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Ibiwoye Victor, [Jul 16, 2024 at 04:39]


My name is Steve.j.Cole I am the manager of Keanu Reeves,I ma contacting you

regarding our meet and greet service

The benefits of a VIP fan card includes you meeting our Client personally for free
shows and concerts for free, Autographs etc.

It cost $2500 for the vip meeting and greets (with our client KEANU REEVES)and it
includes the following benefits

✅meet and greet over dinner

✅Vip seats at my next events
✅Access to live refreshments with our clients
✅Access to private photos with our clients

Kindly Work with us and we will ensure your meeting with our Clients works soon and
will be scheduled accordingly

There are over thousand of people trying to register for our vip meet and greet
with our client that,that is why there is only few slot left so you have to take
your chance as soon as possible before the slots is occupied

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