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Dr. W.T. (Bill) Mansell

Hon DEng. (Sydney University) Comp I E Aust. FAIB. FAIM. AAAS.

2009 Symposium on Building Envelope Technology

October 26 – 27, 2009
Lowes Coronado Bay Resort
San Diego, California


Today’s Architects are becoming aware of and using more complex double curvature
geometry in the buildings that they create.

They also are experimenting with new materials and from a Roof Designers and
Contractor’s point of view, constructing a project of the size of the Dubai International
Air Terminal is a major undertaking. For a project of this magnitude and complexity a
considerable number of professionals are involved in the disciplines of:-

• Structural Engineering
• Hydraulics
• Thermal/Condensation Control
• Acoustics

Also in remote locations the Roof Designer has to consider the quality of labour, and the
likely expertise of the construction personnel.

In relation to the Dubai International Air Terminal, items to be covered in this

presentation will include:-

• Materials pricing and selection

• Staffing
• Advantages of On-site & Off-Site Production
• Plant & Equipment
• Building Geometry
• Roof Construction Build-Up
• Design Development
• Testing
• Building Maintenance Units
• Climatic Conditions
• Contractor’s Expertise


Before going into the details relating to the Dubai Project I would like to cover what I
regard as some of the basic concepts in roof design.

All personnel involved in the designed of roofing will no doubt have their own “check
list” which covers a wide range of considerations from which recommendations are made
and details developed. (The “check list” takes a considerable amount of time and
experience to develop and generally is based on the individuals’ experience).

In my experience there are probably 10 major areas to consider and which in many
instances are influenced by the Architect’s requirements in relation to materials,
aesthetics and performance etc.

The development of a roof design, the type of materials we use, the research and
experience we draw upon has developed over a considerable time, but primarily we all
are trying to develop a system that will provide satisfactory shelter and consider the
ultimate required performance from the structure.

The check list that I have developed from my 50 years+ in the industry generally covers
the following:-

Note that the order and importance of this review will vary from project to project.

1.1 Architectural Requirement

This normally has a major bearing on the aesthetics of the building and most
architects have very definite thoughts on the roofs appearance. At this stage,
although it will be considered in more detail later, the geometry (shape), of the
building and roof will obviously have an influence on further considerations
regarding material and construction.

Figure 1. RAS Dome, Homebush, Sydney (Australia) Olympics 2000

Domes require special consideration to achieve the Architect’s
aesthetic requirements.

Figure 2. Singapore Expo Railway Station
The roof geometry is toroid and is covered with a full welded
titanium roof sheeting (double curvature geometry)

Figure 3. Khalsa Heritage Complex, Punjab, India

Double curvature geometry. A special system was developed
to satisfy the architectural requirements.

Figure 4. Khalsa Heritage Complex, Punjab, India
To satisfy architectural geometry, roof sheets are both curved and

1.2 Weatherproofness

In my opinion this should be the first consideration of any Roof Designer and this
would involve a detailed study of rainfall intensity and other items such as the
probability of hail, snow and even possibly sand build-up on the roof’s surface.
A hydraulic review is also of extreme importance and at this stage decisions are
made for such questions as:-

• Will internal box gutters be used (if it is a metal roof system)

• Is a standard drainage system adequate or will it be necessary to employ
special water evacuation techniques such as a syphonic drainage system.
• With the rainfall intensity are the proposed roof ribs deep enough to cope with
the volume of water?

At this stage other considerations require preliminary decisions in relation to:-

• Structural aspects for additional live loads.

• Membrane waterproofing versus sheet metal waterproofing (pitch & falls etc).
(Also depending on geographic location the options might include shingles,
cement or terracotta tiles, slates).
• Other major considerations may include trafficability (foot or vehicular).

Figure 5.

1.3 Materials

Both the Architect and the Roof Consultant have a wealth of alternatives
available to them and a review of manufacturer’s data and application details may
cause more confusion than providing appropriate answers. For the material
review (apart from the architectural requirements) we had to consider:-

• The environment – industrial-coastal-rural and also availability can, in some

cases, direct what will be the most appropriate cover. Both with membranes
and metals, we have a wide variety to choose from and in relation to metals
the author has had experience with:-

• Zinc
• Stainless steel
• Galvanised steel
• Pre-coated steel
• Aluminium
• Pre-coated aluminium
• Titanium
• Copper
• Lead

Figure 6. Singapore Expo Railway Station (Ticket Office)

Main roof was titanium. This section is stainless steel.

Figure 7. Singapore Expo Railway Station (curved & tapered titanium).

In the case of membranes we have:-

• Multi layered bituminous

• Single ply bituminous
• Butyl
(just to mention a few)

The selection, quite often, will depend on geographic availability, costing and in
remote locations, available methods of transportation.

As an example of material selection reasons, in areas either on or close to

airports, it is necessary that the roof covering is non-reflective.

1.4 Structural

Structural considerations require both the input of the Architect, Structural

Engineer and Roof Consultant. If a structural metal deck is to be used, the deck

selection obviously will dictate spans of sub framing and the overall structural

Another important consideration in relation to the structural aspect (for most

types of roofing) is acceptable deflections. In a number of cases, engineering
acceptable deflections may not necessarily produce an architectural acceptable
appearance. Also a detailed review is required to consider the likely live loads
that the roof may be subjected to and extraordinary conditions that may relate to
access, building maintenance units or post construction installation of mechanical

1.5 Acoustics

With the current trends to lightness of building construction and the possible use
of a building as say an Auditorium, Lecture Theatre or Classroom, sound
transmission loss through the roof system should be a major consideration for the

Satisfactory solutions have been developed and are able to provide, within
lightweight systems, acceptable transmission loss values to satisfy the project
Acoustician’s requirements.

This aspect of the design may also influence materials as, with a sheet metal roof,
heavy rain or hail can generate very high sound levels which do not necessarily
occur with membrane type construction. (Particularly with gravel or trafficable

High transmission loss systems, whilst still relatively low in dead load, can have a
direct influence on the design of the structural support components.

Items to be considered in reviewing sound transmission loss through a roofing

system include:-

• Panel Resonance
• Acoustic decoupling from the main structure
• Flanking Paths

The author, many years ago, held an Australian Patent for an acoustic decoupling
system. However, costs for the system were high and building owners appeared
to be prepared to take the risk.

It cannot be over emphasised that rain on metal deck roofing can and has
produced acoustic disasters. For example in Sydney, in a television production
building, production could not take place during heavy rain simply as a result of
the generated noise levels.

The author has spent a considerable amount of time (and money) in testing a
variety of systems, profiles and rainfall intensities and this is a complex subject
on its own.

Figure 8. Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia

An acoustically sensitive roof and also close to a main
flight path.

Figure 9. Adelaide Convention Centre – Tested results for Sound
Transmission Loss

Figure 10. Typical Acoustic Roof System as used on the Adelaide Convention

1.6 Condensation

As with curtain walling and any cladding system (roof or walls), a condensation
review is important and quite often, depending on the external and internal
ambient conditions, double vapour barriers may be required.

There are some excellent “programs” available to Designers to be able to predict

the probability of condensation and also the possible location where this will
occur within the system (interstitial condensation).

Many systems appear to be satisfactory, but may have interstitial condensation

damage occurring unobserved.

Some buildings require an in-depth review for possible condensation problems

and in particular, (and from my own experience), heated internal swimming pools
with an air conditioned environment can produce a whole range of unexpected

In some instances it is necessary that the vapour barrier has the characteristics of
a balloon for the total building area, as minor leaks (very small holes) through the
vapour barrier (within the roof system) can render the system useless.

It is of particular importance to review, with the air conditioning consultant,

whether the air conditioning system will be run on positive or negative pressure.
If it is positive then there is a possibility of high humidity laden air being forced
into all the cracks and cavities within the roof construction and ultimately causing
excessive condensation (in some instances to the point where further
consideration on the structural performance is required because of the additional
dead load of condensed water and saturated insulation).

Most of the work that we design in the Middle East requires double vapour
barriers (external and internal face), as temperature variations are considerable
with possible ranges being:-


External - 50 degrees Celsius to 10 degrees Celsius

Internal - 20 – 25 degrees Celsius

Figure 11. Dubai International Air Terminal
Extracts of a Condensation Report

Figure 12. Dubai International Air Terminal
Extracts of a Condensation Report

1.7 Buildability

The author has had project involvement where on-site manufacture is far more
preferable to using the normal factory produced products and shipping/trucking
onto the site.

As an example, the Bangkok International Air Terminal (Main Terminal

Building) roofing system (total area approximately 1,000,000 sq. ft.), was totally
manufactured in a factory built adjacent to the Main Terminal Building.
Produced in the factory was:-

• Roof Structural Steelwork (including industrial painting)

• Skylights
• Roofing, stretcher leveling, roll-forming and many structural and sheet metal

The total roof was assembled into pre-fabricated modules, each of 25ft. x 30ft.
and these were craned into position as a complete unit (weight approx 5 ton/unit).
It was not possible to factory fabricate components off-site because of the poor
condition of the road system adjacent to the airport.

Figure 13. The rear building (100,000 sq. ft) is the on-site factory at
Bangkok Airport, Thailand. This was a temporary
structure and demolished at the conclusion of the roof

Figure 14. Chadwick’s On-site Bangkok Air Terminal Factory
Production of Sun Louvres that formed part of the roof

This same system of on-site manufacturing has been used on roofing projects

• Kuala Lumpur International Air Terminal

• Hong Kong International Air Terminal
• Expo Railway Station, Singapore
• Dubai International Air Terminal
• Dubai Metro

An equally important component of buildability is safety, which also has to be a

major consideration in the design of our systems.

Scaffolding is an extremely costly system and in many instances, particularly in

grandstands, railway stations and factory type construction, the finished ceiling
can be incorporated into the roofing system and the whole system installed from
above the structural steelwork which allows for the development of a working
platform and safe working practices for installation.

Figure 15. Bangkok International Air Terminal, Thailand
Completed roof sections (25ft. x 30ft.) being craned into

1.8 Servicing & Maintenance

Another consideration in our design should be the life of the system.

Building economists will suggest the economic life of a building and this should
have some influence on the product/materials we propose and specify. An
example of what not to do, is on an unnamed project where the architect required
titanium cladding on a building with a maximum economic life of 40 years.
Costs could have been substantially reduced and still maintain material with
acceptable durability (and appearance).

1.9 Insulation

The Roof Consultant obviously needs to relate to the expectations of the

Mechanical Engineering/Air Conditioning Consultants to ensure that appropriate
levels of insulation are achieved to ensure suitable functioning of the air
conditioning system.

Today, with requirements for energy conversation, greenhouse gas omissions and
other manufacturing hazards together with the physical safety of the installer we

have to closely review all of the characteristics of the insulation we are

As with other materials in the roof construction, the type of insulation, quite
often, will depend on the geographic location of the manufacturing plant in
relation to the installation location.

The correct selection of insulation can also assist with certain of the previous
noted item including:-

• Condensation Control
• Sound Transmission Loss

A balance has to be made regarding the cost and likely performance requirements
for all of these items.

1.10 Contractor’s Expertise

In the selection of a suitable Contractor (Subcontractor) to undertake major

roofing works, in my opinion, the tender price should not be the sole determinant
in our selection of the successful Contractor.

We have all experienced widely differing levels of expertise amongst Contractors

and a review of staff training, equipment capability, financial stability and in
particular experience should be a prime consideration for selection on major

Staffing appears to vary considerably between Contractors with some Contractors

insisting on professional qualifications (e.g. engineering-building-construction
management) for their senior project personnel as opposed to long term
experienced (but unqualified) people.

In my experience a combination of both professional training and practical

experience, ultimately provides a good Contractor who must understand all
aspects of the work he is undertaking.

From my own experience an Engineering Degree (structural engineering) appears

to be the most appropriate initial qualification for our senior design and
construction personnel.

Figure 16. Rashidiya Metro Depot, Dubai
50metre length of roofing being carried from an elevated
production roll former.
(Very much an important decision in relation to buildability).


The above list is by no means complete but forms a good starting point for the review of
possible systems.

The remainder of this paper will review the roof construction of the Dubai
International Air Terminal Concourse.

Figure 17. Dubai International Air Terminal, Concourse II

All of the general considerations previously noted received some consideration in the
development of the final system for the Dubai International Terminal. I propose to
comment on several aspects of the design, manufacture and construction.

This is a most exceptional building and is a kilometre long (.63 mile). With ancillary
facilities the total cost is approximately 4 billion US.

The building provides 26 Aircraft loading bridges (with several being capable of
handling the new A380 Air Bus) and also includes two international hotels, massive
lounges and duty free shopping together with immigration, customs and baggage

Figure 18. Dubai International Air Terminal – Building Plan

Figure 19. Dubai International Air Terminal – Elliptical Part Cross Section

Figure 20. Dubai International Air Terminal – Interior at Departure Level.

The construction took over 4 years and the building became operational in October, 2008
(without any major difficulties).

The geometry of the building is also extremely unusual being partly cigar shaped with
double curvature geometry throughout and the cross section being an ellipse.

2.1 Aspects to be Reviewed

As both a Designer and Contractor the items I wish to now cover include:-

• Pricing
• Staffing
• On-Site & Off-Site production
• Building Geometry
• Roof construction Build-Up
• Design Development
• Testing
• Building Maintenance Unit
• Workforce

2.1.1 Pricing

Pricing whilst not being a “technical” component this is obviously

extremely important both to the Client and the Contractor for his survival.

Excluding minor fixing items there was probably 10 major material cost
centres involved in the construction. These included:-

Material Location
Galvanised Steel Structural Deck
Colour coated Steel Metal Roof Sheeting
EPDM Membrane Vapour Barrier/Sarking
Rockwool Insulation General Insulation
Glass reinforced Plasterboard Mass Layer – Acoustics
Extruded Aluminium External Tile Support
Composite Aluminium Panels External Cladding
Stainless Steel for Flashings & Concealed Gutters & Flashings
Secondary structural steelwork for Skylight Supports
support items.
Structural stainless steel BMU Rails

Particularly with the metal components, price and supply volatility creates
a major risk factor for the Contractor on a fixed price contract.

The main part of the construction of the Dubai Concourse took place
during a very volatile construction period in Dubai. This also created a
shortage of many standard materials with subsequent price increases.

Fortunately major suppliers generally can be sympathetic and if

appropriate financial arrangements are made e.g. establishment of Letters
of Credit (for product) then prices can be held firm for the duration of the

As with any pricing and contract review, a risk assessment is extremely

important and confirming material costs removes a substantial risk
component from the cost equation.

Labour, particularly on such a unique building, is a lot more difficult to

assess. However this risk, in some geographic areas, can be reduced as a
result of the low cost of labour.

In pricing such a project “preliminaries” and in particular Management
and Supervisory staff are a very substantial cost. Also when considering
all of the add-ons which occur including items such as motor vehicles,
accommodation, air travel, school fees, medical insurance etc. the
Management component deserves major consideration.

2.1.2 Staffing

Figure 21 – Management Structure Plan

As used on Dubai Concourse II Roofing.

Our total management structure occupied an on-site/office and the

standard working week was 10 hours per day and 6 days per week (not
unusual for major international contracts).

All of the senior staff including Management, Engineering, Material
Procurement, Supervision, Factory Management, were long term
employees in the roofing industry and had very acceptable CVs in relation
to airport construction having worked on projects such as:-

• Kuala Lumpur International Air Terminal

• Hong Kong International Air Terminal
• Bangkok International Air Terminal

As the management plan shows, we have several layers of

management/supervision with a formal reporting procedure and with all
drafting and external consultants reporting directly to the Design &
Engineering Director. It will be noted also that our management structure

• Safety Officer
• Quality Assurance Officer
• Materials Handling Supervisor
• Factory Manager (on-site production was our selected alternative)

In relation to both Safety and Quality Assurance, manuals were prepared

for both of these activities in accordance with ISO 9000 (refer Figure 22-
27). This manual was third party reviewed by the Client.

Our Design & Engineering Director, Engineers and Supervisors were also
responsible for the development of “Work Method Statements” which are
required for every activity and had to be submitted to the Client’s
representative before each section of the work could progress.

Figure 22 – 27. Quality Assurance (Extract)

Figure 23.

Figure 24.

Figure 25.

Figure 26.

Figure 27. Quality Assurance (Extract)

Figure 28. Safety Plan

Figure 29. Safety Plan

2.1.3 On-Site, Off-Site Production

Contractors have varying views about the advantage of on-site, off-site

production of roofing components.

The author believes that on-site production offers several advantages,

particularly when many of the components may be of excessive lengths
(as was the case for the Dubai Concourse 2).

Advantages may be:-

a) Transportation

• In areas where roads may be crowded and there is a

restriction on the times the trucks may use the roads.

• Loads are longer than practical in relation to the road


• Transport damage is a possibly.

On-site production assists in all of these areas. For the Dubai

International Air Terminal a factory of approximately 3,000 sq.
metres (30,000 sq. ft.), was established to produce:-

• Galvanised steel structural decking

• Secondary structural framing within the roof construction
• Fabricated welded stainless steel gutter system
• Roll-formed roof profile
• Stainless steel down pipes & sumps

Plant included in the on-site factory:-

• 2 Roll-formers
• 2 Purpose built curving machines
• Brake press
• Guillotine
• General sheet metal equipment
• Welding equipment

As mentioned earlier in this paper several of the components were

required to be profiled in an elliptical shape and this included the

structural decking (3 inches deep) and the roof sheet profile (2.5
inches rib height).

The curving was achieved by a crimp curving procedure with a

constant angle change, but the elliptical profile was developed by a
program which allowed variable spacing of the crimps. This was
able to produce a very accurate elliptical profile.

The curving machine was purpose made for the Dubai

International Air Terminal Project.
Transportation of the elliptical profiles and long (70 ft.) sections
will be covered later in this paper.

The factory produced components as required on-site from stocks

of raw material being housed within the complex. (Coil steel
painted and galvanized, and coil stainless steel).

The major advantage was that product was always available on-
site and with variable length material, sizing could be transferred
directly from site to factory in a short time span.

During the course of production for the Dubai Terminal the factory
handled in excess of 1,000 ton of coiled material.

Figure 30. Part of the Chadwick Dubai Terminal on-site

temporary factory with stocks of finished product
in the foreground.

2.1.4 Plant & Equipment

Apart from the roll-forming and curving equipment mentioned in the

previous chapter, special on-site transport vehicles needed to be developed
to be able to transport long length elliptical shaped product. Semi-trailers
were specially modified to have adjustable carrying racks. Also multi
lifting point spreader bars were transported with the trailer to allow for
ease of lifting.

All roofing products were craned into position using a 200 ton extended
reach cranes (mobile). As with all projects on an active airport,
considerable care had to be exercised in relation to the height and location
of the jib and also the location of on-site transport equipment on the active
side of the airport.

Crane lifts were not heavy. Reaching the correct locations was the
important requirement. Maximum weight of each lift would be no more
than 2 tons.

Figure 31. Detailed sketch of crane lifting roof into position

Figure 32. Crane lifting secondary components to the roof level.
Special on roof support platforms were required.

Figure 33. Roof profile rollforming machine (production exit end)

Figure 34. Roof profile rollforming Machine (material entry end).

Note: Rollformers are permanently housed in an insulated/air

conditioned container. It was found that high summer temperatures
cause production overheating to occur.

Figure 35. General Details

2.1.5 Building Geometry

Please refer to Figure 35 (General Details) which provides both a plan

view and cross section of the building.

As will be seen, the geometry is multi curvature with tapers occurring in

both plan and elevation and the cross section being elliptical in shape with
every construction rib being a different dimensioned ellipse.

Both in the structural decking and metal water-proofing, tapering occurred

to suit this difficult geometry and for the outer cladding tiles (theoretically
every tile is a different shape – approximately 30,000 tiles), special
programs were developed to determine the production size for these

Figure 36. Dubai International Air Terminal, Cladding Works

Note: The co-ordination of dimensions for cladding and horizontal

components of the skylights.

Figure 37. Shows co-ordination of the geometry and cladding.

The overall geometry was made more difficult as the tear drop shaped
skylight transoms also were required to align with the tapering
longitudinal joints in the external cladding system.

The program used for the development of the outer cladding panel size
was undertaken by a programmer with previous experience in the
development of programs for the tailoring of sailing spinnakers.

2.1.6 Design Development

Figure 38. Section through construction

Figure 39. The overall system consisted of many components .

A short comment will be made on each of these components in relation to design and or

i) Structural Decking

This is the structural decking that was roll-formed in the on-site

factory. It was specially developed for the project as the height
limit on the deck was 3 inches yet maximum spans were in excess
of 19ft. 6inch.

Engineering design figures for the structural decking are shown in

Figure 45 to 48 and some of the sheet metal technology, to
strengthen the profile with added deformation, was developed at
Sydney University. With the design calculations will be noted the
limit of deflection and also the anticipated dead and live loads.
As previously mentioned all of the decks are curved to an elliptical
profile by the crimped curve method.

The structural deck was fabricated from 1.2mm (18 gauge) thick
(galvanised) material.

In relation to the general design of structural decking, it has been

our experience that this is governed by deflection rather than load
capacity. (Incidentally I have found that the effect of deflection is
not well understood by some design professionals)

Figure 40. Drawing of structural deck

ii) Secondary Z Spacers

Secondary Z spacers are at 600mm (2ft.) centres, and are 100 (4

inch) deep (manufactured from 1.60mm galvanised steel (16
gauge). They are secured directly to the structural decking. The
purpose of these secondary Z sections is to assist in load
distribution to the structural deck and to provide support for the
plasterboard mass layer to be subsequently applied.

Figure 41. Z Spacers can be observed on top of the structural


iii) Insulation

Insulation is 100mm (4 inch) thick rockwool (45 kilograms/m3)

(2.8 pounds per cubic ft.) and was packed tightly between the Z
purlin sections.

Figure 42. Insulation being applied over the structural

iv) Mass Layer

A glass reinforced, glass matte faced plasterboard and its primary

function is to act as a deck to support the vapour barrier and as a
mass layer to assist in achieving the required sound transmission

(Sound Transmission Loss is an important feature of cladding

systems in an airport terminal and needs to be performance
balanced with the public address systems).

Figure 43. The black material to the right of the skylight is the
EPDM vapour barrier.

v) Vapour Barrier

The Vapour Barrier was then applied (spot stuck) to the

plasterboard with laps fully sealed. The 1.2mm EPDM sheeting
acts as both a vapour retardant barrier and also as a sarking during
the construction period (in the very unlikely event that rain

Depending on how the air conditioning is balanced (positive or

negative pressure) a full review of the vapour permeability of the
selected material is required. Metal (foil) based materials are
regarded as the best option, for an effective vapour barrier.

vi) Metal Profiled Roofing

Figure 44. Profiled Metal Roof Sheet

The main waterproofing layer is a profiled metal roof sheet (pre-

coated galvanized steel), 0.8mm thick (22 gauge) with 65mm high
(2.5 inch) ribs at 400mm (16 inch) centres. This is secured with
“secret fixed” extruded aluminium clips which are secured to the Z
sections as mentioned in item ii). The roof sheeting is able to slide
over these clips when thermal or building movement occurs.

vii) Cladding Support Framework

An extruded aluminium frame was then constructed and secured to

the bulb of the profiled metal roof sheeting. Spacing and
dimensions of these secondary components are shown of Fig 38 &
39 and the longitudinal support component is tapered in
accordance with the roof geometry.

Metal separation is achieved with an EPDM gasket between the

roof sheet and aluminium framework.

The outer tiles are 6mm “composite” aluminium panels with an
external fluorocarbon coating. These panels are reinforced to
allow for foot traffic and the detail and engineering data to allow
for the reinforcement is shown in Figures 45 to 48.

This component acts as a screen and has open joints. There have
been some interesting debates in relation to wind pressure on open
screen construction (relating to what pressure should be

Figure 45. Engineering Calculations

Figure 46. Engineering Calculations

Figure 47. Engineering Calculations

Figure 48. Engineering Calculations & Data

2.1.7 Testing

The client required substantial testing to be undertaken on the external

envelope system and three distinct areas of the project were “mocked-up”
and incorporated approximately 1,000m2 (approximately 11,000 sq. ft.) of
the finished cladding.

You are referred to Figure 49 to 58 which shows sketches of the tested

area, together with photographs of the actual testing rig and some of the

Figure 49. Sketches of tested area (1)

Figure 50. Sketch of tested Area (2)

Figure 51. Sketch of tested area (3).

Figure 52. Dubai International Air Terminal
Roof Mock-Up under construction.

Figure 53. Dubai International Air Terminal

Structural deck installation to Mock-Up

Figure 54. Dubai International Air Terminal (Mock Up)
Note: The extent of secondary steelwork and pre-cast concrete walls.

Figure 55. Dubai International Air Terminal

Mock-Up spray system

Figure 56. Dubai International Air Terminal
Testing for water penetration using aircraft engine

Figure 57. Mock Up Construction

Initial structural deck installation.

Figure 58. Dubai International Air Terminal
Insulation and plasterboard mass layer visible.

Figure 59. CSIRO Structural, Weather, and other Performance
Tests on Performance Mock Up Unit – 1

Figure 60. CSIRO Structural, Weather, and other Performance
Tests on Performance Mock Up Unit – 1

Figure 61. CSIRO Structural, Weather, and other Performance
Tests on Performance Mock Up Unit – 1

Figure 62. Dubai International Air Terminal
CSIRO Structural, Weather, and other Performance Tests
on Performance Mock Up Unit – 1

Secondary testing was also undertaken by Factory Mutual Inc in the USA,
and they had a joint role of both a testing authority and insurance advisor
for the Dubai International Terminal.

All systems used on the structure required FM approval relating to fire

resistance, water penetration and strength. The required wind uplift
classification was to satisfy UL Class 90.

Figure 63. Fire Testing (Factory Mutual, Boston, USA)

Figure 64. Fire Testing (Factory Mutual, Boston, USA)

Figure 65. Progressive construction of test specimen (structural
decking) – Factory Mutual, Boston, USA

Figure 66. Build–up for Structural Testing – Factory Mutual,

Boston, USA

Figure 67. Final roof sheeting being applied to test specimen –
Factory Mutual, Boston, USA

2.1.8 Building Maintenance Units

The bulk of the roof area is accessible for cleaning from a Building
Maintenance Unit (B.M.U) which runs on stainless steel rails which are
incorporated within the roof construction. Refer to Figure 68 which
shows the BMU rail construction.

Figure 68. Integration of BMU rail within the roof construction.

Figure 69. BMU
Elliptical BMU rails positioned during roof

Figure 70. BMU

Secondary BMU rails that run the full length of the

Figure 71. Building Maintenance Unit in position.

The spacing of the rails is approximately 9metres (30 ft.) and the BMU
spans between rails and has both on-board water and power outlets. As
can be imagined, the rails also are required to be of an elliptical shape and
with a heavy stainless steel box section (150x150x8mm) rolling the
appropriate elliptical shape required considerable innovation in
developing a variable program for roller wheel adjustment to achieve the

A considerable amount of engineering review was required in relation to

the load carrying capacity of the rail and in particular the welding capacity
for the attachment of the rail stanchions to the base plate

2.1.9 Climatic Conditions

From a contracting/installation viewpoint, it is appreciated that there are

substantial geographic areas within the United States where roof
installation is not possible because of severe snow and ice conditions.

In relation to the Dubai International Air Terminal the major climatic

problem was excessive temperature during the mid summer period.

Maximum summer ambient temperatures can reach the range of 45-50

degrees Celsius (113-122 degrees Fahrenheit). Obviously it is not
possible to undertake external works in these temperatures and a normal

mid summer working day would commence at 4.00am and finish at 12

On government sponsored projects in Dubai, allowable working hours

during summer are gazetted.

During this extreme temperature period worker health considerations are

foremost and medication in the form of both tablets and fluids are
available to all external workers who are encouraged to ensure adherence
to the required intake.

During the summer months and considering the previously stated ambient
temperature it is possible that exposed components may be 20-30 C°
hotter than the ambient condition.

Sandstorms are far more frequent than rain, and gutter and drainage
systems have to be maintained to ensure that sand build up does not
restrict water flow during the rare occasions when rain occurs.

Rain is normally limited to a 2 month period (during winter) and probably

averages, for the year, between 50mm (2 inches) to 100mm (4 inches).

2.1.10 Contractor’s Expertise

In discussions with Consultants and major General Contractors, it appears

that there are a limited number of Contractors available to undertake
projects of this magnitude ($US50,000,000+). Apart from the financial
considerations (Cash flow – Working Capital – Performance Bonds –
Supplier’s Payment Requirements), the management skills required to run
such a project and manage a labour force, which may exceed 500
applicators needs to be of an extremely proficient and professional level.

The pre-contract review of prospective Contractor’s for projects of this

magnitude should be extensive and consider all aspects of the operation,
not only the technical ability but the review should include a detailed
commercial and financial overview.

To ultimately achieve a successful project of the size of the Dubai

International Air Terminal requires the input of many disciplines

• Engineering (Structural)
• Engineering (Mechanical – Condensation)
• Engineering (Acoustics)

• Engineering (Metallurgical review)
• Manufacturing
• Risk Evaluation
• Financial & Cash Flow Planning
• Documentation Preparation including:-

Work Method Statements

Quality Assurance Programs
Safety Program
Product/Material Submission Program

• Construction Expertise
• Control of heavy Plant & Equipment
• Supervision
• Workmen Quality/Training

Without acceptance of the importance of the above, very quickly

major projects can develop into a commercial and technical disaster
which certainly will limit the achievement of the desired result.


Both from a design and construction viewpoint the Dubai International Air
Terminal was one of the most difficult projects that the author has been involved
with in his 50 years+ experience in the Roofing and Cladding industry.

Fortunately the overall final results are self evident, with the completion of a very
successful building.

In relation to the roof construction, this work has now received several awards

• NRCA – Gold Circle Award for Innovation

• NRCA – Safety Award
• Metal Roofing & Cladding Association of Australia
• Royal Australian Institute of Building (National Professional Excellence in
Building Award)


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