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Phylum PORIFERA CNIDARIA PLATYHELMINTHES (flatworms) NEMATODA (roundworms) ANNELIDA (segmented worms)
Examples Sponges Sea jellies, Hydra, coral Planaria, tapeworm Trichinella, hookworm, Earthworm, polychaete worms,
colonies, sea anemones nematode leech
Body type Asymmetry Radial symmetry Bilateral symmetry Bilateral symmetry Bilateral symmetry
Ecological roles Food source Food source Food source Food source Food source
home / shelter Reef- home, protect Parasitic Parasitic Parasitic
symbiotic with shores Eat dead animals – Aerate soil Aerate soil
bacteria Chem. – anticancer saprophyte Breakdown material Breakdown material

Body organization 2 germ layers 2 layers: ecto & endo 3 layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, 3 layers: ectoderm, 3 layers: ectoderm, mesoderm,
(# germ layers) Ectoderm, endoderm With mesoglea between endoderm mesoderm, endoderm endoderm
Body cavity Acoelom Acoelom Acoelom Pseudocoelom Coelom

Digestive system Filter feed: collar cells, Gastrovascular cavity, Mouth and gastrovascular Complete digestive Complete digestive system:
food vacuoles, mouth, and cavity system: mouth & anus mouth & anus
osculum nematocysts to capture
food Mouth also serves as anus Special organs Special organs

Reproduction Sexual: Sexual: male & female Sexual: hermaphroditic – Sexual: separate sexes = Sexual: hermaphroditic –
heramaphroditic – medusa – gametes fuse cross fertilization dioecious cross fertilization
gametes released in
H2O Asexual: budding, Asexual: fragmentation
Asexual: budding, regeneration
Circulation Aortic arches, blood, blood
Diffusion Diffusion Diffusion Diffusion vessels = closed system

Nervous system Cephalization – brain Brain Brain

None Nerve net Nerves Ganglion Ganglion
Eyespots & auricles Nerves Nerves
Sensory – light , chemicals Sensory Sensory – light/chemical/
Respiration Diffusion Diffusion Diffusion through skin Diffusion through skin Land- Pharynx, gulp air
Water - gills
Excretion Diffusion Mouth Tubes open to outside & mouth Anus Nephridia, tubes, anus

Habitat Water – lakes and oceans Water – ocean Host – intestine Host (blood, intestine) Host (external)
Rivers Soil Soil,


Examples Snail, slug, clam, mussel, squid, octopus, chitons Sea stars, sea cucumber, feather stars, sea urchins Crayfish, insects, spiders, millipedes
Body type Bilateral symmetry Radial symmetry Bilateral symmetry
Ecological roles Food source Food source Food source Predator
Predator – control populations Control animal/algae populations Pollinator Control population
Recycle nutrients Parasites Job
Chemicals – anticancer/ antiviral Vector for parasite Honey
Destroy crops Silkworm
Body organization 3 layers: endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm 3 layers: endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm 3 layers: endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
(# of germ layers)
Body Cavity Coelom Coelom Coelom

Digestive system Complete digestive system – mouth & anus

Radula – cephalopoda, gastropoda, Complete digestive system – mouth & anus Complete digestive system – mouth & anus
Filter feeding – bivalvia

Reproduction Sexual: Sexual: Sexual:

Dioecious – bivalvia, gastropoda, cephalopoda Dioecious Dioecious
Hermaphroditic- gastropoda Asexual: some regenerate parts
Trochophore larvae Asexual: regeneration – lost arm

Circulation Open: gastropoda, bivalvia, polyplacophora Open system

Closed system Heart
Closed: cephalopoda Sinuses – tissue bathed in blood
 Accessory heart

Nervous system Brain , nerves – cephalopoda Nerve cords but NO brain! Brain and nerves
Nerves – bivalvia, polyplacophora Tube feet – sensory
Light receptors

Respiration Aquatic: gills Tracheal system

Land: special mantle with hole Tube feet & skin gills – diffusion Book lungs/gills
Excretion nephridia Tube feet – diffusion Anus
anus Malpighian tubules
Habitat Water mainly Water – ocean Water & land – everywhere!
Land – slug & snail

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