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Syllabus: How to Learn Online


● Dr. Nina Huntemann, Senior Director of Academics and Research, edX

● Robyn Belair, Learning Designer, edX
● Ben Piscopo, Senior Learning Designer, edX

Course Details

● Content: English | Videos: English | Transcripts: English

Course Description

This course is designed for those who are new to learning online. It will prepare you with
strategies to be a successful online learner by answering the following questions:

● How do I take notes during live or recorded instruction? What’s the difference?
● What’s the point of discussions and how should I participate in them to get the
most value?
● What can I do if I have trouble concentrating or lack time to complete
● What is the ideal study environment?

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, you will be able to:

● Identify self-care techniques that can help you maintain a healthy mind for
effective online learning.
● Set up a supportive space for learning.
● Create a study schedule and plan for accomplishing your learning goals.
● Practice techniques for boosting the effectiveness of your learning.
● Identify the technology you will need to learn online.
● Build connections with your learning peers and instructors, as well as their larger
online learning community.

Course Content and Activities

● Welcome​ - We start with opportunities to meet your instructors and fellow

○ Activities: Discussion
● Self-care for Learning​ - In this module, we then explore baseline self-care
strategies that will help you maintain a healthy mind for effective online learning,
the connections between memory and learning, and the importance of sleep.
○ Activities: Discussions (two), Worksheet, Knowledge Check, Activity
● Space, Time, and Technology​ - In this module we address the challenges
involved with creating a space for learning, including managing your technology.
We also cover techniques for time management and keeping a routine.
○ Activities: Discussion, Worksheet, Knowledge Check, Activity Check
● Learning Strategies​ - This module will help you get the most out your online
learning experience. We cover effective study strategies and practices, making
plans and setting priorities, and practicing self-regulation skills.
○ Activities: Discussion, Knowledge Check, Activity Check
● Communication and Community​ - In this module, we talk about the importance
of social learning. We cover strategies for communication, collaborating, and
building connections with your instructors and fellow learners.
○ Activities: Discussion, Worksheet, Knowledge Check, Activity Check
● What's Next?​ - Get started learning online!
○ Activities: End of Course Survey

Discussion Guidelines
Discussion forums are where you can express thoughts, develop ideas, and engage
with classmates and instructors. Each module has one or more discussions to help you
apply the material of the course. You can also access these discussions on the
Discussion page.

Here are some friendly guidelines to help you successfully participate in the

1. Review discussion postings before posting your own to avoid redundancy. Make
sure you’re in the right topic before posting.
2. When adding a post, mark it as a Question or a Discussion. Questions raise
issues that need answers, whereas Discussions share ideas and start
3. Do not post answers to quiz questions.
4. Give your message a meaningful title. Be descriptive, specific, and succinct. This
will make it easier for readers to notice your post.
5. Use common writing practices for online communication. For example:
● Avoid TYPING IN ALL CAPS. It's difficult to read and is associated with shouting.
● Be careful with humor and sarcasm - both can be easily misunderstood.
● Check your writing for errors before posting.
● Avoid excessive use of acronyms (LOL), emojis, and repeating punctuation (!!!!)
● Offer sincere and constructive feedback. Please don’t be overly critical of others.
● Do ​not​ post short comments or responses like "Great" or "Makes sense," as
these tend to clutter up the discussion forums and add little to the conversation.
6. Follow post if you are interested in them - then you'll be notified when someone
responds to it.

Grading, Effort, Enrollment


Each module concludes with:

● an ​ungraded​ knowledge quiz that you can take as many times as needed until
you get all the answers correct.
● a ​graded​ Activity Checklist. These assessments are worth 100% of the grade.

Estimated Effort

● 2 - 3 hours/week, 2 weeks total.

Course Difficulty

● Introductory

Enrollment Tracks

● Audit - Freely experience the course. No course completion certificate available

as an audit learner.
● Verified - Receive a verified certificate by passing the course with a final grade of
Cost: $49 (US)
Course Support
Accessibility Support

● Visit ​edX Website Accessibility Policy​.

● Contact ​​ for accessibility questions, concerns, or feedback.

Course Help

To get help with course content, click the Discussion tab and ​post a question in “Course
Questions”​. By commenting in the pinned discussion post, the course team will be able
to respond to your question more quickly.

Technical Help

For general questions about using the edX platform, please refer to these resources.

● Technical Documentation
● Learner Help Center
● To get help with a technical problem, visit the ​Help​ link​ to contact edX Support.

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