Course Curriculum

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Course Curriculam

Course Code: CSE454 Credit Units L T P/S SW AS/DS FW No. of PSDA Total Credit Unit
Course Level UG 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 3
Analysing, Visualizing and Applying data
Course Title
science with python

Description :

Course Objectives :

SN. Objectives
1 1. To learn how to use python for data science.
2 2. To understand and use all the tools and libraries of python for data science.

Pre-Requisites : General

SN. Course Code Course Name

Course Contents / Syllabus :

SN. Module Descriptors / Topics Weightage

Module 1: Data Data Analysis libraries: will learn to use Pandas DataFrames, Numpy multi-dimentional arrays, and SciPy
1 15.00
Analysis libraries to work with a various dataset.
Module II: Python
2 Pandas, an open-source library, and we will use it to load, manipulate, analyze, and visualize various datasets. 25.00
Pandas Library
Module III: Python Scikit-learn, and we will use some of its machine learning algorithms to build smart models and make
3 25.00
Scikit-Learn predictions, various parameters that can be used to compare various parameters.
Module IV: Descriptive Statistics, Basic of Grouping, ANOVA, Correlation, Polynomial Regression and Pipelines, R-
4 20.00
Statistics squared and MSE for In-Sample Evaluation, Prediction and Decision Making
Module V: Model
5 Grid Search, Model Refinement, Binning, Indicator variables 15.00

Course Learning Outcomes :

SN. Course Learning Outcomes

1 1. To explain how data is can be collected from the Web.
2 2. To extract data and information from the webpages.
3 3. To make decision based on the data collected.
4 4. To implement web mining techniques.
5 5. To implement data visualization.

Pedagogy for Course Delivery :

SN. Pedagogy Methods
The class will be taught using remote teaching methodology. Students’ learning and assessment will be on the basis of four quadrants and flipped
1 class method. E-content will be also provided to the students for better learning. The class will be taught using theory, practical and case study

Theory /VAC / Architecture Assessment (L,T & Self Work): 66.70 Max : 100

Attendance+CE+EE : 5+35+60

SN. Type Component Name Marks

1 Attendance 5.00
2 End Term Examination (OMR) 60.00
3 Internal CLASS QUIZ 10.00
4 Internal CLASS TEST 15.00
5 Internal HOME ASSIGNMENT 10.00

Lab/ Practical/ Studio/Arch. Studio/ Field Work Assessment : 33.30 Max : 100

Attendance+CE+EE : 5+35+60

SN. Type Component Name Marks

1 Attendance 5.00
2 External VIVA VOCE 30.00
3 External EXPERIMENT 30.00
4 Internal PERFORMANCE 10.00
5 Internal VIVA VOCE 10.00
6 Internal PRACTICAL / LAB RECORDS 15.00

Lab/ Practical details, if applicable :

SN. Lab / Practical Details

1 Demonstrate knowledge of Data Science and Machine Learning.
2 Apply Data Science process to a real life scenario.
3 Explore New York City - 311 Complaints and Housing datasets.
4 Analyze and Visualize data using Python.
5 Perform feature engineering exercise using Python.
6 Build and validate predictive machine learning model using Python.
7 Create and share Actionable Insights to real life data problems.

List of Professional skill development activities :

No.of PSDA : 0
SN. PSDA Point
Text & References :

SN. Type Title/Name Description ISBN/ URL

1. Data Visualization with Python and
1 Book JavaScript, Kyran Dale, Shroff
Publisher/O’Reilly Publisher Pu
2. Data Science Using Python and R by
2 Book Chantal D. Larose and Daniel T. Larose,
Wiley Publication.
3. Python for Data Science and
3 Book
Visualization -Beginners to Pro, Udemy.

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