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Guiding the deployment of electric vehicles in the developing world

Article in Environmental Research Letters · July 2022

DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac765b


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4 authors, including:

Michael Dioha June Lukuyu

Carnegie Institution for Science University of Massachusetts Amherst


Edgar Virguez
Carnegie Institution for Science


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Environ. Res. Lett. 17 (2022) 071001


Guiding the deployment of electric vehicles in the developing

2 May 2022 Michael O Dioha1,∗, June Lukuyu2, Edgar Virgüez1 and Ken Caldeira1,3
30 May 2022 Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford, CA 94305, United States of America
206 Knowles Engineering Building, 151 Holdsworth Way, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, United States of America
7 June 2022 Breakthrough Energy, Kirkland, WA 98033, United States of America

Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
16 June 2022 E-mail:

Keywords: electric vehicles, developing countries, climate policy, energy policy, energy transition
Original content from
this work may be used
under the terms of the
Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 licence.
Any further distribution 1. Introduction plans to have 10 000 EVs as part of its vehicle stock
of this work must by 2030, and Egypt aims to locally manufacture about
maintain attribution to
the author(s) and the title Transportation contributes about 24% of total global 20 000 EVs per annum from 2023 (McDonnell 2022).
of the work, journal carbon emissions from fossil fuel combustion (IEA While most industrialized countries in Europe
citation and DOI.
2020). To decarbonize the transportation sector in and North America are adopting EVs due to their
support of global climate action, electric vehicles ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the
(EVs) will play a key role (Coignard et al 2018, transportation sector, the motivation for EV adop-
Taljegard et al 2019, Muratori 2021, Dioha et al 2022). tion in developing countries4 may be more intricate.
The total number of EVs on the world’s roads has Many developing countries such as Ethiopia, India,
increased from nearly zero in 2010 to over 16 mil- and Haiti still have many underserved populations,
lion in 2021, with battery EVs (BEVs) leading the indicating the need for socio-economic development
expansion (IEA 2022). As highlighted in the 2021 as the most critical priority in these regions. Thus, for
Global EV Outlook by the IEA, the global EV stock policymakers in the developing world, the most press-
is estimated to hit 145 million by 2030, which repres- ing issue is how to provide adequate infrastructure
ents about 7% of the total vehicle stock (IEA 2021). and access to modern energy for essential services to
Figure 1 shows the global sales of EVs from 2016 eradicate extreme poverty. For this reason, many gov-
to 2021. ernments of developing countries have introduced
From figure 1, it can be observed that the global several policies, including subsidies for fossil fuels
sales of EVs is on an upward trend. Figure 1 also shows and electricity tariffs, to lift their populations out of
that the global EV fleet is concentrated in the indus- poverty (Groot and Oostveen 2019). Consequently,
trialized regions of the world (China, Europe, and for EVs to be commercialized in the developing world,
the United States). In 2021, China, Europe and the they should have the potential to address other press-
United States accounted for 95% of the total EV sales ing challenges besides climate mitigation that face the
in that year, while the remaining 5% is distributed developing world.
in developing countries like Indonesia, India, and This document aims to provide a holistic frame-
Brazil. Clearly, EVs have not met similar success in all work for policymakers in developing countries to
regions in the last decade. Notwithstanding, develop- consider when beginning to think of EV deployment.
ing countries are showing interest in adopting EVs. The central question explored in this perspective is:
For example, Africa has the lowest EV fleet world- how could developing countries go about commer-
wide, but the sale of EVs in the region has increased cializing EVs in an economically sustainable manner?
in recent years (McDonnell 2022). Although EV sales Here, we examine a suite of factors that could guide
remained low across Africa, they increased by 90% in policy development for the smooth deployment of
2021, of which BEVs accounted for 85% (IEA 2022). EVs in the developing world.
As of January 2022, South Africa had about 1000 EVs
in its vehicle stock of 12 million. In Kenya, EVs total
4 By developing countries, we refer to countries with less
around 350 in a vehicle stock of 2.2 million. Several
developed industries and a low Human Development Index
developing countries have also established plans to
relative to others, listed as the UNFCCC’s Non-Annex I countries:
further deploy EVs. For example, Kenya aims for 5%
of its vehicle imports to be EVs by 2025. Namibia convention-and-observer-states.

© 2022 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd

Environ. Res. Lett. 17 (2022) 071001 M O Dioha et al

Figure 1. EV sales by region 2016–2021. Reproduced with permission from (IEA 2022).

2. Considerations for EV deployment in Besides grid reliability, grid stability is also a con-
the developing world cern. Both urban and rural areas tend to have concen-
trated peak demand during evening hours, between
2.1. Nature of the electricity supply system 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., when people turn on the lights and
Over the past decade, the share of net capacity addi- use electrical appliances. Managing the EV charging
tions from renewable sources in developing coun- market during peak hours, especially for residential
tries has steadily increased, reaching 70% in 2020 consumers who may be inclined to connect their EVs
(BloombergNEF 2021). Several developing countries, as soon as they get home from work, will be critical
such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Ecuador, Uganda, Nepal, for utilities to ensure grid stability. Utilities will need
and Namibia, with over 80% electricity generation to invest in intelligent charging solutions and imple-
from renewable sources, could consider accelerat- ment strategies that incentivize smart charging, such
ing EV deployment since new electricity demand as low tariffs for charging during off-peak hours.
from EV can be met with a relatively clean electri-
city supply. However, generation capacity is a tiny
piece of the puzzle; the real challenge for develop- 2.2. The market structure and consumer
ing countries will be the limitations that the already perception
fragile distribution grids impose on the increased Consumer perceptions and concerns over upfront
load from EVs. In Africa, for example, more than costs, power reliability, convenience, and functional-
half of grid-connected customers are plagued by fre- ity are significant barriers to EV adoption in devel-
quent and often unplanned power outages that last oping countries. The high upfront cost of EVs, in
several hours or days. To support the adoption of particular, is a massive deterrent in countries where
EVs, electric utilities will need to invest in upgrading income for half of the population remains at $3 per
aging distribution transformers, weak transmission day or less (Birdsall and Meyer 2015). Some gov-
and distribution lines, and other equipment. How- ernments have established financial incentives in the
ever, improving reliability depends on whether util- form of subsidies and tax exemptions to encourage
ities can generate sufficient revenue from electricity EV adoption. However, these incentives have not had
sales to invest in infrastructure upgrades. Due to the the desired effect for many reasons. The most prom-
low electricity demand in the region, only two utilities inent reason is that even with tax exemptions, the vast
in Africa are currently recovering their operating and used-vehicle market in developing countries is still
debt-service costs (Kojima and Trimble 2016). Added very cost-competitive compared to EVs.
revenue from EV charging presents a significant Therefore, innovative business models such as
opportunity for utilities to strengthen their business pay-as-you-go, fee-for-service, and battery swapping
models. will play a crucial role in developing countries’ large-
However, poor reliability of electricity creates a scale adoption of EVs. Fortunately, advancements in
vicious cycle; it is a crucial deterrent to electricity fintech and digital financial services, such as mobile
demand growth, as customers are usually very unwill- money in developing countries, are spearheading the
ing to pay for an unreliable connection. Yet this development of these business models. In addition,
low electricity demand perpetuates poor reliability governments, policymakers, and other key stakehold-
and overall electricity service. Poor reliability is also ers will need to create the right political and eco-
expected to be a critical barrier to adopting EVs from nomic environment to support the local assembly
a consumer perspective. Therefore, it will be crucial of EVs. In East Africa, for example, the majority of
for relevant actors to develop policies and strategies current EV market players have invested in the local
to support utilities to improve grid reliability before assembly of electric two-wheelers, mini-buses, and
pushing for accelerated EV adoption. buses.

Environ. Res. Lett. 17 (2022) 071001 M O Dioha et al

‘So, where will I charge my car?’ Utilities in devel- may influence the pattern of EV charging. Residen-
oping countries will have to grapple with this inev- tial houses in several developing countries are usu-
itable question from consumers. Rushing to the fuel ally not equipped with garages, and thus EV owners
station when a car is running out of fuel, and filling in these regions may rely on public charging. Under-
only up to the amount that the funds in hand will standing these challenges at the national and sub-
purchase, is the traditional mindset in many develop- national levels can help policymakers in the develop-
ing countries, especially in Africa. It is unclear how or ing world plan for the charging infrastructure needs
whether this behavior will reflect EV adopters’ range of any vehicle category they plan to electrify.
anxiety. It is clear that planning for a reliable, stra-
tegically placed charging infrastructure network will 2.4. Political economy of fossil fuel
be crucial to how willing consumers will be to adopt One of the priorities of policymakers in develop-
EVs. Further, efforts to gain insight into people’s per- ing countries is to improve their economy. Thus,
ception of range anxiety and EVs in different contexts they need to consider how EV deployment could
and electric cars, in general, will go a long way toward spur socio-economic development. Currently, many
designing and making available the right technology, governments in the developing world, especially
incentives, and supporting infrastructure. in Africa, provide subsidies for gasoline, and this
becomes a fiscal burden for the government. This
2.3. Nature of the existing vehicle fleet and expensive subsidy has robbed many developing coun-
transportation infrastructure tries of potential vital infrastructures. Subsidies cost
Developing countries usually have low vehicle own- African governments an average of 1.4% of their
ership rates and poor public transportation systems, gross domestic product (Hill et al 2018). For instance,
and these factors directly influence vehicle needs Nigeria spent about = =10 trillion (around US$25 bil-
and mobility patterns. For example, Nigeria has 31 lion) to finance petroleum subsidies between 2006
vehicles per 1000 inhabitants compared to the United and 2018. This value is nearly 200% more than the
States, with around 800 vehicles per 1000 inhabitants amount spent on education in the same period (Uduu
(Our World in Data 2021). It is pertinent that poli- 2020). While maintaining subsidies in these countries
cymakers in the developing world assess the state of mitigates the negative economic impact of high oil
their transportation systems to identify the hotspots prices on the masses, the subsidies distort the market
for electric mobility. EVs come in different forms, and may lead to increased fossil fuel demand (Collett
and thus developing countries may need to consider et al 2021). However, EVs could remove the need for
what type of EVs are suitable for them. In a coun- these expensive petroleum subsidies.
try like India, two-wheelers account for the largest On the flip side, fuel taxes are introduced along-
share of the country’s vehicle fleet (Bansal et al 2021). side subsidies in a country such as Ethiopia. Hence,
In this case, policymakers may consider two- and reducing fossil fuel demand could reduce revenue
three-wheelers as excellent candidates for electrifica- sources for the government. Also, in oil revenue-
tion. The same can be said for some countries in East dependent states such as Venezuela and Angola,
Africa, such as Kenya. reducing fossil fuel consumption via EV adoption
However, in a country like South Africa, the could present an economic hurdle for the govern-
share of two-wheelers is insignificant compared to ments. For some oil-poor developing countries, espe-
four-wheelers. In this case, four-wheelers may be a cially in Asia, policymakers may consider deploy-
better candidate for electrification than would be ing EVs to reduce fossil fuel imports, and thus
two- and three-wheelers. There is also a need to con- increase energy security and geopolitical independ-
sider EV deployment at sub-national (city) levels. For ence, thereby reducing the strain on their foreign
example, in a city like Lagos, Nigeria, with a relatively exchange. Some other developing Asian countries,
large stock of mini-buses (Danfo) for public transit such as Pakistan and Thailand, consider EVs as a way
(Cervigni et al 2013)—the electrification of the bus to unlock economic development and job creation
fleet could yield more benefits than could the elec- through domestic EV manufacturing (ICCT 2020,
trification of other types of vehicles. Irrespective of Bloomberg 2021).
the vehicle category considered, the technical level of The EVs socio-economic ‘math’ is not straight-
the EVs also needs to be considered. Highly technic- forward. For some policymakers in developing coun-
ally advanced EVs may not be suitable in developing tries, especially in oil-revenue-dependent states, EVs
countries, given that a majority of these countries lack may be seen as a potential bottleneck to economic
highly skilled EV technicians. development, or an opportunity to diversify the eco-
Also, the locations more convenient for charging nomy. Other policymakers, especially those in coun-
EVs vary substantially. Experience has shown that tries that depend on oil imports, may consider the
private EV owners in industrialized countries prefer adoption of EVs as means to improve the local eco-
to charge their EVs at home (Funke et al 2019). Many nomy through savings from the reduction of oil
cities in developing countries are unplanned and thus imports, as well as an opportunity to enhance energy
do not have coordinated housing development, which security.

Environ. Res. Lett. 17 (2022) 071001 M O Dioha et al

2.5. Public-health challenges driving the emission standards and that use natural gas, while
deployment of EVs more recently, policies favoring the deployment of
The top ten most-polluted cities in the world based EVs have been observed. The driver for this deploy-
on PM2.5 emissions are located in developing coun- ment was primarily to lower the emission of particu-
tries, for instance India and Pakistan (SMART AIR late matter.
2022). A significant portion of the population in the
developing world, especially those living in traffic 3. Conclusion
congested cities like New Delhi (India) and Lagos
(Nigeria), are exposed to local air pollutants daily, There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to EVs deploy-
and this contributes to respiratory and cardiovascu- ment in the developing world. EVs can play differ-
lar diseases. In 2015, an estimated 74 000 premature ent roles in different countries based on their national
deaths in India were attributable to transportation- circumstances. For some developing countries, EVs
related emissions (ICCT 2019). Over the years, sev- could support them only in achieving their climate
eral countries have established different policies, such and air quality goals. At the same time, for some,
as fuel economy standards and the use of advanced EVs may play a more critical role in providing energy
fuels with low emission factors, to mitigate trans- security, economic development, and improved grid
portation emissions. However, some of these policies reliability. Therefore, the factors analyzed here are not
have not provided the much-anticipated results in exhaustive, but they can provide additional informa-
terms of reduction in air pollution, due to the con- tion to guide policymakers in developing countries,
tinuous use of internal combustion engine vehicles in who are interested in deploying EVs into their vehicle
those regions. One of the innovative ways to guaran- fleets. Consequently, each developing country could
tee emission reduction from the transportation sec- benefit from a detailed needs assessment to under-
tor is through the deployment of EVs, especially if the stand how the integration of EVs could be valuable
EVs’ power needs are satisfied via renewables. to them.
Recently, we have seen countries such as China
increase EV deployment on account of local air reg- Data availability statement
ulations, and not strictly by policies directly aimed at
EV deployment for climate mitigation. Policymakers No new data were created or analyzed in this study.
in the developing world should consider potential
synergies when aligning EV deployment with the
most pressing public health challenges (e.g. air pollu-
tion regulations). As earlier opined, developing coun-
This work is supported by a gift from Gates Ventures
tries commonly rank climate-oriented solutions as
LLC to the Carnegie Institution for Science.
a second priority in contrast to public health prob-
lems, which rank at the forefront of their interest. For
developing countries like India, Pakistan, and Mexico,
which host quite a number of the most-polluted cit- Ken Caldeira 
ies in the world, the purpose of EV deployment may 643X
be to cut down local air pollution and the resultant
mortality. Consequently, policymakers in the devel-
oping world who are facing transportation air pollu-
tion challenges may want to look into deploying EVs Bansal P, Dua R, Krueger R and Graham D J 2021 Fuel economy
to address these health concerns. valuation and preferences of Indian two-wheeler buyers
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mitigation actions that reduce the emissions of cri- development progress Glob. Policy 6 343–57
teria pollutants, the replacement of the oldest frac- Bloomberg 2021 Thailand lays out bold EV plan, wants all electric
tion of the vehicle fleet with new vehicles that gen- cars by 2035 (Bloomberg) (available at:
erate lower emissions could be a driving force for plan-wants-all-electric-cars-by-2035)
EV deployment. Nonetheless, policymakers should BloombergNEF 2021 Climatescope 2021 (available at:
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Development in Nigeria: An Analysis of Four Sectors ed R
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