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Getting Assets into Your Media Composer Project

5. In the dialog window, navigate to the project that's at the other frame rate and
contains the bin file that you want to open.
6. Select the bin and either double-click on it or click on the Open button in the
dialog window.
7. The bin will open in your Project and you can access the contents.
8. Once the bin is open, it will be inside a folder created by Media Composer labeled
Other Bins. This is short for other projects' bins. It means that the bin file does
not reside inside the same folder as your Project's bin files.

At this point you can elect to begin editing right from those bins, or you may elect to copy the
clips into a bin that does reside in your Project folder. See the next There's more... section for
two methods of copying clips, called Duplicating and Cloning.

There's more...
There are two methods you can use to copy the clips (making a Duplicate or a Clone), each
with a unique behavior. Whether you Duplicate or Clone a clip, you will never create any new
media files, but will simply create an additional clip that refers (or you could say points) to the
media file(s). Media Composer calls this reference a link and would say that the clip is linked
to the media file(s).

ff Duplicating a clip: Each clip acts independently of the other. For example, one clip
could be named Horse and contain several Markers while the Duplicated clip could
be named White Horse Runs and have no Markers. Making changes to the name,
adding/removing I/O marks, and adding/removing Markers to one Duplicated clip
does not have any affect on the other. Further, the creation date of a Duplicated clip
will reflect the new date and time it was created.
ff Cloning a clip: Cloned clips are able to communicate to their cloned brethren. For
example, if you change the name of one Cloned clip, the other's name will also
change. The same is true for adding and removing Markers as well as In and Out
points. The creation date for all Cloned clips will be the same (the original date).

Duplicating clips
The following are the steps for duplicating clips:

1. Select the clips you want to Duplicate.

2. Go to the Edit menu.
3. Select Duplicate. Alternatively, you could right-click on one of the selected clips
and choose Duplicate from the Contextual menu, or use the keyboard shortcut
cmd + D (Mac) or Ctrl + D (PC).
4. New clips will be created and will have .copy added to the end of their names.


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