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This year is a year that taught me many things, whether in the form of life, moral, human, or

religious values. I felt like riding a roller coaster, sometimes at the top and soon at the bottom. I
realized that nothing is impossible in this world. But I believe that effort will never betray the
results. Therefore, as much as possible I continue to try to achieve it.
My achievement so far is to dare to get out of my comfort zone and do new things outside my
abilities and profession. This is certainly not easy, because I struggle between my logic and
feelings. After a long consideration process, I finally dared to start. Starting from having the
courage to submit a letter of resignation to a company that is no longer in line with my vision
and mission, taking a data analysis course to support work in the digital era, continuing
undergraduate studies that were postponed, and of course, becoming a better self than the
previous version. This year I also gained many new experiences and learned many things I had
never learned.
Apart from that, despite the many new achievements that I have achieved, many failures await
me. Starting from regret because I have not been given a job that aligns with my vision and
mission, I have to try a lot more.
Therefore, in the coming year, I will make short-term and long-term targets to organize better
and manage the priority scale to achieve goals efficiently, by deepening the required knowledge
and skills.
This past year has been full of valuable lessons for me, covering life, moral, human, and
religious values. It has been a roller coaster ride, with ups and downs, yet I've come to realize
that nothing is impossible in this world. I strongly believe that effort never betrays results, which
is why I continue to push myself to achieve more.
One of my greatest achievements this year has been stepping out of my comfort zone and
exploring new opportunities beyond my expertise. I won't deny that it's been challenging to
balance logic and emotions, but after careful consideration, I took the plunge. I resigned from a
job that no longer aligned with my values, pursued a data analysis course to stay relevant in the
digital age, resumed my undergraduate studies, and committed to becoming a better version of
Despite these successes, I've also faced my fair share of failures, such as not getting a job that
aligned with my vision and mission. However, I don't let setbacks hold me back. Instead, I'm
setting short-term and long-term targets for the coming year to better manage my priorities and
achieve my goals efficiently. I'm determined to deepen my knowledge and skills, so I can
continue to learn and grow.

This year has been a year of significant growth and learning for me, both in terms of life experiences
and values. It has been a roller coaster ride with ups and downs, but I have come to realize that
nothing is impossible in this world. I believe that effort never goes to waste, and I am determined to
keep trying to achieve my goals.
One of my biggest achievements this year has been stepping out of my comfort zone and doing
things that were outside of my abilities and profession. This was not an easy decision, as I had to
balance my logic and emotions. However, after much contemplation, I decided to take the leap. I
started by resigning from a job that no longer aligned with my vision and mission, taking a data
analysis course to support my work in the digital era, continuing my undergraduate studies that were
put on hold, and, of course, striving to become a better version of myself.
This year has also taught me many new things and given me new experiences that I will cherish
forever. However, despite my successes, I have also faced many failures, such as not getting a job
that aligned with my vision and mission. But I know that I must keep trying.
Therefore, in the coming year, I plan to set short-term and long-term goals to better prioritize and
organize my life. I will focus on deepening my knowledge and skills to achieve my goals efficiently.
This year has been a valuable learning experience for me, encompassing important lessons in life,
morality, humanity, and spirituality. It has been a roller coaster ride, with highs and lows, but it has
taught me that nothing is impossible in this world. I firmly believe that hard work always pays off in
the end, and so I continue to strive towards my goals with determination and effort.
My biggest accomplishment this year has been stepping out of my comfort zone and taking on new
challenges outside of my area of expertise. It hasn't been easy, as I have had to balance my logical
and emotional sides, but after careful consideration, I took the plunge. I submitted my resignation to
a company that no longer aligned with my vision and mission, enrolled in a data analysis course to
improve my skills in the digital age, resumed my undergraduate studies, and most importantly,
worked on becoming the best version of myself.
While I have achieved many new milestones this year, I have also encountered my fair share of
setbacks and failures. I have learned from them, and in the coming year, I plan to set short-term and
long-term goals, prioritize them efficiently, and deepen my knowledge and skills to achieve them.
In conclusion, this year has been a valuable learning experience for me, and I am excited to take on
new challenges and continue growing in the coming year.

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