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A Study on Positive and Negative

Effects of Social Media on Society

Priyansh Audichya
B.Tech VII SEM Computer Science [CS-C , 4th Year]

Arya College of Engineering and I.T. Kukas, Jaipur

Social media is a platform for people around the world to discuss their issues and opinions.
Before knowing the actual aspects of social media, we need to know what we mean
by social media. Social media is a term that describes the interaction between groups or
individuals who create, share, and sometimes exchange ideas, images, videos, etc.
on the Internet or in virtual communities. Children grow up surrounded by mobile
devices and interactive social networking sites such as Twitter,
MySpace, Facebook and Orkut. Social networks are changing the way
young people interact with their parents, peers and use technology. The effects of social
networking are twofold.[1] On the positive side, social networks can act as invaluable tools for
professionals. They achieve this by assisting young professionals to market their skills
and seek business opportunities. Social networking sites may also be used to network
efficiently. On the negative side, the internet is laden with a number of risks associated with
online communities. Cyber bullying, which means a type of harassment that is perpetrated using
electronic technology, is one of the risks. In this paper we cover every aspect of social
media with its positive and negative effects. Focus is on the particular field like health, business,
education, society and youth. During this paper we explain how these media will influence the
society in a broad way.

Social media are online platforms that people use to establish social networks or
social relationships with other people who share similar personal or professional interests,
activities, backgrounds, or real-world connections. The impact of her social network on young
people is significant. It's becoming more and more apparent that social networks have
become a part of her life. Many of her teens use laptops, tablets, and smartphones to get tweets
and status updates from friends and family. Advances in technology put pressure on
people to embrace a different lifestyle. Social networking sites help young people become more
socially competent. Social media is a web-based form of data communication. Social media
platforms allow users to have conversations, share information and create web content. Social
media takes different forms, along with blogs, microblogs, wikis,
social networking sites, photo sharing sites, instant messaging, video sharing sites, podcasts,
widgets, virtual worlds, and more. Billions of people around the world use social media
to share information and stay connected. [2] On a personal level, social media allows us to
communicate with friends and family, learn new things, develop interests, and have fun.
At the professional level, you can use social media to grow and broaden your knowledge in a
particular area and build your professional network by connecting with other professionals
in your industry. At the business level, social media
allows you to engage with your audience, get customer feedback, and strengthen your brand.
Social media is an innovative idea with very good opportunities for further development.
With the advancement of social media, many organizations are using this medium
to improve their practices.

2. Review of Literature
Young people and teenagers are the builders of nations, so in this era
they are raised as part of the Net Generation. Smartphones, MP3 players, digital cameras,
video games, iPads, e-readers, PCs and more, you can easily use the latest in his
technology. Social media has both positive and negative effects. This study is based on
secondary data collected from online sources, various research papers, and
Google search engines. We also collected information on general social media usage using
data collection tools (field observations, interviews, and questionnaires).
This paper examines various social networking sites, the widespread use of social media today
in various fields (business and commerce, education, health and medical education, etc.),
the positive and negative aspects of social media. Consider aspects, and guidelines.
To address the negative impact of social media on society.

3. Popular Social Media Sites

It is the largest social media network on the web with in both total users and notoriety.
Facebook was founded on February 2004, Facebook has managed to amass
monthly active users over 1.59 billion in his 12 years.
Business. [3] Over 1 million small and medium-sized businesses are expected to use the
platform to accelerate their business.
Instagram is a visual online networking stage. The site has
dynamic customers over his 400 million, owned by Facebook. Quite a few customers use it
to post his dates on travel, forms, food, work, and his related topics. [2] The stage
is also recognized by its notable channel , along with video and photo
changing highlights. About 95% of Instagram customers are also on Facebook.

Snapchat is a picture notification application training article written by Reggie Brown,
Evan Spiegel, and Bobby Murphy during their sophomore year at Stanford University. [5] The
application was finally released in September 2011, and in May 2015, he had 100 million daily
active customers, within his limited ability to focus on
. Which he registered a huge number of over 18% of all social media customers use Snapchat.

WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform instant messaging client for smartphones, PCs and
tablets. This application requires internet connection to send images, text, documents,
audio and video messages to other users who have his app installed on their device. [5]
WhatsApp Inc. was founded in January 2010 and was acquired by Facebook on February
19, 2004 for approximately $19.3 billion. Today, more than 1 billion of his
people use Admin to talk to associates, friends, family and even customers.

YouTube: The largest and most popular video-based online networking site - was founded on
February 14, 2005 by three former PayPal employees. Later, in November 2006,
he was acquired by Google for $1.65 billion. YouTube has over 1 billion visitors to his
website every 4,444 months, making him the second most popular internet search site
after Google.

You may think that limiting posts to 140 characters is not the way to promote our business, but
this social media phase has 320 million active monthly users with 140 characters available. You
will be shocked to know there are more. Limitations on Information Sharing. [3] Business can
use Twitter to engage with prospects, answer's questions, and post breaking news. Twitter
was incorporated on March 21, 2006 at and is headquartered at San Francisco, California.


Social media provide Health Care Professionals with tools to share information and to promote
health behaviors, to engage with the public, and to educate and interact with
patients, students, and colleagues. HCPs can use social media to potentially improve health
outcomes, develop a professional network, increase personal awareness of news
and discoveries, motivate patients, and provide health information to the community.
Physicians most frequently join online websites where they can read news articles, listen to
experts, research medical advancements, discuss with colleagues concerning patient
issues, and network. They can explore and share ideas, discuss practice management
challenges, make referrals, disseminate their research, market their practices, or engage
in health advocacy.[4] A large number of physicians also use social media to converse directly
with patients to enhance clinical care. It is clear that social media is having a distinct
consequence on healthcare systems, and that its impact is relevant both in the developed and
developing worlds.[5] Healthcare consultants provide improved healthcare to a larger number of
citizens, while clients are able to use it to empower themselves, their families and their

A. Positive Effects of Social Media on Health

Pass a doctor's prescription to a friend, relative or colleague.

 Consult a doctor online anytime, anywhere.
 Share suggestions with friends, relatives and colleagues about various diseases
and their symptoms.
Access to Information in Developing Regions.

Online Health Forum Support and Mutual Accountability. [6]
Support for health purposes.
 Support medical services with priority to serious cases.
 Improvement of accountability for consumers.
 The number of data available by health researchers has increased.

B. Negative Effects of Social Media on Health

 False self-diagnosis
 Potential invasion of privacy


Social media is the new buzz sector promoting and includes companies, organizations and
brands that post messages, influence followers, form relationships and form groups. Companies
use web-based social networks to meet business goals, expand club offerings each year, and
improve club performance in a number of ways. The web-based social network offers the
advantage that is a communications phase that facilitates two-way communication between an
organization and its shareholders. Businesses are driven by a variety of long-term informal
communication goals. [6] A significant group of organizations are doing business by offering his
ads in online networking, with the specific end goal of attracting's largest clients. A customer
can use the online network to connect and collaborate with his business on a more personal
level. Many organizations can use social media to develop strategies to promote their business.

A. Positive Effect of Social Media on Business

Social media helps drive business in all 4,444 countries around the world.
Social media builds deals and customer nurturing through standard connections and promised
customer value.
Social media provides a rich customer experience.

 Receive important information about your competitors through social media monitoring.
 Share your business faster and easier with the help of social media content about
 Social networking sites help attract new customers by offering a variety of features.
 Helps improve market insight and expand his beyond competitors through online networking.
It also helps raise customer awareness to better understand the product.

B. Negative Effect of Social Media on Business

Given the fact that in the business world a significant number of fans and supporters are
allowed to post their views on a particular group, social media is not completely safe. Negative
remarks may disappoint the Club.

. Negative customer reviews are harmful and Very slow.

 Web is becoming overcrowded with more and more content.
 Correcting mistakes on social media is hard.

 Many of the big clubs have yielded to their programmers.

 The wrong online branding system can ruin your business and result in a big viral
social downside.
 Integrating into social media takes a lot of time. As an association, you should appoint
men to ensure that your page and profile are supported.
Most organizations have problems measuring the promotional impact of Web-
based social networks.


Social networking technology also allows you to share one thought with another. It helps men
on one side of world connect and share thoughts with men on the other side of [2]. The use of
social media allows students to communicate easily and share information quickly through
various social networks such as her Facebook, Orkut and Instagram.

A. Positive Effect of Social Media on Education

An important part of growing up is socializing and making friends. Why is this important?[2]
allows children to share ideas and learn new things. This his will inevitably make them more
confident in his life.

Sharing Knowledge:
It provides an easy and an effective way in which students can share knowledge. Students can
simply access the information, study, transform (if needed) and share. Hence, the flow of
knowledge becomes smooth.

Learning from Various Sources:

Pervasive advances in interpersonal communication are so advanced that research subjects
will be able to select groups, movements, or persons that require daily review Learning
opportunities are diverse.

Sharing what they feel or think:

Students are often not on the right stage to share their feelings. Social networking technology
gives them the opportunity to express their thoughts. When students are able to share their
thoughts and feelings, it becomes easier to judge what is good and what is bad. Social
media provides an appropriate way for undergraduates to communicate regarding field
trips, group assignments, or homework assistance. [5] Many undergraduate
students who cannot reliably understand conspiracies in class may find that they
can effectively express their thoughts through Web-based network media. Teachers can use
web-based network media to post class exercises, school events, and homework that are of
great value to teachers. [3]  We see her web-based advertising on social networks develop as
a career option. Web-based social networking advertising plans young
Specialist to become a prominent and successful advertiser.  Access to web-based social
networking gives instructors the opportunity to demonstrate and profit from large-
scale computerized citizenship and use of the Internet.

B. Negative effect of Social Media on Education

Reduction in real human contact:

The more time students spend in these online networking destinations, the less time
they spend making personal connections with others. This reduces their her
relationship skills. They do not have the ability to communicate and face others
properly.This her reason makes companies increasingly frustrated with the relationship
skills of new graduates[1]. Persuasive relationship skills are critical to her
performance in real life.

Reduces command over language use age and creative

writing skills:

Students commonly use slang and abbreviated words for long-distance interpersonal
communication Starts with and emphasizes spell checking, depending on the language
structure of your PC. This makes her less burdened with dialects and experimental
writing skills.
Time Wastage:

Students who search and focus on the Internet are drawn into using the online
networking environment and at one time overlook why they are using the Internet.
Students may fail to submit assignments within the specified timeframe due
to time wasted.

Effect on health:

Unnecessary use of these sites affects both mental and physical health. Students do
not eat his meals on time and rest properly.Her once-a-day abuse of these destinations
has many negative effects on the physical and psychological well
being of students, making them lazy and unwilling to face the public. Parents should
review and adjust their children's use of the Internet. I have to question whether it will be
used for a reasonable period of time [2]. Companions and educators also need to
make students aware of the negative impacts and allow them to uncover what actually
causes them to lose retention in the long-distance areas of interpersonal communication.


As we all know, social media can have a huge impact on our society. Some social
media goals have changed the way people communicate and interact online. The
Interpersonal Communication Goal opens the door for to reconnect with old peers, partners and
peers. Human-to-human communication goals provide opportunities for individuals to reconnect
with old peers, partners, and allies. [3] Individuals also influence new allies and share
content, images, sounds and recordings. Web-based social networks are also
changing the lifestyle of society.

A. Positive Effect of Social Media on Society

Connectivity –
A major benefit of social media is connectivity. You can connect your to anyone, from anywhere.
It doesn't matter where you are or what your religion is. His benefit of social media is that you
can connect with any of her to learn and share your thoughts.

Education – Social media offers many benefits to students and teachers.

It is very easy to learn from other professionals and professionals through social
media. You can follow someone and learn from them, and can expand your knowledge in all
areas. No matter where you are or what your education is, you can
educate yourself without paying.

Help - Share issues with groups to get help and energy. Whether it's
cash or advice, you can get it from the group is connected to.
Information and Updates – Primary vantage point in web-based social networks is to keep
informed about the latest happenings on planet. For the most part, today's television and print
media are one-sided and do not convey his true message.[2]
With the help of web-based social networks, some research has been conducted.
You get facts and real data by doing. Advertising - Show your business to an audience of up to
4,444 people. The whole world is open to you and can be sent to you It helps increase profits
and the achieves business goals.

Noble Purposes – Social media can also be used for Noble Purposes. Ordinary people use
social media to make posts for those in need and it could be a quick way to help her
such people . helps build community – With different religions and beliefs in our
world, people from different communities can connect, discuss and share related things.
 Traditional marketing media such as radio, TV commercials, and print advertising are
completely obsolete and cost thousands of dollars.
Social Media allows businesses to connect with her
target customers for free. The cost is energy and he is only
hours.The increasing popularity of social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, social
networks has gained attention as the most viable communication choice for
the bloggers, article writers and content creators.These long range informal communication
destinations have opened the open door for every one of the bloggers to associate with their
well informed customers to share your ability and articles your viewers will share your articles,
blog or expertise in their social circle which further enhance your networks
of the followers.[1] Students and experts are competent to share and exchange information
with like-minded people and can ask for the input and opinion on a particular topic.
Social Media helps to meet people who have not met outside the social media forums.
Social Media helps to share ideas beyond geographical boundaries.
It provides open opportunity for all writers and bloggers to connect with their clients.
 Bringing people together on a massive platform to achieve specific goals. This will
bring positive change to society.

B. Negative Effect of Social Media on Society:

Cyber harassment –
According to a report published by, the majority of young people were victims of
digital bullying in the past. Anyone can create a fake record of her and do anything without
being tracked, making it very easy for to haunt her internet. Dangerous, threatening
messages, and gossip may be sent to in majority, causing inconvenience
and public uproar.

Hacking – Personal information and security can be hacked and shared on the Internet.[5]
Some of the accounts on Twitter and Facebook have been hacked in the past, and
programmers have been hacked into their lives. published material that influenced.

Addiction – The addictive part of online networking, is so bad it can derail an individual's life. It
can also waste personal time that could be used for more profitable tasks and exercises.

Scams and Scams – There have been several instances of

people scamming and scamming through his network online.

Reputation – Social media makes it easy to damage someone's reputation simply by telling a
false story and spreading it across online networks.
 Encourage fixation.
Spending endless hours on social goals can help you focus and give your attention
to specific errands. They rely primarily on technological innovation and the Internet rather than
engaging with the practical information and skills of normal, everyday life.
 Children can be greatly affected by these interpersonal communication sites if their use is
permitted. This is because people occasionally share photos via web-based network media
that contain cruelty or sexual acts, people may influence children's behavior, people have
adolescent I'm a young man.



Here are some ways to deal with the impact of social media
on teens. Once you know what's interesting to them, you can see images and messages
that inspire them.
 It's so easy for a teenager to watch YouTube videos
on his mobile phone that you have no idea what he's watching. Parents should
monitor what their teenagers are watching on TV and the Internet and make sure they discuss
some boundaries and rules. One of the best ways to help teens cope with the influence
of media is to talk about the message. [4] For example, if a teenager loves a girl, they can talk
about female friendships, life choices, self-esteem, and sexuality.
Monitoring teenagers' choices does not mean prohibiting them from watching media.
Just make them aware of the negative effects.
 You must also choose to ban some apps, shows, and games. Please explain why you are
doing this.
 You can also ask teenagers some questions to encourage them to interpret the media.
Pick a TV spot or magazine and ask teenagers: who is behind it,
what are their motivations, how do they feel, what do they need from it? whether there is
We can do the same with our teenager example. Teens why do you like this celebrity,
follow him in real life, what celebrity values does he interest us his teens and so on.

9. Conclusion:-
As the technology is developing, the web-based social networking has turned into the routine for
every last individual, people; groups are seen dependent with this technology consistently.
Online networking has expanded the quality and rate of coordinated effort for students.[8]
Business uses online networking to upgrade an organizations execution in different courses, for
example, to fulfill business goals, expanding yearly offers of the organization. Youths are found
in contact with these media every day .Social media has different merits yet it likewise
has a few faults which influence individuals contrarily. False data can lead the training
framework to disappointment, in organizations wrong promotion will influence the productivity,
online networking can manhandle the general public by attacking on individuals' security, some
pointless sites can impact youth that can end up plainly savage and can take a few wrong
activities. Last but not least , all the citizens are advised to adopt the positive aspects of social
media and avoid negative effects So that we can avail the benefits of these latest and emerging

10. References:-
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