WD Interview Questions

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Few more basic interview Q & A to evaluate WD Cross Hire & Trained Consultants.

Workday Basic

 What is Cloud Computing and how does it differ from Web Application?
 What is Workday HCM?
 How would you login into tenant?
 Basic Navigations in the tenant.
 Which browser WD recommends?
 Types of Tenants in WD
 Purpose of each tenant
 How frequent tenants will be refreshed & mainly for Sandbox?
 WD Upgrade - What happens during this?
 Name few master data components of a worker in tenant like cost center, country, org chart.
 Name few modules available in Workday


 Name few business process in WD

 Different types of Staffing Models used in Workday?
 Step Conditions, Validation Rules & its purpose in Business Process
 What is security group & its purpose?
 How can you view all assigned
 Domain Security Policy & Business Process Security Policy - Overview at high level
 What is notification , alert, inbox in WD?
 How would you reset password for a worker in the tenant?
 How would you migrate objects from one tenant to other?
 What is OX 2.0 & its migration procedure?
 What is Customer Central?
 What is use of Compensation Package?
 Compensation Grade and Grade Profile?
 How to create Alert?
 How to create BP for specific Organization?
 Difference b/w system and custom notification?
 Difference b/w Approval and Approval chain?

1. Difference b/w User-Based and Role-Based SG?
2. What is Constrained and Unconstrained SG?
3. How Intersection SG works?
4. How to assign users to SG?
5. Concept of Functional Area, Domain and BP Security Policies.

 How would you access the list of delivered Public web services in WD?
 Can you name anyone example for inbound & outbound web service in WD?
 Types of reports in WD
 Advance report overview
o Difference b/w Simple and advance report?
o What is primary and Related Business Object?

 Name few calc fields in WD

 EIB - Overview
 CCW - Overview - Change Detection Logic
 What are Payroll integrations in WD? PICOF Vs PECI, Cahnge Detection Logic
 Need for Document Transformation & XSLT on integrations
 Data Initialization Service in WD - Purpose & Logic
 Need for CCB Connectors
 Need for Studio
 How would you migrate objects from one tenant to other?
 What is OX 2.0 & its migration procedure?
 Difference between Extract Single Instance Calculated field and Extract Multi Instance Calculated
 Difference between Constrained and Unconstrained Security Groups?
 What is the use of Look up related Value?
 What is changes only and Full file?
 What is Data Source and Business Objects?
 What is meant by iload?
 When will you prefer EIB/core connector/PICOF/PECI/Studio?
 Use of Set as completion in Business process?
 Different types of custom objects/
 Can you get future effective transaction in full file of core connector?
 What is use of ISU and ISSG?

Citibank WD Integration Interview Questions

 1.what are all the modules worked?

 2. What are all the ways to upload the input document in eib
 3.diff b/w ccw with DIS and without DIS
 4.What is transaction log in ccw
 What is ccw workflow
 6.what is PECI workflow
 Scenario based qus: which integration use for getting the yesterday absence (maternity Leave)
worker details and ignore canceled absence (cond) and send data(do not use any file format) to
api client
 8.error handling in studio
 What is the complex integration worked in studio
 10.which version of xslt used
 11. Diff b/w workday-out-soap and workday-out-Rest
 12.if any webservice not able to get what need to done
 13. Diff b/w ccw and PECI
 14.Complicated studio integration mentioned in resume, explained the complexity how you
 15.Leave and absence integration and what are the prerequiste to get the output
 16.How to improvise the report performance
 17.what is document iterator, how do we handle it in XSLT
 18.Any condition rule written in XSLT or studio or any inetgration to handle large data error
 19.How do you we format large or huge set of data before sending it to vendor
 20.How efficient we can use reports
 21.How CCW works? while running which all it will consider before giving an output
 22.After getting the requirement for CCW what all we need to configure?
 23.Any transformations done in CCW?
 24.PECI integrations details and complex transformation related to the Brazil ADP(mentioned in
 25.BIRT report and experience in using them
 26.Performance related integration, how we handled it
 27.Any End-to-End flow on Talent and performance module
 28.How many studio projects you worked so for?
 29.Explain some complex studo integartions and use cases that you created?
 30.what is diffrence between Asynch and Synch mediation?
 31.how you will merge two reports in Studio?
 32.Use case of XSLT 3.0 and some functions from SLT 3.0?
 33.What is the use of error handlers and how many types of error handlers we can use in
 34.what is clould log and use?
 35.what is the use of HTTP Out?
 36.what is the use of worday outrest and out-soap?
 37.How you solve if you find integartion had performance isssue for Studio Integration?
 38.Difference between DIS-CCW and CCW integartions?
 39.what is the main difference b/w PICOf and PECHI?
 40.what is the encrption in EIB?
 41.How you upload documents for worker profile can we do it with EIB?

Focused mainly on how to handle large data, error handlers, XSLT coding, Talent and performance

Mentioned upcoming works in project are mostly on Studio, CCW,BIRT and reports.

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