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Chapter 1

Getting ready
If your media type provides you with versions of the files at different resolutions, you may
want to switch linking from one resolution to another. For example, you've initially linked
to the low-resolution version of the media for editing and now you'd like to change the link
to the high-resolution version for Consolidating. If this applies to you, then follow the next
set of steps; otherwise, proceed to the How to do it… section:

1. Select the clips in your bin.

2. Right-click on the selected clips.
3. Choose Modify AMA Resolutions... from the menu.
4. The AMA Resolutions Quality window opens.
5. Select the video quality that you want for your video.
6. Click on OK.

How to do it...
The following are the steps for consolidating the media clips:

1. Select the clips in the bin.

2. From the Clip menu select Consolidate/Transcode.
3. In the top-left of the Consolidate/Transcode window, select Consolidate.
4. In the Video/Data region of the window, select the drive (also known as the target
drive) that you want the copied files to be stored on.
5. Do not enable the selection that says Delete media files when done. In the case of
AMA linked media files, they will not be deleted even if this is selected. Further, Media
Composer will not create a Master Clip that links to the AMA media as it should.
6. Click on the Consolidate button.
7. The Copying Media Files dialog window opens.
8. Select the second option that reads Relink Master Clips to media on target drive.
This option also includes some helpful text that reads Selected Master Clips will be
relinked to the new media on the target drive. Master Clips with a .old extension
will be created and linked to the original media. In this case, the original media
refers to the AMA linked files.
9. Click on OK and the Consolidate (copy) process begins.


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