Warfighter Universal Rulebook - April 2019

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April 2019

Warfighter Universal Rulebook ..........................2 Soldier Actions ..................................................32

Settings and Eras................................................3 Soldier Activities................................................33
Game Overview ..................................................4 Location Cards..................................................34
Victory ................................................................4 Soldier Attacks ..................................................40
Component Overview ........................................4 Hostile Cards ....................................................44
Mission Set-Up....................................................8 Event Cards ......................................................45
Card Types ..........................................................9
Select your Mission card ..................................10 Hostile Turn ......................................................46
Soldier Wounds ................................................48
Purchasing Your Cards ....................................27
Playing Action Cards ........................................29 Completing the Objective ................................50
Initial Action Cards ............................................31
Shadow War......................................................52
Sequence of Play ..............................................31 Campaigns........................................................64
Medal Cards......................................................69
Vehicles ............................................................70
Private Military Contractors (PMCs)..................72
Undead - Alternative WWII Setting ..................78

Player Campaigns ............................................80

Optional Rules ..................................................81
Credits ..............................................................81
And I started reworking Zombies, and with each mechanic, I
found better mechanics, and cooler ways to do things. The
idea of the all-in-one die roll for attack, penetration, reload,
changed everything. Before long, weeks turned into
months. After about 6 months, Warfighter was done and
polished, so we launched a Kickstarter with three (3!)
mighty expansions. The Kickstarter did well, we published
the games, and I moved on to other designs having had a
great time with Warfighter.

Then, I started reading your posts on Facebook, and we

started receiving emails asking for more. Lots of emails and
posts. Asking for lots more content. More Modern! What
about WWII? What about a fantasy dungeon crawl? What
about science fiction?

Between you and me, it was fantastic. I had never had a

game so well received, and it was an amazing feeling. And
The Warfighter Universal Rulebook a responsibility.

April 2019 Once we ventured into WWII, I knew I wanted all eras of
Warfighter to be compatible with all other eras. The idea of
- Dan Verssen taking a modern SEAL team into a fantasy world and firing
LAW rockets at a dragon, while other SEALs fire M4s at
The first question you might have is, “What inspired the Orcs, was just too cool to pass up.
Universal Rulebook for Warfighter?”
And if SEALs can venture into a fantasy world, why can’t a
Well, quite simply, it was… you. band of dungeon heroes emerge from the mists to take on
the enemy soldiers of WWII?
A while back, I designed the Frontline card game. It was a
card game for 2 or more players, each card was a soldier, For people who have one favorite era, and are not
and you moved around and tried to eliminate the enemy interested in other eras, a Universal Rulebook provides all
soldier cards. the rules for each era, in one place. This means the
Fortification rules will work the same for the beaches of D-
Looking back on it, the path to Warfighter can easily be Day, as they do for storming a fantasy castle, or an enemy-
seen. held stronghold in Iraq.

Around that same time, I had designed the solitaire Special This, however, stretched the system in directions it was
Forces Vassal/PnP board game. You moved modern soldier never intended for. In a modern or WWII setting, melee
counters around maps, the game ran the bad guys, and you weapons and combat rarely occurs, so it can be kept
tried to complete missions. simple. On the other hand, melee combat is the primary
form of dealing with monsters in a fantasy setting. That, and
This led to Rise of the Zombies, a card game for 1 or more magic. I can assure you magic spells were never envisioned
players where you moved through locations and killed being part of the game when I was designing M4s for the
zombies to reach the rescue helicopter before time ran out. streets of Baghdad.
All of these games worked, but none of them really brought This meant I needed a system that could have M4s, Long
together the magic that I feel when a game really comes Swords, Orcs, Taliban, Laser Rifles, Fireball spells, German
together and all pistons are firing… Soldiers, Minor Heal spells, Deep Ones, Hind helicopters,
Nazi Zombies, Mecko-Dogs, powered armor, Imperial
Until one day I saw a post on Facebook from a Rise of the Japanese Skeletons, Kevflex Body Armor, and Tiger tanks,
Zombies fan suggesting a modern military expansion. I liked all operating under the same set of rules. And doing so
it! And it would be so easy! All I had to do was swap out fluidly so it felt natural to players.
zombies for enemy soldiers, civilians for soldiers, and
civilian guns for military weapons, and it would be done! I The biggest changes happened in the melee system. It had
could wrap it up in a couple weeks, easy. to expand from an afterthought to a full-blown main game

mechanic. Other areas also needed more detail, such as
vehicles and aircraft. These played a minor role at the start settings and eras
of the game series, but now expanded into a larger role. Warfighter now spans several Eras and Settings.
Especially when players wanted to include a tank with their
squad of soldiers. Eras are large blocks of time. At present, we have the Modern
Era, and the WWII Era. The Korean War cards are part of the
All of these changes and additions, of course, caused WWII Era. As we expand the series, we will also have the
chaos with the rulebooks. I wanted to keep all the rules Fantasy Era, Science Fiction Eras, and probably more.
consistent, to make learning the game and hopping
between eras to be as seamless as possible. Settings are specific situations within an Era.

This became difficult when we had a Modern rulebook, a WWII Era

WWII rulebook, and soon a Fantasy rulebook and Science European Setting
Fiction rulebook. Pacific Setting
Korean War Setting
The inspiration for the Universal Rulebook came from the WWII Undead Setting
multi-era graphic. One afternoon, I felt inspired, and started
messing around with a graphic that showed the worlds that Modern Era
Warfighter does, and will encompass. Daytime Setting
Shadow War Setting
That one graphic crystalized the idea that it is a unified Private Military Contractor (PMC) Setting
gaming world, so why not have a unified rulebook?
We have worked hard to make sure your Warfighter Soldiers,
It was a simple, and now obvious, solution. We could have PMCs, Heroes, etc (“Soldiers” for short) can travel as
all the rules in one place. That would maximize seemlessly as possible between Settings and even Eras.
interoperability between the different rulesets, by ensuring
consistency and playability. Travel Between Settings and Eras
For example, taking your WWII Pacific Soldiers to WWII
I also look forward to expanding Warfighter to encompass
Europe (a change in Setting), or taking your Modern Daytime
even more worlds. The Vietnam War is a much requested
Soldiers to WWII Pacific (a change in Era).
era, as is World War I, and far-future Science Fiction. We
have even started exploring the idea of strategic-level Your Soldiers can only have their inherent Era Skills and Gear
Warfighter additions to the world. Instead of each card cards. When playing the Mission, use the Action cards, Hostile
representing a soldier, each card will represent a division or cards, and Display Sheet of the Era and Setting they are
an army. traveling to.
Again, all because of you. Example: Your WWII Pacific Soldier can use any WWII Era Skills
and Gear cards.
To bring things full circle, all this is because of you and your
support for our Kickstarters and retail stores. Because of Example: If your Modern Shadow War Soldier, WWII European
you, Warfighter went from one boxed game and three Soldier, and Fantasy Fighter wanted to explore a Fantasy
Dungeon, they would each have the Skills and Gear of their
expansions to a series that brings together Modern and
own Eras, and you would use the Fantasy Action card deck,
WWII, and will soon expand to include Fantasy and Science Display Sheet, and Hostile cards.

I thank you. I thank each and every one of you who has
made this incredible journey possible.

Warfighter is a fast-paced card game depicting a squad of
Soldiers engaging hostile forces. To succeed, your Soldiers You will select one of these cards at the start of each Mission.
must complete a mission in enemy territory. They only have
Mission cards give you the
the weapons and equipment they bring with them to battle the
information needed to purchase
enemy forces they encounter, so planning and preparing for
your team and start your
the mission is vital to your success.
The Warfighter series features boxed core games that provide
the basis for an Era or Setting, as well as expansion packs to
add Soldiers, Hostiles, Locations, Weapons, and more.

You can play solitaire, or work co-operatively with your friends,

while the game controls the hostile forces. You win or lose the
game as a team.

The components and examples appearing in this rulebook are

taken from several Warfighter Eras. Unless noted otherwise, all
rules apply to all Eras.
Any changes from the previous rulebook are in red text. You will also select one of these
cards at the start of each
The game immediately ends in success when you complete Objective cards detail the
the Objective card’s requirements. conditions that must be met to
complete the Mission and win
The game ends in failure if you run out of Game Turns, or the game.
when the last member of your team has zero Health

Component Overview
Location cards detail the terrain
Light Jungle you travel through on your way
Ent 4
Rein: 0-1 Jungle to your Objective.

Location Marker

Discard this card and
The Tactical Display Sheet is where you will place your card Free to play.
2 draw a card from the
decks, cards, and counters during the game. Environ: Fever 4+. 50-74 3
Location Deck.
Nature. Obstructed. 75-99 5
100-124 8 Add the Location card

125+ 11
WP-44 to your hand.

The Keyword sheet defines

the Keywords found on the There are Location Marker
Warfighter cards. If you see cards in the Action card deck, WP-281

an unfamiliar word on a indicating when to draw a

card, reference the Keyword sheet for its rules. Location card.
The Hostile cards detail the There are 3 kinds of Soldier cards: Squad Soldiers, Non-
0 threats to your team during the Player Soldiers, and Player Soldiers. Each player can play
E Mission. more than one Soldier of any types.
Lone Soldier

Some eras, such as WWII, have Side Note: We do our best to give each Soldier card a unique
Elite (more challenging) and photo. However, now that we have hundreds of Soldier cards
1 Frontline (less challenging) in print stretching back several years, we sometimes
Hostile cards. Separate the accidently re-use a photo. Please know that we go to every
Roll Attack (Range 0‐1)
5‐ Miss Hostile cards into a Frontline effort to minimize how often this happens.
6‐8 1 Wound
9+ 2 Wounds deck and an Elite deck. They
Penetration 1.
are easy to tell apart by their Squad Soldiers come as they
3 card backs. are shown on their cards.
WP-209 These are good low-cost
Soldiers to fill out your team.

Other eras, such as Modern, Some of them have Skill cards,

have more than one type of Weapon cards, or Equipment
Hostile. In the Modern era, the cards.
Drug Cartel Hostiles are the
among the least challenging,
and the Eastern European
Hostiles are among the most

You will select one of these

Hostile decks at the start of
each Mission. Non-Player Soldiers (NPS) come
with the predesignated
Only use one Hostile type Weapons, Equipment, and Skills
during the Mission. noted on their cards.

If you need to draw a Hostile card, and the Hostile Draw Deck These are mid-cost Soldiers, and
is empty, shuffle the discards and re-form the Hostile Draw are good at supporting your
Deck. If there are no Hostiles in the Discard or Draw deck, do main Player Soldiers.
not place the Hostile.

The Event cards represent
special situations on the
Easy Going

battlefield. Player Soldiers have a hand of


Action cards and can be

equipped with the Weapons,
Skills, and Equipment of your

These are your most costly and

Permanently reduce the
Entrance Cost of this highly-skilled Soldiers.
Location by 2.


SKILL CARDS Soldiers are still only allowed to have one instance of each
Skill card.
You can purchase Skill cards to

improve your Player Soldier’s
You can purchase Weapon
Skills cannot be transfered to cards for your Player Soldiers.
other Soldiers.
Player Soldiers may freely
transfer Weapons to other
Player Soldiers in their same
Location card.

Nation Skill cards are specific

to each Nation in the game.
These cards give the Soldiers
of each Nation a unique feel.
Purchase these Skill cards as
normal. Some Nation cards
You can purchase Equipment
have a Pre-Requisite (Pre-Req).
cards for your Player Soldiers.
The Soldier must meet this
requirement to purchase the Player Soldiers may freely
card. transfer Equipment to other
Example: A Nation card has a Player Soldiers in their same
Pre-Req of “Marines only”. In Location card.
order to purchase the card, a
Soldier must belong to the Weapons and Equipment are
flagged Nation, and be a Marine. collectively known as Gear.

Specialist Skill cards group

several Skills together onto the
same card. This allows the
Soldier to gain the listed Skills
while paying fewer Resource

Gather the listed Skill cards as

Not all eras have Service
normal for reference during the
Record cards.
Mission. The Soldier gains all
the listed Skills for the cost of
You can purchase Service
the Specialist card, instead of
Record cards for your Soldiers.
paying the individual cost for
each Skill card. These cards show the past
battles your Soldier fought in.
To purchase a Specialist card, the Soldier must meet the
noted Pre-Reqs listed on the Specialist card. The Soldier must Service Records cannot be
have the minimum RP cost or higher printed on the card, as transfered to other Soldiers.
well as any other noted requirements.

Example: A Specialist card has the Pre-Req of “Veteran, Printed

21+ RP.” In order to purchase the card, a Soldier must have the
Veteran Skill, and have an RP cost of 21 or more on the Soldier

ACTION CARDS Identification counter. Place the Hostile Targeting counters into
an opaque cup. You will draw these counters to determine
which Soldier a Hostile is targeting.
Player Soldiers draw, hold,

discard, and play Action cards
during the game.
Each Soldier has two Actions per
Each Action card details its Soldier Turn unless otherwise noted
game effect. on the card. As your Soldier uses an
Action, flip the Action counter to the
Action cards cannot be “USED” side. At the start of the next Soldier Turn flip them
transfered to other Soldiers. back.

Most Weapons come with several
Ammunition counters. You will place
these Ammo counters on your
DICE Weapon cards.
10-sided dice are used for all die rolls,


except to Defeat Cover. You will roll a 6-sided
die to Defeat Cover. If your 10-sided die has
a “0” facet, treat it as a “10”. A d20 is used if
your Soldier has Armor Equipped.

Some Weapon, Skill, and Equipment cards modify your die

There are also several types of counters used to track the

TIMER COUNTER number of Grenades and Equipment your Soldiers carry.


The Timer counter tracks the number of Turns
remaining in the Mission.
When a Soldier Engages a Hostile in Hand to
Hand (HtH) Combat, place one of these counters
on that Hostile card.

An Inactive counter is placed on the Objective
card at the start of the Mission. Once you
Activate the Objective card, discard this counter. These counters will be
placed on your Service
Record cards to show
how many times you can

Each Soldier Identification counter has a number.

There are two of each of these numbered These counters will be expended to overcome
counters. You will place one on the Soldier’s card, harsh Environmental conditions.
and the other on the Soldier’s current Location card.


Each Hostile Targeting counter is numbered.
There are 4 copies of each numbered counter.
You will only use the Hostile Targeting counters
that have the same number as a Soldier
Each Experience counter represents
one or two Experience Points (XP). Deploy the Tactical Display Sheet
Some Soldiers start with Experience
Points. You will gain Experience Points
when you Kill the last Hostile on a Hostile card.

Place these counters on a Hostile
card each time you inflict an Enemy
Killed In Action (EKIA) or Suppress
result from your Soldier’s Attack.
Place the Tactical Display Sheet on the table.
WOUND COUNTERS Your Soldiers will always be in a Location card. Mission and
Wound counters will be used to track
the reduction in a Soldier’s Health. Objective cards are considered to be Location cards. The
The reverse of these counters are Mission card and Objective card are the first and last Location
Treated Wound counters, used to cards of a Mission.
track Wounds that cannot be Healed again.
Deploy The Decks
BANDAGE COUNTERS Shuffle the following decks: Hostiles, Locations, Events, and
Action cards.
Four Bandage counters come with each First Aid
Kit Equipment card you purchase.
Place each deck face down on the Tactical Display Sheet’s
respective Deck Areas.

Place the Keyword sheet nearby for easy reference.

mission SET-Up Card Text and Decks

Where the text on a card conflicts with the Rulebook, the card
takes precedence over the Rulebook.
Select the Nation of your Soldier cards.
When a deck is depleted, gather the cards from the discard
Any card which is specific to one or more Nations will pile, shuffle the cards, and form a new deck.
show the Nation's flag in the upper left corner. These
may include Weapon, Skill or Equipment cards, and
can only be used by Soldiers from that Nation. If there is no
flag in the corner, it can be used by any Nation.

Select the Region of the Mission, Location, and Objective

cards. This can be Europe, Far East, Jungle, etc.

Select the Nation of the Hostiles you are facing, as well as

their quality level.
0 0 Choose between Frontline Hostiles (F) and the
F E more difficult Elite Hostiles (E). All Hostiles in
your Hostile deck must be of the same level.

Not all eras have Elite and Frontline Hostiles. Some eras
separate the Hostiles by type/difficulty.
Example: The Modern era includes Middle East, Cartel, Eastern
European, and more.

1 - Title: For flavor 7 - Loadout: Adjust each Player Soldier’s Loadout
only. rating by this modifier. Non-Player Soldiers and Squad
Soldiers ignore this adjustment.
2 - Region: Where
your Mission takes Example: A Player Soldier has a Loadout of 12. The
place. Mission has a Loadout penalty of -5. The Soldier’s
Loadout is reduced to 7.
3 - Entrance Cost:
8 - Engage in Hand to Hand: The Action card
The Action card
discard cost to engage a Hostile card in Hand to
discard cost to
Hand combat.
enter the Location.
The higher the
9 - Special Notes: Special notes relating to the
number, the harder
it is to Enter the
Location. Example: When you play

mission cards
the Still Waters Mission
4 - Resources: The card, you know the
number of Resource Points you have to build your team Mission will take place in
and equip them for this Mission. the Jungle, you will have
114 Resource Points to
use toward creating your
5 - Time: The number of Game Turns you have to team, you will have 18
complete the Mission. Game Turns to complete
your Objective, which is
6 - Objective: Specifies where to place the Objective card found in Location #9 and
along the Tactical Display Sheet’s Mission Path. there is -5 Loadout to
how much your Soldiers
can carry.

SELECT YOUR MISSION CARD In regard to the Keywords Front-most, Rear-most, Beyond,
and Behind, treat the Objective card as being the Mission
Choose a Mission card card, and the Mission card as being the Objective card.
belonging to the Region you
selected. Shadow War Missions
Place the Insertion card and Extraction card next to the
Mission card. Resolve the Extraction as normal.

Holding Action Mission

Mission Types
Warfighter features several types of Mission cards. Standard
Mission cards are found in the Core Games. The other Mission
types are found in the Expansion Packs.

Standard Mission Your Soldiers must keep Hostile cards out of the Objective
These Mission cards detail a card throughout the duration of the Mission.
Standard Mission. Your Soldiers
begin in the Mission card, advance Holding Action Missions have special set-up rules and
through a number of Location Mission rules.
cards, and finally enter an
Objective card and overcome the
At the start of a Holding Action Mission, place a "Holding
final obstacle to complete the Action Mission. The Front." Mission card in Location #1,
Mission. and a "Holding Action Mission. Fallback Position."
Objective card in the Objective's Location.

Draw and place a random Location card for each of the

other Location spaces, and then place all Soldiers in the
Objective card.
Escape Mission During the Mission
Your Soldiers travel through these
Missions backwards. Soldiers Draw a Hostile card for each Location (other than the
begin in the Objective card and Mission and Objective cards) each Soldier Turn after the
travel backwards to the Mission Environment step.
Ignore any text on the Hostile cards relating to “Place”.
The Objective card begins the
Mission Active. Draw Hostile During the Hostile’s Close Range step, instead of Hostiles
cards for the Objective card after automatically Moving closer to Soldiers, roll a die for each
the Advance Mission Timer step Hostile. Move the Hostile one Location closer to the
of the first Mission turn. Objective if the roll is 2 higher than the Entrance cost of the
Location it is about to Enter. Do not roll for a Hostile if it has
All Soldiers must be in the 1 or more Suppress counters.
Mission card to complete the
Mission. Soldiers cannot be Removed from these Missions. Example: A Hostile is about to Enter a Location with an
All Downed Soldiers are KIA. Some card effects add Entrance cost of 3. The Hostile must roll 5 or higher to
Hostiles to Location cards. Do not add Hostiles to the Move into that Location.
Mission card.
Perform the Hostile Reinforcement Draw step as normal.

Ignore Hostile abilities and Keywords that adjust the Timer, subtract 2 Turns from the Mission time.
Place, or Maintain.
If there are Hostile cards in play at the end of a Soldier
If you have a card effect that can add Mission Time, you Turn, end the Mission. You have failed.
can use it to reduce Mission Time.
To complete the Mission, you must have no Hostile cards
Do not perform the Hostile Turn on the last Turn of the in play at the end of each Soldier Turn, until the end of the
Mission. Mission.

If there are Hostile cards in the Objective card at the end of Shore Defense Mission
a Soldier Turn, end the Mission. You have failed.
A Shore Invasion Mission is a
To complete the Mission, you must have no Hostile cards special kind of Mission first
in the Objective card at the end of each Soldier Turn, until appearing in WWII Expansion
the end of the Mission. #43 Shore Invasions.

Hold The Line Mission Shore Invasion

Missions begin
with your
Soldiers in a
Landing Craft
in the Mission
card. You must
fight your way
out of the Mission card,
through the Surf, across the
Beach, and finally to the Objective.


Your Soldiers must keep the Location cards clear of Hostile

cards to complete the Mission.

Begin the Mission with a "Hold the Line Mission. Left
Flank." Mission card in Location #1, a "Hold the Line
Mission. Right Flank." Mission card in the Objective's To set up your Mission, select: a Shore Mission card for
Location, and draw and place a random Location card for Location #1 and a Shore Objective for Location #4.
each of the remaining Locations. Redraw, and keep
redrawing, for any Locations drawn that have a Rein of Also, select a Landing Craft Equipment card, and place it next
"None". to the Mission card.
Place your Soldiers in any of the Location cards, including
the Mission card and Objective card. Purchase your Soldiers and Gear as normal, except you may
not purchase or use Smoke Grenades during the Mission.
During the Mission
Draw a Reinforcement for each Location (checking Once you have completed these steps, draw a random Surf
Reinforment values and Hostile values as normal), Mission Location card for Location #2 and a random Beach Location
(if it has a Reinforcement value), and Objective card each card for Location #3.
Game Turn.
Also, draw Shore Defenses Hostile cards for the Shore
Ignore text on Hostile cards relating to “Place”.
Defenses Objective card.
If you have a card effect that can add Mission Time, you
can use it to reduce Mission Time. Fortifications
If you are using the Fortification expansion, draw a Fortification
Example: The Wrist GPS Equipment card adds 2 extra Turns card for the first Hostile card for the Shore Defenses Objective.
to the Mission Time. If a Soldier equips this, immediately

Do not use a Fortification Objective. Use the Shore Assault

During the Mission

You are now ready to begin.

Any Soldiers in the Mission card suffer the limitations listed on

the Landing Craft card.

Hostile cards do not start in, or Enter, Location cards #1, #2,
or #3. Place, or keep, Hostile cards in the Shore Objective
If you selected Parachutes, refer to the rules on the Parachute
Draw all Reinforcement Hostiles from the normal Hostile deck. Equipment card. All Soldiers must be Equipped with a
The Shore Defenses Objective card and Shore Defenses
Hostile cards begin the Mission Active. If you selected a Glider, refer to the rules on the Glider
Equipment card. All Soldiers must arrive in the Glider.
Airborne Mission
An Airborne Mission is a Shuffle the Landing Zone cards and place the deck next to the
special kind of Mission first Tactical Display Sheet. If you have multiple Airborne
appearing in WWII Expansions expansions, you may combine the Landing Zone cards to
#24, #25, and #40. form a single deck.

Airborne Missions begin with Shuffle the Enemy Lines cards and place the deck next to the
the Soldiers being delivered to Tactical Display Sheet. If you have multiple Airborne
the start of the Mission by expansions, you may combine the Enemy Lines cards to form
either Parachutes, or in a a single deck.
Glider. Once the Mission is
You are now ready to begin.
underway, Airborne forces
must operate behind enemy
During the Mission
lines, cut off from support
forces, until their Mission is
complete. The Landing Zone
and Enemy Lines cards simulate the difficulties of Airborne

To perform an Airborne Mission,
select an Airborne Mission card.
Only Airborne Soldiers may
participate in Airborne Missions.
Select Airborne Player Soldiers,
Non-Player Soldiers, and Squad At the start of the 1st Turn, draw a Landing Zone card and
Soldiers as normal. apply its effect. Do not draw Landing Zone cards after the 1st
Select an Objective card as
normal. At the start of each Game Turn, starting with the 2nd Turn,
draw and resolve an Enemy Lines card.
Your Soldiers must be delivered
to the Mission card with a Glider,
or with Parachutes. Decide if you
will use a Glider or Parachutes when selecting your forces.

Fortification Mission JTAC Mission
A Fortification Mission is a special kind JTAC (Joint Terminal Attack
of sub-Mission first appearing in WWII Controller) Missions have your
Expansion #45. Soldiers using a laser
designator to illuminate a target
Set-Up for an airborne weapon
Select a normal Mission card and a platform to destroy with bombs
Fortification Objective card. Find the or missiles.
Hostile card that is “Present” on the
Fortification Objective card, and place Some Objective cards have the
it next to the Objective card. Shuffle “JTAC Attacks only” notation.
the Fortification Hostile cards and These Objectives can only be
draw one for each Location that will be placed during the Destroyed by JTAC Attacks.

Example: The Objective is in Location #5, so there will be 3

Location cards. Draw 3 Fortification Hostile cards. JTAC Target Designator Card
Required to perform a JTAC Attack
Turn the Fortification Hostile cards face-up and examine them. on an Objective. You must purchase
You are free to examine them at any time throughout the and assign this Gear to a Soldier as
Mission. normal.
During the Mission
When you draw Hostiles for a new
Location, randomly select one of the
Fortification Hostile cards you set
aside. Then, draw the remaining
Hostiles as normal from the Hostile

Example: You place a Location with a JTAC Attack Platform Card

Hostile value of 5. You draw and place Required to perform a JTAC Attack
a value 1 Fortification card. You then
on an Objective.
draw from the standard Hostile deck,
and draw a value 3 Hostile, and finally
a value 2 Hostile.

If the Fortification card has Overkill, and cannot be placed,

draw a card at random from the unused Fortification Hostile
cards. Continue redrawing until a Fortification Hostile card can
be placed.

JTAC Guidance Counter

Use these counters to record your accumulated
JTAC Guidance Points.

During the Mission

To complete these Missions, you must purchase a JTAC
Target Designator and a JTAC Attack Platform during Set-Up.
You can only perform JTAC Attacks against designated
Objective cards.

To perform a JTAC Attack, you must move the JTAC Raid Mission
Designator Equipment card within Range of the Objective These are two-part Missions.
card. The Ranges are listed on the Designator card. First, complete the Mission as
specified. You may not select
Once you have the Designator in Range, the equipping an Escape Mission Objective.
Soldier may begin paying Actions to generate Guidance
Points for one designated JTAC Attack Platform. Each time the Once you complete the
Soldier pays an Action, roll a die, reference the chart on the Mission, perform an Escape
Designator cards, and apply the listed modifiers. The result is Mission from the Objective card
the number of Guidance Points generated. Use a JTAC back to the Mission card.
Guidance counter to record the Guidance Points for future
reference. You may spend Actions and accumulate Guidance
Points for one or more Turns.

Only one Designator may generate Guidance Points for each

JTAC Attack Platform.

You must Activate the Objective before you can start Meltdown Mission
generating JTAC Guidance Points against it. These Missions have the
Soldiers racing against an
During the Soldier Turn, you may declare the JTAC Attack impending disaster while trying
Platform’s Attack on the Objective. Doing so is not an Action. to complete the Objective.

Roll the number of Attacks noted on the JTAC Attack Platform Set-Up
card, reference the Attack chart, and apply the Guidance The Mission card designates a
Points’ modifier to each roll. The result of each roll is the Meltdown number “(x)”.
number of Damage Points inflicted on the Objective.
Place the
You Destroy the Objective if you inflict the number of JTAC Meltdown Progress
Attack points of Damage listed on the Objective card. counter on
the noted
For each point of Damage inflicted on the Objective, Eliminate number of the Mission Timer
1 random Hostile in the Objective card. Gain XPs as normal. Track.
Immediately move the Noise counter to the Alarm Sounded Example: The Mission card notes “Meltdown (22)”, place the
space on the Tactical Display Sheet. Meltdown Progress counter on Turn 22 of the Mission Timer
Roll as noted on the JTAC Attack Platform card for each
Soldier that was at the listed Range from the Objective during During the Mission
the Attack to determine if that Soldier was also Downed by the Each time a Hostile Attacks and does not inflict a
Attack. Wound or Kill, place 1 Meltdown Damage counter
on the Mission card. Also, place 1 Meltdown
Example: You have selected an AN/PED-1 and MQ-9 Reaper for Damage counter on the Mission card for each die
your Mission. Your Soldier moves the AN/PED-1 within 1 rolled for an Explosion Attack (do not do this for Weapons
Location of the Objective. You spend 1 of the Soldier’s Actions
used as a Distraction).
to make a Guidance roll. You roll a 6, and gain 1 Guidance. You
then spend 2 XP to boost the roll to an 8. This gives you 2
points instead of 1. On the Soldier’s next Turn, you spend Each time you advance the Timer counter, advance the
another Action, roll an 8 and get more Guidance Points, for a Meltdown Progress counter a number of spaces equal to the
total of 4. You continue to spend Actions Turn after Turn until number of Meltdown Damage counters that are on the Mission
you have accumulated 10 Guidance Points. You then declare card.
the Reaper Attack. 10 Guidance Points gives you a +2 modifier
on your 2 Reaper rolls. You roll a 5 and 8, which become a 7 Example: There are 3 Meltdown Damage counters on the
and 10, and you inflict 2 Hits on the Objective. Mission card. At the end of the Turn, you advance the Timer
counter 1 space. You also advance the Meltdown Progress
You may only perform 1 JTAC Attack Platform Attack during counter 3 spaces.
the Mission.

Once you complete the Objective, stop moving the Meltdown Technicians enter play in response
Progress counter as you have completed the Mission. to a Location’s “Arrival” Keyword.

If the Meltdown Progress counter reaches 0, the target is During the Hostile Reinforcement
destroyed, Down all Soldiers, and you fail the Mission. Draw step, roll a die for each
Location with a Resolved counter
Sabotage Mission and the Arrival Keyword. If the roll is
These Missions have the in the noted range, look through the
Soldiers tasked with destroying Hostile deck, or cards placed off to
the target through acts of the side, and place the noted Hostile
sabotage. type in the Location.

These Missions will commonly If the Location already has a noted Arriving Hostile present, do
be paired with a second not roll.
Mission type, such as
Meltdown. Example: A Location card has “Console Station (Hack, +1),
Success: Place 1 Meltdown Damage counter, and
“Technicians” Arrive (1-5).”
In order to complete these
Missions, the target must be Your Soldier makes a successful Hack roll, triggering the
Destroyed by the means noted Success text.
on the Mission card.
During the next Hostile Reinforcement Draw step, there is no
Damaging Locations Technician in the Location. You roll a die and get a 3. You place
During Sabotage Missions, your a Technicians card in the Location.
Soldiers inflict Damage on the
During the Hostile Attack step, roll a die for each Technician. If
target, usually by using their Hack
they roll a Successful Repair, flip the counter from its Resolved
and Pick Abilities.
side back to its Unresolved side, and undo the Success effect
you inflicted.

Example: The Technicians card has a Repair 6+/8+ notation.

The Location has a Resolved counter and due to the Success
text, you placed a Meltdown Damage counter on the Mission
card. You roll during the Hostile Attack step for the Technicians
and get a 7. The Technicians succeed and flip the counter
back to Unresolved, and discard 1 Meltdown Damage counter
from the Mission card. If the Technicians had suffered a
When you place one of these Locations into play, Suppress or EKIA, they would have needed an 8+ to succeed.
place an “Unresolved” counter on it.
Treat Technicians as normal Hostiles when Attacking them.

A Repaired Location may be Damaged/Resolved by your

When you meet the noted condition, flip the Soldiers again, as before. If you do, roll for Arrival as normal.
counter to its “Resolved” side. This repeats until the end of the Mission.

Example: Referencing the example card shown, if Sabotage (Meltdown) Mission

you make a successful Hack roll, you place 1 The Soldiers must perform the activities noted on the Location
Meltdown counter, generate 3 Noise, and flip the counter to its cards to set the Meltdown Progress counter in motion. To
Resolved side. During Hostile Turns, you will also roll to
complete the Mission successfully, the Meltdown Progress
determine if a Hostile Technician Arrives in the Location on a
roll of 1 to 5. counter must reach 0, and your Soldiers must be Extracted
before the Timer and Meltdown counters reach 0.
Many Sabotage Missions include Hostile cards that can Repair
Example: The Mission card has the Sabotage (Meltdown)
the damage you have inflicted on Locations. These Hostiles Mission type. The Soldiers must arrange for the target to be
have the “Repair” ability noted in their card text. Destroyed by Meltdown Progress, and they must be
successfully Extracted before the Meltdown and Timer
counters reach 0.

Set-Up K9 Encounters
Set up the Mission as normal. Place the K9 Encounter cards next
to the Hostile deck. Before you
During the Mission place a new Location’s Hostile
Resolve the Mission as normal. You may Move your Soldiers cards, draw 1 card from the K9
to the Extraction card, and attempt to Extract them at any time. Encounter deck. The number in the
top right corner shows the Hostile
If the target has not been Destroyed when the Timer counter value of that K9 Encounter.
reaches 0, continue resolving Turns for Technician Arrival,
Repair attempts, and Meltdown Progress to determine if the If a Handler and their K9 are the first
Technicians can prevent the Meltdown Progress counter from Soldiers to Enter the card, roll on
reaching 0. the K9 Encounter card. If all rolls are
successful, gain the noted Reward. If any roll fails, suffer the
Assault Mission Failure.
You may declare any type of Mission to be an Assault Mission.
Shuffle and place the Fortifications deck within easy reach. Do not gain XP for the Encounter’s Hostile value.
Fortifications first appeared in WWII Expansion #45. You must
select an Assault Objective. The first Hostile placed for each If a Soldier other than a Handler and their K9 is the first to
Location must come from the Fortifications deck. Enter, the K9 Encounter card rolls are automatically failed.

When a Soldier Enters a Location with a K9 Encounter, the

K9 Mission
top-most note designates whether the K9 or the Handler must
If a K9 Soldier is
perform the first roll.
taken on a
Mission, shuffle
K9 Soldiers have 4 Ability Modifiers: Bomb, Friendly, Rescue,
and place the
and Threat. When a K9 performs a roll, apply the number in
K9 Encounter
the parentheses.
deck next to the
Hostile deck. Example: This Encounter’s first roll has a (Bomb, -1) notation.
Gizmo succeeds on a Bomb roll of 5 or higher. This Encounter
Each pair of
has a -1 modifier. Therefore, Gizmo must roll a 6 or higher to
Handler and K9
succeed on the roll.
cards have the
same photo and note. You cannot take a K9 with a Soldier Some rolls have conditional modifiers.
who is not their Handler. A Handler can participate in a
Mission without their K9. Example: In the “Buried Explosive” Encounter, under the K9
roll, you may pay 1 Discipline to add 4 to your roll. Under the
Do not Draw Hostile Targeting counters for K9 Soldiers. Handler roll, there are multiple modifiers. The first allows you to
pay an XP to add 1 to your roll, and the second allows you to
A Handler and their K9 must always be in the same Location. discard 2 cards to add 3 to your roll. If you can meet the
modifier, you can pay it, and gain the bonus.
When a Handler performs a Move, the K9 must also perform
the Move at the same time. The Handler pays the Entrance
You do not have to use the modifiers if you can meet their
costs for both Handler and K9. If the Handler cannot pay both
requirements. You must pay the requirements before
costs, the pair cannot Move.
performing each roll.
K9 Soldiers do not have Actions. K9 Soldiers do not pay
Some Encounter cards give you a choice if you fail a roll. For
Actions to Move. K9 Soldiers cannot perform Attacks against
these cards, you can either accept the minor harmful effect, or
try a fresh Ability roll, at the risk of suffering a major harmful

Example: Wong and Gizmo are in Location #2. Wong places a

new Location with a total Hostile value of 5. You start by
drawing a K9 Encounter. The K9 Encounter is “Buried
Explosive”. Do not draw other Hostile cards until you resolve

this card. The Location has an Entrance cost of 5. Wong must K9 Objectives
discard 2 cards to Enter for himself, and 1 card for Gizmo, If a K9 is brought on a Mission, you
totaling 3 discards. Wong can decide to Ignore the Encounter. must choose one of the K9
On a roll of 3 or higher, the Encounter is discarded. On a roll of Objectives. Upon successfully
a 2 or less, Wong would suffer the Failure text on the resolving the Objective, the
Encounter. Mission is complete.

Wong decides not to Ignore the Encounter. The first roll is

made by the K9, and it is a Bomb type roll. Gizmo has a Bomb
5+, meaning he succeeds on a 5 or higher. This Encounter
has a -1 modifier decreasing Gizmo’s chance of success to a
6+. Gizmo can pay 1 Discipline to add 4 to the roll. You decide
to pay the Discipline and perform the roll. Gizmo rolls a 4, and
adds 4 due to paying the Discipline, totaling 8. As this total is 6
or higher, Gizmo succeeds on the roll. Placing the Mission Card
Place your selected Mission card on the Tactical Display
Next, is a Handler roll, so Wong must roll his Handler skill of a Sheet on the Location #1 Mission card space on the
7+. Wong discards 2 cards to add 3 to his roll, but decides not Mission Path.
to pay the XP. Including the +3 modifier, Wong rolls a 9, and
succeeds. He gains the Reward listed on the card. Put the other Mission
cards aside, as you will
If he had rolled a 2 + 3 = 5, he would have failed. At this point not use them during this
you can either accept the Failure result and have Wong and Mission.
Gizmo each suffer 1 Wound, or you can have Gizmo make a
new K9 attempt. To do so, Gizmo needs to roll a 5 or higher
with a -1 modifier, a 6+ to succeed. You must pay another
Discipline if you would like the +4 modifier on this roll. If the The number of Turns
roll succeeds, you gain the Reward, if it fails, you suffer the you have to complete
Failure text and both Wong and Gizmo are Killed. your Mission is found on
your Mission card.
K9 Soldiers have the Discipline Place the Timer counter
Stat. Discipline gives the K9 on the Mission Timer
bonuses on most K9 Encounters. Track on the Tactical
At the start of the 1st Turn, place Display Sheet.
Discipline counters on the K9 card
equal to the K9’s Discipline Stat. When a note
says to pay Discipline, expend the Discipline amount from
Example: If the Mission card
your K9. specifies “Time: 18”, then
place the Timer counter on the
Handler Ability “18” on the Mission Timer
All Handler Soldiers have a Handler Track.
Ability. In order to complete some K9
Encounters, the Handler must roll their
Handler Ability or higher.

1 - Objective: Example: The Reinforce value is 0-1. You draw a
The conditions
that must be met
0 Hostile card during the Draw Reinforcement step
and check its Experience value. If the value is 0 or
1, add the Hostile card to the Location. If it is any
to complete this
F other value, discard the Hostile.

Lone Soldier
3 - Engage in Hand to Hand: The Action cost to engage
Some Objectives in Hand to Hand combat.
have Keywords
describing what 4 - Hostiles: The total value of Hostile cards that appear
you must do to
complete the
Mission. These
1 when you Activate this card is based on your Team’s
current Resource Point value.

are found in the Example: When you Activate the River Crossing Objective,
Keyword sheet. your Team's current Resource Point value is 114. When
drawing Hostiles, you check the Hostiles table and see that
having 100-124 Resource Points causes you to draw 9
2 - Reinforce:
objective cards

points of Hostiles.
The exact point value of Hostile cards that can arrive in
this Location.

Choose an Place the Inactive counter on the Objective card.

Objective card from
your selected

Place it on the
Still Waters Ent 0Location number
specified on the
Mission card.

Example: The2Still Waters

Resources: 114 Mission card specifies
Time: 18 “Objective: #9”. Place the
Objective: #9 selected Objective card on the
Loadout: ‐5 #9 space on the Tactical
Display Sheet.

Place the other Objective cards aside, as you will

not use them during this Mission.

player soldiers
1 - Nation: Indicates the Soldier’s Nation. 7 - Soldier’s Loadout: A Soldier can only hold
Weapons and Equipment up to the noted Loadout
2 - Name of Soldier: Only one instance of each Soldier value. A card’s Resource cost is also its Loadout
card can be purchased for a Mission. weight unless otherwise noted.
Example: You have 2 copies of Player Soldier Duncan. Only Example: An M1 Carbine costs 2 Resource Points. It
1 copy of Duncan can be used in a Mission. M1903A4hasScoped
a Loadout weight of 2.
Rifle Ranged
3 – Resource Cost: The cost in Resource Points to select Example: An M1 Rifle has a
this Soldier. 1939 2 Resource cost of 2, but as noted on
Loadout 4 its card, it has a Loadout weight of 4.
4 - Movement: The Movement value reduces the number of
Action cards that the Soldier has to pay toward a Location 8 - Soldier’s Hand to Hand (HtH) Skill: Modifies a
card's Entrance cost. Other Player Soldiers cannot discard Soldier’s Hand to Hand Attack rolls.
Action cards for your Player Soldier. Example: Duncan adds 1 to his Hand to Hand Attack
Example: A Location has an
Entrance cost of 4 and your
ght Jungle Ent 4 Soldier has a Movement value 9 - Soldier’s Skills and Abilities (if any): Any of the
of 2. You would only need to Soldier’s inherent Skill cards and Abilities are listed
in: 0-1 Jungle 6
discard 2 Action cards to here. .30-06
Enter the Location.
Example: Duncan freely starts the game equipped with
5 - Terrain Cover: Hostiles must roll this number or higher the Gung Ho and Hip Shooter skills, draws 1 Action
on a 6-sided die to Defeat the Soldier’s Terrain Cover during card at the start of each turn due to Combat Experience,
and starts with 1 Hardy (Hot) counter.
an Attack.

Example: A Hostile is attacking Player Soldier Duncan. The Soldier inherent Abilities include: CX, XP, Shadows,
Hostile must roll a 2 or higher on a 6-sided die to overcome Pick, and Hack. To purchase some Skill cards, the
Duncan’s Terrain Cover. Soldier must have the noted Ability as a pre-requisite.
2 Some Location cards will also refer to an Ability as part
6 - Soldier’s Health: A Soldier can hold a number of Action of the card’s text. Abilities are defined on the Keywords
cards equal to the Health value. Each Wound a Soldier sheet.
suffers reduces the Health (and Hand Size) by one card.
The stated RP cost of the Soldier includes all the Skills
If the Player Soldier ever reaches 0 Health, the Soldier is and Abilities listed on the card, and these do not have
Down (incapacitated) and can no longer participate in the to be added or calculated as a separate cost.

non-player soldiers

Non-Player Soldiers (NPS) start the game with the 6 - Soldier’s Health and Actions: Each NPS receives
Weapons, Skills, and Equipment cards noted on their Actions to use each Soldier Turn based on the current
cards. They do not have a hand of Action cards. You Health. The numbers in the top row show the Soldier’s
choose how they use their Actions each Soldier Turn. current Health. The numbers in the “Actions” row show how
many Actions the Soldier can use.
1 - Nation: Indicates the Soldier’s Nation.
Example: Nurke begins with 2 Health. Whilst he has 2 Health
2 – Name of Soldier: Only one instance of each Non- he gets 2 Actions each turn. When he is reduced to 1
Player Soldier card can be purchased for a Mission. Health, he only gets 1 Action each turn.

Example: You have 2 copies of NPS Nurke. Only 1 If the Non-Player Soldier ever reaches 0 Health, the Soldier
copy of Nurke can be used in a Mission. is Down (incapacitated) and can no longer participate in the
3 – Resource Cost: The cost in Resource Points to
select this Soldier. All their Weapons, Equipment, and 7 - Soldier’s Weapons, and Equipment: A Non-Player
Skills are included in the NPS’s cost. Soldier has only the Skills, Weapons, and Equipment listed
on the card.
4 - Movement: Since a Non-Player Soldier does not
have a hand of Action cards, if the Movement value is Whomever is playing the Non-Player Soldier can choose
less than a Location’s Entrance cost, Player Soldiers which of the Soldier’s Weapons to use for an Attack.
on the team must discard their Action cards for the
You cannot purchase extra Ammo for a Non-Player Soldier,
Soldier to enter the Location card.
but you can pass Ammo to the Non-Player Soldier during
Example: Non-Player the Mission, and the Non-Player Soldier can pass Ammo to
Soldier Nurke is other Player Soldiers and Non-Player Soldiers.
ht Jungle Ent 4
Entering the Light
Jungle Location card. A Non-Player Soldier can never have more Ammo than the
Weapon originally held.
0-1 Jungle
The Light Jungle has an Entrance cost of 4 and Nurke
has a Movement value of 1. Player Soldiers must
discard 3 Action cards so Nurke can enter the Light
8 - Soldier’s Abilities and Skills (if any): Any of the
Jungle Location. Soldier’s Abilities and Skill cards are listed here.

5 - Terrain Cover: Hostiles must roll this number or 9 - Soldier’s Hand to Hand (HtH) Skill: Modifies a
higher on a 6-sided die to Defeat the Soldier’s Terrain Soldier’s Hand to Hand Attack rolls.
Cover during an Attack.

squad soldiers
Squad Soldier cards do not have Action cards, Weapon 5 - Terrain Cover: Hostiles must roll this number or
cards, Skill cards, or Equipment cards. higher on a 6-sided die to Defeat the Soldier’s Terrain
Cover during an Attack.
They can only use the information on their cards which may
include Weapon cards, Skill cards, and Equipment cards. 6 - Health, Actions, and Attacks: As a Squad Soldier
suffers Wounds, the Soldier's Actions decrease, and
1 - Nation: Indicates the Soldier’s Nation. the Soldier's chances to successfully Attack also
2 – Name of Soldier: Only one instance of each Squad
Soldier card can be purchased for a Mission. Example: Squad Soldier
Westlake has 2 Health,
Example: You have 2 copies of Squad Westlake. Only 1 copy and he has 3 Actions to
use during the Soldier
of Westlake can be used in a Mission.
Turn. His Hit number is 6
at Range 0.
3 – Resource Cost: The cost in Resource Points to select
this Soldier. If the Squad Soldier
ever reaches 0 Health,
4 - Movement: Since a Squad Soldier does not have a
the Soldier is Down
hand of Action cards, if the Movement value is less than a
(incapacitated) and can
Location’s Entrance cost, other Player Soldiers on the team
no longer participate in
must discard their Action cards for the Soldier to enter the
the Mission.
Location card.
Squad Soldiers never
Example: Squad Soldier Westlake is Entering the Light
Jungle Location card. run out of Ammo, and
never make Hand to Hand Attacks.
The Light Jungle has an Entrance cost of 4 and Westlake
has a Movement Skill of 2. Player Soldiers must discard 2 7 - Soldier’s Special Ability (if any): Any special
Action cards so Westlake can enter the Light Jungle ability information is noted here.

5 - Weapon Range: The distance between your Soldier and the

A Weapon may be able to Engage a Hostile at:

Range 0 - in the same Location card as your Soldier.

Range 1 - one Location card away from your Soldier.
Range 2 - two Location cards away from your Soldier.

When you declare an Attack, declare which of your Weapons you

are using and which Hostile you are Attacking.

To use a Weapon, the Hostile must be within the Weapon’s


6 - Reload #’s: If any of your Attack rolls are equal to or less

than the Weapon’s Reload number, your Weapon has run out of
1 - Name of Weapon: Shows the military
Ammo during the Attack. You cannot use the Weapon again until
weapon cards

designation and its Weapon type.

you Reload it.
2 - Nation: Choose Weapon cards matching your
7 - Hit #’s: When you make an Attack, if you roll this number or
Soldier’s flag.
higher on any of the 10-sided Attack dice after adjusting for
modifiers, you have Hit your target. Your Hit number is based on
3 - Weapon Keyword: All Weapons have a
your Range to the target.
Keyword, such as Ranged, Thrown, or Melee.
Example: When using an M1903A4 Scoped Rifle at Range 0, you
These Keywords are referenced on Action cards,
will Hit when you roll a 9 or higher. At Range 1 you will Hit on an 8
Equipment cards, and Skill cards. If an Action card
or higher.
modifies the Weapon’s title or Keywords, then the
Weapon gains the noted benefits.
8 - Fire Mode: You can freely choose the Fire Mode you want to
use for your Weapon. The number after each Mode designates
Example: You are
the number of 10-sided dice you roll for the Attack.
using an M1903A4
Scoped Rifle with
Semi - Roll 1 10-sided die. A Semi Attack represents one or more
the Ranged
single shots.
Keyword. You can use the Steady Aim Action card
to improve its Attack.
Bolt - Roll 1 10-sided die. A Bolt Attack represents one single
shot but is slower, requiring a Discard to fire each time after the
4 - Resource Cost: The cost in Resource Points to
first shot in a turn.
equip your Soldier with this Weapon. Unless
otherwise noted on the Weapon card, this value is Burst - Roll 2 10-sided dice. A Burst Attack represents short
also the Weapon’s Loadout weight. controlled bursts of bullets.
If the Weapon’s Loadout weight is different from Auto - Roll 3 10-sided dice. An Auto Attack represents a
the Resource Cost, the Loadout weight will be continuous stream of bullets.
displayed under the Resource cost.
Example: Using an M1903A4 Scoped Rifle at Range 0, I choose
When you purchase a Weapon card for a Player the Bolt Mode and roll 1 die. I get a 9. Since my roll is 9 or higher,
Soldier, pay its Resource cost and place it next to I have Hit the target.
your Soldier card face up on the table. It remains
with you throughout the Mission unless it is 9 - Ammo: The Ammo type used by the Weapon and the number
expended, passed, or dropped.
M1903A4 Scoped of Ammo counters the Weapon starts with.
Rifle Ranged Example: The M1903A4 10 - Special Rules (if any): Any special notes relating to the
Scoped Rifle costs 2 Weapon. Additional Keywords can also be found here, such as
1939 2 Resource Points and has a Single Shot, Expended, etc. Consult the Keyword sheet for
Loadout 4 Loadout of 4. details on these Keywords.

1 - Melee Keyword: Strong - Roll 1 10-sided die. A Strong Attack
Can only be used in represents a focused, powerful Attack.

melee cards
Hand to Hand
Combat. Combo - Roll 2 10-sided dice. A Combo Attack
represents a series of Attacks.
2 - Special Rules
(if any): Any special Aimed - Roll 1 10-sided die. An Aimed Attack
notes relating to the represents a well-aimed Attack.
Weapon. Additional
Keywords can also 4 - Attack Details: Details any additional special rules
be found here. for the Weapon.

3 - Mode: You can

freely choose the
Attack Mode you
want to use for your
Weapon with each

When you purchase an Example: Camouflage

Equipment card, pay its gives you a chance to
Resource Point cost and stop Hostiles from

equipment cards
targeting you during
place it next to your each Hostile Turn.
Player Soldier card face
up on the table. It
remains with you
throughout the Mission
unless expended,
passed, dropped, or

1 - Card Title: A
description of the

2 - Resource Cost and Loadout Weight: The cost in

Resource Points to equip your Soldier with this Equipment.
Unless stated otherwise on the Equipment card, this value
is also the Equipment’s Loadout weight.

3 - Card Effect: Costs that must be paid to gain the

Equipment card’s effect. The card’s effect can be used
whenever it is applicable.

has a Loadout of 4.

3 - Equipping Limitations: If a Soldier card lists a specific

type Armor card, you must Equip the Soldier with the Armor.
Because the Armor is listed on the Soldier card, its RP cost
has been included in the Soldier’s purchase cost.

If a Soldier card does not list an Armor type, you may Equip
the Soldier with any one Armor card.

4 - Coverage and Protection: The “Loc.” column shows the

Body Locations protected by the Armor. The number under
the Cover Arc shows the Cover value provided for those Body
Locations. For visual reference:

Area Body Location

1 Head
2 Face
3 Neck
armor cards

Update: This is a new rule section for Warfighter! Up 4-6 Shoulders

until this rulebook, it was assumed that a Soldier’s 7-9 Chest
Cover value was a combination of their ability to use 10-12 Stomach
terrain for cover, as well as the protection offered by 13 Right Upper Arm
their body armor. 14 Right Lower Arm/Hand
15 Left Upper Arm
Going forward, a Soldier’s Cover rating strictly refers 16 Left Lower Arm/Hand
to their ability to use terrain cover. We are now 17 Right Upper Leg
providing Equipment Armor cards for Soldiers 18 Right Lower Leg/Foot
wishing to wear Armor. 19 Left Upper Leg
20 Left Lower Leg/Foot
We have included Modern Armor Equipment cards in
the Update card pack, as well as in the new The same information displayed in a different format...
Warfighter products.

1 - Type of Armor: Shows the military designation for

the Armor.

2 - Resource Cost: The cost in Resource Points to

equip your Soldier with this Armor. Unless otherwise
noted on the card, this value is also the Armor’s
Loadout weight.

If the Armor’s Loadout weight is different from the

Resource Cost, the Loadout weight will be displayed
under the Resource cost.

When you purchase an Armor card for a Player

Soldier, pay its Resource cost and place it next to
your Soldier card face up on the table. It remains with
you throughout the Mission unless it is expended,
passed, or dropped.

Example: The IBA Kevlar costs 2 Resource Points and

Example: IBA Kevlar protects Body Locations 4 to 12 with a
Cover value of 3.

5 - Special Rules: Any special rules pertaining to the Armor.

Example: IBA Kevlar reduces the Soldier’s Movement value by


6 - Equipping Limitation: A Soldier may only wear one Armor

of each Coverage type at the same time.

Example: IBA Kevlar is Torso Armor. A Soldier may only Equip 1

Torso Armor card at a time.

Skill cards permanently 3 - Card Effect: Pay any costs to gain the Skill card’s
enhance your Soldier. effect. The card’s effect can be used whenever it is
skill cards
When you purchase a
Skill card, pay its Soldiers are limited to one Skill card of each title.You
Resource cost and place cannot pass Skill cards between Soldiers.The number
it next to your Soldier of Skill cards in the game does not limit what your
card face up on the team can purchase.
table. It remains with the
Soldier throughout the Some Non-Player Soldiers and Squad Soldiers come
Mission. with listed Skills. These work exactly the same as for
Player Soldiers.
Skills have no weight,
and therefore do not Some Skill cards reference other Skill card titles.
count toward your
Loadout limit. Example: In order to purchase Sharpshooter, you must
first purchase Marksman.
1 - Name of Skill: A description of the Skill.

2 - Resource Cost: The cost in Resource Points to equip

your Player Soldier with this Skill.
service record cards

1 - Nation: 5 - Battle: Each card shows the name of the battle, and the
Only Soldiers date the battle took place. You can only equip a Soldier with
from this Nation one Service Record that takes place during a specified time.
can use this Service Records dates cannot overlap.
Example: You purchase the Battle
2 - Region: For of Kokoda for your Player Soldier.
The battle took place in July 1942.
flavor only. This You cannot purchase other Service
is where the Record cards that happened in this time period.
battle took
place. 6 - Skills: Each Service Record shows the abilities gained
by the Soldier.
3 - Resource
Cost: The cost Each card designates how
in Resource many times during the
Points to equip Mission each ability can be
your Soldier with this Skill. These do not have a used. Place the specified
Loadout cost. number of counters A, B,
and C on each Service
4 - Soldier Type: Each Service Record card Record card.
designates which type of Soldier can be equipped
with this card. Some Service Record cards cannot be When an ability is used,
equipped by Vehicles. discard the counter.
Example: This card can be purchased for a Player A Soldier can have any
Soldier (PS), a Non-Player Soldier (NPS), and a Squad
number of Service Records, as long as they do not overlap
Soldier (SQ).
Battle dates.

Service Record cards are located in the Ammo Box decks

and various Expansions.
PURCHASING YOUR CARDS You can freely pass Weapon and Equipment cards between
Player Soldiers in the same Location card as long as the
The decisions you make here will go a long way to Weapons and Equipment do not exceed the receiving Player
determining your Mission’s success. It is important to spend Soldier’s Loadout. Weapons and Equipment may not be
some time on this. passed if they have been used this Turn.
You purchase Soldiers, Weapons, Equipment, Service Example: A Player Soldier is equipped with the M1903A4
Records, and Skill cards with the Resource Points noted on Scoped Rifle. He fires it once, so he cannot pass it to another
your Mission card. Player Soldier this Turn.

You must purchase at least one Player Soldier for your You may not pass Weapon or Equipment cards to or from
Mission. Non-Player Soldiers or Squad Soldiers, but you may pass the
same type of Ammo between Player Soldiers and Non-Player
Distribute the Resource Points between players in any way Soldiers (see section below.)
agreeable to all the players. You do not have to spend all the
Resource Points. Weapon Ammo
Each Weapon uses a specific type of Ammo.
The “Resources” number on the Mission card shows the
maximum number of Resource Points you can spend. When you purchase a Weapon, place the specified number of
Example: The Still Waters Mission Ammo counters on the Weapon card.
card specifies “Resources: 114”.
You can spend no more than 114 Example: The M1 Rifle begins the
Resource Points in total. Mission with 5 Ammo counters.

The Loadout modifier specified on

the Mission card applies to each
of your Player Soldiers. It modifies the amount of Weapons,
Ammunition, and Equipment they can carry on their Mission.
If you roll a Reload result, turn the Weapon’s top
Example: The Mission card specifies Ammo counter over to its Empty side. You must
“Loadout: -5”. A Player Soldier with a Loadout spend an Action to remove the Empty counter
value of 12 can only carry 7 Loadout points of from your Weapon card and reveal the next Ammo
Weapons, Equipment, and spare Ammunition counter. You cannot attack with that Weapon until you have
on this Mission. Reloaded (removed the Empty Ammo counter).

You cannot Attack with a Weapon if it has no remaining Ammo

Weapons, Skills, and Equipment
What your Soldiers take with them into the Mission is usually You can only use Ammo that is specific to the Weapon you are
all they will have to succeed or fail with. using.

Some Locations, Action cards, and Equipment allow for mid- Example: Your Weapon uses .30 caliber Ammo. Your Weapon
Mission resupply. may only receive Ammo from another Weapon that is also .30
The number of actual Weapon, Equipment, Service Record,
Several Weapons use the same type of Ammo. As long as the
and Skill cards in the game does not limit what your team can
Ammo type is the same, you can freely pass Ammo counters
between Player and Non-Player Soldiers in the same Location
Example: 2 Soldiers both want the M1918A2 Machine Gun, but card during the Soldier Turn.
there is only 1 M1918A2 card in the game. Both Soldiers can
purchase and use the Weapon. Both Soldiers can reference
the card while keeping track of their own Ammo usage.

If you run out of Ammo during the Mission, your chances of

survival are low. Equip accordingly.

Player Soldiers may freely drop Weapon or Equipment cards

in a Location. The cards remain in the Location in case other
Player Soldiers want to pick them up. 27
Purchasing Extra Ammo
You can purchase extra
Ammo for Player Soldier
Weapons before a Mission.
Each extra Ammo purchase
costs 1 Resource Point and 1
Loadout point. Buying extra
Ammo gives you a number of During the game, as you spend each Action
Ammo counters equal to the during a turn, flip the Action counter to its Used
number noted on the Weapon side.
card that you are purchasing extra Ammo for.
Flip all Action counters to their unused sides at the
Example: When you purchase extra Ammo for the M1 Rifle, you start of each Soldier Turn.
gain an additional 5 Ammo counters for a cost of 1 Resource
point and 1 Loadout point.


Once you have chosen and equipped your team,
assign each Soldier a number.

Place one copy of

each Soldier’s
Identification counter
on your Soldier card.
Place the matching
Identification counter
on the Mission card.

All Soldiers begin

each Mission in the
Example: I purchase Player Soldier Duncan who comes with 1
Mission card. Hardy (Hot), Gung Ho, and Hip Shooter. I’m loading him with an
M2 Carbine, a M1919 Tripod, and a Mk2 Grenade. I am also
This is an easy way to remember which counter represents giving him the skills Veteran, Leadership, Rifleman, Close
each Soldier. Combat, and Guts.

Example: When I move the #1 counter on the Tactical Display Next, I choose Non-Player Soldier Nurke, loaded with 2 XP, an
Sheet, I know I am moving Player Soldier Duncan. M1919 Machine Gun, the Machine Gunner Skill, and a Mk2
Place each Soldier’s 4 Hostile
Targeting counters in a cup. Finally, I add Squad Soldier Westlake who comes with the Skill
Gung Ho.
Example: You have chosen Player
Soldier Duncan, Non-Player This team costs a total of 62 Resource Points.
Soldier Nurke, and Squad Soldier
Westlake. You place the 4 copies
of the Hostile Targeting counters
#1,#2, and #3 into a cup.

Place 1 Action counter next to each Soldier card for each of

the Soldier’s Actions.

All Player Soldiers have a hand of Action cards. Keep each Some Action cards refer to “Stealth” Attacks. You must
Player Soldier’s hand of cards separate. have a Weapon with the Stealth Keyword to perform a
Stealth Attack.
When you play an Action card, apply the effects of the card,
and then place it in the discard pile. You can play as many
Action cards from your hand as you like during the Soldier UPGUNNING
Turn. Whenever there is a bracket [ ] in an
Action and Skill card’s text, you can pay 1
You may play multiple Action cards for a single attack. Experience Point to “Upgun” the card.
Upgunning a card lets you use the bonus
Example: You are about to Attack, so you play a Steady Aim effects in all of the card’s brackets.
to gain +2 on your Rifle Attack. You play a second Steady

playing action cards

Aim to gain a total of +4. Example: A Steady
Aim card allows you
You can always draw Action cards due to a card effect, to add 2 to your
even if the draw puts you in excess of your Hand Size. Your Attack roll. If you
choose to “Upgun”
ability to draw a card is only limited during a “Discard and
the card, you pay 1
Draw Cards” Action. XP to use the benefit
in the brackets and add 4 to your Attack roll instead of
You never need to discard Action cards due to having too 2.
many cards in your hand.
Some Action cards
Soldier]”. This
You can play Action cards means the card can
only during the Soldier Turn be played to benefit
unless noted otherwise on the Soldier, or it can
the Action card. be Upgunned to benefit another Soldier.

Example: You can play a Reloading card during the

Soldier Turn to Reload a Weapon for yourself or Upgun
it to Reload a Weapon for another Soldier.

If the Action card does

not say “[any
Soldier]”, the card can
only benefit the Player
Soldier that plays it.

Some Action cards can only Example: You can only

be played when a specific play a Steady Aim card
for yourself .
condition occurs. These
conditions might occur at
Any Soldier can
any time. You can play more
contribute Experience
than one card in reaction to
Points to Upgun a
a condition.
Example: Play a Take Cover
card when your Soldier is
about to suffer Wounds from
an Attack roll.

Some Action cards have an

Experience Point cost to
play. Any Soldier can contribute Experience Points to pay
the cost.

Paying 1 These cards can be kept in play for more than one Turn.
Experience Point
Trail Blazing Once the Support card is in play, you gain its benefit. At
Upguns all the
Brackets on a card. the end of each Soldier Turn, you can choose to either
discard the card, or pay its Retain cost in Experience
Example: You can play a Trail Points. If you Retain the card, you can use the card’s
Blazing card for your Player effect again during the next Turn.
Soldier and reduce a Location’s
Entrance cost by 2. Or you can Example: I play the Sniper Support Action card and
Upgun it to reduce the Entrance discard 2 Action cards from my hand. At the end of the
Play when you [any Soldier] cost by 4, and you can play it Soldier Turn, I pay 2 Experience Points to Retain the card.
are the first Soldier to enter a
for either your Player Soldier, or
Location. After you discard to
Enter, permanently reduce its another Soldier.
Entrance cost by 2[4]. Any Soldier can contribute to the XP Retain cost of a
Support card.

Example: I discard 2
KEYWORD MATCHING cards to put a Sniper
Support card into
Some Action cards will only benefit a Weapon with a matching play. I use it to Kill a
Keyword. Hostile on a Hostile
card with a value of 0
Example: You are using an or 1. At the end of
M1 Rifle with the Ranged the Soldier Turn,
Keyword. You can use the another Soldier and I each spend 1 Experience Point to
Steady Aim Action card to Retain the Sniper Support card for another Turn. Since the
improve your Attack. Sniper Support card is already in play, I do not have to
discard more cards to keep it in play.
Example: You could not
use a Steady Aim to improve a Grenade’s Attack because the Only cards with a “Retain” Keyword can be Retained.
Grenade does not have the Ranged Keyword.


Some Action cards have
Some Action cards have the the word Covert next to
word Support next to their Camouflage
their discard cost.
discard cost. Covert 1
Covert Action cards focus
Support Action cards require on the stealthy and silent
Action cards to be discarded aspects of warfare.
by the Soldier playing the card.
Covert Action cards
Discard the number of Action require Action cards to be
cards noted in the top right Play when you [any Soldier]
declare an Attack. Treat a discarded by the Soldier
corner of the card and place Screened target as being
playing the card.
Unscreened for the Attack.
the Support card next to your
Soldier. Discard the number of
Action cards noted in the
Other Player Soldiers cannot top right corner to play the Covert card.
discard cards to meet this requirement.
No other Player Soldier can discard cards to meet this
Support cards do not benefit from Soldier Skills and Action requirement.

Example: You play a Mortar Support Action card to Attack a

Hostile card. Even though the Mortar Support inflicts Explosion
Attacks, you cannot play Action cards that enhance Explosion

Initial Action Cards Perform the following steps each Mission Turn until the
Each Player Soldier has a hand of Action Cards that they Mission is successfully completed or fails:
draw, hold, play, or discard during the game.

Each Player
Soldier’s Hand Roll for Environment
Size is equal to the By paying an Action, a Soldier can:
Soldier’s current
Health. Remove 1 Suppress
Draw Action Cards Attack
for each Player
Soldier equal to
the Soldier’s Discard and Draw
Health. Engage in Hand to Hand*

*May require more than 1 Action

Soldiers can also freely do the following Activities:

Play an Action Card*

Play a Location Card*
Activate the Objective Card
Pass Gear to other Soldiers
Lighten the Load
Pay Retain Costs

*May cost an Action if stated on the card

Reinforcement Draw
Hostiles Attack
Hostiles Close Range
Hostiles Remove Suppress Counters
Advance Mission Timer

All Player Soldiers have 2 Actions that can be spent
each Soldier Turn, unless otherwise noted on their RELOADING
cards. Spend 1 Action to remove an Empty Ammo counter from a
Weapon. If the Weapon has any remaining Ammo counters,
Non-Player Soldiers and Squad Soldiers have their the Weapon is Reloaded and can be used.
Actions listed on their cards.
Only Player Soldiers and Non-Player Soldiers may perform
Soldiers can play cards, use Equipment, declare this Action.
Attacks, and perform Actions in any order.

Soldiers cannot give their Actions to other Soldiers.

Spend 1 Action to discard any number of cards from your
Hand, and then Draw cards until you reach your Soldier’s
REMOVE 1 SUPPRESS current Hand Size.

Spend 1 Action to remove 1 Suppress Only Player Soldiers may perform this Action.
soldier actions

counter from your Soldier.

If there are one or more Suppress ENGAGE IN HAND TO HAND

counters on a Soldier's card, the Soldier may Spend the number of Actions indicated on the
only use Actions to remove the Suppress Location card to Engage a Hostile card at
counters until none remain on the card. The Range 0 in Hand to Hand Combat.
Soldier may also play Action cards that do not
require an Action.

Spend 1 Action to Move to
an adjacent Location card.

Your Soldier will always be in

a Location card.

Each Soldier can only Move

once during each Soldier

Your Soldier can Move, even if there are Hostiles in

the same Location card as the Soldier.

Spend 1 Action to Attack a Hostile.

This Action is covered in detail in the Soldier Attacks


Soldiers can also perform the following Activities during the may not be passed if they have been used in the
Soldier Turn. These Activities do not have an Action cost, current Turn.
unless noted on a card. Stream Ent 1
Rein: 0-1
Example: You play a Location card. Playing a Location card LIGHTEN
does not cost an Action, but the specific Location card you Recalculate your team's resource point value
played lists “1 Action to play” as a cost. This is an example

immediately when you discard Weapons or
of an Activity resulting in an Action cost. Equipment, as necessary. Any discarded item is
removed from the game.
PLAY AN ACTION CARD This is useful when you are recalculating your Team’s
Soldiers can play any number of Action cards.
resource point value.
Unless noted on the card, there is no cost to play an Action 2
Example: Your Team is worth 85
card. Hostiles

soldier activities
Resource Points. A 10-point Soldier is
29- 3 Downed, reducing your Team to 75
points. If you can reduce your Team
value by 1 point, you will drop into the
75-99 7 50-74 range on the Hostile charts. You
Player Soldiers discard the Action cards needed for Non-
100-124 10 discard 1 Mk2 Grenade to reduce your
Player Soldiers and Squad Soldiers to perform Actions 125+ 13 value to 74.
requiring an Action card discard. This can include: Entering
a Location, Using Equipment, etc.
pay the XP cost
Only 1 Location card can be played each Soldier Turn.
to Retain Support
cards in play.
Unless noted on the card, there is no cost to play a
Location card.
If a Support card is not Retained, discard it.
ACTIVATE THE OBJECTIVE CARD Once all Soldiers have used their Actions, or at any
Any Soldier in a Location card that is adjacent to the
Objective may activate the Objective. time, continue with the Sequence of Play.

There is no cost to Activate the Objective.

During a Mission with Player Soldier Duncan and Non-
Remove the Inactive counter and draw Player Soldier Nurke, both Soldiers have two Actions
Hostiles for the Objective card. Soldiers cannot and are in the same Location.
Move or Attack into an Objective card until it is
Activated. Duncan uses one Action to Discard and Draw his hand
to full. Nurke uses an Action to Attack a Hostile in his


Location. Duncan freely passes Ammo to Nurke to
replace some that he previously expended.
Freely Pass Weapons or Equipment to other Player
Duncan then plays the Stream
Soldiers in your current Location. Stream 1
Rein: 0-1
Location card which is free to
play. After drawing the new
You can drop Gear for another Player Soldier to Pick Up

Hostiles, Nurke uses his

when they enter your Location. This does not cost an second Action to Move into the
Action. Stream Location card, after
2 paying the Entrance cost.
Non-Player Soldiers can Pick Up and receive Ammo Free to play. 29-
Environ: Fever 4+.
50-74 5 Duncan then uses his second
counters, as long as they never have more Ammo than is Nature. Always 75-99 7
draw for Rein. 100-124 10 Action to enter the Stream
listed on their Weapon card. WP-42
125+ 13
Location card, also after paying
the Entrance cost. Both
Each Equipment and Weapon card can only be used by Soldiers are now out of Actions.
one Soldier each Game Turn. Weapons and Equipment

Location Marker

Discard this card and

draw a card from the
Location Deck.
Add the Location card
to your hand.
location cards


LOCATION MARKER CARDS 4 - Cost to Play: The cost to play a Location card is noted on
There are several Location Marker cards in the Action
card deck. its card:

When you draw a Location Marker card, discard and Free to play: This card does not cost any Actions or
immediately draw a Location card from the Location Experience Points to play.
card deck. Add the Location card to your hand.
Action: The Soldier playing the Location card must spend the
LOCATION CARDS noted number of Actions to play the card.
Location cards detail the terrain you travel through on
your way to your Objective. Pay Experience Points: You must spend the noted number of
Experience Points to play the card. Any Soldier can contribute
The text on a Location card only applies to that Experience Points to pay the cost.
Location card.
Other Keywords and special notes are also noted in this
Location cards have some of the same information as section.
Mission cards and Objective cards. Stream Ent 1
5 - Engage in Hand to Hand: The Action cost to engage in
Rein: 0-1
1 - Name of Location: For flavor only. Hand toJungle
Hand combat.

2 - Reinforce: The exact point value of Hostile cards 6 - Hostiles: When you place a Location card, draw cards
that can arrive in this Location during each Hostile from the Hostile deck.
Reinforcement Draw step.
The total Experience value of Hostile cards that appear in a
3 - Entrance Cost: Each Location card has an Location depends on your team’s total resource value. This is
Entrance cost in its top right corner. Each Soldier the same as the Resource value on the Mission card.
must discard this number of Action cards before 2
Example: Your team begins the game with
Entering the Location. Player Soldiers can discard for Hostiles
120 Resource Points. When you place the
Non-Player Soldiers and Squad Soldiers. Player 29- 3 Stream Location card, you draw Hostile
Soldiers cannot discard cards for other Player . 30-49 4 cards until you have drawn 10 or more
Soldiers. 50-74 5 Experience Points in Hostile cards.
75-99 7
100-124 10
Example: You must discard 2 Action cards from your
125+ 13
hand before you can enter a Location card with an
Entrance cost of 2.

Ent 1
Each Hostile card has its Experience Point
(XP) value printed in its top right corner. ENVIRONMENT
0 Draw Hostile cards one at a time and keep
Rein: 0-1
Location cards with the
“Environ” (Environment)
Keyword first appear in the
an ongoing total of the Experience Point

F value of the Hostile cards drawn. When you WWII Russia Expansions

draw a Hostile card that brings the total #9 and #10.
Experience Point value equal to or greater
than the Location card’s Hostile value, stop drawing cards. Soldiers in these Location
cards must endure
2 Hostiles particularily harsh
Example: My team has a Resource value of
Hostiles Free to play. 29- 3
40. When I play the Stream Location, I must
Environ: Fever 4+. 30-49 4 environmental conditions.
29- 3 draw Hostile cards until I reach a Hostile 50-74 5
Nature. Always
. 30-49 4 value of 4. I draw Holdouts (value 1), a Lone draw for Rein.
75-99 7
To overcome the
100-124 10

50-74 5 Soldier (value 0), and an Officer (value 3). I WP-42
125+ 13
75-99 7 Environment, each Soldier
stop drawing cards because the total
100-124 10 Experience Points are equal to or exceed in the Location must roll the
125+ 13 the Location card’s Hostile value. noted value or higher on a 10-sided die at the start of the
Soldier Turn.

Example: The Stream card represents a Fever Environment.

After drawing the Each Soldier must roll a 4 or higher to resist Fever.
Hostile cards for a new
A Soldier who fails the Environment roll must either
Location, you can
discard a Hardy counter, suffer a Wound or suffer a
immediately spend
Actions to Attack the
newly placed Hostile
Due to Mission, Location, or Event text, it is possible for a
Location to have more than one Environmental effect in
effect at a time. When this happens, roll for all of them

When you play a Mission in a Region with

Environmental conditions on the Location
cards, use the Hardy counters to record each
Soldier’s remaining Hardy. Soldiers begin with
0 Hardy, unless otherwise noted on their cards.

Example: Missions taking place in Russia have the “Cold”

Environmental condition.

Additional Hardy counters can be gained through Service

Record cards, Equipment cards, and Skill cards.

Once allocated, you cannot move Hardy counters to a

different Soldier.

placing a location card

Regardless of how many Soldiers are in the game, Beyond the Objective card, place it in the Objective card.
only one new Location card can be placed during
each Soldier Turn.
At the start of the game, if there are no Player Soldiers When you draw a Hostile
with a Location Marker card, you must spend Actions card, draw a Hostile
to Discard and Draw until someone draws a Location Targeting counter from
Marker card. the cup to see which
Soldier the Hostile will be Attacking.
Play each Location The Hostile will target that Soldier
card on the Tactical each Turn until the Hostile (or the
Display Sheet, Soldier) is Killed.
adjacent to the front-
most Location card If the Soldier being targeted by the Hostile card moves out of
played along the path. the Hostile’s Range, the Hostile card will not Attack until it is
back in Range.
You can play a
Location card as long A Soldier can be targeted by more than one Hostile card.
as there is a Soldier in
If a Soldier is Downed, remove all the Soldier’s Hostile
the front-most Location card.
Targeting counters from the cup. Draw a new targeting

counter for each Hostile that was targeting the Downed
When you play a Location card, immediately draw
Hostile cards based on the team’s current Resource Example: You have 3 Soldiers in the Mission. You play a
Location and draw a Machine Gun Team, Flankers, Ambushers,
Point value and place them in the new Location card.
and an Officer. You draw 1 Hostile Targeting counter from the
Some Hostiles have Keywords that will place them in cup for each Hostile.
other Location cards.
Immediately place the Flankers in the Rear-most Soldier’s
Example: A Hostile has the “Front-most” keyword. Location.
Place this Hostile in the Location with the Front-most
Soldier. You draw a counter “#1” for the Machine Gun Team, a “#2” for
the Officer, a “#3” for the Flankers, and another “#1” for the
Example: A Hostile has the “Place in Targeted” Ambushers.
Keyword. Place the Hostile in the same Location as
the Soldier it is Targeting. Now that we know whom the Ambushers are Targeting, place
them in Soldier 1’s Location.
Some Hostiles have Keywords that will place them in
a Location space that does not have a Location card. During the Hostile Attack step, your Soldier #1 is Downed.
Place them, and move them as normal. Remove the #1 counters from each Hostile card and the cup.
Redraw those counters. The Machine Gun Team is now
Example: A Hostile has the “Place 2 Beyond Front- Targeting Soldier #3, and the Ambushers is now Targeting
most” keyword. Place the Hostile 2 cards in front of Soldier #2. The Officer continues to Target Soldier #2. The
the Front-most Soldier. Ambushers now move into Soldier 2’s Location.

If a Hostile is to be placed Behind the Mission card, When you Kill a Hostile, return its Targeting counter to the cup.
place it in the Mission card. If a Hostile is to be placed

Some Hostile cards add to a Location’s Entrance discard

Your Soldier can only Move into a Location card that is

adjacent to your Soldier’s current Location.

Spend 1 Action to Move into an adjacent Location card.

Each Soldier can only Move once during each Soldier Turn.

You must discard the Location card’s Entrance cost in Action

cards to move into it. Example: The Stream Location has an Entrance cost of 1.
There is a Machine Gun Team in the Location. The Machine
Pay the Location’s Entrance cost before entering the Location. Gun Team adds 2 more to the Entrance cost. A Soldier must
discard 3 cards to enter the Location.
Your Soldier’s Movement value, Equipment, and Action cards
may reduce the number of cards that you need to discard. As a Hostile card suffers Suppressions and Hits, its
Entrance penalty is reduced. The numbers separated by
Example: The Advance Action slashes relate to the Hostile card’s Attack chart columns.
card adds 3 to your Movement
value. If you have a Movement Example: When the Machine
value of 2, and you play the Gun Team does not have
Advance Action card, you now 4
any Suppresses or EKIAs, it
have a Movement value of 5. F
Machine Gun Team

uses the “4-3” column. It

also adds +2 to the
The Action cards that a Player Soldier discards for movement Entrance cost.
can only come from the Soldier's own hand of Action cards. 4 When the Machine Gun
The Action cards to be discarded for a Non-Player Soldier or 4‐3 2‐1 Team suffers 2 Suppression
Roll Roll Attack (Range 0‐2) or EKIA, it uses the “2-1”
Squad Soldier can come from any Player Soldier’s hand of 5‐ 7‐ Miss
column. It now adds +1 to
6‐8 8+ 2 Wounds
Action cards. 9+ 2 Wounds, Again the Entrance cost.
+2/+1 Entrance cost.
Only draw Hostile cards when a new Location card is placed. 3 Penetration 1.
This makes it vital to
Screened by (0‐1).

Do not draw new Hostile cards when you move into a Suppress or Hit certain
previously placed Location card. Hostiles before entering their Location, to reduce the
Entrance cost.
Example: All the Soldiers are in the Stream Location card. You
play the Light Jungle Location card, adjacent to the Stream
card. You draw Hostiles.

Example: Duncan is in the Mission card, and NPS Nurke is in

the adjacent Stream Location card. When Duncan moves into
the Stream Location card, do not draw Hostile cards.

Doors Example: The Elite Barracks’ Door has
a Pick notation, so it can be Picked.
Some Fortification cards have a “Door You move a Soldier with Pick 9+ into
to Interior” note. Doors first appeared the Barracks’ Location. The Door has
in WWII Expansion #45. You can “Pick +0”. You roll to Pick the Door’s
Attack the Fortification card as normal, lock. You will succeed on a roll of 9 or
higher. You roll a 9, and succeed. You
rolling against its Defeat Cover, or you can attempt to Breach
Throw a couple Grenades into the
its Door. Barracks’ Interior, Defeating its Interior
Cover of 1, and inflicting the 6 Hits
One way you can Breach a Door is by Attacking it. A Soldier needed to Eliminate the Barracks.
must be in the Fortification’s Location card to Attack its Door.
The Door’s Cover and Hits needed to Destroy it are listed on Once Breached, you may perform
the Hostile card. Do not add the Hostile’s Size when Attacking Range 0 Attacks, or pay Actions as normal to Engage in Hand
a Door. to Hand combat.

Example: The Elite Observation Post Vehicle and Aircraft Attacks must always Defeat the Hostile’s
has a Cover value of 12. You can Attack normal Cover value.
it as normal and attempt to overcome
its Cover value, or you can move a
Soldier into its Location and have the Beneficials (Success)
Soldier Attack the Observation Post’s You can gain a beneficial effect from
Door, which only has a Cover of 9. If AFT PASSAGEWAY
Rein. Roll: 1-5 Entrance 2 some Locations. They include the word
you inflict 2 Hits on the Door, you GOLDEN NORI

Breach the Door. The Door allows you =NIGHT LOCATION=

+4 “Success” and have a notation similar
to perform Interior Attacks against the to:
Observation Post. The Observation
Post’s Interior only has Cover value of “Controls (Hack +1), Success: Add 1
2. 0
Free to play. Hostiles
Structure. Isolated. 29- 2
Controls (Hack +1), 30-49 3
Instead of inflicting Hits on the Door, The first word offers a general
Success: Retreat Meltdown 50-74 4
Progress counter by 8. 75-99 6
some Doors can be Breached with a description of the type of activity being
Adjacent “Engine Room”. 100-124 9
125+ 12
successful “Pick” roll. Such Doors 36-16
performed, but does not affect game
have the “Pick x+” notation in their play. Common descriptions include: Controls, Console,
text. To Pick, move a Soldier with the Repair, etc.
Pick ability into the Fortification’s
Location. Once in the Location, spend The “Hack” notation on Location cards usually refers to
an Action to Pick the Door’s lock. If repairing or operating a complex device. To gain the noted
successful, you Breach the Door. You effect, you must have a Soldier with the noted ability in the
can attempt to Pick the lock multiple Location card, and the Soldier must spend an Action and
times. Some locks have a modifier to perform a successful ability roll with the noted modifier. The
your Pick roll. first time any Soldier succeeds in the roll, you gain the noted
Once the Door is Breached, Soldiers in the Location may Example: A Location card has: “Repair (Hack +3), Success:
Add 2 extra Turns to the Mission Time.” Your Soldier must
Attack the Fortification using the much lower Cover value
succeed with a Hack roll, and gets to add 3 to their roll. If the
noted in the Door information. roll is successful, you get 2 extra Turns to complete your

If the Hack or Pick results in a Noise increase, advance the

Noise counter as normal. If there are Hostiles in that Location,
roll on the Noise Track to determine if any Hostile heard the

Obstacles (Fail) Example: A Location card has: “Locked Hatch (Hack +1),
Fail: Move the Objective 1 Location Beyond its current
Some Locations have a detrimental Location.” Your Soldier gets to add 1 to their Hack roll to
effect that is initiated when the first overcome the Locked Hatch. If the Soldier fails the Hack roll,
Soldier enters the Location card. They move the Objective card 1 Location further along the
include the word “Fail’ and have a Location path.
notation similar to:
Once you resolve the Detect and Disarm rolls, you draw
“Booby Trap (Pick, Detect +x, Hostile cards, Activate the Objective, and perform other
Disarm +x), Fail: Inflict...”. Actions and activities as normal.

The first word offers a general If the Hack or Pick results in a Noise increase, advance the
description of the type of obstacle Noise counter as normal. If there are Hostiles in that
encountered, but does not affect game play. Common Location, roll on the Noise Track to determine if any Hostiles
descriptions include: Booby Trap, IED, Locked Hatch, etc. heard the Noise.

The “Pick” notation on Location cards usually refers to a task

to be performed that requires manual dexterity. When the first
Soldier Enters the Location, that Soldier must immediately
attempt to Detect the Obstacle with the noted ability roll, and
noted Detect modifier, to Detect the threat. This does not
require an Action. If the Soldier fails their roll (or does not have
the noted ability), they set-off the threat and suffer the noted

If the Detect roll succeeds, before you perform any other

Actions or activities, you may immediately attempt to either
Disarm the threat, or freely move the Soldier back to the
previous Location and discard the Location.

Example: You place a Location with an Obstacle, and Move a

Soldier into the Location. You immediately roll to Detect the
Trap, and you succeed. Before you place Hostiles, Activate the
Objective, or anything else, you must decide whether to Disarm
the Trap and roll for success, or retreat the Soldier to the
previous Location and discard the Location.

If you Detect the threat, you may immediately attempt to

Disarm it. To do so, make a successful ability roll, with the
noted Disarm modifier. This does not require an Action. If the
Soldier fails their roll, the Soldier suffers the noted Fail effect,
and you may choose to keep or discard the Location card. If
the roll succeeds, the threat is Disarmed and eliminated, and
the Location card remains in play.

Example: A Location card has: “Booby Trap (Pick, Detect +3,

Disarm +1), Fail: Inflict a Kill on 1 Soldier in this Location.” Your
Soldier gets to add 3 to their Pick roll to Detect, and 1 to their
Pick roll to Disarm. The Soldier rolls to Disarm, and fails. You
must inflict a Kill on the Soldier.

Example: A Location card has: “Booby Trap (Pick, Detect +3,

Disarm +1), Fail: Inflict a Kill on 1 Soldier in this Location.” Your
Soldier gets to add 3 to their Pick roll to Detect, and 1 to their
Pick roll to Disarm. The Soldier rolls to Detect, and succeeds.
You decide to retreat the Soldier and discard the Location card.

A Soldier can spend 1 Action to Attack any Hostile Kill: If any of your adjusted Attack rolls is equal to
card that is within Weapon Range. or exceed the Weapon’s Hit number for the Range,
and your Defeat Cover roll equals or exceeds the
You can use the same or a different Weapon with Hostile’s Cover number, you Kill the Hostile. Place
each Attack. an EKIA (Enemy Killed in Action) counter on the Hostile card
to record the Kill.
You can target the same or a different Hostile card
with each Attack as long as the Hostile card is within Suppress: If any of your Attack rolls is equal to or
Range of the Weapon. exceed the Weapon’s Hit number for that Range,
or your Defeat Cover roll equals or exceeds the
Each Attack can only inflict 1 EKIA or 1 Suppress Hostile’s Cover value, but not both, you Suppress
result, no matter how many Attack dice are rolled. the Hostile. Place a Suppress counter on the Hostile card.
Place only 1 Suppression counter, even if the Attack inflicts
Squad Soldiers use their Attack Chart to roll 1 more than 1 Hit.
Ranged Attack die and 1 Defeat Cover die. Unless
noted otherwise on their card, all Squad Soldier
soldier attacks

No Effect: If all of your Attack rolls are less than the Weapon’s
Attacks are Ranged Attacks. Hit number for that Range and your Defeat Cover roll is less
than the Hostile’s Cover number, the Hostile suffers No Effect.
ATTACK MODIFIERS To show the relation between the Attack die roll and the Defeat
If a modifier adjusts an Attack roll, it modifies all of the
Cover die roll, here is the Attack chart from the Tactical Display
Attack die rolls.
Example: A Steady
Aim card adds 2 to
your Attack roll. If
you fire in Auto
Mode, it adds 2 to
M achine Gun Team

each of your 3 die



To Attack with a Weapon, roll the
number of 10-sided dice based
on your Attack Mode as well as
Machine Gun Ranged
Lone Soldier

one 6-sided die to Defeat the 1939+

Loadout 7
target's Cover. You roll only one 6-
sided die for Defeat Cover,
regardless of how many Attack dice you roll.
Range 0 1 2 Penetration 1.
Reload 2 2 2 Roll Attack (Range 0‐1)
When attacked, the Hit 7 8 9 Deploy 7‐ Miss
9+ 2 Woun Bipod 8+ 1 Wound
target has a chance Mode Rolls to gain
Semi 1 Penetration 1.
of getting behind Auto 3
+2/+1 Entran cover. To overcome a 4
3 Penetrati
Screened by target’s Cover, the
Ammo WP-210

WP-240 attacker must roll

equal to, or above, Example: You have an M1918A2 Machine Gun and you are
the target’s Cover value on a 6-sided die. shooting at Hostile Lone Soldier at Range 0 (he is in your
There are 3 possible results when performing an
You will need an Attack roll of 7 or higher and a Defeat Cover
Attack: roll of a 1 or higher due to the Weapon’s Penetration 1 attack

Attack Example #1 - You select Auto If your Attack inflicts the final Kill on a Hostile card, discard the
Mode, roll 3 Attack dice, and get a 2, 8, Hostile card and gain the number of Experience Points noted
and 9. You also roll a Defeat Cover roll of
on the Hostile card. Place the Experience counters on the
a 5 +1 Penetration, for a 6. You Hit with
your Attack, and you have defeated the Soldier card that performed the final Kill.
Hostile’s Cover. You have also rolled this
Weapon’s Reload result meaning to fire Each Star on an Experience Point counter is equal to 1
this weapon in the future you must Experience Point.
spend an Action to Reload. You inflict 1 Kill on the Lone Soldier
card. Place 1 EKIA counter on the card. You eliminated this Example: Duncan inflicts the 4th and
Hostile. Remove the card. Due to the Hostile’s 0 XP value, you final Kill on a Machine Gun Team card.
do not earn any XP for Eliminating this Hostile. Discard the Machine Gun Team card
and add 4 Experience Points to
Attack Example #2 - You Duncan’s Soldier card.
select Semi Mode. You roll a
4, missing with your Attack,
but you roll a Defeat Cover of
4 (+1), defeating the Hostile’s
cover. You Suppress the
Lone Soldier. Place a
Suppress counter on the
Lone Soldier card.

Each Reticle number on a Hostile card represents one Hostile. RELOADING

If any of your Attack rolls are equal to or less than the
If a Hostile card has multiple Hostiles, only one Hostile is Weapon’s Reload number, your Weapon has run out of Ammo
Suppressed with each Suppress result or Killed with a Kill during the Attack. You cannot use the Weapon again until you
result. Reload it.
Example: The M1918A2 Machine Gun
When you Kill a Hostile, you can either place an EKIA counter will Hit a Hostile at Range 0 on a roll of 7
on the card, or replace a previously placed Suppress counter or higher. If the Hostile is at Range 1, you
with an EKIA counter, until all Hostiles on the card have an must roll 8 or higher. If either roll is 2 or
EKIA counter. less on any Attack roll, the Weapon runs
out of Ammo during the Attack.
Example: A Machine Gun Team
Hostile card currently has one Example: Your M1918A2 runs out of
EKIA counter and one Suppress Ammo on a roll of 2 or less on any Attack
counter. You inflict a Kill. You die. You fire in Auto Mode at an Officer,
can either place an EKIA and roll a 1, 4, and 9 for your Attacks, and you roll a Defeat
counter on the Machine Gun Cover roll of 5. You Kill the Officer, and your M1918A2 runs out
Team card, or replace the of Ammo.
Suppress counter with an EKIA
counter. Attack modifiers do not adjust your roll until after you check
for Reload.

Example: Due to Skills,

Equipment, and Action
cards, you have
accumulated a +6 on
this Attack roll against the
Lone Soldier with your M1918A2 at
Range 0. You fire in Semi Mode and
Each Hostile on a card can only have one EKIA or one roll a 2, and a Defeat Cover roll of a 3.
First you check for Reload. You rolled a 2 or lower, so you will
Suppress counter. If you inflict a Suppress and all the Hostiles run out of Ammo. Next, you apply the +6 modifier to bring your
already have an EKIA or Suppress counter, your Attack has no Attack roll to a 8. The result of your Attack is 1 EKIA, and you
effect. also run out of Ammo.

Example: A Hostile card has the number 4 in its Reticle,

indicating 4 Machine Gun Team Hostiles. The card already has
2 Suppress counters and 2 EKIA counter. Your Attack inflicts a
Suppress. It has no effect.

EXPLOSION AND SPRAY Melee combat takes place when a Soldier is using a Melee
Weapon to Attack, such as a Knife or Bayonet.
Weapons that explode, like hand grenades, have the
“Explosion” Keyword. Weapons that fire streams of bullets, The same rules apply to both types of Attacks.
like Machine Guns, have the “Spray” Keyword.
In order to perform a Hand to Hand Attack, your Soldier must
Roll the indicated number of Attack dice for an Explosion or be in the same Location card as the Hostile (Range 0).
Spray Weapon. Regardless of how many Attack dice you roll,
only roll 1 Defeat Cover die. In addition to being in the same Location, you
must select a Hostile card in your Location and
Unlike other Attacks, each Explosion and Spray Attack die has pay the number of Actions indicated by the
a chance to inflict a Miss, Suppress, or Hit. Resolve each Location’s Hand to Hand (HtH) combat value to Engage the
Attack roll separately against the Hostile card. Hostile in HtH combat (Unarmed or Melee).

Suppressions and Kills do not spill over to affect other Hostile Place the Hand to Hand counter with your
cards. Soldier’s number on the Hostile card you have
Engaged. A Soldier can only Engage 1 Hostile in
Example: You throw a Grenade at
a Mortar Team card with 4 HtH at a time.
Hostiles. You roll a 5 for your
Defeat Cover (+1 for Penetration, Example: You pay 1 Action and discard as normal to Enter a
increasing it to a 6), which is Location. The Location has a Hand to Hand cost of 1, so you
successful. Your Attack rolls are: pay 1 Action, select the Hostile, and place your Hand to Hand
2, 7, 6, and 9. You inflict 2 Kills counter on the targeted Hostile card. This uses both your
and 2 Suppressions. Actions. On your next Turn, you perform a Hand to Hand Attack
and Kill the last Hostile on the card. If you wish to Engage
Example: You throw a Grenade at another Hostile card in that Location, you must pay the
a Sniper Team card with 2 Location’s 1 Action HtH Engage cost again.
Hostiles. Your Defeat Cover roll is a 1 (+1 for Penetration,
increasing it to a 2), and fails. Your Attack rolls are: 2, 10, 7, and You may put aside Actions to accumulate and pay the Hand to
9. You inflict 3 Suppressions, but the third Suppression has no Hand cost. These cannot be used for anything else. You lose
effect because there are only 2 Hostiles. the set aside Actions if you perform any other Actions while
they are being saved. Once you pay a Hand to Hand cost, you
SUPPRESSED WEAPONS lose any remaining set aside Actions.
Some Weapons have the Soldiers and Hostiles cannot perform Hand to Hand Attacks
Suppressed keyword. These against Squad Soldiers, Structures, Aircraft, and Vehicles. If a
Weapons make less noise Hostile’s text has it Attacking in HtH against a Squad Soldier,
when fired. Structure, Aircraft, or Vehicle, it instead conducts its Attacks at
Range 0.
When you inflict an EKIA on a
Hostile with a Suppressed Example: You are using the Vehicle expansion, and a Hostile
Weapon Attack, in addition to card with the text “Engages in HtH” Targets one of your
placing an EKIA counter, also Vehicles. Move the Hostile into your Vehicle’s Location and
place a Suppressed counter on conduct a Range 0 Attack.
the Hostile card. This
represents the confusion the enemy suffers from being
attacked by an unseen attacker.

Hand to Hand Combat

There are two types of Hand to Hand Combat: Unarmed and

Unarmed combat takes place when a Soldier does not have a

Melee Weapon.

Attacking Stumble
If you roll the Weapon’s Stumble number or lower, before
applying any Modifiers, or any of your Attack rolls, you have
Stumbled during the Attack.

You immediately suffer 1 Suppress when you Stumble.

It is possible with a Combo Attack to successfully Hit with one

roll, while Stumbling with the other roll.

As with any other Suppress, you cannot perform any Actions

until you pay an Action to remove the Suppress.

Example: A Player Soldier with HtH +1 is in the same Location

with a Hostile. The Location has a Hand to Hand Action cost of
2. The Soldier’s Rifle is out of Ammo. He saves his last Action
The Unarmed Combat during his Turn and declares that he is setting it aside to use
toward paying a Hand to Hand cost. The Hostile Attacks
reference card is provided as another Soldier during the Hostile Turn, and Misses.
an easy way to look up your
Unarmed Combat options. During the Soldier’s next Turn, he spends 1 Action and his 1
saved Action to pay the Location’s Hand to Hand Action cost of
If you spend an Action to 2. He places his Hand to Hand counter on the Hostile card. He
perform an HtH Attack, select pays 1 Action to perform an Unarmed Attack, selects Strong
Mode, and rolls his Attack, gets lucky and rolls a 7 (+1 due to
your Mode of Attack: Strong,
his HtH to make it an 8) for his Attack and a 5 (-4 for a Strong
Combo, or Precise, and then HtH Attack) for his Defeat Cover. The Hostile has a Cover of 1.
roll 10-sided dice and a 6-sided He places 1 EKIA counter on the Hostile.
die as normal.
Later in the Turn, another Soldier moves into our Soldier’s
Rs - The “Rs” column indicates Location. The new Soldier has a Bayonet. He gives the Bayonet
the number of Attack dice you to our Soldier, who attaches it to his Rifle.
roll. During the next Soldier Turn, our Soldier Attacks the same
Hostile card, but this time with a Bayonet. Since the Soldier is
St - If any of the Attack rolls are equal to or less than the Attacking the same Hostile, he does not need to pay the
number in the “St” column before modifiers, you “Stumble”. Location’s Hand to Hand Action cost again. He chooses
“Combo” Mode, and rolls 2 Attack dice getting a 3 and 10, and
H - If one of more of the Attack rolls are equal to or greater rolls 1 Defeat Cover die getting a 4. He has an HtH modifier of
than the number in the “H” column you score a Hit. +1. Due to the Combo Attack Mode, he needs to roll a 7 or
higher to Hit with either Attack die. The 10 is successful. His
Defeat Cover roll of a 4, -2 for performing a Combo Attack, is
P - The number in the “P” column is your Attack’s Penetration. also successful. Because he has one or more successful
Attack rolls, and a successful Defeat Cover roll, he inflicts 1
Add the Soldier’s HtH modifier to your Attack rolls. EKIA on the Hostile card.

Attacks The “Aim” Keyword is not used in WWII or Modern-era

Hand to Hand Attacks use the same process as all the other Warfighter, but is referenced in other eras of Warfighter. Where
Soldier Attacks. If the Attack and Defeat Cover rolls are “Aim” appears, treat the number after Aim as adding to your
successful, you inflict an EKIA. If one or the other is Penetration.
successful, you inflict a Suppress. If neither is successful,
there is no effect from the Attack. Example: The Bayonet’s Aimed Attack has a Penetration 0 with
an Aim 1. Treat the Aimed Attack as having Penetration 1 in
WWII and Modern-era.

Shadows Ability (Hand to Hand) As you draw Hostile cards, place them face up on the
Tactical Display next to their Location card.
Some Soldiers have the
“Shadows” Keyword printed on
1 - Title: The name of Hostile.
their cards.
2 - Reticle: The Number of Hostiles on a card.
Only Soldiers with the Shadows ability can attempt to perform
Shadow Attacks or Shadows rolls. Example: You must inflict 4 Kills to eliminate the Banzai
Shadow Attacks
At any time during the Soldier Turn, the Soldier can roll a 10- 3 - Hostile Value and Experience Points: The number
sided die. If you roll the Soldier’s Shadows value or higher, the in the upper right corner shows the Experience Point
Soldier has successfully moved out of sight of the enemy. If value of this Hostile card. Use this value when you are
you roll less than the Soldier’s Shadows ability, you Attack as drawing Hostiles for a new Location card, or for
normal. Some Hostiles modify your Shadows roll. Reinforcements. Also, a Soldier gains this number of
Experience Points from Killing the last Hostile on the
If you make a successful Shadows roll, add the Weapon’s card.
Stealth modifier to your HtH Attack rolls for the remainder of

hostile cards
the Soldier Turn. You must Kill all the Hostiles on the card before you
can claim the Experience Points for the card.
Example: You make a successful Shadows roll and your Ka-Bar
knife has Stealth +4. You decide to perform a Combo Attack. 4 - Hostile Level: At the start of a Mission, choose
You get to add 4 to both of your Attack rolls.
between Frontline Hostiles (F) and the more difficult
Elite Hostiles (E). All Hostiles in your Hostile deck must
If you make a successful Shadows roll, add 2 to your Stealth
be the same level.
Weapon’s Penetration for the remainder of the Soldier Turn.

Example: You add 4 to your Ka-Bar’s Attack rolls, and 2 to its 5 - Event: When you place a Hostile with the Event
Defeat Cover roll. notation, immediately draw a card from the Event
deck. Add the Event to the Hostile’s Location.
Thrown Attacks
6 - Attack Range and Attack Chart: Hostiles use the
All Thrown Attacks have an
chart on their card to Attack their targeted Soldier.
Attack Range of 0.
Example: The Banzai use the “4-3” column when
If you Attack using a Weapon’s Attacking, if no Hostiles are Suppressed or Killed. They
Thrown mode, you cannot use use the “2-1” column if 2 or 3 Hostiles are Suppressed
the Weapon again until that or Killed.
Hostile card is Eliminated, and
you are still in its Location.
F Some Hostile cards
Large Truck

have an effect, but no

Example: You Throw your M3 3 die roll or Attack chart.
Knife at a Hostile card at Range This text is only active if
0. Regardless of the outcome of there is at least one
your Attack, you cannot use that Range 0‐2.
Knife again until that Hostile Reinforce (0‐3).
Hostile that is not
card is Eliminated and you are Suppressed or Killed on
still in its Location. 1939+. Vehicle. Immobile 1. the card and the Hostile
is within the noted
Self-Defense Weapons Range.
You can use Weapons with the
Example: If the Large Truck is within Range 2 of its
Self-Defense keyword to Targeted Soldier, draw a Reinforcement card for the
perform Attacks in HtH combat. Large Truck during the Reinforcement Draw step. If the
card drawn has a Reinforcement value of 0, 1, 2, or 3,
place the Hostile in the Truck’s Location. If the Hostile’s
value is 4 or more, discard it.

1 - Name of Event - For
flavor only.

2 – Game Effect – Some

game effects are resolved
when the card is drawn,
whilst others continue to
apply in that Location.

World War II Event Cards

Warfighter World War II Event cards are located in
their own deck, separate from the Hostile card deck.
Some Hostile cards have a Draw an Event card immediately after drawing a
3 Reinforce effect in addition to Hostile card with the Event notation. If the Event

event cards
F an Attack chart. This text is affects a Location, place the Event card next to the

always active if there is at Location it was drawn for. Only draw an Event card
least one Hostile that is not if the Hostile enters play.
1 Suppressed or Killed on the
Roll Attack (Range 0)
Modern Event Cards
1 Wounds Example: The Officer’s Warfighter Modern Event cards are located within
2 Wounds
Reinforce and Inspire is active the Hostile deck.
Screened by (0‐1). unless he is Suppressed. The
4 Reinforce (0‐2). Screened by effect is always The Event card’s Experience value counts toward
Fearless. Inspire.
WP-230 active. the total Hostile value when drawing Hostile cards
for the Location. Treat the card's Experience value
7 - Cover: Soldiers must roll this number or higher on a 6-
sided die to Defeat the Hostile’s Cover during an Attack.
as normal when calculating for the Location's
E Reinforcement card draw.

Example: When attacking the Hostile, the Soldier must roll a

10-sided die to perform the attack, and a 6-sided die to Modern Shadow
defeat the Hostile’s Cover. If the 6-sided die roll is 3 or
higher, the Hostile’s Cover has been defeated. War Event Cards
4 Warfighter Modern Shadow
8 – Special Notes: Some War Event cards are
4‐3 2‐1
Roll Roll Attack (Range 0) Hostile cards have Special located within the Hostile deck, and act similarily to
2‐ 4‐ Miss Notes and Keywords at the Modern Day Event cards. When placed,
3‐7 5+ 2 Wounds
8+ 2 Wounds, Again bottom of their cards. This immediately Reveal and resolve the Event.
+3/+1 Entrance Cost. Place in text is only active if there is
3 Front‐most. Target Front‐most. at least one Hostile that is General Rules
not Suppressed or Killed on Some Event cards note that you can pay
the card. Some Keywords remain active even if all of a Experience Points to cancel the Event. These XP
card’s reticle are suppressed. These Keywords are so must be paid immediately after all Hostile and Event
noted on the Keyword’s sheet. cards are drawn.
Example: You must place the above Hostile card in the
Location of the Front-most Soldier and the Hostile card Resolve all Events for a Location before conducting
Targets a random Soldier in that Location. Soldier Actions.

Additional Keywords can also be found here, such as: You do not gain XP for resolving Event cards.
Fearless, Rear-most, etc. An explanation of Keywords can
be found in the Keyword Sheet.

Do not draw a card for Locations that have a “None” Reinforce
Resolve Attacks for all Hostile cards that are in Range of their
1 targeted Soldiers.

Roll Attack (Range 0) Example: A Hostile has a Range of “0-2”. The Hostile will Attack
4‐ Miss
5‐7 1 Wounds its targeted Soldier when the Soldier is at Range 0, 1, or 2.
8‐9 2 Wounds
10+ Kill
Screened by (0‐1). Hostile cards roll dice to Attack. Consult their Attack chart to
Reinforce (0‐2).
4 Fearless. Inspire.
determine the effects of their Attack roll.

Hostile cards that have numbers greater than one on their

Reticle have multiple columns on their Attack chart. The
Soldiers may only interrupt the Hostile's Turn to play numbers at the top of each column represent the number of
Action cards, use Weapons, or use Equipment which remaining Hostiles that have not been Killed or Suppressed.
hostile turn

specifically state that the card can be used during the

Example: If you have Suppressed
Hostile Turn.
one Hostile on an Ambushers card,
they will attack using the column for

REINFORCEMENT DRAW 2-1 remaining Ambushers. An

Attack roll of 10+ inflicts 2 Wounds.
Draw one Hostile card for each Location card with a
Soldier, and for each Location with an Always No more than one Suppress
Reinforce keyword. counter can be placed on a card
for each Hostile. If all Hostiles on
Each Hostile the card already have an EKIA or
Stream Ent 1 3 card has a value Suppress counter, ignore any
Rein: 0-1 Jungle in its upper right additional Suppress results
F corner. When you inflicted on the Hostile card.

draw a Hostile
card, compare its value Example: If 3 Ambushers are alive and Unsuppressed when
against the Reinforce they attack, the Ambushers inflict 2 Wounds on a roll of 8+.
1 value on the Location
Example: If 1 Ambusher is Killed and 1 is Suppressed, there is
2 card. only 1 active Ambusher. The Ambushers inflict 2 Wounds on a
roll of 10+. 3
If they match, add the Hostile card to that Location.
F and 2 more are Suppressed,
Example: If 1 Ambusher is Killed

If the point value does not match, do not draw there are no active Ambushers on the Hostile card. The
another Reinforcement card. Ambushers card does not attack during this Turn.
4 1
Example: Your Location card’s Reinforce value is 0-1.
When you draw a Hostile Reinforcement card, check
Weapon Range and Attack Chart
its value. If it is a 0 or 1, add that Hostile card to your
Roll Attack (Range 0) When a Hostile Attacks a
4‐ Miss
Location card and draw its Hostile Targeting counter. If 5‐7 1 Wounds Soldier, roll a 10-side die for the
8‐9 2 Wounds
it is not a 0 or 1, discard the Hostile card. 10+ Kill Attack, and roll a 6-sided die to
Screened by (0‐1). Defeat the Soldier’s Cover.
Example: The Stream Location has a Reinforce value 4 R i f (0 2)
of 0-1. You draw an Officer with a value of 3. Discard Each Hostile card has a unique Attack chart.
the Officer card.

Example: The Stream Location has a Reinforce value Use the Attack chart to determine the result of the Attack
of 0-1. You draw Recruits with a value of 1. Add the based on the success of the die rolls.
Recruits card to the other Hostile cards in the Stream
Location card, and draw a Hostile Targeting counter
from the cup for the Recruits.

Resolving a Hostile Attack Example: The Hostile’s Attack roll indicates 2 Wounds, but its
Defeat Terrain Cover roll fails to Defeat the Soldier’s Terrain
Update: With the addition of Body Armor to the game, this rule Cover. Do not roll to Defeat Body Armor because the Defeat
section now has a “Defeat Body Armor” step. Terrain Cover roll failed. The Soldier suffers a Suppress.

Attack Roll and Terrain Cover Roll Example: The Hostile’s Attack roll indicates 1 Wound, its
Defeat Terrain Cover roll defeats the Soldier’s Terrain Cover,
Roll a 10-sided die for the Hostile’s Attack, and a 6-sided die
but the Defeat Body Armor roll fails to defeat the Soldier’s
for the Hostile’s Defeat Terrain Cover roll. Body Armor. The Soldier suffers a Suppress.

Compare the Attack roll to the Hostile’s Attack chart to Example: The Hostile’s Attack roll indicates a Miss, the
determine the number of Wounds inflicted on the Soldier. Defeat Terrain Cover roll is equal to, or greater than, the
Soldier’s Terrain Cover, and the Defeat Body Armor roll
Compare the Defeat Terrain Cover roll to the Soldier’s Cover defeats the Soldier’s Body Armor. The Soldier suffers a
value. If the roll is equal to, or greater than, the Terrain Cover Suppress.
value, the Attack defeats the Terrain Cover. If the Defeat Cover
No Effect - The Attack roll inflicted 0 Wounds, and at least
roll does not defeat the Soldier’s Terrain Cover, do not roll for
one of the Defeat Cover rolls failed. The Attack has no effect
the Soldier’s Body Armor.
on the Soldier.
Body Armor Roll Example: The Hostile’s Attack roll indicates a Miss, and the
If the Defeat Cover roll defeated the Soldier’s Terrain Cover, Defeat Terrain Cover roll fails to defeat the Soldier’s Terrain
roll a 20-sided die for Body Location and a 6-sided Defeat Cover. The Soldier suffers no effect.
Body Armor die to determine the Attack defeats the Soldier’s
Body Armor. Example: The Hostile’s Attack roll indicates a Miss, the
Defeat Terrain Cover roll defeats the Soldier’s Terrain Cover,
but the Defeat Body Armor roll fails to defeat the Soldier’s
If the Body Location roll results in a Body Location not Body Armor. The Soldier suffers no effect.
protected by the Body Armor, the Body Armor is defeated.
If the Body Location roll results in a Body Location protected
If the Attack roll and both Defeat Cover rolls are successful,
by the Body Armor, and the Defeat Cover roll is less than the
the Soldier suffers Wounds.
Body Armor’s Cover for that Body Location, the Body Armor is
successful. If only 2 of the 3 Attack and Defeat Cover rolls are
successful, the Soldier suffers a Suppress.
If the Soldier is not Equipped with Body Armor, do not roll to
defeat the Body Armor. The Attack automatically defeats the If 0 or 1 of the 3 Attack and Defeat Covers rolls are
Body Armor. successful, the Soldier suffers no effect.

Result of the Attack

Each Attack has 1 of 3 results: HOSTILES CLOSE RANGE
If a Hostile card has 1 or more Suppress counters, it cannot
Wounding - The Attack roll indicates 1 or more Wounds on Move.
the Hostile Attack chart, and the Defeat Terrain Cover roll
defeated the Soldier’s Terrain, and the Soldier’s Body Armor All Hostile cards that are out of Range move one Location
was unsuccessful. Place a Wound counter on the Soldier’s card closer to their targeted Soldier. If a Hostile card is in
card equal to the Wounds inflicted. Range of its target, the Hostile card does not move.

Example: The Hostile’s Attack roll inflicts 3 Wounds, the Defeat Example: The Flankers have targeted Soldier #2, NPS Nurke,
Terrain Cover roll is equal to, or greater than, the Soldier’s but Nurke is at Range 2 from the Flankers. Move the Flankers
Terrain Cover, and the Defeat Body Armor roll defeats the 1 Location closer to Nurke during the Close Range step.
Soldier’s Body Armor. The Soldier suffers 3 Wounds.
Example: The Flankers, who have a Range of 1, have
Suppress - Either the Attack roll inflicted 1 or more Wounds or targeted Soldier #2 Nurke, but Nurke is at Range 2 from the
Flankers. The Flankers have a Suppressed counter on their
both Defeat Cover rolls were successful, but not both. Place a card. The Flankers cannot Attack because they are out of
Suppress counter on the Soldier card. Range, and they cannot Move because they have a Suppress

There are situations when a Hostile is in Range, but Each Wound suffered by a Soldier reduces the Soldier’s
cannot Attack the Soldier, due to an Obstructed Location Health and Hand Size by 1.
or other card text. In such situations, the Hostile Moves
closer to the Soldier. Example: Your Soldier starts with a Health of 6. This means
your Hand Size is 6, and you can hold at most 6 cards in
your Hand after performing a Discard and Draw Action.
Some Hostiles do not
3 Attack your Soldiers, but Your Soldier then suffers a 2-point Wound. This reduces
F instead apply a their Health and Hand Size to 4. You can hold at most 4
detrimental effect. If the cards in your Hand after performing a Discard and Draw
Large Truck

3 targeted Soldier is out of Action.

the Hostile’s Range (and
the Hostile does not have Place a Wound counter on your Wounded
Range 0‐2.
a Suppress), move the Soldier card equal to the number of Wounds
Reinforce (0‐3).
Hostile one Location card inflicted by the Attack. Each time your Soldier
1939+. Vehicle. Immobile 1.
closer to its targeted suffers Wounds, place a separate Wound
Soldier. counter on the Soldier’s card.

soldier wounds
Example: The Large Truck Example: Duncan suffers a
draws a Reinforcement 1-point Wound from a Sniper
each Turn during the Team’s Attack and a
Reinforcements Draw step. If it is more than 2 Location 2-point Wound from an
cards away from its targeted Soldier, it does not draw a Attack by Flankers. Place 2
Reinforcement card. Move the Large Truck one location separate Wound counters on
closer to its targeted Soldier during the Close Range Duncan, a counter with a 1
step. and a counter with a 2.
Duncan must be Treated for
each Wound separately.
No Location Card
There will be times when a Hostile is Placed in, or Moves
into, a Location space that does not yet have a Location

Place and Move the Hostile cards as normal as if there is

a Location card present.
Mid-Mission Healing
There are several cards that give you the ability
to Heal Soldier Wounds in the middle of a
Remove one Suppress counter from each Hostile card. Mission, such as a First Aid Kit. You can only
attempt to Heal each Wound once during a
ADVANCE MISSION TIMER Mission. Before rolling to Heal, declare which Wound you
are attempting to Heal.
Move the Timer counter
one space down the
A “Heal 1” effect reduces a
Mission Timer Track.
Wound by 1 point. A “Heal
First Aid Kit 2” reduces a Wound by 2
If you move the counter 2
past the “1” space, you points.
have run out of Time,
If a Heal result completely
and your Mission ends
Heals a Wound, discard the
in failure.
Pay 1 Action and Expend 1 Wound counter.
Bandage to roll for Healing.

Roll Heal Result If a Heal result

6‐ Heal 1
7‐10 Heal 2
does not
11+ Heal 3 Bandages completely Heal
a Wound
counter, replace the Wound

counter with a Treated Wound counter. The Treated Wound Recalculate your team’s Resource point value each time a
counter shows that the Wound cannot be Treated, Reduced, Soldier is Downed or Removed from the Mission.
or Removed again.
Example: If a 20-Resource
Disregard any unused Heal points left over. Stream Ent 1 point Non-Player Soldier is
Rein: 0-1 Jungle Downed, your team, which
Example: Nurke has suffered a 2-point Wound. Duncan uses started with 52 Resource
Points, would now be worth 32

his First Aid Kit and Heals 1 point of Nurke’s Wound.
Replace the 2 Wound counter with a 1 Resource Points. When
point Treated Wound counter. This drawing Hostiles for the Stream
shows he is still suffering from 1 Location card, you would only
Wound, and the Wound cannot be draw until there are 4 or more
Treated, Reduced, or Removed again Hostiles Hostile Experience Points of
during the Mission. Free to play. 29- 3 Hostile cards in the Location
30-49 4
Environ: Fever 4+.
50-74 5 card.
Nature. Always 75-99 7
Example: A Soldier suffers a 2-point Wound. Later in the game, draw for Rein. 100-124 10
you play a Walk It Off Action card to reduce it to a Treated WP-42
125+ 13 Take into account the
1-point Wound. The 1-point Wound cannot be Treated, Resource Point value of all the
Reduced, or Removed again. Player Soldier’s Weapons and
Equipment during the
Example: A Soldier has a 1-point Treated Wound.
You cannot play a Walk It Off Action card to remove
the Treated Wound.
Example: If you started the Mission with 4 Grenades, they
would have been worth 4 Resource Points. If you have 2
Grenades when you recalculate, count them as being worth
2 points.
Outside of Mission Healing
Soldiers participating in a Campaign, or a series of
linked Missions, can receive Healing between
When the Mission is over, roll to determine the status of
Missions as specified in those rules. each Downed or Removed Soldier. If you are playing a one-
time Mission, this is for player interest only.
Out of Mission Healing is not limited to once per Wound
counter. Such Wounds can be Healed multiple times until fully If you are playing in a series of Campaign Missions, this will
Healed. determine the Soldier’s future participation in the
Example: A Soldier is injured in a Private Military Contractor
(PMC) Campaign. At the end of each Week, you roll to see if
your Infirmary is able to Heal the Wounds. Continue rolling If a Soldier receives an “Able to return to Duty” result, he
each Week until all the Wounds are Healed. remains in the Campaign. Any other result removes him
from the Campaign.

DOWNED d10 Soldier’s Status

If a Soldier is reduced to 0 Health or less, the Soldier is Down 8+ Able to return to Duty
and any Wounds can no longer be Healed, Reduced, or 6-7 Medical Discharge
Removed. A Downed Soldier can no longer participate in the 5- KIA
Mission. Immediately remove the Soldier's counter from the
Tactical Display Sheet, and discard any Action cards held by Mod. Soldier’s Condition
the Soldier. +4 Removed with 2 Health.
+2 Removed with 1 Health.
A Downed NPS or Player Soldier leaves behind all of his +0 Removed with 0 Health or less.
Weapons, Equipment, and Ammo in his Location which can +2 If the Objective was completed
be picked up by other Player Soldiers.

You may also voluntarily Remove a Soldier who has been

reduced to 2 or 1 Health from the Mission.

You may Remove Soldiers from the Mission at any time during
the Soldier Turn.

If the Objective has the Eliminate Hostiles Keyword, you must
Eliminate all such Hostile cards, even if they were Placed
outside the Objective, or Moved out of the Objective. Also, to
fulfill the Eliminate Hostile’s Keyword condition, there can be
no Hostile cards in the Objective at the end of the Soldier

Hostile cards can leave the Objective card as normal during

completing the objective

the Close Range step.


You draw a Hostile card as part of the Objective’s Hostile cards

when Activating the Objective. Place an Objective Hostile
counter on the Hostile even if it is Placed outside the Objective.

You draw a Hostile card for a Location, and it is to be Placed in

During the Soldier Turn, any Soldier in the Location the Objective. Do not place a Objective Hostile counter on the
card adjacent to the Objective card can freely Hostile, but to complete the Eliminate Hostiles Keyword, you
“Activate” the Objective card by declaring it as the must Eliminate the Hostile.
next Location.
A Hostile card Moves into the Objective. Do not place a
Objective Hostile counter on the Hostile, but to complete the
Remove the Inactive counter from the Objective when Eliminate Hostiles Keyword, you must Eliminate the Hostile.
you Activate it.

Example: During a River Crossing Mission, the Objective Targets

Objective will be in the 6th space. If your Soldier is in Some Objectives have a single target
the Location in the 5th space, you can Activate the that must be Destroyed to complete
Objective card. the Mission. For these targets, all
Suppress and Hit results produced by
Activating the Objective card is the same as playing a
an Explosion Attack inflict Suppresses
new Location card. Immediately draw the Objective’s
and Hits on the target.
Hostile cards when you Activate the Objective card.
Example: You throw a Grenade at the
Each Objective card specifies what you need to do to Supply Dump and inflict 2 Hits and 2
win. Suppresses. Both Hits inflict damage on the Supply Dump.The
Suppresses have no effect.
Your team does not have to be in the Objective card
to win the game. Other Objectives note a specific number of targets, each of
which must be Destroyed with separate Attacks.
Your team does not have to be together in the same
Location card to win the game. Example: The Supply Huts
Objective notes there are 4 Huts
that must be Destroyed. The card
Objective Hostile Cards also notes that you must inflict 2
Place an “Objective Hostile” counter on Hits on each Hut, with Explosion
Attacks, to Destroy them, and that
each Hostile card drawn toward the
all Hostiles in the Objective must
Objective card’s Hostile value. be Suppressed or EKIA’d in order
to target the Huts.

After Killing the Objective’s

Hostiles, you throw a Grenade at
a Hut and inflict 4 Hits. You only
Destroy 1 Hut. The last 2 Hits
have no effect. You must target
each of the 4 Huts with a different
Attack to Destroy them.

Another Soldier then fires a Flamethrower at a Hut and inflicts 3
Hits. He Destroys the Hut. Your Team must Destroy 2 more Huts
to complete your Mission.

Rule Change: Some Action cards can be used to target

Hostile cards, including attacking the Hostiles as well as the
Target in an Objective card. (Previous versions of this rule
allowed Action cards to only attack Hostiles, but not the

Treat these Objective card Hostiles as being a Hostile card

with reticles.

Example: Treat the Supply Huts as being a Hostile card with 4

reticles, one for each Hut.

The game immediately ends in success when you complete
the Objective card’s requirements.

The game ends in failure if you run out of Game Turns, or

when the last member of your team is Downed.

If your last Soldier is Downed in the same Action that you

complete the Objective, the game ends in success.

Use all the standard Warfighter rules when New Card Types
conducting a Shadow War night Mission, with the
following exceptions and additions. Shadow War Insertion
replaces the night combat cards and rules appearing HELO (DEFIANT) Details the team’s method of arriving
in the Warfighter Modern Footlocker storage box. at the target.

In Shadow War, attacking and movement generate Apply the Insertion card’s text at the
Noise. The Hostiles can hear this Noise, become start of the Mission. Each card notes
aware of your presence, and go into normal combat any costs and limitations to your
mode. You want to do your best to keep your Noise to Adds 3 extra Turns to Mission. Soldiers begin the Mission in
the Mission Time.
a minimum, because if they are unaware of you, they May only perform the Mission card as normal.
Noise 0 or 1 Attacks.
won’t attack you, or intentionally move toward you, S-17

and you get very beneficial targeting bonuses when

you attack them.
On The Ground
Once they become aware of your presence, they will GUARD CHANGE Shows any unexpected circumstances
mobilize and deploy reaction forces to hunt you TABQA AIRBASE
at the target.


down, making your mission much more difficult.
Most of these cards have a positive
shadow war

and a negative adjustment to the

Set-Up Mission.
For the 1st 5 Turns of the Mission:
When you select your Mission and Objective cards, Add 1 to Activity, and
Add 1 to Hostile Alarm values.
also select an Insertion and Extraction card. Place the For all remaining Mission Turns: These cards are not in the Shadow
Subtract 1 from Activity, and
cards on the indicated spaces on the Tactical Display Subtract 1 from Hostile Alarm
values (minimum 1 Action). War core game box, but they can be
Sheet. 23-8

found in the Shadow War expansion


Mission Cards
MOVE OUT Shadow War Mission cards have two
NORTH KOREA Entrance 0 new pieces of information: Activity and
Any RPs spent on Insertion and Extraction cards still +0

count toward your overall RP value for the Mission.

Example: You have a maximum of 50 RPs to spend

from the Mission card. You spend 40 RPs on Soldiers Activity is a measure of
Resources: 42 M/#2 Activity: 3 M/#2 Activity: 3
and Gear, and 8 RPs on Insertion and Extraction cards. Time: 10 the target’s general
#3/#4 Activity: 2 #3/#4 Activity: 2
Objective: #4 Confusion: 8
Your team has an RP value of 48. Loadout: +0 Confusion: 8
Noise and Activity level
Decrease all Location
Entrance costs by 2. during the Mission.
Equipment The higher the Activity value, the
Night Gear is highly better it is for you. When adjusting the Noise counter at the
recommended when end of each Turn, retreat the Noise counter a number of
conducting a Shadow War spaces on the Noise Track equal to the Activity value.
Mission. This Gear will help
you to negate Night Entrance Some Mission cards have a negative Activity value. Negative
penalties, Reveal Hostiles, as Activity values advance the Noise counter, instead of retreating
well as accomplish other it.
useful functions.
As you place Location cards, the Activity value decreases.
When determining the Activity level, use the Location of the
right-most Location card placed, or the Objective, if it has
been Activated. The Activity value for each set of Location
Vehicles cards is shown on the Mission cards.
You may not include Soldier Vehicles or Light
Vehicles in Shadow War Missions. Example: Using the card shown above, if the right-most
Location is the Mission card or Location #2, the Activity has a
value of 3. If there is a Location card placed in Location #3 or
#4, the Activity has a value of 2.
Confusion Example: The Location’s Rein. Roll is 1-3. The next Hostile’s
#3/#4 Activity: 2 Confusion is a measure of how much time it value is 3. You cannot roll a 0, so you automatically discard the
Confusion: 8 takes the enemy to react once the alarm is Hostile card.
sounded. The higher this value, the better it
Distraction Location Cards
is for you. Once the enemy goes On Alert, you will reduce the Structure.
OVERSEER HUT Some Locations
Noise counter by this number of spaces on the Track. Distraction (2).
Rein. Roll: 1-5 NORTH KOREA 1 have the

“Distraction (x)”
Location Cards notation. When you have a Soldier in
FIELD Every Night Location has
Rein. Roll: 1-4 NORTH KOREA
Entrance 3 Entrance 3
an additional Entrance 0
one of these Locations, the Soldier
may deploy Triggered Weapons to

+2 penalty printed under the 3 Actions from any

29- 1 create a future Distraction. You must
normal Entrance cost. This Soldiers to play. 30-49 2
Structure. 50-74 3 have the minimum number of rolls of
is the Location’s Night Entrance Distraction (2).
75-99 5
100-124 8 Triggered Weapons in the Location to
2 penalty. A Soldier must pay this S-32 125+ 11
create a Distraction. Placing the
1 Action to play. Hostiles
29- 0 penalty in discards if he has not
Nature. 30-49 1 Weapons is not an Action. Placing more than the minimum
Add 2 to the Entrance 50-74 2 negated the Night Entrance penalty.
cost for each Hostile 75-99 4 number of Weapon dice has no additional effect. Place the
card in this Location. 100-124 7 Movement skill and standard Action
S-33 125+ 10
Weapon counters on the Location card to note their
cards, such as Advance, cannot be
used to pay Night Entrance penalties. Only card effects that
specifically note “Night Entrance penalty” can be used to pay Example: The Location has a “Distraction (2)” notation. To
the Night Entrance cost. perform a Distraction, you must leave at least 2 Attack dice of
Triggered Gear in the Location. You leave a Triggered Gear with
Example: I Move a Player Soldier into 3 Attack dice.
the Location card shown above. He
has a Move value of 4. This pays for You may Trigger the Weapons in a Location at any time. Each
the Entrance cost of 3, but does not
Location’s Weapons are separately Triggered. Triggering a
carry over to the Night Entrance
penalty. He then discards a card to use Weapon is not an Action, and is not considered to be an
his Night Goggles to pay the 2 Attack. When you Trigger a Weapon, Eliminate a number of
discards of the Night Entrance penalty. random Hostile cards in that Location equal to the Location’s
noted Distraction dice. Gain XP from these Hostiles as normal.
Treat the Noise generated as normal.

Example: I play the Engine Room Location card in a Mission

against the Golden Nori. The Location has the Distraction (2)
Rein. Roll Keyword. I have an M18 Claymore with me. After entering the
During the Hostile’s Turn, resolve a Rein. Location, I place my M18 Claymore. My Claymore has 4 rolls of
Rein. Roll: 1-4 N Roll for each Location with a Soldier. Explosions, which is more than the 2 rolls needed by this
Location’s Distraction value. The Claymore’s 2 extra rolls will

have no effect.
Night Locations use “Reinforce Roll” rules instead of the
normal Reinforce rules, and have “Rein. Roll” instead of Later, I decide to Trigger my Claymore as a Distraction. There
“Reinforce” printed along their tops. are 3 Hostiles in the Location. 2 random Hostile cards in the
Engine Room are Eliminated. I gain XP for the 2 Hostile cards.
Roll a die during the Reinforcement Draw step instead of Placing my Claymore, Triggering my Claymore, and Eliminating
drawing the next Hostile card. Roll a die during the Hostile cards cost no Actions.
Reinforcement Draw step, then draw the next Hostile card.
I move the Noise counter by 20 spaces up the Noise Track, 5
Add the Hostile card’s value to the die roll. If the Hostile’s noise for each Explosion die on the Claymore card. This moves
value plus the roll falls into the card’s Rein. Roll range, draw the Noise counter into the Alarm Sounded circle.
the Hostile card and put it into play.

Example: The Location’s Rein. Roll is 1-4. The next Hostile’s

value is 1. If you roll a 1, 2, or 3, draw the Hostile.

If the Hostile’s value plus the roll does not fall into the card’s
Rein. Roll range, discard the Hostile.

Reaction Force Hostile Cards New Counter Types
Separate these special Hostile cards
and place them off to the side for
Used to track the
possible later use.
current Noise level.
Reaction Force Hostiles only enter
Place the Noise counter
play when the target goes On Alert.
on the lowest circle of the Noise Track.
Reaction Forces Move and Attack as
regular Hostiles. Unaware/Pauses
Used to show each Hostile card’s
awareness of your presence.

Extraction Cards
VEHICLE (M998 HMMWV) Details the team’s method of leaving
Rein. Roll: None Entrance 3 the target. Unaware Target
+4 Drawn from a cup when you declare a Ranged

The Extraction card is treated as being Attack against an Unaware or Pauses Hostile.
adjacent to the Objective card.
1 Do not draw these counters for Hand to Hand
Each Extraction card notes costs and Attacks.
Keep Clear 2. limitations to your Mission. Your
Soldiers must meet the conditions on Enemy Mobilization Status Counter

the Extraction card to end the Mission. Used to show the alert status of the enemy forces.

Standard Extraction
To perform a Standard Extraction you must first complete the
Objective. Once the Objective is completed, Soldiers can
enter the Extraction card from any Location cards, as well as
Moving between the Extraction card and any Location cards. Mobilized
You may meet, or attempt to start meeting, the Extraction Used to indicate which Locations have been
card’s condition once all Soldiers are in the Extraction card. Mobilized.

Example: There are 4 Soldiers in the Mission. Near the end of

the Mission, 1 Soldier is in the Objective card in Location #5, 2
Soldiers are in Location #4, and 1 Soldier is in Location #3. Going For Alarm
Used to indicate Hostiles that are
The Soldier in the Objective completes the Objective.
aware of your presence, and are
All Soldiers can now Move directly to the Extraction card. trying to sound the alarm.

Abort Mission Extraction

You may only declare an Abort Mission Extraction if the
Objective has not been completed. Once you declare an Abort New Ammo Types
Mission Extraction, the Objective cannot be completed. If you Shadow War introduces two kinds of Ammo, in addition to the
somehow complete the Objective after declaring an Abort standard Ammo: Black and Subsonic. These Ammo types can
Mission Extraction, ignore the completed result. Once you be used in non-Shadow War Missions, although there is no
declare an Abort Mission Extraction, Soldiers can enter the practical reason to do so.
Extraction card from any Location cards, as well as Moving
between the Extraction card and any Location cards. You may Standard Ammo
meet, or attempt to start meeting, the Extraction card’s The standard Ammo used in Warfighter. There are
condition once all Soldiers are in the Extraction card. no adjustments.

Black Ammo
This Ammo is optimized for night combat. These
are heavy subsonic rounds. This Ammo makes
less Noise when fired. Pay 1 RP for each Black
Ammo counter you select.

This Ammo may only be used for: Pistols, SMGs, Carbines,

Rifles, and Machine Guns.

Subsonic Ammo
This Ammo has a lower velocity, and thus lower
Penetration. This Ammo also makes less Noise
when fired, but it suffers from a -2 Penetration

This Ammo may only be used for: Pistols, SMGs, Carbines,

Rifles, and Machine Guns.

Ammo Selection
You may now select the individual Ammo counters assigned
to each Weapon. Select whichever counter you want loaded
into the Weapon at the start of the Mission.

When you perform a Reload, you may select from any of the
Weapon’s remaining Ammo counters.

You may also perform a Reload to exchange the current

Ammo counter for a different Ammo counter. In this situation,
do not discard the Weapon’s Ammo counter.

Example: Your Weapon has 6 Ammo counters. You decide to

purchase 2 Black Ammo counters for 1 RP each, 2 Subsonic
Ammo counters at no cost, and 2 standard Ammo counters at
no cost. You then decide to start with a Black Ammo loaded.

Non-Player Soldiers
You may select and purchase any of the 3 Ammo types for
your Non-Player Soldiers.

Example: Your NPS’s Weapon has 4 Ammo counters. You

decide to purchase 2 Black Ammo counters for 1 RP each, and
2 standard Ammo counters at no cost. You then decide to start
with a Black Ammo loaded.

Starting with Special Ammo

Some Soldiers have a number of Black or Subsonic Ammo
counters that they start the Mission with noted on their cards.

Shadow War Hostiles do not know of your presence Pauses - They stop because they think they heard
until you make enough Noise to attract their attention. or saw something.
Hostiles have several escalating levels of awareness
of your presence. In the final stage of awareness, they
Move and Attack like a regular Hostile card.
Going For Alarm - They know your Soldiers are
Until the Shadow War Hostiles are aware of you, they nearby, and they are trying to alert the others.
Move randomly and will not Attack.

Shadow War Soldiers are usually lighter armed than Mobilized - They are fully aware of your nearby
daylight Soldiers. Try to attract as little attention as Soldiers and act like regular Hostiles.
shadow war - hostiles

possible, to keep the Hostiles unaware of your

Soldiers for as long as possible. If you are forced into
a stand-up fight, the Mission will go badly in a hurry.
Unaware or Pauses Hostile Actions
Hostiles Hostiles perform Actions based on their respective status.


Unaware - The Hostile does not perform Close Range
Stationary Search: 4 2 Movement or Attack. It performs Random Movement.

Pauses or Going For Alarm - The Hostile does not perform


Close Range Movement, Random Movement, or Attack.

2 1 Aware - The Hostile performs Close Range Movement and

Roll Roll Attack (Range 0-1)
5- 7- Miss Attacks as normal.
6+ 8+ 1 Wound
Structure. Evade (5 XP). Alarm 2.
3 Pay 2 XP for each Soldier to Reaction Force - The Reaction Force Hostile performs Close
Enter this Location. Immobile.
Range Movement and Attacks as normal.

Unrevealed Side Revealed Side Whether a Hostile is Unrevealed or Revealed does not affect
its Move and Attack Actions.
Shuffle the Hostile cards as normal, and place the
cards with their Unrevealed sides face up on the <- X-X -> Random Hostile Movement
Tactical Display Sheet. Roll a die for each Unaware Hostile.

The Unrevealed side of Hostile cards are more deadly If the roll is less than the number range
than the Revealed sides. Unaware sides tend to have shown on the Hostile’s card, Move the
a higher Cover, more Reticles, deadlier Attack Hostile 1 Location to the left.
information, and so on.
If the roll is in the number range, don’t Move the Hostile card.
It is almost always a good tactic to Reveal Hostile
cards as soon as possible. If the roll is greater than the number range, Move the Hostile
card 1 Location to the right.
Hostiles have 4 status levels. These descriptions are Example: For the Hostile card above, you roll a 2. Move the
Hostile card 1 Location to the left.
for informational purposes only.
If you had rolled a 6, the Hostile would not Move.
Unaware – They have no clue that your
Soldiers are in the area. If you had rolled a 9, the Hostile would Move 1 Location to the

If a Hostile Moves to the left of the Mission card, or to the right

of the Extraction card, remove it from the Mission, and do not
gain XP. If it has a Going For Alarm counter in play, the counter
remains in play and advances as normal.

Do not Move Hostile cards with a “Stationary” Random
Movement notation.

Do not Move Hostile cards with an “Objective Hostile” counter

out of the Objective card due to Random Hostile Movement.

Hostile Targeting Counters

Normally, you draw Hostile Targeting counters for
Hostile cards when they enter play. In Shadow
War, you do not draw a Hostile Targeting counter
for a Hostile until it becomes Aware.

You perform the same basic Actions as for a daytime Example: A Soldier has Shadows 8+. You Move him into an
Mission. In addition to your normal Actions, you will adjacent Location card and roll a 7 for his Shadows Skill. A
failure. He makes 1 Noise.
also Reveal Hostiles to get a clear picture of the threat
they represent, and do your best to avoid making too
much Noise. Attacking Hostiles
shadow war - soldier actions

To Kill a Hostile card, you need to do any 1 of 3 things,

Avoiding Hostiles is also handy. When they are close depending on its status:
by, the Noise level increases due to their inherent
search abilities. If too many Hostiles spend too long (1) If Unrevealed, EKIA all its Unrevealed Reticles.
in close proximity, they will discover you sooner or
later. (2) If Revealed, EKIA all its Revealed Reticles, as normal.

Placing and Revealing Hostiles (3) If you have placed EKIAs on an Unrevealed Hostile and
you then Reveal it, it might be immediately Killed. This is
During the Mission, draw Hostile cards as normal. because while the EKIAs are not enough to Kill all the
The Unrevealed sides are deadlier. They have more Unrevealed card’s Reticles, they are enough to Kill all the
Reticles, higher Defeat Cover ratings, and better Revealed card’s Reticles. In this situation the Soldier who
Attacks. Reveals the Hostile card gets the XP.

When placing a new Hostile card, place it with its Example: You have been attacking an Unrevealed Hostile card
with 4 Reticles. You have inflicted 3 EKIAs. You then use Night
Unrevealed side face up, and place an Unaware
Goggles to Reveal the Hostile card. The Revealed side has
counter on it. only 2 Reticles. Immediately Kill the Hostile card, and the
Revealing Soldier gains its XP.
If a Hostile card is to be placed to the left of the
Mission card, place it in the Mission card. If a Hostile Attacking an Unaware or Pauses Hostile
is to be placed to the right of the Extraction card,
When a Soldier declares, and pays for, an Attack
place it in the Extraction card.
against a Hostile card with an Unaware or Pauses
counter, draw an Unaware Target counter from
Revealing Hostiles
the cup
Revealing a Hostile is the act of flipping its card from
its Unrevealed side to its Revealed side. The Hostile Do not draw an Unaware Target counter when targeting a
card keeps any counters already on it when it is Vehicle, Structure, Door, Inanimate, or Aircraft, unless the
Revealed. Hostile has the Vulnerable Keyword. Draw an Unaware Target
counter as normal against Vulnerable Hostile cards.
You Reveal Hostile cards by using your Night
Equipment. Each Equipment card specifies the roll or Unaware Target counters have the following effects on your
cost needed to Reveal a Hostile card. When you Attack:
Reveal a Hostile card flip it from its Unrevealed side to
its Revealed side. No Shot – The Soldier cannot perform this Attack. The Action
is wasted. The Soldier can declare and pay for a new Attack.
Unless noted as being an Action, Revealing a Hostile
does not use an Action. +X, +X – Add the top number to the Soldier’s Attack rolls, and
the bottom number to the Soldier’s Defeat Cover roll.
Movement Noise (Shadows Skill)
When a Soldier declares an Action to Move to a EKIA, No Roll – Place an EKIA on the Hostile card for each
different Location, roll for the Soldier’s Shadows Skill. Attack die to be rolled. No rolls needed. Do not roll to check
If the Soldier makes a successful Shadows roll, the for Reloading.
Action generates 0 Noise. If the roll fails, the Action
generates 1 Noise. 1 XP, EKIA, No Roll – The Soldier must pay 1 XP to perform
this Attack. If you choose to, place an EKIA on the Hostile card
Example: A Soldier has Shadows 8+. You Move her for each Attack die to be rolled. No rolls needed. Do not roll to
into an adjacent Location card and roll a 9 for her check for Reloading.
Shadows Skill. A success. She does not make any
EKIA, No Roll, GFA - Place an EKIA on the Hostile card for

each Attack die to be rolled. No rolls needed. Do not roll to Black Ammo and Subsonic Ammo generate 5 Noise for
check for Reloading. If there is a Hostile in the Soldier’s each Attack die rolled. Normal Ammo generates 10 Noise
Location, or the Target’s Location, change a random Hostile’s for each Attack die rolled. A Suppressed Weapon reduces
status in those Locations to Going For Alarm (GFA). If there the Noise generated by each Attack die.
are no Hostiles in either Location, do not place a Going For
Alarm counter. Example: A standard M4 Carbine firing standard Ammo
creates 10 Noise with each Attack die rolled.
After drawing the Unaware Target counter, you may choose to
Example: Subsonic or Black Ammo creates 5
resolve the Attack as normal, or you may choose not to Noise per Attack die, and a Suppressed M4
perform the Attack. If you choose not to Attack, the Action Carbine reduces the Noise by 3 for each die.
remains paid for, and it still counts as an Action, albeit a This results in each M4 Black Ammo Attack die
wasted one. generating 2 Noise.

Example: You declare an Attack, and draw an Unaware Target Explosion Attacks generate 5 Noise for each Attack die
counter. It is a “+3 / +0”. You may perform the Attack and add rolled.
3 to your Attack die rolls, or you may choose not to do the
Attack, and waste the Action. Example: You throw a 4-die Grenade at a Hostile card. It
generates 20 Noise.
Use the Unaware Target Attack Chart
on the Shadow War Tactical Display Example: You use a 2-die Trigger device as a Distraction. It
Sheet to determine the outcome of the generates 10 Noise.
A Hand to Hand Attack that inflicts an EKIA generates 0
If the Attack results in an EKIA or Going For Alarm, but does Noise. Any other Hand to Hand Attack result generates 1
not Eliminate the last Reticle on the Hostile card, place a Noise.
Going For Alarm counter on the Hostile card and the Going
For Alarm Track. Evading Hostiles
Soldiers can pay XP to Evade Hostiles using the normal
Example: The Hostile card has 3 Reticles. You Attack it and Evasion rules.
inflict 1 EKIA. Place 1 EKIA and 1 Going For Alarm counter on
the Hostile card. Example: The Hostile card has an “Evade (3 XP)” notation.
You can pay 3 XP during the Soldier Turn to discard the
After resolving the Attack, or choosing to not perform the Hostile.
Attack, return the Unaware Target counter to the cup.
Soldiers can pay to Evade a Hostile that has a Going For
Attacking an Aware Hostile Alarm counter. When you do so, discard the Hostile card.
Hostiles that do not have an Unaware or Pauses counter are The Hostile’s Going For Alarm counter remains on the track
Aware Hostiles. and advances as normal.

Hostiles that do not have an Unaware or Pauses counter, do

not draw an Unaware Target counter. Resolve the Attack as

Use the Normal Target Attack Chart on the Tactical Display

Sheet to determine the outcome of the Attack.

Attack Noise
After resolving the Attack, advance the Noise counter along
the Noise Track. See the Soldier Actions Chart on the Tactical
Display Sheet for the Noise generated by each type of Attack.

As you generate Noise with your Actions, and as the If there is a Hostile card in the Soldier’s Location, or the
Hostiles search for you, the Noise counter advances Targeted Hostile’s Location, roll on the Noise Track. If the
up the track. The higher it gets, the better the chance result is Pauses, flip a random Hostile’s Unaware counter in
of the Hostiles discovering you. the Soldier’s Location or the target’s Location to its Pauses
Once a Hostile notices your presence and goes for
shadow war - noise reaction

the alarm, you have only a handful of Actions to If the result is Going For Alarm, replace a random Hostile’s
Eliminate the Hostile card before it alerts all the Pauses or Unaware counter in the Soldier’s Location or the
enemy forces. target’s Location with a Going For Alarm counter.

Noise Track Example: Your Soldier Moves into a Location, fails his Shadows
roll and generates 1 Noise. You advance the Noise counter by
The Noise Track is divided into 6 1 space along the track. The Noise counter is now in the
middle space of the third section (Going For Alarm 2- and
sections. Each section lists the Pauses 3-5) from the bottom. You roll a 1. This means a random
die roll ranges for Going For Hostile in the Soldier’s new Location is Going For Alarm.
Alarm and Pauses.
If you had rolled a 4, a random Hostile in the Location would
The lowest section has None for Pause.
Going For Alarm and 1- for
If you had rolled a 7, there would have been no effect to
advancing the Noise counter.
The next section has None for Example: A Soldier in Location #3 Attacks a Hostile card in
Going For Alarm and 3- for Location #5. The Black Ammo generates 5 Noise, less 2 Noise
Pauses. for the Suppressed Weapon’s Noise reduction, for a total of 3
Noise. You advance the Noise counter 3 spaces. If there are
The next section has 2- for Going any Hostiles in Location #3 or #5, roll to see if any of them
For Alarm and 3-5 for Pauses. Pause or Go For Alarm. If one is Pausing or Going For Alarm,
randomly determine which Hostile in Location #3 or #5 is
doing so.
And so on up the Track.
If an Unaware Hostile receives a
If the die roll does not fall into the
Pauses result, flip its Unaware counter
Pauses or Going For Alarm die
to its Pauses side.
roll ranges, it has no effect.
If a Hostile already has a
If an Action generates 1 or more
Pauses counter, and it is
Noise, advance the Noise counter
about to gain a second
on the Noise Track the number of
Pauses counter, instead,
spaces equal to the Noise
replace its Pauses counter with a Going For Alarm counter.
generated by the Action.
If a Hostile already has a Going For Alarm counter,
Each time a Soldier performs an
any additional Going For Alarm counters to be
Action that generates Noise,
placed on the Hostile card are ignored.
advance the Noise counter along the
Noise Track. Anytime you place a Going For Alarm
counter on a Hostile, also place a
If an Action ends up having a
Going For Alarm counter with the
negative value because of modifiers,
same number on the Going For Alarm
it generates 0 Noise.
Track. Each Hostile card notes which space on the track to
Example: A Pistol Attack generates 0 place its Going For Alarm counter.
Noise, and there is another card in
effect that subtracts 1 from all Noise
generated. The Pistol creates 0

Example: A Hostile card is Going For Alarm. You place a Going
For Alarm #1 counter on the Hostile card, and a second Going
For Alarm #1 counter on the Going For Alarm Track.

A second Hostile also starts Going For Alarm. Place #2

counters on the Hostile card and track.

When you Eliminate a Hostile card, discard its Unaware,

Pauses, and both of its Going For Alarm counters.

Reaction Forces
Reaction Force Hostile cards do not have an Unrevealed side.
Do not place an Unaware counter on them.

Going For Alarm Track

Shadow War resolves some activities Action by
Action, such as Hostiles Going For Alarm. To clarify,
an Action is still counted as an Action, even if the
Soldier did not have to pay an Action to perform it.

Example: A Soldier plays a Snap Shot card to perform an Attack

without paying an Action. You still advance the Going For Alarm
counters after resolving the Action.

Example: Due to the Noise an Action generated, a Hostile

received a Going For Alarm counter. A Hostile card has an
“Alarm 4” notation. You place a “Going For Alarm 1” counter on
the Hostile, and on the Going For Alarm Track on the “4”
space. One of your Soldiers performs an Attack. After resolving
the Attack, you advance the Hostile’s Going For Alarm counter
to the 3 space. A Soldier Moves. You advance the counter to
the 2 space. A Soldier performs a Discard and Draw. You
advance the counter to the 1 space. A Soldier attempts to
Attack the Hostile, but draws a “No Shot” counter. You advance
the counter to the “Alarm Sounded” space.

After resolving an Action, advance each counter on the Going

For Alarm Track by 1 space. If any Reticles on a Hostile card
are Suppressed, do not advance its counter.

Example: The Hostile card has 2 Reticles. You inflict 1

Suppress on the card. Since the Hostile card has 1 or more
Suppress counters, do not advance its Going For Alarm
counter on the track.

Hostile Movement and Attacks

If a Hostile does not have an Unaware, Pauses, or Going For
Alarm counter, it Moves and Attacks as normal.

Hostile Attacks
Move the Enemy Mobilization Status counter to the On Alert
space if a Hostile performs an Attack.

As you go farther into the Location cards, the enemy If there are Soldiers at more than one Range from the
activity decreases, and it becomes easier for them to Hostile with a negative Search value, use the Range with
shadow war - night activity & alarm
detect you. Once the Noise counter or a Going For the lowest Search value.
Alarm counter enters an Alarm Sounded space on the
tracks, the enemy will quickly track you down. 0 The Mission card’s Activity value
indicates the number of spaces to
Once the alarm sounds, the enemy forces go through 42 M/#2 Activity: 3 retreat (move downward) the Noise
a brief period of confusion. This makes it easier for 10 #3/#4 Activity: 2 counter on the Noise Track based
f i
you to perform Actions and not be noticed. on the position of the right-most Location card in play.

However, once the alarm is sounded, if you do After taking into account all Noise modifiers, adjust the
anything that would cause a Hostile to Pauses or Go Noise counter on the track.
For Alarm, the Hostile instead becomes aware of you
and acts like a regular Hostile. Example: Due to Hostile card Search values, you advance
the Noise counter by 8, but due to the Activity value of the
right-most Location, you retreat the Noise counter by 3.
Also, once the alarm sounds, a wave of alert and Overall, you only advance the Noise counter by 5.
mobilized Hostiles forces rises up from the first
Location cards and begins sweeping through the Alarm Sounded
Locations in search of you. If the Noise counter enters its Alarm Sounded
circle, or a Going For Alarm counter enters its
Night Activity Alarm Sounded square, move the Enemy
Mobilization Status counter to the On Alert
Flip all Hostile Pauses counters back to their Unaware
space on the Tactical Display Sheet.
Once the Enemy Mobilization Status counter enters the On
Advance all Going For Alarm counters 1 space on the
Alert square, it remains there for the remainder of the
Adjust Noise Counter Once the Enemy Mobilization Status counter is in the On
Each Hostile has 1 to 3 Search Alert space any time a Pauses or Going For Alarm counter
ratings printed on its card. From is to be placed on a Hostile card, do not place the counter,
left to right, these numbers are and remove all Unaware, Pauses, and Going For Alarm
the Hostile’s Search value at Range 0, Range 1, and counters from the Hostile card. The Hostile is now Aware.
Range 2 from the Soldier. Advance the Noise counter
the indicated number of spaces when at Range 0, Discard Suppress Counters
Range 1, and Range 2. Discard the Suppress counters from all Hostile cards.
If there are Soldiers at more than one Range from the
Hostile, use the Range with the highest Search value. Alarm Sounded
First Turn On Alert
Example: The Hostile shown above advances the If this is the first Night Activities step that the
Noise counter 2 spaces at Range 0, 6 spaces at
Range 1, or 4 spaces at Range 2. There is a Soldier at Enemy Mobilization counter is in the On Alert
Range 0, and a second Soldier at Range 1. Advance space, perform the following steps.
the Noise counter 6 spaces because that is the higher
of the two Search numbers.

Example: There are 2 Hostiles at Range 0 to your Place Mobilized counters on the Mission card
Soldiers. They have Range 0 Search values of 2 and 3. and Location #2.
There are also 3 Hostiles at Range 1 from the nearest
Soldiers with Range 1, 2, and 3 Search values of 0, 2,
and 1. You would advance the Noise counter 8 spaces
(2 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 1).
Remove all Unaware, Pauses, and Going For Alarm
counters from all Hostiles in the Mission card and in
Location #2.

Place a Reaction Force Hostile card in Location #2. Do not You advance the Going For Alarm counter to the Alarm
place an Unaware counter on the Reaction Force. Sounded space. You then move the Enemy Mobilization
counter to the On Alert space.
You proceed to the Night Activities portion of the Hostile
After the Alarm Sounds, retreat the Noise counter down the Turn.
track a number of circles equal to the Mission card’s
Confusion value. Since this is the first Night Activities step in which the Enemy
Mobilization counter is in the On Alert space, you place
After First Turn On Alert Mobilized counters in the Mission card and Location #2.
You place a Reaction Force in Location #2. You also remove
If the Turn started with the Enemy Mobilization Status counter
the Unaware, Pauses, and Going For Alarm counters from all
in the On Alert space, perform the following steps. the Hostiles in the Mission card and Location #2.

Place a Mobilized counter and Reaction Force Hostile card in You then retreat the Noise counter 10 spaces because the
the Location to the right of the right-most Location that already Mission card has a Confusion value of 10.
has a Mobilized counter. Do not place an Unaware counter on
the Reaction Force. The number of Reaction Force Hostiles in You then resolve the next Soldier Turn.
the deck do limit the number of Reaction Forces that can be in
Smith takes another shot at the Hostile card, and inflicts an
play at the same time. EKIA. It also inflicts a Suppress on the third Reticle since it
was a Suppressed Attack. You would normally place a Going
Do not place a Mobilization counter or Reaction Force card in For Alarm counter on the Hostile due to the Attack. However,
the Extraction card. since the enemy is On Alert, you instead remove all of their
Unaware, Pauses, and Going For Alarm counters. The
Remove all Unaware, Pauses, and Going For Alarm counters Hostile is now Aware.
from all Hostiles in all Mobilized Locations.
Smith’s Attack generated 2 Noise, so you advance the Noise
counter 2 spaces and roll to see if a Hostile in Location #3
Extended Example noticed the Attack.
The Objective card is in Location #5. You have Soldier Smith
in Location #4, Soldier Murphy in Location #3, and Soldier There are three Hostile cards in Location #3: the one you
Jones in Location #2. have been Attacking, plus two more. You roll a Pauses
result. You then roll to see which of the three Hostiles in that
Soldier Murphy makes a Melee Attack against a Hostile in his Location Pauses. You roll, and one of the two Hostiles that
Location, and inflicts an EKIA on 1 of the Hostile’s 3 Reticles. have not been Attacked Pauses. However, since the enemy
You place the EKIA counter, as well as a Going For Alarm #1 is On Alert, instead of Pausing, you remove their Unaware
counter on the Hostile because you inflicted an EKIA or counter. That Hostile is now Aware.
Suppress on the Hostile, but all the Reticles on the card are not
suffering an EKIA or Suppress. The Hostile has an “Alarm 3”, so You resolve the remainder of the Soldier Turn. Murphy and
you also place a Going For Alarm #1 counter on the “3” space Smith Move from Location #3 to Location #4.
of the Going For Alarm Track.
You resolve the Hostile Turn.
Smith is out of Actions and Jones only has a Range 0 SMG and
1 Action remaining. The Reaction Force in Location #2 Closes Range to
Location #3.
You Move Jones into Location #3. Since an Action has been
resolved, you advance the Going For Alarm counter from the When you resolve the Night Activities steps, since the Enemy
“3” to “2”. Mobilization counter was in the On Alert space at the start of
the Turn, and the right-most Mobilized Location is Location
Smith, however, does have a Snap Shot Action card. You play #2, you place a Mobilized counter in Location #3. You
the card, Smith performs an Attack on the Hostile, but Misses. place a Reaction Force in Location #3. You also remove the
You advance the Noise counter. You also advance the Going Unaware, Pauses, and Going For Alarm counters from all the
For Alarm counter to “1”. Hostiles in Location #3.

This ends the Soldier Turn, and you begin the Hostile Turn. The Mission continues.

During the Hostile Turn, the Hostile still retains its Unaware
counter, which means the Hostile cannot Move or Attack.

You perform Random Movement for all Hostiles that are not
Suppressed, Pausing, or Going For Alarm.


A Campaign is a series of linked Missions that take 7 - Victory: The Victory Chart that shows how well you did
place in a specific setting. Not all eras will have during your Campaign.
Campaigns. Select the Campaign sheet you wish to
play and place it next to the Tactical Display Sheet.
1 – Title: The Campaign’s title, whether you will be Purchase your Soldiers, Skills, and Gear as normal using the
playing an Offensive or Defensive Campaign, and Campaign sheet’s starting RP limit.
historical information.
Divide your Soldiers into 1 or more Squads.
2 - General Information: Designates your Nation, Assign each Squad a Squad counter. Your
your starting Resource Points to create Squads, the Soldiers and the Gear they have will remain within
enemy Nation, the Region type, the number of Weeks these Squads throughout the Campaign.
(Campaign Turns) the Campaign runs, and any
Campaigns limit the RP you begin with and the maximum
Expansions needed to play the Campaign.
number of Squads you may start with. This is based on the
3 – Mission / Location Cards: Lists the Mission or number of START squares on a Campaign sheet.
Location cards you will need for the Campaign.
Fill out the Campaign Log Sheet.
4 – Objective / Location Cards: Lists the Objective or
Each Squad performs 1 Mission each Week.
Location cards you will need for the Campaign.
Example: You are playing an Offensive Campaign with 3
5 – Rules: The special rules used by the Campaign. Squads. During a Week of the Campaign, Squad #1 runs a
Where Campaign rules conflict with the rulebook, Mission to attack an Artillery Position. Squad #2 attacks an
Campaign rules take precedence. Airfield, and Squad #3 attacks Bunkers.

6 – Map: The Campaign map. The arrow-headed lines

show the direction of travel between Missions.

Wake Island Invasion 1941 (Offensive) Objs
The Japanese attack on Wake Island began simultaneously with their 3 Well Done
attack on Pearl Harbor. Defending the island were 850 marines and 50 2 Solid Work
Marine aviators of VMF‐211 along with 68 Navy sailors and six coastal 1 Questioning
guns. Crushing the first enemy attack, the Japanese launched a second on 0 Shameful
December 23rd which captured the island.






Japan Starting Objectives: Special Rules

35 RP Locations: Shore ‐ You cannot select any Soldiers with an RP value
Warm Jungle Installation greater than 16.
‐ If you do not complete at least 1 Objective during
=Hostiles= Steep Rise Bunkers
the 1st Week, the Campaign ends with a Shameful
United States Brick Building Sniper Hunt result.
Road Artillery ‐ Completed Objective: Gain 4 RP of Soldiers, Skills,
=Region= Position and/or Gear.
Muddy Slope
Jungle ‐ Did not Complete Objective: Gain 2 RP of Soldiers,
Killing Ground
Skills, and/or Gear.

14 and 15

You do not use a Mission card for Offensive Missions. Roll on

Set-Up the following chart to determine the Location space of the
Place the Enemy Held Objective, the number of Turns you have to complete the
counters in all the squares Objective, and other information and other Effects as
on the map. stipulated.

Roll Location# Turns Effect

2- 4 7 Add 3 to the Hostile value of the Objective
3-4 5 9 Add 1 to the Entrance cost of each Location
5-6 6 10 No adjustment
7-8 7 12 Gain 1 Squad Soldier (7 RP or less)
Place your Squad counters in the noted Starting
9+ 8 15 Gain 12 RP of Soldiers and Gear
squares. Your Squads start in squares with Enemy
Held counters. Limit of 1 Squad per Starting
square. Conduct Missions
Conduct a Mission for each Squad using the Starting Location
Start of Each Week card and Objective card pairing.
Conduct a Mission for your current Objective’s square. Recalculate each Squad’s RP at the start of each Mission for
purposes of the Hostile charts on Location and Objective
Use the Objective card noted in the square.
Draw a random Starting Location card and place it in Location
Your Squad regains the number of Resource Points it lost or
space #1. This serves as the first Location of your Mission,
expended during the Mission. You may use these RP to
instead of a Mission card. The Location card starts the Mission
purchase new Soldiers, Gear, and Skills.
in play. You do not have to pay its Entrance and Action/XP
costs to play it. Also, do not draw Hostiles when placing the Example: Your Squad began the Mission with 27 RP. After the
Starting Location card. Mission, due to Downed Soldiers and Expended Gear, the
Squad is only worth 15 RP. The Squad regains 12 RP.

If You Complete the Objective Weapons freely regain the Ammo printed on their cards. All
Your Squad gains the Resource Points listed on the Campaign Expendables, such as Grenades and Rockets, may be
sheet for completing the Objective. You may purchase repurchased. Ammo beyond that printed on the Weapon
Soldiers, Gear, and Skills. cards may also be purchased.

Flip the Enemy Held counter to its Friendly Held Update the Campaign Log Sheet based on your purchases.
side. Determine the new Resource Point totals for each Squad
based on their current Soldiers, Weapons, and Gear.
Move the Squad along a line leading out of its
square to an adjacent square. Squads can freely move End of Campaign
through Friendly Held squares without stopping. Compare the number of Objectives
completed to the Campaign’s Victory
If You Did Not Complete the Objective Chart to determine your level of
Your Squad gains the Resource Points listed on the Campaign success (or failure).
sheet for not completing the Objective. You may purchase
Soldiers, Gear, and Skills.

Do not flip the Enemy Held counter.

Do not move the Squad counter out of its square.

Your Squad will attempt the same Mission next Week with a
new Starting Location card and a new roll on the Mission chart

End of Each Week

Mark off the current Week Completed on the Campaign Log

Determine if the Campaign is completed. If it is, go to the End

of Campaign rules. Do not perform any other End of Each
Week actions.

If the Campaign is not Completed

Remove all XPs from the Soldiers. They begin the next Mission
with their normal starting number of Mission XPs.

Soldiers Heal all Wounds suffered during the Mission.

Dunkirk 1940 (Defensive) RP
After Allied counterattacks failed at Arras on May 21, German forces advanced 41‐56 Well Done
northwards towards the channel coast, potentially trapping the British Army 26‐40 Solid Work
before it could be withdrawn to England. French and British forces engaged in 10‐25 Questioning
a rear guard action while 330,000 soldiers were evacuated from the port city 9‐ Shameful
of Dunkirk.

Place 1
Squad Here

Traffic Traffic
Hub Hub

Place 1
Squad Here

Place 1
Squad Here

United Kingdom Missions: Starting Special Rules

70 RP City Combat Locations: ‐ Never Surrender!: All Soldiers begin each Mission
Pasture with extra XP equal to the current Week of the
Combat Sweep
=Hostiles= Campaign.
Long Way Ruins
Germany ‐ Automatically use Traffic Hub as the final Objective
Hard Slog Houses for all Squad Missions.
=Region= Limited Road
Europe Support Lane
=Expansions= Just Another
2, 7, Day Final Locations:
and European Traffic Hub
Core Game


Example: The Mission card specifies the Objective card being

Set-Up in Location #6. Place the Starting Location card in the Location
#6 space on the Tactical Display Sheet.
Place your Squad counters in the
indicated Starting squares. The Mission ends when any of the following occurs:
Draw a random Mission card and a - All Soldiers are in the Mission card.
random Starting Location card, for
each battle from those listed on the - When the Mission Time runs out.
Campaign sheet.
- When the player decides to end the Mission.
Defensive Campaign Missions are much like Escape Missions.
Treat each Mission card as having the “Escape Mission” Any Soldiers not in the Mission card when the Mission ends
Keyword and using the Escape Mission rules. are captured by the enemy and are removed from the
Your Goal... Escape
These Missions do not use Objective cards. Your goal in every Conduct Missions
Defensive Campaign Mission is to Move backward through
Conduct a normal Escape Mission for each Squad.
Location cards and Enter the Mission card.
Recalculate each Squad’s RP at the start of each Mission for
Place the Mission card in its normal place on the Tactical
purposes of the Hostile charts on Location cards.
Display Sheet. Place the Starting Location card in the
Objective space printed on that Mission card. You do not have
to pay its Entrance and Action/XP costs to play it. You must
End of Each Week
however draw the Hostiles for the Objective card after the Mark off the current Week Completed on the Campaign Log
Advance Mission Timer step (see the Escape Mission rules on Sheet.
page earlier in this Rulebook).
Determine if the Campaign is completed. If it is, go to the End
of Campaign rules, and do not perform any other End of Each
Week actions.

If the Campaign is not Completed
Remove all XPs from the Soldiers. They begin the next Mission
with their normal start of Mission XPs.

Soldiers Heal all Wounds suffered during the Mission.

Weapons freely regain the Ammo printed on their cards. Any

unused Expendables such as Grenades carry over to the next

Move each of the Squads along a line to the next square.

Roll on the following chart to determine the adjustment that

affects the next Mission.

Roll Effect
2- Purchase 3 RP of Gear
3-4 Gain 1 Squad Soldier (6 RP or less)
5-6 Gain 4 RP of Grenades
7-8 -1 Location from next Objective
9+ Subtract 2 from the Hostile value of the Objective

Update the Campaign Log Sheet based on your purchases.

Determine the new Resource Point totals for each Squad
based on their current Soldiers, Weapons, Skills, and Gear.

End of Campaign
RP Evaluation
Compare the RP value of your
Well Done
surviving Soldiers, Skills, and Gear
26‐40 Solid Work (not Medals) to the Campaign’s
10‐25 Questioning
ty 9‐ Shameful Victory Chart to determine your level
of success (or failure).

If you are using the Medals expansion, your Soldiers earn
Medals as normal during the Campaign Missions.

The RP value of Medals is only used when drawing Hostile

cards for Location and Objective cards.

Example: You are playing an Offensive Campaign. Your Squad

started the Mission worth 30 RP, plus 5 RP of Medals. During
the Mission, you treat the Squad as being worth 35 RP when
drawing Hostile cards. At the end of the Mission, your Squad is
only worth 20 RP due to losses, not counting Medal RP. Your
Squad gains 10 RP to make purchases (30 RP of starting
Squad value - 20 RP of ending Squad value = 10 Regained

Example: A Squad Soldier earns a benefit that awards
him 2 RP of Skills. Select 2 RP of Skills for that Soldier.

Example: An NPS earns a Medal that allows him to

“Once per Mission, Find 1 Grenade.” Even though he
is an NPS and his Gear is normally pre-determined, he
can Find, and use, the Grenade.

The Medal cards come with sheets of Medal stickers.

Peel off the appropriate Medal sticker and apply it to
the Soldier card.

Each Medal has an RP value. Take this into account

during Soldier RP checks, such as when Lightening
the Load.

These stickers stay with the Soldier until he suffers a
Downed or KIA result. Take into account the RP value
Separate the Medal cards by Nation. You will only need the of Medals when selecting Soldiers for future
Nation cards for the specific Nation you are commanding Missions.

Medal cards
during a Mission. Place all the other Medal cards off to the
side. “Eliminate”
Some Medals have the “Eliminate” condition. This
Shuffle your Nation’s Medal cards and place the deck face means the Soldier must be the only Soldier to inflict
down next to the Tactical Display Sheet. all Suppression and EKIA results on the Hostile card.
If any other Soldier, or card played by another
THE MISSION Soldier, inflicts a Suppression or EKIA on the Hostile
card, the Soldier is no longer eligible to receive the
Always use Elite Hostiles when you are using the Medals
expansion. Medal for that Hostile card.

Example: To receive a Medal, the Soldier must

Drawing a Medal Card Eliminate an enemy Sniper card. If any Soldier, other
than the selected Soldier, inflicts a Suppress or EKIA
Draw the top card when the Mission meets the condition on the Sniper, the Soldier is no longer eligible to
specified on the back of its card. Draw only one card even if receive the Medal.
the next card in the deck has the same condition.
If the Medal specifies a Turn limit, and the condition is
Example: A Medal card’s back has the condition “Draw when
not met within the noted limit, shuffle the Medal back
you play a Location.” You play a Location card and draw the
Medal card. If the next card also has the “Draw when you into its Nation’s draw deck.
play a Location” condition, do not draw it until you play
another Location card. Example: The French’s “Military Medal” specifies that
2 EKIA must be placed on a Rifle Team this turn. If the
Soldier only places a single EKIA this turn, the Medal
Potential Medal Recipient is discarded, with the Hostile remaining in play.
Once you draw the Medal card, randomly determine which
of your Soldiers is in a position to receive the Medal. All “Draw and leave face down...”
Soldier types (Player Soldiers, Non-Player Soldiers, and Draw the card, but leave it face down. Move it off to
Squad Soldiers) may receive Medals. the side. Reveal it, when the condition is met.

Earning the Medal “Draw a Hostile...”

If the Soldier completes the requirements listed on the If the Hostile does not have Place instructions, Place
Medal card, the Soldier gains the noted benefit. it in the Front-most Location card. The Hostile Targets
Soldiers as normal.
Immediately apply the benefit to the Soldier. It is possible for
a Soldier to earn a benefit they would not normally be
eligible for.

Squad Vehicle cards, Anti-Vehicle Hostile you would not use the Noise rules or the Anti-Vehicle cards.
cards, and Driving cards first appeared in
WWII Expansions #36, #37, #38, and Interior Missions
#39. Some Mission cards have the “Interior” Keyword. You may not

use Light Vehicles or Vehicles in these Missions.

You can now purchase and operate Squad Vehicles
as part of your team. This added capability is When drawing Hostile cards, ignore and redraw for any
balanced by the presence of Anti-Vehicle Hostiles that Vehicle Hostile drawn
appear during the Mission.

Every Nation has its own set of Squad Vehicle cards, SQUAD VEHICLE CARDS
Anti-Vehicle cards, and Driving cards, which can be You purchase and use Squad Vehicle cards the same way as
identified by the Nation’s flag. you purchase and use Squad Soldier cards. Each Vehicle
card represents a specific Vehicle. Each Vehicle’s values vary
Treat Vehicle cards as being Squad Soldier cards for slightly to take into account the skills of that specific crew as
the purposes of card effects, unless specified well as the quirks of that specific Vehicle. The new aspects of
otherwise on the card. Squad Vehicle cards are detailed below.

Example: If a Hostile card Targets the Soldier with the 1 - Noise: The amount of Noise the Vehicle creates. The
highest RP value, include Vehicle cards in the higher the number, the more Noise it creates. In general: 1 =
selection. Jeeps, 2 = Half-tracks, 3 = Light Tanks, and 4 = Medium and
Heavy Tanks.
Example: A card inflicts 1 Wound on a random Vehicle.
Do not include non-Vehicle Soldiers in the random
selection. 2 - Cannon: Some Vehicles are equipped with a Cannon. Use
the Attack Chart and Keywords as normal. The new Keyword
Treat Vehicles as being the same as Soldiers when “Prox” for “Proximity” appears for many Cannons, and is
drawing Hostile Targeting counters for standard defined on the Keywords Sheet.
Hostile cards.
Example: A Cannon has the Keywords “Single Shot, Pen 3.,
Ranged Attack”. This means it can only use the Cannon once
Light Vehicles per Turn, it has a Penetration of 3, and it is a Ranged Attack.
If the only Soldier Vehicles included in the Mission are
Light Vehicles, ignore the Noise and Anti-Vehicle card 3 - MG: Many Vehicles are equipped with a Machine Gun. Use
rules. If any standard Vehicles are included in the the Attack Chart and Keywords as normal.
Mission, treat Light Vehicles as normal Vehicles.
Example: A Machine Gun has the Keywords “Auto: 3 dice,
Example: The only Vehicle in your Mission is an SUV Spray, Pen 2., Ranged Atk”. This means that when it Attacks, it
from the PMC game. The SUV is a Light Vehicle, so will perform a 3-die Auto Attack and you check each die roll to

see if it inflicts a Hit. It has a Penetration of 2, and makes a Vehicle’s Noise range, then discard the Anti-Vehicle card.
Ranged Attack.
Example: You are drawing an Anti-Vehicle card for an M4
4 - S. Arms: Some Vehicles are able to carry Soldiers which Tank Vehicle with a Noise rating of 4. You draw the Anti-Tank
can perform Small Arms Attacks. Use the Attack Chart and Rifle Team Anti-Vehicle card with a Noise range of 2-3. Since
4 is not in the range 2-3, you discard the Hostile.
Keywords as normal. The new Keyword “Atks = Health”
appears for all Small Arms. This means the Vehicle can If you had drawn the Anti-Tank
perform a number of Small Arms Attacks each Soldier Turn Gun with a Noise range of 3-4,
equal to its current Health, without spending Actions. you would have placed the Anti-
Tank Gun 2 Location cards
Example: A Half-track has a Health of 4 and has a Small Arms beyond the Front-most
Attack Chart with the “Atks = Health” Keyword. Every Turn, the Location.
Half-track can perform 4 free Small Arms Attacks. If the Half-
track suffers 2 Wounds, it can then only perform 2 Small Arms 7 - XP: The XP gained from
Attacks each Turn. Destroying the Hostile.
5 - Keywords: Squad Vehicle cards introduce several new 8 - Keywords: Anti-Vehicle
Keywords, which are defined on the Keywords sheet. cards introduce several new
Keywords, which are defined
Loadout - The Vehicle can carry the indicated number of Gear
on the Keywords Sheet.
Loadout points. Purchase this Gear as normal. You may pass
the Gear to other Soldiers as normal.
Driving Cards
ANTI-VEHICLE CARDS Driving cards are part of the Anti-Vehicle deck of cards.
Instead of being an enemy group of Soldiers or a Vehicle,
Anti-Vehicle cards represent the these represent random Vehicle-rated events.
enemy’s anti-vehicle capabilities.
These cards are specially 1 - Nation: As with the other cards, these cards are also
designed to engage your Squad Nation specific.
Vehicles in combat.
2 - Noise Range: This works the same as the Noise Range
During Set-Up, shuffle the enemy on Anti-Vehicle cards.
Nation’s Anti-Vehicle cards to
form a deck, and place it next to 3 - Card Text: Each card has text detailing the card’s effect.
the Tactical Display Sheet. All
Anti-Vehicle cards are Elite

Example: You set-up a Mission and select Japan to be the

Hostile Nation. Shuffle the Japanese Anti-Vehicle cards and
place them next to the Tactical Display Sheet.

6 - Noise Range: During the

Hostile Reinforcement Draw step
of each Turn, draw an Anti-Vehicle
card for each Squad Vehicle. If
the Squad Vehicle’s Noise rating
falls into the Anti-Vehicle’s Noise
range, then place the Anti-Vehicle
in its specified Location. The Anti-
Vehicle card automatically
Targets the Vehicle it was drawn
for. If the Squad Vehicle’s Noise
rating does not fall into the Anti-

Warfighter Private Military Contractor (PMC) makes Example: When Smith Promotes to Level 3, he must decide
you the boss of a private security company heading whether to Equip the AR-15 Carbine or the M4 Carbine.
off to make the world a better place in the Iraqi Gold
Example: Smith chose to Equip the AR-15 Carbine when he
Rush days of 2003 and onward. You hire operators, Promoted to Level 3. When Smith Promotes to Level 4, he
build up your Office and Iraqi Compound, bid on decides to Equip the M4 Carbine. The AR-15 Carbine is
private military contractors

contracts, and use the Warfighter tactical system to removed from him, and placed back in the Weapon deck.
resolve engagements with the local hostiles. Along
with fighting hostiles, you also need to turn a profit! Example: Level 5 Smith was able to choose between the AR-15
Carbine and the M4 Carbine, and he chose to Equip the AR-15
You have bills to pay, so get out there and start
Carbine. You also purchased for him an MP5 SMG and M9
making some money! Pistol. When he Promotes to Level 6, he decides to Equip the
M4 Carbine. He removes the AR-15 Carbine, but keeps the
VICTORY MP5 SMG and M9 Pistol.

Your goal is to make as much money as possible

during a 6-Month Campaign. The different Victory Duration
levels are shown on the Business Form for each type Each PMC Campaign has a 6-Month duration.
of Business.
Your company starts with 0 Reputation. You will
gain and lose Reputation during a Campaign. As
your Reputation increases, you will receive
advantages. Place Reputation counters for your
Company’s current Reputation on the Reputation area of the
Tactical Display. If you do badly, your Reputation can go below
If the Money in your Company’s Bank Account ever
0 and into the negatives.
goes below $0, you immediately lose the Campaign.

Red/Green Text
NEW RULES Some cards have text printed in red or green. Red text
PMC uses all the standard Warfighter rules, except denotes some kind of restriction or penalty.
where noted below. PMC adds a strategic campaign
level to your Warfighter missions. You run a company, Example: A Contract card has red text of “Must have Rep 5+.”
and manage all the financial details of the company, If you have Reputation 4 or less, you cannot Bid on this
and use the Warfighter tactical system to resolve Contract.
engagements that occur at your contract sites.
Green text denotes a bonus or advantage of some kind.

PMC Nation Example: A Contract card has green text of “If Rep 9+, -1
PMC is a Nation in Warfighter, and uses Comp.” If you have Reputation 9 or higher, randomly remove
one Competitor from Bidding on this Contract.
all the standard Nation rules.

“Remove from Campaign”

PMC / Soldier Remove the card or set of Soldier cards from the Campaign.
They cannot be used again.
These terms are used
interchangeably when referring to
If a PMC is Downed, remove their cards from the Campaign. If
your personnel.
you hire a PMC, then later decide not to pay them at the start
of a Month, remove their cards from the Campaign.
The cards and rules refer to “RP”.
This refers to the Printed cost on
the Soldier’s card, and does not Vehicles
include Skills and Gear. If a Vehicle is rendered Immobile, and you
complete the Objective, you may retrieve and
Many Soldier cards note an “-or-” for their Weapon freely repair the Vehicle. If you do not complete
selection. When you purchase a Soldier, or they the Objective, discard the Vehicle card. It may be
Promote to a higher Level, decide which Weapon repurchased.
they will Equip for that Level.

Overwatch Dollars and Resource Points
At the start of a Mission, divide your Soldiers PMC measures costs and income in
between the Tactical and Overwatch groups. You Dollars. When purchasing Warfighter
must have at least one Player Soldier in the cards, $1000 dollars = 1 Resource
Tactical group. Point.

Place the Overwatch Soldiers off to the side of the Tactical Example: The M4 Carbine has an RP cost of 3, it costs $3000
Display. They do not travel through the Location cards. to purchase for a Player Soldier PMC.

Treat the Tactical Soldiers as normal. You do not have to buy Ammo for Weapons. It is included as
part of the purchase cost. You do need to repurchase
For each Overwatch Soldier, draw 1 random Overwatch Expended Gear that is used.
counter for every 10 RP, or fraction of 10 RP, of the Soldier’s
Example: I purchase 3 M67 Grenades. I use 2 of them in a
Printed RP value. Do not add additional Skills, and Gear. Place Mission. I do not freely get those back, and may re-purchase
each Soldier’s Overwatch counters on the Soldier’s card. them next Month.

Example: You place a 12 RP Soldier, with an additional 4 RP of

Skills, and 8 RP of Gear on Overwatch. Draw only 2 Overwatch Purchase vs. Overhead
counters for the Soldier (RP 12), as their additional Gear and All purchases are a one-time purchase unless noted as
Skills do not count toward Overwatch counters. Overhead. You pay Overhead costs at the start of each Month
during the Accounts Payable step.
You may expend each Overwatch counter during the Mission
to gain the noted effect. Discard any unused Overwatch Example: Smith at Level 6 has an RP value of 22, which is an
counters at the end of the Mission. Overhead of $22,000. I decide to purchase the MP5 SMG for
$2000 and give it to Smith. Smith’s Overhead is still $22,000.
Overwatch Counters
Gain 3 XP – At any time, add a total of 3 XP to any Soldiers.

Cancel val 0-2 Hostile Arrival – When you draw a Hostile

Reinforcement card with a value of 0 to 2, Discard it.

Adjust Mission Turns 1 – After adjusting the Timer counter

during the Advance Mission Timer step, adjust the Timer
counter by 1 space in either direction.

Eliminate a val 0 Hostile – During the Soldier Turn, Eliminate

PMC Stress Cards
1 Hostile card with a value of 0. PMC Stress cards are a new
card type. These cards
Draw 3 Cards – At any time, draw a total of 3 Action cards represent the stressful effects of
and add them to a Player Soldier’s hand. combat on people who are not
trained to military standards.
Cancel Attack, Down – After rolling a Hostile’s Attack and
Defeat Cover dice, Down the Overwatch Soldier to cancel the Shuffle these cards into the Action card
Attack. deck.

Gain 1 Action – During the Soldier Turn, give 1 Action to any Each card is divided into 3 sections:
Soldier. This Action is temporary, and is removed at the
beginning of the next Soldier Turn. Top - Declares which PMC Soldiers can be affected by the
card. Many cards also give you the option of paying XP
Cancel val 0-4 of Hostile Moves – During the Hostile Close instead of suffering the effects of the card.
Range step, select a total value of 0 to 4 Hostile cards in one
Location. Do not Move them. Middle - Details the ill affects on the PMC Soldier.

Bottom - Details the benefit gained by the PMC Soldier.

All of these rules remain unchanged if you are playing a

Mission with a mix of PMCs and standard military Soldiers. Example: If you had an
However, if you draw a PMC Stress card for a non-PMC Player Office with the Lawyer
Soldier, discard and redraw. Also, when determining which Enhancement, you would
Soldier is affected by a Stress card, only select from PMC pay: x1 $Enh which would
Soldiers - do not include non-PMC Soldiers in the selection. be $8,000 due to the
Office’s Enhancement
You must use these cards if you are playing a Mission with note.
one or more PMC Soldiers.
Example: If you had the
Hostile Cards Compound with the
PMC includes three types of Hostile cards. All Hostile cards Primitive Infirmary, you
function as normal Warfighter Hostiles, however, Epic and would pay: -x1 $Enh
Legendary Hostile cards are more powerful versions of the which means your
standard Hostile. Shuffle the Epic cards. Shuffle the Overhead is reduced by
Legendary cards. Place their decks off to the side for later use. $6,000 due to the

Enhancement note.

Record all of these choices on your Business Form. Now that

Forming Your Business you have created your Company’s structure, you can start
You begin a PMC Campaign by creating making purchases.
your business. To do so, fill out the
Business Form provided. You can also
download these forms from the DVG
website. You may purchase the following items in any order. All of this
is part of the Business Set-Up step.
Fill in the information for your Company
Name, Owner’s Name, City and Country, You always have the Federal Firearms License, and must
Slogan, and Logo. These do not affect follow the limitations that come with it. You may purchase
game play, and are for personal flavor. other Licenses which will remove some of these limitations.
These are one-time purchases. Once you purchase a License,
Select the size of your Business. From smallest to largest, you you have it for the remainder of the Campaign.
can select from: Sole Proprietor, Partnership, LLC, or
Corporation. LLCs and Corporations are found in the PMC Select the PMCs you wish to hire. PMCs come in levels from 1
Expansion decks. We recommend starting with a Sole to 6, with Levels 1 and 2 being Squad Soldiers, 3 and 4 being
Proprietor business. Non-Player Soldiers, and 5 and 6 being Player Soldiers. Each
Soldier can only have one card in the Campaign at any time.
Each Company card notes your You may hire a PMC at any of their 6 Levels. During the
Starting Money. Collect Starting Money Campaign, your PMCs will earn Hero Points by going on
counters and place them on the Bank Missions. The Hero Points needed for a PMC to Promote to
Account area of the Display Sheet. the next Level is noted on each PMC’s card for Levels 1 to 5.
PMCs cannot Promote higher than Level 6.
You must select an Office card and a Compound card. The
Office card is where your company is located in your home PMCs come with the Gear and Skills listed on their cards at no
country. Your Compound card is your company’s facility in cost. You cannot purchase a PMC if you do not have the
Iraq’s Green Zone. proper Licenses for all of their Gear. If you have hired a PMC
and they Promote to a card that has Gear you are not licensed
You may select Enhancement cards for your Office and for, you must Remove the PMC from the Campaign. You may
Compound. Most of these card types have three levels: purchase additional Gear for Player Soldiers. You may not
inferior, normal, and superior. Inferior cards actually save you allocate a PMC’s Gear to other Soldiers. If the PMC has an -or-
money each Month, but you do suffer some kind of penalty. for a choice between multiple Weapons, you must Equip them
Normal cards have no adjustments, and no cost. They are with a Weapon you have Licenses for, or they leave your
assumed to be part of your Company’s Overhead. Superior Campaign.
cards have a Monthly Overhead cost, and provide you with a
benefit. The cost of an Enhancement is based on your Office
or Compound card’s Enhancement value.
When a PMC Promotes to the next higher Level, they freely Example: For the M67 Grenade Black Market: Roll a die for
gain the Gear listed on their new card, and lose any Gear that each Grenade you purchase. On a roll of 1 or less, you do not
pay for the Grenade, or get the Grenade, but you do need to
was printed on their old card.
pay a $25,000 fine. If you roll a 2+ you receive the item.
Each PMC has a Salary noted on their cards. As you
allocate Hero Points to a PMC, and they Promote to Competitors
higher Levels, their Salary remains the same as when Draw 2 Competitor cards. These
you hired them. However, PMCs have a Reputation Competitors remain in play throughout the
and Raise noted on their cards. If your Company does Campaign.
not meet the Reputation needed by the PMC, you
must give the PMC a Raise from the Salary you hired
them at, to the Salary listed on their current card. The
Salaries of your PMCs are part of your Monthly Overhead.

Example: You hired a Level 2 PMC costing 5 RP ($5000) and

requiring Reputation 3. Your company had Reputation 4. Later, Cards and Counters
the PMC Promoted to Level 3 with 8 RP and Reputation 5. Your Place the Month counter in the “1” square of the Months track.
company by then had Reputation 6, so you did not have to give Place the Hostile cards and Contract cards in their spaces on
them a Raise. Now, the PMC has Promoted to Level 4 with 11 the Display Sheet. Place your PMC, Skill, and Gear cards off
RP and 7 Reputation. Your company still has a Reputation of 6. to the side.
You must either give them a Raise to $11000, or they will leave
Sort the Location cards (Baghdad, Baghdad Embassy, etc.)
your company.
into their individual Region and place them off to the side.
Select and purchase any Weapons and Gear you are
Licensed for. This Equipment belongs to your Company and
you may allocate it Week by Week to any Player Soldiers.
You are now ready to begin bidding on Contracts, running
Record this Gear in the Company Inventory section of the Missions, and making the world a better place! All while
Form. making a buck or two.

Select and purchase Skills for Soldiers as normal.

Record all this information on your Each Month, you perform the following Monthly Sequence of
Business Form. steps.

Place Money counters equal to your Acquisitions

Overhead in the Overhead area of the Decide whether to keep the PMCs you have previously
Display Sheet. This is not your Money. It is selected, or you may fire any of them, and Remove them from
just an easy reminder of your Monthly the Campaign.
Select any new PMCs, Gear, and Licenses you would like to
Whenever you earn Money, add the Money counters to the purchase and pay for them out of your Bank Account.
Bank Account space on the Display Sheet. Whenever you
spend Money, Subtract the Money counters from your Bank Purchase and adjust any of your Office and Compound
Account. Enhancements.

Black Market Gear Adjust the Money counters in the Overhead area as needed to
Some Gear has the Black Market reflect your new Overhead.
Keyword. See the Keywords
sheet for details. You may Accounts Payable
purchase this Gear even if you Begin by paying your Overhead expenses. This includes your
don not have the proper License. Office, Compound, PMC Salaries, and Enhancements. To do
Each time you purchase a Black so, reference the Money counters in your Overhead area on
Market item, roll a die. If you roll the Display Sheet, and deduct that much Money from the
the Risk number or lower, you do not pay for the item, you do Bank Account area on the Display Sheet.
not receive the item, and you must pay the noted fine.

You pay Overhead for the following cards: Term in Weeks. You will receive this Money if you successfully
- Soldier cards. Only pay for the Soldier card’s Printed RP complete the Contract.
value. Do not pay Overhead for their Skills or Gear.
- Office card. Repeat for each Contract you wish to Bid on. Discard any
- Compound card. Contracts you do not wish to Bid on.
- Office and Compound Enhancement cards.
- Any other cards that have an Overhead notation. Week to Week
Each Month, allocate your PMCs and Gear to each of your
Bid on Contracts Contracts, and then roll for the Week to determine if there is
Shuffle the Contract cards and draw an Engagement for each of your Contracts. You repeat this
the number noted on your allocation and Engagement process for each of the 4 Weeks
Company card. Place them face- each Month.
up. You may Bid on them in any order. If a
Contract has a Term extending beyond the Freely Allocate your PMCs and Gear to each Contract. You
end of your Campaign, discard it and draw may rearrange your PMCs at the start of each Week. Each
until you draw a Contract that does not Team must have at least one Player Soldier, or you fail the
extend beyond the end of your Campaign. If Mission and fail to complete the Contract. If you fail to
a Contract has Bidding requirements, and you don’t meet the complete a Contract, discard the Contract card, its Money
requirements, you cannot Bid on the Contract. counters, and its Contract counters. Also, suffer any Failure
notes on the Contract card.
Select the Contract you want to Bid on. Roll a die for each of
your Competitors. If their roll is equal to, or higher than, the Engagements
Bid roll noted on each Competitor card, they are also in the Roll a die for each
Bidding. If all the Competitors fail their Bid rolls, you win the Contract’s Threat. If the
Contract. roll is less than or equal
to the Contract’s Threat,
If at least one Competitor made their Bid roll, then the Bidding an Engagement occurs.
goes to a new round. Reduce the amount of the Contract by Draw a Mission card from
the amount shown on the Contract card. You may now decide that Contract’s noted
to continue Bidding, or drop out. If you drop out, discard the Mission deck. Find the
Contract. Objective in that deck with the same title. The Region and
Hostiles are listed on each Mission card.
If you decide to stay in the Bidding, roll a die for each of the
Competitors that remained in the Bidding. Since this is the first When an Engagement occurs, immediately collect Money
follow-up round of Bidding, subtract 1 from their die rolls. counters equal to the Contract’s Engaged Money, and add
them to your Bank Account on the Display Sheet. Do this for
Repeat the Bidding rounds until only you remain, or you drop each Engagement, for each Contract, each Week.
out. Subtract 1 from their rolls for each round after the first
round of Bidding, and continue to subtract the noted amount Escalation
of the Contract’s Bid Money for each round of Bidding. If you roll the Contract’s Threat value or lower,
resolve the Mission as normal.
Example: You have Darkwater and Pointy End as your 2
Competitors on a $40000 Contract with a $4000 Bidding If your roll is higher than the Threat value, no
Reduction. On the first round of bidding, Darkwater needs to
roll a 6+ and Pointy End needs an 8+. Darkwater rolls an 8
Mission occurs. Instead, draw an Escalation counter from the
and Pointy End rolls a 3. Pointy End drops out of Bidding and cup and place it on the Contract card. These counters modify
Darkwater stays in for a 2nd round. You decide to stay in as future Threat rolls for the Contract as well as your rewards
well, and now Darkwater has a -1 modifier. They roll a 6 which when a Mission does occur for the Contract.
is not high enough, as they needed a 7+, so they also drop out
of bidding, making the Contract yours for $36000. Continue to accumulate Escalation counters on the Contract
card until a Mission occurs or the Term of the Contract ends.
If you win the Contract, place the Money counters on the
Contract equal to the amount it was worth when you won the Once a Mission occurs, discard all Escalation counters from
Bidding. Also, place a “Contract” counter on the Contract the Contract. Before resolving the Mission, add the noted
card, as well as the same numbered Contract counter on the Engagement Money counters, Escalation Money, and
“Weeks of Contract” track in the space equal to the Contract’s

Reputation counters to your business. You gain these Paperwork
regardless of the Mission’s success.
As with any business, it is now time to do the paperwork.
Bonus Reputation
Adjust your Company Reputation and record the new value
If the total RP of Soldiers is equal to one-half or less of the
on your Business Form. You can also place Reputation
Mission card’s Hostile value, you gain 1 Reputation at the end
counters on the Tactical Display totalling your new
of the successful Mission. Overwatch Soldiers do not count
Reputation. Some cards adjust your Reputation as noted.
toward the Mission’s RP limit when calculating a Mission’s
Reputation bonus. Add 2 Epic Hostile cards and 1 Legendary Hostile card to
the Hostile deck, and re-shuffle the deck. The Hostiles
Example: Your Mission card notes 40 RP. An Escalation counter
increases RP by 20 RP to 60 RP. You allocate 27 RP of Soldier become more challenging during each passing Month of
cards to the Mission. You successfully complete the Mission the Campaign.
and earn 1 Reputation point.
End of Month
Resolve the Mission
This completes the Month. Advance the Month counter by
Use the total RP value of the Mission card plus Escalation
one space. Each Month ends at the end of 4 Weeks.
counters when drawing Location Hostile cards, and for other
cards that reference a Location’s Hostile value. Do not use At the end of Months 1 to 5, start the cycle again with the
your Team’s RP value. Accounts Payable step. At the end of Month 6, end the
Example: The Mission lists 20 RP, and the Mission has a +20
Campaign. Some Contracts will not be complete at the end
RP Escalation counter. You allocated 67 RP of Soldiers to the of a Month. Continue the Contracts next Month.
Contract. When drawing Hostile cards for Locations, use the
“30-49” range on the Location cards. End of Campaign
End the Campaign after resolving 6 Months of activities.
Resolve the Mission as normal.
Compare the Money counters in your Bank Account to the
Victory chart on the Business form to determine your level
Allocate the Mission card’s Hero Points to the PMCs that are
of success.
Level 1 to 5 that survived the Mission. You must allocate all the
Hero Points if possible, and a PMC must Promote if they have
the required number of Hero Points. You cannot allocate Hero LINKED CAMPAIGNS
Points to a Level 6 Soldier. You can link 2 or more 6-month Campaigns to form a
longer company history.
If you failed the Mission, then you failed to complete the
Contract, immediately discard the Contract card and its Bid Start the Linked Campaign with a Sole Proprietor
Money counters. Campaign, and play the Campaign as normal.

Repeat these steps for each Contract. Resolve each Mission Next Campaign
as normal.
After the first Campaign, if you have enough money to
Advance the Contract counters by one space on the “Weeks” meet the Starting Money of a Partnership, then start a new
track on the Tactical Display. Campaign using the Partnership Business card. If you
don’t have enough money for a Partnership, play the next
Campaign as a Sole Proprietorship. Repeat this process in
Accounts Receivable the following Campaigns for upgrading to LLCs and
A Contract successfully ends when you have successfully Corporations.
resolved all its Missions during its Term. At the end of the
Month, collect the successfully completed Contract’s Bid Pay $100,000 for each Reputation point you would like to
Money counters from the Contract card and add them to your keep from your previous Campaign.
Bank Account.
You may rehire PMCs that did not die from the previous
Successfully completing, or failing to complete, a Contract Campaign. Perform Reputation checks to check for Raises
may have other effects noted on the Contract cards. at the start of the Campaign if your Reputation decreased.

Once a Contract ends, discard the Contract card and its Perform all the standard start of Campaign set-ups and
Contract counters. purchases. Play the Campaign as normal.

This section details the rules for playing the game Example: Each
with a supernatural flavor, featuring undead enemies, Imperial Warrior has
a Health of 3, and
as introduced in WWII Expansion #42. If this is of no
there are 2 Imperial
Undead - alternate WWii setting
interest to you, you may skip this section. Warrior Hostiles on
this card.
BACKGROUND The 1st Warrior is
Nazi experimentation into the occult has released Targeting Soldier
horrors upon the world. Axis soldiers have risen from #1 and has
the dead, unleashing a new phase of WWII across the suffered 2 EKIAs,
globe! reducing its Health
from 3 to 1. This
Warrior will now
NEW MECHANICS Attack using the
“1” column on its
Expansion #42 introduces new rule mechanics to the
Attack Chart.
Warfighter world.
The 2nd Warrior is Targeting Soldier #4, and has suffered 1
Double-Reticles EKIA. This Warrior Attacks using the “3-2” column on its Attack
Some Undead Hostiles have a new type
of Reticle with 2 numbers. These cards Each Warrior rolls on its Attack Chart during the Hostile Attack
have 2 or more powerful Hostiles that step.
require more than 1 Hit each to Destroy.
If you inflict more than 1 Hit with an Attack (for example, a
The large number shows the number of Hits you must Grenade), you may distribute the Hits as you like between the
inflict to Destroy each Hostile. The smaller number to Hostiles on the card.
the bottom-right shows the number of Hostiles on the
card. Suppressions
Treat each Suppression as an EKIA for purposes of their
Example: You must inflict 3 Hits on each
Hostile, and there are 2 Hostiles on the Attack column. Also, if a Hostile has suffered a total number of
card. EKIAs and Suppressions equal to its Health, it cannot act this
Keep track of the Hits and Suppressions
inflicted to each Hostile separately. Example: An Imperial Warrior has suffered 1 Hit and 1
Suppression. It Attacks using the “1” column.
Double-Reticle Hostiles have the “Each” Example: An Imperial Warrior has suffered 2 Hits and 1
notation on their Attack Charts. This Suppression. It cannot Attack.
means you draw a Hostile Targeting
counter for each Hostile, and you roll an Remove all Suppressions as normal at the end of the Hostile
Attack for each Hostile. Turn.

If a Double-Reticle Hostile card is out of Range to all For the purposes of these examples, we are placing
its Targeted Soldiers, and its Targeted Soldiers are in Suppressions on the Imperial Warriors. The Undead usually
different Location cards, Move the Hostile card have the Fearless Keyword, making them immune to
towards the closest Targeted Soldier during the Suppression.
Hostile Move steps. If the Hostile is in Range of a
Targeted Soldier, re-draw all Targeting counters for
Soldiers that are out of the Hostile’s Attack Range.
Keep redrawing until all Targeted Soldiers are in the
Hostile’s Attack Range.

Draw a new Targeting counter if a Targeted Soldier is

Downed. If there are Soldiers within the Hostile’s
Attack Range, redraw until you draw a Targeting
counter for a Soldier within Attack Range.

Divinity Some Divine Power cards are
used in Reaction.
Some Soldiers, such as Clergy,
have Divine Powers.
Each card has the Reaction
Keyword and notes the
Such Soldiers start each Mission
condition under which it can
with the noted number of Divinity
be used.
Using a Reaction Power still
Clergy can only Equip a limited
costs Divinity points, but does
selection of Weapons, as noted
not cost an Action.
on their cards. They can use
other Gear as normal.
The only way to gain more
Example: A Clergy has the text Divinity Points is to Eliminate Hostiles that have a Divinity
“Weapons: Only Blessed with LO value.
0-1”. This means that the Clergy Soldier can only use Blessed
Weapons that have a Loadout of 0 or 1. He can use non- When the group Eliminates a Hostile with a Divinity value,
Weapon Gear as normal. divide the Divinity between the group’s Clergy Soldiers
however you like. A Clergy Soldier may exceed their
Each Clergy also starts with a original Divinity Points value.
School of Theology. Select any
one of the Theology cards for Example: The Soldiers gain 3 Divinity for Eliminating the
your Clergy Soldier. Imperial Warriors. There are 2 Clergy Soldiers in the Mission.
The players decide to give 2 Divinity Points to one Clergy
Theology cards list your Clergy’s Soldier, and 1 Divinity Point to the other.
Divine Power cards, and other
adjustments to their Powers and Blessed
abilities. Some Weapons have the
Blessed Keyword. These
Only Clergy Soldiers can select Weapons have superior values
and use Theology cards. and a higher Resource Point

Blessed Gear can be used as

Each Divine Power Skill card normal by any Soldiers.
notes the number of Divinity
points expended to use the
Power. If a Soldier does not have
enough remaining Divinity to use
a Power, the Power cannot be

Using a Divine Power costs 1


player Campaigns If you fail to complete a Mission, your Campaign ends and you
use the rules below to determine your level of success (or
You can link several Missions together to form a Campaign. failure).

To do this, select a Region and Hostile type as normal, then Remove all Wounds from your Player Soldiers between
select the Mission cards you want to use in your Campaign. Missions.

Arrange the Mission cards in order from fewest Resource If a Player Soldier, Non-Player Soldier, or Squad Soldier suffers
Points to most Resource Points. You will conduct the Missions a KIA or Medical Discharge, remove him from the Campaign.
in that order.
Use the next Mission card, and randomly draw an Objective
SELECTING SOLDIERS card from those remaining.
Purchase your Player Soldiers as normal, but there is one When preparing for a Campaign, pay the base Resource cost
restriction: you cannot purchase Skill cards at this time. of each Player Soldier, then purchase your Gear, Non-Player
Soldiers, and Squad Soldiers as normal.
You will use these Player Soldiers throughout the Campaign.
You may also purchase additional Player Soldiers. As with the
As long as a Player Soldier is fit for duty, he must participate in
original Player Soldiers, you cannot purchase Skill cards for
a Mission.
them before their first Mission. After their first Mission, you can
You are free to purchase Weapons, Ammo, and Equipment as buy Skills for them using Mission Points as normal. These
you like for each Mission after purchasing your Player Soldiers remain in the Campaign unless they suffer a KIA or
Soldiers. None of their Gear carries over to the next Mission. Medical Discharge.

You may also purchase Non-Player Soldiers and Squad

Soldiers on a Mission-by-Mission basis as normal.
Do not count the point values of Skill cards towards your
Mission Resource limit when you are preparing for a Mission.
THE FIRST MISSION Roll a die after each Mission. The result adjusts all the
Shuffle all the Objective cards for your Region and draw the
first one. You now have the Mission and Objective of your first remaining Missions for the Campaign. There is no limit to the
Mission. number of times an effect can be rolled each Campaign.

Play through the Mission as normal. Roll Adjustment

1-2 Move the Objective card 1 Location further
At the end of the Mission, your Player Soldiers earn Mission away from the Mission card.
Points equal to the Objective’s Location number. 3-4 Add 1 to the cost of all future Skill card
Example: The Objective card is in Location #4, the Team earns 5-6 Subtract 1 from the Mission card Time.
4 Mission Points. 7-8 Subtract 1 from the Loadout of all Player
You are free to divide these Mission Points however you like 9-10 Add 3 to the Objective card’s Hostile value
between the Player Soldiers.

You may only purchase Skill cards with these points. Each LEVEL OF SUCCESS
Mission Point equals 1 Resource Point when purchasing At the end of your last Campaign Mission, total your Victory
Skills. Each Soldier may also save Mission Points, and Points to determine the effect your Campaign had on the
accumulate them to purchase Skills at a later time between world.
Scoring Points
If a Soldier suffers a KIA or Medical Discharge, that Soldier Gain and lose Victory Points (VPs) at the end of each Mission
cannot be used again during the Campaign. as follows:

THE FOLLOWING MISSIONS • Gain VPs equal to the Objective card’s Location.
• Lose 1 VP for each Non-Player Soldier or Squad Soldier that
As you complete each Mission, set aside that Mission and
Objective card. You will not use them again. is Medically Discharged.
• Lose 2 VPs for each Non-Player Soldier or Squad Soldier
80 that is KIA.
• Lose 2 VPs for each Player Soldier that is Medically
Discharged. Credits
• Lose 3 VPs for each Player Soldier that is KIA. The following people have graciously contributed their talents
to one or more of the Warfighter games.
VPs Reach of Campaign’s Importance
6- No effect Game Design ........................................................Dan Verssen
7-15 Tactical Game Development ....................Holly Verssen, Kevin Verssen
16-26 Operational Game Research ..............................Leigh Neville, David Makin
27-34 Theater Research Assistant and Photos ......................Jonathan Nikitas
35+ Strategic Chinese Soldier Photos ..............................................Mr. Ching
Campaign Research..................................................Iain Martin
Rulebook......................................Dan Verssen, Kevin Verssen,
Optional rules Sarah Eandi, Holly Verssen
Rules Editors ..............................Benjamin Chee, Hans Korting
You can choose to use each of these rules at the start of the
Michael Neubauer
Expansion Creation ............................................Kevin Verssen,


Sarah Eandi, Holly Verssen
Campaign System..................................................Dean Brown
You may put aside Action cards from your hand to pay the Artists ......................Gundus Moot, Thierry Cravatte, Hokunin,
discard cost of the next Location you enter. If you have any Wan Chiu, Cloud Quinot
saved Action cards left over after paying the cost, discard Scenario Book Creation ......................................Kevin Verssen
them. These cards do not count toward your Health limit of Scenario Book Mission Briefing ........................Benjamin Chee
Action cards, and they cannot be used for anything else.

WEAPON JAMS Contributions: Steve Alston, Bridget Fortune, Benjamin Chee,

Mikko Kauppinen, Paul Wright, Michael Adams,
When using Burst or Auto Fire Mode, if 2 or more of your Gary Loughrans, Tom Konczal, Emery Gallant, Tim Reece,
Attack rolls are 1 above your Reload number, your Weapon Everett Hammacher, Ric Van Dyke, David Raley, Todd Hughes,
suffers a Jam and cannot be used again until the Jam is Chris Richardson, Kira Verssen, Benjamin Smith,
cleared. You must spend 1 Action to clear a Jam. Rhiannon Tylutki
Example: Your M1918A2 Machine Gun has a Reload number of
2. You fire in Auto mode and roll a 3, 6, and 3. It suffers a Jam.
As with Reloads, check for Jams before adding Attack
modifiers. It is possible to have a Weapon Jam, yet still
Suppress or Kill a Hostile with the Attack. KICKSTARTER
This game began as a Kickstarter.com project and we are very
When firing in Auto Mode, it is possible for a Weapon to both grateful to the backers who pledged their support to fund the
Jam and need to be Reloaded. game. Many thanks to all of you!

If you use this rule, gain 1 extra Resource Point for each
Soldier that purchases one or more Weapons with Burst or
You can add the Expansion packs into the core game to play
Auto Fire Modes. even bigger Missions with more variety.

RANDOM MISSION GENERATION Each card has a small notation in its lower left corner detailing
which game set it is part of, and its unique card number. This
Instead of selecting a Mission card and Objective card, you
can select a random Mission and Objective card from the makes it easy to separate the cards back to their original
same Region. decks.


“WP” designates a card from the core set of Warfighter Pacific
cards. A “14” designates a card from the 14th Expansion, and
You may shuffle together the Elite and Frontline decks for a so on. An “a” indicates that it is a revision of that card and
Nation’s Hostile cards to generate a set of Hostiles that are replaces the original.
harder to defeat than a Frontline deck, but easier to defeat
than an Elite deck.


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