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Stealth Aircraft-History, Technology and Outlook

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Technical Editor
Jane's Information Group (USA)
Alexandria, VA

ABSTRACT of the Earth, while reflections from the ground reduce

the effective range of airborne radars which may
The development of low observables or Stealth illuminate them.
technology is reviewed. Brief descriptions are given of
the major Stealth aircraft programs now under way, A complete class of missiles has been developed
including the Lockheed F-117A, the Northrop B-2, the US to home on to radar emissions, either destroying radar
Air Force's Advanced Tactical Fighter and the US Navy's systems or forcing their operators to stop
A-12. Mention is made of LO work in other nations and transmitting. These can be ground-launched, carried for
potential counters to Stealth are summarised. self-defence by strike aircraft or bombers, or carried
on specialised defense-suppression aircraft such as the
US Air Force's F-4G Wild Weasel.
PART_,_:__ HI$10.RY..,_ .._CURR NT PROGR{^MS
Compared with this arsenal of weapons and
Radar has been a decisive force in military technology, the idea of making the aircraft less
aviation since the first practical systems were detectable by radar in the first place seems so simple
developed in the late 1930s. Its first use was to and logical that it is not immediately obvious why it
provide early warning of a bombing raid, together with is only now being put into practice on any significant
reliable, consistent information on the strength and scale, half a century after radar was invented.
course of each element of the incoming force. Within a
few years, radar was also being used to aim accurate In fact, the idea of radar camouflage is almost
ground-based cannon against airborne targets by day or as old as radar itself; the first serious attempt to
by night, and to allow fighter pilots to start and even produce a warplane which would be significantly less
complete engagements against targets beyond visual visible to radar was made in 1943; and the idea of
range, reducing the radar reflectivity of an aircraft was the
subject of a great deal of research between the end of
The steps which have been taken to negate radar the 1939-45 war and the early 1970s. None of these
have been equally extensive, whether the objective has efforts, however, was successful enough to have more
been to deprive the enemy of early warning or to than a marginal impact on military aviation.
prevent radar-guided weapons from operating accurately.
Most military aircraft carry some kind of radar warning The problem, in part, is that radar is a very
system; virtually all front-line combat aircraft carry reliable and extremely sensitive method of detecting
active noise or deception jammers and chaff dispensers, and tracking targets at long range. It has been
as a means of protection against radar-guided missiles. steadily improved in power output and in sensitivity.
More powerful jammers are installed on special-purpose
aircraft which either accompany the attacking force or On the other side of the equation, the target's
stand off behind the battle area. reflectivity is only one of a number of factors which
determine the range at which the radar will detect it.
Many modern combat aircraft, such as the F-111, Changing the target's radar cross-section - the
B-1 and Tornado, have been expressly designed and standard measurement of reflectivity - does not reduce
equipped to fly at very low level through hostile detection range by an equal amount; in fact, detection
territory. They are directly concealed from most range is in proportion to the fourth root of RCS. As a
ground-based radars by the terrain and by the curvature result, RCS must be reduced by a factor of ten to make
a tactically significant difference to detection range.

'Presented at the Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition—June 11-14, 1990—Brussels, Belgium
Radar cross-section= 10 square meters/
Detection range = 100 miles
paints were developed to further reduce RCS. The effort
was technically successful, the original A-12 having a
100 • frontal RCS around 0.015 m2. Paradoxically, however,
Radar cross-section= 5 square meters
it was judged to be operationally unnecessary because
Detection range = 84 miles the A -12's speed and altitude performance rendered it
virtually immune from interception. In the development
of the SR-71, some of the radar-absorbent structure
S reverted to metal, providing more usable volume.
Radar cross-section= 1 square meter
E 50
Detection range = 55 miles

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0 Radar cross-section= 0.1 square meter
Detection range = 32 miles

Radar cross-section- 0.01 square meter

Detection range = 16 miles

RCS (square meters)

5 10
(Fig 1: Relationship of detection range to RCS)

The result, before 1970 at least, was that

attempts at reducing the RCS of aircraft tended to be
outpaced by the development of better radar. Even if an
aircraft could be built with a sufficiently reduced RCS
to achieve a cut in detection range, the pace of radar
development was such that its advantage would probably
be wiped out within a few years.
In 1943, for example, the Horten brothers planned
to build their HoIX flying-wing light jet bomber from a (Fig 3: SR-,71)
sandwich construction incorporating plywood skins and a FACETING AND HAVE BLUE
radar-absorbing core made of glue, wood chips and
charcoal. This was an immensely far-sighted Lockheed's Advanced Development Projects (ADP)
development, but would probably have been ineffective organization, the legendary Skunk Works, retained a
because no provision was made for suppressing the strong interest in reduced observables and, in the mid-
reflections from the visible components of the engines. 1970s, its researchers achieved a major breakthrough.
Employing the increased power of mainframe computers,
they devised programs to solve the complex equations
which govern electromagnetic scattering. The
reflectivity of a shape could be rapidly modelled,
allowing designers to create complex shapes which
satisfied both aerodynamic and electromagnetic
criteria. For the first time, it became possible to
design and build an aircraft which most radar systems
could not detect at tactically significant distances.

Early in 1977, ADP received a contract from the

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to
build two experimental Stealth prototypes, under a
program called Have Blue. They were 60 % scale versions
of a proposed Stealth strike aircraft. The first of
these made its maiden flight from the secure facility
at Groom Lake, Nevada, in January 1978, the second
following in March or April. The first aircraft was
(Fig 2: Morten HoIX) lost in May 1978. The second aircraft completed more
than 100 flights before crashing in early 1980; by
In the immediate post-war years, many types of that time, however, the Stealth characteristics and
radar-absorbing material were tested. They were not aerodynamic qualities of the design had been fully
ineffective, in terms of their ability to reduce the validated.
radar reflectivity of test targets; but when they were
fitted to real aircraft the results were invariably SENIOR TREND AND THE F-117A
disappointing. In the case of the Lockheed U-2, for
example, it was found that the extra weight and drag of Also in 1978, the USAF - which had taken over the
the absorbent material so reduced performance that the entire program from DARPA - initiated full-scale
aircraft's vulnerability was actually increased. development of an operational Stealth strike aircraft,
under the code-name Senior Trend. The overall aim was
In the design of the Lockheed A-12 - the to acquire the ability to hit targets almost anywhere
immediate predecessor of the SR-71 - the lessons of the in the world, with extreme accuracy, minimal collateral
U-2 experiment were taken into account. The aircraft damage and a very small risk of successful interception
was shaped to reduce RCS from the front and rear or discovery. The aircraft developed under Senior Trend
aspects, and high-temperature plastics and ferrite was designated Lockheed F-117A, made its first flight
in June 1981 and became operational in October 1983. The reflectivity of the faceted shape is further
Since that time, all but a few of the 59 aircraft reduced by the application of RAM. Apparently, this
ordered have been delivered, and three have been lost. consists of a ferrite active ingredient in a polymer
All the aircraft operate from a specially built base at base. It was originally applied in the form of flexible
Tonopah, Nevada. sheets, bonded to the aluminium skin of the aircraft,
but, more recently, a technique has been developed for
spraying the RAM on the aircraft automatically.
The F-117 has a highly unconventional engine
installation. The inlets are integrated into the
faceted shape, and are covered by fixed, knife-edged
grills. These are coated with RAM and are de-iced by

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electrical means. Large suck-in doors on top of the
body provide extra airflow on the ground and at low
airspeeds. The exhaust system occupies much of the
aircraft's flattened "platypus" tail; the opening is a
wide, very narrow slot, which both masks the rear of
the engine from radar detection and encourages rapid
dissipation of the exhaust plume. The engines
themselves are General Electric F404s, and are not
significantly different from those used in other

The F-117's weapon bay accommodates two weapons

in the 2,000 lb (900 kg) class. The edges of the bay
and landing gear doors follow the same faceting
principles as the planform; other openings, such as
(Fig 4: F-1178) the engine access panels, are saw-toothed. Before an
The F-117 is approximately the same size as an F- operational mission, access panels would be repainted
4 Phantom. It resembles a highly swept arrowhead in its and sealed with RAM.
planform and is highly blended, with the wing leading
edges continued all the way to the nose. Pitch and roll
control is provided by elevons and directional control
by a pair of canted rudders. A fly-by-wire flight
control system is fitted.

The external surface of the aircraft is

"faceted": that is to say, it is made up entirely of
flat panels. The surfaces are flat and the edges are
straight, to a very high degree of precision, and even
the aerodynamic surfaces are made up of flat panels.
The radii of the leading and trailing edges of the
wings, body and rudder are as small as possible.

The rationale of the faceting technique is to

eliminate random and isotropic scattering features, as
far as possible, from the aircraft's shape. The flat (Fig 5: F-117A planform)
surfaces have a signature profile with a relatively
strong peak when illuminated by a radar beam which is
normal to the surface, but the return weakens rapidly
at small angles away from normal. No two surfaces lie No radar is fitted. The navigation/attack suite
in the same plane, and all of them are angled so that consists of a comprehensive electro-optical system and
the chances of a ground-based or airborne radar a high-precision inertial navigation system (INS). Two
illuminating them at a normal angle are very small. EO heads are fitted: one ahead of the windshield and
one in a recess beneath the forward fuselage. Each
Reflections from the leading and trailing edges includes a laser rangefinder/designator and two
cannot be completely avoided, but their importance is forward-looking infra-red (FLIR) sensors: a wide-
minimised in several ways. The number of reflections is field-of-view system for navigation and a narrow-field-
reduced by the use of a very simple planform, of-view, telephoto-type system for target acquisition
comprising six long straight edges and a number of and identification.
smaller edges. All these edges are oriented along one
of three angles relative to the aircraft centreline, so Using this system, the F-117 pilot can navigate
that the number of return "spikes" in the planform RCS and find his target accurately and with a great deal of
profile is reduced. The leading edges are sharply confidence. The nav-attack system can be used to
swept, reducing chances of detection in the tactically visually identify turn points and landmarks on the
important frontal aspect. ingress route, and a trained pilot can confidently
identify and target individual buildings in an urban
Even if a monostatic or bistatic radar system area. The primary weapons are laser-guided glide bombs,
succeeds in detecting a reflection from a faceted typically using the GBU-10 Paveway II guidance kit.
target, the reflection will only be detectable as long Delivered from a level bombing run, with the highly
as the target's position and angle are in the correct accurate velocity information provided by the INS,
relationship to the radar. This situation is unlikely these permit a circular error probability measured in
to occur for more than one radar sweep. feet.
The only major limitation of this system is that Northrop's low-observable theory is rigorous in
it is unable to penetrate cloud or fog. However, the F- its demands. Once the outside shape was determined, it
117 was not exclusively or primarily designed for a was to be maintained within a thousandth of an inch.
full-scale conventional war in the European theatre. The implications for the design process were greater
Rather, it is intended for worldwide covert or special than one might think.
operations in support of national objectives. As
currently organised, targets for the F-117 force must The B-2's Stealth qualities, the reason for its
be approved at White House level. existence, could only be proven by an aircraft which
was exactly the same shape as the production bomber.
Because of this, the designers reasoned, there was no
point in a prototype. It could tell them nothing about
The development of the F-117 proved that an the aerodynamics or signatures of the design that could
be incorporated in a production aircraft, because doing

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operational Stealth aircraft could be built, that it
could perform a military mission and that it could be so would mean changing the shape and thereby
operated and kept at readiness at a normal tempo by an invalidating the signature data.
Air Force squadron. At the same time as the full-scale
development of the F-117 started, the USAF initiated Instead, the B-2 was first designed in every
two programs to apply Stealth technology to other detail, as an operational aircraft, and tested through
missions. computer simulation, in the wind tunnel and on systems
rigs while the production tooling was built. Even at
the start of the program, the prototype was not
The first was a Stealth cruise missile, developed
by Lockheed under a program known as Senior Prom. The expected to fly until October 1987, 72 months after go-
program was technically successful, but following
flight tests it was halted while cruise missile needs The only major change in that period resulted
were studied further. The requirement was re-competed indirectly from a late change in requirements, in 1980,
in 1982, General. Dynamics winning the contract to which raised the low-level speed limit from Mach 0.55
develop the Advanced Cruise Missile (ACM). to Mach 0.8. Following the go-ahead, it was realised
that the aircraft would require more control area at a
more rigid point on the wing; this lead to an
extensive redesign of the wing, delaying the program by
about a year. The design phase was completed in 1985-
86, and fabrication of Air Vehicle 1 commenced in 1985.
It was rolled out in November 22, 1988, and flew on
July 17 of the following year.

In 1978, serious work began on the definition of

a Stealth strategic bomber as a substitute for the B-1,
which had been cancelled as a production program in
June 1977. In September 1980, a request for proposals
was issued to Northrop and Lockheed; just over a year
later, in October 1981, Northrop was selected the
winner, and the program acquired the code-name Senior
CJ. It was publicly referred to as the Advanced
Technology Bomber, and was later redesignated B-2.
The RFP called for a low-observable bomber
capable of penetrating air defenses at high and low
level, with a heavy weapon load and essentially
equivalent range to the B-52 and B-1. While the F-117 ( ,gig ': R-2)
designers had been able to strike a compromise between The 6-2's flying-wing configuration combines
Stealth and aerodynamic and structural efficiency, this Stealth with aerodynamic efficiency; in fact, its
would be harder in the case of the bomber. maximum lift/drag ratio is almost equal to that of the
Northrop's winning design was a flying wing, Lockheed U-2. The controls are relatively simple:
weighing about the same as the original B-1, but with a there are three elevon panels on each side and an
considerably greater wing span and area. The digital auxiliary elevon at the tail, and split surfaces on the
electronic FCS would eliminate the stability and outer trailing edge function differentially as rudders
control problems which had hampered the original flying and together as airbrakes.
wings of the 1940s, and would provide gust alleviation
at high speed and low level. Most of the 8-2's external skin is made of
carbonfibre composite material, not only because of its
In place of faceting, Northrop used its own light weight but also because it is stiff and resistant
technique for signature management, based on the use of to impact, helping the 8-2 retain its outside shape
three-dimensional curves of constantly changing radius. during its long service life. Some of the more highly
The inlet design was also different from that used on loaded elements of the internal structure are metal.
the F-117, using RAM-treated S-ducts to obviate the
need for grills. The structure of the leading edges and the
wingtips is visibly different from the rest of the
aircraft, and is probably a radar-absorbent structure.
Its location suggests that it is designed to suppress
edge reflections; the leading-edge is blunter than
that of the F-117, for aerodynamic reasons.
The B-2 looks smaller than it is from many ac
angles. In fact, the long chord and relatively thick
section of the centre wing provide a great deal of
internal space. Two weapon bays, side-by-side, can each Reel, 1o^e,aee
accommodate a rotary launcher for SRAM II missiles or

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B83 nuclear bombs; the B-2 can carry up to 50,000 lb O
of conventional or nuclear weapons.
Unlike the F-117, the B-2 does have a radar: the Q ,
Hughes APQ-118. Twin electronically steered antennas
for this system are mounted in the lower leading edges
of the wing. It presumably represents the state of the
art in low-probability-of-intercept (LPI) technology,
intended to allow the bomber to search for targets
without betraying its own presence.
The B-2 is neither invisible nor undetectable.
However, its frontal radar cross-section is about one (Fig 8b: Stealth bomber tactics)
hundred times smaller than that of the B-1. Although
some radars (such as large VHF early warning radars)
may be able to pick it up at reduced range, the target
must be handed off to a surface-to-air missile's However, the improved design disciplines and
acquisition radar, or to a fighter radar, in order to experience from the F-117 and B-2 programs pointed the
perform an interception, and these radars cannot detect way to a combination of Stealth with conventional
or track a B-2 at sufficient range for the systems design virtues. The US Air Force's Advanced Tactical
which they support to function properly. Fighter (ATF) has been the most visible example of this
trend. The importance of Stealth to this program
increased steadily during the evolution of the
requirement. In early 1986, the USAF gave the seven
competing manufacturers extra time to refine their
proposals, mainly to encourage them to place more
emphasis on Stealth. Shortly afterwards, the service
announced that it would fly prototypes of the competing
ATF designs as part of its demonstration/validation
program; one reason for this step was to allow the
manufacturers to be bolder in their basic
configurations. Ultimately, when the winners of the
Dem/Val competition were announced, it was the Stealth
pioneers, Lockheed and Northrop, which prevailed over
the service's more experienced fighter houses.

Similarly, the US Navy planned in 1982 to replace

the F-14 and A-6 with a single aircraft, the VFMX, in
which relatively little emphasis would have been placed
on Stealth technology. However, this was abandoned and
had, by 1985, been superseded by the Stealthy Advanced
- Tactical Aircraft (ATA), a replacement for the A-6.
General Dynamics and McDonnell Douglas were selected to
(Fig 8a: Conventional bomber tactics) develop this aircraft, as the A-12, in January 1988.

The A-12 is described as a "boomerang-shaped"

design, implying that it shares the arrow-shaped
leading edge of the F-117 and B-2 but has a leading-
Pf^RT 2.,..F!TUR _PROGRAMSAND PIaOSPECTS edge sweepback of approximately 45 0 . It has a crew of
two in tandem, and is powered by two General Electric
ATF AND ATA F412 engines - uprated, but unreheated versions of the
F404. It is in some ways less ambitious than the ATF;
Despite the successful first flight of the F-117 it is subsonic, and most of its subsystems, including
and the launching of the B-2, there was no agreement in its engines, its radar and its electronic surveillance
the early 1980s that Stealth technology could be measures system, are developed from systems already
readily applied to tactical fighters. Stealth, the developed or in service rather than being brand new.
argument went, might be applicable to a point design For this reason, it is running at least two years ahead
such as a strategic bomber or a special-mission strike of the ATF. The first full-scale development aircraft
aircraft; but a tactical fighter must satisfy is expected to appear later this year.
requirements for manoeuvre and acceleration, and
operate efficiently at both subsonic and supersonic The Lockheed YE-22 and Northrop YF-23, prototypes
speeds. for the Advanced Tactical Fighter, are rather more
It follows that noise and infrared signatures
receive as much attention as the radar signature in the
design of a Stealthy helicopter. The Boeing-Sikorsky
LHX features a shrouded tail rotor, eliminating
interactions between the main and tail rotor wakes;
the McDonnell Douglas/Bell design has no tail rotor.
Both have high-efficiency multi-blade rotors; Boeing,
in its work on the Model 360 demonstrator, has shown
that modern blade sections allow a reduction in
rotational speeds at low airspeeds, further reducing
noise. Both LHX designs feature sophisticated infra-red
suppressors on their engine exhausts.

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Radar signature is by no means neglected; both
LHX designs are notably free of the many rectangular
warts and carbuncles which are apparent on today's
attack helicopters. Engines are inside the basic
fuselage, most weapons are carried internally, sensors
are carefully integrated into the design and landing
gears are retractable.

(Fig 9: ATF conception)

Manoeuvrability requirements affect Stealth in

two ways. The aerodynamic configuration must cover a
much wider envelope than that of the B-2, F-117 or A-
12; in particular, the V-shaped planform which
characterizes these aircraft is not very good at
generating respectable lift/drag ratios at high angles
of attack, a pre-requisite for high sustained turn
rates. The fighter's tail surfaces must provide
effective and responsive control over the full flight (Fig 10: Boeing/Sikorsky LHX)
envelope, and will therefore tend to be larger. It was
not hard to predict that neither ATF would be a flying
The other effect of manoeuvrability on Stealth is
to restrict the allowable weight and volume allocated Stealth has a double pay-off for reconnaissance
to RAM. Useful as it may be to the mission, RAM is dead aircraft. Not only is survivability increased, but the
weight in aeronautical terms, and a 9g fighter has a adversary may be unaware that he is being observed, and
tremendous growth factor. Radar absorbing structure the effect of concealment or deception may be greatly
(RAS) will be extremely important to the ATF. diminished.
Unlike previous fighters, the ATF is designed to Reconnaissance aircraft have traditionally been
fly at supersonic speed (around Mach 1.4) without using developed in the "black" funding world. However, two
afterburner. This imposes some constraints on types of Stealth reconnaissance aircraft are believed
aerodynamic design, although the directions in which to be under development. One is a long-endurance stand-
supersonic persistence drives the design (slenderness, off platform, designed to loiter in friendly or neutral
streamlining, and high sweep angles) are in general airspace and monitor activities up to 200 miles (320
also good for Stealth qualities. However, inlet design km) across the border. The other is a hypersonic
is another matter. Grids and S-ducts may be acceptable penetrating reconnaissance aircraft. Either system may
at Mach 0.9, but present horrendous problems at be either manned or unmanned.
supersonic velocities.
The influence of Stealth in the design of
Stealth is also a strong factor in the design of transport aircraft has not, so far, extended beyond the
the US Army's LHX attack helicopter. Rotary-wing study phase. Work under the US Air Force's ATTMA (ATT
Stealth differs from fixed-wing Stealth in its Mission Analysis) program showed that Stealth could be
priorities, rather than its basic principles. As we can combined with short or vertical takeoff
all tell from experience, a low-flying helicopter - and characteristics in a practical airlifter by
no sensible person flies a combat helicopter any higher substituting vectored thrust and lift engines for
than he has to - is detectable and frequently oversized aerodynamic lift and control devices.
identifiable by its noise long before it is visible, Lockheed studies in 1987 indicated a maximum take-off
and sometime before it is within line-of-sight of the weight penalty of 20 - 25 % for a Stealthy airlifter,
observer. Most anti-helicopter weapons are guided by compared with a non-Stealthy aircraft having similar
laser or infrared means. performance.
NON-US DESIGNS discussed, and many of them work; the question is
whether they work well enough, or whether the
While the United States has committed many performance improvements that they offer can be
billions of dollars across the full range of Stealth combined in a workable system.
research, developing design tools and materials and
integrating the results of this research into fully Long-wavelength radars present problems for the
operational aircraft, there is no sign that any other Stealth designer. All known types of RAM have a
country, with the possible exception of the Soviet characteristic performance profile, with a peak of
Union, has invested more than a tiny fraction of that absorption at a certain wavelength and decreasing
sum in this area. performance away from it. While acceptable performance
can be achieved across most of the normal microwave
As a result, the new generation of non-US designs bands, UHF and VHF signals are harder to deal with. A

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reflects a minimal Stealth approach, in which the most Stealth aircraft which may be practically invisible in
egregious RCS villains are eliminated, but the design X-band may have two orders greater RCS in VHF.
is not dominated by Stealth.
Long-wavelength radars present problems for the
In the case of the Dassault Rafale, for instance, radar designer, too. VHF radars of acceptable
one can see that the designers have avoided straight-in resolution require such large antennas that they are
inlet ducts; that vertical plane surfaces and confined to non-mobile ground installations, and can be
constant-curve contours have been avoided in the readily bypassed behind terrain cover, or destroyed.
fuselage design; and that the wings, canard and fin
are also sharply swept. The same applies, to some Moreover, effective early-warning radars are only
extent, to the Eurofighter EFA. Both designs will half an answer to the problem. If fighter fire-control
probably make some use of RAM to control RCS hot-spots, and missile tracking radars are still negated by
as indicated by the testing of scale models in national Stealth, early warning in itself is of little value.
measurement facilities.
Bistatic radar has also been advanced as an anti-
This kind of approach will not yield the kind of Stealth measure. Potentially, bistatic radar - in which
RCS reductions demonstrated by true Stealth aircraft, the transmitter and receiver are located separately -
but a rule-of-thumb estimate is that EFA or Rafale can negate some shaping techniques. Faceting, which
might have one-fifth of the frontal RCS of earlier directs main-lobe reflections away from the
aircraft. It can be argued that "semi-Stealt;. transmitter, may aim such a reflection directly at the
requires fewer compromises in the design, and results receiver of a bistatic system. Most*absorbent materials
in a less costly aircraft for the same mission also display an absorption profile which peaks at
performance. It can provide significant tactical normal incidence - when the incoming signal axis is at
advantages in some areas; for instance, it can reduce right angles to the surface - and their effectiveness
the lock-on range of a semi-active guided missile and will also be reduced.
thereby alter the "first look, first shot" equation in
a favourable direction, possibly at less cost than by The basic principle of bistatic radar can be
upgrading the performance of the radar or missile. refined. The probability of detecting a Stealth
aircraft bistatically can be increased by using
Because RCS reductions affect "burn-through" multiple receivers. Different waveforms, signal
range (the range below which jamming is ineffective) processing techniques and receiver antenna designs can
more readily than they reduce detection range, "semi- be used to extract more information from the bistatic
Stealth" has some potential to improve the performance return. Accurate positioning and synchronization,
of electronic warfare systems. However, taking provided by satellite navigation systems, makes mobile
advantage of this phenomenon requires extremely bistatic installations feasible.
responsive EW power management.
Nonetheless, bistatic radar has to overcome one
COUNTERMEASURES basic problem: that the radar effectively illuminates
only the volume of space where the transmitted beam and
The B-2's predecessor, the B-52, is only now being the angular field covered by the receiver intersect.
withdrawn from its design mission of strategic Searching a given volume with a bistatic radar is a
penetration strike, 38 years after it made its first slower process than scanning the same area with a
flight. The B-2 is expected to retain its ability to monostatic system.
penetrate for at least 20 years after service entry. It
has been argued that an effective countermeasure to The use of high-resolution Doppler radar for wake
Stealth will undoubtedly emerge in that time, and that detection has also been studied. The problem, in this
the concept is therefore invalid. case, is that the disturbances created by aircraft are
small in comparison to natural atmospheric turbulence,
Simplistic discussions of "anti-Stealth" systems and the processing power required to extract aircraft
rest on a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of wakes from the total return would be enormous.
Stealth. If Stealth was a single technology, a "magic
ring", it might be negated by a single counter- So-called "impulse radar", also called "carrier-
innovation; but it is not. The only way to counter free" radar, has received some public attention.
Impulse radar transmits a wide-band "square" pulse of
Stealth will be to gradually build the effectiveness of energy, without a carrier frequency, and thus negates
defensive systems against low-RCS, cool targets to the the resonance mechanisms on which most types of RAM
level which they now enjoy against targets which are rely. So far, however, this type of radar is in the
hotter and many times more reflective. very early development stages, and an operational
system is some years away at best.
A number of techniques to improve radar
performance against low-RCS targets have been An alternative is what might be called the "all of
the above" approach, in which a number of promising
technologies are combined in an effectively netted or
federated system. The challenge in this case is one of
cost and effectiveness; might it not be more
worthwhile to invest the same resources to camouflage

It is unlikely that any future military aircraft,

designed to go in harm's way, will be designed without
Stealth in mind. What the progress of the ATF and A--12
programs will indicate is whether "full-blown" Stealth

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can be incorporated in front-line tactical aircraft, to
be operated and deployed by non-elite units, at an
affordable cost and without sacrificing other desirable
qualities. However, the indications are that the dollar
and weight cost of tactically useful signature
reductions is very reasonable, compared with the
improvement in mission performance and survivability:
provided only that Stealth is considered from the first
stroke of the designer's digitiser.


Reimar Horten and Peter F. Selinger, Nurflugel,

(Graz, Austria, H. Weishaupt Verlag, 1985).

William H. Emerson, "Electromagnetic Wave

Absorbers", (IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
Propagation, July 1973.)

Jay Miller, Lockheed U-2, (Arlington TX, Aerofax


Clarence L. Johnson, Development of the SR-71,

(Lockheed-California, 1982) and interviews.
Allen E. Fuhs, Radar Cross-Section Lectures, (New
York, American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, 1985)

Aircraft Manufacture - The Next Generation and B-2

Three-Dimensional Database (videos, Los Angeles,
Northrop Corporation, 1988)

Bill Sweetman, Stealth Bomber,(Motorbooks

International, Osceola, Wisconsin, April 1989)

James C. Goodall and Bill Sweetman, Lockheed F-

117A, (Motorbooks International, Osceola, Wisconsin,
July 1990)

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