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1. Anthropologist: ______________________________________________________


2. Archaeological: _______________________________________________________


3. Village: ____________________________________________________________


4. Myth: _____________________________________________________________


5. Astronomical: ________________________________________________________


6. Obscure: ___________________________________________________________


7. Align: ______________________________________________________________


Fill in the blanks

1. _______________________________ and other scientists study the bones and

skeletons of the early humans anad animals.

2. A _______________________ is the trace of an animal or plant from the prehistoric

times that has been preserved in earth’s crust.

3. The hunter gatherers discovered a stone called _________________

4. The most famous rock paintings are in ______________________ in Madhya Pradesh.

5. The early humans lived in prehistoric times when no one knew how to _______________

and write.

6. Scholarly study sources such as ________________, _______________ , cave

paintings and so on to know about the early humans.

7. The early humans were _______________________________ in the palaeolithic age.

8. The Mesolithic age saw the rise of _________________________ of animals.

9. The chalcolithic age saw the appearance of tools made of _____________________.

10. The bronze age began when people learnt to mix ____________________ and tin.

11. Solar and lunar eclipses are just _____________________ shadows of heavenly bodies.

12. A total solar eclipse occurs when the sun is completely ____________________ by the


13. The shadows of the earth ___________________ the moon wholly or partially.

Question and Answers

1. What is evolution?




2. What are the sources of information about life during prehistoric times?




3. Describe the nomadic life of early humans.




4. How the fire effects the lives of early humans?



5. State some advantages of domestication of animals.




6. What were some of the major changes in neolithic age?



7. Name the first metal used by the early humans.



8. What is an eclipse?



9. Name the two kinds of eclipse.




10. When does the solar eclipse occur?



11. When does lunar eclipse occur?



12. Why is it dangerous to look at the solar eclipse with our naked eyes?




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