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Phạm Tiến Anh – Line graph

The graph gives the information about the changing patterns of household access to
contemporary technology in the UK over a period from 1996 to 2003.
It is noticeable that the percentages of the accessibility of all modern applications
increased considerably from 1996 to 2003.
Of all the technologies, Internet access was the latest to be introduced to households,
but the rate of usage almost tripled from 15 percent in 1998/99 to about 43 percent in
There appears to be an alteration between the percentages of access to home
computer and cell phone. Between 1996/97 and 1998/99, mobile phone was less
popular than domestic computer. The use of computer in 2002/03 doubled in
comparison with 1996/97, from 25 percent to over 50 percent. Meanwhile, mobile
phone’s portion went up moderately till 1998/99 then rocketed in the following years,
ended up at 70 percent in 2002/03.
The percentage of CD player was still higher than the others over the period. In
1998/99, it reached 60 percent, and it kept climbing steadily up to more than 80 percent
in 2002/03.

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