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The 4th ICoGEE 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1108 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1108/1/012007

Floating power plant applications for electric battery using

thermoelectric generators (TEG) on solar panels

E Zein1, M Safril1, E Sutanto2, M I Hamid3, M Aziz4, F Fahmi1*,

Dept of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara.
Dept of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga.
Dept of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Andalas.
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo.

*E-mail: fahmimn@usu.ac.id

Abstract. The use of solar energy as a source of electrical power is done by utilizing solar panels.
Even though the sun has two sources of energy: light energy and heat energy, however, up to
now, the heat energy generated by the sun is not yet fully utilized. This study was aimed to
develop floating -on water- power plant where the temperature difference that occurs in
thermoelectric generator can increase the optimal output voltage on solar panels. The
thermoelectric hot side is patched under the solar panel, and the cold side is patched on the
surface of the water level. This study showed that the highest voltage results on the connected
series are 3±1 volts with thermoelectric generator connected 60 series. The power generated by
the thermoelectric generator is 3-7mW with a temperature difference of 14.5⁰C. Thermoelectric
efficiency of the floating generators was 84.4%. The electrical power generated by the
thermoelectric generator was stored in a 3V 2000 mAh electric battery. This energy is sufficient
to light up the lamps and to charge the mobile phone for daily use.

1. Introduction
Solar panels only utilize sunlight to generate electrical energy with photovoltaic processes. However,
the sun has two sources of energy: light and heat. Nevertheless, the heat energy generated by the sun is
not utilized. Therefore, to utilize heat energy from the sun, TEG (thermoelectric generator) is used to
convert heat energy from the sun into electrical energy [1]. Electrical energy is generated due to
temperature differences in the surrounding environment. Therefore, solar cells are designed to produce
electrical energy from sunlight and electrical energy from solar heat with TEG. This tool can be used
in ponds or any other water surface [2,3].
Solar energy can be utilized by solar panels and Thermoelectric generators (TEG) as a source of
electrical energy for battery charging. One of the studies entitled the use of thermoelectric generators
in solar power plants (PLTS) in 2019 [4]. This study looked at the potential utilization of Thermoelectric
Generators (TEG) in increasing the output voltage of solar panels. From the tests obtained, the voltage
of the hybrid system is greater than the voltage of the solar panel {Formatting Citation}.
In other study [5] entitled the use of solar cells and thermoelectric generators (TEG) as an electrical
energy source of 50-watt street lighting lights, it aims to produce power plants between solar cells and
Thermoelectric Generators (TEG) and analyse the results. This research approach was carried out by
quantitative methods that use mathematical models, theories, or hypotheticals related to natural
phenomena. From the result, sunlight can be utilized as a source of electrical energy between solar cells
and thermoelectric generators (TEG) for battery charging [5].

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
The 4th ICoGEE 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1108 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1108/1/012007

The aim of this study is to develop a floating power plant using thermoelectric and solar panels. The
purpose of floating on the water is so that the temperature difference that occurs in the thermoelectric
can increase the optimal output voltage. The thermoelectric hot side is patched under the solar panel,
and the cold side is located above the water level.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Photovoltaic - Solar Panel
Ordinary photons are light radiation with different level of energy. The different energy levels of the
photon will determine the outcome of the wavelength on the light spectrum. When photons charge
photovoltaic cells, it causes refraction in the photons and then continues being absorbed by photovoltaic
cells. The absorption of photons carried out by photovoltaic cells causes electrical energy. Electrical
energy is obtained from the solar module in the form of DC direct current and channelled to the battery
before being used to the load [6].Solar modules have electrical properties usually represented by their
voltage-current characteristics, which can be seen on the I-V curve (figure 1). [7].

Figure 1. (a) Solar panel, (b) Current-Voltage Curve of a solar module

2.2. Thermoelectric working principle of generator

Thermocouples are the basic building blocks in thermoelectric generators. Thermocouples consist of
two semiconductors; type P and type N. Type P and type N semiconductors are connected to metals in
series. These semiconductors are also known as thermoelements [8].
To measure thermoelectric performance, a generator can be measured by a figure of merit, or Z is a
combination of the properties of a thermoelectric material. A good thermoelectric material must have
low conductivity, high electrical conductivity, and large settlement co-efficiency. Low thermoelectric
conductivity is intended to prevent thermal conduction along the material. High electrical conductivity
aims to reduce the increase in temperature caused by electrical resistance when the current flows.
Seebeck's significant coefficients aim to provide maximum temperature conversion into electrical
energy. Here is the value equation figure of merit [9].
𝛼 2 𝜎𝑇 𝛼2 𝑇
𝑧= = (1)
𝑘 𝜌𝑘
Where: Z = figure of merit; σ = electrical conductivity; α = is the seebeck coefficient; ρ = electrical
resistivity; κ = thermoelectric conductivity

2.3. Seebeck effect

Thomas Seebeck discovered the Seebeck effect in 1821. That is if two different types of materials
are put together, and at the joints of materials given temperature differences (T and (T + TΔ)), then there
will be a difference in voltage (V) directly proportional to the difference in temperature (ΔT). The ratio
of the voltage generated to the temperature difference (V/ ΔT) is related to the intrinsic property of the
material known as the Seebeck coefficient (α)[9]. For more details, the Seebeck coefficient can be seen
in equation 6 [9-11].
𝑉𝑜𝑐 𝑉𝑜𝑐
𝛼= = (2)
∆𝑇 𝑇2−𝑇1
Where: α = Seebeck coefficient (V/⁰C); Voc =Voltage (V); T1 = Cold side temperature (⁰C); T2 =
Hot side temperature (⁰C)

The 4th ICoGEE 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1108 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1108/1/012007

As can be seen in figure 2, under open-circuit conditions, the charged electrons will accumulate in
the cold region and produce a difference in electrical potential.

2.4. Peltier effect

Jean Charles Athanase Peltier, in 1834 discovered the opposite of the event of the Seebeck effect, where
when the two metals are connected and then electrified at the connection, then there is a heat pump
event. When the electric current flows, there is heat release in the connection of the two metals and heat
absorption at the other connection. This release of heat and heat absorption will reverse if the direction
of the current is reversed. The heat rejected or absorbed at the junction depends on the direction of the
current, as in Figure 2 [9]

Figure 2. (a) Electrons move from hot to cold (b) Peltier effect between two different materials

Heat dissipated or absorbed in Peltier events can be calculated by equation 3 [8-12].

=𝛼𝐼𝑇 (3)
Where: Q = Heat absorbed or removed (W); α = Peltier Coefficient; I = Current flowing on
thermoelectric (A); T = Joint temperature (⁰C)

2.5. Research Methodology

Block diagrams explaining how floating power plants work using thermoelectric generators and solar
cells shown in figure 3 below.
Once stored in the battery, the electrical energy generated by the solar cell will be forwarded to relay
A. Relay A at NC (usually close) state will activate relays C(1), C(2), and D(1), D(2). If the switch is
the auto state, the time switch will activate relays B(1) and B(2) at the specified time and relays C(1),
C(2), and D(1), D(2) off. If the switch is manual, then to activate relays B(1) and B(2) must press the
switch so that the relays C(1), C(2) and D(1), and D(2) will be off.

2.5.1 Tool specifications. The following specifications of floating power plants consist of several main
components such as 2 Solar cell 50 WP polycrystalline brand sunlight and sun Asia connected in
parallel. Here are the specifications of sunlight and sun Asia solar panels : (a) Thermoelectric generator
type SP 1848-27145 as many as 60 pieces, with 60 connected series and 30 series two parallel, (b) 12
Volt 35 Ah Battery, (c) 3 volt 1A battery, (d) Solar charger controller 10 A, (e) Watt meters for reading
power generated on solar panels and power used by solar panel loads, (f) Time switch to regulate
electrical energy to be channelled to the load, (g) MY2N relay 2 pcs, (h) MY4N relay 2 pcs, (i) Fuse 10
A 7 pcs for safety so as not to occur a short circuit between solar panels and thermoelectric generators
(j) XL6009 DC-DC Booster to increase the thermoelectric voltage of the generator from 3V to 6V and
(k) USB Step Down module to lower voltage from 6V-12V to 5V.

The 4th ICoGEE 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1108 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1108/1/012007

Figure 3. Block diagram of the system

2.5.2 Automated control design scheme. In the no-current position, the battery will flow to relay A and
B(1) and B(2) to charge the mobile phone between 08.00 and 16.00. Relay B(1) is the positive voltage
of the battery, and relay B(2) is the negative voltage of the battery. At 16.00-08.00, then relay A will
change position from no to NC, then relays B(1) and B(2) are inactive, relays C(1) and C(2) are active,
and relays D(1) and D(2). At the time of NC position, the current from the battery will flow to relay A
and relays C(1) and C(2) to turn on the lamp. Relay C(1) is the positive voltage of the battery, while the
C(2) relay is the negative voltage of the battery. Relays D(1) and D(2) take source from a 3-volt battery
obtained from TEG to charge the phone. Relay D(1) is the positive voltage of a 3-volt battery, and the
D(2) relay is the negative voltage of a 3-volt battery. When the manual state of relay A is in the state of
NC, relays B(1) and B(2) are active, for relays C(1), C(2), and relays D(1), D(2) are inactive. Design of
automatic control system is shown in figure 4.

Figure 4. Automatic control system design

3. Result and Discussion

Testing of floating solar panels is carried out from 09.00 to 16.00, with data retrieval once every 30
minutes. The data taken in the group became three groups, namely 09.00 to 11.00 (morning), 11.30 to
13.30 (noon), and 14.00 to 16.00 (afternoon).

The 4th ICoGEE 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1108 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1108/1/012007

3.1. Testing of solar panels: floating state.

The average voltage, current and power obtained in the morning were 13.54V, 2.04A and 27.62W; in
the noon were 14.24V, 2.47A and 35.17W; and in the afternoon were 15.03V, 1.62A and 35W.

3.2. Testing of thermoelectric generator connected 60 series: floating state

Testing of 60 thermoelectric generators connected to the series was conducted with cloudy, sunny
weather and water temperature around 26⁰-30⁰C. The average voltage, current and power obtained by
the thermoelectric generator in the morning were 2.75V, 0.43mA 1.2mW; in the noon were 2.74V, 1.2
mA and 3.3mW; in the afternoon were 2.43V, 0.28 mA and 7mW.

3.3. Battery charging

Thermoelectric generator connected series as many as 60 pieces in a floating state when the weather is
cloudy or clear, the battery charging time is obtained if it is empty—current on 2000mAh battery and
average current thermoelectric generator 0.64mA. Then the current charging time on the battery is empty
for 3,125 hours.
Thermoelectric generators connected 30 series two parallel when sunny weather cloudy by 0.47mA.
The battery charging time is obtained if it is empty current on 2000mAh. Then the current charging time
on the battery is empty for 4,255 hours.

3.4. Load during the day and night

During the day, the load charges the phone by 6.2W and the automatic control system by 4.08 watts.
The total wattage used during the day is 10.28W. Based on equation 1, it is obtained I = I0,857 A
Therefore, the duration of battery use during the day is: Usage time = 45 Ah / 0,857 = 53 hours
At night, the load is for lighting lamps of 5.5 watts and automatic control systems of 3.84 watts. The
total wattage used at night is 9.34 watts. I = 0,778 A
Then the length of battery life at night is 45 Ah / 0,778 A = 58 hours.

3.5. Battery life

The 3-volt 2000mAh battery is used at night starting from 16.00 (afternoon). The load used is to charge
the phone with a voltage of 5.13 volts and a current of 0.14 A. Before charging, the mobile phone voltage
will be increased using a dc booster. Usage time at 14.3 hours. Then the battery life can be used for
about half a day.

The comparison of temperature, voltage, current, and power in thermoelectric generator shown in Figure
5-8 below.

70 4
voltage (V)

60 3
temp (⁰C)

40 b a
30 1
20 0
10 c
d Figure 6. Voltage cardigan graph on
thermoelectric generator connected series: (a)
Figure 5. Thermoelectric temperature ratio 60 floating series; (b) on land
generator connected 60 floating series with 60
series on land: (a) heat side floating; (b) heat
side on land; (c) Cold side floating; (d) Cold
side on land.

The 4th ICoGEE 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1108 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1108/1/012007

0,0025 0,008

Power (W)
Current (A)

0,0015 0,004
a a
0,001 0,002
0,0005 0 b


Figure 8. Comparison graph of the power
Figure 7. Current comparison graph on generated thermoelectric generator connected
thermoelectric generator connected series: (a) series: (a) 60 floating series; (b) 60 series on
60 floating series; (b) 60 series on land. land.

4. Conclusion
A floating power plant can be developed by using thermoelectric generators on the solar panels
installation and the output can be used for lighting and charging used. The power generated by the
thermoelectric generator is connected to 60 series when floating by 3-7 mW with a temperature
difference of 14.5 ⁰C. Thermoelectric efficiency of the floating generators was found at the rate 84.4%.

This study was fully supported by Ministry Research Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia,
under the scheme Riset Kolaborasi Indonesia RKI 2022.

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