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Dear Matt,

Good Morning, I hope you are having a good week. I wanted to write this email because I know
how receptive Hines law is to feedback and I felt heard regarding the recent changes in our team.
And that is why I think it’s important to voice my opinion regarding some things. It’s not my
intention to blame anybody in specific, nor do I claim to know how the company should work, but
rather shed some light on some situations that have been happening:

- I feel like I’m constantly being pressured: I was asked to dedicate of my focus on doing
LORs, to try and get us caught up on that front, which I did and now that I’m mostly caught
up, I’m being pressed because I barely had the time to do follow ups at the time. And
while I’m happy that we got help when we needed it, I feel like the pressure has barely

- I feel unmotivated: I worked really hard to get caught up on LORs and to try and be as up
to date on follow ups as I was capable of, whenever we got asked where we needed help
during the process I told multiple times that I was lagging behind on my follow ups but I
got no response, until we were finally closer to the goal with LORs when I got told it was
unacceptable to be that far behind. I feel like my efforts rarely get appreciated and while I
usually don’t need much encouragement, just being pointed out what I’m doing wrong
makes it hard to stay motivated. Sometimes I’m even afraid to ask for help since I feel I’m
going to be told that I’m doing it wrong and that I should know better.

- Our Training is not working right: The most common sentiment my new coworkers and
myself is “I’m done with the training and I still don’t know what I am supposed to be
doing” while they training is useful regarding the theoretical side of our post, the practical
side of the training is mostly done by us older coworkers, and while I love helping our new
hires learn their post, I feel we don’t have the preparation to give them the practical
training properly. There have been mistakes that have been repeated between team
members because there was nobody with the knowledge to correct us. It is constantly
assumed that we have a lot more knowledge that we do, most of us don’t have experience
in similar jobs outside general administrative work.
I think the best example I can think of this would be the training that we had on slip and
falls, that while interesting and useful, we still have not being explained how to actually
write a spoliation letter or how to handle a slip and fall case in practical terms.

- Middle Management seems to be overwhelmed: while I don’t blame them I do feel like
our supervisors are being stretched too thin. Our direct supervisor is doing around 4
people’s worth of work to the point where whenever we need help with something it
takes too long to get a response. I think it’s because of this that the training itself is
suffering, and most importantly, there have been failures in communication, we got a test
regarding our knowledge on police reports that I submitted and never got a response on
how I did, we were doing a weekly production sheet (a Spreadsheet where we would write
our daily tasks) until it was suddenly reverted to a week before and when a team member
ask about it our only response was one of the supervisors saying they never even know we
were doing a weekly production sheet.

I hope that good comes from me sharing this since I want nothing but to see the Law firm grow in
a positive direction, and to be part of the great team I know we can be.

And I will be copying my Liaison and Supervisor from Get Staffed Up on this email, for their
knowledge of the situation.

I appreciate your attention.

Best regards,

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