XI SOCIAL 1 The impact of technology on student communication

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The Impact of Technology on Students’ communication

Submitted to fulfillment of the Student Led Conference (SLC)

Mentor : Mr. Fikri Abdillah

BY :

Sabrina Aurelia Heryadi



BANTEN 2022/202312

A. Background of Study

The inquiry focuses on a student's perspective on using technology and its impact
on communication and interaction. Technological communication is a broad term that
covers technical equipment processing and information to the media (TechTarget, Mary
K. Pratt, 2020). Therefore, the term "understanding technology in student
communication" refers to a stand-alone knowledge that integrates the ideas of
technology, the humanities, and even different challenges, as well as new, improved, and
quicker channels for communication, networking, assistance requests, information access,
and education.

Information and communication technology is not only widely used, but it also
has a substantial economic impact. Communication technology refers to all the
technologies and services involved in computers, data management, telecommunications,
and the internet. Communication speed has significantly risen thanks to technology,
which has also helped to substantially lower communication expenses.

Technical communication is the transfer of information between people and machines

through the use of technology (Mark Clare Novak, 2019). This information processing
can assist with decision-making, problem-solving, and machine control. It follows
technological standards strictly. To process, manipulate, manage, and transfer
information between media, communication is broadly defined as all of these actions.

Communication speed has significantly increased due to technology, which has

also helped to significantly lower communication expenses. (Mc Kinsey, 2020) The
availability and accessibility of important information on many websites has greatly
improved communication quality. Technology has changed the globe and our daily lives
over the years. Furthermore, aging technology has provided great tools and resources,
placing vital knowledge at our fingertips. All these technologies deal with the

transmission and reception of information of some kind. These are some of the reasons
why I chose “Impact of technology on student communication” as my topic.

C. Limitation Study

Based on the background above, the formulation of the problem to be raised is:
1. Is there any impact and benefits of technology on students’ communication?
2. Is communication technology important to students?

D. Purpose and Benefits of study

The purpose of this study is to find out the impact of student communication on their
school's academic performance. The benefit is to find out if their communication does
any good for their school's academic performance. The study aims to investigate the
relationship between student communication and their academic performance in school.
The study seeks to provide insights into whether effective communication has any
positive influence on academic outcomes.

The potential benefits of this study are multifaceted. Firstly, the study can provide
valuable information to educators and school administrators on the importance of
communication skills in academic success. This can inform the development of
curriculum and teaching strategies that prioritize the development of communication
skills. Secondly, the study can benefit students by highlighting the importance of
effective communication in achieving academic success.

By understanding how communication skills impact academic outcomes, students

can be encouraged to focus on developing their communication skills, which can, in turn,
help them achieve better grades. Finally, the study can also contribute to the larger body
of research on the relationship between communication and academic performance.
Overall, the study's primary goal is to identify whether there is a relationship between
student communication and academic performance in school. By doing so, it can provide
valuable insights and benefits to educators, students, and the wider research community.

Theoretical framework

A. Definition Technology on student

Digital technology has enabled students to access new opportunities and avenues for
personal and professional growth. With online platforms and tools, they can learn new
skills, connect with others, and access information that was previously unavailable to
them. This can help to enhance their employability and contribute to economic growth
and development (Abid Haleem, 2022).

However, it's essential to recognize that digital technology also has its challenges,
such as the "digital divide," which can exacerbate inequalities in access to information
and opportunities. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure that the benefits of digital technology
are accessible to all members of society, regardless of their socio-economic status.

To summarize, students in Indonesia have a unique chance to leverage the potential

of digital technology to enhance the development of their country. They can contribute to
more informed decision-making and improve governance by employing digital
technologies to generate, store, and share information (Jon Manson, 2020). Furthermore,
by taking advantage of new chances for personal and professional development, people
can aid in economic expansion and development. Nonetheless, it is critical to ensure that
the advantages of digital technology are available to all members of society.

B. Important Technology on student

Technology itself is something that cannot advance human progress. The

development of technology will run in accordance with the progress of science, or
general science, there will be a long-distance communication link that is only connected
by the media and the internet. (kathleen Stansbenry ,2019)

Making close-range communication or direct communication less and less done
The social values that are intertwined with communication are fading. Teenagers who are
vulnerable to talking directly to each other choose to use the internet as a medium of
communication. If this is done more intensively, gradually the real world in terms of
interaction will fade. But how can we prevent this from happening? We can choose to
create events in order to increase interaction between humans, as is the case in this era of

C. Benefits Technology on student

Technology can search and find various and quickly through the internet and
others, a wide network, so that the learning process can be carried out anywhere and
anytime, is more efficient, and does not have to be done in a predetermined place and
time. The use of technology as a clear learning medium will make the teaching and
learning process effective and efficient because it makes it easier for a teacher to obtain
or convey material or lesson information, can help improve student understanding,
present information in a more interesting or reliable way, facilitate data collection, and
can obtain information (Tony Erben,2009 )

In an effort to improve the quality of education, one way is by utilizing technology

in the teaching and learning process that focuses on student interests and facilitates the
needs of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development. Technology is a system that
makes it easier for educators and students to learn more broadly and more variably, and
with the facilities provided by the system, students can learn independently, anytime,
anywhere, without being limited by space or time. Materials that can be reacted to are
also more varied, not only in the form of words but also with variations in text, visuals,
audio, film, and animation.

Use of technology in the teaching and learning process can greatly enhance the
effectiveness and efficiency of education. provides a fast network that allows access to a
variety of information quickly and easily. (M.Firman,2017) This means that the learning

process can take place anywhere and at any time, making it more flexible and convenient
for students.

In addition, technology helps teachers acquire and convey material or lesson

information more effectively, making it easier for students to understand. can also
facilitate the presentation of information in a more interesting and reliable manner.
Technology provides a variety of materials, including text, visuals, audio, film, and
animation, making the learning process more engaging and effective.

Students can learn independently, at their own place, and without being limited by
time or space. This can greatly enhance the learning experience and help students develop
the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today's rapidly changing world (Yusep

In conclusion, the use of technology in the teaching and learning process has the
potential to greatly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of education. Utilizing
technology, educators can provide students with a more engaging and flexible learning
experience that facilitates their cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development.


A. Participants

The subjects involved in collecting the qualitative data for this research will be 17
willing student participants from the 9th and 12th grades or outside of school at Global
Islamic School 2 in Serpong. They represent the average person who has been using
technology for communication.

B. Materials

The materials that will be used in collecting the qualitative data for this research
are recent case studies and website articles. A 4-question questionnaire will also be given
to the participant in the format of Google Forms to collect quantitative data.

C. Procedure

The research was conducted by giving the participants a 4-question questionnaire

and one question that doesn’t really need an answer regarding the topic to test their
knowledge and impact on the issue of student communication in the format of a Google
Form for quantitative data. The questions are as follows:

1. Age / Grade
2. What do you know about technology communication?
3. Does technology make your life easier?
4. Do you prefer communicating online or offline?
5. If yes, does it affect our behavior?

The writer will also evaluate and compare various case studies and website articles
to uncover similar aspects or points in each piece of literature that might be used as
qualitative data in the scientific article. The writer's study and comparison of case studies
and online articles can provide qualitative data that can be used to reinforce the thesis and
the scientific article's arguments and conclusions.


A. Charts and Histograms

The quantitative data collected represents the result of the questionnaire conducted,
and the results are presented in the format of charts and histograms, as follows: It is
divided into four different results. From chart 1, we can see that the participants are
mostly (17.6%), 7–9-year-old teenagers (64.7%), ranging in age from 16 to 18 years old,
and (11.8%) older.

From chart 2, we can conclude that most people (95.2%) know about technology
and communication. After answering the first two questions, the participants (94.1%) are
required to answer. From chart 2, it is clear that technology makes communication easier.
The next chart is about whether technology-mediated communication affects our frequent

Based on chart 3, it is clear that communication through technology has affected
the behavior of the majority of the (82.4%) participants. However, the extent to which it
affects people (17.6%) may vary based on individual preferences and circumstances.

Moreover, the fact that most participants (58.8%) prefer communicating offline rather
than online (41.2%) indicates a preference for face-to-face interactions. is possible
because offline communication allows for more natural and nuanced communication, as
nonverbal cues and the tone of voice are more easily perceived.

It is also important to note that the chart does not provide insight into how
communication through technology affects certain individuals. Factors such as age,
culture, and personality may impact how people perceive and respond to digital
communication. Therefore, further research may be needed to better understand the
individual differences in how people are affected by communication through technology.

Discussion and conclusion

A. Discussion

Technology has had a significant impact on students in many ways. Here are some
of the ways technology has affected students' increased access to information. Students
can now easily access information and knowledge from a variety of sources, including the
internet, online libraries, and e-books, thanks to technological advances. This has made it
easier for students to learn and gather information on any topic of interest.

Enhanced collaboration and communication Technology has made it easier for

students to collaborate and communicate with each other, even if they are in different
parts of the world. (Kelly Banks,2022) Platforms like video conferencing, chat rooms,
and discussion forums make it easier for students to work together on group projects and
share ideas.

improved learning experience, Technology has made the learning experience

more engaging and interactive. Interactive software, simulations, and virtual reality can
help students understand complex concepts more easily and in a more immersive way.
With increased efficiency and productivity, technology has made it easier for students to
complete assignments, research papers, and projects in a more efficient way. With tools
like word processors, online calendars, and productivity apps, students can manage their
time and tasks more effectively (Ziyan Yin, 2021).

While technology has many positive effects on student communication, there are
also some negative impacts to consider. Technology can create a barrier to face-to-face
communication, as students may rely on digital communication methods such as texting
and social media instead of talking in person. This can lead to a reduction in social skills
and the ability to read nonverbal cues. Misinterpretation of messages can lead to
misunderstandings and conflicts between students.

Messaging has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other, making it
faster and more convenient than ever before. With the advent of social media platforms,
messaging apps, and video conferencing tools, we can now connect with people from all
over the world instantly. However, this increased connectivity has also brought about
some negative consequences. Additionally, the prevalence of technology in our daily
lives has led to a decrease in face-to-face communication, which can lead to a lack of
empathy and understanding in our relationships with others (Janna Anderson,2018).

B. Conclusion

In conclusion, technology has both positive and negative effects on communication.

While it has made communication more efficient and convenient, it has also brought
about new challenges that we must navigate. It's important to be mindful of the ways in
which we use technology to communicate and to prioritize face-to-face interactions
whenever possible to maintain healthy relationships. In summary, technology has
revolutionized the way we communicate, offering both advantages and disadvantages.

However, technology has also brought about new challenges that we must navigate.
One of the main drawbacks is the potential for miscommunication or misunderstanding
due to the lack of nonverbal cues or tone of voice in digital communication. Therefore,
it's essential to be mindful of the ways in which we use technology to communicate and
to prioritize face-to-face interactions whenever possible (Jake Burgess,2033).

While digital communication is convenient and efficient, to maintain healthy

relationships by connecting with people in person and cultivating strong interpersonal
skills. Ultimately, striking a balance between digital and face-to-face communication can
help us harness the benefits of technology while mitigating its negative effects on our
social and emotional lives.


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