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OTH 520 Week 3 Ticket to Class

Reading Guide and Professional Reasoning

Name: ____Austin Walker______________ Date:____9/8/23_______

Instructions: Use the two articles assigned to Week 3 to inform your responses. Provide your
references (i.e., the two articles and any other information you may pull into the response) and
cite your information using APA 7th edition. Feedback will be provided on quality of content and
APA use. The Tickets to Class are part of your Professional Development grade. Please make
every effort to submit on time.

1. In your own words, what is the purpose and reasoning to move the profession from a
focus on cultural competence to cultural humility?
- The main purpose is to move forward and away from cultural competency. The idea
of restrictions on other but allow changes and inconsistencies (Fischer-Borne et
al.,2015). Changing the ideology of understanding and tolerating other cultures and
moving toward the ideology of continued education on the changes in culture and
differences and not just understanding those differences but respecting them and
implementing those into your practices. To create a safe space, understanding and
deeper client centered approach.

2. How do biases impact therapeutic relationships and interprofessional collaboration?

- The engagement and quality of care not only for the client but within a
interprofessional collaboration are directly affected, which could be negative or
positive depending on the practitioner and bias. Some examples were weight (Phelan
et al., 2015), mental illness (Thornicroft et al.,2007), and personal fears or ideas
about clients or cohorts (Agner, 2020).

3. What potential power dynamics may an OT practitioner experience in practice?

- One main power dynamic is ideologic hegemony which is the pressuring of clients to
change their behaviors or choices but what the provider deems as necessary or
above that of the client (Agner, 2020). Another power dynamic within the
interprofessional team would be between DO,RN,PA, etc. Having an invisible
hierarchy can create pressure (Faulkner & Laschiner, 2008) whether internal or
external on the practitioner resulting in client care.

4. Describe in your own words the three main challenges described in the “ACTing to
Support Positive Change article.”
- The three challenges are first, Microaggressions which are behaviors and attitudes
when involved with others usually in a negative way in relation to different ethnic or
racial groups. Secondly, Gaslighting which is a manipulation tactic where one person
continues to question or accuse one individual of an experience which can result in
the individual questioning themselves or creating a negative changed behavior. This
also results in a power dynamic shift (Britannica, n.d). Thirdly Power dynamics which
previously discussed is the collaboration with interprofessional teams or groups with
different levels of influence in relation to title.

5. Describe “How to ACT” in your own words and provide examples of how you think that
can be accomplished.
- The process to ACT is the process of using self awareness in your role to support or
observe the surroundings, whether that be injustices or positive ideology, creating a
safe space, which varies depending on the interaction, but allowing for
uncomfortable topics to be discussed in a comfortable setting with others. And finally
doing more than just having conversations but using the information from the
interchange to promote or create change in the imbalance. This can be accomplished
but following this process, for example. Create a setting, such a conference room and
invite others to discuss an uncomfortable topic. Lay down and create safe ground
rules or expectations for the meeting and what you as the leader are wanting to
accomplish and then after the discussion use that information to follow through and
follow up on how the execution went. And as necessary repeat the processes.

Agner, J. (2020). Moving from cultural competence to cultural humility in occupational therapy:
a paradigm shift.

Britannica. (n.d). Gaslighting: Human Behavior.

Faulkner, J., & Laschinger, H. (2008). The effects of structural and psychological empowerment
on perceived respect in acute care nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 16,214-221.

Fischer-Borne, M., Montana Cain, J., & Martin, S.L. (2015). From mastery to accountability;
Cultural humility as an alternative to cultural competence. Social Work Education, 34, 165-181.

Phelan, S. M., Burgess, D.J., Yeazel, M. W., Hellerstedt, W.L., Griffin, J.M., & can Ryn, M. (2015).
Impact of weight bias and stigma on quality of care and outcomes for patients with obesity.
Obesity Reviews, 16, 319-326. http://

Thornicroft. G., Rose, D., & Kassam, A. (2007). Discrimination in health care against people with
mental illness. International Review of Psychiatry, 19, 113-122.

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