amc 26

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Chapter 1

5. Create a new bin by clicking on the New Bin button in your Project Window, or go to
the File menu and select New Bin.
6. Move the clips that you just created to the new bin.
7. If you no longer want to have the borrowed bin appear in the Other Bins folder,
select the borrowed bin and either press the Delete key or right-click and select
Delete Selected Bins from the Contextual menu. It's helpful to note that you are not
actually permanently deleting the bin file, but rather just telling Media Composer that
you no longer want to use it. The bin is still intact inside the other project's folder. For
emphasis, this only applies to bins that are inside the Other Bins folder. Deleting a
bin created within the currently open Project will place it into the Trash.

Cloning clips
The steps for Cloning the clips are as follows:

1. Create a new bin by clicking on the New Bin button in your Project Window,
or go to the File menu and select New Bin.
2. Select the clips you want to Clone.
3. Press and hold the Alt/option key while you drag the selected clips to the new bin.
4. New clips will be created in the desired bin when you release the mouse button.
These clips will not have .copy added to them.
5. If you no longer want to have the borrowed bin appear in the Other Bins folder,
select it and either press the Delete key or right-click and select Delete Selected
Bins from the Contextual menu. It's helpful to note that you are not actually deleting
the bin file, but rather just telling Media Composer that you no longer want to use it.
The bin is still intact inside the other Project's folder.

Sequences will never be Cloned

On a related topic, you can use either of the methods mentioned previously on a sequence.
Both of the methods will produce a Duplicate of the sequence. In other words, both of the
methods will make a sequence with the word .Copy added to it, and no matter which method
you used to create that sequence, it will never, ever, communicate with another sequence
in any way. They will always be totally independent. The changes made to one sequence will
never be replicated in another.

Motion Adapters
Note that when you edit mixed frame rate clips into your Sequence, they are automatically
adjusted. You'll see a small green dot on the clip that indicates that it contains what Avid calls
a Motion Adaptor. The method used to adjust the image (for example, Blended Interpolated
or Both Fields) can be changed by promoting the clip to a Timewarp effect. The Motion
Adaptor is applied only to the video and preserves the original duration of the clip; further,
the audio is not altered in any way.


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