UCSP 11_12 Q1 05 Human Biocultural and Social Evolution SA

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Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

Unit 5: Human Biocultural and Social Evolution

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Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer from the given options by writing the letter in
the space provided before each number.

_______________ 1. Which statement does not define evolution?

A. It is the process species have to undertake to adapt to their

B. It is the process of developing physical changes in species over
a period of time.
C. It is the process of developing biological changes in species over
a period of time.
D. It is the theory that proposes the Earth and human beings are
creations of God.

_______________ 2. Which of the following is a characteristic of Homo sapiens?

A. They are the first users of stone tools.

B. They developed a symbolic communication system.
C. They are the first species to develop bipedalism.
D. They had smaller teeth compared to Australopithecines.

_______________ 3. What nickname did scientists give to Homo erectus to describe the
species’ primary characteristic?

A. the handy man

B. the upright man
C. the thinking man
D. the wise thinking man

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Unit 5: Human Biocultural and Social Evolution

_______________ 4. Which order depicts the transition from early to modern humans?
I. Homo erectus
II. Homo habilis
III. Homo sapiens

A. I - II - III
B. I - III - II
C. II - I - III
D. III - II - I

_______________ 5. Which best describes cultural evolution?

A. It is evolution based on the “survival of the fittest.”

B. It is the biological change in a species over a period of time.
C. It pertains to the transmission and development of skills,
language, customs through time.
D. It is the development of more organized socio-economic and
political systems.

_______________ 6. Which order depicts the cultural evolution of humans?

I. Mesolithic period
II. Neolithic period
III. Paleolithic period

A. I - II - III
B. II - III - I
C. III - I - II
D. III - II - I

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Unit 5: Human Biocultural and Social Evolution

_______________ 7. What is one significant event during the Lower Paleolithic period?

A. The earliest stone tools were developed by the Homo habilis.

B. Homo neanderthalensis became prominent users of stone tools.
C. This period is associated with the emergence of Cro-Magnon
Homo sapiens.
D. Tools included sticks, sharp blades, harpoons, and spearheads
made with the punch-blade technique.

_______________ 8. Which is not a significant event during the Neolithic period?

A. This period officially ended hunting-gathering practices.

B. This period was characterized by the domestication of crops.
C. The period cemented trading practices and opened new doors
for the development of new tools.
D. The development of Acheulian tools, such as the hand ax, took
place during this time.

_______________ 9. What is the Neolithic revolution?

A. It is when humans began the use of metals.

B. It is when humans developed an early system of writing.
C. It is when humans started to domesticate animals and crops.
D. It is when humans discovered how to make fire by themselves.

_______________ 10. This region is widely regarded as the birthplace of civilization.

A. Egypt
B. Indus
C. Mesopotamia
D. Shang

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Unit 5: Human Biocultural and Social Evolution

_______________ 11. Which is not an implication of the early civilizations and the rise of

A. The creation of permanent settlements was dictated by reliable

food supply.
B. Professional armies and weaponry began to make their
C. People began to discover various raw materials, such as iron,
copper, and bronze for making tools and weapons.
D. The beginning of the executive branch of the government
centralized decisions and communications with other states.

_______________ 12. Which of the following are events that led to the birth of democracy
in ancient Athens?
I. Solon gave Athens a new constitution
II. revolution ending the tyrant rule
III. people satisfied with the oligarchic rule

A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

_______________ 13. What are artifacts?

A. This is the people’s way of life.

B. This is the study of material culture.
C. These are objects made or modified by humans in the past.
D. This is the nonmaterial heritage that reflects people’s values.

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Unit 5: Human Biocultural and Social Evolution

_______________ 14. Which does not show the importance of the preservation of

A. They are irreplaceable.

B. They give people a sense of identity.
C. They are keys to understanding the past.
D. They come at a high cost and are difficult to find.

_______________ 15. What do you call the scientific study of material culture?

A. archaeology
B. anthropology
C. humanities
D. sociology

_______________ 16. Which statement does not depict the importance of artifacts in
cultural studies?

A. The nose ring size, which was dependent on the wealth and
riches of the owner, was an evidence of stratification in early
B. Cuneiform writing was superior compared to the other early
forms of communications.
C. Like today’s constitution, the Code of Hammurabi was the
supreme law of the Babylonian empire.
D. In the Philippines, the Manunggul jar was believed to be a vessel
to transport the dead into the afterlife.

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Unit 5: Human Biocultural and Social Evolution
_______________ 17. According to findings of archaeological research, the human race
originated from this continent.

A. Africa
B. Asia
C. Europe
D. North America

_______________ 18. What is the Out of Africa theory?

A. According to this theory, Africa is the birthplace of humankind.

B. According to this theory, a single line of human species existed.
C. According to this theory, humans were created by an absolute
D. According to this theory, all living things came from one
common ancestor.

_______________ 19. Which is not true about Acheulean tools?

A. They were uncovered in the Kortallaiyar river basin in

Attirampakkam, India.
B. These were unearthed 3,500 stone artifacts, consisting of
cleavers, flakes, and hand axes.
C. These artifacts were fabricated by the time there was a high
demand for museum displays.
D. They were authenticated using paleomagnetic measurements
and “isotopes in the grains decay” method.

_______________ 20. What archaeological event in 1974 became a worldwide

phenomenon and opened up interests about our biological origins?

A. the discovery of Ötzi

B. the discovery of “Lucy”
C. the discovery of Callao Man
D. the discovery of Momia Juanita

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Unit 5: Human Biocultural and Social Evolution

Short Essay Response. Answer each of the questions in a short and concise manner. Use
the rubric as your reference for the expected output.

Why is archaeology important? Give at least three reasons and provide concrete
examples to justify your answer.

Performance Levels

Criteria 1 2 3 Score
Beginning Average Advanced
Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency

Clarity and The learner The learner The learner

Strength of presents an presents a presents a clear
Explanation incomplete vague and weak and strong
explanation. explanation. explanation.

Understanding The output The output The output

of Concepts reflects a reflects a reflects mastery
developing sufficient of ideas and
understanding understanding concepts
of ideas and of ideas and discussed in
concepts concepts class.
discussed in discussed in
class. class.

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Unit 5: Human Biocultural and Social Evolution
Performance Levels

Criteria 1 2 3 Score
Beginning Average Advanced
Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency

Sufficiency of The facts are The facts are The facts are
Facts poorly well established well established
established and and provide and provide
provide adequate adequate
inadequate support for support for
support for illustrating the enriching the
illustrating the learner’s idea. learner’s idea.
learner’s idea.

Total Possible Score 9

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