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General Experience:

• Where did you go on your last trip?

• Did you travel alone, with friends, or family?
• How long was your trip?
• What was the weather like during your trip?
• What was your favorite part of the trip?
• What was the most challenging part of the trip?

Transportation and Accommodation:

• How did you get to your destination (plane, train, bus, etc.)?
• Did you stay in a hotel, hostel, Airbnb, or somewhere else?
• What did you like/dislike about your accommodation?

Activities and Sightseeing:

• What places did you visit on your trip?

• Did you do any sightseeing? If so, what were some highlights?
• Did you try any new activities on your trip? (e.g., hiking, water sports, cultural
• Did you enjoy the local food? What were some of your favorites?

Memorable Moments:

• Did you have any funny or interesting experiences on your trip?

• Did you meet any new people?
• Did you learn anything new about the culture or history of the place you visited?
• Did you bring back any souvenirs?

Looking Back:

• Would you recommend your destination to others? Why or why not?

• What would you do differently next time you travel?
• What did you miss most about home while you were away?
• Are you planning your next trip already?

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