresher courses:

 Crime scene management

 High speed driving course
 Weapons training
The Venn diagram below indicates their attendance.


2 1 8
4 0
31 3 19

W 7

33.1 Calculate the probability that a trainee, chosen at random would like to attend both a
crime scene management and a high speed driving course.

33.2 Prove that the events of choosing a crime scene management course and a
high speed driving course are independent.
For independent events,
P (C )  P (H )  P (C  H )
88 60 33
LHS   RHS 
160 160 160

 Independent

31.3 Ten new police officers are now included, none of whom wish to do any courses.
Will this affect the independence of C and H? Explain

33 60
P (C )  P (H ) 
170 170
88 60 264
 
170 170 1445
 P (C  H ) 
 will affect the independence

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A survey was conducted among 200 matric students about their preference for chocolate:
A (Aero), B (Bar-one) and C (Crunchie).

 90 like A, 64 like B and 77 like C.

 8 like A, B and C
 18 like B and C
 27 like A and C
 26 do not eat chocolate

34.1 Draw a Venn diagram to illustrate this survey

34.2 How many students like A and B?

63 – x + 19 + 40 + x + 8 + 10 + 46 – x + 26 = 200
x = 12


A survey was conducted among 180 learners about their preferences for Coca-Cola, Fanta
and Sparletta cool drinks. The findings were:

 72 drink Coca-Cola.
 55 drink Fanta.
 80 drink Sparletta.
 10 drink all three types
 17 drink Sparletta and Fanta
 12 drink Coke and Sparletta
 18 do not drink any cool drinks at all.
 x prefer Coke and Fanta but not Sparletta

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35.1 Draw a Venn diagram to summarize the information.

35.2 How many only prefer Coke?

60 – x + x + 38 – x + 2 + 10 + 7 + 61 + 18 = 180

x = 16

therefore cokes only: 60 – 16 = 44

35.3 What is the probability that if a student is randomly selected, he/she would like any two
types of cool drinks?



A and B are two independent events. P(A) = x and P(B) = y

and P  A  B  
P( A  B) 
3 10

Show that 30 y 2 10  37 y

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At the National School of the Arts there are 200 learners in Grade 11. Learners completed
their registration forms and the following information was extracted:
107 learners take Art
90 learners take Dance
63 learners take Graphic Design
35 learners take Dance and Art
23 learners take Art and Graphic Design
15 learners take Art and Dance and Graphic Design
190 learners take Art or Dance or Graphic Design
x learners take Graphic Design and Dance, but NOT Art

36.1 Draw a Venn diagram to represent the given information.

36.2 How many learners have NOT registered for any of Art or Dance or Graphic Design?

36.3 How many learners have registered for Graphic Design and Dance, but NOT Art?

36.4 What is the probability that a Grade 11 learner selected at random has registered for
at least two of the following subjects: Art, Dance or Graphic Design? (Indicate your
answer correct to THREE decimal places.)

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Counting Principles

Consider the digits 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 and 8,then answer the questions which follow:

1.1 How many two digit numbers can be formed if repetition is allowed.

8 x 8 = 64
Repetition doesn’t restrict values

1.2 How many 4-digit numbers can be formed if repetition is not allowed.

OR 8x7x6x5
= 1680

Repetitions Not Allowed:

In many cases, some of the items we want to arrange are identical – for example in the
word TEETH. If we exchange the two E’s we still get the word TEETH. Because of
this we have to get rid of extraneous cases by dividing out repetitions.

Example1: How many ways can you arrange the letters in the words THESE?

Do this as a fraction. Factorial the total number of letters and put this on
top. Factorial the repeated letters and put them in the denominator.

= 60

Example 2: How many ways can you arrange the letters in the word REFERENCE?
There are 9 letters altogether

There are 2 R’s and 4 E’s


If the letters of the word SOCCER are arranged randomly into a "word",

2.1 How many 6 letter words can be formed? (Assume non repetition)

= 360

2.2 What is the probability that the letters CC are next to each other?

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How many different number plates can be made for the Gauteng Province (GP) if they have
three letters followed by three numbers followed by GP. Letters may not be repeated but
numbers may be repeated.
26 x 25 x 24 x 10 x 10 x 10
= 15600000



A learner is asked to make a four-digit number from the digits 0 ; 1 ; 2 and 4 with each digit
being used only once. The number may not begin with 0.

Determine the probability that the number is

4.1 2014 Cannot be zero

3 3 2 1 3 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 18 ways
Therefore P(2014) = 1/18

4.2 Odd

2 2 1 1 2 x 2 x 1 x 1 = 4 ways
For odd value, the last digit must be 1.
Cannot be zero or 1


5.1 In how many different ways can the letters of the word PARABOLA be arranged?

Number of arrangements = = 6720

5.2 Determine the probability that an arrangement will have all the A’s together.

P(A’s together) =


A baseball team has 15 players. How many 9-player batting orders are possible?
Typical example
using Permutation

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The letters that form the word MATHEMATICS are arranged as shown below on separate

7.1 How many other “words” can be arranged using all these cards?
(repeated letters are treated as identical)

Total letters
- 1 because
 1  4989600  1  4989599 “Mathematics” is

2! 2! 2!
already used.
Total repeats

7.2 What is the probability that a “word” made, has all the vowels above next to
each other? The repeated letters are treated as different.


 8! 4!   2!  2!  2!  8! 4! 4
       2,42%
 2!  2! 2!   11!  11! 165

NOTE: All the vowels next to each other means we have a grouping of 4.


A student activity club at the college has 32 members. In how many different ways can the
club select a president, a vice president, a treasurer, and a secretary?


A club has nine members. In how many ways can a president, vice president, and secretary
be chosen from the members of this club?


We need the number of ways of selecting three members, in order, for the positions of
president, vice president, and secretary from the nine club members.
This number is

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The nine letters of the word EQUATIONS are used to form different five-letter codes.

10.1 How many different five-letter codes can be formed from the nine different letters in
the word EQUATIONS.

9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 = 15120

10.2 How many different five-letter codes can be formed from the letters in the word
EQUATIONS by using all the consonants and one vowel?

 4 consonants
Number of codes:
 5 vowels
5 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 600


You have to choose a password for your new 'Facebook' profile. The password must be of
the format: ###@@ where # is any digit (0's are NOT allowed) and @ is any of the vowels (a,
e, i, o or u).

You may repeat any digit but you may not repeat a vowel. How many different passwords
can be formed?

9 x 9 x 9 x 5 x 4 = 14580


Ping pong balls are numbered 1 to 12 and placed in a hat. Every time a ball is drawn it is
placed on a rack, one next to the other

12.1 How many different arrangements of the 12 balls are possible?

Any number at any place 12! = 479 001

12.2 Assume that the numbers 8 and 11 must be placed next to each other, in any order.
In how many ways can the numbers then be rearranged?

8 and 11 can be arranged: 2! = 2.1 = 2

Therefore: 11 ! x 2 = 79 833 600

12.3 The numbers 2, 5, 6 and 9 are taken from the group of balls. Two-digit numbers must
be formed out of these four numbers. How many numbers can be formed?
4P2 = = 4.3 = 12 PERMUTATION RULE

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Four different mathematics books and three different science books were left on the table.
You need to place these books on a shelf.

13.1 If you decide to place any book in any position, in how many different ways can you
arrange the books on the shelf?
Any book in any position
in 7  6  5  4  3  2  1
= 7! = 5040 different
13.2 If two particular books must be placed next to each other, in how many different ways
can you arrange the books on the shelf?

The two books can be arranged in 2  1 = 2 different ways.

Consider these two books as a single entity.
Now we need to arrange six objects. This can be done in 6  5  4  3  2  1
= 6! = 720 different ways.
Therefore the total arrangement of these books can take place in 2  720 =
1440 different ways.

13.3 If all the mathematics books must be placed next to each other and all the science
books must be placed next to each other, in how many different ways can you
arrange the books on the shelf?

The Mathematics books can be arranged in 4  3  2  1 = 4! = 24 different


The Science books can be arranged in 3  2  1 = 3! = 6 different ways.

The Mathematics books and the Science books can be arranged in 2  1 = 2

different ways.

Therefore the total arrangement of these books can take place in 24  6  2=

288 different ways.

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Using the letters in the word 'MILLENIUM', determine:

14.1 the number of nine letter 'words' that can be formed.

14.2 the probability that the new word will start and end on the letter 'L'.



In a company there are three vacancies. The company had identified candidates to fill each

15.1 In how many different ways can these three posts be filled?
Number of different ways in which these
posts can be filled
= 3 × 4 × 2 = 24.
15.2 If it is certain that Craig will get the job as clerk, in how many different ways can the
three posts be filled?
The post of clerk can only be filled by one person.
The number of different ways in which these three posts can be
filled = 1 × 4 × 2 = 8.


Four different glasses and five different bottles are to be arranged on a shelf. How many
arrangements can be made if all the bottles are to be together and all the glasses are to be
5! x 4! x 2! = 5760

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Consider the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and answer the following questions:

17.1 How many 2-digit numbers can be formed if repetition is allowed?

8 x 8 = 64 ways

17.2 How many 4-digit numbers can be formed if repetition is NOT allowed?

Number of ways for a 4-digit

= 1 680
17.3 How many numbers between 4 000 and 5 000 can be formed?

1×8×8×8 = 512


Three married couples – Mr and Mrs Smythe, Mr and Mrs Bothma and Mr and Mrs Keseke
are to be seated on a bench.

18.1 How many different arrangements are possible?

6! = 720

18.2 Find the probability that Mr and Mrs Keseke land up sitting next to each other.


19.1 In how many ways can the letters of the word Geometry be arranged, if the letter G
is at the beginning?

19.2 Three men (Andries, Bongani and Chris) and 2 women (Dumi and Emily) are to stand
in a straight line to have their group photograph taken.

Find the probability that Andries stands next to Dumi and Bongani stands next to

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A South African band is planning a concert tour with performances in Durban, East London,
Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Bloemfontein, Johannesburg and Polokwane.

In how many different ways can they arrange their itinerary if:

20.1 There are no restrictions

7! = 5040

20.2 The first performance must be in Cape Town and the last performance must be in
5! = 120

Note: Since first and last performance are fixed, the number of different ways
performances can be arranged in 5 cities

20.3 The performances in the four coastal cities (the cities close to the sea or ocean) must
be grouped together?
4! 4! = 576

There are 7 different shirts and 4 different pairs of trousers in a cupboard. The clothes have
to be hung on the rail.

21.1 In how many different ways can the clothes be arranged on the rail?

21.2 In how many different ways can the clothes be arranged if all the shirts are to be hung
next to each another and the pairs of trousers are to be hung next to each another on
the rail?

21.3 What is the probability that a pair of trousers will hang at the beginning of the rail and
a shirt will hang at the end of the rail?

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The digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are used to make 3 digit codes.

22.1 How many unique codes are possible if digits can be repeated?
Number of unique codes:

7 x 7 x 7 = 343
22.2 How many unique codes are possible if the digits cannot be repeated?
Number of unique codes
without repetition:

7 x 6 x 5 = 210
22.3 In the case where digits may be repeated, how many codes are numbers that are
greater than 300 and exactly divisible by 5?

Number of codes with repetition that are

greater than 300 and divisible by 5.


Three items from four different departments of a major chain store will be featured in a one
page newspaper advertisement. The page layout for the advertisement is shown in the
diagram below where one item will be placed in each block.

23.1 In how many different ways can all these items be arranged in the advertisement?
12×11×10×9×8×7×6 ×5×4×3×2×1
= 12!
= 479 001 600 different ways

23.2 In how many different ways can these items be arranged if specific items are to be
placed in blocks A, F and J?
= 9!
= 362 880 different ways

23.3 In how many different ways can these items be arranged in the advertisement if
items from the same department are grouped together in the same row?
The items from each department can be arranged in
3! ways.

The departments can be arranged in 4! ways.

Advertisements can be arranged in 3!.4!
6 × 24
35 of 40
= 144 different ways.
Compiled by: GA Mac Tavish Probability Grade 11/12


The Lourens family wants to take family pictures. The photographer decides that the
following set up will work the best for the three married couples, their 7 children and the one
set of grandparents:

The couples need to stand husband and wife together at the back, the grandparents in the
middle and the children in the other positions.

24.1 How many photos are possible?

24.2 What is the probability of the men all appearing on the same side of their wives at
the same time?

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How many different 7-digit numbers can be formed from the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7, if:

25.1 Repetition is allowed?

77 = 823543

25.2 Repetition is not allowed?

7! = 5040


Consider the word “REFERENCES”.

26.1 How many different arrangements are there of the letters in the word

26.2 In how many of these words does the word start with “C” and end with “RS”?


We still need to
eliminate the

The Matric Dance Committee has decided on the menu below for the 2008 Matric Dance. A
person attending the dance must choose only ONE item from each category - that is starters,
main course and dessert.

27.1 How many different meal combinations can be chosen?

The number of different meal
combinations = 3 × 4 × 2 = 24
27.2 A particular person wishes to have chicken as his main course. How many different
meal combinations does he have?
The number of different meal
combinations that have chicken
as main course = 3 × 2 × 2 = 12
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A photographer has placed six chairs in the front row of a studio. Three boys and three girls
are to be seated in these chairs.

In how many different ways can they be seated if:

28.1 Any learner may be seated in any chair

Any learner seated in any position in:
6! = 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 720 different ways.

28.2 Two particular learners wish to be seated next to each other

2! × 5! = 240


Four different chairs and five different stools are arranged in a row.

29.1 How many ways can they be arranged? 9! = 362880

29.2 How many ways can they be arranged so that the stools are together and the chairs
are together?
4! x 5! x 2 = 5760

29.3 What is the probability that two particular chairs will always be together?


Six friends sit in a row on a bench. Two of them have just had an argument and will not sit
next to each other. How many possible arrangements are there?
Total: 6!
Sitting together: 2! x 5!
Not together:
6! – (2! x 5!) = 480

Consider the letters in the word MINIMAL. Assume that the repeated letters are treated as
the same (identical) letters. What is the probability that a random arrangement of the letters
starts with A and ends with M?

Total: = 1260
Number of possible correct
arrangements 

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A Banana Airways aeroplane has 6 seats in each row.

32.1 How many possible arrangements are there for 6 people in a row of 6 seats?

32.2 Xoliswa, Anees and 4 other passengers sit in a certain row on a Banana Airways
flight. In how many different ways can these 6 passengers be seated if Xoliswa and
Anees must sit next to each other.

32.3 Mary and 5 other passengers are to be seated in a certain row. If seats are allocated
at random, what is the probability that Mary will sit at the end of the row?



A password consists of five different letters of the English alphabet.

Each letter may be used only once. How many passwords can be formed if:

33.1 All the letters of the alphabet can be used. (ANS: 7 893 600)

33.2 The password must start with a ‘D’ and end with an ‘L’. (ANS: 12 144)


Seven cars of different manufacturers, of which 3 are silver, are to be parked in a straight

34.1 In how many different ways can all the cars be parked? (ANS: 5040)

34.2 If the three silver cars must be parked next to each other, determine in how many
different ways the cars can be parked. (ANS: 720)

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QUESTION 35 (Bishops September 2016 – Paper 1)

35.1 R and Q are two events in a sample space where:

P(R) = 0,4 , P(R or Q) = 0,9 and P(Q) = y. Determine the value of y if:

35.1.1 R and Q are mutually exclusive. (2)

P(R or Q) = P(R) + P(Q) – P(R and Q)
0,9 = 0,4 + y
y = 0,5
35.1.2 R and Q are independent. (3)

P(Q and R) = P(Q) ×P(R) given independence

P(Q) +P(R) – P(Q or R) = P(Q and R)

y + 0,4 – 0,9 = y (0,4)

0,6y = 0,5
y =

35.2 In the final for a middle distance race, 9 athletes line up; 3 of the athletes are

35.2.1 In how many different ways can the athletes line up? (2)

9!  362880
35.2.2 If the Kenyan athletes all need to stand next to each other in the
line up, determine in how many ways the athletes can line up. (3)

7! 3!  30240
35.3 Olaf has been recording the punctuality of the buses on a particular route for
the past 160 days. There has been rain on 72 days and buses were delayed
on 56 of those days. The buses were also delayed on 18 of the days when
there was no rain. The latest weather report predicts a 65% probability of
rain this Friday. Using this information, estimate the probability that the
buses will be delayed this Friday. (6)

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