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Allusion- Indirect Reference

Illusion- Deceptive appearance
Delusion- a false belief
Credulous- Ready to believe things
Recant - to announce that one's earlier beliefs
are wrong and he does not agree to them
Swindle- Deceive to deprive or fraudulent
Hallucination- an experience involving the
apparent perception of something not present.
Buttress- Protection
Excoriate- Damage a body part or criticise
Platitude- A trite remark or a repeated remark
Trite- lacking originality
Surly- Bad tempered and Unfriendly
Affable- Friendly
Adulate- Praise
Lambaste- Criticise heavily
Horrendous- Terrible or Horrifying
Equestrian- Relating to Horse
Riparian- Situated on a River Bank
Polyglot- One who knows many languages
Abet- Support in a crime
Sedate- Calm down
Lascivious- Feeling over sexual desire
Chaste- Abstaining from sexual intercourse
Solace- Consolation in time of distress
Embezzle- Steal or misappropriate funds given
with trust
Perjury- Willful misrepresentation or lie
Lascivious- Extravagant
Husbandry- Efficient use of resources
Portent- an indication of mass calamity
Impromptu- Done without planning
Putsch- Coup
Punctilious- Showing attention to every detail
Slapdash- done with a rush
Euphoric- Excited
Despondent- Low spirited
Niggardly- meagre
Sombre- Seriousness/ Dark in colour
Doleful- Expressing sorrow/ Mournful
Shrewd- Having sharp powers of judgement
Uxoricide- Act of killing one's wife
Offhand- Ungracious treatment or without
Scurry- Move hurriedly
Pugnacious- ready or eager to fight
Garrulous- Excessively talkative
Aboveboard- Honest, clear and transparent
Guile- Cunning
Thrifty- Moving away from memory very fast
Nebulous- Vague
Debonair- Stylish and Confident
Curdle- Lumps or clot in milk
Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces
Scurrilous- With the intent of damaging
Disparaging- Considering something of little
Fulminate- Express vehement protest
Neophyte- New entrant into a religion
Hummock- Hill
Hibernal- Related to winters
Inundate- Flood
Sacrilege- Contempt or misuse of what is
considered sacred
Dulcet- Sweet Voice
Raucous- Noise
Malapropism- Using similar sounding word by
Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders
Impasse- where no progress is possible
Clemency- Mercy
Seminary- College
Liturgy- Prayer
Laity- Not priestly class

A fair crack of the whip- An equal Chance

To mince words- To speak indirectly
To bite one's lips- Prevent oneself from
To die in harness- To die in youth
A bread and butter letter- Letter to the host
Cool as a cucumber- Extremely Calm
Ran in the same groove- Advance in harmony
As the crow flies- In linear line
John Doe- An unidentified male
Tight Fisted- Not to spend money
Good Egg- Person to rely on
Make a hay while Sun shines
Group of lion- pride, Group of fishes- Shoal

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