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Getting Assets into Your Media Composer Project

Modifying clips after capture: Deleting

It's possible you don't discover that you have tracks that you don't need until after the capture
is completed. In this case you'll want to:

ff Delete the unnecessary media to free up the drive space and ensure that you don't
have orphan media files that are not linked to any clips.
ff Modify the clips so they no longer refer to media files that don't exist (since you
deleted them). This will help avoid confusion during the editing process.

Before we get into the specifics, here is an overview of the process. First you're going to use
the Media Tool to delete the specific media files that you don't need. Then you'll find that
once a clip has been captured, some modifications, such as setting tracks, are not possible
without a little extra work called Unlinking. This temporarily breaks the connection (in Avid
terminology, the Link) between the clips and their media files. After Unlinking, you'll modify
the clips to remove the unnecessary tracks, and, finally, you'll relink
the clips to the media that remains.

How to do it...
The following are the steps to modify clips (deleting tracks) after capture:

1. First, you're going to determine where the media files have been stored. Select the
bin that contains all of your clips in order to make it active.
2. Change the bin display to Text View from the Bin Display menu at the bottom-left of
the Bin window.
3. Open the Bin Column Selection window using any of the following methods:
‰‰ In the Clip menu, choose Columns
‰‰ Right-click in the bin and select Choose Columns
‰‰ Right-click in the Column Headings section at the top of the bin and select
Choose Columns from that menu

4. The Bin Column Selection window opens. From the list of possible columns of
information types, select Drive and click on OK.
5. Take note of the media drive(s) your clips are referring to.
6. Open the Media Tool by going to the Tools menu and selecting Media Tool.
7. In the Media Drives column of the Media Tool, select only the media drive(s) that
your clips are referencing (those listed in the Drive column in your bin).


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