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Software quality is defined as a field of study and practice that describes the desirable
attributes of software products. There are two main approaches to software quality: defect
management and quality attributes.


A software defect can be regarded as any failure to address end-user requirements. Common
defects include missed or misunderstood requirements and errors in design, functional logic,
data relationships, process timing, validity checking, and coding errors.

The software defect management approach is based on counting and managing defects.
Defects are commonly categorized by severity, and the numbers in each category are used for
planning. More mature software development organizations use tools, such as defect leakage
matrices (for counting the numbers of defects that pass through development phases prior to
detection) and control charts, to measure and improve development process capability.


This approach to software quality is best exemplified by fixed quality models, such as
ISO/IEC 25010:2011. This standard describes a hierarchy of eight quality characteristics,
each composed of sub-characteristics:

1. Functional suitability
2. Reliability
3. Operability
4. Performance efficiency
5. Security
6. Compatibility
7. Maintainability
8. Transferability
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 Software Quality Model

Additionally, the standard defines a quality-in-use model composed of five characteristics:

1. Effectiveness
2. Efficiency
3. Satisfaction
4. Safety
5. Usability

A fixed software quality model is often helpful for considering an overall understanding of
software quality. In practice, the relative importance of particular software characteristics
typically depends on software domain, product type, and intended usage. Thus, software
characteristics should be defined for, and used to guide the development of, each product.


Software Quality:-
Software Quality is a term used to measure the degree of excellence of software. Software
Quality attributes are extremely important while designing a software application.
A successful app reflects the customers’ needs, boosts user satisfaction, and brings value to
them in a secure and reliable product. In other words, thanks to quality assurance, the
software development team ensure the quality of a digital product. This makes software
quality control so necessary in the process in every industry. As long as there’s a target
audience involved, you have to go deeper beyond a superficial look and focus on quality
Taking care of code quality during development process begins with choosing the technology
– we approach each software development project individually to fulfill its
specified requirements and deliver greater value. We pick the tools depending on the client’s
Software QA stands for software quality assurance, and it’s a pretty big deal because without
it… well, the quality of software goes down, resulting in worse experiences for users.
Software quality assurance (SQA) is a methodology to ensure that the quality of the
software product complies with a predetermined set of standards. What is the purpose of
software quality assurance? SQA is not just a step in the development process; it functions in
parallel with the software development life cycle.

SQA tests every block of this process individually to identify issues before they become
major problems.

 Externally, businesses evaluate efficiency, reliability, and cost of maintenance.

 Internal characteristics tested by software QA processes include structure, complexity,
readability, flexibility, testability, and the coding practices developers have followed
to develop the software.


Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is the process of monitoring the development of software
to ensure that it meets the quality standards set by the organization. The importance of system
testing is not to be looked down upon. If neglected, it can harm the organization greatly. The
benefits of implementing SQA include:
Software Quality Assurance (SQA) helps to increase the reliability and stability of software
by identifying and correcting defects early in the development process. By implementing a
robust SQA process, organizations can ensure that software meets the needs of end-users and
customers and that it functions correctly and is free of defects.
Software quality assurance (SQA) improves customer satisfaction by ensuring that the
software meets or exceeds their expectations and requirements. By identifying and fixing
defects early in the development process, SQA can reduce the likelihood of customer
complaints or issues with the software.
SQA can also help to improve the overall quality of the software and make it more likely to
meet customer needs. By using SQA methodologies and tools, organizations can provide
high-quality software that is more likely to be well-received by customers. In summary, it
helps to ensure that the software is of high quality, meets customer needs, and reduces the
likelihood of customer complaints, leading to an overall increase in customer satisfaction.
When you examine each phase and make the necessary modifications as soon as possible,
you save the expense of repeated effort throughout development. Software quality assurance
is the technique that helps the team to resolve current and future problems while saving
money. It can reduce costs by identifying and correcting defects early in the development
process before they become expensive to fix.
Low-quality software not only reduces user acceptance but also jeopardizes the company’s
reputation. SQA can help to improve the efficiency of the software and enhance the overall
quality of software products.
Any business is only as good as its products. Mistakes that result in low-quality software may
be damaging to the company’s reputation. SQA can help organizations to ensure compliance
with industry standards and regulations.
High-quality software means modern, reliable, easy to use and bug-free. SQA guarantees that
software is tested and satisfies the elements of good software, resulting in high software
SQA helps to improve overall project management by providing a structured approach to
testing and quality control.
SQA promotes better communication between development and testing teams, as well as
between the organization and the customers, by identifying and resolving issues early on.
SQA helps to identify and mitigate potential risks in the software development process, which
can help to prevent costly errors and defects.
By identifying and resolving issues early on in the development cycle, SQA can help to speed
up the time-to-market for the software, which can provide a competitive advantage.
Poor quality software is expected to have a $2.08 trillion economic effect in the United
States. It covers failed IT/software initiatives, low-quality software in legacy systems, and
operational software failures. Aside from financial damage, software failures have a bad
influence on the reputation of a company. SQA is an essential part of the software
development process that helps to ensure that the software meets the needs of the customers,
is free of defects, is of high quality and upholds the brand’s reputation in the industry.
There are 7 stages or phases to the SDLC, all with their own unique activities and task
completion list. These 7 phases provide a roadmap of what needs to be done in order for the
software to be completed and delivered.


This is the first phase of the SDLC. During this phase is when the determination of whether a
need exists or not for a new system to improve business operations. Once the need has been
determined (or the problem identified), solutions need to be found.
Information and resources are gathered during this phase to support the need for a new
system or improvement to an already existing one. Based on the information supporting the
need, solutions are devised and submitted for approval.
During this phase is a good idea to brush up on current web development industry trends in
order to have the most up-to-date information and resources to meet the need.


This is where the proposed solutions are examined until one is found that best matches the
overall strategy and goals of the company. During this phase, planning is still conducted but
on a much deeper analytical level.
The problem and associated systems are analysed to determine the functional requirements
for the project or the solution. These would be the requirements that the new system needs to
meet in order to solve the problem and align with corporate strategy.
This is where a timeline is chosen, who is responsible for individual parts is determined, and
how the needs of the business can be met.

Just as it sounds this is where the new system or software will be designed. The parameters
will be discussed with stakeholders along with the technologies to be used, project
constraints, and time and budget. After review, the best design approach is chosen that will
meet the requirements determined in the second phase.
The design approach that is chosen will need to provide a definition of all components that
need to be developed, user flows and database communications, and communications with
third-party services.

The development phase is where actual real work begins on the new system or software.
Typically, a programmer, network engineer, or database developer, or any combination will
be brought on to begin writing source code.
It’s important during this phase to have a flow chart created. This flow chart is used to ensure
that the system’s processes are properly organized.
While this phase usually pertains to the development of the actual software to be used, in the
prototype model, this is the phase in which the prototype is developed. The prototype is then
continuously developed and tested until it meets the needs of the customer and the customer
is satisfied. After that, the prototype returns one final time to this phase.
During its last trip to the development phase, it will be developed and turned into the actual
software or system to be used.


During this phase, experienced testers will begin to test the software or system against the
requirements. The goal is to identify any defects within the system and whether or not it
behaves in accordance with the documented requirements from the second phase.
This phase is crucial to delivering the software. It is common to bounce back and forth from
the testing phase to the development phase. This is because as defects or problems are found
within the software or system it is noted and sent back to the development phase for a
There is a couple of different ways testers can test systems and software. They can either
use a test script or use exploratory testing.
Using a test script will automatically run a series of predetermined tests to make sure the
system is in compliance with the requirements. Using exploratory testing is more experience-
based. The tester will test the new system by exploring its uses, features, and capabilities by
operating the new system or software. The tester will navigate the system based on
experience alone and will evaluate whether it meets requirements or not.
Once all requirements have been met by the system the tester will pass the system or software
onto the next phase. Depending upon the scope and size of the problems with the system this
could take anywhere from a few days to a few months to occur

Again, just as it sounds, this is the phase when the new system is implemented into
normal business operations. The new software or system is installed requiring more code
to be written as well as moving of any files or data to the new system.

Because of the risk of interrupting business operations during the install, this phase will
usually occur during non-peak hours. This is because of the potential for any errors with
integration or transfer. While the goal is to minimize these errors, they can occur and
when they occur during peak hours the company can lose out on productivity and

End-users and analysts should be seeing the first glimpses of the finished system and the
changes it will bring to the company.


The final phase of the SDLC involves regular maintenance and pushing out mandated
updates. Here end-users have the ability to fine-tune the system to better suit future needs.

IT will be able to install new updates remotely, while also assisting in customizing the
system to continuously meet the needs of the company. IT is also responsible for
correcting any future errors or issues that may arise. No system is perfect and ongoing
maintenance is a necessary part of any new system or software project .

There are 5 views in software quality

1. VALUE BASED (Engineer to Price)

2. USER BASED (Fitness for Purpose)
3. PROCESS BASED (Conformance to Requirement)
4. PRODUCT BASED (You get what you pay for)
5. TRANSCEDENT (Excellence)

1. VALUE BASED:- Quality depends on the amount the customer is willing to pay for it
The value-based view relates the concepts discussed in the previous section. It deals
with the multiplicity of views of various stakeholders and the fact that there is not one
view of quality that is always right. It is in line with the fitness-for-purpose definition
and another influential definition of quality that states: "Quality is all the features that
allow a product to satisfy stated or implied needs at an affordable cost" (ISO 8402).

2. USER BASED: - Quality is fitness for purpose. This view of quality evaluates the
product in a task context, how the product meets the user's needs. It can thus be a
highly personalized view. This view is often measured by reliability, usability. The
user view is grounded in product characteristics that meet the user's needs. This view
takes an evaluative view and examines the product in terms of meeting user
requirements. This view is therefore the one adopted by Crosby (1979), who has put
forth one of the most influential and well-publicized definitions of quality: Quality is
conformance to requirements.

3. MANUFACTURING BASED:- Quality is conformance to specification. It focuses

on how well the product was constructed, in an effort to avoid the costs associated
with rework during development and after delivery. Defect counts and rework costs
are two characteristics to measure.

4. PRODUCT BASED:- Quality is tied to inherent product characteristics. It assumes

that measuring and controlling internal product properties (internal quality indicators)
will result in improved external product behaviour (quality in use).

5. TRANSCEDENT BASED:- Quality is something that can be recognized but not

defined. The transcendental view is the ethereal notion that you'll know it when you
see it.
One of the important features of a Bayesian approach is the relative ease with which
hierarchical models can be constructed and estimated using Gibbs sampling. In fact, one of
the key reasons for the recent growth in the use of Bayesian methods in the social sciences is
that the use of hierarchical models has also increased dramatically in the last two decades.

Hierarchical models serve two purposes. One purpose is methodological; the other is

In 1978, B.W. Boehm introduced his software quality model. The model represents a
hierarchical quality model similar to the McCall Quality Model to define software quality
using a predefined set of attributes and metrics, each of which contributes to the overall
quality of software.

Boehm’s model has three levels for quality attributes. These levels are divided based on
their characteristics. These levels are:-

Primary uses (high-level characteristics).

Intermediate constructs (mid-level characteristics).

Primitive constructs (primitive characteristics).


The highest level of Boehm’s model has the following three primary uses stated as below –
1. AS IS THE UTILITY: The extent to which, we can use software as-is.
2. MAINTAINABILITY: Effort required to detect and fix an error during
3. PORTABILITY: Effort required to change the software to fit in a new


The next level of Boehm’s hierarchical model consists of seven quality factors
associated with three primary uses, stated below –

1. Portability: Effort required to change the software to fit in a new

2. Reliability: The extent to which software performs according to
3. Efficiency: Amount of hardware resources and code required to execute a
4. Usability (Human Engineering): Extent of effort required to learn,
operate and understand functions of the software.
5. Testability: Effort required to verify that software performs its intended
6. Understandability: Effort required for a user to recognize a logical
concept and its applicability.
7. Modifiability: Effort required to modify software during the maintenance

Boehm further classified characteristics into Primitive constructs as follows- device

independence, accuracy, completeness, consistency, device efficiency, accessibility,
communicativeness, self-descriptiveness, legibility, structuredness, conciseness, and
augment-ability. For example- Testability is broken down into:- accessibility,
communicativeness, structuredness, and self-descriptiveness.
Defects are defined as the deviation of the actual and expected result of system or software
application. Defects can also be defined as any deviation or irregularity from the
specifications mentioned in the product functional specification document. Defects are
caused by the developer in development phase of software. When a developer or
programmer during the development phase makes some mistake then that turns into bugs
that are called defects. It is basically caused by the developers’ mistakes. Defect in a
software product represents the inability and inefficiency of the software to meet the
specified requirements and criteria and subsequently prevent the software application to
perform the expected and desired working.

TYPES OF DEFECTS: Following are some of the basic types of defects in the
software development:
1. ARITHMETIC DEFECTS: It includes the defects made by the
developer in some arithmetic expression or mistake in finding solution of
such arithmetic expression. This type of defects are basically made by the
programmer due to access work or less knowledge. Code congestion may
also lead to the arithmetic defects as programmer is unable to properly
watch the written code.
2. LOGICAL DEFECTS: Logical defects are mistakes done regarding the
implementation of the code. When the programmer doesn’t understand the
problem clearly or thinks in a wrong way then such types of defects
happen. Also, while implementing the code if the programmer doesn’t
take care of the corner cases, then logical defects happen. It is basically
related to the core of the software.
3. SYNTAX DEFECTS: Syntax defects means mistake in the writing style
of the code. It also focuses on the small mistake made by developer while
writing the code. Often the developers do the syntax defects as there might
be some small symbols escaped. For example, while writing a code in C++
there is possibility that a semicolon (;) is escaped.

4. MULTITHREADING DEFECTS: Multithreading means running or

executing the multiple tasks at the same time. Hence in multithreading
process there is possibility of the complex debugging. In multithreading
processes sometimes there is condition of the deadlock and the starvation
is created that may lead to system’s failure.

5. INTERFACE DEFECTS: Interface defects means the defects in the

interaction of the software and the users. The system may suffer different
kinds of the interface testing in the forms of the complicated interface,
unclear interface or the platform-based interface.
6. PERFORMANCE DEFECTS: Performance defects are the defects when
the system or the software application is unable to meet the desired and
the expected results. When the system or the software application doesn’t
fulfill the users’s requirements then that is the performance defects. It also
includes the response of the system with the varying load on the system.

7. SOFTWARE ERROR: A software error occurs during the development

of the software. This error can be in the form of a grammatical error, a
logical error where the outcome of a sequence of executions will not result
in what was intended or a misinterpretation of the user requirements in the
actual written code. It may be in the form of user documentation not
matching the software applications operation. An error may or may not be
detected during the coding or testing of the program before it is released to
a customer.

8. SOFTWARE FAULT: A software fault occurs as a result of an error that

remains in the executing program. Not all faults however are detected and
the software may continue executing without any obvious problems. There
are cases where software faults go undetected for many years of a
program’s existence.

9. SOFTWARE FAILURE: A software failure is a fault that results in a

detectable problem; hence it is referred to as a failure. A failure would
cause the application to malfunction in an obvious manner that warrants
the attention of system maintenance.

10. BOUNDARY AND RANGE DEFECTS: These defects relate to issues

where the software does not handle inputs or data outside of specified
boundaries or ranges correctly. For example, not handling edge cases or
boundary values appropriately.

11. DATA VALIDATION DEFECTS: It involves failing to validate user

inputs, leading to potential security vulnerabilities or incorrect data

12. DEPLOYMENT DEFECTS: It includes setup mistakes, installation

issues and problems that stop the software from functioning properly in a
real-world setting.

13. INTEGRATION DEFECTS: When different software modules or

components do not function well together, integration errors result.
Problems with data synchronization, communication, and functionality
may result from this.

14. DOCUMENTATION DEFECTS: These refer to errors or issues in the

accompanying documentation, including user manuals, help files or API
documentation. Incomplete or inaccurate documentation can lead to user
15. DATA DEFECTS: These can result in data corruption or loss,
inconsistent data storage or issues with data retrieval. For example, data
validation errors could lead to incorrect data being stored.


One of the most immediate consequences of poor software development is increased

maintenance costs. When software is riddled with bugs and inefficiencies, it requires constant
attention and updates. This means more time and resources spent on fixing issues rather than
improving and expanding your software.


Low-quality software can also hinder your ability to seize new business opportunities. If your
software is unreliable or lacks critical features, potential clients or partners may be hesitant to
collaborate with your company. This missed revenue can have a significant long-term impact
on your bottom line.


Your company's reputation is one of its most valuable assets. Poorly developed software can
lead to negative reviews, customer complaints, and a tarnished brand image. Rebuilding trust
after a reputation hit can be a long and costly process.


Security vulnerabilities are a serious concern in software development. Poorly designed

software is more likely to have security flaws, potentially exposing sensitive data and leading
to costly data breaches or legal issues.


If your software doesn't align with your business processes or hampers productivity, your
employees may spend more time working around its limitations. This inefficiency can lead to
wasted time and resources.
Software quality is defined as a field of study and practice that describes the desirable
attributes of software products. There are two main approaches to software quality: defect
management and quality attributes.


A software defect can be regarded as any failure to address end-user requirements. Common
defects include missed or misunderstood requirements and errors in design, functional logic,
data relationships, process timing, validity checking, and coding errors.

The software defect management approach is based on counting and managing defects.
Defects are commonly categorized by severity, and the numbers in each category are used for
planning. More mature software development organizations use tools, such as defect leakage
matrices (for counting the numbers of defects that pass through development phases prior to
detection) and control charts, to measure and improve development process capability.

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is a process that assures that all software engineering
processes, methods, activities, and work items are monitored and comply with the defined
standards. These defined standards could be one or a combination of anything like ISO 9000,
CMMI model, ISO15504, etc.
SQA incorporates all software development processes starting from defining requirements to
coding until release. Its prime goal is to ensure quality.

Software quality assurance plays a vital role in the software development life cycle.
Enterprises are constantly churning out software applications left, right, and centre to keep up
with the increasing demand. While releasing software applications is one thing, it’s crucial to
ensure that the product works the way you want it to.

Software quality assurance (SQA) is a methodology to ensure that the quality of the software
product complies with a predetermined set of standards.

What is the purpose of software quality assurance? SQA is not just a step in the development
process; it functions in parallel with the software development life cycle. Businesses must
ascertain that every part of the software, internal and external, is up to the predefined
standard. SQA tests every block of this process individually to identify issues before they
become major problems.

 Externally, businesses evaluate efficiency, reliability, and cost of maintenance.

 Internal characteristics tested by software QA processes include structure, complexity,
readability, flexibility, testability, and the coding practices developers have followed
to develop the software.


1. DEFECT PREVENTION: It is always better to prevent defects and errors in the

software product than to correct them later. And so, the first principle of SQA
emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing potential issues early in the
software development lifecycle. Unlike quality control, SQA focuses on fixing the
root cause of defects and errors, and not just the symptoms.

2. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: Here’s the thing: SQA is not a one-time thing.

It is more like an ongoing process you need to integrate into your software
development lifecycle. In other words, the second principle, i.e., continuous
improvement underlines the need to consistently monitor and improve the quality of
the software product.

3. STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT: SQA must involve all stakeholders in the

software development process, including customers, developers, testers, QA team
leads, and project managers. And thus, this third principle talks about the importance
of collaboration and communication between the involved parties to ensure a smooth
software development process.
4. RISK-BASED APPROACH: Last but not least, SQA must focus on identifying and
addressing the most significant risks in the software product. Simply put, this
principle emphasizes the importance of prioritizing risks based on their potential
impact on the software product.


To implement SQA effectively, it is essential to follow a structured approach. You can follow
the below-mentioned steps to implement SQA:

1. DEFINE QUALITY STANDARDS: Clearly define the quality standards that your
software product must meet. This includes defining requirements, acceptance criteria,
and performance metrics. These standards should be agreed upon by all stakeholders,
including the development team, management, and customers.

2. PLAN SQA ACTIVITIES: Develop a plan for the SQA activities that will be
performed throughout the software development life cycle. This plan should include
reviews, testing, and documentation activities. It should also specify who will be
responsible for each activity and when it will be performed.

3. CONDUCT REVIEWS: Conduct reviews of software artifacts such as requirements,

design documents, and code. These reviews should be conducted by a team of experts
who are not directly involved in the development process. This will help identify
defects early in the development process and reduce the cost of fixing them later.

4. PERFORM TESTING: Perform different types of testing such as unit testing,

integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. Use automated testing tools
to increase efficiency and reduce the risk of human error.

5. MONITOR AND MEASURE: Monitor and measure the quality of the software
product throughout the development process. This includes tracking defects,
analysing metrics such as code coverage and defect density, and conducting root
cause analysis.

6. IMPROVE CONTINUOUSLY: Continuously improve the SQA process by

analysing the results of the monitoring and measuring activities. Use this data to
identify areas for improvement and implement changes to the SQA process.

We have divided this section into parts based on the approaches to software quality




The software quality defect management approach focuses on counting and managing
defects. The level of severity can generally categorize defects. Software development
teams use tools like defect leakage matrices and clear and concise control charts to
measure and enhance the capability of their software development process.


The software quality attributes approach works by helping software engineers analyse
the performance of a software product. This approach focuses on directing the
engineer’s attention to several quality factors. While some of these attributes may
overlap or fall under another, there are five essential quality characteristics that you
should consider:


Reliability reflects the system’s ability to continue operating overtime under different
working environments and conditions. The application should consistently return
correct results.


Software applications should be easy to learn and navigate. This user-friendliness and
effectiveness of utilizing the product are called usability.


This software QA attribute indicates how well the system uses all the available
resources. It is shown by the amount of time the system needs to finish any task.


It shows how easy it is to maintain different system versions and support changes and
upgrades cost-effectively.

This software quality assurance attribute demonstrates the system’s ability to run
effectively on various platforms — for example, data portability, viewing, hosting,
and more.




The traditional approach, also known as the Waterfall mode, includes a sequential
process where each phase of the software development lifecycle is completed before
moving on to the next phase. Similarly, SQA is performed at the end of each phase to
ensure that the requirements have been met before moving to the next phase. This
approach involves requirement analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance to
ensure that the software product is developed with minimal errors and defects and
meets the desired quality standards.


The Agile approach to SQA is an iterative, incremental, and flexible approach that
focuses on delivering software products in small increments. This approach
emphasizes collaboration between the development team and the stakeholders for a
seamless and quick development process. Agile SQA is quite popular and focuses on
self-organizing teams, continuous integration and testing, continuous delivery, and
continuous feedback to ensure a high-quality software product.


Next is the DevOps approach. This is basically a combination of development and IT

operations to ensure that the software product meets the requirements of the
customers. This approach emphasizes collaboration, automation, and continuous
delivery to deliver the software product quickly and efficiently. Just like
Agile, DevOps best practices comprise continuous integration, continuous testing, and
continuous deployment to deliver a high-quality product. This approach is great for
projects that require frequent updates.


This is a data-driven approach that focuses on reducing defects and errors in the
software product. The approach uses statistical tools and techniques to measure and
improve the quality of the software product. It is suitable for projects that prioritize
reducing defects and errors.


This is an approach that focuses on efficiency and waste reduction in the software
development process. It emphasizes continuous improvement and the elimination of
non-value-added activities. It is suitable for projects that require a focus on efficiency
and waste reduction.



This is an approach that focuses on continuous integration and deployment of

software products. The CI/CD approach emphasizes automation, continuous testing,
and continuous delivery of software products. It is suitable for projects that require
continuous integration and deployment.


This approach involves writing automated tests before writing the code to ensure that
the code meets the requirements and specifications of the software product. TDD
SQA involves various activities, such as writing unit tests, running the tests, and
refactoring the code, to ensure that the software product is of high quality.


Last but not least, the risk-based approach to SQA involves identifying and managing
the risks associated with the software product. This approach is made up of risk
assessment, risk mitigation, and risk monitoring to ensure that the software product
meets the established standards.
Quality Control or commonly also abbreviated as QC which means quality control. QC can
be needed in a variety of industrial sectors, from manufacturing to hand production.
Quality Control is a process that in essence can make the entity a quality reviewer of all
factors involved in a production activity.
Quality control or quality control that can involve developing systems to ensure that products
and services are designed and produced to meet or exceed the requirements of customers and
producers themselves.

There are 3 aspects that are emphasized in this quality control, which are as follows:

 Elements such as control, management of a job, defined and well-managed processes,

integrity and performance criteria, and an identification of records.
 Competence, as in science, skills, experience, and qualifications.
 Soft elements, such as staffing, integrity, trust, organizational culture, motivation,
team spirit, and also a quality relationship.


 Documenting inspections and tests on a company's products.

 Analyze, monitor, then test and also research the entire product.
 Recommend to a company to reprocess every product that will have low quality.
 Monitoring a process in product manufacturing.
 Verify product quality.
 Monitor the development of all products produced.
 Ensure that every item that has been produced has a quality that has met the standards
set by a company.
 Conduct various analyses and document a product that can be reused as a future


 Provide a quality or quality of products and work activities.

 Control costs or costs.
 Accuracy in delivery or delivery.
 Guarantee a safety or Safety.
 Environment or also environmentally friendly.
 Fulfill a customer's desire for a product and service.
 Produce an excellent quality product and environmentally friendly.
These specific quality control tasks vary widely, depending on the industry in which they
work. This quality control has the authority to be able to accept or reject the product to be

No matter in the industry sector in which they work, their main goal is to control quality, test
a product according to factory specifications or in a company.

When they find a defect in a production they are authorized and can send a defective product
back for repair.

The essence of their task is to be able to test, check, research, and analyze a product quality
so that the product that can be produced is in accordance with company standards and
feasibility to be circulated in the market.


 Quality is to be able to fulfill the wishes expected by customers, namely by providing

goods and services that will satisfy.
 Quality Control is Top Management to all employees who really feel and realize that
Quality is the soul of a company.
 The first step that must be done in researching Quality Control is to use Plan-Do-
Action or also referred to as Deming Circle.


 Conduct a monitoring of a production process from the beginning of the process until
it becomes finished goods.
 Notify Quality Control Supervisors if there are process discrepancies.
 Approve a finished product or finish goods.
 Perform a sampling per stay (retain).
 Make a daily process observation report.
 Carry out various other duties assigned by the Quality Control supervisor.
 To be able to ensure products and services that have been designed and produced so
that they have met the requirements of customers or the producers themselves.


 The first step that must be done in researching Quality Control is to really understand
and be able to understand the state of both weaknesses and strengths that exist in
 Furthermore, it is able to reduce various mistakes on yourself.
 After finding the cause of the problem, take from causes number 1 and 2, discard
causes number 3, 4 and so on.
 Don't just look at the results but check the process one by one.
 Check and convince a fact that is in the field, with products and data.
 Make an observation on the average value of the data results, because there could be
an imbalance in an average value.
 Do not only conduct an investigation, but also the results of the investigation are
checked one by one the process.
 How to work and the sequence of work should not only be conveyed orally but
conveyed in a written form.
 If you see something abnormal, immediately take an action, stop, machine, contact
maintenance, and immediately find the cause and also take corrective action.
 Do not let the same mistake repeat itself.


1. Quality Control (QC) education and experience, namely a high school diploma or also
a Diploma or Bachelor in the field in accordance with the work above.
2. Must have good oral and written communication skills.
3. Must be good at arithmetic calculations and have a mechanical aptitude when
4. More than 2 years of experience is usually required to be able to become Quality
Control (QC) in the required field.
5. The ability to be able to use computers and utilities is also a must have Quality
Control (QC).
6. With a training and certification program offered by international organizations can
help to get a job as a Quality Control (QC).
7. To be able to have a working knowledge of other departments of a company and the
rules and regulations that can help to be able to maintain quality standards in a more
effective way.



 Quality Assurance (QA) focuses on defect prevention while Quality Control (QC)
focuses on identifying or finding defects.
 In Quality Assurance (QA), we look for the most effective way to be able to avoid
defects while in Quality Control (QC) we strive to be able to detect defects and then
look for ways of improvement to make the quality of a product better.
 Quality Assurance (QA) is a pro-active process while Quality Control (QC) is a
reactive process.
 Quality Assurance (QA) is a process-based approach while Quality Control (QC) is a
product-based approach.
 Quality Assurance (QA) involves the process of handling a quality problem while
Quality Control (QC) verifies the quality of the product itself (on the product).
 Quality Audit is an example of a process in Quality Assurance (QA) while Inspection
and Testing of a product is an example of a process in Quality Control (QC).

In Software Engineering, Software Configuration Management (SCM) is a process to

systematically manage, organize, and control the changes in the documents, codes, and other
entities during the Software Development Life Cycle. The primary goal is to increase
productivity with minimal mistakes. SCM is part of cross-disciplinary field of configuration
management and it can accurately determine who made which revision.


The primary reasons for Implementing Technical Software Configuration Management
System are:

 There are multiple people working on software which is continually updating

 It may be a case where multiple version, branches, authors are involved in a software
config project, and the team is geographically distributed and works concurrently
 Changes in user requirement, policy, budget, schedule need to be accommodated.
 Software should able to run on various machines and Operating Systems
 Helps to develop coordination among stakeholders
 SCM process is also beneficial to control the costs involved in making changes to a


 Configuration Identification.
 Baselines.
 Change Control.
 Configuration Status Accounting.
 Configuration Audits and Reviews.

Configuration identification is a method of determining the scope of the software
system. With the help of this step, you can manage or control something even if you
don’t know what it is. It is a description that contains the CSCI type (Computer
Software Configuration Item), a project identifier and version information.

Activities during this process:

Identification of configuration Items like source code modules, test case, and
requirements specification.
Identification of each CSCI in the SCM repository, by using an object-oriented

The process starts with basic objects which are grouped into aggregate objects.
Details of what, why, when and by whom changes in the test are made

Every object has its own features that identify its name that is explicit to all
other objects

List of resources required such as the document, the file, tools, etc.


Instead of naming a File login.php its should be named login_v1.2.php where

v1.2 stands for the version number of the file

Instead of naming folder “Code” it should be named “Code_D” where D

represents code should be backed up daily.

A baseline is a formally accepted version of a software configuration item. It is
designated and fixed at a specific time while conducting the SCM process. It can only
be changed through formal change control procedures.

Activities during this process:

 Facilitate construction of various versions of an application

 Defining and determining mechanisms for managing various versions of these
work products
 The functional baseline corresponds to the reviewed system requirements
 Widely used baselines include functional, developmental, and product baselines

In simple words, baseline means ready for release.

Change control is a procedural method which ensures quality and consistency when
changes are made in the configuration object. In this step, the change request is
submitted to software configuration manager.

Activities during this process:

 Control ad-hoc change to build stable software development environment.

Changes are committed to the repository.
 The request will be checked based on the technical merit, possible side effects and
overall impact on other configuration objects.
 It manages changes and making configuration items available during the software
Configuration status accounting tracks each release during the SCM process. This
stage involves tracking what each version has and the changes that lead to this

Activities during this process:

 Keeps a record of all the changes made to the previous baseline to reach a new
 Identify all items to define the software configuration
 Monitor status of change requests
 Complete listing of all changes since the last baseline
 Allows tracking of progress to next baseline
 Allows to check previous releases/versions to be extracted for testing


Software Configuration audits verify that all the software product satisfies the baseline
needs. It ensures that what is built is what is delivered.

Activities during this process:

 Configuration auditing is conducted by auditors by checking that defined

processes are being followed and ensuring that the SCM goals are satisfied.
 To verify compliance with configuration control standards. auditing and reporting
the changes made
 SCM audits also ensure that traceability is maintained during the process.
 Ensures that changes made to a baseline comply with the configuration status
 Validation of completeness and consistency.

1.Configuration Manager

 Configuration Manager is the head who is Responsible for identifying configuration

 CM ensures team follows the SCM process
 He/She needs to approve or reject change requests

2. Developer

 The developer needs to change the code as per standard development activities or
change requests. He is responsible for maintaining configuration of code.
 The developer should check the changes and resolves conflicts

3. Auditor

 The auditor is responsible for SCM audits and reviews.

 Need to ensure the consistency and completeness of release.

4. Project Manager:

 Ensure that the product is developed within a certain time frame

 Monitors the progress of development and recognizes issues in the SCM process
 Generate reports about the status of the software system
 Make sure that processes and policies are followed for creating, changing, and testing

5. User
The end user should understand the key SCM terms to ensure he has the latest version of the


The SCMP (Software Configuration management planning) process planning begins at the
early coding phases of a project. The outcome of the planning phase is the SCM plan which
might be stretched or revised during the project.

 The SCMP can follow a public standard like the IEEE 828 or organization specific
 It defines the types of documents to be management and a document naming.
Example Test_v1
 SCMP defines the person who will be responsible for the entire SCM process and
creation of baselines.
 Fix policies for version management & change control
 Define tools which can be used during the SCM process
 Configuration management database for recording configuration information.


Any Change management software should have the following 3 Key features:

 Concurrency Management:

When two or more tasks are happening at the same time, it is known as concurrent
operation. Concurrency in context to SCM means that the same file being edited by
multiple persons at the same time. If concurrency is not managed correctly with SCM
tools, then it may create many pressing issues.

 Version Control:

SCM uses archiving method or saves every change made to file. With the help of
archiving or save feature, it is possible to roll back to the previous version in case of

 Synchronization:

Users can check out more than one files or an entire copy of the repository. The user
then works on the needed file and checks in the changes back to the repository. They
can synchronize their local copy to stay updated with the changes made by other team
Testing is a broad and fast-growing space that is decades-old, rich and equipped
with the agility to constantly subsume new processes, tools and methodologies.
Testing follows certain foundational principles that remain unchanged irrespective
of its age, recent technology trends and domain.



Testing is all about playing the role of end-users. We could be completely distracted by
business needs and the technical implementation details, but we should always operate with a
focus on the end-user’s interest.

That calls for us to go beyond verifying a story’s acceptance criteria and explore the
application, like a typical end-user would - requiring us to understand the targeted user
personas before testing even begins.

Often, teams tend to make trade-offs on end-user needs when they are weighed against
factors like development complexity or timelines. However, the tester’s role is to
systematically leverage the end-user’s perspective and negotiate such trade-offs.


Testing should be embedded at both micro and macro levels. Micro-level testing dives closer
to a small piece of functionality and tests it in detail, for every edge case. For instance, a
small functionality could include calculating an order’s total amount with various boundary
conditions, technical and business validations.

Macro-level testing uses a broader lens to cover functional flows, data propagation between
modules, integration between components and more. For example, the ‘total order amount’
calculation feature could help build the ‘order creation’ flow. And, we can proceed to test the
order creation flow by testing the database, third-party integrations, UI flows, failures in
order creation and more.
What I have realized is most teams focus only on macro-level testing, which usually results in
multiple issues in production – because this kind of testing disregards minor details. Let me
elaborate using the same ‘order creation’ example. Teams relying only on macro-level testing
would have checked for valid order creation and business error flows. But, when the item
prices in production are negative or show an unexpected number of decimals, order creation
breaks – because when testing, they did not focus on micro-level testing.
Micro-level tests can be added as unit and integration tests, while macro-level tests can be
covered as part of functional automation tests, visual tests and so on. Our recommendation is
to constantly zoom in and out of the micro and macro details while testing. Failing to focus
on any of these levels could result in a dip in team confidence due to the unexpected issues in


This principle talks about the early detection of defects so the defect fixing cycle and
consecutively, the release cycle can be faster. Defects tend to become costlier when they are
discovered later in the delivery cycle.
For instance, imagine a high-priority bug found two weeks post feature development. First,
this becomes extremely time and effort intensive – creating bug cards, triaging them, tracking
them in iterations and identifying the right developer’s time to fix them. Second, in worst-
case scenarios, we might find it impossible to fix the defect without a major refactoring,
hence delaying the release. I would say, that’s the ultimate cost to pay for a defect!
There’s another notable correlation between time taken to fix a defect and how late it is
found. When a feature is in development, the developer has complete context and can easily
understand bugs’ root causes. This makes fixing them a quick process. However, when said
developer moves on to other features and the codebase continues to grow every day
(refactoring), context is lost and debugging the root cause becomes a longer and costlier
You might ask how early should we test a piece of code to ensure earlier feedback cycles?
Shift-left testing is centred on faster feedback. Some shift-left testing practices that work
efficiently are dev-box testing, running automated tests on the developer’s machine and CI
and coverage metrics. Implementing the test pyramid should also produce faster feedback.
Additionally, story sign-offs by product owners and a regular cadence of showcases every
sprint to all stakeholders ensures faster feedback on missing business cases.


Fast feedback should always be backed by continuous feedback. It is not enough to just test a
feature once and leave it idle until release. We have to continue performing regression testing
on the feature to see if the integrations are intact and the refactoring have not hampered the
old functionalities.
These continuous feedback mechanisms help in early fixing of regression defects and prevent
release timeline disruptions. One of the prominent ways teams achieve this is by integrating
all automated tests to the CI – ideally, running all the tests for every commit. If tests take too
long to run, we will have to adopt parallelization techniques. The test pyramid will help avoid
separating the tests, allowing for continuous feedback for every commit.


When trying to achieve high quality via testing, we should correctly measure it as well. Some
of the recommended metrics are defects caught by automated tests in all layers, time taken
from commit to deployment, number of automated deployments to testing environments,
regression defects caught during story testing, automation backlog based on the severity of
test cases, production defects and their severity, usability scores with end-users, failures due
to infrastructure issues and metrics around cross-functional aspects.
Many of these metrics align with the ‘Four key metrics’ that measure quality in terms of code
stability and the team’s delivery tempo. The team’s delivery tempo is derived from the time
taken from commit to deployment and the number of deployments in a day to testing
environments. For instance, one of the Four key metrics, is the ‘deployment frequency,’ and
it needs to be ‘on demand’ for a high-quality performer. Production defects will inform us of
the ‘change fail percentage’ – percentage of changes made to production that fail – which
should be 0-15% for a high performer. When tracked and discussed consistently, metrics like
these empower the team to build high-quality software.


Testing is not a siloed activity but requires adequate knowledge of business requirements,
domain knowledge, technical implementation, environment details and similar. This calls for
efficient collaboration and communication amongst all roles in a project team.
The communication could take place via agile ‘ceremonies’ like stand-ups, story kick-offs,
Iteration Planning Meetings (IPMs), dev box testing and through proper documentation like
story cards, Architecture Decision Records (ADRs), test strategies, test coverage reports, etc.
While the communication might not be synchronous within distributed teams, we should
ensure hand-overs via asynchronous mediums like video recordings, documentation, chats,
emails and more.


While testing focuses on finding issues in the application, we should strive to prevent defects
in the first place. An obvious reason to avoid defects is cost – right? I’d compare defect fixes
to painting over a rough patch on an otherwise seamlessly painted wall. Sometimes, the
newly painted patch might not fit with the existing wall, and we will have to paint the entire
wall all over again.
Similarly, software defects could lead to significant architectural changes. Which is why, we
should adopt practices, tools and methods that allow ‘defect prevention’ right from the start.
Here are a few of the practices in today’s software world that could fulfil this principle – the
Three Amigos process, IPMs, story kick-offs, ADRs, shift-left testing, test-driven
development (TDD), pair programming, showcases, story sign-offs by POs, and more.
Testing Project Team’ is a team of experts dedicated to ensuring the best quality of software
products. In terms of software development, the testing project team is responsible for
maintaining high levels of quality in software applications and making sure that it meets all
user and business requirements.
It closely relates to various project roles, which are: QA project manager, Test Analyst/
Designer, Tester, Testing Developers, SQA Members. Project QA managers are the ones who
initiate tests and works together with testing leads and the client to define acceptance tests.
Here the job of the development team is to addresses and removes defects within the software
and cooperate with project testing team after analysing them.


Nowadays, the business world is expanding at a rapid pace. Software teams have to cater to
different clients and concurrently balance business requirements in several projects. This is
why project managers, especially QA project managers have to take care of various
complexities, timelines, and capacity requirements and deliver projects while fulfilling all
essential demands.
Most project teams are overloaded with work and QA managers have to work in a hectic
environment to complete things on time. Although simultaneous software development and
testing can benefit companies, reduce risk, and ensure cost-effective production, the sheer
amount of coordination needed puts additional challenges for project managers.
Managing a single project and managing multiple QA projects are two vastly different things.
Multiple projects are extremely difficult to manage and demand tremendous temperament
and experience from QA teams and managers.
Unless you develop plans for implementation, ensure seamless communication, manage risk,
and be tenacious and extensive in your approach, the chances of falling short are very real.
This is why QA project managers need reliable testing teams to take some stress off them.
However, if you want to create a capable testing team, you must outline software testing team
structure, assign software testing team responsibilities, and define software testing team
goals. In this article, we will explain how to build the best software testing team and multiple
QA projects easily.


High-quality software can give businesses a significant competitive advantage and play a key
role in the success of companies. However, in markets with tough competition high-quality
software is not just an advantage but also a basic requirement for staying relevant.
The project testing team helps companies detect hidden errors and defects applications.
Identifying and detecting these problems before the product goes live is essential for its
success. Without the project testing team, these defects can seep into the final product and
affect its performance in the live environment.
If a company does stop bugs before the production phases, the cost of resolving these errors
later is much higher. Furthermore, since these defects and errors directly impact the end-user,
it leads to bad user experience, which is a prime reason for software failure.
The project testing team not only detects these issues before they affect the user but also
helps software teams prevent bugs proactively. Needless to say, investing in a project testing
team is not only beneficial to your product but indispensable given the fierce competition in
The project testing team needs to work together to achieve the overall objective of projects.
QA Test Managers are people responsible for building these teams. These teams must work
through shared environments, high levels of interdependence, and ensure QA cooperative
Project testing teams build the testing infrastructure, related to automated test design and
integration. Since complex software products rely on several testing procedures, QA project
managers help create large, multi-dimensional project testing teams in order to maintain the
best quality of software.


Here we will give a step-by-step procedure for building the best project testing team. To build
and manage an effective a project testing team, it’s important to follow the steps below:


To create the best project testing team, it’s important to develop a comprehensive human
resource plan. This means QA project managers must identify current and future human
resource needs for their company.
Human resource planning ensures that your team doesn’t have shortage of staff or
redundancy of roles. Therefore, it has a key role in helping managers find the best fit for their
project testing team. You can divide the process into the following three stages:

First, QA project managers have to forecast which human resources they will need based
on different project plans. Your team composition and size can change based on the type
and requirements of the project.
If you can estimate what kind of team you need, it will be easier to shortlist software
testing team roles and responsibilities. You can also vary the number of members within
your team according to the project complexity and the volume of the project activities.

Usually, project testing team is composed of following members:

Designation Responsibilities

Test Coordinates the testing team Assigns the individual responsibilities Is

Manager responsible for the planning, implementation and reporting during testing

Creates testing plans Defines testing procedures Decides on the appropriate

selection of testing tools Builds up and ensures Test Environment and assets are
managed and maintained Facilitates members in test environment for test

Prepares specified automated and manual tests Builds up the Test Cases
Tester Generate Test Suites Performs various tests Execute the tests Records the results
Clearly describes the errors Report the defect
in Test Creates program to test Creates test automation scripts

Takes charge of Quality Assurance

This is why you may need at least 5 members in a project testing team. Everyone has a
different role and you have to assign tasks according to each member’s core
Evaluating the expertise of your testing resources is an essential part of human
resource planning. Unless you assign your team members with the right task, they can
fail to maintain the quality of software your client expects.
For instance, you have a developer within your team, but you use him as a tester in
the Testing Team. You assign him the execution of test cases and request him to report
defects to the QA Test Manager within a week.
However, since the developer isn’t skilled in testing, he or she will fail to provide
similar results as an experienced software tester. Being a skilled programmer, he may
resolve defects within the software more easily, but asking him to speed through
testing will delay the project.
This is why it’s essential to identify the key competencies of your team members
before you assign them any task. Not only that, but it’s also important to see what
kind of skills a certain task demands.
You should measure the team member skills and abilities based on the project goal
and mission. When you have to assign project members tasks that they lack necessary
skills for, it’s important to fill in skill gaps.
Planning Skill Upgrade
 Identify Skill Gaps
Sometimes, your team members have gaps in their skills and the type of expertise
the project demands. As a QA project manager, you have to identify what skills
your testing resources lack, so you can create an appropriate training plan for
them. For instance, if some of your team members have to improve their testing
skills, you should help them close that skill gap.
 Training and Assessment
In human resource planning, you should consider how existing members are
trained and developed to gain the required skills and develop expertise. QA
project managers need to create a training plan and apply it promptly to fill in the
talent gap.

Putting your testing resources is not sufficient on its own. Instead, it’s important for
QA project managers to monitor and evaluate these programs frequently, so they can
ensure they are effective.
For instance, you can work on your developer’s training expertise by assessing his
progress and assigning him different tasks to see if he has learned from the training
initiatives. If the developer is finds testing difficult, the manager should either replace
him or consider an alternative training method.
After you are finished with the human resource plan, you should start building your project
Creating a team mission helps you set your testing team in the right direction. The team
mission allows all testing resources to focus on key objectives and goals, collaborate and
come to an agreement
Ensuring your team members are aware of their responsibility is something you should
sort out in the very beginning. Unless testing resources have clear roles and
responsibilities defined, they can’t do what’s expected of them.
Team rules set guidelines regarding how testing resources should behave, helping them
work more collaboratively. Although it isn’t mandatory to impose rules on your testing
team, doing so can help your team reach a consensus regarding responsibilities and share
Motivation is a critical factor in the workplace and a key driver behind the performance.
It enables the management to meet the organizational goals, enhances productivity, and
improves overall output.
Unmotivated employees don’t focus on work and are not as much engaged. Such
unproductive behaviour not only causes unnecessary delays for the company but also
wastes considerable resources, especially if the majority of the workforce is affected by
this. This is why companies need to pay attention to the level of motivation in
Keeping teams motivated has always been a long-standing challenge for most project
managers. To be a good project manager, you should have the expertise to manage both
the functional and emotional factors of your team.
Negligence in this matter can also cause high performing and strongly skilled employees
to exhibit negative attitudes due to their emotional burden. If you don’t manage both
factors simultaneously, you’ll end up delaying important projects that cost way higher
than what you expected.


Making a successful project testing team goes beyond handpicking the best talent you
can find. Instead, the challenge comes when you start managing testing team members.
There are three ways to ensure that your team gives the best performance:
Similar to a team mission, a team target gives direction to your software testing team.
However, where a team mission gives the team strategic direction, the team target
provides them with a milestone to work towards. As a QA project manager, it is up to
you to break down problems into specific tasks and present them to your testing team.
QA project managers also need to constantly monitor and understand what’s going
around their software testing team. Not only is it important to monitor the performance
of each team member, but it’s also important to assess what these people are doing and
how is it impacting their work.
In many project teams, silos become an obstacle in a team’s performance as a unit. Every
team member has a unique personality and uses different ways of engaging and
collaborating with people. If engagement is minimal between different departments,
collaboration suffers. Although project teams may still work together, the internalized
nature of these group’s team affects impact collaboration.
Engaging team members help diminish internal silos within project teams. This is why
project managers are responsible for balancing internal teams effectively.
Project managers need to lay the groundwork to engage team members and stakeholders.
This will help them to sustain a good relationship with all members and stakeholders in
both the short and the long term. You must monitor the level of engagement of individual
team members across the project lifecycle. You should also address their emotional and
personal expectations to bring about their best performance.
If you don’t address these issues yourself, it would be extremely difficult to create a good
working environment among your team. Consequently, it would affect the performance
of your team and make it harder for them to achieve the targets you set for them.
Information technology is a rapidly expanding field with many specialized careers available.
These positions often provide a good salary and appear in a variety of organizations, from
government agencies to nonprofit companies and global corporations. Software testing is an
IT career that allows professionals to use their creativity and problem-solving skills to help
businesses offer fully functioning programs and services to employees and customers.

A software tester is an IT professional responsible for the testing phase of software

development to make sure systems, programs and applications perform as expected. They
perform the following functions:

 Determine the ideal system operations

 Identify the types of tests and tools to use
 Create and document a test plan
 Run multiple tests and document the results
 Communicate with IT team members and company stakeholders about project status,
budget and complications
 Make recommendations for software improvements



You will need more than manual testing to get there because of the incorporation of the
newest technologies, rising software complexity, and integrations in the application.
Software testers or QA engineers should gain automation skills for testing browser
compatibility, performance, and database and integration layers since it imparts more
accuracy due to the business logic and technicality it may provide.

Additionally, there are a number of test automation tools that fully complement the
testing approach and have the capabilities to accomplish the duties efficiently.

Some of the popular test automation tools include:

1. TestGrid
2. RFT
3. Perfecto
4. Katalon Studio
5. Appium
6. Selenium

Having programming language knowledge is crucial if you want to improve your

automation testing abilities.

Software testers must be conversant in a standard programming language to interact more

effectively with the IT department. Code coverage, statement coverage, and other
automation testing techniques require an in-depth understanding of programming


You may design test cases, meet test requirements, manage resources, and do a lot more
with the aid of test management systems. To prevent errors from entering production, test
management expertise is essential. You should be familiar with the following test
management tools:

 Testing specs, planning, reporting, and requirement tracking are all included in Test
Link, one of the top test management solutions.
 Test Pad is a compact test planner that strives to offer sufficient test procedures
without requiring a complex test management infrastructure.
 QA Deputy: It is a fully functional test management application created for small to
medium-sized teams that significantly increase testing efficiency.
 TestRail is a test management platform that aids teams in organizing and monitoring
software testing activities.


The software development life cycle is referred to as SDLC. Testers must understand the
SDLC to organize testing cycles efficiently. They will be better able to understand
software complexity and prevent them in the future by having more in-depth knowledge
of the software development life cycle.

Thanks to the SDLC’s overall framework, they will be able to comprehend the tasks
involved in application development and arrange the testing cycle properly.

A thorough understanding of the SDLC cycle will also enable testers to foresee
application complexity, which will help them decide on the best course of action in
advance. Testers must also get familiar with alternative development mythologies, such
as Kanban, Waterfall, Scrum, Lean, etc.


Agile testing follows the same concepts as agile software development in the software
testing process. Agile testing is consistent with an iterative development approach in
which the development aligns with the client’s needs.
Agile testing is a continuous, non-sequential process. Testing begins at the project’s
outset, and testing and development are continuously integrated. The fundamental
objective of agile development and testing is to produce high-quality products.

In this method, the team pushes themselves outside their comfort zones and produces
high-quality results. Software testers should be well-versed in agile testing instruments

Appium, Selenium, Web Driver, JunoOne, JIRA.


A successful software tester needs to be a strong analyst. In doing so, the tester can
simplify complex systems and thoroughly understand the code. Additionally, it will
support the creation of better test cases, increasing the system’s overall productivity.

The tester’s primary responsibility is to pinpoint the issue and offer the most effective
action to resolve it. To succeed, they must be analytically inclined to assess the problems,
faults, and security flaws.


Testers must communicate vocally and in writing with a variety of stakeholders.

As a result, you should be precise when expressing your views and ideas regarding the
problem and its solution.

Depending on the stakeholder, a highly effective software tester should be able to

describe the problem both technically and plainly. They should know how, when, and
what to say during each position because communication is just as crucial as the testing

You should be able to explain the flaw or process improvement to your coworkers who
test software, as well as to developers, managers, designers, clients, and occasionally
even the CEO.

 Write objective bug reports that every employee in the company should be able to
 You can offer actual observations and recommendations for the product’s
enhancement from the customer’s viewpoint.


Technical and business considerations are both included in software testing capabilities.
Any tester must be able to take charge of the project to manage both. This means that
after testing is finished, a tester delivers the project.
Testers will develop problem-solving skills by learning project management techniques.
In this manner, the testers will carry the responsibility and management of the end-to-end
testing project and be responsible and answerable for their work to the relevant person.

The ability to manage projects effectively is crucial for encouraging responsibility. By

doing so, the tester can enhance the overall testing procedure and give the client high-
quality results.


Problem-solving is a crucial skill for software testers, as it allows them to identify and
resolve issues in the software they are testing. To be effective at problem-solving,
software testers must deeply understand the software they are testing and the underlying
technologies and systems that support it.

They must also be familiar with industry best practices for testing and quality assurance.
By developing this skill, software testers can improve their performance and contribute to
the quality and success of the software they are testing.


Planning and documentation are essential skills for any software tester. Effective planning
ensures that testing is carried out efficiently and effectively, while thorough
documentation allows testers to keep track of their progress and results.

Planning should include creating a test plan that outlines the scope, objectives, and
approach for testing and identifies any risks or potential issues.

Documentation should include detailed records of the tests performed, the results
obtained, and any identified defects or problems. These skills are critical for ensuring that
software is of high quality and meets users’ needs.


Continuous learning is also one of the crucial skills for software tester. Today,
technology is constantly evolving, and to be an effective tester, you should cope with the
latest developments and techniques.

This may involve attending workshops, conferences, or online courses, regularly reading
industry publications and staying updated with new tools and software.

Additionally, being open to feedback and learning from mistakes will help you improve
your skills and become a better tester. By continuously learning, you can stay at the
forefront of the field and provide valuable insights to your team.
Testing is the process of executing a program to find errors. To make our software
perform well it should be error-free. If testing is done successfully, it will remove all
the errors from the software. In this article, we will discuss first the principles of testing
and then we will discuss, the different types of testing.

 All the tests should meet the customer’s requirements.
 To make our software testing should be performed by a third party.
 Exhaustive testing is not possible. As we need the optimal amount of testing
based on the risk assessment of the application.
 All the tests to be conducted should be planned before implementing it
 It follows the Pareto rule(80/20 rule) which states that 80% of errors come from
20% of program components.
 Start testing with small parts and extend it to large parts.


There are basically 10 types of Testing.

Automation testing is a Software testing technique to test and compare the actual outcome
with the expected outcome. This can be achieved by writing test scripts or using any
automation testing tool. Test automation is used to automate repetitive tasks and other
testing tasks which are difficult to perform manually.
A recent survey showed that almost 80% of organizations use automation testing for
functional and regression testing.

As software is being developed, it’s tested to ensure everything works properly and
identify bugs, vulnerabilities, or other issues. Testing can be done manually (and it often
is), but manual testing is repetitive and time-consuming. So, developers turn to
automation testing.
Automation testing is both practical and cost-effective. As the name suggests, it involves
automating the testing process and the management and application of test data and
results to improve software.

Business Analysts, Software Developers, DevOps Engineers, and more love

automation testing for its many benefits. Some of these benefits include:
 Cost. This report on automated testing shows that it can reduce hourly fees by more
than 75%.
 Speed and accuracy. Automating testing, data collection, and data analysis provides
actionable results quicker. Automated testing dramatically increases speed and
accuracy compared with manual testing.
 Effectiveness. Automation testing allows for increased test coverage and earlier
detection of bugs and vulnerabilities.


Given the benefits, how does one know when to automate the testing process? The
following are some of the test types that should be automated:
 Tests that are repetitive and time-consuming.
 Tests that run for multiple builds.
 Tests that are vulnerable to human error.
 Tests of high-risk, frequently used functions within the software.
 Tests that can’t be done manually.
 Tests that need to be run on multiple software or hardware configurations and
Setting up these automated tests requires careful planning, so production teams create an
automation plan or strategy first. Different automated tests occur at various stages in the
development process, so goals and milestones must be established early to avoid haphazard
testing and redundancy.
Automated testing is commonly divided into small, manageable units with focused
objectives. This makes it easier to update, edit, or augment tests.
Following steps are followed in an Automation Process.

Step 1) Test Tool Selection

Step 2) Define scope of Automation

Step 3) Planning, Design and Development

Step 4) Test Execution

Step 5) Maintenance


Test Tool selection largely depends on the technology the Application Under Test is built on.
For instance, QTP (QTP is an automated functional tool that helps testers to execute
automated tests in order to identify any errors, defects or gaps in contrary to the expected
results of the application under test. ) does not support Informatica. So QTP cannot be used
for testing Informatica applications.


The scope of automation is the area of your Application Under Test which will be automated.
Following points help determine scope:

 The features that are important for the business

 Scenarios which have a large amount of data
 Common functionalities across applications
 Technical feasibility
 The extent to which business components are reused
 The complexity of test cases
 Ability to use the same test cases for cross-browser testing


During this phase, you create an Automation strategy & plan, which contains the following
 Automation tools selected
 Framework design and its features
 In-Scope and Out-of-scope items of automation
 Automation testbed preparation
 Schedule and Timeline of scripting and execution
 Deliverables of Automation Testing


Automation Scripts are executed during this phase. The scripts need input test data before
there are set to run. Once executed they provide detailed test reports.

Execution can be performed using the automation tool directly or through the Test
Management tool which will invoke the automation tool.

Example: Quality center is the Test Management tool which in turn it will invoke QTP for
execution of automation scripts. Scripts can be executed in a single machine or a group of
machines. The execution can be done during the night, to save time.


Test Automation Maintenance Approach is an automation testing phase carried out to test
whether the new functionalities added to the software are working fine or not. Maintenance in
automation testing is executed when new automation scripts are added and need to be
reviewed and maintained in order to improve the effectiveness of automation scripts with
each successive release cycle.

It is a type of software testing in which test cases are executed manually by a tester
without using any automated tools. The purpose of Manual Testing is to identify the bugs,
issues, and defects in the software application. Manual software testing is the most
primitive technique of all testing types and it helps to find critical bugs in the software

Any new application must be manually tested before its testing can be automated. Manual
Software Testing requires more effort but is necessary to check automation feasibility.
Manual Testing concepts does not require knowledge of any testing tool. One of the
Software Testing Fundamental is “100% Automation is not possible“. This makes
Manual Testing imperative.

There are three types Manual Testing

 White Box Testing

 Black Box Testing
 Grey Box Testing
A) WHITE BOX TESTING:-White-box testing or glass-box testing is a
software testing technique that tests the software by using the knowledge of
internal data structures, physical logic flow, and architecture at the level of
source code. This testing works by looking at testing from the developer’s
point of view. This testing is also known as glass box testing, clear box
testing, structural testing, or non-functional testing.

B) GRAY BOX TESTING: - Gray Box Testing is a combination of the Black

Box Testing technique and the White Box Testing technique in software
testing. The Gray-box testing involves inputs and outputs of a program for the
testing purpose but test design is tested by using the information about the
code. Gray-box testing is well suited for web application testing because it
factors in a high-level design environment and the inter-operability

C) BLACK BOX TESTING: - Black box testing is a type of software testing in

which the functionality of the software is not known. The testing is done
without the internal knowledge of the products. It is also called Functional
testing. Black-box testing focuses on software’s external attributes and
behaviour. This type of testing looks at an application’s software’s expected
behaviour from the user’s point of view.

Let’s see the tabular differences between them.

Black Box Testing Gray Box Testing White Box Testing

This testing has Low This testing has a medium This testing has high-
granularity. level of granularity. level granularity.

It is done by end-users
It is done by end-users and
(called user acceptance It is generally done by
2. also by the tester and
testing) and also by testers testers and developers.
and developers.

Here, the Internal code

Here, Internals are not Here, Internals relevant to
3. of the application and
required to be known. the testing are known.
database is known.

It is likely to be less
Most exhaustive
4. exhaustive than the other It is kind of in-between.
among all three.

5. It is based on requirements, It provides better It can exercise code

Black Box Testing Gray Box Testing White Box Testing

and test cases on the variety/depth in test cases with a relevant variety
functional specifications, as on account of high-level of data.
the internals are not known. knowledge of the internals.

If used algorithm testing is

If algorithm testing is not If algorithm testing is,
6. also not suited best for
suited best for that. it is suited best for that.

It is suited for functional

It is suited for functional or
7. or business domain testing It is used for all.
business testing.

Herein, we have a better

This testing involves It involves structural
variety of inputs and the
validating the outputs for testing and enables
ability to extract test
8. given inputs, the logic coverage,
results from the database
application being tested as a decisions, etc. within
for comparison with
black-box technique. the code.
expected results.

This is also called

This is also called Opaque-
Glass-box testing,
box testing, Closed-box
Clear-box testing,
testing, input-output This is also called
9. Design-based testing,
testing, Data-driven testing, translucent box testing
Logic-based testing,
Behavioral, Functional
Structural testing, and
Code-based testing.

Black-box test design Gray box test design White-box test design
techniques- techniques- techniques-
 Decision table  Matrix testing  Control
testing  Regression flow testing
 All-pairs testing testing  Data flow
 Equivalence  Pattern testing testing
partitioning  Orthogonal  Branch
 Error guessing Array Testing testing

Gray Box testing does not White Box testing does

Black Box testing provides
provide resilience and not provide resilience
11. resilience and security
security against viral and security against
against viral attacks.
attacks. viral attacks.




Functional testing is a type of software testing in which the system is tested against
the functional requirements and specifications. Functional testing ensures that the
requirements or specifications are properly satisfied by the application. This type of
testing is particularly concerned with the result of processing. It focuses on
simulation of actual system usage but does not develop any system structure
assumptions. It is basically defined as a type of testing which verifies that each
function of the software application works in conformance with the requirement and
specification. This testing is not concerned about the source code of the application.
Each functionality of the software application is tested by providing appropriate test
input, expecting the output and comparing the actual output with the expected


Non-functional testing is a type of software testing that is performed to verify the
non-functional requirements of the application. It verifies whether the behavior of
the system is as per the requirement or not. It tests all the aspects which are not
tested in functional testing. Non-functional testing is defined as a type of software
testing to check non-functional aspects of a software application. It is designed to
test the readiness of a system as per nonfunctional parameters which are never
addressed by functional testing. Non-functional testing is as important as functional
testing. Below is the difference between functional and non-functional testing:

Functional Testing Non-functional Testing

It verifies the operations and actions of

It verifies the behaviour of an application.
an application.

It is based on requirements of customer. It is based on expectations of customer.

It helps to enhance the behaviour of the It helps to improve the performance of the
application. application.

Functional testing is easy to execute It is hard to execute non-functional testing

manually. manually.

It tests what the product does. It describes how the product does.

Functional testing is based on the Non-functional testing is based on the

business requirement. performance requirement.
Functional Testing Non-functional Testing

Examples: Examples:
1. Unit Testing 1. Performance Testing
2. Smoke Testing 2. Load Testing
3. Integration Testing 3. Stress Testing
4. Regression Testing 4. Scalability Testing



Unit testing is a method of testing individual units or components of a
software application. It is typically done by developers and is used to
ensure that the individual units of the software are working as intended.
Unit tests are usually automated and are designed to test specific parts of
the code, such as a particular function or method. Unit testing is done at
the lowest level of the software development process, where individual
units of code are tested in isolation.


Some of the advantages of Unit Testing are listed below.

 It helps to identify bugs early in the development process before they become
more difficult and expensive to fix.
 It helps to ensure that changes to the code do not introduce new bugs.
 It makes the code more modular and easier to understand and maintain.
 It helps to improve the overall quality and reliability of the software.
Note: Some popular frameworks and tools that are used for unit testing
include JUnit, NUnit, and xUnit.

It’s important to keep in mind that Unit Testing is only one aspect of software
testing and it should be used in combination with other types of testing such as
integration testing, functional testing, and acceptance testing to ensure that the
software meets the needs of its users.
It focuses on the smallest unit of software design. In this, we test an individual unit
or group of interrelated units. It is often done by the programmer by using sample
input and observing its corresponding outputs.

b) In a program we are checking if the loop, method, or function is working
c) Misunderstood or incorrect, arithmetic precedence.
d) Incorrect initialization.


Integration testing is a method of testing how different units or components of

a software application interact with each other. It is used to identify and
resolve any issues that may arise when different units of the software are
combined. Integration testing is typically done after unit testing and before
functional testing and is used to verify that the different units of the software
work together as intended.


There are different ways of Integration Testing that are discussed below.
 Top-down integration testing: It starts with the highest-level modules and
differentiates them from lower-level modules.
 Bottom-up integration testing: It starts with the lowest-level modules and
integrates them with higher-level modules.
 Big-Bang integration testing: It combines all the modules and integrates
them all at once.
 Incremental integration testing: It integrates the modules in small groups,
testing each group as it is added.


1. It helps to identify and resolve issues that may arise when different units
of the software are combined.
2. It helps to ensure that the different units of the software work together as
3. It helps to improve the overall reliability and stability of the software.
4. It’s important to keep in mind that Integration testing is essential for
complex systems where different components are integrated together.
5. As with unit testing, integration testing is only one aspect of software
testing and it should be used in combination with other types of testing
such as unit testing, functional testing, and acceptance testing to ensure
that the software meets the needs of its users.

The objective is to take unit-tested components and build a program structure

that has been dictated by design. Integration testing is testing in which a
group of components is combined to produce output.

Integration testing is of four types:

(i) Top-down.
(ii) Bottom-up.
(iii) Sandwich.
(iv) Big-Bang.


(a) BLACK BOX TESTING:- It is used for validation. In this, we ignore internal
working mechanisms and focus on what is the output?

(b) WHITE BOX TESTING:- It is used for verification. In this, we focus on

internal mechanisms i.e. how the output is achieved?.

System Testing is a type of software testing that is performed on a complete
integrated system to evaluate the compliance of the system with the
corresponding requirements. In system testing, integration testing passed
components are taken as input. The goal of integration testing is to detect any
irregularity between the units that are integrated together. System testing detects
defects within both the integrated units and the whole system. The result of
system testing is the observed behaviour of a component or a system when it is
tested. System Testing is carried out on the whole system in the context of either
system requirement specifications or functional requirement specifications or in
the context of both. System testing tests the design and behaviour of the system
and also the expectations of the customer.
SYSTEM TESTING PROCESS: System Testing is performed in the following
 Test Environment Setup: Create testing environment for the better quality
 Create Test Case: Generate test case for the testing process.
 Create Test Data: Generate the data that is to be tested.
 Execute Test Case: After the generation of the test case and the test data, test
cases are executed.
 Defect Reporting: Defects in the system are detected.
 Regression Testing: It is carried out to test the side effects of the testing
 Log Defects: Defects are fixed in this step.
 Retest: If the test is not successful then again test is performed.


 The testers do not require more knowledge of programming to carry out this
 It will test the entire product or software so that we will easily detect the errors
or defects which cannot be identified during the unit testing and integration
 The testing environment is similar to that of the real time production or business
 It checks the entire functionality of the system with different test scripts and also
it covers the technical and business requirements of clients.
 After this testing, the product will almost cover all the possible bugs or errors
and hence the development team will confidently go ahead with acceptance


 This testing is time consuming process than another testing techniques since it
checks the entire product or software.
 The cost for the testing will be high since it covers the testing of entire software.
 It needs good debugging tool otherwise the hidden errors will not be found.



Performance testing is a form of software testing that focuses on how a system
running the system performs under a particular load. This is not about finding
software bugs or defects. Different performance testing types measures according
to benchmarks and standards. Performance testing gives developers the diagnostic
information they need to eliminate bottlenecks.

The focus of Performance Testing is checking a software program’s

 Speed – Determines whether the application responds quickly

 Scalability – Determines the maximum user load the software application can
 Stability – Determines if the application is stable under varying loads.


Load testing is a type of performance test that evaluates a software

system or application’s ability to handle normal and high workloads.

Load testing is one of the most effective software testing types as it

helps to verify that the software meets the expected performance
criteria and end-user expectations. Likewise different testing types, you
must consider load testing in your testing strategy.


The core reason to perform load testing is to know the reliability of

software at its extreme or peak loads in uncertain conditions. Here are
the remaining 3 reasons to conduct load testing.

1. Maintaining User Satisfaction

As you perform load testing of the software at peak times, it allows
you to ensure that the software’s user experience has fewer or minimal
delays and works perfectly.

2. Identifying Bottlenecks
Through load testing, weak points and areas that require optimization
can be detected, allowing for targeted improvements that enhance
overall performance.

3. Evaluating Scalability
As user bases and demands grow, load testing helps determine whether
a system can adapt and handle the increased workload without
compromising functionality or performance.


Here are 5 types of load testing to evaluate a system’s performance:

1. Baseline Testing

This type of load testing establishes a performance benchmark for the

system under normal or expected operating conditions. By
documenting the system’s performance metrics, such as response time,
throughput, and resource utilization, baseline testing provides a
reference point against which future test results can be compared.

It helps to identify areas for improvement and detect performance

degradation over time.
2. Stress Testing

Stress testing is crucial for identifying the system’s breaking point and
maximum operating capacity, ensuring that it can recover gracefully
when pushed beyond its limits. This type of testing is crucial for
identifying the system’s breaking point, understanding its failure
behaviour, and ensuring that it can recover gracefully when pushed
beyond its limits.

Stress testing helps to uncover issues related to concurrency, memory

leaks, and resource contention that may not be evident under normal

3. Soak Testing

Soak testing is also known as endurance or capacity testing, soak

testing evaluates the system’s performance over an extended period
under a constant, moderate load. This type of testing helps to identify
potential issues related to prolonged use, such as memory leaks,
resource exhaustion, or performance degradation.

Soak testing ensures that the system can maintain its performance and
reliability over time.

4. Spike Testing

Spike testing examines the system’s ability to handle sudden, drastic

increases in load, simulating scenarios where the user traffic surges
unexpectedly. This type of testing is essential for understanding how
the system copes with load spikes and whether it can recover quickly
once the load returns to normal levels.

Spike testing helps to identify performance bottlenecks and ensure that

the system remains responsive during periods of high demand.

5. Volume Testing

Volume testing, also known as scalability testing, analyses the

system’s performance when handling large amounts of data or a high
number of multiple virtual users. This type of testing is particularly
relevant for systems that store, process, or transmit large data sets or
support a growing user base.


Stress Testing is a software testing technique that determines the
robustness of software by testing beyond the limits of normal
operation. Stress testing is particularly important for critical software
but is used for all types of software. Stress testing emphasizes
robustness, availability, and error handling under a heavy load rather
than what is correct behavior under normal situations. Stress testing
is defined as a type of software testing that verifies the stability and
reliability of the system. This test particularly determines the system
on its robustness and error handling under extremely heavy load
conditions. It even tests beyond the normal operating point and
analyses how the system works under extreme conditions. Stress
testing is performed to ensure that the system would not crash under
crunch situations. Stress testing is also known as Endurance
Testing or Torture Testing.


 Stress testing analyzes the behavior of the system after a failure.
 Stress testing makes sure that the system recovers after failure.
 It checks whether the system works under abnormal conditions.
 It ensures the display of appropriate error messages when the system
is under stress.
 It verifies that unexpected failures do not cause security issues.
 It verifies whether the system has saved the data before crashing or

 To accommodate the sudden surges in traffic: It is important to

perform stress testing to accommodate abnormal traffic spikes. For
example, when there is a sale announcement on the e-commerce
website there is a sudden increase in traffic. Failure to accommodate
such needs may lead to a loss of revenue and reputation.
 Display error messages in stress conditions: Stress testing is
important to check whether the system is capable to display
appropriate error messages when the system is under stress
 The system works under abnormal conditions: Stress testing
checks whether the system can continue to function in abnormal
 Prepared for stress conditions: Stress testing helps to make sure
there are sufficient contingency plans in case of sudden failure due to
stress conditions. It is better to be prepared for extreme conditions by
executing stress testing.


The stress testing process is divided into 5 steps:
 Planning the stress test: This step involves gathering the system
data, analysing the system, and defining the stress test goals.
 Create Automation Scripts: This step involves creating the stress
testing automation scripts and generating the test data for the stress
test scenarios.
 Script Execution: This step involves running the stress test
automation scripts and storing the stress test results.
 Result Analysis: This phase involves analysing stress test results and
identifying the bottlenecks.
 Tweaking and Optimization: This step involves fine-tuning the
system and optimizing the code with the goal meet the desired


Scalability Testing is a non-functional testing method that measures

performance of a system or network when the number of user requests
are scaled up or down. The purpose of Scalability testing is to ensure
that the system can handle projected increase in user traffic, data
volume, transaction counts frequency, etc. It tests system ability to
meet the growing needs.
It is also referred to as performance testing, as such, it is focused on the
behaviour of the application when deployed to a larger system or tested
under excess load. In Software Engineering, Scalability Testing is to
measure at what point the application stops scaling and identify the
reason behind it.


 Scalability testing lets you determine how your application scales with
increasing workload.
 Determine the user limit for the Web application.
 Determine client-side degradation and end user experience under load.
 Determine server-side robustness and degradation.


 Response Time
 Screen transition
 Throughput
 Time (Session time, reboot time, printing time, transaction time, task
execution time)
 Performance measurement with a number of users
 Request per seconds, Transaction per seconds, Hits per second
 Performance measurement with a number of users
 Network Usage
 CPU / Memory Usage
 Web Server (request and response per seconds)
 Performance measurement under load.


 Define a process that is repeatable for executing scalability tests

throughout the application life-cycle.
 Determine the criteria for scalability.
 Shortlist the software tools required to run the load test.
 Set the testing environment and configure the hardware required to
execute scalability tests.
 Plan the test scenarios as well as Scalability Tests.
 Create and verify visual script.
 Create and verify the load test scenarios.
 Execute the tests.
 Evaluate the results.
 Generate required reports.


Stability Testing is a type of non-functional software testing

performed to measure efficiency and ability of a software application
to continuously function over a long period of time. The purpose of
Stability testing is checking if the software application crashes or fails
over normal use at any point of time by exercising its full range of use.
Stability Testing is done to check the efficiency of a developed product
beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breakpoint. There is
greater significance is on error handling, software reliability,
robustness and scalability of a product under heavy load rather than
checking the system behaviour under normal circumstances.

Stability testing assesses stability problems. This testing is primarily

intended to stress the software component to the maximum. It is a
Non-Functional Technique.
Stability testing is also referred to as a Load or endurance testing.


 To determine the scope and objective of the testing, we must ensure that the
Application Server(s) do not crash during the Load Test executions.
 To determine the Business issues, verify the system performance and load as
per end user perspective.
 To assign the different Responsibilities and Roles like -Creating Test plan, Test
Case design, Test case review, Test execution, etc.
 To ensure the Test deliverables within the specified time
 To ensure proper Load Testing tools and experience team is present for the
 To measure the risk and cost involves in the testing. This will determine the
cost of each execution in terms of CPU utilization and memory.
 Determine the Defect tracking and reporting and their proper mapping with
the requirements.

Usability testing is the practice of testing how easy a design is to use with a group
of representative users. It usually involves observing users as they attempt to
complete tasks and can be done for different types of designs. It is often
conducted repeatedly, from early development until a product’s release.

Usability testing is done to validate how user-friendly the product is.

Important to note here is that usability testing cannot be done via scripts.
It has to be manually done. Usability is the most important parameter to
differentiate a product. For instance, there are so many UPI applications
in the market, but the most user-friendly ones continue to dominate the
market share.
Usability testing is a software testing methodology where the product is
tested for user-friendly behaviour. The defect is reported if the font
size, colour, typography, and ease of using the application have issues.
Usability testing focus on the user experience as every placement affects
the business application.


1. REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS: The initial step is clearly understanding

the client's requirements. What is the issue product is trying to resolve, and is the
center of the application. Understanding functional requirements, non-functional
requirements, and market analysis are all crucial.

2. TEST CASE DESIGNING: The usability test cases are all manual test cases.
Finding experienced manual testing and having good design knowledge is crucial.
Usability testing is mostly R&D based task. One needs to do a thorough market
and competitor analysis.

3. TEST CASES: Test cases development to have maximum test case coverage.
This needs to ensure all the features are covered, like memorability and
efficiency, and the product is error-free. The same product in different screen
sizes should provide a good experience.

4. DATA ANALYSIS: Usability testing is all about data analysis. How much
time does the user take to reach the payment screen in multiple options of UI
derived. The impact of advertisements in particular sections of the product on
revenue. Changing certain features has helped gain/lose traffic.
5. REPORT GENERATION: Reports give a clear understanding of the
entire STLC. The gain/loss is evident. Having experimented with the user
interface in starting stage is mandatory. Otherwise, at a later stage, it could have
adverse damage and impact on the company.


 Usability testing gives real-time feedback to the development team about market
 Usability testing is cheaper at the development stage as once the product reaches
production, exponential money investment is required.
 It helps to make the product efficient and applicable.


 Usability testing increases the budget and time manifolds which is tough for any
 Usability testing can lead to the leak of private information about the product
and company.
 Finding the correct users is always challenging as everyone works in a fixed job.
So, finding good volunteers is tough.

Compatibility testing is software testing which comes under the non functional
testing category, and it is performed on an application to check its compatibility
(running capability) on different platform/environments. This testing is done
only when the application becomes stable. Means simply this compatibility test
aims to check the developed software application functionality on various
software, hardware platforms, network and browser etc. This compatibility
testing is very important in product production and implementation point of
view as it is performed to avoid future issues regarding compatibility.


Several examples of compatibility testing are given below.


 Testing the compatibility of an application with an Operating System

like Linux, Mac, Windows.

 Testing compatibility on Database like Oracle SQL server, MongoDB


 Testing compatibility on different devices like in mobile phones,

There are two types of compatibility testing based on version testing
Forward compatibility testing : When the behavior and compatibility
of a software or hardware is checked with its newer version then it is
called as forward compatibility testing.

Backward compatibility testing : When the behavior and

compatibility of a software or hardware is checked with its older
version then it is called as backward compatibility testing.

Checking compatibility with a particular size of
 Hard Disk
 Memory Cards
 Processor
 Graphics Card

Checking compatibility with different mobile platforms like android, iOS etc.
Checking compatibility with different :
 Bandwidth
 Operating speed
 Capacity
Along with this there are other types of compatibility testing are also performed
such as browser compatibility to check software compatibility with different
browsers like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer etc. device compatibility, version
of the software and others.


Testing the application in a same environment but having different versions. For
example, to test compatibility of Facebook application in your android mobile. First
check for the compatibility with Android 9.0 and then with Android 10.0 for the
same version of Facebook App.
Testing the application in a same version but having different environment. For
example, to test compatibility of Facebook application in your android mobile. First
check for the compatibility with a Facebook application of lower version with a
Android 10.0(or your choice) and then with a Facebook application of higher
version with a same version of Android.
1. It ensures complete customer satisfaction.
2. It provides service across multiple platforms.
3. Identifying bugs during development process.
1. Variety of user interface.
2. Changes with respect to font size.
3. Alignment issues.
4. Issues related to existence of broken frames.
5. Issues related to overlapping of content.



Like development, testing is also a phase of SDLC (Software Development
Life Cycle). Different tests are performed at different stages of the
development cyle. Incremental testing is one of the testing approaches that is
commonly used in the software field during the testing phase of integration
testing which is performed after unit testing. Several stubs and drivers are
used to test the modules one after one which helps in discovering errors and
defects in the specific modules. It’s a kind of approach where developers
sum up the modules one after one using stubs or drivers to unfold the


Let’s have a look at them:


In this, the modules are tested top to bottom according to the architectural
design meanwhile following control flow. Unavailable Components or
systems are easily replaced by stubs.

This type of integration testing occurs from bottom to top. Control flow
also takes place in an upward direction. Unavailable components or
systems are easily substituted by drivers.


In this, both integration and testing take place and are completed based on
functionalities or specified functional documents.

These several methodologies for incremental Testing which include some steps
followed are discussed below
 All the used modules are individually tested using the unit tests.
 Each module combines and gets tested by incrementing by one.
 The recent module is added to previously integrated modules and then goes
through the test process.
 Then the last module gets incremented and all the modules are tested together
for a successful integration.


 Each module has its specific significance. Each one gets a role to play during the
testing as they are incremented individually.
 Defects are detected in smaller modules rather than denoting errors and then
editing and re-correcting large files.
 It’s more flexible and cost-efficient as per requirements and scopes.
 The customer gets the chance to respond to each building.


Non-Incremental Integration Testing is a type of testing that involves integrating all

components or modules of a system together simultaneously, rather than in a step-by-
step or incremental manner. In this approach, the system is treated as a single unit, and
all the components are tested as a whole to ensure that they function correctly when
working together.
Non-Incremental Integration Testing is a software testing approach in which all
components or modules of a system are integrated together and tested simultaneously,
without breaking down the testing process into smaller, incremental steps.

Let us understand with an example-

#Consider a Case Scenario using following graph-

This diagram represents a system with four modules:

 UI module,
 Data Processing module
 Database module
 Reporting module

Details of each module in Non-incremental Testing example using above syntax-

 UI module: This module is responsible for providing the user interface for the
 Data Processing module: This module is responsible for processing data from the
user interface and passing it to the Database module.
 Database module: This module is responsible for storing and retrieving data for the
 Reporting module: This module is responsible for generating reports based on data
stored in the Database module.


 Early detection of major issues: With Non-Incremental Integration Testing, the

entire system is tested as a whole, which means that major issues can be detected
early in the development process.
 Comprehensive testing: Non-Incremental Integration Testing provides
comprehensive testing of the system, as all modules are tested together, and end-to-
end testing is performed to ensure that the system functions as expected.
 Time-saving: In some cases, Non-Incremental Integration Testing can be faster than
incremental testing, as the testing process can be streamlined and automated.


 Difficult to isolate issues: With Non-Incremental Integration Testing, it can be

difficult to isolate specific issues or bugs that arise, as the entire system is tested as a
whole. This can make it more challenging to troubleshoot and fix issues.
 Higher risk: Non-Incremental Integration Testing carries a higher risk of failure than
incremental testing, as all modules are tested together, and if any major issues are
found, they can impact the entire system.
 Time-consuming: In some cases, Non-Incremental Integration Testing can be more
time-consuming than incremental testing, as the entire system must be tested together,
which can take longer than testing individual modules separately.


Regression testing is a method of testing that is used to ensure that

changes made to the software do not introduce new bugs or cause
existing functionality to break. It is typically done after changes have
been made to the code, such as bug fixes or new features, and is used
to verify that the software still works as intended.

Regression testing can be performed in different ways, such as:

 Retesting: This involves testing the entire application or specific
functionality that was affected by the changes.
 Re–execution: This involves running a previously executed test suite to
ensure that the changes did not break any existing functionality.
 Comparison: This involves comparing the current version of the software
with a previous version to ensure that the changes did not break any
existing functionality.
 It helps to ensure that changes made to the software do not introduce new
bugs or cause existing functionality to break.
 It helps to ensure that the software continues to work as intended after
changes have been made.
 It helps to improve the overall reliability and stability of the software.
 It’s important to keep in mind that regression testing is an ongoing process
that should be done throughout the software development
 lifecycle to ensure that the software continues to work as intended. It
should be automated as much as possible to save time and resources.
Additionally, it’s important to have a well-defined regression test suite that
Every time a new module is added leads to changes in the program. This type
of testing makes sure that the whole component works properly even after
adding components to the complete program.


In school records, suppose we have module staff, students, and finance combining
these modules and checking if the integration of these modules works fine in
regression testing.

Smoke Testing
Smoke Testing is done to make sure that the software under testing is ready or
stable for further testing
It is called a smoke test as the testing of an initial pass is done to check if it
did not catch fire or smoke in the initial switch-on.
If the project has 2 modules so before going to the module make sure that module 1 works
Alpha Testing
Alpha testing is a type of validation testing. It is a type of acceptance testing that is
done before the product is released to customers. It is typically done by QA people.
When software testing is performed internally within the organisation.
Beta Testing
The beta test is conducted at one or more customer sites by the end-user of the
software. This version is released for a limited number of users for testing in a real-
time environment.
When software testing is performed for the limited number of people.
System Testing
System Testing is carried out on the whole system in the context of either system
requirement specifications or functional requirement specifications or in the context
of both. The software is tested such that it works fine for the different operating
systems. It is covered under the black box testing technique. In this, we just focus on
the required input and output without focusing on internal work. In this, we have
security testing, recovery testing, stress testing, and performance testing.
This includes functional as well as nonfunctional testing.
Stress Testing
In Stress Testing, we give unfavorable conditions to the system and check how they
perform in those conditions.
i. Test cases that require maximum memory or other resources are executed.
ii. Test cases that may cause thrashing in a virtual operating system.
ii. Test cases that may cause excessive disk requirement Performance Testing.
It is designed to test the run-time performance of software within the context of an
integrated system. It is used to test the speed and effectiveness of the program. It is
also called load testing. In it, we check, what is the performance of the system in the
given load.
Checking several processor cycles.
Object-Oriented Testing
Object-Oriented Testing testing is a combination of various testing techniques that
help to verify and validate object-oriented software. This testing is done in the
following manner:
 Testing of Requirements,
 Design and Analysis of Testing,
 Testing of Code,
 Integration testing,
 System testing,
 User Testing.
Acceptance Testing
Acceptance testing is done by the customers to check whether the delivered products
perform the desired tasks or not, as stated in the requirements. We use Object-
Oriented Testing for discussing test plans and for executing the projects.
Advantages of Software Testing
 Improved software quality and reliability.
 Early identification and fixing of defects.
 Improved customer satisfaction.
 Increased stakeholder confidence.
 Reduced maintenance costs.
Disadvantages of Software Testing
 Time-Consuming and adds to the project cost.
 This can slow down the development process.
 Not all defects can be found.
 Can be difficult to fully test complex systems.
 Potential for human error during the testing process

Software testing is an essential process for ensuring the quality and reliability of software
products. The efficiency of testing activities depends largely on the test case quality, which is
considered as one of the major concerns of software testing. Unfortunately, at the moment
there is no clear guideline that can be referred by software testers in producing good quality
test cases. Hence, producing a guideline is certainly required. To construct a pragmatic
guideline, it is crucial to identify the factors that lead to designing good quality test cases.
The existing test case quality factors are not comprehensive and need further investigation
and improvement. Therefore, a content analysis was conducted to identify the test case
quality factors from software testing experts' points of view available on the software testing
websites. The software testing websites provide explicit information about the quality of test
cases in order to avoid the poor design of test cases.

Software testing is important because the impact of untested or underperforming software can
have a trickle-down or domino effect on thousands of users and employees.
For example, if a web application that sells a product works too slowly, customers may get
impatient and buy a similar product elsewhere. Or, if a database within an application output
the wrong information for a search query, people may lose trust in the website or company in
Software Testers help prevent these kinds of corporate faux pas. Plus, software testing can
help ensure the safety of users or those impacted by its use, particularly if an application is
used to run a critical element of a town or city’s infrastructure.



In the software engineering process, testing is a key element of the development lifecycle. In
a waterfall development system, Software Testers may be called in after an application has
been created to see if it has any bugs and how it performs. The Testers’ feedback is critical to
the process because it helps engineers fine-tune the end product.
In a DevOps environment, software testing is often done at various stages of development
because the DevOps system relies on constant feedback. In this development framework,
Testers may assess a certain aspect of the software’s function according to the team’s current
phase of development.
For example, if a web app needs to integrate well with mobile devices, one group of Software
Testers may focus on the app’s performance on iOS and Android devices, while another
group of Testers checks how it performs on macOS or Windows.
Similarly, granular elements of an application can be run through tests. This can include how
well it processes information from interactive databases or the flow and feel of the user
The input from Testers can make it easier and faster to fine-tune key elements of an
application’s performance, particularly from the perspective of an end-user.

 Step 1: Evaluate your current situation

 Step 2: Define your Requirements

 Step 3: Establish an evaluation team

 Step 4: Start hunting possible testing platforms

 Step 5: Read public testing tool reviews

 Step 6: Points to consider (but not limited to)

 Step 7: Step 7: 1-2-3-DEMO!

 Step 8: Plan your deployment

 Step 9: Stay up to date with updates



Test Case Reduction, as the name suggests, is the process of cutting away all the code that is
irrelevant to the bug and generating a smaller program or code that still induces the bug. This
helps in reducing the cost of executing, validating, and managing test cases or test suites for
the Development team.
Generic steps followed for reducing test cases can be:

1. Write test cases manually or through automated tools.

2. For each test case, build the coverage and data sets.
3. Apply the proposed test case reduction technique and remove unwanted test
4. Analyse the effectiveness of the Test Case Reduction technique.


Test Case Reduction is important because it:

 Reduces the execution time for large and complex programs.

 Avoids flaky tests, which are one of the most critical problems in testing software at
the Google scale.
 Improves fault localization.
 It helps with Future-proof testing.
 It helps in creating new tests from existing ones.
 It helps in adapting software to environments with fewer resources.
 It provides an alternative way to fuzz.
 It is useful for core cybersecurity tasks like symbolic execution, bug triage, etc.
Following are the techniques to reduce the number of test cases in any given test suite to
make your life easier:

The main purpose of test suite reduction is to satisfy all the testing requirements with a
minimum number of test cases. One such way is to generate test cases based on requirements
by Requirement Optimization.
All the test cases of each testing requirement are generated, and then the greedy algorithm is
applied to the constructed test suites for reduction. The redundancy in test suites and size can
be reduced using model-checker-based techniques to create test cases. The requirement
optimization is good when dealing with a finite Boolean expression that classifies the
requirements as true or false test cases.
In order to maintain the effectiveness of fault localization, a technique called dynamic
domain reduction (DDR) is also used, which helps in keeping the system free from errors at
the same time, keeping the efficiency by reducing the number of test cases. DDR is good
when dealing with arrays, loops, and expressions.
The third one is the Ping Pong technique which uses a heuristic technique to reorder the test
cases that provides a good but not optimal solution. It takes requirements from natural

The main purpose of the Coverage-based reduction technique is to ensure that the maximum
number of paths of a given program is executed. Fault detection preservation is an important
aspect of test case reduction in Regression testing.
This is done with the help of CBR (Case Base Reasoning). CBR has three classifications,
namely, Case, Auxiliary, and Pivotal.

 Case-based searches for the most similar problems to solve problems, i.e., a memory.
 An Auxiliary-based case can be deleted without affecting competence, but it does
affect the system’s efficiency.
 A Pivotal-based case has a direct impact on the system competence if deleted.
CBR uses three methods for test case reduction:

 Test Case Complexity for Filtering (TCCF): Coverage set, Reachability set, and
Auxiliary set are determined, and the complexity for each test case is calculated. The
test case with the minimum complexity value is removed.
 Test Case Impact for Filtering (TCIF): The impact of the test cases is checked
based on their ability to detect faults when these test cases are removed.
 Path Coverage for Filtering (PCF): It is a structure testing that chooses test cases
that determine the path to be taken within the program structure.


It is a computational intelligence-based approach used as a solution for various test case
reduction problems like Evolutionary Computation.
For example, a Genetic Algorithm was proposed that builds the initial population based on
the test history. The following things were done:

 Fitness value depending on the coverage and runtime of test cases was calculated.
 Only the tests that fit were allowed to be in the reduced suite.
 This process is repeated until an optimized test suite is found.
The results showed that the proposed test suite reduction technique was cost-effective and
had generality.
One of the major advantages of this algorithm is that it helps in test case reduction along with
a simultaneous decrease in the total run time. However, it fails when an examination of the
fault detection capability along with other criteria is asked for.

The Data Mining approach of Clustering techniques is used to reduce the test cases in the test
suite and improve efficiency. With the help of Clustering, the program can be checked with
any one of the Clustered test cases rather than the entire test cases produced by independent
It is simply based on selecting the test cases based on coverage and distribution. The most
common techniques include Construction algorithms, Graph theoretical algorithms,
Optimization algorithms, and Hierarchical algorithms. They do produce a smaller set of test
cases but with reduced fault detection ability.

It is one of the popular code–based reduction techniques and is applied to test suites obtained
from Model-based techniques. It selects the test cases which satisfy the maximum number of
unsatisfied requirements. This technique is repeated until all the test cases in the test suite
lead to the production of a reduced test suite. This algorithm works on the basis of the
relationship that exists between testing requirements and test cases.
An advantage of the Greedy algorithm is that it provides a significant reduction in the total
number of test cases, but it involves a random selection of test cases in case of a tie situation
occurs. It needs to be optimized in case of large-scale test suites.

Another way to perform the optimization of test suites is by using fuzzy logic. This is termed
to be a safe technique as it helps in reducing the regression testing size along with the
execution time. The level of testing used here is based on an objective function, which is
quite similar to human judgment.
Genetic algorithm and Swarm optimization combined with fuzzy logic can be used to make
optimizations in the test suite for multi-objective selection criteria. Some CI-based
approaches are often used to achieve test suite optimization and test suite analysis for safe
reduction, which can then be executed using control flow graphs.
These graphs are used for traversing test cases of optimal solutions. Often recommended, this
method is considered to be safer than other methods for regression testing.

It is a technique used to check a program over a specific property and build a slice set. This
set consists of a set of statements effect to determine a statement, i.e., it is the output
statement of a program based on some input values.
This technique helps to show the control flow for each test case in a program. There are three
types of slicing techniques:

 Static Slicing
 Dynamic Slicing
 Relevant Slicing
Number of required test cases can be decreased using Slicing techniques thereby decreasing
the time and cost of testing.

This algorithm combines the efficient approximation of the genetic algorithm with the greedy
approach to produce high-quality Pareto fronts in order to achieve multiple objectives. Here,
the objective functions are considered as a mathematical description of the test criterion.
A cost-effective version of the Greedy algorithm is used for Statement coverage and
Computational cost. For Fault detection, code coverage, fault coverage, and execution time
are also considered for optimization.

Testing is essential because we all make mistakes. Some of those mistakes are not
important, but some are expensive or could be life-threatening. We have to test
everything that we produce because things can go wrong; humans can make mistakes
at any time.
Human errors can cause a defect or failure at any stage of the software development
life cycle. The results are classified as trivial or catastrophic, depending on the
consequences of the error.

The requirement of rigorous testing and their associated documentation during the
software development life cycle arises because of the below reasons:

 To identify defects
 To reduce flaws in the component or system
 Increase the overall quality of the system

There can also be a requirement to perform software testing to comply with legal
requirements or industry-specific standards. These standards and rules can specify
what kind of techniques should we use for product development. For example, the
motor, avionics, medical, and pharmaceutical industries, etc., all have standards
covering the testing of the product.

The points below show the significance of testing for a reliable and easy to use
software product:

 The testing is important since it discovers defects/bugs before the delivery to the
client, which guarantees the quality of the software.
 It makes the software more reliable and easier to use.
 Thoroughly tested software ensures reliable and high-performance software operation.

For example, assume you are using a Net Banking application to transfer the amount
to your friend's account. So, you initiate the transaction, get a successful transaction
message, and the amount also deducts from your account. However, your friend
confirms that his/her account has not received any credits yet. Likewise, your account
is also not reflecting the reversed transaction. This will surely make you upset and
leave you as an unsatisfied customer.

Now, the question arises, why did it happen? It is because of the improper testing of
the net banking application before release. Thorough testing of the website for all
possible user operations would lead to early identification of this problem. Therefore,
one can fix it before releasing it to the public for a smoother experience.
In the above example, we can observe that due to the presence of defects, the system
failed to perform the required operation and didn't meet the client's requirements.
Appropriate testing techniques applied to each test levels, along with a proper level of
test expertise, ensures an absolute reduction in the frequency of such software





Sometimes, we test a fully developed software product against the user requirement
and find that some basic functionality was missing. It may happen because of a
mistake in the requirement gathering or the coding phase. Then to fix such types of
errors, we may have to start the development again from scratch. Fixing such kinds of
mistakes becomes very tedious, time-consuming, and expensive. Therefore, it is
always desirable to test the software in its development phase.


Ease of use is a simple concept; it specifies how easily the intended users can use the
final product. The software testing ensures the construction of the software product in
a way that meets the user's expectations regarding compliance with the requirements
in a comfortable, satisfactory, and simplistic manner.


You can verify all the aspects of the software in software testing, such as checking the
basic functionalities as well as testing a system for unexpected conditions.
Unexpected conditions can be from an incorrect data type or due to a piracy attack.
Therefore, testing makes sure that the system can handle these situations very well.
Thus, if we find an error in advance, we have the option to correct them. It can
prevent complaints once the software or application has reached customers.


Software tests help developers find errors and scenarios to reproduce the error, which
in turn helps them to fix it quickly. Besides, software testers can work in parallel with
the development team, thus understanding the design, risk areas, etc. in detail. This
knowledge exchange between testers and developers accelerates the entire
development process.

Test Oracle is a mechanism, different from the program itself, that can be used to test the
accuracy of a program’s output for test cases. Conceptually, we can consider testing a
process in which test cases are given for testing and the program under test. The output of
the two then compares to determine whether the program behaves correctly for test cases.
This is shown in figure.

Testing oracles are required for testing. Ideally, we want an automated oracle, which
always gives the correct answer. However, often oracles are human beings, who mostly
calculate by hand what the output of the program should be. As it is often very difficult to
determine whether the behavior corresponds to the expected behavior, our “human deities”
may make mistakes. Consequently, when there is a discrepancy, between the program and
the result, we must verify the result produced by the oracle before declaring that there is a
defect in the result.
The human oracles typically use the program’s specifications to decide what the correct
behavior of the program should be. To help oracle determine the correct behavior, it is
important that the behavior of the system or component is explicitly specified and the
specification itself be error-free. In other words actually specify the true and correct
There are some systems where oracles are automatically generated from the specifications
of programs or modules. With such oracles, we are assured that the output of the oracle
conforms to the specifications. However, even this approach does not solve all our
problems, as there is a possibility of errors in specifications. As a result, a divine generated
from the specifications will correct the result if the specifications are correct, and this
specification will not be reliable in case of errors. In addition, systems that generate oracles
from specifications require formal specifications, which are often not generated during

Testing as a profession is new, and it’s part of the software world which is new itself.
Testing, however, was needed starting with the first piece of software. Back then, developers
tested the software they wrote, it was part of the job. After World War II, the software field
grew bigger. With bigger markets, came economic opportunities, but also big risks: big foul
ups can lead to reputation loss, market loss and loss of big piles of cash.
The first testers were bug-catchers and later gate-keepers. Since then, the testing profession
has grown, and it now involves many responsibilities. Testers report the status of the product
from all sides: inside, outside and sideways. They give the business tools to make business
In order to do this valuable work, testers need to understand the risks, the market and the
users. They find ways to reduce risks, by exploring areas of uncertainty in the product,
proving and disproving assumptions, and suggesting corrections.
Software testing is a technical task, but it also involves some important considerations of
economics and human psychology. The most important considerations in software testing are
issues of psychology. One of the primary causes of poor application testing is the fact that
most programmers begin with a false definition of the term; these definitions are upside
down. Understanding the true definition of software testing can make a profound difference
in the success of your efforts. Human beings tend to be highly goal-oriented, and establishing
the proper goal has an important psychological effect on them. The myriad implications
related to the varied distorted definitions of software testing give rise to psychology
problems. It is often impractical, often impossible, to find all the errors in a program. This
fundamental problem causes implications for the economics of testing. To combat the
challenges associated with testing economics, there are particular strategies: black-box testing
and white-box testing. Apart from discussing the psychology problems of testing, this chapter
explores the testing economics strategies. It also introduces a set of vital testing principles or
guidelines. Most of these principles may seem obvious, yet they are all too often overlooked.
There is a definite economic impact of software testing. One economic impact is from the
cost of defects. This is a very real and very tangible cost. Another economic impact is from
the way we perform testing. It is possible to have very good motivations and testing goals
while testing in a very inefficient way.

To understand the dynamics and costs of defects, we need to know some things about them.
One of the most commonly understood facts about defects is that most defects originate in the
requirements definition phase of a project. The next runner-up is the design phase.

Some problems in getting accurate, clear, and testable requirements are:

• Many people do not have a solid requirements gathering process.

• Few people have been trained in or understand the dynamics of requirements.

• Projects, people, and the world around us change very quickly.

• The English language is ambiguous and even what we consider clear language can be
interpreted differently by different people.


We saw that most defects originate in requirements and design, but most of the testing effort
occurs in a traditional “testing” phase toward the end of the project. This is called the “big
bang” approach from the concentration of effort at one big phase. “Big bang” could also
describe the sound of the project as it fails. The problem with the big bang approach to testing
is that defects are not found until toward the end of the project. This is the most costly and
risky time to fix defects. Some complex defects may even be impossible to fix.
Defects are basically considered as destructive in all software development stages. Any
unexpected things that occur in software stages are defective in that particular software. To
establish a defect management process is the most attractive and best way to increase and
improve the quality of software. There is no such software that is present without any
defect. Defects are present in whole life of software because software is developed by
humans and “to err is human” i.e. it is natural for human beings to make mistakes. Number
of defects can be reduced by resolving or fixing but it is impossible to make a software
error or defect-free. Defect Management Process (DMP), as name suggests, is a process
of managing defects by simply identifying and resolving or fixing defects. If defect
management process is done in more efficient manner with full focus, then less buggy
software will be available more in the market.

The Defect Management Process is a systematic approach to identify, track, and resolve
defects in software development. It typically includes the following steps:
1. DEFECT IDENTIFICATION – Defects are identified through various testing
activities, such as unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing.
2. DEFECT LOGGING – Defects are logged in a defect tracking system, along
with details such as description, severity, and priority.
3. DEFECT TRIAGE – The triage process involves evaluating the defects to
determine their priority and the resources required to resolve them.
4. DEFECT ASSIGNMENT – Defects are assigned to developers or testers for
resolution, based on their expertise and availability.
5. DEFECT RESOLUTION – The assigned personnel work on resolving the
defects by fixing the code, updating the documentation, or performing other
necessary actions.
6. DEFECT VERIFICATION – Once the defect is resolved, it is verified by the
tester to ensure that it has been fixed correctly and does not introduce any new
7. DEFECT CLOSURE – Once the defect has been verified, it is closed and the
status is updated in the defect tracking system.
8. DEFECT REPORTING – Regular reports on the status of defects, including
the number of open defects, the number of defects resolved, and the average
time to resolve defects, are generated to provide visibility into the defect
management process.


 Prevent the defect

 Detection at an early stage
 Reduce the impact or effects of defect on software
 Resolving or fixing defects
 Improving process and performance of software.
 Operational support for simply resolving and retesting defects being found.
 To give input for status and progress report regarding defect.
 To give input for advice regarding release of defect.
 To identify the main reason that the defect occurred and how to handle it.


1. AVAILABILITY OF AUTOMATION TOOLS : Defect tracking is one of the

most important processes of defect management process. There are several
automation tools available for defect tracking. Different tools are available
nowadays to track different types of defects such as software tools to detect or
track non-technical problems, user-facing tools to detect defects that are related
to production or use of internal automated tools to detect defects by
development team.
2. ENSURE RESOLUTION : This defect management process also helps to
ensure that whether or not all defects that were found or were tracked are
resolved or fixed or not. In simple words, it helps us to ensure the resolution of
defects being tracked.
3. PROVIDE VALUABLE METRICS : DMP also provides valuable defect
metrics along with automation tools. These defect metrics help in reporting and
continuous improvements.
4. IMPROVED SOFTWARE QUALITY – By identifying and resolving defects,
the software will perform as intended and be of higher quality.
5. Increased efficiency – The Defect Management Process provides a systematic
approach to managing defects, leading to a more efficient use of resources and
faster resolution of defects.
6. BETTER COLLABORATION – The Defect Management Process facilitates
communication and collaboration among different teams, such as development,
testing, and management, leading to a more cohesive and effective development
7. IMPROVED VISIBILITY – The Defect Management Process provides regular
reports on the status of defects, giving stakeholders visibility into the
development process and helping to ensure that defects are being resolved in a
timely manner.
8. BETTER TRACKING – The Defect Management Process provides a
centralized system for tracking and managing defects, making it easier to track
the progress of defect resolution and ensure that defects are not forgotten.

1. If DMP is not handled properly, then there will a huge increased cost in a
creeping i.e. increase in price of product.
2. If errors or defects are not managed properly at early stage, then afterwards,
defect might cause greater damage, and costs to fix or resolve the defect will
also get increased.
3. There will be other disadvantages also like loss of revenue, loss of customers,
damaged brand reputations if DMP is not done properly.
4. OVERHEAD – The Defect Management Process requires a significant amount
of overhead, including time spent logging and triaging defects, and managing
the defect tracking system.
5. RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS – The Defect Management Process may require
a significant amount of resources, including personnel, hardware, and software,
which may be challenging for smaller organizations.
6. RESISTANCE TO CHANGE – Some stakeholders may resist the Defect
Management Process, particularly if they are used to a more informal approach
to managing defects.
7. DEPENDENCE ON TECHNOLOGY – The Defect Management Process
relies on technology, such as a defect tracking system, to manage defects. If the
technology fails, the process may be disrupted, leading to delays and
8. LACK OF STANDARDIZATION – Without a standard approach to Defect
Management, different organizations may have different processes, leading to
confusion and inefficiencies when working together on software development
We often see situations where we have applied the best testing techniques and processes, and
yet the testing wasn't completed in time or with quality. It happens when we have not planned
for risks in our testing process.
Risk is the possibility of an event in the future, which has negative consequences. We need to
plan for these negative consequences in advance so we can either eliminate the risk or reduce
the impacts.

From the Testing perspective, a QA manager needs to be aware of these risks so he/she can
minimize the impact on the quality of the software. Does this mean that the QA manager
should address every risk that the project could face? In an ideal world, YES, but in all
practicality, he would never have the time and resources to plan for every risk. Therefore we
need to prioritize risks that would have severe consequences on software. How do we do
that? We do that by determining the level of risk.

Software testing needs time and skill. Most testers work on a deadline and follow a series of
test steps to mark a product deployment ready. But among the several features you have, how
do you know where to start the testing process? The most common practice is to work
according to different testing approaches—Analytical, model-based, methodical, risk-based
testing, and more

There are two dimensions of Risks that we should know.

 PROBABILITY - Risk is always a possibility. The likelihood of risk is always

between 0 % to 100 %. The probability can never be 0%; otherwise, risk will never
occur. It can never be 100%; otherwise, it's not a risk; it is a certainty. E.g., We are
hosting a website on a server that guarantees 99% uptime. What is the probability of
the server going down? You guessed it right! It's 1 %.

 IMPACT - Risk by its very nature has a negative impact. However, the size of the
impact varies from one risk to another. We need to determine the impact on the
project if the risk occurs. Continuing with the same example - What's the impact if the
server goes down? Well, the site will not be accessible, so the impact is very high!


While several scenarios exist to give rise to risk occurrences, they fall into varying categories
as per what they affect. Software risks can manifest in various forms, and understanding these
types of risks is crucial for effective risk management in software development.

As per its name, technical risks consist of complex and often uncertain defects in
design, functionality, system performance, and data. It encompasses all the technical
aspects of a project, from challenges arising from software complexity and new or
unproven technologies to integration difficulties, performance bottlenecks, and
security vulnerabilities.


It includes risks associated with project scheduling and resource allocation, including
constraints on resources (such as hardware and human resources), changes in project
scope, tight deadlines, and dependencies on third-party components or services.

Any risk arising from operational aspects of a project, including potential operational
failures (e.g., lack of disaster recovery plans), differences between testing and
production environments, and geographical factors affecting data centers, come under
this type.

Business risks are risks arising from changes in market conditions, economic factors
affecting budget or funding, and competitive forces influencing the project’s success

These are the risks related to changes in project or team leadership and team
dynamics, including conflicts and communication issues.

It consists of risks associated with external factors, including third-party risks linked
to vendors or services outside the project team’s direct control.


Risk analysis is a highly critical aspect that causes any software to lose its quality and
credibility if not done right. Developers and testers often analyse the source code and the
corresponding front-end features to understand the interactions between different
components. All this review results in identifying risks and figuring out the mitigation



First, you need to identify the risk, which comes in several forms. The main two
classifications are project risk and product risk.
Project risks are associated with uncertain scenarios that can impact the project’s progress.
Product risks refer to the possibility that the system might fulfil certain customer
expectations or might fail to work as intended. Understanding these risk types and
classifying the identified risks accordingly will help you to move toward the right solution.
For more context, focus on segmenting risks as per their type, which we have discussed
One example of this could be that the Simply Travel site lacks sufficient security
functions. This risk would be a product and technical risk.


A risk’s impact is determined as per how much damage it could do to the system. A
security risk is certainly a huge red flag. Yet, we need to analyze the impact by calculating
the levels of the risks. For this, we need probability and impact value. Both these
parameters range within High, Medium, and Low values. The security risk discussed in the
above example would be awarded a High value for probability and impact, making it an
immediate threat to the system. Based on this classification, you would need to look for a
solution urgently. Let’s look at a few more possible risks and classify them accordingly for
a broader understanding:
Risk Probability Impact Risk level / Priority
Insufficient Human Resource for the High (3) High (3) High (9)
Testing Environment lacking similar Medium(2) High (3) Medium (6)
features as the production


Risk mitigation comes in varying forms as per the identified risks and the decision of the
people involved. Project managers ideate and formulate strategies to resolve the risks. They
can go with a range of options, including avoiding the risks, looking for a solution, transferring
the risks to other resources, or planning to contain it with sufficient resources/budget. In
parallel, proper documentation and monitoring of the risk is necessary to keep it within control.


Performing effective risk analysis in software testing is crucial for identifying and mitigating
potential issues. Here are nine best practices to follow:

 Start risk analysis during project initiation. Identify and document potential risks and
uncertainties as early as possible.
 Consider technical, operational, and business-related risks. Ensure you have a holistic
view of potential issues.
 Categorize risks by type (technical, schedule, operational, etc.) to facilitate better risk
management and prioritization.
 Conduct regular risk reviews at various project stages, including planning, execution,
and closure.
 Develop clear and actionable mitigation plans for high-risk items.
 Define criteria for assessing and categorizing risks, including probability, impact, and
risk levels (low, medium, high).


A Traceability Matrix is a document that co-relates any two-baseline documents that require
a many-to-many relationship to check the completeness of the relationship.

It is used to track the requirements and to check the current project requirements are met.


Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a document that maps and traces user
requirement with test cases. It captures all requirements proposed by the client and
requirement traceability in a single document, delivered at the conclusion of the Software
development life cycle. The main purpose of Requirement Traceability Matrix is to validate
that all requirements are checked via test cases such that no functionality is unchecked during
Software testing.

The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a tool to help ensure that the project’s scope,
requirements, and deliverables remain “as is ” when compared to the baseline. Thus, it
“traces ” the deliverables by establishing a thread for each requirement- from the project’s
initiation to the final implementation.

Project Organization
As mentioned above, you’ll be doing a lot of tests to verify the viability of your software
projects. You’ll also have a list of requirements from multiple sources. In order to ensure that
you’ve tested every variable correctly, you need to use a RTM. These documents increase
productivity by reducing team errors and gathering all essential data in one place.

Improved Communication
Because every test your team conducts is recorded, RTM documents expedite
communication. Issues are easier to identify and teams can work faster on completing their
projects. A digital requirements traceability matrix can be used simultaneously by multiple
project members, and previous data is readily available. This allows teams to better delegate
tasks and transfer responsibilities without sacrificing quality.


The main agenda of every tester should be to understand the client’s requirement and make
sure that the output product should be defect-free. To achieve this goal, every QA should
understand the requirement thoroughly and create positive and negative test cases.
This would mean that the software requirements provided by the client have to be further
split into different scenarios and further to test cases. Each of this case has to be executed
A question arises here on how to make sure that the requirement is tested considering all
possible scenarios/cases? How to ensure that any requirement is not left out of the testing
A simple way is to trace the requirement with its corresponding test scenarios and test cases.
This merely is termed as ‘Requirement Traceability Matrix.’
The traceability matrix is typically a worksheet that contains the requirements with its all
possible test scenarios and cases and their current state, i.e. if they have been passed or failed.
This would help the testing team to understand the level of testing activities done for the
specific product.


Some RTMs are more in-depth than others. No matter what project you’re pursuing, though,
you must include a few basic elements.

 Requirement ID
 Test Case ID
 Status

 Requirements: An identifier or description that explains one feature your project is

meant to complete.
 Test Cases: A plan of inquiry based on a project requirement. Each test is matched
with a requirement and vice versa.
 Project Status: The viability of the project. Did it pass or fail the test?

Above is a sample requirement traceability matrix.


In Software Engineering, traceability matrix can be divided into three major component as
mentioned below:

This matrix is used to check whether the project progresses in the desired direction
and for the right product. It makes sure that each requirement is applied to the product
and that each requirement is tested thoroughly. It maps requirements to test cases.


It is used to ensure whether the current product remains on the right track. The
purpose behind this type of traceability is to verify that we are not expanding the
scope of the project by adding code, design elements, test or other work that is not
specified in the requirements. It maps test cases to requirements.


This traceability matrix ensures that all requirements are covered by test cases. It
analyzes the impact of a change in requirements affected by the Defect in a work
product and vice versa.

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