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By the end of the lesson, students should:

1. Be familiar with the concept of ethics in business

2. appreciate the importance of ethics for business and society.


Student will be able to:

1.1 briefly define the term ‘concept of ethics in business’

1.2 list five unethical issues that are carried out in the business environment
1.3 name four illegal activities carry out by businesses;
1.4 discuss briefly the consequences of unethical and illegal activities within businesses;
2.1 Students will analyze the importance of ethics for businesses and society.


- Explanation
- Discussion
- Presentation
- Role play
- Peer teaching


 Whiteboard and markers

 Handouts with case studies of ethical and unethical business practices
 PowerPoint presentation
 Textbook – Principles of Business for CSEC –Caribbean Examinations Council
Carlong Principles of Business for CSEC by Karlene Robinson and Sybil Hamil


1.1 briefly define the term ‘concept of ethics in business’

Key point:

Ethics refer to what is right and wrong based on society’s norms and practices. Ethics in business is
based on those principles concerning acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in business practices.

1.2 list five unethical issues that are carried out in the business environment

Key point:
- Some firms produce misleading advertisements conveying false information
- coaches may encourage athletes to take drugs such as steroid
- some firms produce pornographic materials using children as their subjects
- firms may engage in money laundering
- some firms pollute the rivers
- some firms conduct tests on animals

1.3 name four illegal activities carry out by businesses

Key points:
- Businesses not paying over statutory deductions
- Businesses not paying employees’ at least minimum wages
- Businesses disposing of garbage that may destroy the environment
- Businesses engage in money laundering
- businesses do not have the necessary licencing

1.4 discuss briefly the consequences of unethical and illegal activities within businesses;

Key points:

 loss of sales – consumer may reduce their demand for a product with which they are
 Loss of reputation – bad publicity as it become known that the business is engaged in illegal
or unethical activities.
 Loss of important contracts – other businesses may not engage in transaction with these
businesses that are engaged in illegal or unethical activities.
 Government may revoke licences – businesses who engage in illegal and unethical practices
may be required to close down.
 Inability to obtain loans – businesses may not be able to get loan from financial institutions.
 Loss of lives and endangering of the health and lives of employees, customers and other

2.1 Students will analyze the importance of ethics for businesses and society.

Key point:

Businesses will make many decisions and conduct various actions that will affect other people,
organisation and the environment. Usually there are laws and regulations that guide the decision
and ensure that no one is harmed or cheated. However, no laws exist to guide some decisions,
business must follow basic principles that are right and wrong.

Legal issues refer to activities that are guided by the law of the country and must be adhered to by
the businesses. When there is no law to guide an action of businesses, they must do what they think
or what society thinks is ‘right’. It is important for business to understand and conduct themselves
ethically so that others are not hard and the environment will be conserved for future generation.


Begin the lesson by asking students what they understand by the term "ethics in business."
Discuss their responses and provide a definition of ethics in business.
Highlight the importance of ethics in business operations and decision-making.
Main Activity - Case Studies (30 minutes):

Divide the class into small groups.

Provide each group with a case study of an ethical or unethical business practice.
Examples could include environmental pollution, employee exploitation, deceptive advertising,
bribery, etc.
Instruct the groups to analyze the case study, identifying:
- The ethical issues involved
- The stakeholders affected
- The consequences of the actions taken
Possible alternative actions that could have been taken
Allow each group time to discuss and prepare their analysis.
Group Presentations (15 minutes):

Have each group present their case study analysis to the class.
Encourage class discussion after each presentation, allowing students to ask questions and share
their thoughts.
Facilitate a conversation about the ethical dilemmas faced by businesses and the complexities
involved in making ethical decisions.
Conclusion (5 minutes):

Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.

Emphasize the importance of ethical behavior in business and its impact on stakeholders and
society. Encourage students to apply ethical principles in their future business endeavors.

Evaluate students based on their participation in group discussions and presentations.

Assess their understanding of ethical concepts through their analysis of the case studies.
Encourage critical thinking by asking probing questions during discussions and presentations.
Extension Activity:

Assign students to research and present on a contemporary ethical issue facing businesses today,
such as data privacy, fair trade, or corporate social responsibility.
Encourage students to reflect on their personal values and how they would apply ethical principles in
their future careers.

Business Group



Supervisor’s Comment:

General Group



Supervisor’s Comment:

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