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Second Semester-MIDTERM

Name : ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Grade & Section: _________________________________ Strand: ______________
Specialization: ___________________________________ Score: _______________


Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer
on the space provided.
_____ 1. The entrepreneurs who create new ideas are called ______________.
a. Innovative c. Fabian
b. Imitating d. Drone
_____ 2. The entrepreneur who lives on the labor of others is called __________.
a. Drone c. Imitating
b. Fabian d. Innovative
_____ 3. These are entrepreneurs who are to follow the path shown by innovative
a. Innovative c. Social Entrepreneurs
b. Imitating d. Fabian
_____ 4. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Skills management c. Conduct research
b. Risk taking d. Make no changes with his product
_____ 5. Entrepreneur means:
a. Risk taker c. To research
b. To undertake d. To improve standard of living
_____ 6. It is a personality factor which means “doing things even before being told.”
a. proactive c. persuasion
b. perseverance d. initiative
_____ 7. It is a personality factor which means convincing customers to buy the product.
a. Proactive c. Self-confidence
b. Persuasion d. Risk-taker
_____ 8. Which of the choices is NOT part of the environmental factors?
a. Political c. Climate
b. Weather condition d. Family background of the manager
_____ 9. All except one does NOT belong to the group. Which one is it?
a. Unfair trade practices c. Political protest
b. Strikes d. Product
_____ 10. The entrepreneur who is skeptical about the changes in the company is called
a. Fabian c. Drone
b. Social entrepreneur d. Imitating
_____ 11. Which is NOT a career for an entrepreneur?
a. Business consultant c. Research and Development
b. Sales d. Domestic Helper
_____ 12. They are entrepreneurs who drive social innovation and transformation in various
a. Drone c. Fabian
b. Social entrepreneur d. Imitating
_____ 13. Which of the statements below is true?
a. Entrepreneurs have limited career opportunities.
b. Entrepreneurs are prone to constant high income.
c. Entrepreneurs are contributors to the development of the society.
d. Entrepreneurs are the reasons for the unemployment problem.
_____ 14. Which of the statements is NOT true?
a. An entrepreneur will patiently wait for his efforts to bear fruit.
b. The profit of the entrepreneur is immediate.
c. All entrepreneurs are successful.
d. Entrepreneurs are researcher.
_____ 15. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. Entrepreneurship creates organizations.
b. Entrepreneurs improve the life of the entrepreneur alone.
c. Entrepreneurs improves the economy.
d. None of the choices
_____16. What is the relationship between unique selling proposition and value proposition?
a. a framework of each business industry
b. meets your competitors needs wants
c. persuades another to exchange money for a product or service
d. connected with only one particular thing
_____17. The following variables are to be considered in behavioral segmentation, except
a. perception c. reaction
b. brand concept d. benefits
_____ 18. What is the function of Value Proposition?
a. used to power up sales
b. used to convince customer to purchase a particular product or services.
c. help customers buying habits
d. provide value to your customers
_____ 19. Give an example in promotion using Value Proposition and Unique Selling
a. with the slogan “Langhap Sarap” c. multinational business
b. ordinary sari-sari store d. fruit shake stand
_____ 20. ___________________ will determine possible customers in one locality.
a. Market design c. market research
b. Market strategy d. market size
_____ 21. The term behavioral segmentation refers to:
a. divided based on consumers
b. divided in terms of how customers’ think and believe
c. divided according to geographical location
d. divided according to customers behavior pattern as they interact with a company
_____ 22. What is market size?
a. Tangible things that can be seen
b. Size of arena where the entrepreneur will play their business
c. The most important part to the success of the company
d. Another variation of segmentation marketing.
_____ 23. These are considered favorable indicators for doing business in that particular
a. structure of the segment c. size and growth of the segment
b. capability of the business d. segmentation marketing
_____ 24. This selects the type of customer requirement
a. service requirement c. service responsibility
b. service oriented d. service fulfillment
_____ 25. This refers to how you sell your products or services to your customer.
a. Value proposition c. Selling proposition
b. Unique selling proposition d. Marketing concept
_____ 26. The following are tips for the entrepreneur on how to create an effective unique
selling proposition to the target customers, except
a. Identify and rank the uniqueness of the product or services characteristic
b. Be very specific
c. Keep it short and simple
d. Completeness of proportion
_____ 27. Geographic segmentation refers to:
a. Divided according to geographical location
b. Divided based consumers.
c. Divided in terms for customers think and believe
d. All of the above
_____ 28. Service requirement is a/an ___________________ thing or product that cannot be
touched but customer can feel he fulfillment.
a. Tangible c. Service
b. Intangible d. Output
_____ 29. Tangible things that can be seen refers to
a. Service requirement c. customer requirements
b. Output requirement d. Entrepreneur’s output
_____ 30. What is the first step in conducting strategic marketing?
a. Estimate the potential market
b. Estimate the customers who are probably dislike to buy your product
c. Estimate the market share
d. Estimate business funding
_____ 31. It is the process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting the information about the
product or the services to be offered for sale in the market, the market and about past, present
and any potential consumers for the products.
a. Data Gathering c. Secondary Research
b. Primary Research d. Market Research
_____ 32. A data gathering technique where it can be moderated to group interviews and
brainstorming sessions that provide information on user’s needs and behaviors.
a. Personal Interview c. Survey
b. Focus Group Discussion d. Data Gathering
_____ 33. A data gathering technique where it can be done via direct mail, over the phone,
internet or e-mail.
a. Data Gathering c. Focus Group Discussion
b. Survey d. Personal Interview
_____ 34. It is one of the most reliable and credible ways of getting relevant information from
target customers
a. Primary Research c. Interview
b. Secondary Research d. Data Gathering
_____ 35. It is the most common way to gather data with the use of questionnaires or interview
a. Interview c. Survey
b. Focus Group Discussion d. Data Gathering
_____ 36. It is the traditional method of data collection which is normally done in person with the
a. Personal Interview c. Survey
b. Focus Group Discussion d. Data gathering
_____ 37. It is an excellent method for generating and screening ideas and concepts
a. Data Gathering c. Focus Group Discussion
b. Survey d. Personal Interview
_____ 38. It is a set of controllable and interrelated variables composed of product, place, price
and promotions that a company assembles to satisfy a target group better than its competitor.
a. Price c. Product
b. Marketing Mix d. Packaging
_____ 39. The amount that a customer pays for to enjoy it.
a. Price c. Product
b. Marketing Mix d. Packaging
_____ 40. An item that is produced to satisfy the needs of a certain group of people.
a. Price c. Product
b. Marketing Mix d. Packaging
_____ 41. It is a tangible product. Its example includes tires, MP3 players, clothing and etc.
a. Branding c. Goods
b. Positioning d. Place
_____ 42. It can be intangible or tangible as it can be in the form of services or goods.
a. Price c. Product
b. Marketing Mix d. Packaging
_____ 43. The way your product or service appears from the outside.
a. Price c. Product
b. Marketing Mix d. Packaging
_____ 44. A marketing model that modifies the 4Ps model.
a. Packaging c. Marketing Mix
b. 7 P’s Model d. People
_____ 45. Responsible for every element of your sales, marketing strategies, and activities.
a. Packaging c. Marketing Mix
b. 7 P’s Model d. People
_____ 46. This refers to how a business creates awareness in the market.
a. Place c. Services
b. Brand Name d. Promotion
_____ 47. It is intangible. Its example includes hair salons and accounting firms.
a. Place c. Services
b. Brand Name d. Promotion
_____ 48. This is the ultimate marketing strategy.
a. 7 P’s Model c. People
b. Marketing Mix d. Branding
_____ 49. This is where your product or service is actually sold.
a. Place c. Services
b. Brand Name d. Promotion
_____ 50. The place occupied by products in the heart and minds of the consumers.
a. Branding c. Goods
b. Positioning d. Place


True or False. On the space provided before the number, write T if the statement is true and F
if the statement is false.

_____ 1. An entrepreneur enters a business because of its profitability.

_____ 2. New business ideas provide business opportunities.

_____ 3. The entrepreneurial process starts with identification of entrepreneurial opportunities.

_____ 4. Not all changes in the external environment provides business opportunities.

_____ 5. Discovery and advancement in the use of technology are additional good sources of
business opportunities.

_____ 6. Interest and hobbies of the people are possible good sources of entrepreneurial ideas.

_____ 7. The industry environment of the business is under technological discovery and
advancement sources of opportunities.

_____ 8. The variables in the physical environment include the economic forces.

_____ 9. Entrepreneurial heart flame refers to the ability of the entrepreneur to sense without
using the five senses.
____ 10. Entrepreneurial mind frame permits the entrepreneur to see things in a very positive
and optimistic light.

_____11. The business operates in the industry environment.

____ 12. Opening a Halo – halo business during summer season is ideal.

____ 13. Environmental scanning is conducted only when a new business is opened.

____ 14. When the barriers to the competitive forces are high, the effect to the growth of the
business is likewise high.

_____15. Entrepreneurs need not observe and evaluate the priorities of the government.

_____16. Entrepreneur means “to undertake.”

_____17. Entrepreneurship is a process of actions of an entrepreneur who is always in search

of opportunities.

_____18. The greatest significance of entrepreneurship is to help identify and develop the
managerial capabilities of entrepreneurs.

_____19. Entrepreneurship will lead to the creation of organizations.

_____20. Entrepreneurship can improve the life of the entrepreneur only.

Test III.

Directions: Draw your product and give it a name. Then, write a short explanation by describing
the product and why you come up with its name.

Draw Your Product

My Target Market is/are ________________________________________________,

that is why I choose this product.

I would like to introduce my new product __________________________________.

I chose the name ______________________________________________ because




You can use it to _____________________________________________________



I chose the Brand Name _________________________________________ because


“Good luck passing the exam and my deepest early condolences if you don’t.”
- Unknown

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