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“Peace is not something you wish for, it is something you make, something you

are, something you do and something you give away. ” ― Robert Fulghum.

Peace is relative. It can neither be measured nor achieved. Rather, it is a matter of

cultivation. However, peace has two Dimensions–
Inner peace &
Absence of war and violent conflict.

Inner Peace:
Inner peace can be defined as the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
calmness where the heart beats in harmony. It can be achieved through self
acceptance, a heart full of contentment and mindfulness.
For example, we, students, after a long wait, return to home, stepping into a warm
familiar embrace. For us, it is the ultimate peace where our hearts find solace.

Absence of war and violent conflict:

A nation free from all kinds of civil war and conflicts can be denoted as a peaceful
nation. Ensurance of economic stability, preservation of human rights, proper
implementation of laws, freedom of speech, security and safety can make a nation
harmonious. In this peaceful environment, communities flourish, and individuals
live free from fear, fostering a collective sense of safety and well-being.

For instance, Iceland remains the most peaceful country in 2022, a position it has
held since 2008. The country doesn't have a military budget or armed forces.
Instead, Iceland prioritizes the peace and happiness of its citizens.

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