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New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Junior Division Spring 2023

PART 1 Spring 2023 Time: 10 Minutes
S23J01 Compute the number of positive integers n  100 for which 2n yields a remainder of 1 when divided by

S23J02 For a positive integer n, let d(n) denote the number of positive divisors of n. Compute d(564) d(178).

PART 2 Spring 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

S23J03 For real, nonzero numbers x and y , define the binary operation † by

x†y = · (y + 1)
where bN c denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to N . Compute the largest positive integer a
such that a † 25 = 182.

S23J04 In 4ABC , AB = AC = 6, and BC = 8. Compute tan \A.

PART 3 Spring 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

S23J05 Tsuna’s Vongola Familia is comprised of three branches, Varia, Vongola, and CEDEF. Compute the number
of ways that Tsuna can split 200 identical members between the three branches such that Varia has at most
20 members and each branch has at least 1.

S23J06 Deku enters a di↵erent nonzero digit into each cell of a 2 ⇥ 2 grid. Each row, when read from left to right,
and each column, when read from top to bottom, yields a unique two-digit positive integer. The digits in the
first row have a sum greater than their product. The number formed in the second row is prime. The digits
in the left column have a sum of 9. The number formed in the right column is a perfect square. Compute
the sum of the products of the digits in each row.
New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Junior Division Spring 2023

Contest 1 Solutions
S23J01 Compute the number of positive integers n  100 for which 2n yields a remainder of 1 when divided by 35.
Solution. 8
Since 2n 1 is divisible by 35, it must be divisible by 5 and 7. Thus, 2n ⌘ 1 mod 5 and 2n ⌘ 1 mod 7.
By Fermat’s Little Theorem, we have that 24 ⌘ 1 mod 5, and 26 ⌘ 1 mod 7. Note that 24 is the smallest
power of 2 that is 1 mod 5. Thus, when n is a multiple of 4, we have that 2n ⌘ 1 mod 35. Similarly, while
26 ⌘ 1 mod 7, we can test that 23 ⌘ 1 mod 7, so that when n is divisible by 3, we have that 2n ⌘ 1 mod 7.
Thus, when n is divisible by both 4 and 3 (i.e. a multiple of 12) 2n ⌘ 1 mod 35. There are 8 multiples of 12
less than or equal to 100, so there are 8 positive integer solutions.

S23J02 For a positive integer n, let d(n) denote the number of positive divisors of n. Compute d(564) d(178).
Solution. 8
As 564 = 22 · 3 · 47 and 178 = 2 · 89, and 47 and 89 are prime, we have that d(564) = 3 · 2 · 2 = 12 and
d(178) = 2 · 2 = 4 so that d(564) d(178) = 8 .
S23J03 For real, nonzero numbers x and y , define the binary operation † by
x † y = b c · (y + 1)
where bN c denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to N . Compute the largest positive integer a such that
a † 25 = 182.
Solution. 199
By definition, the value a † b is always a multiple of b + 1, so we begin by dividing 182 by b + 1 = 26. As 182 =
26 · 7, we want b ab c = 7, or for 7b  a < 8b. Thus, the maximum integer solution is a = 8 · 25 1 = 199 .
S23J04 In 4ABC , AB = AC = 6, and BC = 8. Compute tan \A.
Solution. 4 5
By the Law of Cosines, we have that BC 2 = AB 2 + AC 2 2 · AB · AC · cos \A. Plugging in known
values, we have the equation 64 = 72 72 cos \A, which yields the solution cos \A = 19 . Bypdefinition,
sin \A
tan \A = cos \A
. By the Pythagorean Trig Identity, we have that sin \A = 1 cos2 \A = 980 . (Note
p p
that sin \A > 0 for 0 < m\A < 180 .) Thus, tan \A = 80 = 4 5 .

S23J05 Tsuna’s Vongola Familia is comprised of three branches, Varia, Vongola, and CEDEF. Compute the number of
ways that Tsuna can split 200 identical members between the three branches such that Varia has at most 20
members and each branch has at least 1.
Solution. 3770
Since we are dividing identical items into a given number of groups, this question boils down to an application
of balls and urns. Note that Varia is the only group with restrictions. For 1  n  20, if Varia has n
total members, then there are 200 n members between Vongola and CEDEF. We set aside two members to
satisfy each branch having at least 1 member. Since there are two groups, we require one separator, so there are
200 n 2+1
= 199 n ways. Therefore, the total is 20 n=1 199 n = (198+179)(20)
= 3770 .
S23J06 Deku enters a di↵erent nonzero digit into each cell of a 2 ⇥ 2 grid. Each row, when read from left to right, and
each column, when read from top to bottom, yields a unique two-digit positive integer. The digits in the first row
have a sum greater than their product. The number formed in the second row is prime. The digits in the left

column have a sum of 9. The number formed in the right column is a perfect square. Compute the sum of the
products of the digits in each row.
Solution. 76 
Let the digits in the grid be denoted by
C D . For example, CD = 10C + D is prime, and is greater than
10. Thus, D must be odd, and cannot be 5. Furthermore, BD is a perfect square, which reduces the possibilities
to be BD = 49 or BD = 81, the only two perfect squares less than 100 and greater than 10 with an odd ones
digit that is not 5. The digits in the first row have a sum greater than their product, so A + B > AB . This is
only true when A = 1 or B = 1. The digits are all distinct, so D 6= 1. Thus, D = 9 and B = 4, which forces
A = 1. Then we have that C = 8, so that the products of the digits in each row are 4 and 72, respectively,
which have a sum of 76 .

New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Junior Division Spring 2023

PART 1 Spring 2023 Time: 10 Minutes
S23J07 Dr. Koro’s 6 students are each handed a di↵erent card from a shu✏ed deck of 6 blue cards and 6 red cards.
Compute the probability that more blue cards than red cards were handed out.

S23J08 Yukino dedicates a grassy field to her sheep. Let A, B , and C be the vertices of a triangular fence such
that 4ABC has AB = 3, AC = 4, and BC = 5. The sheep is leashed to the fence such that it is
always outside 4ABC but no further than 1 unit away from a point on the triangle. Compute the area of
the region that Yukino’s sheep can travel to.

PART 2 Spring 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

S23J09 Lu↵y is designing a rectangular flag with integer side lengths to cast on his ship. If the numerical value of
the flag’s area is 81 greater than the numerical value of the flag’s perimeter, compute the sum of all possible
numerical values of the flag’s perimeter.

S23J10 n, let f (n) denote the number of values x, with 0  x < n⇡ , such that sin(nx) +
For a positive integer
cos(nx) = 1. Compute the greatest integer k such that f (n)  2023.

PART 3 Spring 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

S23J11 For a given value of b, the three distinct roots of x3 30x2 +bx = 0 form an arithmetic sequence. Compute

S23J12 Royd and Lloyd each randomly place a 1 ⇥ 2 brick on a 4 ⇥ 4 grid such that each brick completely covers
two adjacent cells of the grid. Given that the bricks do not overlap, compute the probability that they share
an edge.
New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Junior Division Spring 2023

Contest 2 Solutions
S23J07 Dr. Koro’s 6 students are each handed a di↵erent card from a shu✏ed deck of 6 blue cards and 6 red cards.
Compute the probability that more blue cards than red cards were handed out.
Solution. 462
For each color, assign each card of that color a di↵erent integer from 1 through 6 so the cards are distinguishable.
As blue and red cards are symmetric, by complementary counting, the desired probability is equal to half the
probability that the students do not get an equal number of blue and red cards. Let p denote the probability the
1 p
students get dealt 3 cards of each color so that the desired probability is 2 . To compute p, we note that 3 of the
12 ( 6)
6 cards of each color must be dealt. There are a total of hands of 6 cards that could be dealt, so p = 312 .
6 (6)
6 6·5·4 400·6! 100
As 3 = 3!
= 20, we have that p = 12·11·10·9·8·7
= 231
. Therefore, the probability that blue specifically
1 p 1 131 131
appears more than red is 2 = 2
· 231
= .
S23J08 Yukino dedicates a grassy field to her sheep. Let A, B , and C be the vertices of a triangular fence such that
4ABC has AB = 3, AC = 4, and BC = 5. The sheep is leashed to the fence such that it is always outside
4ABC but no further than 1 unit away from a point on the triangle. Compute the area of the region that
Yukino’s sheep can travel to.
Solution. 12 + ⇡


We wish to compute the area of the region outside 4ABC , which is the union of three rectangles and three
sectors. Each rectangle has one side of length 1 and one side equal to a side of the triangle. Thus, the sum of the
areas of the rectangles is numerically equal to the perimeter of the triangle, which is simply 3 + 4 + 5 = 12. By
translating the sectors centered at B and C to be centered at A, we note that the sectors form a complete circle
with radius 1. Then the sum of the areas of the sectors is ⇡ , and the desired area is 12 + ⇡ .

S23J09 Lu↵y is designing a rectangular flag with integer side lengths to cast on his ship. If the numerical value of the
flag’s area is 81 greater than the numerical value of the flag’s perimeter, compute the sum of all possible numerical
values of the flag’s perimeter.
Solution. 232
Let a and p denote the area and perimeter of the flag, respectively. Let w and h be the dimensions of the flag
so that a = wh and p = 2w + 2h. Since a = p + 81, we have that a p = wh 2w 2h = 81. By

Simon’s Favorite Factoring Trick, we add 4 to both sides, yielding wh 2w 2h + 4 = (w 2)(h 2) = 85,
whose prime factorization is 5 · 17. As w, h are positive integers, w 2 and h 2 are integers greater than or
equal to 1. WLOG, let w > h so that w 2 > h 2. We have two cases: (w 2, h 2) = (85, 1), or
(w 2, h 2) = (17, 5), which yield the solutions (w, h) = (87, 3) and (w, h) = (19, 7), respectively. The
perimeters of these rectangles are 2(87 + 3) = 180 and 2(19 + 7) = 52, which have a combined sum of 232 .
S23J10 For a positive integer n, let f (n) denote the number of values x, with 0  x < n⇡ , such that sin(nx) +
cos(nx) = 1. Compute the greatest integer k such that f (n)  2023.

Solution. 17
Let ✓ = nx so that sin ✓ + cos ✓ = 1, or cos ✓ = 1 sin ✓. By the Pythagorean Trigonometry Identity, we
have that sin2 ✓ + cos2 ✓ = sin2 ✓ + (1 sin ✓)2 = 2 sin2 ✓ 2 sin ✓ + 1 = 1. Thus, sin ✓ = 0 or sin ✓ = 1.
As cos ✓ = 1 sin ✓ , these yield cos ✓ = 1 and cos ✓ = 0, respectively. Then ✓ = nx is a multiple of 2⇡ or

more than a multiple of 2⇡ . Since 0  x < n⇡ , we have that 0  ✓ < n2 ⇡ .
• When n is even, n2 is even, so there will be n2 integer multiples of 2⇡ , as we don’t include n2 ⇡ but we do
include 0. There are also n2 values of ✓ that are ⇡2 more than a multiple of 2⇡ in the interval. Thus, when
n is even, f (n) = n2 .
• When n is odd, n2 is odd and n2 1 is even, so there are n 2 1 pairs of values up to but not including
(n2 1)⇡ . Counting (n2 1)⇡ itself and (n2 1)⇡ + ⇡2 , we conclude that when n is odd, f (n) =
(n2 1) + 2 = n2 + 1.
Let g(k) = f (n). Since f (n) = n2 when n is even and f (n) = n2 + 1 when n is odd, we note that g(k)
is the sum of squares plus the number of odd integers between 1 and k inclusive. Thus, g(k) = n2 + d k2 e.
(Here,dxe denotes the smallest integer greater than or equal to x.) Substituting the sum of squares identity, we
k(k+1)(2k+1) 3 2
have that g(k) = 6
+ d k2 e. Approximating g(k) ⇡ k3 + k2 , we notice that g(17) = 1794 and
g(18) = 2118, so the greatest positive integer k for which g(k)  2023 is k = 17 .
S23J11 For a given value of b, the three distinct roots of x3 30x2 + bx = 0 form an arithmetic sequence. Compute b.
Solution. 200
Note that x is a factor of the polynomial, so 0 is a root. The roots are either ( r, 0, r), for which x(x r)(x+r) =
x3 r2 x, or (0, r, 2r), for which x(x r)(x 2r) = x3 3rx2 + 2r2 x. As the x2 term is nonzero, we take
the second case. Thus, 30 = 3r , so r = 10, which yields b = 2r 2 = 200 .
S23J12 Royd and Lloyd each randomly place a 1 ⇥ 2 brick on a 4 ⇥ 4 grid such that each brick completely covers two
adjacent cells of the grid. Given that the bricks do not overlap, compute the probability that they share an edge.
Solution. 9690

Suppose Royd places his brick first. Call a cell of the grid an edge cell if it has exactly 3 adjacent cells. Royd’s brick
can be placed in 24 di↵erent locations on the grid, which we can count by noticing that each of these placements
corresponds to a di↵erent edge in the interior of the grid, namely the edge common between the two cells that the
brick covers. However, after rotations and reflections, this reduces to only 4 distinguishable placements for Royd’s
brick: two edge cells, one of which is a corner; two edge cells, neither of which is a corner; one edge cell; no edge
cells. In order, there are 8, 4, 8, and 4 placements in each case. We perform casework, summarizing the results in
the table below.

Number of Placements Number of Placements
Royd’s Brick for Lloyd’s Brick that Share an Edge
Corner Cell 20 6
2 Edge Cells,
but no Corner Cell 19 7
1 Edge Cell 18 9
0 Edge Cells 17 12

Since the first and third cases are twice as likely as the second and fourth, we can assign the first and third cases
6 7 9
2· 20 +1· 19 +2· 18 +1· 12 3 7
+ 19 +1+ 12
a weight of 2 each. The probability that the blocks share an edge is therefore 2+1+2+1
= 5
which simplifies to 16 · 8
+ 347
= 1
· 8·323+347·5
= 1
· 2584+1735
= .

New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Junior Division Spring 2023

PART 1 Spring 2023 Time: 10 Minutes
S23J13 Nagisa has a paper circle with radius 10. He cuts along two radii of the circle whose larger angle measures
x , and then rolls the larger sector into a cone such that the two radii coincide. If the height of the cone is
8, compute x.

S23J14 Compute the remainder when 20233202 is divided by 100.

PART 2 Spring 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

S23J15 When grading exams, Professor Aizawa only returns an integer number of points between 0 and 100 inclusive.
Bakugo was previously on track to be the first student in Professor Aizawa’s class to have an average exam
score of 100, but after a series of blunders on his N th exam, Bakugo’s average is now a 96.5, second only to
Todoroki. Compute the sum of all possible positive integers 2  N  100.

S23J16 4ABC has m\B = 90 and AB = 5. Let M and N be points on BC and AC respectively such
that there exists a semicircle centered at M with radius BM that is tangent to AC at N . If the area of
4M N C is 16, and D is the point on BC such that BD is a diameter of the semicircle, compute CD.

PART 3 Spring 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

S23J17 Asmodeus and Clara each independently pick an integer between 1 and 10 inclusive. Given that the two
numbers are distinct, compute the probability that the smaller of the two numbers is prime.

S23J18 Let n be an integer at least 3. Asa and Yoru write the integers 1 through n on a board. They take turns
erasing numbers, one at a time, until only two numbers are left. Let d be the positive di↵erence between
these two numbers. Asa wants to maximize d while Yoru wants to minimize d. Playing optimally, with Asa
first, for how many integers 3  n  102 will d be a perfect square?
New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Junior Division Spring 2023

Contest 3 Solutions
S23J13 Nagisa has a paper circle with radius 10. He cuts along two radii of the circle whose larger angle measures x , and
then rolls the larger sector into a cone such that the two radii coincide. If the height of the cone is 8, compute x.
Solution. 216
Let r be the radius of the base of the cone so that the circumference of the base is 2⇡r . Let R be the radius of the
original circle so that the length of the arc between the two radii is 360 (2⇡R). These arcs map to one another,
x 360r
so they are of equal length. Thus, 2⇡r = 360 (2⇡R), or x = R . As R = 10 is given, and r = 6 by the
Pythagorean Theorem, we have that x = 360 · 10 = 216 .
S23J14 Compute the remainder when 20233202 is divided by 100.
Solution. 29
Note that 2023 ⌘ 23 mod 100. Thus, we want to determine the value of 233202 mod 100. We employ the
Chinese Remainder Theorem, with 100 = 4 · 25. We wish to compute 233202 mod 4 and 233202 mod 25. In
the former, we note that 23 ⌘ 1 mod 4 so that 233202 ⌘ ( 1)3202 ⌘ 1 mod 4. In the latter, we use the
Euler Totient function (n), where, for a positive integer n, (n) denotes the number of integers between 1 and
n, inclusive, that are relatively prime to n. For example, (25) = 45 · 25 = 20. Euler’s Theorem states that
for relatively prime positive integers a and n, a (n) ⌘ 1 mod n. Taking a = 23 and n = 25, we have that
23 (25) ⌘ 2320 ⌘ 1 mod 25. Therefore, 233202 ⌘ (2320 ) · 232 ⌘ 529 ⌘ 4 mod 25. Thus, we wish to
determine the unique integer 0  N < 100 such that N ⌘ 1 mod 4 and N ⌘ 4 mod 25. This is N = 29 .
Alternate Solution.
Note that 2023 ⌘ 23 mod 100. Thus, we want to determine the value of 233202 mod 100. We employ binary
exponentiation. We first express 3202 as the sum of distinct powers of 2. Since 2048  3202 < 4096, the largest
power of 2 we consider is 2048. The di↵erence is 3202 2048 = 1154, which is greater than 1024. Taking the
di↵erence again yields 1154 1024 = 130, which, as the sum of distinct powers of 2, is 128 + 2. Therefore,
3202 = 2048 + 1024 + 128 + 2, so 20233202 ⌘ 232048 · 231024 · 23128 · 232 mod 100.
Now we determine the remainder when 23 raised to various powers of 2 is divided by 100. The sequence of these
remainders starts with 23, 29, 41, 81, 61, 21, 41, · · · . Algorithmically, we determine the next term by calculating
the remainder when the square of the previous term is divided by 100. Since each term is entirely dependent on
the term before it, once we reach the second instance of 41, we note that the sequence starts repeating the
terms 41, 81, 61, 21. Therefore, we can determine that 23128 ⌘ 81 mod 100, 231024 ⌘ 41 mod 100, and
232048 ⌘ 81 mod 100. The desired product is therefore 232048 ·231024 ·23128 ·232 ⌘ 81·41·81·29 mod 100.
We previously showed that 812 ⌘ 61 mod 100. Then, taking the di↵erence of two squares, we show that 41·61 ⌘
512 102 ⌘ 512 ⌘ 1 mod 100. Therefore, 233202 ⌘ 81·41·81·29 ⌘ 41·61·29 ⌘ 1·29 ⌘ 29 mod 100.
S23J15 When grading exams, Professor Aizawa only returns an integer number of points between 0 and 100 inclusive.
Bakugo was previously on track to be the first student in Professor Aizawa’s class to have an average exam score
of 100, but after a series of blunders on his N th exam, Bakugo’s average is now a 96.5, second only to Todoroki.
Compute the sum of all possible positive integers 2  N  100.
Solution. 210
Let p be Bakugo’s score on the N th exam, so that after his N th exam, his cumulative number of points is
100(N 1) + p, yielding an average of 100N N100+p = 100 100N p . This must be equal to 96.5 = 100 3.5,
100 p
so N = 72 . Cross-multiplying, we have 200 2p = 7N , or 200 = 7N +2p. As N and p are both nonnegative
integers, with N > 1, we must have that p ⌘ 100 ⌘ 2 mod 7. Let p = 2 + 7q for a nonnegative integer q .
Then we have that 200 2(2 + 7q) = 196 14q = 7N , or 28 2q = N . Note that N = 28 2q > 1, so
q  13. Thus, we want the sum of 28 2q = 2(14 q) as q ranges from 0 to 13, inclusive. This is equal to
2(14 + 13 + 12 + · · · + 2 + 1) = 2 · 14·15
= 14 · 15 = 210 .

S23J16 4ABC has m\B = 90 and AB = 5. Let M and N be points on BC and AC respectively such that there
exists a semicircle centered at M with radius BM that is tangent to AC at N . If the area of 4M N C is 16,
and D is the point on BC such that BD is a diameter of the semicircle, compute CD .
Solution. 5
Note that \M N C is right so that 4ABC ⇠ 4M N C . Thus, we have the ratio AB AC
= M N
. By the Two-
Tangent Theorem, AB = AN = 5 so AC = 5 + N C . Furthermore, since M N and M D are radii of the
semicircle, M N = M D . As M C = M D + DC = M N + CD , we have that the ratio yields the equality
5+N C
, or CD = M N5·N C . We are given that the area of 4M N C is 12 · M N · N C = 16 so that
M N · N C = 32. Therefore, CD = .
S23J17 Asmodeus and Clara each independently pick an integer between 1 and 10 inclusive. Given that the two numbers
are distinct, compute the probability that the smaller of the two numbers is prime.

Solution. 23 45
Suppose p is the smaller number. Then there are exactly 10 p numbers that can be the larger number. Since
the primes are 2,3,5, and 7, there are a total of (10 2) + (10 3) + (10 5) + (10 7) = 23 total ordered
pairs of integers (a, b) satisfying the conditions that 1  a < b  10 and a is prime. There are a total of
10 23
= 10·9
= 45 possible ordered pairs. Therefore, the probability is .
S23J18 Let n be an integer at least 3. Asa and Yoru write the integers 1 through n on a board. They take turns erasing
numbers, one at a time, until only two numbers are left. Let d be the positive di↵erence between these two
numbers. Asa wants to maximize d while Yoru wants to minimize d. Playing optimally, with Asa first, for how
many integers 3  n  102 will d be a perfect square?
Solution. 56
We perform casework on whether n is even or odd.
• Suppose n is even. We claim that d = 1. For each integer 1  i  n2 , we pair the integers 2i 1 and
2i together. No matter which number Asa erases on his first turn, Yoru will erase the other number in the
pair. For example, if n = 6 and Asa starts by erasing 3, Yoru will erase 4. Proceeding with this algorithm,
Yoru can guarantee that the last two numbers will be adjacent, so d = 1. Therefore, if n is even, d will be
a perfect square. There are 50 even numbers between 3 and 102, inclusive.
• Suppose n is odd. We claim that d = n+1
1. We claim that d 2
. Asa can guarantee this by erasing n+1
on his first turn, this turning the interval
of numbers into two intervals of n 2 1 consecutive numbers each. We can pair the smallest number in
each interval together, the second-smallest number in each interval together, and so on. For example, for
n = 7, Asa erases 4, thus yielding the intervals {1, 2, 3} and {5, 6, 7}, which create the pairs (1, 5),
(2, 6), and (3, 7). Then, whichever number Yoru erases, Asa can erase the other number in that pair,
thereby forcing the last two numbers to have a di↵erence of exactly d = 4, which in general is d = n+1
2. We claim that d  2
Since Asa goes first but n is odd, Yoru only erases n 2 1 1 numbers. Regardless
of what Asa does, Yoru can guarantee that the numbers 1 through n 2 1 1 are all erased, thereby making
n 1 n 1 n+1
the largest possible di↵erence between the remaining numbers n 2
1 +1 =n 2
= 2
When n is odd, d = n+1
. For each odd integer n between 3 and 102 inclusive, there exists a unique integer
d between 3+12
= 2 and 101+1
= 51 inclusive. There are 6 perfect squares in this range, namely 4, 9, 16,
25, 36, and 49, so there are 6 odd integers n between 3 and 102 inclusive that yield a perfect square value
for d.
In total, we have 50 + 6 = 56 integers n that yield a perfect square value for d.

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