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Zigbee technology

Student Name - Paras

Student ID -19EARCS737


Wireless sensor networks are increasingly being used in a broad range of application sectors.
ZigBee is one of the most often utilized transceiver protocols in wireless sensor networks.
ZigBee over IEEE 802.15.4 defines the requirements for a low data rate wide area network
(LR-WPAN) to make it simpler to monitor and manage low-power devices. This article
examines the IEEE 802.15.4 specification, the many ZigBee device kinds, the architecture of
the protocol stack, and the applications that utilize each of them. Based on the IEEE 802.15.4
protocol, ZigBee is a low-power, low-data-rate wireless networking standard. Its primary use
is in the data flow in both ways between control systems and sensors. It is a technology for
short-range communication, similar to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, with a range of ten to one
hundred meters. Unlike higher-rate communication protocols like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi,
which allow the transfer of media files and software programs, ZigBee Technology allows
the transmission of basic data like sensor readings. Because of the technology's low power
usage, this is conceivable. It has a data transmission rate of roughly 250 kbps, which is
considered slow. The frequency of use spans from eighty-sixty megahertz (MHz) to nine
hundred two megahertz (MHz) to two thousand four hundred and forty megahertz (MHz)
(GHz). ZigBee Technology is often used in applications that demand low power
consumption, low cost, low data rate, and long battery life. ZigBee is a communication
standard developed by the ZigBee Alliance, which includes companies such as Philips,
Mitsubishi Electric, Epson, Atmel, and Texas Instruments, among others. Since its inception
in 2002, this Alliance has been working continually as a charity organization.

Table of Contents
Aim of research..........................................................................................................................4
Objective of research..................................................................................................................4
Research questions.....................................................................................................................5
Literature review........................................................................................................................5


The main aim of this paper is to discust the topic which Zigbee technology. Wireless
technology is rapidly advancing and expanding these days. With the advancement of
microelectromechanical systems, even extremely small devices may now contain sensing,
signal processing, and radio frequency (RF) capabilities. Almost every portable software
must be able to interact with one another without the need for any extra connections. The
collection of data from the surrounding environment and the execution of a certain task are
two of the most essential reasons for the existence of wireless communication. In their most
basic form, these three components comprise a sensor node (Collection, Computation, and
Communication). In response to the sink's request, information is recorded and wirelessly
sent. The collecting unit is outfitted with several sensing devices that may be used for a
variety of reasons. The processing unit is made up of two components: memory and a
microcontroller. The last component of the communication unit is a transceiver, or set of
transceivers, which facilitates data transmission and reception. Because of its low power
consumption, low data rate, low cost, and short time delay, Zigbee has become one of the
most common protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks. It is also noted for its simplicity in
creation and implementation, strong data dependability, and high security. Zigbee is a mesh
network protocol named after the zigzag flying patterns of honey bees as they go from flower
to blossom.

Aim of research

The main aim of Zigbee is to create wireless mesh networks, which are required when
deploying intelligent systems. Home and building automation, as well as identification and
security systems, are all examples of Internet of Things-based applications.

Objective of research

 To provide an alternative technique for the establishment of local area networks,

which are crucial for home and building automation, as well as other smart systems,
instead of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Z-Wave.
 To devices powered by batteries, sensors, and item tags are all suitable candidates for
Zigbee utilization since they do not need a large amount of power or data transport.
 To include intentional network disruption, theft of sensitive data, theft of a node,
unauthorized access and control of a node, and theft of the node itself.
Research questions

1. What is the alternative technique for Zigbee technology?

2. What are the devices suitable for Zigbee utilization?
3. How to include sensitive data with unauthorized access?

Literature review

According to Bodunde et al., (2019), The IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networking standard
inspired the creation of the Zigbee wireless networking protocol. This standard specifies
many wireless LAN communication protocols, one of which is known as Zigbee. Zigbee is
mostly used in low-power communication devices with small footprints and other portable
consumer electronics items that support digital radio. It was first introduced in 1998,
standardized in 2003, and upgraded in 2006. The Zigbee Alliance is responsible for network
maintenance. The Zigbee Alliance has been responsible for keeping the Zigbee protocol alive
and well since its first release in 1998, standardization in 2003, and update in 2006. When it
comes to the creation of wireless mesh networks, which are required for the implementation
of intelligent systems, Zigbee's capabilities shine the brightest and most. Automation systems
for houses and buildings, identification and security systems, and many more applications are
developed on top of the Internet of Things. This combination of protocols and a wireless
communication standard may be used to do real-time analytics, object tracking and
localization, and machine learning. It is intended to connect products such as smart gadgets,
sensors, embedded systems, and other similar items.

ZigBee Architecture

As per Ramani, (2021), This lowest protocol layer is in charge of managing and activating
the radio transceiver, as well as the communication channel's frequency and state. Its
secondary function is to communicate with other radio equipment by exchanging signals. The
use of packets enables the delivery of both information and instructions. A PHY packet is
made up of three components: the Synchronization Header (SHR), the Physical Header
(PHR), and the PHY payload (provided by upper layers as a frame and includes data or
command). To allow communication between the Physical and Network layers, a layer
known as the Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer is provided. To put it another way, it is
in charge of generating Beacons and ensuring that all network nodes that support Beacons are
in sync with one another. Beacon frames, data frames, acknowledgment frames, and

command frames are all examples of MAC frames. To disseminate beacons, the coordinator
employs beacon frames. It is made up of a MAC Header, which is responsible for providing
addressing and security information, a MAC Payload, which may be of varying lengths and is
responsible for delivering data or instructions, and a MAC Footer, which is responsible for
ending the transmission (contains 16 bit Frame check sequence for data verification). This
layer provides connectivity between the Application layer and the MAC layer, which is in
charge of media access. They must build and maintain the networks. It starts the process of
creating a new network while also improving the structure of the present one. The NWK
Header and NWK Payload are two components that make up a whole NWK frame. The
Header contains data about addressing and control at the network layer. The NWK Payload
includes a framework for an application sublayer.

Network Topologies of ZigBee

According to Guan et al., (2018), The ZigBee Network may accommodate a broad range of
network topologies, including well-known star and peer-to-peer topologies. Any network
design has three separate types of nodes: ZigBee End Devices, ZigBee Coordinators, and
ZigBee Routers. The Coordinator is responsible for creating the network's distinct identity,
assigning unique addresses to each device linked to the network, and starting and carrying out
dialogues amongst connected devices. Full Function Devices (also known as FFDs) and
Reduced Function Devices (also known as RFDs) are two types of ZigBee devices (RFD).
The coordinator is the central device in a Star Topology and is in charge of launching and
managing all of the network's gadgets.


Each coordinator creates their own unique identity, which is not shared with any of the other
networks functioning inside their area of influence. Every End Device can communicate with
the coordinator. Most end devices are RFDs, which are limited in their capacity to
communicate with anybody other than the Coordinator or the FFD. Each endpoint in a Peer
Peer Topology network may communicate with other endpoints in the surrounding vicinity.
The devices are FFDs, which can communicate with one another directly. On the other hand,
this kind of design may have RFDs that communicate with a single network device. Peer-to-
peer topologies may be built on mesh or tree architectures.

Communication using ZigBee

As per Yan, (2018), Information may be sent between a Coordinator and a Device or between
two Peers. It might also happen between Peers. To transfer information back and forth
between the Coordinator and the Device, you may use either the Beacon Enabled technique
or the Non-Beacon Enabled way. Networks equipped with beacons employ a mechanism for
getting channel access that eliminates the need for competition. At this stage of the process,
the coordinator assigns Guaranteed Time Slots (GTSs) to each device (GTS). This demands
synchronization across all network nodes. The coordinator does this by sending a signal
known as a Beacon to each node in the network, causing the nodes' clocks to synchronize.
However, this may restrict the length of time that batteries in devices whose only function is
to synchronize their timings will endure as a consequence of their usage. After
synchronization, the device may either transmit data to the coordinator during the GTS
allocation time or use the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA-
CA) mechanism, which identifies the kind of occupied signal. Both strategies are designed to
prevent collisions. The coordinator will acknowledge receipt of the request by sending a
message to the requester. The Beacon broadcast includes a signal that confirms the successful
transfer of data from the coordinator to the device so that it may be received by the device. In
response to the first signal, the device sends another signal after transmitting the data request
message. The coordinator confirms receipt of the information request and provides the
necessary information (Xiao & Li, 2020).



The qualitative method will be used in this paper. The numerals 1 and 2 represent the
system's two distinct components. A power source, a liquid crystal display, an Arduino Uno
microcontroller, a ZigBee XBee module configured as a transmitter, a moisture sensor to be
placed in the area to be watered or tested, and a liquid crystal display comprise the basic
construction. The ZigBee device object is the most useful approach for characterizing
ZigBee since it integrates service discovery, security, and binding. It is the only way to define
all three of the protocol's key features. During the discovery phase, nodes are found and
interrogated in order to get the coordinator's or MAC router's address via unicast messages.
Furthermore, the discovery streamlines the process of identifying certain services based on
their profile IDs. As a result, the profile plays an important role. This ZigBee device object's
security services are used to confirm the device's identity as well as create secure encryption
keys. The ZigBee protocol adds another layer of defense to the network and application
support layers, which are in charge of assuring the safety of data packets carried by apps. The
scope of security services includes key generation, key transfer, frame protection, and device
management techniques.


Bodunde, O. P., Adie, U. C., Ikumapayi, O. M., Akinyoola, J. O., & Aderoba, A. A. (2019).
Architectural design and performance evaluation of a ZigBee technology-based adaptive
sprinkler irrigation robot. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 160, 168-178.

Ramani, U. (2021). User Friendly with Zigbee Technology Control Agricultural Automation
using Lab view. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 7854-7861.

Guan, Y. X., Fang, Z., & Wang, T. R. (2018). Fire risk assessment and daily maintenance
management of cultural relic buildings based on ZigBee technology. Procedia Engineering,
211, 192-198.

Yan, H. (2018, January). Design of smart home gateway based on ZigBee technology. In
2018 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation, Big Data & Smart City
(ICITBS) (pp. 75-76). IEEE.

Xiao, J., & Li, J. T. (2020). Design and implementation of intelligent temperature and
humidity monitoring system based on ZigBee and WiFi. Procedia Computer Science, 166,

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