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This course is for your own personal use ONLY. It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to reproduce the

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Income Disclaimer:

This document contains business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice

that, regardless of Author's results and experience, may not produce the exact same results (or

any results) for you. The Author make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied that by following the

advice below you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors

and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend

on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the

experience of the individual, the application of said principles, and situations and elements

that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to

investment (if you choose to do so) and money based on your own discretion and at your own

potential expense.

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By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given below,

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success or failure of your business as a result of the information presented below. It is your

responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation

of your business if you intend to apply any of this information in any way to your business


If you run a business online or offline, according to a survey, customers are

more likely to purchase products or services from businesses having positive
feedbacks or reviews on their website, business listing or Facebook fan-page.

When it comes to attract new customers, not having any online reviews can
be as harmful - if not more so - than having some negative reviews. No
matter if your business is a healthcare practice, auto shop, retail store, hotel
or simple business listing, it can greatly benefit from collecting and sharing
customer reviews and testimonials.

It also showed that:

74% of consumers say positive reviews make them trust a local business

14% of consumers would consider using a business with a 1-2 star rating.

Local search engines crave for online reviews for one primary reason,
consumers love online reviews. They provide people on-the-go or at home
with the most accurate information to help them predict and make decisions
around their future purchases. The faster they can do that, the more
consumers will turn to them. Online reviews are thought to make up 10% of
how Google and other search engines decide to rank search results.
The thing is, you probably do not have your own business so you don’t need
positive reviews. But what about to offer positive reviews on top websites to
people who run business and have negative reviews or do not have reviews
at all?!

Sounds like a great idea and it is. Basically you will sell, actually resell, reviews
to business owners. We will talk later about people who provide reviews for
us – I call them Suppliers.

Those reviews will be on top websites that appear on Google search when
users search for a review of the specific business.

Websites like:



Google Reviews

Play Store Reviews

Facebook Fanpage Reviews



Here’s one example:

Potential customer wants to use Paylike and wants to see reviews from
people who used their services.
In most cases reviews are on the websites I’ve listed above.

As you can see negative reviews are very harmful. This is our chance to profit
as we can offer to specific company tons of real positive reviews.

Your job here is to find websites/businesses (I call them Hotspots) which

need positive reviews on the places like Trustpilot, Sitejabber, Google
Reviews, Play Store Reviews, Facebook Fanpage Reviews, Amazon,

The easiest way to find people who need positive reviews is to find people
who already have negative reviews!

As an example I will use Trustpilot but you will need to find them on each and
every website I mentioned and in each category/niche.

Step 1

Go to
Choose Category. For this example I went with Market Researcher

As you can see, there are really many categories and businesses listed. It’s
pointless going offering your services to each company you see there. You
will waste your time and have low response. That’s why you need to target
specific companies using tested strategy.

Let me explain you how.

Why is Pollfish our potential client?

1. They have only 4.3 TrustScore which is good for us.

2. They care about reviews! We know that because they reply back on
each or most complaints posted on Trustpilot. So it’s more likely they
will be interested for our offer. I recommend to contact businesses
with score below 7.
You will see many websites with low TrustScore and with a lot of complaints.
Some of them don’t have even one response from their own customer
service. It’s simple to understand - they don’t care about reviews, so we will
skip those!

3. They listed contact details so it will be easy for us to reach them.

One more example with phone number inluded

You will have good results only by emailing but it’s always better to contact
Hotspots via phone than via email. I hate to phone call people so I mostly
outsource that part (explained later).
4. Contact only small and medium-sized businesses. There is no sense to
contact the big ones as they really don’t care about reviews.

Basically, you need to pay attention on 4 things while searching clients:


Official Customer Service Replies

Contact Details

Business Size
Just like on Trustpilot, you will need to find your potential clients on
Sitejabber and other websites I’ve listed. Good example from Sitejabber:
Initial message template (like any template, it needs to be edited per your

Type 1


Subject: Your website review at Trustpilot

Hi [Prospect],

[Your name] with [your website name if you use it]. We're a Y company that
specializes reputation and online review management services that help
businesses, big or small, to improve their Trustpilot reputation through a
trusted network of online reputation experts.

I'm wondering if you might be open to an initial conversation to gauge a fit?

We've worked with companies like [insert 2-3 clients here relative to the
vertical] to improve their Trustpilot score and reputation.

We continually serve clients in the United States while expanding the

market in Europe, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and
Asia region.

If you have a minute or two to learn more about us, you can visit us here at
[site if you have it]. If I don't hear from you, I will reach out to you via phone
later in the week.

Thank you,

[Your Name]

Type 2


Subject: Bad reviews at Trustpilot

Hi [Prospect],

I’ve just Googled your website and found really bad reviews about your

It’s number 1 on Google search and I guess it may affect your sales

I would like to help so I offer positive reviews of your choice on Trustpilot

for cheap!

Let me know if you are interested.


Like I already mentioned, I call business owners too. Not actually by

myself, instead I hire people to do that for me.

It’s a lot easier, less time consuming and more cost effective.
For phone calling I hire:

USA & Canada



After making your first deals with callers, you may arrange better price with
them outside of Fiverr.
Here are some additional facts you may send or tell to potential clients:

Geo Targeted and SEO optimised reviews:— We offer reviews from accounts
which are nearer to your location. The reviews are written based on the
keywords specified by clients.

Proactive support:- Our support executives are online 24x7 to assist you with
any query or sales related stuff.

Replacement warranty:— If our reviews gets filtered or flagged, We will

cover it under our 15 days replacement warranty without any additional cost.

Detailed Reporting:- From start till end, We will provide every detail of your

If you are not planning to use a website, here are some frequently asked
questions you may receive from clients:

Are your accounts aged?

Yes, We use aged accounts from mixed locations like USA. UK, Australia,
Canada and Asian region. The age of accounts vary between a couple of
months and one or two years

When my order will be delivered?

We will deliver your order within 24 — 48 hours of order continuation and

payment receipt We will drip feed all the reviews to make them look organic
and authentic. However, We can also deliver as per your specified timing.
Just mention the time frame in which you want us to deliver the order, We'll
do it.
Can you guarantee to keep my business safe?

The safety and privacy of our clients is always on top priority. In any condition
we never compromise with the business data shared with use. We work to
earn your trust and satisfaction. Hence the service is backed by a guarantee
that it will not bring any harm to your business.

Do you outsource the content for reviews?

No. We have a dedicated team of professionals who spend hours to study

and march on your business. Their approach is to authentically represent the
service you provide. However, we also accept your own content to be posted.

I need reviews for a website which is not listed in the services you offer. Can
you provide such reviews?

Certainly. Contact us and we will provide the best possible solution.

What if your reviews don't stick or filtered?

Our service comes with 15 days replacement policy, If the review gets
removed or filtered, We will replace it with a fresh one with no additional

Do you offer refunds?

As per the nature of this service, giving refunds is not possible.


Like I’ve said before, you are not going to write, post, or maintain reviews.
You’ll have a supplier for that. When a client purchases a review from you, go
visit the website of your supplier and get that.

I charge 5-20 times bigger price than my supplier. That’s where I make profit!

For Trustpilot and Sitejabber reviews I charge $25-100 (sometimes even

more) per review. Suppliers charge only $5 for that 


As stated on the sales page, having a website is totally optional. BUT I

strongly recommend to have it. Clients will trust you more, you will have
proffesional business look and returning customers.

I created professional looking website for you to make even more sales.

Download website here:

Also check bonus e-book to learn how to setup your website properly.

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