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tiA M nave sotnetnmg done

Look at the pictures. What are th •...

se p -ople having done?


straight wash cut

1 She's havinB her hair 2 3

dry curl
4 5

G Complete the sentences with the correct form of have, the past participle, and the words in
1 I need to have my suit cleaned before my cousin's wedding. (suit I clean)
2 When we were in Paris, I by a street artist. (my portrait I paint)
3 I absolutely hate . I always look awful! (my photo I take)
4 We right now. (our kitchen I redecorate)
5 If you are feeling dizzy, you should . (blood pressure I check)
6 Have you ever ? (your fortune I tel1)
7 I tomorrow. Could you give me a ride to work? (my car I fix)
8 I need - it' s not working wel1. (my watch I repair)
9 They had to in their yard. Ir was damaged in a storm. (rhe big tree I cut down)
10 We usual1y every five years. (our house I repaint]
11 I almost couldn't stop in time at the traffic lights today. 1must tomorrow.
(brakes I test)
12 Our neighbors yesterday. (a lot of new furniture I deliver)

• Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.

1 Where do you have your hair cut?
2 Do you rnind having your photo taken?
3 When was the last time you had your blood pressure checked?
4 How often do you have your eyes tested?
5 Have you ever had your portrait painted? If not, would you like to?

American English Fite 2nd edition Teacher's Book 4 Photorriniabl= (é) nvfnrrll In;"orc;~" O.nrr "n1 A

Page 1 of 19
something done
a Put the words in order to
11 make questions, and write
answers which are true tor you.

1 your / often / do / have / How /

serviced I you / car?
How oRe", do !J0u have !J0ur
ea r servieed?

2 ever I fortune I your I told I

had I you / Have?

3 last / When I your I checked /

did I get I teeth I you?

4 hóve I you I Would I táttóoed I

ever I a / of / your / part /

5 next / you I tested I When /

are I having leyes I your ?

6 to I hair I differently llike I

have / you I your I cut I Would?

Page 2 of 19
The tense system
Auxiliary verbs
ha ve/ha ve got
No place like home

The tense system

~ Grammar Reference 1.2 Student's Book p141 14 My favourite white T-shirt went pink. It
_____ with my daughter's red jumper.
Identifying tenses
15 Simon was all wet because'he the caro
Write in the correct verb form, active or passive, using
the verb in the box. sell
walk 16 My sister earns a good salary. She _
A How did you get here? computer software.

B We walked . It didn't take long. 17 If no one offers to buy the house, it _

by auction next month.
2 Our baby Iack now. He's ayear old.
18 I wish I'd bought that antique chair I saw in the
3 1 need to have a resto We non-stop for
four hours. shop window. I'm sure it wHl have beel1 sold by now.

take teach
19 At the end of this term 1 for six years,
4 It was a hard match. At half-time, one of the
20 The children how to make cakes when
footballers to hospital.
one boy drapped his bowl on the teacher's foot.
5 This shirt fits me. 1 it.
6 My dog looked guilty. He _____ so me food 2 Complete the tense chart with the verb forms from
exercise l.
frorn the kitchen table.

have Active Simple Continuous

7 We need a new caro We this one Present
for ages. Past walked
8 We a lovely picnic until my wife was Future
stung by a bee.
Present Perfect
¡, 9 Don't phone at 8.00. We dinner then.
Past Perfect 1

.'! make Future Perfect

10 Our sandwiches freshly
Passive Simple Continuous
t _____ daily .
II Present ,
11 Have you heard about Lenny? He _
j:1 Past
11 Future
12 By the time I'm forty 1 enough
money to retire. Present Perfect
!I wash
Past Perfect

13 A Where are my jeans? Future Perfect will have beel1 sold

B They at the moment.
,ti, 4 Unit 1 • No place like home

Page 3 of 19
~ Grammar Reference 1.2 Student's Book p141

4 Active or passive?
1 These sentences sound un natural in the
active. Rewrite them using the passive.
1 They built our house in the 17th

2 Someone's decorating my flat at the


3 Hás someone fixed the coffee machine


4 We ate in restaurants while they were Living it up!

building the new kitchen. Put the verb in brackets into the correct verb
While the new kitchen _ form, active or passive, positive or negative.
Sometimes there is more than one answer.

5 We arrived at work to find out that

someone had burgled our office.
A German architect, Werner Aisslinger, thinks that he (1) _

6 They won't recognize her in those dark (find) the answer to our crowded cities. He (2) (invent)
glasses. a portable micro-apartment. Theseapartments (3) (call)
She _ 'Loftcubes', and they can (4) (lift) onto any ernpty, flat
roof by helicopter!
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
tense, active or passive. Each Loftcube (5) (desiqn) with a kitchen and
bathroom, as well as a large living area. They are extremely modern-
1 The burglars (catch) as
they (6) (bulld) using all the latest ideas, fabrics, and
they (leave) the office.
technology in interior designo
2 The postbox always The Loftcube (7) first (show) at an
_____ (empty) at 12 midday. exhibition in Berlin last year, but Berlin (8) (be) the right
place for them, because it (9) (have) a housing shortage.
3 Aunt Mary is terribly upset. Her cat
These apartments (10) (need) in busy, overcrowded cities,
_________ (miss) for three days now.
such as London and New York.
4 We (drive) down a quiet They (11) (cost) very much - only 08,000. In the
country lane when suddenly we future, Aissl inger hopesthat young professionals who often move from
__________ (overtake) by a police caro clty to city (12) (buy) them. When it (13) _
(be) time to move, they (14) just (take) their
5 When 1woke up this morning, the world
home with them!
looked magical. It (snow)
'Since the Berlin exhibition last year, we (15) (speak)
all night.
to a number of companies interested in building them, but no decisions
6 When you (arrive) in (16) (make) yet,' says Aisslinger.
New York, you (pick up) He thinks that the homes (17) (be) ready by the end of
by one of our drivers and taken to the
next year, Aisslinger's vision of the future is of many rooftop communities
conference centre.
in each big clty, and it is possible that this way of life (18) _
(reach) Britain ti rst.
6 Unit 1 . No place like home

Page 4 of 19
a Complete the sentences with the correct Complete the extracts wlth the correct active or
6 passive form of the verbs in brackets, and 7 passive form of the verbs in brackets.
underline the correct answer.

1 Several famous pictures of waterlilies were pairtted

(pnínt) by Adfen Plus (1) is recommertded (recommend) for
(a) Renoir. (b) Monet. those times when you (2) (need)
2 Portuguese (speak) in powerful relief from pain. The tablets
(b) Brazil. (3) (specially /
(a) Chile.
formulate) to make them easy to swallow. Each tablet
3 The structure of DNA __ -:---:- _
(4) (contain) ibuprofen
(know) about for more than
BP 200 mg and aspirin. As with other pain relievers,
(a) thirtf Years. (b) fifty years.
Adfen Plus should (5) (not I
4 (a) Meteors (b) Asteroids take) if you have any stomach disorders.
_________ ...,..-(study) at the mornent
in case one hits this planet.
5 New Zealand originally _
(inhabit) by
(a) Aborigines. (b) Maoris.
6 The 2016 Olympics _
(not hold) in
(a) China. (b) India.
7 The Vietnamese war stíll _
(fight) in
(a)" i957. (b) 1967.
8 The part of Rachel in the American sitcom Friends
which ron from 19941-2004 _

(play) by
(a) Lisa Kudrow. (b) [ennífer Aniston.

b •• Listen and check.

An outbreak of food poisoning at a top London hotel

e (1) (investigate) last night.

More than fifteen guests at a business lunch at the Stanmore

Licorice (1) --.,..__ (use) by manklnd
Hotel (2) (complain) of nausea
for thousands of years. In China in 3000 Be, licorice
during the aftemoon, after eating shellfish which doctors latér
(2) (believe) to have amazing
found(3) _
powers and (3) (use) in certain
(not I properly I clean).
religlous ceremonies. People (4) _
Ten people (4) _
(believe) that it could (5) _
(currently / treat) in hospital, but most of them expect
::.-;: (protect) the dead from evll splrits.
(5) (send) horne later today.

Page 5 of 19
Choosing active or passive Formal and conversational use

Look at thls sentence:

Walt Disney pioneered fu/l-Iength corrocns.

9 a Rewrite the sentences so that they are more

1 Scientists think that if you eat less you are likely to .

Whlch sentence follows best, a or b?
líve longer.
a Snow Whlte was made by hlm In 1937. It is Ü'OlA9ht that if yOlA eat less yOlA are likely to
b He made Snow Whlte in 1937. .1
live 1011ger.
b 15 the right answer beca use we are more 2 Scientists have proved that chewing gum can
interested in the tapie of Walt Disney, so we make
ímprove your short and long-term memory.
him the subjeet of the second sentence. 1t _

3 Some people believe that drlnking a little red wine
Tick (.1) the best way of continuing after each
8 sentence.
daily is good for your health.
It ~-------
a A man has been arrested for hooliganism.
1 He ís belng held in Dundee police station. .1
4 People have suggested that taking vitamins reduces
2 They are holding hím In Dundee police station.
violent behaviour.
b Kirk Blune, the controversial rock star, died last It -, _
1 An overdose of sleeping pills was taken by him.
5 We know that happy people recover from illnesses
2 He took an overdose of sleeplng pills.
more quickly.
e Night of Passion has won first prize at the Cannes It ~ _
Film Festival this year.
1 It was directed by Henrietta Calvin.
2 Henrietta Calvin directed it.
b Rewrite the sentences so that they are more
d How much ís breakfast? conversational.
1 It's included in the price.
1 It Is often said that drinking tea reduces stress.
2 We include it in the price.
peor'e oftel1 say that dril1kil19 tea redlAces
e Aman was attacked outside a local pub last night.
1 He was shot in the chest.
2 People's immune systems can be strengthened by
2 Someone shot him in the chest.
taking regular cold showers.
f Aian Curtís has been appointed as Managing you _
Director of Comco.
1 He wiIl be paid a salary ot over $500,000.
3 It is known that an Italian diet rich in olíve oíl, fruít,
2 A .solory of over $500,000 wiIl be paid to hím, vegetables and fish can improve t~e,health of
9 My brother-in-law ís very rích, people with heart problems.
1 A house In Barbados has [ust been bought by We ~ ~---
2 He has just bought a house in Barbados. 4 It ís bel1eved that aspirin mayreduce the risk of
Some people --"- _

5 It has been suggested that chocolate can help people

with coughs.
Someone _


Page 6 of 19
8A G AMMAR the passive
o Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in parentheses into the correct form of the passive.
1 Three men were arrested this evening and will be questioned by police tomorrow morning.
2 Oh, no. My bike isn't here! It must . (steal)
3 Right now, three suspects by the police. (interrogate)
4 The accident happened because the car at 120 mph. (drive)
5 The fake goods when the truck at the border. (discover, stop)
6 Strong measures must . to reduce rhe amount of crime in the ciry, (take)
7 People who shoplifring often turn out to have some kind of psychological problem,
8 The town hall again - someone has painred graffiti over the walls. It's the third time
chis year. (vandalize)
9 As soon as we got home we could see that the kitchen window and tbat there were
two men in the living room. (break)
10 Políce are worried that a lot of tourists next weekend during rhe carnival. (rob)
11 In rhe past, people used to prison for speaking out against the governrnem. (send)

Complete the newspaper repon wirh the verbs in parentheses in the passive. Add any other
necessary words, e.g., to or that.

Investigation after neighborhood incident

Police have begun an inquiry after a fight Five men, who 6 (think)
broke out between several people on be from the Washington De area, and
North Street, in Baltimore. are aged between 21 and 32, have been
The fight 1 is believed to (believe) have arrested. The police are asking anyone
started in the early hours ofFriday who witnessed the incident to contact
morning at an address near the corner of them urgently. All informarion will be
North Street. Ir 2 (think) the treated confidentially.
fight started after a car was damaged by
one of the men.
At least one of the men involved
3 (say) have been arrned. Three
men remain in the hospital and are being
treated for injuries, which 4 _

(understand) be the result ofthe fight.

1t 5 (expect) oneman will be
released from the hospital la ter today.


Choose one af the headlines below and write a short news article in about 100 words.
• Vandals attack cars in supermarket parking lar
• Two men escape from príson van
• Armed men steal $50,000 from post office
• Robbery at town center ieweler's

Page 7 of 19
Reporting verbs: Form

1. to suggest + (that) (Also: complain, explain, recommend)

to suggest + gerund

2. to say + (that)

3. to admit + gerund
to admit + (that)

4. to persuade + object + (that) (Also: assure)

to persuade + object + to + infinitive

5. to agree + to + infinitive (Also: demand, promise)

6. to tell + object + (that)

to tell + object + to + infinitive

7. to warn + object + (not) + to + infinitive

8. to refuse + to + infinitive

9. to order + object + to + infinitive

10. to decide + to + infinitive

11. to offer + to + infinitive

12. to invite + object + to + infinitive

(Also: invite, remind)

13. to apologise + for + gerund (Also: object to -ing)

14. to insist + (that)

to insist + on + gerund

15. to accuse + object + of + gerund

(Also: to congratulate someone on -ing ; to suspect someone of -ing)

16. to threaten + to + infinitive

17. todeny + gerund (Also: recommend)

18. to blame + object + for + gerund

Page 8 of 19
module 12
3A Match the reporting verbs to the sentences.

agree admit apologise promise offer , .I¡l Complete the dialogues, using information
suggest deny threaten in~ accuse
q from the speech bubbles.
1 No, I'm paying for the meal. I won't jet you. insist
l've been to
2 l'm sorry if I have caused any ernbarrassrnent,
New Orleans.
3 We'U reduce taxes ifyou vote for uso
The room will
4 Unless I get more money, I'm going to quit the show.
cost E40.
5 You did it Leona! You stole my wallet!
6 We'lI share the informatíon with you.
7 Let's take a break for a few minutes.
The food at
8 OK, I stole 85,000 from the bank.
the Pizza Parlour is
9 ,'ve never had cosmetic surgery. terrible.
10 You ~ant me to make a speech? OK, no problem.
I don't want
a Complete each sentence above in reported speech using the an ice cream, l've posted
reporting verbs. thank you. the letter to
I He in.sisted qn poving for the meol.
Sachs & Co.
3 We _ Mr Cooper
4 She _ will be free at
three o'clock,
5 He _ You've got
6 They plenty of time to get to
7 She _ the airport.
8 He _
9 He . _ a A: Why are you wearing a raincoat?

10 She _ B: They said on the radio that it was C,OifHj to n.¡il1

b A: I'd love to visit New Orleans.

/:"3 a Tick the comments below that are B: I thought you said
c A: Oh, didn't you get me an ice cream?
1 Michael told me that I've got beautiful eyes. ~
B: But you said
You've got beautiful eljes.
2 [ulíe said that she admired my honesty,
d A: That's ESO for the room, including breakfast.
B: But I was told
3 Maddy soid that I had cheated in the exam.

e A: I'rn afraid Mr Cooper's in a meeting.

4 Carrie soid that she wants to get her hair cut like
B: But when I spoke to you earlier, you soid _

f A: l can't find the letter to Sachs & Co. anywhere.

S Marcia and Paul said they wouldn't be late.
B: But you told me [ust now that _

6 Tom said l looked as if I'd lost weight.

9 A: Let's go to the Pizza Parlour for lunch.
B: But l thought you said _
7 My boss told me that he was going to reduce my
h A: Come on - you'd better get a taxi or you'll miss
your flight. '
8 Tina said it was a long time since she'd eaten such
delicious food. B: But they told me at reception _

b Write the people's exact ~ords.

88 \

Page 9 of 19
----._--_ .._----
7 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the ñrst. Use between two and ñve words
including the word given. VVordspot
l '1 want to leave schcol,' Emilio said to his father. Sp~f)]U( aü'1ld tfj)]D§(

· Put a word from the box into the correct place in
to leave
5 each sentence to make phrases with speal< or
2 'Could you sing something
asked me.
for us?' the guys in the band
-.-..- .....--.---------.-.-.-.----------.------.-..----l
talk from page 131 of the Students' book.

The guys in the band
[; about
terms to

_____________ something for

them. a After six hours, there has been very little progress in
- 3 You.didn't give me your phone nurnber,' Ben said. peace
thekalks between the two sides.
Ben explained that 1 _ b Is that Frank? You're on Eastern Suburbs Talk - what's
phone number. your question for the team?
4 'Why don't you liKe eomputer games?' Jane asked Riek. e I've never met Stephanie, but Robert's always
HE spoken very of her.
Jane asked Riek _ d What's worrying you, Todd? Come on, you're not
eomputer games. usually afraid to speak your.
5 'Were you working for Sarah at that time?' Harry asked. e Are you and Paula on speaking again yet?
WORKING f Do we have to go to the party? You know 1 hate
Harry asked me for making talk with Annie and [eff's friends.
Sarah at that time.
6 '1 won't be seeing Katya until tornorrow,' she said.
She said she until
the next day.

7 a Read the jazz chant and complete the gaps

with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
infinitive, gerund or preposition + gerund.

Tom persuaded his mother (1) to lel1d (Iend) him

her car
And promised (2) (get) back by eight
His mother agreed (3) (give) him the keys
And trusted him not to be late. 9 Ion certainly knows what he's talking when it comes
When the potíce brought hirn home at a quarter to two to choosing wine.
She ran down the stairs from her bed h You'll have to speak when you're giving your
We suspect this young man (4) (tell) us líes' presentation - it's a very big room.
She refused (5) (believe) what they said. I'm sorry to talk at the weekend, but 1 need to ask
She insisted (6) (hear) his side of the tale you about the Freeman reporto
He admitted (7) (drive) toa fast At 9.30 we're showing ITC's new tolk, hosted by
But strongly denied (8) (have) too much comedian Dean Skinner.
to drink k 1 wasn't talking myself, 1 was using the empiece on
'My first glass of beer was my last.' . my mobile phone - look!
The officers threatened (9) (take) him away The national lottery scandal is a real talking a11over
His mum wouldn't let them and she the country at the momento
Suggested (10) (discuss) the case the m 1 bought her some flowers as a way of saying sorry.
next day After oll, 'speok louder than words,' as they sayo
They did, and they let him go free.

Page 10 of 19

o Circle the correct formo •I

MS BEAL (DEFENCE LAWYER) Your honour, my client admits
'to be /~at the scene of the crime, but he denies
2to have /having anything to do with the crime.
JUDGE Yes,but you're going to have to explain what the accused I
was doing there, with a weapon and $200,000 in cash.
MR LUSKIN (PROSECUTION LAWYER) And she will also have to
explain why her client refused 3to explain/ explaining his I
presence, the weapon, or the money, to the police.
MS BEAL My client is accused +to steal/ of stealing this money,
but I will ask you sthat you wait / to wait until you have heard I
. a11the evidence. The evidence will convince you 6to release /
of releasing him as an innocent mano It is true that I advised
my client 7not to say / not say anything until I arrived at the I
police station. But that is his legal right ...
JUDGE I apologize 8for interrupting / interrupting you Ms Beal,
would you mind beginning your defence now? I
MS BEAL Thank you, your honour. Now Mr Dykes, let's go I
back to the morning of the crime. Your girlfriend suggested
9to buy / buying a new house that she had seen, did she not? I
MR DYKES (THE ACCUSED) Yes,she's been trying to persuade me I
IOgetting/to get an apartment in a better neighbourhood ...

4) Complete the dialogue by reporting the phrases in brackets. I

MR LUSKIN Mr Dykes, may I remind you 1 to tell the truth I
('Please remember you must te11the truth.')
JUDGE I have already warned you 2 --'- _ I
('You must not try to influence the accused.')
MR LUSKIN Very well. So, Dykes, your girlfriend at the time insisted on 3 _
and you promised 4 and take out $200,000 - is that right? I
('I reallywant to buy a more expensive apartment.' / '1'11go to the bank today.)
MR DYKES Not exactly, I didn't go to the bank.
MR LUSKIN Oh, so somebody you met in the street simply offered I
s ? ('Shall 1 give you $200,OOOf)
MR DYKES No, a friend had agreed 6 a couple of months ago.
(T'Il lend you the money.') I
MR LUSKIN I see. And this friend just happened to have lots of money at home in cash?
Clearly,your friends don't recommend 7 • It's interesting, ladies and

gentlemen, that the defence didn't invite this friend 8 today as a I

witness to te11us how he lent you the money.
('You should keep rnoney in the bank.' / 'Please come to court as a witness.') I
MR DYK"ES \Vell, my friend apologized 9 . He's out of the country at the I
moment, so he couldn't Dehere today. ('Sorry,I can't come.')
- - ----

Page 11 of 19
2..... Reporting verbs
Use the sentence beginnings to rewrite the sentences so that the meaning
stays the same.

1 The weather in England is horrible: said Sven.

Sven complained .t!!4...~.~.~.~'!j~.~.~:.r/!?~: , .
2 'Have you travelled abroad a lot?' Sheila asked.
Sheila wanted to know .
3 Tll give it back tornorrow, said Adam.
Adam promised .
• 4 'Don't do any exercise and sleep flat on your back for two weeks,' the
doctor said.
The doctor told .
5 'Are you planning to look for a job abroad?' asked John.
John wondered .
6 '1 can't tell you anything because it's meant to be a surprise,' said
Susan explained .
7 'I can do the shopping tomorrow if you don't feellike it: said George.
George offered .

7 e ~o ted Spcect,
':J 'fl'J Find the word which shou/d not be in the sentence.
1 The boss said about we were going to be given a few days off. 1 eaout:
2 Sophie told to me she was looking for a better job. 2
3 He wanted to know if I did went to that party last night. 3
4 The reporter he asked the Prime Minister to comment on the election results. 4
5 Tony asked me if I was wanted to play golf with him that afternoon. 5
6 They wanted to know if that they were allowed to keep pets in the flat. 6
7 Celía asked Jim what time he was being leaving for the airport. 7
8 The student asked the teacher for to repeat what he had said. 8
9 The shop assistant told us do not to touch any of the items on display. 9
10 My mother said that I had better to leave early. 10
11 She told me she was leaving and explaining that she was too tired. 11
12 He asked me if I could do the ironing and 1 said 1 could so. 12
13 Nicki promised that to pay me back as soon as possible. 13
14 She denied that she had been taken any money from them. 14
15 Fiona suggested that he would talk to the manager in persono 15
16 He wondered what had to do to set the situation right. , 16
17 They threatened to will dismiss him if he didn't change his attitude. 17
18 He asked me that what 1 intended to do when the term was over. 18
19 It is important that he should be told them the truth. 19
20 The doctor recommended that he should to stay at home for a few days. 20


Page 12 of 19
Page 13 of 19
Page 14 of 19
88 reporting verbs !' , • , ,

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1 A Remind me to book a taxi to the airport. (book)
B We don't need one, Andy's offered. us a ride. (give) O~1
2 A Hi, Tom. I'm surprised to see you here. 1didn't think you liked opera. VI
S 1don't, but Camila persuaded me tonight. (come) C.~I
3 A Have the police found the men that robbed the supermarket? VI
S Apparently. they've arrested one man, but he denies anything to do with it.
1: A I've always regrerted ro college when 1was younger. (not go)
". I
S Well, ir's never too late. Why don'r you apply? '" II
S A Have the kids been arguing again? Chen's really upset, but he refuses me why.
(tell) ~:1
S Oh, Harry's accused Chen of one ofhis toys, and now they aren't speaking to C;:"I
each other, (break) C';:, I
6 AWhere are you going on vacation this year? e=..
B We haven't decided yet. Keiko suggested on a cruise, buc I always get seasick. (go) c,.:::
7 A Someone broke into the car and stole rny laptop while 1was in the supermarket.
S 1warned you it in the caro Have you reported ir ro the police? (not leave)
8 A There's a funny smell in the kirchen. c,-
B That's because your dad insisted on curry for dinner and he burned it. (make)
Complete the sentences using rhe reporting verb in parentheses and a verb from the list.

come eeek eat forget keep tose clean try

1 Adam oJjered to cook dinner for everyone. (offer)

2 Andy rus room at the weekend. (promise)
3 Sofía to callo (apologize) c-
4 Bill his father _ all ofhis money in the bank. (advise) ·c=
5 Kathy rhe new pina place. (suggest) c.
6 Amir all of the chocolates. (admit) e-
7 Mike me to the theater with him. (invite)
8 [amie us rhe game. (blame)

• received sorne good advíce. My síster advised me to take a class to improve my computer skills.
• apologized to someone.
• offered to help someone.
• made a suggestion.
• were blamed for something you didn't do.
• regretted something you did I didn't do.

Make sentences using reported speech, Then compare your sentences with your partner.

Page 15 of 19
Vocabulary race
1 A word which means when, e.g., a newspaper
shows favor toward a certain group or opinion.

2 The title of a newspaper article, usuaUyprinted

in big letters. DEADDIDE

3 Not influenced by personal opinions or feeling. oDDEDDIDE

. 4 Somebody who writes for a newspaper or magazine. DouDDADIDD

5 Photographers who foUow celebrities and sell the

photos they've taken of them.

6 A verb used in newspaper headlines that

means to marry.

7 Journalists who sell work to different newspapers,

but don't work for any particular one are this.

8 If a newspaper article is considered offensive

or immoral it might get _

9 This kind of journalist can help you with your

problems ifyou writeto him / her. ADvDDE CDLDM NDDT

10 A story that is correct and has the facts

right can be described with this adjective. A D D U DAD E

11 A verb used in headlines which means that

a couple has broken up. DDD ID

12 Ajournalist who expresses opinions about music,

books, movies, etc.

13 A person who works on the radio and describes,

e.g., a sporting event while it's happening. DoDDEDDADoD
14 A person who works on TV and interviews people,
often for entertainment.

15 This person decides what goes into a newspaper

and what shouldn't.


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1 Complete the sentences with the simple form, the gerund or the infinitive form of
the verbs in parentheses.
Example: 1 can't stand /isteninq (Iisten) to people talking on their cell phones.
1 Do you mind (go) for a walk in the park?
2 You should practice (speak) English whenever you get the opportunity.
3 The shop assistant refused (give) me a refundo
4 1 can't remember (have) a doll when 1 was a little qírl.
. 5 You'd better (call) Darren and tell him we'lI be late.
6 Have you tried (sleep) on the other side of the bed?
7 We can't wait (see) your new house.
8 My boss makes me (work) at the weekend sometimes.
9 No-one forgets (see) Venice for the first time.
10 Could you let me (speak), please!

2 Underline the correct word(s).

Example: 1 used to / 'm used to eat junk food, but now 1 eat very healthily.
1 Did you use to I used to do many sports in school?
2 Driving on the left was weird at first, but 1 use to I 'm used to it now.
3 We would I used to be very good children most of the time.
4 1wasn't used to / didn't use to eat fish at all, but 1 have it occasionally now.
5 Sam usually / use to goes to work by bus, but he decided to walk today.
6 Clara and Tom used to be / being a couple, but they've split up now.
7 l'm not used to / didn't use to speaking so much English - it's tiring!
8 1 can't get used to / be used to this new operating system. 1 prefer the old one.
9 On a free afternoon, 1 often / 'm used to drive to the coast and do some surfing.
10 My mother would I use to always bake cakes on Saturdays when 1 lived with her.

3 Underline the correct word(s).

Example: You must have / can't have seen Billy. He's on vacation at the moment.
1 They must have / should have gone to bed early - there are no lights on in the house.
2 1 suppose 1 could have I must have dropped my wallet, but 1 think it's been stolen-
3 You look exhausted. You should have gone / should go for a shorter run.
4 1 may have / must have met her at a conference, but 1 can't remember if 1 did.
5 Diana can't have / must not have gotten engaged - she's only known him six weeks!
6 You shouldn't have / might not have looked at my emails; it was very wrong of you.
7 They might have / must have finished their walk by now. It's too dark to see anything.

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4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
Example: I'd rather have (have) more free time than money.
1 Would you rather (eat) out tonight or stay in?
2 I'd rather you (not meet) me for lunch today; I've got a lot of work to
3 Chris says he'd rather you (pick) him up at 8:00 not 7:00.

4 Danielle admitted that she'd rather (not go) to the barbecue.

5 Wouldn't you rather John (do) the repairs in the bathroom this week?

5 Complete the sentences with the correct word{s).

Example: You /ook really sick. You should call a doctor.
sound look feel
1 Beth told me you Iike going to a club. Where do you want to go?
sound feel look
2 It's so empty here today. It feels we've got the café to ourselves.
as if if that
3 1 don't know what this fruit iS but it tastes Iike
I _
great pineapple horrible
4 Mmm that
l really good! Are you making a cake?
smells tastes feels
5 This shirt a bit tight. Do you have it in a larger size?
feels as if feels feels like
6 Eve looks as she hasn't slept for a week!
though like when

6 Underline the correct word{s).

Example: Karen offered to lend j lending me her car when mine was being repaired.
1 Jack encouraged me to tryj that 1 try a new hairdresser's.
2 John regretted not askingj to not ask how much the hotel was before he booked it.
3 Sheila insisted on payingj to pay for all our drinks.
4 Peter convinced me not to give upj not giving up playing soccer.
5 1 suggested to buy I buying Anne some flowers, but Lisa said she'd prefer chocolates.
6 My neighbor threatened to cut I cutting down the trees in the garden.

7 Complete the sentences with the correct passive formo

Example: Nobody has been to/d (tell) the time of the exam yet.
1 It's difficult to avoid (photograph) by paparazzi when you're famous.
2 The gym is closed this week - it (redecorate).
3 1 saw Miranda in the art exhibition. She (show) around by one of the artists.
4 Drivers shouldn't (fine) for parking ten minutes longer than they've paid foro
5 The Cubs refused (beat) and ended up winning the game.
6 The couple (think) to have escaped to France.
7 Fish and chips used to (wrap) in old newspapers.

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8 Order the words to make sentences.

Example: my / the / taken / of / 1 / photo / outside / Parliament / had / Houses
1 had mv photo taken outside the Houses of Parliament.
1 to / valued / the / an / we / get / painting / expert / decided / by
2 my / going / out / tooth / have / I'm / bad / to / tomorrow / taken
3 it / my / checked / 1 / fully / sold / had / car / 1 / before
4 house / you / same / exactly / your / will / painted / have / color / the
.5 bigger / anyone / get / why / lips / to / made / would / want / their / ?
6 our / installed / heating / two / we're / new / system / weeks / having / in

9 Match the words with the same sound.

bass guitar complain fieeF yawn alarm pillow

Example: orchestra floor

1 photograph
2 awake _
3 cacophony
4 encore _
5 guitar _

I accuse score drugs manslaughter murderer jury

Example: fraud mans/aughter

1 burglar
2 judge
3 court
4 community
5 tourists

10 Underline the silent letters in the words.

Example: half
1 muscle
2 comb
3 knee
4 wrist
5 thigh

11 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: crotlssant
1 arlchílteclture 2 phlllolsolphy
3 orlchelstra 4 mlsomtnr¡a
5 hvlpolchonldrilac 6 eyellashles
7 adlvise 8 inlvesltilqate
9 arlqulrnent 10 exlprelssion

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