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Who said what

• Justice shall not only be done but also

appear to be done, and may I add, must
be paid for being done-
• Henry Cecil
• International law is a positive morality-
John Austin
• Neither First Nor National Nor war of
independence- RC Majumdar
• DPSP is the conscience of the constitution
which embodies the social philosophy of
constitution- Granville
• Litigation is the game in which the court
is the umpire- Pollock
• DPSP is a cheque drawn on a bank
payable at the convenience of the bank-
K.T. Shah
• The government of the people by the
people for the people- Abraham Lincoln
• Ignorance of the law excuses none, not
because every man shall know the law but
because its an excuse
that every accused will plead- John
• Whatever system of Government we may
establish here it must fit in the temper of
people and be acceptable
to them- Jawaharlal Nehru
• Emergency power is fraud on the
constitution- BN Rao
• “It is forbidden to kill; therefore all
murderers are punished unless they kill
in large numbers and to the sound of
― Voltaire
• “Laws and principles are not for the
times when there is no temptation: they
are for such moments as this, when body
and soul rise in mutiny against their
rigour ... If at my convenience I might
break them, what would be their worth?”
― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

• Law and order exist for the purpose of

establishing justice and when they fail in
this purpose they become the dangerously
structured dams that block the flow of
social progress.
Martin Luther
King, Jr.
• At his best, man is the noblest of all
animals; separated from law and justice
he is the worst.

• “A lawyer is a person who writes a

10,000-word document and calls it a
- Franz Kafka
• “A jury consists of 12 persons chosen to
decide who has the better lawyer.”
- Robert Frost
• “The young man knows the rules, but the
old man knows the exceptions."
- Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell
Holmes Jr.

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