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TP. 2022/2023

Pilihlah jawaban A, B, C atau D yang sesuai dengan pernyataan diatas, dengan cara
menghitamkan bulatan yang tersedia pada lembar jawaban !
1. Dini : Bryan is a bright student
Andin :Yes, that’s true. He always studies hard.
Bright has the same meaning is .........
A. Honest
B. Rich
C. lazy
D. clever
Text for number 2 - 4
I have a cousin. His name is Rahmat Hidayat. People always call him Rahmat. Now he is
eighteen years old. He is handsome, has bright skin and pointed nose. His body is
proportional. He is smart and friendly. His friends like him because he always helps them
when they find the difficult thing in their lesson.
2. What does the writer talk about?
A. Rahmat is handsome
B. Rahmat is proportional
C. Rahmat is my cousin
D. Rahmat is smart and friently
3. In what year was Rahmat Hidayat born now ?
A. 2005
B. 2006
C. 2008
D. 2007
4. How is Rahmat Hidayat look like?
A. Lazy and stupid
B. Smart and friendly
C. diligent and clever
D. arrogant and stupid
5. Panda is a” Big” and chubby animal because it has weighed over 100 kg. The synonym of
the underlining word is Big.....
A. Fat
B. Thin
C. Small
D. little

Dialogue for number 6 - 7

Ali : What does your father do for a living?
Ahmad : He is a journalist
Ali : Does he work for a newspaper or a television channel?
Ahmad : He works for a newspaper
Ali : So he writes news for the newspaper, right?
Ahmad : yes, he does. He gets news and reports it to the readers.

6. What is Ahmad’s father occupation?

A. Tailor
B. Singer
C. Mechanic
D. jurnalist
7. What does Ahmad’s father do for the newspaper?
A. He writes news
B. He reads news
C. He explains news
D. He knows new
8. He always writes stories that make people laugh and cry. Who is he?
A. Farmer
B. Presenter
C. Author
D. Pilot
The text for number 9 to 10
Most people in the world have a pet. I also have it. my pet is a cat, name is catty. It’s color is
brown. It has brown eyes, too. I got this pet from my friend at the begining of 2016 . he
bought it from a pet shop in his country. Once a week, my mother bathes him. It is funny and
smart. It often plays with my neighbour’s cat. I love him very much because he can be my
friend, too.
9.What is the text about ?
A. The writer’s pet
B. The most people in the world have a pet
C. A pet
D. The witer’s cat
10 I also have it, my pet is a cat . the refers to “it” is . . .
A. a pet
B. a cat
C. Pet
D. Cats
Dialogue for number 11 - 13
Ari : Budi, do know who is the writer of Di bawah Lindungan Ka’bah Novel?
Budi : Yes, I do. He is Buya Hamka.
Ari : Where does he come from?
Budi : He comes from Maninjau, it is name of one village in West Sumatra.
Ari : Can you tell me, what is he like?
Budi : He’s very discipline, smart, clever and polite, and he’s the famous writer, too.

1. Is Buya Hamka famous writer from North Sumatra?

A. yes, he is
B. No, he isn’t
C. no, we are not
D. yes, it is
2. How is Buya Hamka look like?
A. Disiplin
B. Slow
C. Lazy
D. Diligent
3. Where does he come from?
A. West Sumatra
B. South Sumatra
C. Nourt Sumatra
D. West Kalimantan
The text number 14 to 17
Mrs, Dina is my aunt. She is an English teacher at SMPN 13 Bandung. she is 35 years old.
She is tall and beautiful. She has round eyes, and a pointed nose. She has straight hair. Her
hair is fairly black. she has white skin. She is very smart.she is also very dilligent and
patient. she is never angry to her student. She kind teacher and we love her

4. What is Mrs. Dina ?

A. Teacher
B. My aunt
C. Nurse
D. student
5. How old is she ?
A. thirty
B. thirty five
C. twenty
D. twenty five
6. Which is statement is Not true about Mrs. Dina ?
A. She is sometimes angry with her student
B. She is very dilligent and patient
C. She is tall and beautiful
D. She has straight hair
7. What is the color of her skin ?
A. Black
B. White
C. Yellow
D. brown

Text for number 18 - 20

Mr. Aman is a teacher. He teaches English at MTs Hasanah. He is a good teacher. Most of his
students like him. He usually goes to work by motorcycle.

18.What is Mr. Aman’s profession? He is ...

A. a mechanic
B. aTeacher
C. a doctor
D. a drive
19.How does he go to work? He goes to work ...
A. By pedicab
B. By bus
C. By motorcycle
D. By taxi
20. Where does he work?he works ...
A. at workshop
B. in a factory
C. in the market
D. at school
21.He always helps people to save their money. What is He?
A. Banker
B. Baker
C. in the market
D. Barber
22. Ali : Rudi what do you think about the elephant?
Rudi : it is ….
A. Small and cute
B. Big and strong
C. Big and chubby
D. Small and thin
23. Arrange the sentences into good sentences !
Always - teaches – Mis Novia - every morning- in local school
1 2 3 4 5
A. 1,2,3,4,5
C. 3,2,1,5,4
D. 3,1,2,5,4
24.Our English teacher always . . . . our home work every week.
A. check
B. checked
C. cheking
D. cheks
25. . . . your uncle come here every year ?
A. Do
B. Does
C. Don’t
D. Doesn’t
26. Crocodiles are four legged semiaquatic carnivorous reptiles who tend to live in a
freshwater habitats such lakes and rivers. What does it like to eat?
A. It likes eat meat
B. It likes eat fruit
C. It likes eat vegetables
D. It likes eat leaves

The text is for no 27-30

Hello! My name is Andri and this is my house. My house is a quite big. It has got
two floors; a ground floor and a first floor. It has also got an attic and a basement. On the
ground floor there is the hall, the kitchen, a pantry, the living room, a big dining room and a
toilet. On the first floor there are three bedrooms, one bathroom and a big corridor. My
bedroom is between my parents’ bedroom and the bathroom. My sister’s bedroom is in front
of mine.
I love my bedroom, but I also like the attic. In the attic I keep some of my books
and my old toys. I like to spend my time there because it is very spacious and there is a big
sofa there where I sometimes take a nap.
In the basement is where we keep the washing machine, the drying machine and old stuff. At
the back of the house there is also the garage, where my parents park the family car, and a
lovely garden, with many green spaces, flowers. Two swings and a small swimming pool. I
love my house. It’s very comfortable and cozy

27.How many floors are there?

A. There are two floors
B. There is one floor
C. There are two ground floors
D. There are three floors
28.Where is the living room?
A. On the first floor
B. On the basement
C. On the ground floor
D. On the second floor
29. Why does he like to be in the attic?
A. Because it is very spacious and there is a big sofa there where he sometimes take a
B. Because there are two swings and he sometimes play there.
C. Because there is a lovely garden
D. Because it is very spacious and his parents keep washing machine there.
30.“It is very comfortable and cozy.” (last paragraph)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Feeling interested in something.
B. Making somebody feel relaxed.
C. Making somebody feel sad.
D. Not knowing what to do.

The text is for no 31-35

Kiwi Bird
The kiwi bird is a native of New Zealand. It is the iconic national bird of this country and
is rarely anywhere but in New Zealand, and a few pacific island neighbors.
The kiwi bird is a flightless bird, about the size of a chicken. It is nocturnal, meaning it
sleeps during the day and is active at night time. It has a long beak that is one-third the length
of its body and its beak actually has nostrils at the end. The kiwi is the only bird with this
feature. Another quirky feature of the kiwi is that it has no tail. It has thick brown hair-like
features unlike any other bird on earth.
Whit its long beak, the kiwi digs up and chows on worms. A kiwi is almost blind, it can
see about six feet at night and around two feet during the day, so when it comes to hunting the
kiwi is not well equipped. It uses the nostrils on its beak to find its food and then plucks up the
worms with its beak.

31.Where do kiwi birds live?

A. Australia
B. Pacific Ocean
C. New Zealand
D. South Pacific
32.Which one of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A. Kiwi bird is a flightless bird
B. Kiwi bird is nocturnal
C. Kiwi bird has no tail
D. Kiwi bird is totally blind
33.Kiwi birds use the long beaks to …..
A. To see during night time
B. To find its food
C. To dig up and to chow on worms
D. To clean their feathers
34.The kiwi bird is nocturnal. What does it mean?
A. It sleeps during the day and active at the night time.
B. It uses the nostrils on its beak.
C. It can see about six feet at night.
D. It has thick brown hair-like feathers
35 “…. And is the rarely anywhere but in New Zealand….”
The underline word has the closet meaning to ….
A. Common
B. Ordinary
C. Excessive
D. Limited
The text is for no 36-38

My Old Guitar
My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped blond guitar. It is the first instrument
I taught myself how to play.
It's nothing fancy, just a Madeira folk guitar all scuffed and scratched and finger-printed. At
the top is a bramble of copper-wound strings, each one hooked through the eye of a silver tuning
The strings are stretched down a long, slim neck, its frets tarnished, the wood worn by years
of fingers pressing chords and picking notes. The body of Madeira is shaped like an enormous
yellow pear, one that was slightly damaged in shipping. The blond wood has been chipped and
gouged to gay, particularly where the pick guard tell of years ago.
No, it's not a beautiful instrument, but it still I lets me make music, and for that I will always
treasure it.

36.What does the first paragraph tell us about?

A. The writer’s valuable book
B. The writer’s old book
C. The writer’s fancy car
D. The writer’s old guitar
37.What is function of the text?
A. To amuse the reader about certain things
B. To retell some events
C. To show how to make something
D. To give the readers some information
38. “My most valuable possesion is an old …”
The underlined word has the closest meaning to...
A. Meaningless
B. Cheap
C. Precious
D. Affordable
The text is for no 39-41

I have a favorite teacher in my school. He is Mr. Deni. He is my English teacher. He is 30

years old. He is tall and handsome. He has round eyes, a pointed nose, and thick lips. He has
straight hair that always looks neat. He is the strict and discipline person. He also has long
mustache and beard fairly dense. His skin is brown. He is very diligent. He is also smart and
honest. He loves music very much. He is very good at playing a guitar. He is a good person
and we love him very much.

39. Who is Mr. Deni?

A. The writer’s father
B. The writer’s head teacher
C. The writer’s uncle
D. The writer’s teacher
40. How does he look like?
A. He has round eyes, a flat nose, and thin lips. He has straight hair.
B. He has slant eyes, a pointed nose, and thick lips. He has wavy hair.
C. He has round eyes, a pointed nose, and thick lips. He has straight hair.
D. He has round eyes, a pointed nose, and thin lips. He has wavy hair.
41.What do you think about Mr. Deni?
A. He is very diligent, smart and honest person
B. He is smart, honest but lazy person
C. He is the strict but not discipline person
D. He is smart teacher but not discipline person
The text is for no 42-44
By Michael Buble
Another summer day
Is come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I want to go home
Maybe surrounded by
A million people
I still feel all alone
I just want to go home
Oh I miss you, you know
Another aero plane
Another sunny place
I’m lucky I know
But I want to go home
Let me go home
I’m just too far from where you are
I want to come home

42.What is the title of the song?

A. Paris and Rome
B. Home
C. Summer day
D. Michael Buble
43.Who is sing a song?
A. Michael Buble
B. Justin Bieber
C. Bruno Mars
D. Adelle
44.What does the song tell us about?
A. The writer want to go to Paris and Rome
B. The writer want to go home
C. Aero plane
D. Summer day
The text is for no 45-48
My Father
My father's name is Mr. Handoko. He is 45 years old. He is tall and well-built. He has short
straight hair and fair skin.
My father is a good man. He loves his family. He does not get angry easily. He talks to us, his
children, about many things. He and my mum often go out together to enjoy the evening.
My father is friendly, too. He knows almost everybody in the neighborhood. He always goes to
the neighborhood meetings. He is never absent from the Cleaning Day. He is a good volleyball
player. He plays volleyball with our neighbors in the community center every Saturday.

45. What is the purpose of the text?

A. to describe about my father
B. to describe about the writer's father
C. to describe about the writer's brother
D. to describe about my parents
46."He does not get angry easily." (part 2). It means that Mr. Handoko is a... man.
A. bad-tempered
B. generous
C. patient
D. arrogant
47.The true statement about Mr. Handoko is...
A. he is thirty-five years old
B. he has dark skin
C. he loves playing volleyball
D. he never joins the cleaning day activity
Text number 48- 50
Song by: Jason Mraz

All day I’ve been inside

And I’ve got the feeling
I’m trapped between the walls
And underneath the ceiling
I feel a bit off track
And I’m trying to get back
Back in the cool, cool air where the sun is
Nothing’s going to stop me
It’s all in the timing
It’s finally again my turn
It’s time to return
‘Cause I won’t stay inside no more
No more
I can’t wait to go
Well open up your door and be like me
Open up your door and then breathe free
And look at all the beauty you’ll feel
Loved, loved, loved, loved
Listen to the music of the wind and the brides
We’re just one big family
And all of nature deserves to be
Loved, loved, loved, loved,
So, I won’t stay inside no more
No more
It can’t wait, I’m sure
There’s need to run and hide
Let’s go explore
It feels so great let’s go outdoors
(Don’t cha do)
Everyone come on
come on out there
where the air is fresh and clear
So, I won’t stay inside no more
No more
It cannot wait
Let’s go out doors
Well, open up your door and be like me
Open up your door and then breathe free
And look at all the beauty and you’ll find
The earth and the sky is yours
48.What is the tone of the song above?
A. Happy
B. Sad
C. Melancholic
D. Exited
49.Who is Jason Mraz? He is a...
A. Singer
B. Kid
C. Composer
D. Listener
50.What does the singer want?
A. Sleep
B. Go outside
C. Play inside the house
D. Stay at home

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