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Installation of SOMARIS/5.5 VB27

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SOMATOM Spirit © Siemens AG 2005
The reproduction, transmission or
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is not permitted without express
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including rights created by patent
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Print No.: CT02-025.816.03.02.02 Doc. Gen. Date: 11.05
Replaces: n.a.
0-2 Revision

Chapter Page Revision

0 to 6 All 02

Document revision level

The document corresponds to the version/revision level effective at the time of system delivery.
Revisions to hardcopy documentation are not distributed automatically.
Please contact your local Siemens office to order current revision levels.

The installation and service of equipment described herein is to be performed by qualified personnel
who are employed by Siemens or one of its affiliates or who are otherwise authorized by Siemens
or one of its affiliates to provide such services.
Assemblers and other persons who are not employed by or otherwise directly affiliated with or
authorized by Siemens or one of its affiliates are directed to contact one of the local offices of
Siemens or one of its affiliates before attempting installation or service procedures.

SOMATOM Spirit CT02-025.816.03 Page 2 of 4 Siemens AG

Rev. 01 11.05 CSPS22 Medical Solutions
Contents 0-3

1 _______General _______________________________________________________ 1 - 1

Definitions and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1 - 1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 3
Software not approved by Siemens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 3
Software kit VB27 for ICS and IRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 3
Backup media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 4

2 _______SW Installation ICS _____________________________________________ 2 - 1

Conditions for starting the SW installation . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 1

Required data carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 1
Required data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 1
Regional Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 - 2
Service key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2
Host name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2
Write down the host name
System type and serial numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2
Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 3
Starting the Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 4
Installation running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 6
Configure the keyboard language and enable Windows XP Access. . . . . . . .. . . . 2 - 6
Restore Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2 - 8
Restore 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 2 - 8
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 9
Restore 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . 2 - 11
Completion of configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2 - 12
Import Reference Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 12
Regional Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 12
Restart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 12
Siemens Remote Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 13
Functional Check of SRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 13
SRS Basic Settings Outside NAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 14
Functional Check of System Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 15
Remote Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 15

3 _______SW Installation of IRS ___________________________________________ 3 - 1

Installation of IRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 - 1
Final steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 2
Software also reinstalled on the ICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 2
No software reinstallation on the ICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 3 - 2
4 _______Additional Worksteps ___________________________________________ 4 - 1

Execution of perl script "repair_config.pl" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 4 - 1

Backup at the ICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 1

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Medical Solutions Rev. 01 11.05 CSPS22
0-4 Contents

Disable Windows XP Access . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 - 2

5 ______ Special Language Settings _______________________________________5 - 1

Chinese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 1
Settings in Local Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 1
Settings under meduser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 1
Settings under administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 3

Japanese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 - 5
Settings in Local Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5
Settings under meduser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 - 5
Settings under administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 7

6 ______ Changes to previous version _____________________________________6 - 1

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Rev. 01 11.05 CSPS22 Medical Solutions
1 General 1-1

1.1 Definitions and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Definitions
ACR-NEMA American College of Radiology - National Electrical
Manufacturers Association
BIOS Basic Input Output System, lowest PC configuration settings
AET Application Entity Title - Name of DICOM service participating in the
communication either as a user (SCU) or a provider
CD Compact Disk
CDR Compact Disk Recordable
CT Computed Tomography
DICOM Digital Image Communication in Medicine (ACR-NEMA standard)
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - procedure for assigning
numeric IP address to nodes in which blocks of addresses are leased
to clients on a first-come, first-serve basis. Typically, DHCP is com-
bined with WINS, meaning an IP address is both dynamically
assigned and automatically associated with a domain name. This tool:
be combined with DNS, resulting in a dynamically assigned numeric
IP address that is automatically associated with both NetBIOS and
the Internet names
DNS Domain Name Services - address resolution procedure that associ-
ates numeric IP addresses with Internet-style names
FTP File Transfer Protocol - a client-server application that transfers files
from one computer to another
Gateway A display that controls traffic between two networks using factors
above the network layer
ICS = Navigator Image Control System - control computer for the entire CT scanner,
with interface to the acquisition system
IMS Imaging System, consisting of ICS, IRS and console
IRS Image Reconstruction System - reconstruction computer
LAN Local Area Network (here, always Ethernet)
LMHOSTS Address resolution procedure which statically associates numeric IP
addresses with NetBIOS names. The LMHOSTS file is checked to
see if the name is being addressed in this file.
MEP Market Entrance Phase
MOD Magneto-Optical Disk
NetBIOS Network Basic Input-Output System - a collection of network services
and programming interfaces. NetBIOS services run on network proto-
cols such as TCP/IP.
NIC Network Interface Card, an expansion card that provides a physical
connection to the network

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Medical Solutions CSPS22 Rev. 01 11.05
1-2 General

Abbreviation Definitions
NT "New Technology" Operating System - trademark of Microsoft, Inc.
OI Operator Manual
PB Patient Browser
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol - a data link and network protocol designed for
use over serial connections (such as dial-up modems)
RAS Remote Access Services: a Windows NT service that supports dial-
in and dial-out connections using modems and ISDN.
Router A multiport computer or piece of dedicated hardware that examines
network layer addresses of packets on a network and retransmits
them on a different network if necessary
SCU Service Class User
SCP Service Class Provider
TCP/IP Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol - the most widely used
standard for networking
UI User Interface
USC Uptime Service Center
WINS Windows Internet Name Service - address resolution procedure that
dynamically associates numeric IP addresses with NetBIOS names.
It is possible to combine DNS and WINS.
XP "eXPerience" Operating System - trademark of Microsoft, Inc.

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Rev. 01 11.05 CSPS22 Medical Solutions
General 1-3

1.2 Overview
ICS + IRS = Navigator
In the standard configuration, the ICS is the main console for interchangeable
scanning and imaging functions. The IRS is equipped with four computers as well as a
switchable keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

1.3 Software not approved by Siemens

Warning Unauthorized or incorrect operation or changes to software can
cause malfunctions in your system. This can result in injuries or
system defects. For this reason, the use or installation of soft-
ware not approved by Siemens is strictly prohibited.

1.4 Software kit VB27 for ICS and IRS

The software installation kit for SOMATOM Spirit systems is included in the delivery
volume and comprises the following items required for a complete SW installation:

· CD OEM-Setup Windows XP(1 of 3)

· CD SOM/5.5 ICS SW VB27 (CD 2/3)
· CD Som/5.5 ICS SWFW VB27 (CD 3/3)
· 1x CD Som/5.5 IRS SW for VB27(Get the correct IRS CD for Towers)

For three types of IRS towers, the software version and IRS
Note installation CD are listed as follows.
Tower type Software IRS CD
IRST5B, VB27A Somaris/5 IRS_VB20_V3.0
IRST5B, VB27B Somaris/5 IRS_VB20_V3.0
IRST5B, VB27C Somaris/5 IRS_VB20_V3.0
IRST5B, VB27D Somaris/5.5 IRS_SW/FW
IRST7B, VB27D_V1.0

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1-4 General

1.5 Backup medium

The CD-Writer (drive [-R-] CD-R) is the standard backup device for ICS. Alternatively,
the MOD may be used, if available.
· Make sure a separate backup medium (e.g. “ CD Recordable”) is on hand for
the ICS.

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Rev. 01 11.05 CSPS22 Medical Solutions
2 SW Installation ICS 2-1

2.1 Conditions for starting the SW Installation

To ensure that all archiving, filming, copying, and networking jobs are finished and that
the respective queues are empty:
· Open the Patient Browser.
· Click Transfer -> Select "Local Job Status" and, if necessary, delete all entries.
· Click Transfer -> Select "Network Job Status" and, if necessary, delete all entries.
· Click Patient -> Select "Film Task Status" and, if necessary, delete all entries.

2.2 Required data carrier

To perform the SW installation of the Navigator (ICS), the following data carriers
are required:

CD OEM-Setup Windows XP
CD SOM/5.5 ICS SW VB27 (CD 2/3)
CD Som/5.5 ICS SWFW VB27 (CD 3/3)
Backup CD-R
CD System Management CA Unicenter

2.3 Required data

The ICS has to be switched on.
Read the following configuration data and write them down in the fields provided. These
data are required during SW Installation of the ICS and will not be restored.

It may be useful to store the following file to floppy in case of problems with the backup
files or during installation. This file contains the complete configuration of the system.


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2-2 SW Installation ICS

2.3.1 Regional Settings

· From the syngo user interface, select -> Options -> Configuration.
· In the configuration panel, double-click the Regional and language options icon.
· Write down the following data:

Regional Options Language

Customized Time Time separator:
Date Date separator:
Languages Input locales

2.3.2 Service key

· From the syngo user interface, select Options -> Local Service.
· Write down the service key.

Service key (level=7)

Service key = 20 characters ---------------------- 14 characters ---------------- --- last 6 characters ---

2.3.3 Host Name

· In the main menu of the service software, select Configuration.
· Click Next.
· Select Local Host -> TCP/IP LAN.

2.3.4 Write down the host name.

Computer name
IP address

NOTE Setting at Local Host- TCP/IP LAN a DNS-Domain e.g "med.sie-

mens.de" will not be in the backup. Please note the configuration.

System type and serial numbers

Name Identifier for Material no. Serial no.
Backup files
SOMATOM Spirit P15A 100 45 692 31xxx

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SW Installation ICS 2-3

2.4 Preparations
· Insert the CD OEM-Setup Windows XP in the Navigator.
· From the ICS, select System/End and Shut down the system.
· Switch off the system at the UPS-Rack (system -off).
· Disconnect the network cable of the ICS from the Ethernet switch.

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2-4 SW Installation ICS

2.5 Starting the Installation

· Switch on the system at the UPS-RACK (system-
on). The computer boots from the CD-ROM.

Starting Windows 98

After a short while, the following window appears:

Siemens Medical Solutions syngo CT 2005A installation


Turn off the computer to interrupt

or press any key to continue Creating a new primary partition on

the first hard drive. This partition
be converted to NTFS during Windows XP


Checking the first hard drive

· Press <Enter> to continue installation (the ICS is beeping). This reboots the ICS.
· Select the distribution type: CUSTOMER (default).
· Enter the machine name (host name) as noted by replacing the default "MedPC"
entry and press Enter.

NOTE Please note that the computer name must not contain blanks or
underscores. Use the following naming convention for the ICS
computer name: ct<serial number> (e.g. ct123456).

· Select Keep data on second hard drive or

select Clear data on second hard drive (deletes patient database).
Use ENTER to change the selection.

NOTE Do not use Clear all harddrives 1-2. This option will format all hard
drives only (removes all software). Reinstallation of the SW will not
be started.

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SW Installation ICS 2-5

NOTE Using Keep Data on other Hard Drive will extend the software
installation time is up to 3 hours! The duration depends on the
number of images stored in the database.

· Use CONTINUE INSTALLATION to confirm the start of installation (ICS is

beeping if "Clear data" is selected).
· Press any key
All necessary files are copied from CD OEM-Setup Windows XP to the hard
Chinese and Japanese language users: please read the note at the bottom
before the CD is ejected!

After approximately 12 minutes, the CD OEM-Setup Windows XP is ejected and has

to be removed.

For Chinese and Japanese language users only:

· Insert the additional CD MUI_CHN_JPN (CD 1A/3). All other users proceed with the
next step.

NOTE CD MUI_CHN_JPN (CD 1A/3) has to be inserted directly after the

OEM CD was ejected.
If you missed to insert this CD in time, the computer asks for CD SOM/
5.5 ICS SW VB27 (CD 2/3).
You have to start the installation at the beginning.
For CD MUI_CHN_JPN (CD 1A/3), no warning is generated as it is for
the other CD’s, if you did not insert it in time.

· Insert the CD SOM/5.5 ICS SW VB27 (CD 2/3).

The installation continues automatically.

NOTE If you missed inserting the requested CD in time, a warning will come
No package has been found. Please insert the CD "........" in the CD
drive to continue the installation.
Insert the requested CD and press any key to continue.

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2-6 SW Installation ICS

Installation is running
From this point on, the ICS installation runs automatically.

After approximately 45 minutes, CD SOM/5.5 ICS SW VB27 (CD 2/3) is ejected and
has to be removed.

Remove CD SOM/5.5 ICS SW VB27 (CD 2/3) and insert

CD Som/5.5 ICS SWFW VB27 (CD 3/3) and close the CD drive. The system
reboots automatically after finishing the copy job.

NOTE While the installation is running, you may start the installation of
the IRS, if necessary (refer to chapter 3).

Completion of the ICS installation (approx. 75 minutes) is indicated by a pop-up

window displaying the message Please enter license.
· Click ’Click here to start the Local Service Configuration’ to start the service
software (complete service license required).

2.6.1 Configuring the Keyboard Language and enabling Windows XP Access

Perform the following steps to configure keyboard languages other than English.

· Select Start -> Settings -> Control Panel

· Search for and click Date, Time, Language and Regional and Options
· Click Regional and Language Options.
· Select the Languages -> Details tab card
· Click Add and select the correct Input Language and confirm with OK.
· Select the English keyboard language, click Remove and confirm with OK.
A message window appears informing you that removal is only possible
after reboot. Confirm with OK
· Click OK in the remaining windows or close the remaining windows.

Perform the following steps to enable Windows XP access at the time of update.

· Enter the Service Key and open the Local Service main menu.
· From the home menu of the service software , select Utilities.
· Under Source, select Escape to OS and at Command NT Command Interpreter.
· Under Parameters, type c:\Somaris\Tools\bin\KeyFilter.bat disable.

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SW Installation ICS 2-7
· Activate with Return or GO.
Only a reboot makes the change effective. This reboot will be performed
after Restore 1!
· Click Home.

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2-8 SW Installation ICS

2.7 Restore Steps

NOTE If you install the IRS software, wait until the IRS installation fin-
ishes and ensure that the IRS is ready before performing the sub-
sequent steps.
Reason: after Restore 1, the ICS tries to transfer the IRS "default
tables" to the IRS. If the IRS is not ready at that time, the transfer
will fail and the IRS "default tables" will have to be transferred

2.7.1 Restore 1
· In the main menu of the service software, select the Backup & Restore function.
· Insert the Navigator backup CD.
· Under Command, select Restore.
· Under Drives, select the corresponding drive.
· Under Archive, select <hostname>_SW-Settings02-VB27_date_time_ok.ar.
(This is only an example!)

Command Drives Groups

Restore [-R-] CD-R. UserSettings
Archive Service\TCPIP\LAN-Settings
<hostname>_SW-Settings02-VB27_date&time.ar Service\TCPIP\RAS-Settings
Service\Database/Satellite Console

· From Groups, select all except for User Settings and Service\Database\DBOffset
and click Go.
BackupRestore Running ...; wait until Ready is displayed.

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SW Installation ICS 2-9
· ? From Archive, select <hostname>_CT-Settings-VB27_date_time_ok.ar.
(This is only an example!)

Command Drives Groups

Restore [-R-] CD-R.
Archive Tube
<hostname>_CT-Settingsr-VB27_date&time.ar Service

· Under Groups, select all except IRS and click Go.

BackupRestore Running ...; wait until Ready is displayed.

· Under Archive, select <hostname>_SecuritySettings-VB27_date_time_ok.ar.

· Under Groups, select all and click Go.
· Wait until "Ready".

· Click Home.

NOTE At this point the SW installation of IRS has to be completed.

? If not already done, remove the CDs from the IRS computer.

2.7.2 Configuration
· In the main menu of the service software, select the Configuration function.
· Select Site Info and click >. Check/correct the Time zone
Note: do not activate the NTP Time server or select automatic Daylight Time
· If changes were made, click Save. Confirm the message displayed with OK.

NOTE During the next steps, host names will be used. Host names
always have to be written in lower case characters.

· Select Local Host -> Technical.

- At "Country for Quality" select USA or other.
- Click Save and Ok.

· Click Finish and Home.

· Select Start -> Shutdown -> System Restart
Shutdown and Reboot may take approx. 15 min.

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2 - 10 SW Installation ICS
· Switch on the gantry if not already done so.
· Connect the ICS network cable to the Ethernet switch.

· Press Cancel at the upcoming Checkup Platform

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SW Installation ICS 2 - 11
2.7.3 Restore 2
· In the main menu of the service software, select the Backup & Restore function.
· Under Command, select Restore.
· Under Drives, select the corresponding drive.
· Under Archive, select <hostname>_SW-Settings02-VB27_date_time_ok.ar.

(This is only an example!)

Command Drives Groups

Restore [-R-] CD-R. UserSettings
Archive Service\TCPIP\LAN-Settings
<hostname>_SW-Settings02-VB27_date&time.ar Service\TCPIP\RAS-Settings
Service\Database/Satellite Console

NOTE The following red error message during the restore of SW-Set-
tings can be ignored
cmd /C C:\Somaris\Config\BaReUp\CapPb\update.bat

· From Groups, select User Settings and click Go.

BackupRestore Running ...; wait until Ready is displayed.

· Under Archive, select <hostname>_SecuritySettings-VB27_date_time_ok.ar.

· Under Groups, select All and click Go.
BackupRestore Running ...; wait until Ready is displayed.

· Under Archive, select <hostname>_CT-Settings-VB27_date&time.

(This is only an example!)

Command Drives Groups

Restore [-R-] CD-R. Mode
Archive Service
<hostname>_CT-Scanner-VB27_date&time.ar General

o Under Groups, select IRS and click Go.

BackupRestore Running ...; wait until Ready is displayed.
· Take out the backup CD.
· Click Home.

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2 - 12 SW Installation ICS

2.8 Completing the Configuration

2.8.1 Importing Reference Images
This is mandatory if "Clear data on second hard drive" was selected in the
installation mask.
· From the patient browser, select Transfer -> Import from Offline.
· From the drop-down list, select the path H:\SiteData\ReferenceImages.
· Select all images and click OK.
After the import, the images are available in the Patient Browser.

2.8.2 Regional Settings

· From the syngo user interface, select -> Options -> Configuration.
· In the configuration panel, double-click the Regional and language options icon.
· In the Regional Options tab card, select a preferred country and click Customize.
· Change the date, time and numbers as noted on page 2-2.
· In the Languages tab card, click Details and select the default input language type
as noted on page 2-2.

2.8.3 Restart
· Perform System/End -> Restart the System
(A restart is necessary to enable options and make the option tab cards available in
the customer UI (user interface)).

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SW Installation ICS 2 - 13

2.9 Siemens Remote Services

2.9.1 Functional Check of SRS
Fig. 1
 Select Service -> SRS
 On page SRS Basic Settings:
Click " > " to perform a connection test
to the SRS access server.
The connection test is successful if
both the connection to the SRS server
and the connection to the Somatom
Life Extranet are OK.
If the check is not ok, perform the SRS
Configuration. Fill in the site-specific
entries on the SRS Basic Settings page.
 1 Outside NAT: normally outside NAT
is deselected. If outside NAT is used,
continue with 2.9.2
1  2 SRS Target Host (TCP/IP Address):
2 - Fürth for sites in Europe/Africa
- Newark for sites in America
- Singapore for sites in Asia/Australia
 3 SRS Gateway (static route):
If a static route was configured
beforehand, the IP address of the SRS
gateway is displayed under the TCP/IP
address ( is only an
Press <Save> to save the Site Data.
Press ">" to perform a connection test.

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2 - 14 SW Installation ICS

2.9.2 SRS Basic Settings Outside NAT
In an outside NAT environment, the customer network administrator only allows
certain IP addresses in his network. If a network node, e.g. the CT system, wants
to communicate with the "outside world" e.g. the SRS Access Server in Fürth, it
cannot use the real IP address Instead it has to use a NAT address
given by the network administrator. For SRS, the administrator provides a NAT
address for the SRS Access Server and the 3 CA Unicenter servers. The NAT
addresses have to be entered in the SRS Basic Settings (Fig.12).

NOTE Outside NAT is used very rarely, except in countries such as

Sweden, where the complete SRS environment is based on Outside
NAT functionality.

Fig. 2 Select Service -> SRS

 Selected 1 Outside NAT.
- SRS Target Host:
select the SRS server where your
system is connected to (Fürth for
Europe/Africa, Newark for America,
- for configuring the remaining IP
addresses, contact the hospital
network administrator.
In our example the NAT-address
is - 22

 Press <Save> to save the Site Data.

 Go to the next page by clicking ">"
to perform a SRS connection check.

The connection test is successful if

both the connection to the SRS server
and the connection to the Somatom
Life Extranet are OK.

Fig. 3

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SW Installation ICS 2 - 15

2.9.3 Functional Check of System Management
Fig. 4 ? S elect Sys tem Mgm t - > Agen t_Con tr ol

 Check the status of System Management

as displayed in Fig.4. CA Unicenter is
correctly installed if both check boxes,
"System Management Base - Activated"
and "Installed" are enabled.

If the check box System

Management Base - Activated" is
disabled, mark the check box and
press GO to start the final CA
Unicenter installation.

2.9.4 Remote Access

· Set up Remote Access as it was prior to the installation.

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2 - 16 SW Installation ICS

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3 SW Installation of IRS 3-1

3.1 Installation of the IRS

· Power on the IRS.

Insert the IRS SW Installation CD into the CD drive.

· To reboot the IRS, press and hold the ON/OFF switch for about 4 seconds. After the
IRS is switched off, switch it back on again.

NOTE On booting to the IRS CD, the automatic and unattended installa-
tion of Windows XP and of SOMARIS/5.5 image reconstruction
the software starts up (approx. 30 min.). The IRS CD is ejected
approx. 5 minutes.

· Remove the IRS-SW CD from the CD drive immediately after it is ejected.

· Press the ON/OFF switch twice again to reboot the IRS. The installation will now
run automatically.
· When the IRS software installation is finished (approx. 30 min.), continue with the
final steps

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3-2 SW Installation of IRS

3.2 Final steps

3.2.1 Software is also reinstalled on the ICS

Note: After Restore 1 (refer to chapter 2), the ICS and IRS synchronize
and the IRS "default tables" are transferred automatically from the
ICS to the IRS. With Restore 2 (refer to chapter 2), the "site-spe-
cific tune-up tables" are restored to the IRS. No further steps are

3.2.2 No software reinstallation on the ICS

Note: During the IRS software installation, the IRS "default tables" are
deleted. The IRS "default tables" have to be manually transferred
to the IRS. As a result, the batch file IrsTablesInstall.bat has to be
executed. Afterward, the "site-specific tune-up tables" have to
be restored.

· From the service software home menu, select Utilities.

· Under Source, select Escape to OS and at Command NT Command Interpreter.
· Under Parameters, type c:\Somaris\utils\IrsTablesInstall.bat
· Activate with Return or GO.
The "default tables" are transferred to the IRS.

· In the service software main menu, select the function Backup & Restore.
· Insert the Navigator backup CD.
· Under Command, select Restore.
· Under Drives, select the corresponding drive.
· Under Archive, select CT-Settings-VB27.
(This is only an example!)

Command Drives Groups

Restore [-R-] CD-R. BOLUS
Archive Service
CT-Settings-VB27 date&time.ar IRS

· Under Groups, select IRS and click Go.

The "site-specific tune-up tables" are transferred to the IRS.

· When "Ready" is displayed, remove the Navigator backup CD and restart the
complete system.

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4 Additional Worksteps 4-1


4.1 Execution of perl script "repair_config.pl"

· Log in as Administrator at the Navigator
- Select System -> End -> Restart Application.
- Press Shift until the login window appears.
- Change user to administrator and log in with the administrator password.
· In the open command window, type in perl C:\somaris\config\ repair_config.pl
· Press Return.
This script will execute some checks and repairs.
· Close the command window.


4.2 Backup at the ICS

· Start the service software and select the Backup & Restore function in the main menu.
· Insert the backup CD-R for the ICS.
· Under Command, select Backup.
· Under Drives, select the CD drive, e.g., [-R-] CD-R.
· Under Packages, select CT-Settings-VB27 and click Go.
BackupRestore running...

Command Drives
Backup [-R-] CD-R.


Wait until Ready is displayed.

· Close the CD tray.

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Medical Solutions CSPS22 Rev. 01 11.05
4-2 Additional Worksteps
· Under Packages, select SW-Settings02--VB27 and click Go.
BackupRestore running...

Command Drives
Backup [-R-] CD-R.


Wait until Ready is displayed.

· Close the CD tray.
· Under Packages, select Security Settings-VB27 and click Go.
BackupRestore running...

Command Drives
Backup [-R-] CD-R.


Wait until Ready is displayed.

· When "Ready" is displayed, remove the backup media.

· Click Home and terminate the service software by closing the patient browser window.

NOTE The backup files have been saved correctly when ok is added at
the end of the backup file name.
e.g. <hostname>-SW-Settings02-VB27-date_time_ok.ar

4.2.1 Disabling Windows XP Access

Perform the following steps to disable Windows XP access for the customer. Administrator
privileges are required; you must use the command shell of the service software.
· From the service software home menu, select Utilities.
· Under Source, select Escape to OS and at Command NT Command Interpreter.
· Under Parameters, type c:\Somaris\Tools\bin\KeyFilter.bat enable.
· Activate with Return or GO.
· Reboot to make the change effective.

To enable Windows XP access, type in

c:\Somaris\Tools\bin\KeyFilter.bat disable

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Special Language Settings 5-1

5.3 Chinese
5.3.1 Settings in Local Service
· In the main menu of the service software, select the Configuration function.
· Go to DICOM -> Character Set
· Set allow only one character set
· Select ISO_IR_100
· To save the settings, click Save.

Fig. 1

· Click Finish and Home.

Starting Report generation ..., wait until ready
· Do not accept the reboot; click Cancel.

5.3.2 Settings under meduser

NOTE In some cases, the dialog window disappears. Do not try to

restart the "Regional Language Options" dialog . You can
move the dialog into the foreground by pressing Alt + TAB.

· From the syngo user interface, select -> Options -> Configuration.

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Medical Solutions Rev. 01 11.05 CSPS22
5-2 Special Language Settings
· In the configuration panel, click the Regional and Language Options icon.
Note: The window disappears. Click the left mouse button to move the window into
the foreground.
· In the Regional Options tab card, select Chinese (PRC)
· Under Location, select the country where you are.
· Click Apply.
· If necessary, press Alt + Tab to move the dialog window into the foreground.

 To modify the appearance of the date,

time or numbers, click Customize.

Note: change the formats according to

the notes you made before the update.
There is only one restriction: A
maximum of 2 characters can be entered
for the month in the date format,

- Confirm any change with Apply.

- Click OK.

Fig. 2

· Next, go to the Languages tab card.

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Rev. 01 11.05 CSPS22 Medical Solutions
Special Language Settings 5-3

 Select Chinese as the "Language used

in menus and dialogs".
 Click Details....

Fig. 3

 Set the default input language to English

Select the "Advanced" card and turn off
the "advanced test services" combo box
 "Apply" these changes and exit from
the Options panel

Fig. 4

5.3.3 Settings under administrator

· Log in as the administrator
- Select System -> End -> Restart Application.
- Press Shift until the login window appears and log in as administrator
· Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options.

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5-4 Special Language Settings

· Select the "Advanced" tab card.

· Under "Language for non unicode
programs" select "Chinese (PRC)"
· Apply and click OK to exit

Fig. 5

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Special Language Settings 5-5
5.4 Japanese
5.4.1 Settings in Local Service
· In the main menu of the service software, select the Configuration function.
· Go to DICOM -> Character Set
· Set allow only one character set
· Select ISO IR_100 under Default Repertoire
· To save the settings, click Save.

Fig. 6

· Click Finish and Home.

Starting Report generation .. , wait until Ready is displayed.
· Do not accept the reboot; click Cancel.

5.4.2 Settings under meduser

NOTE In some cases, the dialog window disappears. Do not try to

restart the "Regional Language Options" dialog . You can
move the dialog into the foreground by pressing Alt + TAB.

· From the syngo user interface, select -> Options -> Configuration.

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Medical Solutions Rev. 01 11.05 CSPS22
5-6 Special Language Settings
· In the configuration panel, click the Regional and Language Options icon.
Note: The window disappears. Click the left mouse button to move the window into
the foreground.
· In the Regional Options tab card, select Japanese
· Under Location, select the country where you are.
· Click Apply.
· If necessary, press Alt + Tab to move the dialog window into the foreground.

· To modify the appearance of the date,

time or numbers, click Customize.

Note: change the formats according to

the notes you made before the update.
There is only one restriction: A
maximum of 2 characters can be entered
for the month in the date format,

- Confirm any change with Apply.

- Click OK.

Fig. 7

· Next, go to the Languages tab card.

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Special Language Settings 5-7

· Select Japanese as the "Language

used in menus and dialogs".
· Click Details....

Fig. 8

· Set the default input language to

· Select Advanced Card and turn off the
"advanced text services" combo box.
· "Apply" these changes and Exit from
the Options panel.

Fig. 9

5.4.3 Settings under administrator

· Log in as the administrator
- Select System -> End -> Restart Application.
- Press Shift until the login window appears and log in as administrator
· Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options.

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5-8 Special Language Settings

· Select the "Advanced" tab card.

· Under "Language for non unicode
programs" select "Japanese"
· Apply and click OK to exit

Fig. 10

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Changes to previous Version 6-1

Chapter Change Reason

1 Detail the IRS CD for all the IRS ECR 596145
regard with VB27A/B/C/D

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6-2 Changes to previous version

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