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Air pollution is an urgent global problem a ecting the health of millions of people and the

environment. This results from the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere, which causes

adverse e ects on air quality. This essay will explore the causes of air pollution and propose

e ective solutions to reduce the impact.

Why air pollution has a serious impact on human health and the environment?. Firstly, it causes

several diseases such as, respiratory disorders, heart disease, and lung cancer. Secondly, causing

environmental damage such as, damaging vegetation and disrupting rain ecosystems and rain acids

such as sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) contribute to the formation of rain acids,

which damage plants, water, and soil. Thirdly, social and economic damage, air pollution can a ect

human productivity, cause economic losses, and the emergence of socio-economic problems in

families and communities. Premature deaths due to air pollution reach 7 million cases per year

globally. Through diseases such as stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory infections.

Air pollution is very dangerous for the survival of humans, animals, and plants. Therefore, this

problem must be found a solution and immediately implement it in order to reduce dirty air pollution.

Firstly, it must be done by reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Encourage the use of electric

vehicles, and invest in more e cient battery technology. Secondly, promote public transportation to

improve the public transportation system and to reduce the use of private vehicles, reduce the use

of private vehicles is equal to reducing the use of fossil fuels. Thirdly, we can do greening the earth
by planting new trees and creating greening areas in the middle of the city such as city parks to

improve air quality.

To sum up. Addressing air pollution requires collective e orts at local, national, and global

levels. By understanding its causes and implementing e ective solutions, we can create a cleaner

and healthier environment for future generations.

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