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REG NO : BAPG 1823








DUE DATE : 15 MARCH 2024,

Politics refers to who gets what when and how resources [ Lasswell,1958]. This means that
politics is basically about distribution of resources and power in a society. People have to make
decisions together on who gets what resources, when and how to access them, and what
techniques can be used to distribute resources. But either way politics can be defined and argued
many times differently depending on one´s perception. Politics can be defined using different
approaches, as an art of government, as public affairs, as power and as compromise and
consensus. This essay will therefore illustrate the approaches of politics.

Politics as an art of government, is seen to be playing a vital role in the running of government,
on how to make strategic decisions and perfect leadership. All institutions that are not engaged
in the running of the country are regarded as ´´ non- political´´ [Heywood ,1997], this means that
only those in authority have permissions in making collective decisions in specified areas of
government. In the popular mind, politics is closely associated with the activities of political
parties and politicians. Effective political leaders must possess only technical knowledge but also
the ability to inspire people, influence and adapt to changing circumstances in order to govern
adequately. Machiavelli [1469], argued that morality of an action in government should be
judged by its effectiveness in order to achieve political goals rather than ethical standards. In his
book, he also discusses various ways of governing effectively.

In addition to that let us look at politics as public affairs, in this view the main emphasis is on
public life. Everything that is concerning the public sphere and on the other hand private sphere.
This explains that whatever belongs to public is not private. Services provided by the
government for instance, schools providing education and hospitals providing medical care, this
are meant for the public consumption. On the other side if the same services are offered in
private sector, only specific number of people will be able to afford not the general public. A
person is free to live good life in a political community, anyone can get hold of politics without
restrictions thus a man is a political animal by nature [Aristotle]. He further said, it is in born in
every human to be political and you can´t run from not being engaged.

Politics as power, this is how people or groups use their strength or authority to get what they
want in apolitical circumstances. In this view power as politics is seen to work in all social
activities and in every corner where human exists, it is also expressed as a way of understanding
socially. Politics is at heart of all collective social activity whether formal and informal, public
and private, in all human groups, institution and societies [Leftwhich 2004]

Power as decision making, this means making decisions or choices that affect others. For
example, when Trump was the president of America he could make decisions without needing
approval from others, he would make new rules without legislature agreeing. He also had a lot of
followers on social media so when he posted something people would pay attention and
influence what they had thought, at some time trump was banned from twitter because there
were worries that he might encourage violence after the capitol riot. This tells that Trump had a
lot of power to make decisions and affect that affected people.

Looking at power as agenda setting, the ability to prevent decision being made [Bachrach and
Baratz 1962]. This involve the ability to shape or control the political agenda, For example what
happened between two political parties in Malawi well known as United democratic front and
Democratic progressive party. During 2004 elections Bakili chose Bingu and campaigned for
him as a united democratic front candidate, but after Bingu won the elections he dumped his
former party and formed his own party called the democratic progressive party. The united
democratic front felt betrayed with what Bingu did, in his response he said he can´t be associated
with people who are corrupt. Since democratic progressive had become in power, the democratic
front became the opposition side in the parliament, this was a proof that different agenda were
being tolerated in exercise of using power in politics.

Power as a thought of control, power is not just about physical strength or authority but also the
ability to shape the outcomes over others considering mental and psychological means. Luke´s
[2004] called this the ´´radical view of power´´. For instance, when we talk of power as control,
a government can prohibit it´s citizen from reading some books or newspapers. In Malawi the
former president Kamuzu Banda banned people from reading the book written by George Orwell
´´ the animal farm´´ just because he thought it had said bad about him during his regime and
could make people protest against him. ´´Animal farm´´ is a book written with hidden meaning
that criticizes the power of corruption among political leaders and the dangers of government
having total control over people´s lives for instance people being restricted some freedom. The
book talks about animals who rebel against their human power Mr. Jones and the pigs who
represent the ruling class. According to the main understanding the books shows the theme of
the abuse of authority. This shows the power can be used to control the thoughts of people in
which they were not able to read the book.

Upon looking politics as power, there is existence of human political society which might be
involved in conflicts sometimes that need to be addressed, the main cause of conflicts in a
society is scarcity of resources. Therefore, there is politics as compromise and consensus.
Politics can be used to resolve conflicts peacefully, negotiable rather than using force or power.
When social groups and interests possess power they must be resolved, they cannot be recklessly
smashed. Crick [1962-2000] argued that ´´differing interest within given rule are conciliated by
giving them share in power in proportion to their interest and welfare, survival of the whole
community´´. political outcomes most of times are bad, unclear and never final, in its sense
politics can also be the art of finding peaceful resolution to conflicts, through compromise and

To conclude up everything explained above, a lot of people have different opinions on how they
understand politics. Others take politics in a very bad way just because of behaviours shown by
political leaders in a society or country, and also just because people come from different
cultural backgrounds, it is hard for everyone to understand politics positively. But as of what
Aristotle said no one can never run from being engaged in politics, which happens to be true
because politics is there in families, church and every place where humans exists. Therefore, this
essay has described the definition of politics in various ways with understandable examples.

The Palgrave MacMillan “Politics” Andrew Heywood [4thEd 2013]

Leftwich Adrian[ed1984] “What is politics?” The activity and its study [Oxford, Basil

George Orwell [Published 1945] “The Animal Farms” [City of London]

13 March 2024 [


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