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I. Choose the right answer by crossing A, B, C, or D!

1. See the picture!
The title of this story is ….
A. Jaka Tarub
B. Cindelaras
C. Tangkuban Perahu
D. Roro Jonggrang
2. Notice the dialogue!
See this list of stories!
Types of story Title
1. Legend P. The Fox and the Crow
2. Myth Q. Prambanan Temple
3. Fable R. Cinderella
4. Fairytale S. Nyi Roro Kidul
Determine the right match of those titles and their types of story!
A. 2 – S and 4 – Q
B. 3 – P and 1 – Q
C. 3 – R and 4 – P
D. 4 – S and 1 – R
This part of story is for number 3 and 4!
…., there was a princess who lived at a small kingdom in Dieng Region,
called Shinta Dewi. She was very beautiful as if she was a goddess. There were
many princes who purposed to marry her.
3. The missing adverb of time of the story is ....
A. today
B. yesterday
C. since
D. once upon time
4. It is the part of … story
A. Cindelaras
B. Roro Jonggrang
C. Prince Kidang Garungan

D. Nawang Wulan
5. Nymphs – in – Jaka Tarub – seven – a lake – saw
1 2 3 4 5 6
The right arrangement is ….
A. 4 – 1 – 6 – 3 – 2 – 5
B. 4 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 3
C. 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 5
D. 3 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 5
6. It is a government level under the province that is led by a ....
A. Village chief
B. Mayor
C. Sub district head
D. President
The text is for number 7 and 9!
Indonesia is a Country. Indonesia has two levels of administrations. They
are central and local government. The central government consists of President,
Vice President, and Ministers. The local government consists of Governor, Mayor,
Regent, A head of Sub district, District, and Village. They work together to build
7. The suitable title of the text is ....
A. Local Government
B. Central Government
C. Levels of Administrations
D. Indonesian Government System
8. These are the leaders that lead a local government, except ....
A. Ministers
B. Mayor
C. Regent
D. Sub district head
9. President, vice precident, and ministers belong to ... government.
A. local
B. central
C. national
D. international

10. England is a kingdom.
The government system is ….
A. monarchy
B. parliamentary
C. presidential
D. democration
11. See the picture!
Those are ... and ....
A. sun and star
B. sun and cloud
C. moon and cloud
D. moon and star
12. Notice the dialog!
Raka : “Do you know Bengawan Solo?”
Vika : “Yes, I do. It is the longest ... in Java.”
Raka : “And what about Everest”
Vika : “It is the highest ... in the world.”
A. continent – ocean
B. valley – sea
C. forest – hill
D. river – mountain

13. Teacher : “See the picture! What will probably happen if it accurs day after
Student : “It will ... happen.”
A. storm
B. flood
C. tsunami
D. landslide
14. They look small and twinkle when the day goes dark. They are ....
A. comets
B. rainbow
C. asteroids
D. stars

15. Notice the list!
1) star
2) valley
3) comet
4) cloud
5) island
6) ocean
Which ones belong to object in the earth surface?
A. 1), 2), and 4)
B. 1), 3), and 5)
C. 2), 5), and 6)
D. 4), 5), and 6)
Would you please enter the room!

Change the request sentence into order form!

A. You enter the room.
B. Enter the room, please!
C. Can I enter the room?
D. Could you please enter the room?
17. Which command is correct based on the picture?
A. Don’t turn left!
B. Don’t turn right!
C. Don’t turn back!
D. Don’t turn round!
18. The correct request sentence from the picture is ....
A. Sweep the floor, please!
B. Would you mind to sweep the floor?
C. Could you please mop the floor!
D. May I mop the floor?
Notice the dialogue to answer number 19 and 20!
Desi : “May I ask some money, Mom?”
Mom : “Yes, you may. What for?.”
Desi : “I want to buy a story book, Mom.”
Mom : “Okay. Here it is. Don’t forget to give the change back to me!”

Desi : “All right, Mom.”
19. From the dialogue, it can be seen that Desi has a/an ... to her mother.
A. order
B. question
C. request
D. answer
20. The bold lined sentence in the dialogue belongs to ....
A. refusing
B. accepting
C. agreement
D. appointment
21. See the picture!
She can’t do the Math test correct ly. She feels ....
A. confused
B. sad
C. worried
D. disappointed
This text is for number 22 and 23 !

Today our class have an English test. We feel so worried. We do the items of
the test one by one carefully. Finally, the test is end and the teacher inform the
scors. We are so happy because all of us get scors upper than the passing grade.
We are so exited.
22. How many feelings are mentioned in the text?
A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six
23. Do they feel sad in the end of the test?
A. No, they are not.
B. Yes, they are.
C. Yes, they do.
D. No, they do not.
24. Lana drinks so much water because she feels ....
A. thirsty
B. hungry
C. starving
D. angry
25. the – is – teacher – satisfied – feeling
1 2 3 4 5
The correct arrangement is….
A. 4 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 5
B. 3 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 4
C. 2 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 4
D. 1 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 4

II. Fill the blank with the right answer!

26. The society stories that usually tell about belief of angels or something mystic is
called ….
27. Alif :” Is Nyi Roro Kidul story belong to legend?”
Nuri : “....”
28. Notice the sentence below!
The vice president helps the president to run the country.
The passive form is ....
29. The lowest level of Indonesia government is led by a ....
30. See the picture!

The animal usually lives in the ....

31. Merapi, Kelud and Slamet Mountain belong to ....
Jangan membuat
The English is ....
33. See the picture!

The suitable order is ....
34. Grace is so ... because she gets many presents in her beirthday party.
35. See the picture!

The opposite of the feeling seen by the picture is ....

III. Answer this question correctly!

36. Arrange the pictures sequently based on the story running by writing the letters!


Answer: __________________________________________________________

37. See the table!

Government system Leader

Presidential a) ....
Parliamentery b) ....
Monarchy c) ....
Write the leaders based on the government systems!
Answer: __________________________________________________________

38. Mention at least three big islands in Indonesia!

Answer: __________________________________________________________
39. See the pictures!

a b c
Make an order sentence based on the picture a, b, and c!
Answer: __________________________________________________________

40. Change the sentences into English!

a) Ibu sedang merasa cemas.
b) Rosi merasa sedih karena kucingnya mati
c) Apakah kamu merasa bosan?
Answer: __________________________________________________________

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