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Frictional Force

1. Write only the highlighted paragraphs/ sentences in your notebook.

Newton’s First Law of Motion states that when an object is set in

motion, it will remain in motion until acted on by an outside force.
Theoretically, this could mean you could travel at the same speed forever
in one direction. The reason you do not see this happen is because of
friction. The force of friction is the resistance to motion that is in the
opposite direction of the traveling object. That is why if you roll a ball on
the ground, it eventually stops. Friction is also the reason why you can hold
a notebook, and the reason why you do not slip when walking. The ground
and other solid surfaces can cause friction called dry friction, but fluids
(liquids and gases) like water and air can also causes frictional forces called
fluid friction. (Mercado & Dela Paz, 2016).

Effects of Friction
You are capable to walk on the floor due to the force exerted by the
floor adjacent to the force exerted by your feet. You are able to push objects
on a table due to friction.
Friction produces heat energy. When you rub your palms against each other,
how do you feel?

Friction is a nuisance. It converts kinetic energy into heat and wastes

it. This reduces the efficiency of engines and other machines. (Mercado &
Dela Paz, 2016).

Reducing Friction

Friction wastes matter as well as energy. It causes wear in tires, soles of

shoes, and the moving parts of machinery. Materials that are worth millions
of pesos are ruined each year by wear. Look around your home and school
for things that have worn out because of friction.

Much energy in the gasoline burned in cars is wasted by friction.

Electricity is wasted when an electric motor heats up because of friction.

How can you reduce friction? Polishing the surface will smooth out the
irregularities and the roughness between the surfaces, which in turn, will
reduce the coefficient of friction that the surfaces will generate.

Lubricants are slippery materials that reduce friction. Lubricating a

surface with oil is another way to reduce the friction on it. Ask a mechanic
or perhaps your own father or driver to explain how a car is greased and
oiled. Ask about the spots in the car that are lubricated and how often.
Sometimes, graphite, a flaky form of carbon, is rubbed on spots where oil
is liable to collect dust. (Mercado & Dela Paz, 2016).

Using Rollers, Wheels, and Bearing

Have you observed your beds, sala set, and some big appliances at home?
Why can you move them easily? What do you think are the uses of balls and
bearings in engines?

An ice-cream cart can be pushed easily because it has

wheels. The bearings in the wheels at the bicycle enable it to move

Rollers, wheels, and bearings reduce friction. They are

placed between two materials, making it possible for the surfaces
of these materials to roll over each other. Thus, friction is reduced.
Life without friction
Is friction totally undesirable? Should it be eliminated? Ask your father
how the breaks in his car work. Imagine yourself walking on a road covered
with grease. Can you walk easily on a greased surface?

Friction plays an important role in your life. Without friction, you cannot
walk, tie your shoelaces, pick up things, raise things, or drive nails into
boards. Friction also keeps lids on jars. Can you imagine how life would be
without friction? (Mercado & Dela Paz, 2016).

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