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EED 1 (1) (2022) : 29 – 35

(English Education Departement Journal)



Sugiyono2 dan Jaenab2

Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Banten
Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Penulis Korespondensil: sugiyono2883@mail.com1 dan jaenabzaskiyah0@mail.com2

Teacher’s strategies using mind mapping in teaching reading narative text
Penerima: Januari, 2022 Diterima: Februari, 2022 Dipublikasikan: Maret, 2022


This research is motivated by the problem of the students low interest in reading about
narrative text, so the teacher must have several strategies so that students have an interest in
reading narrative text,one of which is using the mind mapping. The purpose of this study is to
determine the condition of students in reading,aspecially narrative text.this study uses a
literature study consisting of several sources,such as primary data from journal and theses as
well as secondary data from books,the result of the study can be seen that every research that
has been carried out has obtained a the average result that shows an increase in student
learning outcomes,the average percentage on inproving student vocabulary trought mind
mapping method in English subject,before using the mind mapping method 49,40% and than
after using the mind mapping method 50,59%,based on this it is proven that mastery of
vocabulary student continued to improve after using the mind mapping method in English

Keywords: Reading, Narative text, Mind Mapping


Reading is one of the language skills information and understand about text.
that students should master it in learning The aims of teaching for the reader is to
English. By reading, the students can comprehend and to react to what is
spend their time in good way to get written.1 Therefore, this skill is not easy to
information, knowledge, vocabulary, and master because the reader should have an
improvement of structure. The main goal ability to comprehend the author’s
of teaching English in Indonesia is to message, the main idea, and etc. The
make the students have knowledge as well students should be able to read the English
as ability to use English actively. This text effectively, efficiently in order to get
goals is to improve the quality of teaching
English, especially in reading. The aim of
teaching reading is intended to develop
students’ ability to read the material, get

© 2022, EED, English Education Departement. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.

 Sugiyono1 dan Jaenab2. Literature Review Teacher’s Strategies Using Mind Mapping In Teaching
Reading Narrative Text

information from reading text. (Douglas. One of them is role of teaching. As

1994) . Teaching by Principle, an Interactive an instigator of the action, the teacher has
Approach to Language Ped task and (Jeremy. 1998). How to Teach English.
Nunan says that there are three England: Longman Cambridge University Press.
activities of reading comprehension. They P.68
are: pre-reading, whilst-reading, and post Responsibility to plan and implement
reading. To acquire good reading the learning in the school in order to
achievement, these activities should be encourage students in activities of teaching
taught in effective way. The teacher and learning. In other words, the teachers
should apply an appropriate strategy for should be able to guide students in their
the students to comprehend reading text learning in order to get good achievement
well. The teacher may develop brightly in English especially in reading narrative
expected teaching through the appropriate text.
strategies that would be applied in In addition, the teaching of English
classroom particularly2. reading as a foreign language must create
Harmer defines, reading provide the students to be active and focused in
good models for English writing and also their reading. For this reason, the teacher
opportunities to study language such as should apply various strategies and
vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the material that are relevant and interesting
way the teacher constructs sentence, for the students in comprehending the
paragraph, and text. It is clear that reading passage well.Teacher is one of many
is one of the (David. 1991.) Language Teaching factors influence the successful of
Methodology. New York. teachinglearning process. Teachers or
Language skills that should be lecturers play the most important role in
mastered by students. Many factors teachinglearning process; they can lead
influence students to study language meaningful English learning classroom
component, such as grammar, vocabulary, activities if they are able to overcome or
and punctuation in teaching and learning minimize the problem faced by their
process.3 students. Especially in the English
In Reading, according to Harmer language teaching, teachers’ main duty is
reading is an exercise dominated by the to direct their students in mastering the
eyes and the brain. It means that readers macro language skills such as listening,
not only read the text but also understand speaking, reading, and writing.
the meaning of written text being read. In addition, having a good
Reading is means of transferring comprehension in reading can be
information between the writer and the facilitated by many strategies. McNamara
reader. 4 In KTSP curriculum, the whose thinking is adopted by the College
competence standard of reading at junior Board underlines growing recognition that
high school is understand functional the use of reading strategies is essential;
written text and simple short essay in the high ability students who use reading
form of descriptive and recount related to strategies are getting successful not only in
around environment. Its means that the comprehending reading, but also in
student be able to read the condition overcoming reading problems and
according by the text had they read in the becoming a better reader and
book about the description about around comprehender.5 In summary, the students
environment and the student be able to should have better strategies for their good
understand about what they read. comprehension. In summary, the students

© 2022, EED, English Education Departement. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.

EED, 1 (1) (2022): 29 - 35 

should have better strategies for their good The Second While in whilst reading,
comprehension. the teacher employs silent reading, reading
Hence, the appropriate technique aloud, vocabulary problem solving,
must be selected by the teacher to help the paraphrasing, recognizing the text
students overcoming difficulties in structure and social affective strategy. The
writing, especially in writing descriptive last Post-reading is to relate the text to the
text. There are many techniques that can students’ knowledge or views and to
help students to generate ideas to write consolidate or reflect up on what has been
descriptive text one of them is mind read.
mapping. Mind mapping is a technique The success of teaching and learning
that generally used by people before they process especially in reading is determined
start to write something. According to by many aspects such as; material of
Budd, mind map is often created around a reading, facility, teacher, the students, and
single word or text, placed in the center, to the way of English teacher in teaching
which associated ideas, words and reading narrative text. Based on the
concepts are added. Major categories writer’s preliminary observation at MTs
radiate from a central node, and lesser DaarulHikmahLebak Wangi, the English
categories are sub-branches of larger teacher used English textbook. But
branches.6 unfortunelly, the teacher was still reluctant
Considering that facts, the researcher to apply their teaching reading in the
suggests mind mapping as the technique classroom, one of the reasons lack of the
for teaching descriptive text. Drawing teacher’s creativity and strategies in
mind mapping is an activity which makes teaching reading narrative text. It means
the brain easier to accept and remember that the teacher’s strategies to improve the
visually stimulating, multi-coloured mind students’ reading narrative text was not
maps, rather than monotonous, boring running well. Even though the English
linear notes. 7 Theoritically, it can be teacher was from English language
concluded that mind mapping is a creative education background, her performance is
technique which make students easier to still considered out of the expectation and
get success in remembering ideas or the tendency of theatment was still partial.
comprehending written information since Based on the phenomena faced by the
mind mapping stimulates students’ brain English teacher in Islamic senior high
by seeing the multi-colored mind maps. school, the writer would like to have a
The First, Pre-reading, there are research in investigating the problem
variety of questions and exercises to help entitled: “Teacher’s Strategies Using Mind
student expend their passive and active Mapping inTeaching Reading Narrative
knowledge of vocabulary, followed by Text”.
activities to aid students in acquiring
essential skill for academic reading by THEORETICAL FRAME WORK
using dictionary. The comprehension
strategies employed by teacher in pre- According to David Nunan , It is
reading are a set of purpose of reading, important to bear in mind that reading is
skimming, scanning, 1 John W. Budd, Mind not an invariant skill, that there are
Maps as Classroom Exercises, (London: Journal of different types of reading skills that
Economic Education). correspond to them any different purposes
we have for reading8.
According to Harris and Sipay Reading is
an active and interactive activity to

© 2022, EED, English Education Departement. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.

 Sugiyono1 dan Jaenab2. Literature Review Teacher’s Strategies Using Mind Mapping In Teaching
Reading Narrative Text

reproduce the word mentally and vocally reading activity is an interaction between
and tries to understand the content of readers’ mind and the text.
reading text. It is important to bear in mind
that reading is not an invariant skill, that METHOD
there are different types of reading skills,
which correspond to the many different This type of research is library
purposes we have for reading 9. research, namely: a series of studies
According to Harris and Sipay relating to data collection methods
Reading is an active and interactive literature, or research whose object of
activity to reproduce the word mentally research is explored through various
and vocally and tries to understand the library information (books, encyclopedias,
content of reading text. It is important to scientific journals, newspapers,
bear in mind that reading is not an magazines, and document).
invariant skill, that there are different To further clarify the analysis of the
types of reading skills, which correspond abstract and full text of the journal read
to the many different purposes we have for and observed. The summary of the journal
reading 10. is then (Williams. 2005). The Teaching
According to Naf’anTarihoran that Knowledge Test Course. New York: Cambridge
reading is private. It is a mental, or University Press analyzed to the content
cognitive, process which involves a reader contained in the research objectives and
in trying to follow and respond to a the results/findings research.
message from a writer who is distant in Analysis of the contents of the
space and time.11 journal, then coding is carried out on the
In classroom, in student’s reading contents of the journal reviewed based on
activities, the writer is sure that they have the outline or essence of the research
many purposes, among others are to which is done by parsing in a sentence
graduate from their school and to provide then if have been collected then look for
themselves with the knowledge to similarities and differences in Each
continue their studies whatever their research is then discussed to draw
purposes are. In order to achieve the goal, conclusions.
the comprehension ability in reading is
needed. According to Olson and Presentation
Dillerreading comprehension is a term
used to identify.
Reading as a process of responding
to, making sense a text being read and
connecting it with readers’ prior Data
knowledge. In making sense of
information, readers connect new Conclusion
knowledge obtained from the text with the with drawal or
known knowledge they know already12. It
is believed that relating to readers’ prior
knowledge will make readers memorize The first step, summarizing the data
the new knowledge longer. Therefore, a is to summarize, select and focus on the
main points and things that are considered
important, with the search for themes and
The second step, researchers present
(display) data that presents data in

© 2022, EED, English Education Departement. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.

EED, 1 (1) (2022): 29 - 35 

qualitative research through a number of literature review was conducted to find out
narrative texts. Teachers' Strategy Using Mind Mapping
in Teaching Reading Narrative Text with
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION existing literature collection techniques
regarding Teachers' Strategy Using Mind
Results Mapping in Teaching Reading Narrative
Research conducted by literature Text. The collected literature is analyzed
review20% published in 2021. 2019 and using the Critical appraisal tableto answer
2017 with a small percentage the objectives of the measurement and
usingKemmis& Taggart or CAR research compared with the resultssimple
design. This literature review measurement. The articles that were
researchalmost all (80%) used the total reviewed as follows:
sampling technique, almosthalf (40%) use
the observation sheet with a small Teachers’ Strategy Using Mind
portionusing 10% and 10% quantitative Mapping in Teaching Reading
descriptive analysis, respectively. Narrative Text
The result of research. Based on 10 journals that have been
This study was conducted to reviewed by researchers, mind mapping is
determine the result of literature review one of the English learning strategies that
teacher’s strategy using mind mapping in can be used by teachers to attract students'
teaching narrative text,this chapter attention in learning.Mind-mapping is
provides an explanation of the research supposed to be an interesting alternative
titles from various souerces,the sources technique that will help the students to
used consist of primary data in the from organize their idea about the text they have
journal, the result obtained 10 journal read by their own schema, thus that they
related to literature review teacher’s can comprehend the text, not on their
strategy using mind mapping in teaching creativity. The mind map helps to organize
reading narrative text.the data was taken the information in the story into a form
based on a summary of the essence of the that is easily assimilated and remembered.
result of the research used namely
literature review teachres strategy’s using CLOSING
mind mapping in teaching reading
narrative text,the research result obtained Conclution
are as follows. Based on the literature review of 10
research journals, it can be taken the
Discussion conclusion that mind mapping is can be a
Based on searches on the strategy for teacher to teach their students’
googleschoolar search engine and Pubmed reading comprehension. By using mind
found the results of 10 articlesin this mapping in teaching to the student will
section there is literature whose make happy and enjoy and give some a
authenticity can be found accountable for concept to students in understand the
research purposes. Display of literature reading.
results in The final task of the literature Why mind mapping is can be a
review contains a summary and the main strategy for teacher to teach their students
results of theeach selected article in the because mind mapping is a good tool for
form of a table, then under the table teaching method in strategy for teacher.
sectiondescribed what is in the table in the Mind mapping can help the teacher in
form of meanings and trends inparagraph teaching learning process to encourage
form (Hariyono, et al., 2020). This student in their learning.

© 2022, EED, English Education Departement. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.

 Sugiyono1 dan Jaenab2. Literature Review Teacher’s Strategies Using Mind Mapping In Teaching
Reading Narrative Text

Suggestions REFERENCES
Based on the conclusion above, the
researcher would like to give some Brown, H Douglas. 1994. Teaching by
suggestions as follow : Principle, an Interactive Approach to
Language Pedagogy. San Pransisko
Suggestion to the teacher State University England Cliffs. New
In this research, the researcher found Jersey
out that mind mapping technique can be
used to develop and motivate the students’ Buzan, Tony and Barry Buzan, The Mind
reading comprehension. Due the finding, Map Book (London: BBC
English teacher can help students increase Worldwide Limitied, 2002
their reading ability by using mind
mapping technique. Fathur Rohim, Teaching Reading,Jakarta :
The English teachers should provide Bermutu, 2010.
interesting activities and materials, in
order to prevent the students from being Gregory, Eve. 2008. Learning to Read in a
bored and encourage the students’ New Language: Making Sense of
attention in learning English, especially in Words and Worlds (2nd edition).
writing. London: SAGE Publication Ltd.
Mind mapping is a good technique to
help students in increasing reading ability. Harris and Sipay. How to Increase
It will help the teacher to make the Reading Ability. A guide to
students understand fast. However, this Developmental and Remedial
technique also has some weaknesses. The Methods, Seventh Edition Revised
problem usually happens when using this and Enlarged.(New York:Longman
technique is because someone’s map may Publisher Inc.1980
be so personal and it could be difficult for
others to understand. In order to solve the Harmer, Jeremy. 1998. How to Teach
problem, teacher should direct students to English. England: Longman
add sketches on their map in order to make Cambridge University Press
it clear.
Harrison, C. 2004. Understanding Reading
Suggestion for the students Development. London: SAGE
The students should study hard and Publication Ltd
more practice in Reading English to
improve their writing ability. They also John W. Budd, Mind Maps as Classroom
should be active and creative in learning Exercises, (London: Journal of
activity. Economic Education), 2004

Suggestion to the Further Louis O. Katsoff dalam Yuni Irawati.

Research In this researchthe 2013. Metode Pendidikan Karakter
researcher focused on the influence of Islami Terhadap Anak Menurut
Mind Mapping Teachnique towards Abdullah Nasih Ulwan dalam Buku
students’ reading ability. Therefore, it is Pendidikan Anak dalam Islam dan
suggested for the next researcher to Relevansinya dengan Tujuan
investigate the influence of other Pendidikan Nasional. Skripsi tidak
technique towards other English skills diterbitkan. UIN Sunan Kalijaga
such as listening, speaking, reading or
writing skill.

© 2022, EED, English Education Departement. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.

EED, 1 (1) (2022): 29 - 35 

Martin Davies, Concept Mapping, New York: Cambridge University

MindMapping and Press
ArgumentMapping: What are The
Differences and Do They Syaodih, Nana 2009. Metode Penelitian
Matter?(Springer Science+Business Pendidikan. PT. Remaja Rosdakarya
Media B.V, 2010 : Bandung

Mc Namara, Ozuru, Best, & O’Reilly, Pang, Elizabeth. S, et al. 2003. Teaching
“Reading Strategies strand in English Reading. Geneva: International
Language Arts College Board Bureau of Education
Standards for College Success™” as
cited by the College Board College Pradiyono. (2007). Pasti Bisa!Teaching
Board Standards, 2006 Genre-Based Writing. (Yogyakarta:
Nunan, David. 1989. Designing Tasks for
the Communicative Classroom. P.S. Meier, Mind-mapping-a tool for
Cambridge : Cambridge University eliciting and representing knowledge
Press.1989 held by diverse informants
(Guildford: University of Surrey,
Nunan, David. 1991. Language Teaching 2007
Methodology. New York: Prentice
hall Inc Tarihoran , Naf’an and Miftahul
Rachmat,Reading Basic Reading
Olson, J.P & M.H Diller.Learning to Skills, Serang : Loquen Pres, 2010,
Teach Reading in Elementary
School. (London: Macmilan
Publishing Company.1982

Ruston. 2006. Kontribusi Stratgi Membaca

dan Penguasaan Kosa Kata Terhadap
Kemampuan Memahami Alinea
Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas II SMP
Negeri 1 Ranah Batahan Kabupaten
Pasaman Barat. Tesis.Padang: PPs
Universitan Negeri Padang

Klingner, Janette K., Sharon Vaughn, and

Alison Broadman. 2007. Teaching
Reading Comprehension to Students
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York: The Guidford Press

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Understanding (Towards an R&D
Program in Reading
Comprehension). Santa Monica:
Spratt, Mary, Alan Pulverness and
Melanie Williams. 2005. The
Teaching Knowledge Test Course.

© 2022, EED, English Education Departement. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.


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